
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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538 discussions started by 'YourValentine'

Serious forum is for serious Queen topics - Hello people, please remember that the serious for... by YourValentine on 14.04.2020
RIP Great King Rat - or should I say Happy Birthday?... by YourValentine on 21.05.2019
Tim Staffell to return to Queen? - At the after show party after the Rock and Roll Ha... by YourValentine on 01.04.2019
Death of a Queenzoner - With great sadness I just learned that long time Q... by YourValentine on 22.07.2018
Peter Straker and Mike Moran to attend the Dutch Queendag September 24 - Hi people - if you live somehow near The Netherlan... by YourValentine on 05.09.2016
Queen + Adam Lambert will play in Pyongyang - Planning their upcoming world tour Queen have push... by YourValentine on 01.04.2016
World AIDS Day - Terror, civil wars, climate change, refugees are o... by YourValentine on 01.12.2015
Reminder: do not share official releases - I had to delete the thread announcing the colour c... by YourValentine on 22.09.2014
Adam Lambert fights in this forum - I am getting a lot of complaints about hijacking o... by YourValentine on 02.04.2014
Dear people of Syria - Hi, it's me - Barack Obama, peace nobel prize winn... by YourValentine on 30.08.2013
Brighton Rock solo in a guitar solo poll - http://www.guitarworld.com/greatest-guitar-solos-a... by YourValentine on 22.06.2013
Count down to the UEFA Champions League Final - I can imagine that the rest of Europe is less impr... by YourValentine on 25.05.2013
World AIDS day - If you have money left from your Christmas charity... by YourValentine on 01.12.2012
If you own the Freddie box you already have the "Great Pretender" book - Same pictures, same text. Too bad it was never mar... by YourValentine on 02.10.2012
Funny incident in the John Terry race abuse trial - These are jokes written by life itself. It happene... by YourValentine on 13.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - When I heard they played in Moscow it was pretty s... by YourValentine on 05.07.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - is starting today after months of anticipation. W... by YourValentine on 08.06.2012
Happy Birthday, bokkepoot - Happy Birthday, dear Marco, I hope you have a fant... by YourValentine on 02.06.2012
Being dead doesn't prevent Freddie from promoting his beloved musical - "Queen guitarist Brian May has revealed that Fredd... by YourValentine on 11.05.2012
just another test - edited - by YourValentine on 11.04.2012
ANNOUNCE: 2006-03-17 Queen + P. Rodgers in Buffalo DVD2 - This DVD covers the second part of the concert in ... by YourValentine on 05.01.2012
ANNOUNCE: 2006-03-17 Queen + P. Rodgers in Buffalo DVD1 - This is disc 1 of a double DVD covering the first ... by YourValentine on 02.01.2012
Announce: Brian May w SAS Band in Clapham Grand 2011-11-25 DVD - This recording was taken in the Clapham Grand Thea... by YourValentine on 02.12.2011
test new topic - test... by YourValentine on 30.10.2011
Announce: 1981-09-27 Caracas DVD - I am sharing a DVD I bought years ago from a guy i... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
America bankrupt? - Does anybody understand how the US congress can le... by YourValentine on 30.07.2011
Announce: Live Aid documentary - Hi folks, here comes a BBC documentary about Liv... by YourValentine on 05.07.2011
Do not rush to judgement - So, the accuser of Dominique Strauss-Kahn is not s... by YourValentine on 02.07.2011
Brian May performed on Starmus Festival - Brian May combined his astrophysical and musical s... by YourValentine on 26.06.2011
Roger unveils "controversial" sculpture in his home town Truro - "..Queen drummer Roger Taylor has been beating a d... by YourValentine on 26.06.2011
Funny ebay auction - Sometimes you can only wonder... http://cgi.ebay... by YourValentine on 21.06.2011
Queen documentary "Days Of Our Lives" on US Biography channel - Fans in the United States can watch the new Queen ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2011
Queen want the WeWillRockYou domain name - The rock group Queen has filed a case against the ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2011
Happy doomsday - what else can I say?... by YourValentine on 21.05.2011
Freddie Mercury act has talent - Thomas Crane, known to the Australian Queen commun... by YourValentine on 17.05.2011
Happy Birthday, Ginger - Happy Birthday, dear Ginger, Queen of torrents :-)... by YourValentine on 28.02.2011
New Mr. Peach tape soon available - wow - Usually, we should not post advancements here but ... by YourValentine on 19.02.2011
Brian's other equipment - http://www.musicradar.com/guitarist/brian-mays-oth... by YourValentine on 21.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - http://www.examiner.com/social-media-in-national/s... by YourValentine on 09.01.2011
Sharing official material - Since there seems to be some confusion about what ... by YourValentine on 08.01.2011
Mark Blake: "Is this the real life? The untold story of Queen". Review - Is there really something untold about the story o... by YourValentine on 18.12.2010
Queen in a new book by Greg Prato - Greg Prato, a writer for several sites and mags (... by YourValentine on 11.12.2010
Nothing to kill and die for... - 30 years ago today John Lennon was killed for the ... by YourValentine on 08.12.2010
World AIDS day - Today is World AIDS day, a good opportunity to rem... by YourValentine on 01.12.2010
The official language of the EU - The European Commission has just announced an agre... by YourValentine on 04.11.2010
Announce: 1979 The Champions-Tokyo-Madrid DVD - As requested I share this rather small (1,93 GB) D... by YourValentine on 05.09.2010
ROCKMOS - book by Queen fan Thilo Rahn to be pre-ordered now - The Book 342 pages with hundreds of great picture... by YourValentine on 04.09.2010
Happy Birthday, Lisser - I wish you a very happy birthday, dear Melissa. ... by YourValentine on 27.08.2010
Kelly Ellis & Brian May perform in the Hyde Park on September 11 - Kelly Ellis & Brian May have been announced to per... by YourValentine on 28.07.2010
Switzerland rejects a U.S. request to extradite Roman Polanski - Director Roman Polanski is a free man after the Sw... by YourValentine on 12.07.2010
Happy Birthday, iron_eagle - Happy Birthday, dear Paulie ! I hope life treats ... by YourValentine on 20.05.2010
Happy Birthday, pittrek - Happy Birthday, Peter. Finally, I did not forget :... by YourValentine on 06.05.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1986-07-12 Wembley Flac audience - On request I share the audience recording of the f... by YourValentine on 27.04.2010
Happy Birthday, Mr. Mercury - Happy Birthday, David. Have a great day and par... by YourValentine on 26.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1981-02-13 - Tokyo (Budokan) ''Play Flash Game'' (new version) - This is an Uxbridge release with yet another recor... by YourValentine on 01.03.2010
Happy Birthday, Ginger01 - Happy Birthday, dear Ginger :-) I hope you have a ... by YourValentine on 28.02.2010
Help the earthquake victims in Haiti - I know that I will get some flippant answers to th... by YourValentine on 14.01.2010
New on the stage of champions: Queen II AOBTD - Richard revamped the upload to the stage of champi... by YourValentine on 11.01.2010
Test Leo's torrent - by YourValentine on 27.12.2009
AG commentary to download on brianmay.com - Brianmay.com offers the Brian and Roger commentari... by YourValentine on 23.12.2009
World AIDS day - Just a little reminder that December 1st is the... by YourValentine on 01.12.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - Hi folks, thanks to Eventageous PR Ltd  we h... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Happy Birthday, Jeroen!! - Sorry, sorry, sorry about posting this so late in... by YourValentine on 04.11.2009
Freddie outfit replica on sale - on QOL - Has anyone seen this? This takes merchandising to... by YourValentine on 03.11.2009
President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - "OSLO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama wo... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
Announce:Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 2 - This is disc 2 of the previously shared Rome 200... by YourValentine on 30.09.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - Hi folks , a year ago this day Queen and Paul Rodg... by YourValentine on 26.09.2009
New Fan cover: Dear Friends by Aric - Here is a new fantastic addition to the stage of ... by YourValentine on 26.09.2009
New fan cover: Bohemian Rhapsody by Eyal Cahana - Here is another amazing addition to the Queenzone ... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Fender broadcaster in Back Chat video - Probably you guitar aficionados know that but for ... by YourValentine on 06.09.2009
Robbie's new single - It's on radio all day long and I am already gettin... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Happy Birthday, Hitman - Happy Birthday, Lorenzo :-) Have a great birt... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
The rare video collection... - ...contains loads of official material and cannot ... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Happy Birthday , Lisser - Happy 21st Birthday, dear Melissa. I hope you have... by YourValentine on 27.08.2009
New Fan Cover: Going Back by Rip It UP - Of course "Going Back" is not a Queen song, it was... by YourValentine on 03.08.2009
ANNOUNCE: Killer Queen documentary - Killer Queen is a channel 4 documentary which wa... by YourValentine on 27.07.2009
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb -   Let me wish you a very happy birthday, W... by YourValentine on 26.07.2009
Paul McCartney on Letterman July 15, 2009 - This is one of the many occasions when i really lo... by YourValentine on 17.07.2009
Win tickets for Peter Hince's photo show launch party on Queenzone! -       Hi folks, QueenZone is i... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Happy Birthday, pma - Happy birthday, Pete - I hope it's a good one and ... by YourValentine on 26.06.2009
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - All my best wishes to your "big" birthday, dear Ma... by YourValentine on 24.06.2009
Announce: 1995-01-18 Roger Taylor Genova flac torrent - For a change I want to share a Roger Taylor conc... by YourValentine on 17.06.2009
New Fan Cover : We Believe by Scaramouche - Hi folks, here is another great addition to the St... by YourValentine on 16.06.2009
ANNOUNCE: The Brian May Band Eastern Horizon (04-11-93) - Hi folks, it seems like this concerts is still m... by YourValentine on 12.06.2009
Test message box in new topic - it works now, great:) ... by YourValentine on 10.06.2009
New on the Stage Of Champions: The NeKaRe project : Nevermore - Hi folks, another great song preformed by fans. ... by YourValentine on 08.06.2009
Happy Birthday, Panchgani - Oops, I almost forgot, that today two long time Qu... by YourValentine on 03.06.2009
Eminem at the "receiving end" on the MTV awards - [url=http://ccinsider.comedycentral.com/2009/06/01... by YourValentine on 01.06.2009
Happy Birthday, Dan Corson - Have a very happy birthday, Dan! Party on... ... by YourValentine on 25.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Mr. Jingles - Happy Birhday, Dan. I hope you have a great day an... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Iron_Eagle - Happy 30th birthday, dear Paul ;-) I hope you are ... by YourValentine on 20.05.2009
New Tracks on The Stage Of Champions by Sebastien Lebrun and The Pilgrims - Here are two different renditions of "The Show Mus... by YourValentine on 18.05.2009
"I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" written by Clayton Moss - Years ago the song leaked to the public as a demo... by YourValentine on 16.05.2009
Desert Islands Discs - Desert Islands Disc is a long running programme on... by YourValentine on 12.05.2009
Happy Birhday, AC - Happy birthday, camel lover:) Have a great da... by YourValentine on 03.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Pieter MC - Happy Birthday, dear Pieter, one of the oldest mem... by YourValentine on 25.04.2009
What is credit default swap ? (funny) - Congress member Ackerman explains what "credit def... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights discs 2 and 3 torrent - Folks, here come discs 2 and 3 from the Uxbridge r... by YourValentine on 22.03.2009
Top Ten Things U2 Learned Over The Years - Very funny :-) [url=http://www.youtube.com/wa... by YourValentine on 14.03.2009
Wish You Were There - Hyde Park docu on rapidshare - Thanks very much to brians wig for sending the lin... by YourValentine on 10.03.2009
Happy Birthday, Ginger01 - Usually, these threads should be in the Personal F... by YourValentine on 28.02.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights Disc 1 (May 8th, 1985) - Folks, this is a new Japanese silver boot release ... by YourValentine on 26.02.2009
Freddie statue would be a hazard to public health in Edinburgh - [url=http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/Disruption-... by YourValentine on 24.02.2009
Happy Birthday, Janet - Happy Birthday to one of the oldest Queenzone memb... by YourValentine on 20.02.2009
Announce: 2008-11-21 Buenos Aires TV Edit DVD - Hi folks, this is the 62 min edit from the TV stat... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Is This Real Life? - Over 6 million people already watched a movie of a... by YourValentine on 09.02.2009
Happy Birthday, Fried Chicken - Happy Birthday, dear Niek, I lost track how old (y... by YourValentine on 07.02.2009
Quiz - Three top math students with equally great achiev... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 2 - This is Disc 2 to the Snow Producciones Double D... by YourValentine on 16.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - This is a Snow Producciones edition: Queen +... by YourValentine on 11.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour -   Lately, the chat room has been empty a l... by YourValentine on 09.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: DVD Queen + P. Rodgers "Barcelona Rockin" - As promised , here is the DVD from the "LIMITED di... by YourValentine on 04.01.2009
New Fan cover: Massimo Bosco - Bijou - Here is a cover version of the guitar part of Bijo... by YourValentine on 27.12.2008
ANNOUNCE: missing mov file from the Buenos Aires DVD - Hi folks, pittrek asked me if I have an uncor... by YourValentine on 12.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - [url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081211/ap_on_re_... by YourValentine on 11.12.2008
World AIDS Day - Yes, I wanted to post a reminder how we as Queen f... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
New Fan Cover: Aljoscha Crema - You take my breath away - Hi folks, here is a piano - only cover of YTMBA, p... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
ABC Trust auctions tickets with backstage access and signed items for Brazi - ABC Trust are dedicated to raise funding and aware... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
Brian May Interview: no US tour in spring - A recent radio interview of a NYC radio station wi... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
Happy Birthday, Jeroen - Have a very happy birthday, dear Jeroen.  2008 wa... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
Maradonna will be Argentina's new national football coach - What? Isn't that unbelievable. Yes, he was a one-o... by YourValentine on 30.10.2008
I am tired of "Treasure Moment" topics - People, I want this forum back for normal people. ... by YourValentine on 29.10.2008
Afghanistan - It's somewhat out of the public eye but "we" have ... by YourValentine on 22.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Dutch convention 2004 DVD - This is not a re-seed because I never managed to s... by YourValentine on 20.10.2008
Re KOREAN HANDSOME - Hi folks, this user (also MEXICAN HANDSOME et al) ... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
Top Ten overheard comments on the QPR tour - 10. "Who is this short guy with the scarf?" (a... by YourValentine on 10.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Milano 28-09-2008 FLAC - Queen & Paul Rodgers Datch Forum, Milano, Italy ... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
My personal tour review - Just back from the current tour and here is my op... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
Sao Paulo gigs in tourbook - I post from Rome, so maybe that is no news for you... by YourValentine on 25.09.2008
New Fan Cover: Saku and Franz : Dreamer's Ball - Here is a new rendition of Dreamer's Ball by Saku ... by YourValentine on 20.09.2008
Fan Presales for Buenos Aires on argenqueen today - argenqueen.com.ar sells 500 tickets in an exclusiv... by YourValentine on 20.09.2008
Queenzone email error - Hi folks, the login to your email box on the QUEEN... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Aftershow meeting in Berlin (attn Double -U) - The forum members of the German fan club website h... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
No sharing of Cosmos Rocks album mp3 - I am surprised I have to delete such threads - it ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
Milano fan meeting - We will arrive in Milano on Saturday, 27th, so we ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
QPR concert in Chile probably on November 19th - "Fuentes de la discográfica EMI en Londres confir... by YourValentine on 05.09.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers play in Chile November 19th - According to Chilean mewspaper El Mercurio EMI off... by YourValentine on 05.09.2008
Queen + P Rodgers played show case gig in Elstree Studio - Queen and Paul Rodgers played a short concert to 5... by YourValentine on 04.09.2008
New Fan Cover: Dario - It's A Hard Life - Here is a new interesting addition to the growing ... by YourValentine on 30.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - This is Now I'm Here and Crazy Little Thing ... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
Brian May imposter on Queenzone - There have been two new accounts pretending to be ... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
New fan song: Pain Is So Close To Pleasure by Hairless Boys - Here is a new addition to the QZ fan cover collect... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
Track list of the new Queen + Paul Rodgers album published - The Free Record Shop website published the track l... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560851/Sho... by YourValentine on 29.07.2008
Happy Birthday, Archie Leach - I don't know if you even visit here anymore but if... by YourValentine on 26.07.2008
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, William :) ... by YourValentine on 26.07.2008
Bohemian Rhapsody answerphone message - Cleaning up my hard drive I found this answerphone... by YourValentine on 16.07.2008
test yv - test yv... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
Website problems - please post here or email - You all have noticed that QZ is dealing with a lot... by YourValentine on 11.07.2008
Test New Topic - Voila...... by YourValentine on 04.07.2008
Freddie in Lego comic - For the collectors of weird Queen references: Fred... by YourValentine on 01.07.2008
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - All my best wishes to your birthday, Martin. I hop... by YourValentine on 24.06.2008
New Fan Cover: It's Late by M.A.D. - Here is another great Queen cover: It's Late by M.... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
New date added: Luxembourg - October 8th - "Brian, Roger and Paul have just added a new show ... by YourValentine on 13.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-25 DVD - This is the DVD from the Wardour box "Queen - Prid... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-23 FLAC - This is the second concert from the Wardour box "Q... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
New Fan Cover: Pilgims - Somebody To Love - A new entry for the fans of the Stage Of The champ... by YourValentine on 04.06.2008
Happy Birthday, Erin - Happy Birthday, dear Erin. You knew Queenzone when... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Happy Birthday, Mike Van M - Happy birthday to the defender of free speech and ... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers play two concerts in Sao Paulo, Brazil - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 29.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers plan concerts in Buenos Aires - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 27.05.2008
ANNOUNCE Tokyo April 14th 1979 FLAC - On request this is the first concert from the Ward... by YourValentine on 26.05.2008
ANNOUNCE: Portland 2006 FLAC torrent - This is a new, previously unshared concert from th... by YourValentine on 21.05.2008
Happy Birthday, Iron_Eagle - Let me wish you the happiest of birthdays, old bir... by YourValentine on 20.05.2008
New Fan Cover: TMLWKY by Adam Baboolal and friends - Here is the long awaited entry by Adam and his fri... by YourValentine on 19.05.2008
pet hates - I know there is so much misery and hunger in the w... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
QOL ticket presales much better - If you gave up on QOL ticket sales for the known r... by YourValentine on 15.05.2008
Scooter tops UK charts - In Germany we have had the pleasure to be entertai... by YourValentine on 14.05.2008
If your Queenzone login does not work.... - Hi folks, Richard has moved the website to another... by YourValentine on 13.05.2008
If your login does not work... - Hi folks, Richard has moved the website to another... by YourValentine on 13.05.2008
New Fan Cover: Tenement Funster by Matt Hutchison - Here is another great addition to our "Stage ... by YourValentine on 10.05.2008
Happy Birthday, Mr Mercury - Happy Birthday, Dave :) Have a fantastic day, y... by YourValentine on 26.04.2008
Happy Birthday, PieterMC - Happy Birthday, Mr. Queenpedia. Have a great ... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
New Fan Cover: White Queen by Franz and Riku - Here is another excellent addition to our stage of... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
Queen radio show on Sunday 27 April - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
The Munich 2005 DVD Torrent as posted by gerolamo - Hi folks, I deleted the topic posted by gerolamo a... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
Announce: QPR C-Lebrity on Happy Hour - DVD on QZ tracker - Thanks to the sharer on DAD. I thought the date wa... by YourValentine on 05.04.2008
English tickets - ticketmaster presale? - Is there any chance to buy tickets for the English... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
The fan ticket presales - a joke - The FC and QOL online presales are ridiculously ov... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - as announced on QOL a short while ago. Very sad, I... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Queen + PR tour dates out - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
Tour dates are out - http://queentour2005.wegotit.at/ :)... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
New Fan cover: Lazing On A sunday Afternoon by teddi2002 - An instrumental version for a change by Queenzoner... by YourValentine on 18.03.2008
Obama or No-Bama? - Does Jeremiah Wright put an end to the Obama cult?... by YourValentine on 16.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - I think this tree should be easy because not too m... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - Many fans are unable to download big DVDs because ... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
New Fan covers by Dan McCord and Matt Hutchison - Although I think that each of these fan songs dser... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Tickets for the 46664 concert in Hyde Park now available - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
Tickets for the 46664 concert in Hyde park, June 27 - http://music.livenation.co.uk/46664concert/home/ ... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
News about the Moscow concerts - If you are interested in a ticket for one of the M... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
Another commercial using WWRY - A German home improvement market uses WWRY for a T... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
Last Saturday in Hamburg - an airbus almost crashed when it was caught by cro... by YourValentine on 03.03.2008
New Fan Cover: Fat Bottomed Girls by Luciano - Yet another fan song: Fat Bottomed Girls by Lucian... by YourValentine on 02.03.2008
New Fan cover: Nevermore by Ivan - It looks like spamming the board with new fan song... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
Please read - I guess most of you realised that Queen Production... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
New Fan Cover: Seaside Rendezvous by Matt Hutchison - Folks, listen to this rendition of SR - a first on... by YourValentine on 27.02.2008
Favourite joke - A nun travels in the train and when she has to get... by YourValentine on 25.02.2008
New Fan Cover: Dan McCord - Love Of My Life - Hi folks, Richard has moved all the fan songs to a... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
Happy Birthday, Serry - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Serry. I... by YourValentine on 18.02.2008
New Fan Cover : The Prophet's Song - This song is certainly not easy to do. Here is a v... by YourValentine on 13.02.2008
ANNOUNCE Berlin 28-04-78 from TRIAL Flac - Hi folks, I did not find another flac version of t... by YourValentine on 10.02.2008
A movie I would not want to watch on an airplane - I love flying but I can imagine I would not enjoy ... by YourValentine on 07.02.2008
New fan cover: Don't lose your head - For the friends of the Stage Of Champions - here i... by YourValentine on 05.02.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - The "easter egg" thread inspired me to o... by YourValentine on 29.01.2008
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru - Happy Birthday, Mylord. Have a great day and m... by YourValentine on 07.01.2008
New Fan Covers: Procession - Hi folks,five fans submitted their version of the ... by YourValentine on 01.01.2008
"Miracle" guitarist Rudi de Jong dies at age 42 - I am shocked and sad about the sudden death of Dut... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
Queen fans make a difference - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
Queen fans make a difference - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
Queen fans who make a difference - I want to present and promote a great website run ... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
New Fan Cover: If You Can't Beat Them.. by Mike Ryde - Hello folks, here is another first: If You Can't... by YourValentine on 30.11.2007
Choreographer Maurice Béjart has died in a Swiss hospital this morning - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 22.11.2007
Brian May is headline news all over the planet - The fact that Brian has been appointed chancellor ... by YourValentine on 20.11.2007
Queenzoner Aaron Perry puts vocals on new Radio GaGa club mix - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.11.2007
Queenzoner puts vocals on new Radio GaGa club mix - Queenzoner Aaron Perry (inmydefence) provided the ... by YourValentine on 19.11.2007
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - This DVD comes from a German TV programme covering... by YourValentine on 17.11.2007
New fan cover: In the lap of the gods - Romanian group Crossfire performs "In The Lap... by YourValentine on 13.11.2007
ANNOUNCE: Brian May in Chile 92 DVD - torrent - As requested: the DVD that is being shared by dobo... by YourValentine on 08.11.2007
Do you know Video Jug? - It's a website that explains life in films. For ex... by YourValentine on 06.11.2007
Happy Birthday,Jeroen - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, dear Jeroen... by YourValentine on 04.11.2007
Interview with Morgan Fisher - Hi folks, Italian Queen fan Andrea (Skizzo on QZ a... by YourValentine on 24.10.2007
Downloading music - how does DRM work? - The topic shows that I have never downloaded any m... by YourValentine on 18.10.2007
New single - but only download? - "To mark the release of Queen Rock Montreal, ... by YourValentine on 16.10.2007
Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize - together with the IPCC. Oscar, Emmy, Nobel Peac... by YourValentine on 12.10.2007
Doris Lessing wins Nobel Prize in literature - I am so pleased that this wonderful author finally... by YourValentine on 11.10.2007
The Phil Spector trial - Can anyone explain to me what may be the "nex... by YourValentine on 27.09.2007
New Fan Cover: Long Away By Purpura Suite, Mexico - Enjoy :)... by YourValentine on 22.09.2007
New Fan cover: Aric - Bohemian Rhapsody - After recalling various previous versions here is ... by YourValentine on 07.09.2007
Silver boot wanted - I am looking for the pressed double CD "Wh... by YourValentine on 31.08.2007
ANNOUNCE: Frejus 30-07-86 FLAC - Very nice recording of the smallest Magic Tour gig... by YourValentine on 29.08.2007
Do not click on YouTube links sent in emails - I don't know if this is a problem outside of Germa... by YourValentine on 28.08.2007
Happy Birthday, Lisser - Let me wish you a very happy 21st birthday, dear M... by YourValentine on 27.08.2007
Deleted topic: bad trader - Hi, I deleted the topic because the full name and ... by YourValentine on 21.08.2007
Email attachments - Lately I get a lot of emails which have no content... by YourValentine on 13.08.2007
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb - Happy, happy birthday, junior :) I hope everyt... by YourValentine on 26.07.2007
ANNOUNCE: Sao Paulo 1981 DVD - Hi folks, to help out Ian whose DVD was corrupt, h... by YourValentine on 25.07.2007
England under water - 350 000 people are still without electricity, thou... by YourValentine on 24.07.2007
ANNOUNCE: Houston 1977 DVD - Hi folks, the day has come that we can share a cop... by YourValentine on 02.07.2007
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - Let me wish you the happiest 21st birthday ever, d... by YourValentine on 24.06.2007
ANNOUNCE: Seven Ages of Rock - Episode 5 - We Are the Champions Xvid - The recent BBC broadcast (June 16th,2007)in Xvid q... by YourValentine on 23.06.2007
New Fan song online: WWRY fast version by Kinds Of Magic - The fast stage version of WWRY performed by Italia... by YourValentine on 21.06.2007
Watch live how Brian May receives Liverpool John Moores University's Honora - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 18.06.2007
Rolling Stones tickets do not sell - Only a few days before the concert in Frankfurt on... by YourValentine on 05.06.2007
Happy birthday, Erin, happy birthday Mike Van - One day - two Queenzoners celebrate their birthday... by YourValentine on 03.06.2007
Happy Birthday, Dan Corson - Let be the first (!) to wish you a very happy birt... by YourValentine on 25.05.2007
Queen tribute show tours Sydney in June - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 24.05.2007
Happy Birthday, Mr. Jingles - Another day - another birthday for one of our favo... by YourValentine on 21.05.2007
New Fan Cover: Teleport8 - The Great Pretender - Check out the new addition to the Stage of Champio... by YourValentine on 20.05.2007
Happy Birthday iron_eagle and happy birthday Voice Of Reason - Happy birthday, Lord of the Sexxy and master of th... by YourValentine on 20.05.2007
Happy Birthday, AC - It's just midnight, so let me wish you a very happ... by YourValentine on 02.05.2007
ANNOUNCE: Knebworth 09-08-86 DVD - As promised here is the DVD from the Wardour packa... by YourValentine on 25.04.2007
Brian May's new BM signature guitars - How do you like the new BM guitars? They are prese... by YourValentine on 15.04.2007
New Fan song: Spread Your Wings by Lil Pedro and the Seed Pickers - I hope I have the band name right:) This is the f... by YourValentine on 13.04.2007
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Thank You All (09-08-86) flac torrent - As promised the audio CDs of the new Knebworth ver... by YourValentine on 10.04.2007
Brian on 50 years of Sky At Night - Last night BBC showed the 50th anniversary special... by YourValentine on 02.04.2007
Queen on YouTube - Post and discuss your Queen related videos on YouT... by YourValentine on 29.03.2007
Pim and Niek - Check out this amazing and funny video by Queenzo... by YourValentine on 26.03.2007
New Fan Song: Queentessenza - It's A Hard Life - Folks, here is a new addition to the Stage Of Cham... by YourValentine on 26.03.2007
Brian's soapbox in German magazine - Apparently, Brian May has established a "repu... by YourValentine on 23.03.2007
"We Will Rock You" director Saul Swimmer died - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 21.03.2007
Happy belated birthday, Flashman - Sorry I forgot to post this message in time, dear ... by YourValentine on 20.03.2007
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed' confession - The bits the Pentagon censored for some reason: ... by YourValentine on 16.03.2007
ANNOUNCE: Move it - promo video BitTorrent - In DVD format for Ale Pisa and whoever else who wa... by YourValentine on 07.03.2007
New Quiz - Hi folks, we have a new quiz on Queenzone. You'll ... by YourValentine on 01.03.2007
New Fan Cover : Sir Bob - Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow - Folks, here is a acoustic guitar variation of LMLT... by YourValentine on 23.02.2007
Carnival - Does anybody here celebrate Carnival? My city is o... by YourValentine on 20.02.2007
Matt Bulthouse's CD - I received the debut album by our fellow Queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.02.2007
Happy Birthday, Serry - Let me be the first to wish you a very happy birth... by YourValentine on 18.02.2007
Petition to confer a knighthood on Brian May - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 15.02.2007
Lester's book - my review - I finally received the long awaited book by our fe... by YourValentine on 14.02.2007
New fan song: Under Pressure by Italian group "Liar" - Enjoy:)... by YourValentine on 12.02.2007
Happy Birthday, Zebonka - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Zebonka:) ... by YourValentine on 05.02.2007
New fan cover: Leo Ramone - My Melancholy Blues - Hi folks - here is a piano version of My Melanchol... by YourValentine on 31.01.2007
Clean joke for dirty minds - I just read this joke on the Breakthru list (Break... by YourValentine on 31.01.2007
Weird collectibles - A toothbrush plays WWRY while you brush your teeth... by YourValentine on 30.01.2007
Happy Birthday, S@turn - Let me be the first to wish you a very happy birth... by YourValentine on 26.01.2007
ANNOUNCE: 2006-12-18 The New Paul OGrady Show (with Brian May) - This is the complete show , not just the Brian May... by YourValentine on 07.01.2007
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Mylord :-) ... by YourValentine on 07.01.2007
ANNOUNCE: Brian May - BTTL tour Rio 1992 & VH1 performance 1998 - This is the same video as seeded on Dimeadozen but... by YourValentine on 30.12.2006
Watch the video to the new AOBTD remix (Miami Project) online - http://www.mtv.co.uk/channel/mtvdance/17112006/que... by YourValentine on 11.12.2006
New Fan Cover: Aric - Death On Two Legs - Another great cover by Aric - maybe he already pos... by YourValentine on 02.12.2006
World AIDS Day - December 1st is dedicated to the victims of AIDS. ... by YourValentine on 01.12.2006
ANNOUNCE: 1979-04-21-Kanazawa FLAC - Folks, this concert has been shared in mp3 here, n... by YourValentine on 28.11.2006
New Fan Song: Dutch Band Flash - Another One Bites The Dust - A new fan cover on the stage of champions - enjoy:... by YourValentine on 28.11.2006
Download uTorrent for torrents from the QZ tracker - Apparently, uTorrent is the one out of only 3 BitT... by YourValentine on 27.11.2006
Let us introduce to each other - Lately, a lot of new users have joined QZ who keep... by YourValentine on 21.11.2006
What is wrong with the Queenzone community? - Hi folks, we all have a feeling that the QZ forums... by YourValentine on 21.11.2006
Tonight: ANATO on VH1 "Classic Albums" - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 21.11.2006
Do Not Feed The Trolls - Recently Loretta from QOL posted a link to a very ... by YourValentine on 17.11.2006
ANNOUNCE: 29-04-75 Shizuoka, Japan FLAC - This has been kindly shared by Ginger01 in mp3, no... by YourValentine on 15.11.2006
Freddie Mercury: Himself - A New Documentary On 3SAT - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 14.11.2006
New Fan Cover: Donalyn Gross - Medley - Hello folks, listen to the Prophet Song - Great Ki... by YourValentine on 13.11.2006
Happy Birthday, Jeroen - Let me wish you a very happy 21st birthday, dear J... by YourValentine on 04.11.2006
New Fan Song: Crossed Hearts - Leaving Home Ain't Easy - Hi folks, here is another addition to the stage of... by YourValentine on 03.11.2006
New Fan cover : Dreamer's Ball - A new fan song on the Stage of Champions: Dream... by YourValentine on 29.10.2006
New DoRo documentary "Queen in Budapest" on 3Sat - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 29.10.2006
To Mr. Sewer, Tard,Cole. Rtaylore.. - Why don't you stop it. You make me take screen sho... by YourValentine on 27.10.2006
New fan cover online - The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke - Hi folks, here is a very unusual instrumental vers... by YourValentine on 11.10.2006
Funny topic for amazingmay - I got this in an email today:) Political Scienc... by YourValentine on 11.10.2006
New Manchester 86 audio on Dimeadozen - http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=... by YourValentine on 02.10.2006
Some useful hints about this forum and website - Queenzone has two notice boards - the old board ... by YourValentine on 30.09.2006
New Fan Cover: Federico Reggio and Nicola Viviani: TATDOOL - Hi folks, the broken links are fixed (thanks, Rich... by YourValentine on 27.09.2006
Freddie - A Life In His Own Words - I just received the new book and I had a quick loo... by YourValentine on 26.09.2006
Brian and McFly - Have you seen the video of Brian's performance on ... by YourValentine on 25.09.2006
Which season do we have? - Does it happen in your countries, too - that they... by YourValentine on 21.09.2006
I need help with html - Can anybody direct me to an easily understandable ... by YourValentine on 21.09.2006
Should over-thin models be banned from fashion shows? - "Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell has called fo... by YourValentine on 18.09.2006
The Dutch Fan Club Day - who is coming? - Who is coming to the Dutch convention in Massluis ... by YourValentine on 14.09.2006
Sponsoring a star for Freddie's birthday - Who here has already sponsored a star on the Fredd... by YourValentine on 29.08.2006
Listen to Freddie Tribute programme on BBC podcast - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/podcasts/ Just clic... by YourValentine on 27.08.2006
ANNOUNCE: Cologne 2005 DVD - Hi folks - this is my Cologne 2005 film on DVD, th... by YourValentine on 17.08.2006
ANNOUNCE: Brian May at Richard Digance Show VCD - 15 years ago today Brian May appeared on the Richa... by YourValentine on 17.08.2006
QOL priority booking for Freddie Party extended - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 11.08.2006
Paul Rodgers UK Tour Dates Just Announced - Tickets on Sale on Friday - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 10.08.2006
On behalf of myself (and Richard Orchard) - There has been a lot of discussion about the "... by YourValentine on 07.08.2006
Happy Birthday The Mir@cle - I saw from another thread that it's your birthday ... by YourValentine on 02.08.2006
Happy Birthday, wstussyb - Happy Birthday, William :) All my best wishes f... by YourValentine on 26.07.2006
The old board is back - I know this should be in the Qz forum but I hope m... by YourValentine on 11.07.2006
Cologne 2005 - 1 year ago today - This day last year QPR played one out of 3 Europea... by YourValentine on 06.07.2006
Please give us back the old forum, Richard - I want it back - I search the archives and look u... by YourValentine on 29.06.2006
Fan chants - do you know some? - I am always impressed by a stadium full of people ... by YourValentine on 27.06.2006
Happy birthday, pma - Let me wish you a very happy 21st birthday (again)... by YourValentine on 26.06.2006
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - Let me wish you a very happy birthday today, Marti... by YourValentine on 24.06.2006
Group E - who qualifies for the next round? - All teams - Italy, Czech Rep, USA and Ghana - stil... by YourValentine on 22.06.2006
If your user account does not work.... - after Richard moved the website to another server ... by YourValentine on 21.06.2006
New on the stage of champions: Don't Stop Me Now and Earth - Hi folks, there are two new fan covers to download... by YourValentine on 17.06.2006
FIFA World Cup starts in 4 hours - Finally. Germany is in the grip of football. Th... by YourValentine on 09.06.2006
The Queenzone Chat Room - Hi people, this thread is meant to remind you that... by YourValentine on 06.06.2006
4th Freddie Mercury's Montreux Memorial - check out the details - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 06.06.2006
Happy Birthday, Rip Van Winkle - Happy birthday to one of the oldest Queenzoners he... by YourValentine on 03.06.2006
ANNOUNCE: Brian May - TMLWKY (German TV) Video - This is a rare TV performance by Brian May singin... by YourValentine on 01.06.2006
Meat Loaf song published on the internet for free download - The Monster is Loose! (Literally) New Meat Loaf... by YourValentine on 28.05.2006
Who records the VH1 Rock Honor show tonight? - Okay, folks - is anybody recording and subsequentl... by YourValentine on 25.05.2006
Happy Birthday, Iron_Eagle - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Queenzone's... by YourValentine on 20.05.2006
Vh1 Honors Queen - Fans can buy tickets - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 18.05.2006
New "Very Best Of" Freddie Mercury CD to be released in September - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 11.05.2006
How live was Queen + PR live? - Please people, listen to Queen plus Paul Rodgers l... by YourValentine on 05.05.2006
The Edit Button - Lately many users post two or more messages in a r... by YourValentine on 27.04.2006
The Queenzone Chat Room - Hi people, this thread is meant to remind you that... by YourValentine on 27.04.2006
Queen Top Capital Gold's All-Time Top 500 Albums Chart - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 27.04.2006
Happy Birthday, PieterMC - A very happy birthday to one of the oldest members... by YourValentine on 25.04.2006
New Fan Cover: Aric - '39 - Another great rendition from our "Stage Of Th... by YourValentine on 22.04.2006
Happy Holidays - For all of you who celebrate I wish you happy East... by YourValentine on 15.04.2006
New Fan Cover- Federico and Jose: We Are The Champions - Hi people, another fan song for you to download. ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2006
Hello Troll - Hello "loves it" and other usernames, th... by YourValentine on 12.04.2006
Queen on A.I. also on British TV next Friday - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 11.04.2006
ANNOUNCE: QPR Philadelphia March 14th 2006 DVD - Queen + Paul Rodgers Philadelphia, PA, Wachovia S... by YourValentine on 03.04.2006
Rare track from Queen II session (unsure) - Hi folks, here is an exclusive backing track from ... by YourValentine on 01.04.2006
Top 5 ideas how QPR can sell out the remaining US gigs - 1. The band should start each song with "evry... by YourValentine on 22.03.2006
ANNOUNCE: Queen-Qwinnett Center-Duluth, GA Mar 7, 2006 on QZ tracker - This is the concert as shared by original taper an... by YourValentine on 19.03.2006
New Fan Cover: The Pesumidos - Fat Bottomed Girls - They remind me of German comedy group Burger Queen... by YourValentine on 13.03.2006
New Fan Cover- She Makes Me by Crossed Hearts - Hi folks, here is another gem in our collection of... by YourValentine on 25.02.2006
To Snow Flakey, RedBull,TeaKettle - ... and the other 20 odd nicks I deleted or you st... by YourValentine on 20.02.2006
The Queenzone Chat Room - Hi people, this thread is meant to remind you that... by YourValentine on 19.02.2006
Happy Birthday, Serry - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Serry. ... by YourValentine on 18.02.2006
Happy Birthday, Taylor_Mayed - I know you are still around, so let me wish you a ... by YourValentine on 11.02.2006
New fan cover: Mark Anderson - My Life Has Been Saved - There is a new fan song on the stage of the champi... by YourValentine on 31.01.2006
HardAttax video - For those who like the rendition of One Vision by ... by YourValentine on 29.01.2006
Paul Rodgers: no further plans with Queen - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 28.01.2006
Happy Birthday, Saturn - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Hans:) ... by YourValentine on 26.01.2006
AOL users who forgot their password - Lately AOL returns emails answering the automatic ... by YourValentine on 22.01.2006
Queenfind.com - It used to be a useful website - a database if you... by YourValentine on 12.01.2006
Happy Birthday, Miss James - Hoping that you this, let me wish you a very happy... by YourValentine on 11.01.2006
Headlong Demo complete in flac quality - Bits of this demo have been posted here by a perso... by YourValentine on 09.01.2006
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru - Have a very happy birthday today, Mylord :) It'... by YourValentine on 07.01.2006
New Fan cover: Adam Steen - Sail Away Sweet Sister - Download another great recording by Adam Steen fro... by YourValentine on 06.01.2006
Happy Birthday, Fenderek - Sorry for posting this so late but let me still w... by YourValentine on 03.01.2006
My New Year wishes for the notice board - I wish the notice board - mainly the personal boar... by YourValentine on 02.01.2006
New Fan Cover: One Vision by HardAttax - Hi folks, there is a new fan song on the stage of ... by YourValentine on 18.12.2005
Just one year ago - On December 11, 2004 Roger announced the upcoming ... by YourValentine on 11.12.2005
Final Draw for the 2006 FIFA World Cup tonight - Tonight the groups for the 2006 tournament will be... by YourValentine on 09.12.2005
@ Evil Twin - Tiffany, please come to the chat room if you can... by YourValentine on 07.12.2005
Two fan versions of Some Day One Day online - This time the stage of champions features 2 differ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2005
Inofficial 2006 dates announced by fan websites - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 28.11.2005
Queen + Paul Rodgers play in San Diego April 1st 2006 - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 27.11.2005
First tour dates for 2006 on ticketmaster - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 23.11.2005
A treat for all the Robbie haters - Check out the mix Robbie (over) Jacko (under)... by YourValentine on 21.11.2005
Freddie memorial programme on Turkish online radio - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.11.2005
Freddie's Rolls Royce goes on sale on ebay again - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 18.11.2005
WWRY musical tickets discount for 3 days from tomorrow - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 17.11.2005
New Fan Cover: Evelyn Sanzo: The Show Must Go On - Enjoy:)... by YourValentine on 13.11.2005
Queen + PR Sheffield concert on German TV - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 09.11.2005
Happy Birthday, Jeroen - Let me be the first to wish you a very happy birth... by YourValentine on 04.11.2005
What was Freddie's hairpin crash scare? - Probably some tabloid nonsense but what was it abo... by YourValentine on 01.11.2005
New Fan Cover Online - Another very interesting version of WWRY - this ti... by YourValentine on 07.10.2005
Let us help Kayla - Hi folks, you all heard about our fellow Queenzone... by YourValentine on 04.10.2005
Biggles DVD cheap at play.com - http://play.com/play247.asp?pa=search&search... by YourValentine on 01.10.2005
Greg Brooks Q&A on QOL - hoax or real? - GB has answered some questions on the QOL forum - ... by YourValentine on 23.09.2005
Announce: Queen on San Remo Festival 1984 Video - This is a mimed performance of "Radio GaGa&qu... by YourValentine on 18.09.2005
New Fan Song: Adam Steen - You're My Best Friend - Friends of the Queenzone fan cover section already... by YourValentine on 17.09.2005
To freddie86 - It goes like this: I made screen shots from you... by YourValentine on 12.09.2005
The Queenzone Chat Room - Hi people, this thread is meant to remind you that... by YourValentine on 03.09.2005
Kayla - Kayla, let us know that you are safe as soon as yo... by YourValentine on 29.08.2005
Refresh - For some reason the spamming posts don't disappear... by YourValentine on 27.08.2005
New fan song - I want It All - by Anders Andreassen enjoy:)... by YourValentine on 23.08.2005
Who sent me un-named concert? - I got a package from England with a Queen + PR con... by YourValentine on 23.08.2005
Como descargar BitTorrents de Queenzone - para usuarios de habla hispana. - 1. Hazte miembro de Queenzone. - Sigue el sigui... by YourValentine on 22.08.2005
Queen Marathon on WBWC radio Cleveland - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 18.08.2005
ANNOUNCE: Rock Therapy: Reaching Out (TOTP) Video - Hi folks, this song is the opener of the Queen + P... by YourValentine on 09.08.2005
Roger has the bigger one! - http://www.xfm.co.uk/photoWallPhoto.asp?title=The%... by YourValentine on 04.08.2005
No pressure on the returning champions - amazon. com has the 'Return Of The Champions"... by YourValentine on 01.08.2005
Happy Birthday, eggy - Have a wonderful birthday today, Leigh:) No nee... by YourValentine on 30.07.2005
ANNOUNCE: RT - Foreign Sand Live Performance - This is the famous live performance of Foreign San... by YourValentine on 27.07.2005
For William - Please message me via email or ICQ.... by YourValentine on 27.07.2005
ANNOUNCE: Roger Taylor Foreign Sand promo - This is the promo video clip of Foreign Sand, espe... by YourValentine on 27.07.2005
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb - Let me wish you a very happy xxth birthday, Willia... by YourValentine on 26.07.2005
Now that the European tour is over - What were the best moments of the tour for you? Wa... by YourValentine on 25.07.2005
UK EXECUTES INNOCENT BRAZILIAN FOR WEARING A COAT - sorry I could not resist. We all feared that fr... by YourValentine on 24.07.2005
ANNOUNCE: Imagine sound check July 15th Hyde Park - Hi folks , this is the Imagine rehearsal of today ... by YourValentine on 15.07.2005
Register for the US Breakthru convention now - For those who simply don't know: there is an annua... by YourValentine on 15.07.2005
Do not get ripped off by the (illegal?) SMS game in the concerts - This was sent to the fans by Queen a couple of day... by YourValentine on 07.07.2005
Meeting in Cologne - Hi folks, let's meet very close to the stadion in ... by YourValentine on 30.06.2005
Happy Birthday, pma - A very happy birthday to our beloved chat room op:... by YourValentine on 25.06.2005
ANNOUNCE: The other two Brian May videos from Tromsoe - Two great videos from the recent Arctic 46664 conc... by YourValentine on 25.06.2005
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - Time is racing by and here I am again wishing you ... by YourValentine on 24.06.2005
ANNOUNCE : Gosport 1993 DVD reposted - I apologise, the other torrent was corrupt - again... by YourValentine on 23.06.2005
Announce: The Cross in Gosport 1993 DVD - EDIT: Please download the torrent from the other t... by YourValentine on 23.06.2005
Another Topic About Politeness - A person called Gerolamo recently seeded two conce... by YourValentine on 21.06.2005
German Fan Club Tour Special - Hi folks, the German fanc club sells the latest &q... by YourValentine on 08.06.2005
ANNOUNCE : Pesaro April 8th, 2005 DVD from badguy82 2nd attempt - Tis torrent seems to work now Reposting the infor... by YourValentine on 07.06.2005
ANNOUNCE : Pesaro April 8th, 2005 DVD from badguy82 on QZ tracker - EDITED: PLease download the torrent from the other... by YourValentine on 07.06.2005
ANNOUNCE Brian May Resurrection video clip - This is the promo clip for Resurrection with Brian... by YourValentine on 05.06.2005
Happy Birthday, bokkepoot! - Happy happy birthday, dear Marco. Have a wonderful... by YourValentine on 02.06.2005
Tenosynovitis - So, Brian has a tenosynovitis as a result from ove... by YourValentine on 30.05.2005
Which is the best BitTorrent client? - I have a new PC and install new software. As yet I... by YourValentine on 26.05.2005
@ Holland/MSS - You are banned from Queenzone. Your IP is logged. ... by YourValentine on 24.05.2005
Happy Birthday, Iron Eagle - Let me wish you a very happy 21st birthday, Queen ... by YourValentine on 20.05.2005
The Spring Tour Is Over - Summary - I saw 3 concerts of the Q + PR spring tour: Brixto... by YourValentine on 16.05.2005
Who Could Be the Surprise Headliner of Rock am Ring? - It's being discussed on QOL and also on various Ge... by YourValentine on 12.05.2005
Happy Birthday, AC - Happy Birthday, sniper:) Have a great day and t... by YourValentine on 02.05.2005
Standing Tickets for Cologne available - Finally, a website offers standing tickets (more t... by YourValentine on 02.05.2005
To Jeroen and PG - Jeroen, I sent you six emails with pictures attach... by YourValentine on 27.04.2005
What's the problem with the conflicting 46664 torrent files? - Can anyone please explain to me why many people ha... by YourValentine on 25.04.2005
Queenzone meeting in Frankfurt - Hello folks, I suggest we meet in the sports bar &... by YourValentine on 16.04.2005
Watch Queenzoner Hangman on Italian TV tomorrow - MTV Italia will broadcast a Queen edition of their... by YourValentine on 03.04.2005
Announce: Tour 2005 Paris video - Hello folks, this is my first torrent, so please d... by YourValentine on 02.04.2005
Brixton Queenzone meet up - reposted - Only 5 days left and here is what eggy posted in t... by YourValentine on 23.03.2005
For Kayla - Please empty your queenzone maibox, I want to send... by YourValentine on 16.03.2005
Brian May On Capital Gold Today - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 11.03.2005
Brian May on Capital Gold today - Today is Queen Day on Capital Gold. You can win ti... by YourValentine on 11.03.2005
The German Taliban - German Turkish born citizen Murat Kurnaz was arres... by YourValentine on 10.03.2005
Cologne On Sale - I am not going - I never thought that this could happen: Queen play... by YourValentine on 10.03.2005
This Forum - Richard has kindly created a new forum for chit ch... by YourValentine on 08.03.2005
My city under siege - Bush is here - and this is the situation: - no ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2005
Happy Birthday, Janet - Happy Birthday, dear Janet:) Have a great day a... by YourValentine on 20.02.2005
President Bush comes to my town - Next week (February 23rd) the American president w... by YourValentine on 15.02.2005
Happy Birthday, FriedChicken - I wish you a happy birthday today, Niek:) Be he... by YourValentine on 07.02.2005
Happy Birthday, dragonzflame - I have no idea how old you are today but I wish yo... by YourValentine on 31.01.2005
Sharing does not mean leeching - Yesterday two fans seeded Mannheim and seven peopl... by YourValentine on 30.01.2005
RE-seeding Stuttgart 1984 - Thanks to AC I finally finished the concert and wi... by YourValentine on 28.01.2005
Happy Birthday, S@turn - Let me wish you all the best for your upcoming bir... by YourValentine on 26.01.2005
Budapest tickets on sale now - You can buy tickets for this event here http://... by YourValentine on 22.01.2005
Sharing The Queenonline Presale Code - As we all know, a lot of QOL members (15 %) did no... by YourValentine on 19.01.2005
Top Ten Reasons Why John Deacon Does Not Play The Tour - 1. "Misfire" is not on the set list 2. ... by YourValentine on 19.01.2005
UK Tickets Already on Ebay - Are British Fan Club members greedy ticket touts? ... by YourValentine on 18.01.2005
Rotterdam Concert Presales - Dutch fan club members can order tickets for the A... by YourValentine on 18.01.2005
Concert in Belgium Now On Sale - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 18.01.2005
3 German concerts already sold out - Frankfurt, Munich and Dortmund are completely sold... by YourValentine on 17.01.2005
46664 South Africa tickets online - Yes, I know - we are are all going:) Thanks to ... by YourValentine on 17.01.2005
QOL emails out - I have received the QOL email for the Wednesday pr... by YourValentine on 17.01.2005
No Concerts In Scotland and Ireland - According to Brian's soapbox today there won't be ... by YourValentine on 16.01.2005
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru - I wish you a very happy birthday, Mylord. Have ... by YourValentine on 07.01.2005
Join The Queenzone Tour 2005 Mailing List - Hi folks, Richard has created a mailing list for t... by YourValentine on 05.01.2005
WWRY Cast In Cologne Donates 150 000 Euros for Tsunami Victims - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 04.01.2005
Michael Schuhmacher donates 10 Millions for flood victims - In a ZDF charity show tonight Michael Schuhmacher'... by YourValentine on 04.01.2005
WWRY Cast In Cologne Donates 150 000 Euros for Tsunami Victims - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 04.01.2005
Please Help The People In South Asia - Estimated 45 000 people might have died in the ear... by YourValentine on 28.12.2004
Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour Dates in Spain - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 27.12.2004
Queenzoners on the 2005 spring tour - Hi folks, in recent years some of us had nice expe... by YourValentine on 21.12.2004
Gail Ann Dorsey - What do you think about Gallileo's announcement on... by YourValentine on 18.12.2004
Tickets for WWRY premiere in Cologne - After it was totally impossible to buy any tickets... by YourValentine on 10.12.2004
Look at this ebay auction - http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&i... by YourValentine on 04.12.2004
Signed T-Shirt on eGay - Hi folks, this auction was brought to our notice ... by YourValentine on 02.12.2004
Christmas preparations - What are you doing on Christmas? Celebrating with ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2004
What is 70s glam/disco 54 dress code? - I plan to go to a concert that has a dress code as... by YourValentine on 29.11.2004
SAS Band gig with Roger for half the price now - Tickets for the SAS Band charity gig at the Claph... by YourValentine on 24.11.2004
The Virgin Mary Cheese Sandwich On Ebay - Obviously, there is nothing you cannot sell on eba... by YourValentine on 18.11.2004
A Topic We Never Discussed Before - After 1567 times "best Queen song" and &... by YourValentine on 16.11.2004
Live Aid Artist Drawings On Sale - Hi folks, there is a website selling reproductions... by YourValentine on 08.11.2004
Help - I want to buy a Digital Camera - Finally, I want a decent digital camera and I've b... by YourValentine on 08.11.2004
To Florian - I accidentally deleted your email, so thank you ve... by YourValentine on 01.11.2004
President Bush blocks his website for foreign visitors - For some reason GW Bush does not want foreigners t... by YourValentine on 28.10.2004
Queen lose court case because they cannot prove they are British - This is not a joke: Queen lost a law suit in Colog... by YourValentine on 21.10.2004
Penetration_Guru - Please check your yahoo email, thanks.... by YourValentine on 19.10.2004
Queen fans die in car crash in Venezuela - We are very sad to hear that our fellow hub user M... by YourValentine on 03.10.2004
Deacon's Birthday Party in Benidorm - As some of you know a couple of Queenzoners and ot... by YourValentine on 29.08.2004
Sue their asses!! - I apologise for the language but I am quoting Bria... by YourValentine on 11.08.2004
I Want To Break Free - from Pepsi? - Have you seen the new COKE commercial? It features... by YourValentine on 09.08.2004
Happy Birthday, Hangman ! - Let me wish you a very happy birthday today, Luca... by YourValentine on 05.08.2004
Question about Hammer To Fall - The following question was asked in an email today... by YourValentine on 29.07.2004
Reposted: Happy Birthday wstüssyb - Okay, I do it like Psyche Star and repost my b-day... by YourValentine on 26.07.2004
Posting on two boards - Apparently threads that are started on the old boa... by YourValentine on 26.07.2004
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb - Happy 21st birthday (again) to you, dear William. ... by YourValentine on 26.07.2004
How to re-seed a torrent file - Some Torrent users don't re-seed a file on request... by YourValentine on 25.07.2004
Freddie's shoes - Do you remember fatty's argument with another Quee... by YourValentine on 01.07.2004
The Queenonline Queen Box Raffle - What do you people think about the ongoing "lotter... by YourValentine on 29.06.2004
Tickets for 46664 in Benidorm - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 29.06.2004
Happy Birthday, pma! - Let me wish you a fantastic birthday, Pete:) Ha... by YourValentine on 25.06.2004
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully! - Let me wish you a truly magnificent birthday, Mart... by YourValentine on 23.06.2004
Your Favourite Queen websites - Apart from Queenzone, which are your favourite Que... by YourValentine on 27.05.2004
Queen involved in Benidorm 46664 show - but how? - According to the website "Benidorm Spotlight" Quee... by YourValentine on 17.05.2004
The Darkness Play Free Outdoor Gig in Germany - Since some people here are fans of The Darkness: ... by YourValentine on 08.05.2004
Happy Birthday, Silje - All my best wishes for your birthday today, dear S... by YourValentine on 06.05.2004
Happy Birthday, AC - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, AC. Have... by YourValentine on 02.05.2004
Vinou's song - Richard already posted it in the "news" section - ... by YourValentine on 02.05.2004
Brian on Italian TV next Thursday - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 02.05.2004
Brian on Italian TV next Thursday - RAI 2 will air the Zucchero concert in the Royal A... by YourValentine on 30.04.2004
To Penetration_Guru - Could you please empty your QZ mail box - I would ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2004
Queen Hub Information - The Queen Hub is a Direct Connect (DC) programme e... by YourValentine on 05.04.2004
Happy Birthday, Birdie - A very happy birthday to you, dear Barry :) Ha... by YourValentine on 02.04.2004
Virus Alert - If anyone gets an email from my email address just... by YourValentine on 22.03.2004
Happy Birthday, CatGurl14 ! - Let me wish you a very happy birthday , dear Savan... by YourValentine on 21.03.2004
Roger on BBC radio - but when ? - This was in my email date March 12th: Roger Tay... by YourValentine on 13.03.2004
Queen Party In Waalre, Who Is Going? - It's obvious that I am going, why else would I ask... by YourValentine on 10.03.2004
How do you like the fan recordings? - Has anyone downloaded the files in the new "Stage ... by YourValentine on 02.03.2004
Roger's Moscow Interview - What do you people think about Brian's response to... by YourValentine on 01.03.2004
Trojan in the hub - Hi folks, apparently I caught a Trojan by download... by YourValentine on 27.02.2004
Another Highlight Of Ebay Fakes - This time it's a "love letter" by Brian May who ca... by YourValentine on 22.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Taylor-Mayed! - Happy Birthday, dear Paul - if I counted correctly... by YourValentine on 11.02.2004
For Spisso - Hello Spisso, I noticed that you stopped posting a... by YourValentine on 10.02.2004
Queenzone Revamp - Richard has decided to update and revamp the websi... by YourValentine on 10.02.2004
Looking For Old Blues Song - Those of you who read the soap box know that Brian... by YourValentine on 09.02.2004
I Am Tired Of BoRhap - I just have to admit it: it might change again but... by YourValentine on 09.02.2004
Happy Birthday, Fried Chicken! - Happy Birthday, Prince Charming:-) Have a grea... by YourValentine on 07.02.2004
Finishing The Bootleg Trees - You may have noticed that Zeni is very busy at the... by YourValentine on 29.01.2004
Queen announced to play in Hannover, Germany - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 26.01.2004
The "Cheer Up, Wstüssyb!" Thread - Hi William, I know you must feel lousy being ill a... by YourValentine on 15.01.2004
Happy Birthday, Alli James! - Dear Alli, I am not replacing you as the regular "... by YourValentine on 11.01.2004
Spare VCD copies to give away - I need room on my shelves and I want to give away ... by YourValentine on 10.01.2004
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru! - Two days late due to the server downtime I still w... by YourValentine on 09.01.2004
Brian plays at Royal Albert Hall next June - "Brian May, Bruce Welch, Bill Wyman, Van Morrison,... by YourValentine on 18.12.2003
Queen concert on TV on New Year's eve - Queen will be represented in 3Sat's "Pop Around Th... by YourValentine on 16.12.2003
Name The Price - How much is the Ultimate Queen box(1995 deleted UK... by YourValentine on 15.12.2003
What Does It Mean? - "knock me down for a six anytime" in Body Language... by YourValentine on 08.12.2003
46664 concert on TV - As we all know MTV will broadcast highlights of th... by YourValentine on 17.11.2003
To wstüssyb - William, none of your emails arrived, please try a... by YourValentine on 16.11.2003
Roger on internet radio today - Roger will be a guest on capitol gold shortly afte... by YourValentine on 13.11.2003
The Easter Eggs - Here They Are - On the fist disc choose "Who Wants To Live Forever... by YourValentine on 05.11.2003

5990 posts by user 'YourValentine'

Notice of intent: Closing Queenzone down on November 1, 2020 - I can't say I did not see this coming but now it's... by YourValentine on 10.10.2020
Brian May's health - I wonder if anyone here remembers the discussion f... by YourValentine on 29.05.2020
Brian May's health - We should not sing Brian's swan song yet. He has h... by YourValentine on 28.05.2020
No Champions - The recording is second rate in every respect. Why... by YourValentine on 02.05.2020
50 years of Queen on German TV - I watched it. There was no new original video of t... by YourValentine on 21.04.2020
... - Hello The Kurgan, I don't understand the dramatic ... by YourValentine on 21.04.2020
... - Hi The Kurgan, please do not post IP addresses of ... by YourValentine on 20.04.2020
Serious forum is for serious Queen topics - Hello people, please remember that the serious for... by YourValentine on 14.04.2020
Brian loses his sh*t in Brisbane :-( - I have wondered that myself, James. However,... by YourValentine on 14.02.2020
Brian loses his sh*t in Brisbane :-( - James, you do not need to "want" something fro... by YourValentine on 13.02.2020
Brian loses his sh*t in Brisbane :-( - I have to agree with Mkls, I saw similar things ha... by YourValentine on 12.02.2020
Brexit...... - @Brenski - the DDR ceased to exist in 1990. The fo... by YourValentine on 04.02.2020
Brexit...... - You bring up a lot of new issues. I don't think... by YourValentine on 02.02.2020
Brexit...... - @brenski - just to say a few words from EU perspec... by YourValentine on 02.02.2020
Brexit...... - Bye, bye England. Thanks for fish and chips, warm ... by YourValentine on 01.02.2020
May - Descending Further Into The Abyss - I imagine your wives and partners ask you tonight:... by YourValentine on 01.02.2020
Absolute Greatest Re-issue - The album is a silver vinyl douple LP and is only ... by YourValentine on 15.12.2019
Fuck Valve, RIP Half Life - I have no idea what you all are talking about...... by YourValentine on 23.11.2019
Life Is A Bitch - I am really sorry to hear that, David. Let' s hope... by YourValentine on 29.09.2019
In memoriam: John S. Stuart - John Stuart was a great person, intelligent, kind,... by YourValentine on 18.09.2019
The "family" cliche - I did not comment on the banning of runner on ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2019
New Book about Freddie by Greg Brooks and Simon Lupton - Thanks for the info, Richard, it saves me another ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2019
New Book about Freddie by Greg Brooks and Simon Lupton - Richard, I am sure you remember the discussion we ... by YourValentine on 03.09.2019
"Magic Is Loose" (Roger Taylor solo cover) - Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the title... by YourValentine on 02.09.2019
"Magic Is Loose" (Roger Taylor solo cover) - This is truly beautiful. Beautiful voice and nice ... by YourValentine on 01.09.2019
Sad Songs - The song which always touches me is Elton John's T... by YourValentine on 24.08.2019
QUEEN: EXPANDED COLLECTION (CMI Music) - Thank you, cmi. ... by YourValentine on 04.08.2019
QUEEN: EXPANDED COLLECTION (CMI Music) - Hello cmi, I have to ask you to remove your at... by YourValentine on 04.08.2019
Beware Who Owns the Story - I find it really funny how the movie dwells on the... by YourValentine on 10.07.2019
I'm Back - My Review on Every Single Queen Album 1073 - 1998 - This forum is for serious discussion and not fake ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2019
RIP Great King Rat - or should I say Happy Birthday?... by YourValentine on 21.05.2019
Tim Staffell to return to Queen? - At the after show party after the Rock and Roll Ha... by YourValentine on 01.04.2019
Michael Jackson - New allegations in documentary: Leaving Neverland - Quite obviously you did not read my post. It's wel... by YourValentine on 08.03.2019
Michael Jackson - New allegations in documentary: Leaving Neverland - I have not seen the "documentary" yet and I have n... by YourValentine on 08.03.2019
BREXIT - ... by YourValentine on 18.02.2019
Live Aid - Crazy Little Thing Called Love from 'Boh Rhap' deleted scenes - Luckily, we can watch the real Live Aid performanc... by YourValentine on 28.01.2019
BREXIT - I have watched a lot of live coverage from the Hou... by YourValentine on 18.01.2019
Is there an official DVD of Guitar Legends 1991? - I think there is a bootleg DVD but nothing officia... by YourValentine on 20.12.2018
Freddie’s Naturalization Papers Found - Nice post, Seb :-) ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2018
NEW BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: Queen Touring America - The many photos in the book are just amazing. As a... by YourValentine on 01.11.2018
Death of a Queenzoner - With great sadness I just learned that long time Q... by YourValentine on 22.07.2018
Announce: Gary Mullen - 2018-03-24 - Flint, MI - I suggest you leave him alone full stop. I am seri... by YourValentine on 15.05.2018
Announce: Gary Mullen - 2018-03-24 - Flint, MI - You may think cyber bullying and stalking is n... by YourValentine on 14.05.2018
ANNOUNCE: News of The World Tour Debate - It's not that we are not trying to stop it. I will... by YourValentine on 19.01.2018
Monster Mary - I have seldom seen such judgamental crap in a thre... by YourValentine on 01.12.2017
Why is Cliff Richard famous? - My grandmother used to sing the German version of ... by YourValentine on 19.11.2017
'Man In The Shadows' - Audiogalaxy was not a myth, Steve, it was a group ... by YourValentine on 18.11.2017
Liam Gallagher: Brian's guitar sounds "like he’s got it clogged in his ass" - Surely there is a difference between "statin... by YourValentine on 14.10.2017
Long Beach Arena '77 1st and 2nd gig (Help needed) - Hello people, I banned user mckey because of sever... by YourValentine on 22.09.2017
Long Beach Arena '77 1st and 2nd gig (Help needed) - @mckey, you are deleted and you will be deleted fo... by YourValentine on 22.09.2017
Trump won't condemn far right terrorists, The Daily Stormer loves it! - Fantastic post, Magicalfreddiemercury. As yet I di... by YourValentine on 04.09.2017
Trump won't condemn far right terrorists, The Daily Stormer loves it! - Perhaps Trump thinks he can use these people and k... by YourValentine on 16.08.2017
Trump won't condemn far right terrorists, The Daily Stormer loves it! - Trump is a white supremacist himself. He has alway... by YourValentine on 16.08.2017
Atheism... - I used to call myself an agnostic but now I think ... by YourValentine on 02.07.2017
Atheism... - Why should it be aggressive to say there is no god... by YourValentine on 02.07.2017
FAO Admin - Sorry about this. Since Richard repaired the "join... by YourValentine on 26.06.2017
Freddie's voice or Freddie's songs - If Freddie had not written songs we would not know... by YourValentine on 19.06.2017
UK General Election - Really interesting read. I have been an electi... by YourValentine on 11.06.2017
Rare pic of the Birdsm - A real bad photoshopped picture. Recently it's a h... by YourValentine on 22.05.2017
Brian May exclusive interview: Queen, debauchery and Freddie Mercury. - Maybe Brian should arrange that he authorises the ... by YourValentine on 22.05.2017
Brian's Albert Hall gig 1998 FILMING - @ e-man - in fact Offenbach was filmed completely ... by YourValentine on 17.05.2017
I guess I'm "stupid", but that's ok.... - Well, this is a Queen website, so we can discu... by YourValentine on 08.05.2017
The end of American Liberty ... - I am aware that the "system" is not fair for the m... by YourValentine on 04.05.2017
I guess I'm "stupid", but that's ok.... - Listen To Elton John's interview for his 70th ... by YourValentine on 02.05.2017
The end of American Liberty ... - Nice of you that you did not mention Hillary's ema... by YourValentine on 02.05.2017
And The Beatles stick two fingers up to Queen AGAIN! - If you don't buy monopoly, Kerry E album and Q... by YourValentine on 09.04.2017
Saving Up for College - I don't know where you live but you shuld consider... by YourValentine on 21.01.2017
Obamacare for dummies - I am sure that "Obamacare" is full of problems and... by YourValentine on 21.01.2017
Global Warming Exaggeration - Thank you, Oscar J! I wonder at which point in his... by YourValentine on 28.12.2016
Global Warming Exaggeration - It's really frightening how people think they are ... by YourValentine on 25.12.2016
The Lesser Evil - 2016 - Sorry if I misunderstood, pittrek but your post re... by YourValentine on 27.11.2016
The Lesser Evil - 2016 - What more proof do you need, pittrek? With all the... by YourValentine on 27.11.2016
Brian pulled it in consideration to leave Queen in Summer 1975 - According to "As It Began" Queen met Don Arden dur... by YourValentine on 22.11.2016
Brian pulled it in consideration to leave Queen in Summer 1975 - The "disreputable" manager was Don Arden and it wa... by YourValentine on 21.11.2016
New FM Drama Doc on UK TV - You can watch it here https://vimeo.com/1923888... by YourValentine on 21.11.2016
The Lesser Evil - 2016 - Dear OscarJ, I think you underestimate the "minor ... by YourValentine on 13.11.2016
The Lesser Evil - 2016 - Anti Semitisn, male supremacy, lack of respect for... by YourValentine on 12.11.2016
The Lesser Evil - 2016 - I am afraid you will curse the day when you th... by YourValentine on 09.11.2016
A Few Things Explained - in reference to the recent Dutch Queen Day - I did make the change, thanks for worrying abo... by YourValentine on 11.10.2016
A Few Things Explained - in reference to the recent Dutch Queen Day - Well, it was a surprise, wasn't it? :-) So muc... by YourValentine on 07.10.2016
A Few Things Explained - in reference to the recent Dutch Queen Day - I would not hold my breath for GB to return to thi... by YourValentine on 07.10.2016
Was Freddie's solo career ever meant to rival Queen ? - I agree, Mike Hunt. 1985 was perhaps the worst tim... by YourValentine on 03.10.2016
Was Freddie's solo career ever meant to rival Queen ? - We will never know if Freddie really planned to le... by YourValentine on 01.10.2016
Queen: On Air (Pre-order now available) - I think you do not understand the reason why p... by YourValentine on 30.09.2016
Queen: On Air (Pre-order now available) - Totally laughable. ... by YourValentine on 29.09.2016
The Dutch Queen fanday 24/09/16 - I am a little surprised that you all are so disapp... by YourValentine on 26.09.2016
The Dutch Queen fanday 24/09/16 - I was reminded by a friend that GB also mentioned ... by YourValentine on 25.09.2016
The Dutch Queen fanday 24/09/16 - Yesterday Greg Brooks featured on the Queendag wit... by YourValentine on 25.09.2016
Peter Straker and Mike Moran to attend the Dutch Queendag September 24 - Hi people - if you live somehow near The Netherlan... by YourValentine on 05.09.2016
What is Happening in the USA, AGAIN??!! - I completetly agree with everything you say. I... by YourValentine on 20.07.2016
What is Happening in the USA, AGAIN??!! - Now the murder of police officers in Baton Rouge -... by YourValentine on 18.07.2016
What is Happening in the USA, AGAIN??!! - I accidentally watched of the murder of that black... by YourValentine on 16.07.2016
What is Happening in the USA, AGAIN??!! - This conversation is typical for any other discuss... by YourValentine on 11.07.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - I wonder if I am the only one who is depressed abo... by YourValentine on 04.07.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - This is ridiculous - you must be joking... by YourValentine on 01.07.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - I don't get what the Merkel picture has to do with... by YourValentine on 30.06.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - Actually, Mike, this is exactly what the allies th... by YourValentine on 29.06.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - Brenski, can you give me an example for a major UK... by YourValentine on 28.06.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - Brenski, I am not too worried about more referendu... by YourValentine on 26.06.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - From what we hear there is a lot of regret - m... by YourValentine on 26.06.2016
Brexit or not - the time for a decision has come - This was really a sad day yesterday. We have a who... by YourValentine on 25.06.2016
Radical Islamic terrorism finds its way to an Orlando nightclub - I think you raise an important issue here, ParisNa... by YourValentine on 20.06.2016
19th of June is the birthday of a very good QZer - Happy birthday, Seb :-)... by YourValentine on 19.06.2016
Radical Islamic terrorism finds its way to an Orlando nightclub - I think we always make this big mistake in trying ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2016
Dutch fanclub day - Hello Guitar, I am going. I have been to the Queen... by YourValentine on 18.06.2016
Radical Islamic terrorism finds its way to an Orlando nightclub - OscarJ, ParisNair was saying that the number of vi... by YourValentine on 17.06.2016
Radical Islamic terrorism finds its way to an Orlando nightclub - I believe that various factors contributed to this... by YourValentine on 15.06.2016
Your Football year... - In German media they reported that Suarez was mark... by YourValentine on 15.06.2016
Radical Islamic terrorism finds its way to an Orlando nightclub - Finally, there is an honorable mention of FOX news... by YourValentine on 14.06.2016
Queen to Trump: We Won't Rock You - Someone should tell Trump that Freddie was an immi... by YourValentine on 11.06.2016
Your Football year... - Come on, Seb - we are only joking, don't make it s... by YourValentine on 11.06.2016
Your Football year... - Absolutely! They shalt not win anything for 100 ye... by YourValentine on 09.06.2016
Your Football year... - England will not win a tournament for 50 more year... by YourValentine on 07.06.2016
Low sales on current tour - Here is a recording of the Cologne show. The s... by YourValentine on 07.06.2016
Low sales on current tour - Hello bluenile - it's cool that you were in Moscow... by YourValentine on 03.06.2016
Your Football year... - Holly, Germany lost 1:3 vs Slovakia last Sunday. s... by YourValentine on 01.06.2016
Low sales on current tour - I was in Cologne and the venue looked half empty. ... by YourValentine on 01.06.2016
Your Football year... - You are lucky, greasercat. It's next to impossible... by YourValentine on 18.05.2016
Your Football year... - I would not be surprised, Holly. Our national team... by YourValentine on 16.05.2016
Your Football year... - Every year is my football year :-) Right now I am ... by YourValentine on 16.05.2016
A Fan's Property, Lost by Greg Brooks in the Last Century, circa 1999 - @ MrQueenFan I do not know you and I do not car... by YourValentine on 07.05.2016
A Fan's Property, Lost by Greg Brooks in the Last Century, circa 1999 - For what it's worth here is my take on the JSS vs ... by YourValentine on 06.05.2016
Brussels Zaventem airport and metro explosions 'kill at least 13' - I have to agree with ParisNair. I grew up in self-... by YourValentine on 02.04.2016
Queen + Adam Lambert will play in Pyongyang - Planning their upcoming world tour Queen have push... by YourValentine on 01.04.2016
Brussels Zaventem airport and metro explosions 'kill at least 13' - I understand that you want to be fair and open min... by YourValentine on 26.03.2016
Brussels Zaventem airport and metro explosions 'kill at least 13' - Should I laugh or should I cry when I read that th... by YourValentine on 25.03.2016
Brian's curse - and another one... English TV magician Paul Dan... by YourValentine on 17.03.2016
The Impact of These Are The Days of our Lives - The video was actually already aired when Freddie ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2015
Another Mass Shooting in the US - I don't understand the fight in this thread. We al... by YourValentine on 09.12.2015
Another Mass Shooting in the US - You should calm down, thomasquinn. Pittrek's post ... by YourValentine on 04.12.2015
Another Mass Shooting in the US - There is a reason why assault weapons are called a... by YourValentine on 04.12.2015
World AIDS Day - Terror, civil wars, climate change, refugees are o... by YourValentine on 01.12.2015
Paris - I agree 100%. I am also very surprised about t... by YourValentine on 23.11.2015
Paris - Scary, Bob. It's scary how our political elite in ... by YourValentine on 20.11.2015
Paris - Peter, I don't know why you say that to me, I did ... by YourValentine on 16.11.2015
Paris - Brensky, I understand your anger but would you hon... by YourValentine on 15.11.2015
Paris - Can anyone suggest anything that would change this... by YourValentine on 15.11.2015
Barbara Valentin Interview 11/29/91 -Translation German TV - It was not my intention to judge Freddie's behavio... by YourValentine on 23.10.2015
Barbara Valentin Interview 11/29/91 -Translation German TV - It would not change the fact that Freddie EXPOSED ... by YourValentine on 22.10.2015
Barbara Valentin Interview 11/29/91 -Translation German TV - Yes, Mary Austin confirmed various times that Fred... by YourValentine on 22.10.2015
Biggest mistake in their career? - Please specify this interview, I never saw it.... by YourValentine on 17.10.2015
Biggest mistake in their career? - Musicland Munich, I think we all agree on the shad... by YourValentine on 16.10.2015
Biggest mistake in their career? - @ Costa86, I agree with most of what you say but I... by YourValentine on 15.10.2015
Biggest mistake in their career? - @ Vocal Harmony - you just repeat what Brian and R... by YourValentine on 15.10.2015
Biggest mistake in their career? - I think the role of Paul Prenter has been blown ou... by YourValentine on 14.10.2015
2 U.S. College Shootings in 2 Weeks - Surely people need guns to fight Obama drones and ... by YourValentine on 14.10.2015
euro 2016 qualifiers - Still sorry about Scotland and crossing my fingers... by YourValentine on 12.10.2015
euro 2016 qualifiers - Ireland really deserved to win. The euro would be ... by YourValentine on 09.10.2015
five albums as good/better than queen - Me too, Brenski but I don't think I could think of... by YourValentine on 23.09.2015
five albums as good/better than queen - Deep Purple - Made in Japan Beatles - Abbey Road... by YourValentine on 19.09.2015
What is Happening in the USA - You are wrong about the assumption that only... by YourValentine on 28.08.2015
What is Happening in the USA - Apparently I do not get my point across. I do not ... by YourValentine on 14.08.2015
What is Happening in the USA - Maybe I made it not clear enough that I meant chem... by YourValentine on 11.08.2015
What is Happening in the USA - Mike - if you side with these criminals against yo... by YourValentine on 09.08.2015
What is Happening in the USA - Really - I would not care if they limited them... by YourValentine on 09.08.2015
What is Happening in the USA - I think things are going bad in the USA but also i... by YourValentine on 07.08.2015
The Beatles are the greatest band - I had posted a long answer but it did not appear, ... by YourValentine on 04.08.2015
The Beatles are the greatest band - Of course The Beatles did not live and work in a v... by YourValentine on 03.08.2015
These Are The Days Of Our Lives - You have to remember that this was pre-internet an... by YourValentine on 30.07.2015
These Are The Days Of Our Lives - The b/w video was aired in a 1991 US documentary p... by YourValentine on 29.07.2015
I've just noticed... - In July 2001 the old board crashed completely and ... by YourValentine on 27.07.2015
Bringing up old threads - Hello Stoner, it's not a rule, it's just annoying ... by YourValentine on 25.07.2015
Brian can be a bad boy after all...(LYING BASTARDS quote) - That is a very kind view of Brian's public behavio... by YourValentine on 21.07.2015
freddie mercury hat - I am sure you have seen this many times: it's Mil... by YourValentine on 20.07.2015
US Supreme Court rules in favor of same sex marriage - I am not familiar with all the details of social s... by YourValentine on 19.07.2015
Book Review: Queen: An Official Biography - Nice work, as always, Seb. The pop music comment b... by YourValentine on 19.07.2015
Gardener kills Freddies fish - That happened over ten years ago, lol. Even for QZ... by YourValentine on 14.07.2015
Spam - Sorry, people, I do what I can. When I see the idi... by YourValentine on 13.07.2015
Brian can be a bad boy after all...(LYING BASTARDS quote) - I think calling other people lying bastards is kno... by YourValentine on 12.07.2015
Kanye West sings Bohemian Rhapsody - This story has many funny aspects. Acrtually, ther... by YourValentine on 30.06.2015
Jurassic World - Two things really ruined this film for me: Firs... by YourValentine on 30.06.2015
FIFA - I think Argentina did not apply but it would be a ... by YourValentine on 04.06.2015
FIFA - I do not mind Russia hosting the world cup, it's a... by YourValentine on 03.06.2015
FIFA - Yes, when all hope was gone the FBI came out of th... by YourValentine on 03.06.2015
queen official APP - Speaking of quizzes: who said the following not so... by YourValentine on 01.06.2015
are there any FAN SITES comparable to QUEENZONE? - You just answered your own question: nothing is li... by YourValentine on 23.05.2015
Discussions on this website... - This message board is so awful, even the fake ID s... by YourValentine on 27.04.2015
Why they pick Wembley as their trademark concert? - Wembley was filmed on "cheap video" because it was... by YourValentine on 14.04.2015
This is getting ridiculous. - Thanks for noticing, winterspelt :) I also act her... by YourValentine on 29.03.2015
The 'You Are Banned' Game - I am Cisgender Female with a tendency to Trans Fem... by YourValentine on 15.03.2015
The 'You Are Banned' Game - You are banned for thinking magicalfreddiemercury ... by YourValentine on 14.03.2015
The 'You Are Banned' Game - And magical gets banned for annoying any football ... by YourValentine on 13.03.2015
The 'You Are Banned' Game - No no!! It's football!!! Football means kicking a... by YourValentine on 13.03.2015
Announce: Queen + Adam Lambert - London - 17th Jan 2015 - Flac - We stayed in a pub after the concert (with Richard... by YourValentine on 01.02.2015
Announce: Queen + Adam Lambert - London - 17th Jan 2015 - Flac - Thank you very much, Mark :-) I was in the O2 that... by YourValentine on 01.02.2015
best book to read - I don't like Leslie Anne Jones' book, it is full o... by YourValentine on 30.01.2015
Anybody know where I can buy a good fake Icelandic Passport? - I almost accidentally deleted your user account, M... by YourValentine on 15.01.2015
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - And yet another one: http://www.azcentral.com/s... by YourValentine on 10.12.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - Here is another case. http://www.cbsnews.com/n... by YourValentine on 10.12.2014
Poll: Did you buy Forever? - I did not buy it. I listened to the radio broadcas... by YourValentine on 03.12.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - Brenski, I did not attack you, I attack - if anyth... by YourValentine on 01.12.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - First of all - you would probaly think differe... by YourValentine on 28.11.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - @ Brenski - of course there are terrible things in... by YourValentine on 28.11.2014
Internet history time machine - On this site http://web.archive.org/web/*/htt... by YourValentine on 27.11.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - @ Brenski - you mix up two cases, I am afraid I di... by YourValentine on 27.11.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - Brensky, this policeman fired 12 shots, six bullet... by YourValentine on 27.11.2014
did Freddie speak any Indian languages? - A couple of years ago Freddie's sister visited th... by YourValentine on 27.11.2014
Justice? Not if you get killed by some two-bit cop. - Whenever a policeman shoots a citizen into the fac... by YourValentine on 27.11.2014
Florida Hates Civilization - There is no excuse for throwing an old man into ja... by YourValentine on 07.11.2014
Russell Brand - You could say exactly the same about many poli... by YourValentine on 07.11.2014
Russell Brand - I never thought I find myself defending Russell Br... by YourValentine on 03.11.2014
Q+PR Europe shows - Really sorry about not meeting you, Vali :( Are y... by YourValentine on 15.10.2014
Q+PR Europe shows - I loved the Italian audiences but the best and mos... by YourValentine on 13.10.2014
Having failed to find a copy in the shops.. - I am the same :) I ordered the de luxe box onl... by YourValentine on 05.10.2014
Martel- The Mercurotti (A Duet with Freddie Mercury & Luciano Pavarotti) - He really sounds nothing like Pavarotti. There ar... by YourValentine on 03.10.2014
No Tickets ! - From the venue website: "At the Capital FM Aren... by YourValentine on 03.10.2014
Let me in (your heart again) - I think it is very understandable that Freddie rej... by YourValentine on 27.09.2014
Reminder: do not share official releases - I had to delete the thread announcing the colour c... by YourValentine on 22.09.2014
ISIS barbarians - If they would attack your city you would... by YourValentine on 04.09.2014
Adam Lambert fights in this forum - I did not call you a troll or idiot, rocknrolllove... by YourValentine on 05.04.2014
Adam Lambert fights in this forum - Every second year or so I have to explain the non-... by YourValentine on 05.04.2014
"Is it now acceptable to be homophobic on this site?" (Update: NO) - I see the homophobia, as well and I think it i... by YourValentine on 04.04.2014
Your Desert Island Non-Queen Albums - change ONLY ONE from list above YOU - Deep Purple - In Rock Pink Floyd - Wish You Were... by YourValentine on 02.04.2014
Adam Lambert fights in this forum - I'll ask Richard about renaming the forum. Just co... by YourValentine on 02.04.2014
Your Own Funeral Choose THREE Songs (another spin-off, spin-off thread) - Caro Emerald: Coming Back As A Man K. Michelle -... by YourValentine on 02.04.2014
Adam Lambert fights in this forum - I am getting a lot of complaints about hijacking o... by YourValentine on 02.04.2014
World Cup 2014 Draw - I really detest the seeding process but if you hav... by YourValentine on 19.12.2013
World Cup 2014 Draw - I hope it is not taken as arrogant or even racist ... by YourValentine on 18.12.2013
Poll : Are you happy with Adam Lambert working with Queen ? - I did not enjoy the Queen/AL concerts, so the answ... by YourValentine on 16.12.2013
Nelson Mandela Dies - Funny that nobody pulled up the "Brian's curse" th... by YourValentine on 16.12.2013
World Cup 2014 Draw - I feel bad for England, they really have a hard gr... by YourValentine on 16.12.2013
Dear people of Syria - I think it only complicates an already complic... by YourValentine on 08.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - Thanks for the explanation, brensky and sorry if I... by YourValentine on 04.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - Another story has been reported on a German econom... by YourValentine on 04.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - I do not have a solution. I also do not have the f... by YourValentine on 04.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - What would a military strike achieve in your opini... by YourValentine on 04.09.2013
. - You are right - they did not claim they filmed Fre... by YourValentine on 04.09.2013
. - I understood the difference, Bohardy, but I do not... by YourValentine on 03.09.2013
. - We forgot to mention this in the "Queen myth" ... by YourValentine on 03.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - The whole international community should have ... by YourValentine on 03.09.2013
Dear people of Syria - You have quite far reaching ambitions for what the... by YourValentine on 02.09.2013
Wedding! - Congratulations, I wish you luck and happiness :)... by YourValentine on 02.09.2013
Brighton Rock video - I think you did a great job with that video, Rien.... by YourValentine on 30.08.2013
Dear people of Syria - Hi, it's me - Barack Obama, peace nobel prize winn... by YourValentine on 30.08.2013
The Queen Fanthology - Chapter One: Queen - Great job,Craig, this is a great service for the s... by YourValentine on 17.08.2013
Queen Hub Information - Perhaps you must open a port in your router, pleas... by YourValentine on 13.08.2013
Lost sheep says hello - That must have been the Fan Club chat room. QO... by YourValentine on 05.08.2013
Lost sheep says hello - The fan club chat room was closed about a decade a... by YourValentine on 05.08.2013
Queen Myths People Tend to Swallow - Please don't bring up Hitler to support the idea t... by YourValentine on 05.08.2013
Queen Myths People Tend to Swallow - Please don't bring up Hitler to support the idea t... by YourValentine on 05.08.2013
Queen Myths People Tend to Swallow - My favourite Queen myth is the story that Freddie ... by YourValentine on 04.08.2013
Why the hate for Queen? - Discussing Queen-related topics is the whole point... by YourValentine on 04.08.2013
Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson duets to be released this autumn - Nobody has confirmed yet that "Victory" will be in... by YourValentine on 03.08.2013
Question for Your Valentine About Jurgen Klinsmann - That's funny that racial background is an issue in... by YourValentine on 03.08.2013
Question for Your Valentine About Jurgen Klinsmann - The opinion about Klinsmann is divided here in Ger... by YourValentine on 01.08.2013
Traveling! - Sorry that you are so close but have no chance to ... by YourValentine on 17.07.2013
Traveling! - Brian May performs at the Montreux Jazz Festival, ... by YourValentine on 15.07.2013
Gorrilla - How typical. I am stopping my donations to the MPT... by YourValentine on 09.07.2013
Brighton Rock solo in a guitar solo poll - http://www.guitarworld.com/greatest-guitar-solos-a... by YourValentine on 22.06.2013
'Gangnam Style' Rapper Psy To Collaborate With Queen Guitarist Brian May? - Tero .. look up the word "irony" :-)... by YourValentine on 20.06.2013
Brazil cries for help - I could not agree more. The World Cup should b... by YourValentine on 20.06.2013
Steven Tyler admits not liking Queen back when they shared the stage... - Tyler really sounds like a narrow-minded Bible bel... by YourValentine on 19.06.2013
'Gangnam Style' Rapper Psy To Collaborate With Queen Guitarist Brian May? - He is - he makes a significant amount of money... by YourValentine on 18.06.2013
Brazil cries for help - Hello Raf - yes we heard about the riots in connec... by YourValentine on 18.06.2013
Vanilla Ice Owns "Under Pressure" - John Deacon wrote the bass riff according to the s... by YourValentine on 11.06.2013
Bad weather - Sounds very cool, Missreclusive: ) Not for me beca... by YourValentine on 05.06.2013
MUSE.live - Looks like a great show, you must have had a great... by YourValentine on 03.06.2013
Bad weather - Here the whole country is being flooded due to ong... by YourValentine on 03.06.2013
Death on Two Legs ... and Hitchcock's Psycho - Interesting - I never noticed any similarity, perh... by YourValentine on 03.06.2013
Life on Two Legs - Norman Sheffield's Autobiography - His side of the story is pretty obvious imo: they ... by YourValentine on 03.06.2013
Count down to the UEFA Champions League Final - It was not only Robben's missed penalty vs Chelsea... by YourValentine on 28.05.2013
Fair weather friends and their hangers on - I think that many Queen fans at the time felt that... by YourValentine on 28.05.2013
eBay Mentality - Using ebay is a tricky thing and you can fall into... by YourValentine on 28.05.2013
Yo guys, just choppin some heads off - Holly, if I knew how to solve the situation in Ira... by YourValentine on 27.05.2013
Yo guys, just choppin some heads off - No, I do not want "The West" to send any troop... by YourValentine on 26.05.2013
Count down to the UEFA Champions League Final - Thanks, Thistleboy :-) Bayern deserved to win, I h... by YourValentine on 25.05.2013
Count down to the UEFA Champions League Final - I am close to a heart attack! Everything is still ... by YourValentine on 25.05.2013
Count down to the UEFA Champions League Final - I can imagine that the rest of Europe is less impr... by YourValentine on 25.05.2013
Yo guys, just choppin some heads off - When you were a regular here you never partici... by YourValentine on 25.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - I do not hate you, GFF, I do not even know you. I ... by YourValentine on 23.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - I think a genuine apology would be very nece... by YourValentine on 23.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - There is certainly nothing shameful about Aspe... by YourValentine on 23.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - Of course it is NOT socially fucked up to pull... by YourValentine on 23.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - @ Holly: My post was strictly my personal opinion ... by YourValentine on 23.05.2013
Brand new "Happiness" live cover - Very nice performance :-) I really would love to s... by YourValentine on 22.05.2013
Fanthology - Index - Please take your own advice and give it a rest... by YourValentine on 22.05.2013
Art or Invasion of Privacy? - I do not know about other countries but in Germany... by YourValentine on 21.05.2013
eBay Mentality - I collect silver coins and I watch "buy now" sales... by YourValentine on 19.05.2013
Anyone like Star Wars? - Imo the original Star Wars movie was - at the time... by YourValentine on 19.05.2013
The Hobbit - I loved The Hobbit and LOTR as a child but I did n... by YourValentine on 08.01.2013
Atheism - I have to challenge this. Atheism does not hav... by YourValentine on 31.12.2012
Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all you c... by YourValentine on 25.12.2012
27 Dead, Most Are Children, at an Elementary School in the U.S. - Donna - in Germany kids are hurt, abducted, ab... by YourValentine on 20.12.2012
27 Dead, Most Are Children, at an Elementary School in the U.S. - I want to add another thought to the discussion. I... by YourValentine on 19.12.2012
27 Dead, Most Are Children, at an Elementary School in the U.S. - I was really shocked to read this blog by the moth... by YourValentine on 18.12.2012
ANNOUNCE: Live à Taratata (French TV - 25.09.1993) DVD - Thank you very much for fixing this so fast :-)... by YourValentine on 15.12.2012
ANNOUNCE: Live à Taratata (French TV - 25.09.1993) DVD - This file comes from a French friend from the hub ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
See What A Fool I've Been (video) - BM Frankfurt - You are really lucky, Mr. von Keil :-)... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
See What A Fool I've Been (video) - BM Frankfurt - The copy from YouTube is not a gen copy of a trade... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
World AIDS day - I did not mean it in a religious way. Annual chari... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
Brian's wrist watch - Please observe the correct forums, folks. This is ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
Is jones904 really GB Queen Archivist having a laugh?! - This is not a serious Queen topic. Please post in ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
27 Dead, Most Are Children, at an Elementary School in the U.S. - What is freedom? Obviously, freedom means that sch... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
I return! - I feel like a time machine took me back - three bl... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
FAO YourValentine or Richard Orchard - Actually, I was all but offline for a while. I mis... by YourValentine on 14.12.2012
World AIDS day - If you have money left from your Christmas charity... by YourValentine on 01.12.2012
4 More Years - This world is crazy, no doubt about that.... by YourValentine on 09.11.2012
Mitt 'Tariq' Romney - Far from being an Obama fan - he has been a big di... by YourValentine on 07.11.2012
freddie.time programe on ebay - Great item, David!... by YourValentine on 23.10.2012
birthday boy ? - Happy Birthday, David :-) ... by YourValentine on 11.10.2012
If you own the Freddie box you already have the "Great Pretender" book - A reprint would be totally okay but it should ... by YourValentine on 03.10.2012
If you own the Freddie box you already have the "Great Pretender" book - The difference is that the repackage is released u... by YourValentine on 02.10.2012
If you own the Freddie box you already have the "Great Pretender" book - Same pictures, same text. Too bad it was never mar... by YourValentine on 02.10.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - From what I read in the article you posted it look... by YourValentine on 01.10.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - Really funny from someone who calls other peo... by YourValentine on 30.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - @GFF - very interesting comments and I won't yell,... by YourValentine on 29.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - I think there is basically no disagreement h... by YourValentine on 26.09.2012
BRIAN GIVES A WHINGING FAN A PIECE OF HIS MIND - I actual fact the only effect of the millenium... by YourValentine on 21.09.2012
Brian May on BBC - I agree with you, Holly, in thinking that our atti... by YourValentine on 21.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - @ Thomas Quinn - funny how you keep using the word... by YourValentine on 21.09.2012
Official Release of 2012 concerts - oops - sorry philip storey. Your irony was lost on... by YourValentine on 20.09.2012
Brian May on BBC - Great post, I agree with every word. I have ... by YourValentine on 20.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - Oh my, lol. Now having an opinion already makes me... by YourValentine on 20.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - I cannot say I am much bothered about you being di... by YourValentine on 20.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - What are you trying to tell me, TQ? That Indonesia... by YourValentine on 19.09.2012
Official Release of 2012 concerts - This totally untrue. A lot of people there did... by YourValentine on 19.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - "It strikes me as reasoning that a lot of us woul... by YourValentine on 19.09.2012
Official Release of 2012 concerts - There were no cameras in the Hammersmith Apollo on... by YourValentine on 18.09.2012
"Innocence of Muslims" film - For once I totally agree with Microwave, mainly th... by YourValentine on 18.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - I totally agree. More time, money and maybe a ... by YourValentine on 12.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - "Any memorial song that has the word "heaven" in i... by YourValentine on 10.09.2012
Freddie's documentary "The Great Pretender" is leaked - @ Ozz - it was you who brought up the "decades ag... by YourValentine on 09.09.2012
Freddie's documentary "The Great Pretender" is leaked - [b]Ozz wrote: [/b]Queen Fans, even the mature ones... by YourValentine on 09.09.2012
Freddie's documentary "The Great Pretender" is leaked - I am surprised that so many people think it is not... by YourValentine on 09.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - For me there is a huge difference between the orch... by YourValentine on 06.09.2012
Brian Mays powerful voice rattling the cages of president CAMERON'S allies - Monkeys are apparently very likely to get infected... by YourValentine on 05.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - As I said before I am not actually complaining abo... by YourValentine on 05.09.2012
Legendary Queen Frontman Freddie Mercury To Become an Angry Bird To Celebra - I wonder if there is any line QPL would not cross ... by YourValentine on 03.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - @ Ozz - the Barcelona album was recorded over appr... by YourValentine on 01.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - Mike Moran's contribution - it is not clear fr... by YourValentine on 01.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - AlexRocks - we do not know why Freddie did not use... by YourValentine on 01.09.2012
Barcelona re-release - What the @#8! did they do???? - I got my copy from Amazon today and spent the whol... by YourValentine on 31.08.2012
Definitely personal - This is no stupid post at all. Music can be comfor... by YourValentine on 16.08.2012
I am back.. - Of course I remember you, Mike :-) Welcome back!... by YourValentine on 10.08.2012
12 Killed in Colorado During The Dark Knight Screening - I think we discuss it because a thread about t... by YourValentine on 30.07.2012
12 Killed in Colorado During The Dark Knight Screening - I agree with you, Tero. Actually, I am very much a... by YourValentine on 28.07.2012
Olympic Games 2012 - "There is no age limit....because if a 38 year old... by YourValentine on 28.07.2012
My new son - Congratulations, he is so cute :-) Now you can loo... by YourValentine on 28.07.2012
Olympic Games 2012 - It is quite easy to figure out why nobody care... by YourValentine on 27.07.2012
Olympic Games 2012 - I watch virtually anything when I have time trying... by YourValentine on 26.07.2012
KARRANG/queen+adam lambert. - Thanks for posting the review, David. I am always... by YourValentine on 26.07.2012
12 Killed in Colorado During The Dark Knight Screening - I do not believe that gun laws can explain such in... by YourValentine on 25.07.2012
12 Killed in Colorado During The Dark Knight Screening - Microwave - what are your suggestions to help prev... by YourValentine on 21.07.2012
Abbey Road camera - I admit that my husband walked across that road ba... by YourValentine on 18.07.2012
Jon Lord...RIP - So sad :( Rest in peace, Lord of the Hammond Organ... by YourValentine on 16.07.2012
Adam Lambert wants Queen album - I think a new album is very unlikely. "The Cosmos ... by YourValentine on 15.07.2012
Funny incident in the John Terry race abuse trial - These are jokes written by life itself. It happene... by YourValentine on 13.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - [b]cacatua wrote: [/b] I have been able to let go ... by YourValentine on 09.07.2012
:( Roger Taylor's is a homophobe after all - He said that Paul Prenter tried to move Freddie (a... by YourValentine on 09.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - Yes, I do - the July 11th concert :-) You too?... by YourValentine on 08.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - Of course it was subjective:-) After all, music... by YourValentine on 08.07.2012
SO THIS PLACE IN CENSORING THE AIDS HOLOCAUST ALSO - @ Mesusa rules: it was me who deleted your posts f... by YourValentine on 08.07.2012
A brief history of rock'n'roll - Nice video - it reminds me of Jamie Moses' 28 riff... by YourValentine on 07.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - @ ghostwithasmile - it is hard to say how many peo... by YourValentine on 07.07.2012
Moscow July 3rd concert - my review - When I heard they played in Moscow it was pretty s... by YourValentine on 05.07.2012
Radio Broadcast Queen elton john adamlambert?? - I am going to see the concert tonight :) I saw a l... by YourValentine on 03.07.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - David - I am sure that all German passengers will ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - I agree, David. This time Spain won through sheer ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2012
Why I hate the Dutch right - It was not slamming the US when I pointed out that... by YourValentine on 27.06.2012
Why I hate the Dutch right - I am not an economist and all your examples are pr... by YourValentine on 26.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - The joke is much funnier than your "machine nest" ... by YourValentine on 25.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - With my comment about hatred and defamation I was ... by YourValentine on 24.06.2012
ells school champion - This is wonderful, David. I am so glad your son ha... by YourValentine on 23.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - The article you are referring to, GrateFulFan, is ... by YourValentine on 23.06.2012
Why I hate the Dutch right - You are absolutely right, Holly: profits are priva... by YourValentine on 22.06.2012
THE CO DISCOVERER OF HIV Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers - Zebonka - the difference between Van Nguyen (I was... by YourValentine on 21.06.2012
Why I hate the Dutch right - [b]thomasquinn 32989 wrote: [/b] Even as we spe... by YourValentine on 21.06.2012
THE CO DISCOVERER OF HIV Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers - A risky maneuver - after all Ecuador is not exactl... by YourValentine on 20.06.2012
THE CO DISCOVERER OF HIV Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers - @ Medusa rules. AIDS does exist. It is true that s... by YourValentine on 19.06.2012
ANNOUNCE The Cross 19.04.1998 Esslingen (flac) - Kurgan- join the hub and find out :-) Queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.06.2012
RESULTS! - Congratulations :-)... by YourValentine on 18.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - I can't believe that Russia and Holland have been ... by YourValentine on 18.06.2012
Why I hate the Dutch right - Taking form the poor and giving to the rich has be... by YourValentine on 18.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - I do not know Jim Beglin but he was definitely wro... by YourValentine on 15.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - You can be proud of your team and proud of the fan... by YourValentine on 14.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - Thank you, Brenski - we were really over the moon ... by YourValentine on 14.06.2012
THE CO DISCOVERER OF HIV Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers - Having an opinion is not against Queenzone rules a... by YourValentine on 14.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - There is always a chance to beat a big team - that... by YourValentine on 13.06.2012
THE CO DISCOVERER OF HIV Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers - If you ever saw a person die of AIDS you know that... by YourValentine on 13.06.2012
What Happened to Queenclooector.com? - http://web.archive.org/web/20100202101601/http://w... by YourValentine on 12.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - Great joke, thomasquinn. My grandfather already la... by YourValentine on 11.06.2012
How to wake up a child properly - There are really cool earmuffs which are comfortab... by YourValentine on 10.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - I have to add that we really love Italy, Italian f... by YourValentine on 10.06.2012
The UEFA European Football Championship - is starting today after months of anticipation. W... by YourValentine on 08.06.2012
Personal relationships and music - I could not live with someone who plays Hip Hop an... by YourValentine on 08.06.2012
Dr. May on Queen's 60th anniversary - I also thought that Madness totally broke the spir... by YourValentine on 05.06.2012
Happy Birthday, bokkepoot - Happy Birthday, dear Marco, I hope you have a fant... by YourValentine on 02.06.2012
Queen Extravaganza - I have to disagree. It does not matter if you ... by YourValentine on 29.05.2012
Queen Extravaganza - Now what is the difference between the "Queen Extr... by YourValentine on 29.05.2012
How to wake up a child properly - I agree about the seat but the noise is really dan... by YourValentine on 20.05.2012
Queen in Mannheim"86 - Threre is no pro shot Mannheim video, sorry. There... by YourValentine on 20.05.2012
How to wake up a child properly - Btw - in my life it is always children waking up t... by YourValentine on 20.05.2012
How to wake up a child properly - Oh dear - sorry to be the spoil sport here but thi... by YourValentine on 20.05.2012
Date From This Interview? (Freddie and Montserrat) - It says "archivo semanal 5/6/87" The "informe sema... by YourValentine on 18.05.2012
Lambert on naysayers - For which concert did you buy a ticket, then, Mich... by YourValentine on 16.05.2012
WWRY 10th anniversary - Apparently, the planned optical illusion did not w... by YourValentine on 16.05.2012
Freddie Mercury Hologram: Will It Be Better Than Tupac? - I was in the Dominion and I did not see any Freddi... by YourValentine on 16.05.2012
Being dead doesn't prevent Freddie from promoting his beloved musical - Not sure if we ordinary fans are invited to the "a... by YourValentine on 11.05.2012
Being dead doesn't prevent Freddie from promoting his beloved musical - oops - Richard already posted about that. I missed... by YourValentine on 11.05.2012
Being dead doesn't prevent Freddie from promoting his beloved musical - "Queen guitarist Brian May has revealed that Fredd... by YourValentine on 11.05.2012
Posts deleted - I emailed Richard, he must check this problem.... by YourValentine on 08.05.2012
Posts deleted - http://www.queenzone.com/forums/1309155/-.aspx ... by YourValentine on 08.05.2012
Posts deleted - This is getting stranger by the minute. What happe... by YourValentine on 08.05.2012
will queenzone ever close down - All things must pass and Napster, Audiogalaxy, me... by YourValentine on 08.05.2012
. - This is very strange. You were definitely not bann... by YourValentine on 08.05.2012
Series of explosions hits Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk - [b]thomasquinn 32989 wrote: [/b] The thing that pe... by YourValentine on 03.05.2012
Series of explosions hits Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk - How can you blame Lostman for criticising his ... by YourValentine on 02.05.2012
Series of explosions hits Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk - I do not know if Julia Timoschenko is innoocent. I... by YourValentine on 01.05.2012
Series of explosions hits Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk - When the UEFA championship was given to Poland and... by YourValentine on 30.04.2012
QUEEN add another European concert date. - I am sure it was a business decision, Richard - I ... by YourValentine on 28.04.2012
QUEEN add another European concert date. - It really makes no sense to me, Richard. Even if t... by YourValentine on 27.04.2012
Queen+ AL Moscow date change + ??? - I remember the Led Zep concert - I had appli... by YourValentine on 20.04.2012
Queen+ AL Moscow date change + ??? - Quite obviously you have no idea what you are ... by YourValentine on 19.04.2012
Queen+ AL Moscow date change + ??? - Donna, yes we need visa - quite expensive, in fact... by YourValentine on 16.04.2012
You say it's your birthday - Happy Birthday, Richard :-)... by YourValentine on 15.04.2012
What do you think of Messi? - I think Messi is the best football player ever. Ma... by YourValentine on 15.04.2012
Queen+ AL Moscow date change + ??? - Brian May's message does not make any sense at all... by YourValentine on 15.04.2012
Queen+ AL Moscow date change + ??? - Dear Brian May, thanks for "reshuffeling" your Mos... by YourValentine on 15.04.2012
how to annoy the neighbours - Great, you are lucky. I admit the noise is a chall... by YourValentine on 12.04.2012
RT suggests new tour dates with Lambert - There is no Kiev date on the Elton John tour sched... by YourValentine on 10.04.2012
Queen featured in other artists' documentaries - The Metallica documentary 1992 has a bit about the... by YourValentine on 07.04.2012
thank you. - I am really glad for your son and your family that... by YourValentine on 04.04.2012
dads nightmare - It really could be worse :-) Nothing beats the exc... by YourValentine on 04.04.2012
Queen "Elite!". - Strangely, I find it extraordinary to assume... by YourValentine on 02.04.2012
Queen "Elite!". - Okay, since you asked I answer: If some fan ... by YourValentine on 01.04.2012
So If I Want Insurance Paying for My Birth Control.. - I am glad you feel so much better now, SCCQ! @ Gr... by YourValentine on 05.03.2012
So If I Want Insurance Paying for My Birth Control.. - I think you should not even spend your time thinki... by YourValentine on 03.03.2012
Amnesty International - I do not understand your criticism re Iran. AI has... by YourValentine on 29.02.2012
Big announcement tonight - First of all - I am not "slating" Queen. Secondly ... by YourValentine on 26.02.2012
Big announcement tonight - [b]GT wrote: [/b] If you don't like the new situ... by YourValentine on 25.02.2012
Derp - Thank you very much for this video, Mark. It was v... by YourValentine on 21.02.2012
ANNOUNCE: Brian appearance Sanremo sat-rip DVD - Thank you very much for the share. Very cool perfo... by YourValentine on 21.02.2012
QUEEN, WITH ADAM LAMBERT CONFIRMED FOR SONISPHERE 2012 - I do not mind if Brian and Roger embarrass themsel... by YourValentine on 21.02.2012
bullys are bastards - David - why is your child excluded from school? Sh... by YourValentine on 07.02.2012
bullys are bastards - I am afraid David is a palemerk by birth or at lea... by YourValentine on 05.02.2012
Lambert Is Queen's New Frontman - This is absolutely untrue. Like many other peop... by YourValentine on 05.02.2012
bullys are bastards - You are really the last person who has a reaso... by YourValentine on 04.02.2012
Lambert Is Queen's New Frontman - Luckily, Mr. Lambert has denied the "rumours". Fun... by YourValentine on 04.02.2012
bullys are bastards - I am really sorry about the bullying your son has ... by YourValentine on 31.01.2012
What's your Favorite Troll Moment on QZ? - If I ever had a favourite troll it must have been ... by YourValentine on 30.01.2012
Bokkepoot Appreciation Thread - There is nothing much to add from me - kudos to bo... by YourValentine on 30.01.2012
US Marines Peeing on Dead Bodies - Thank you, catqueen, for explaining my post - I th... by YourValentine on 25.01.2012
US Republican Primary - I have been watching the Republican candidate deb... by YourValentine on 25.01.2012
Megaupload site shut down - Time to move file hosting servers to Russia. We no... by YourValentine on 20.01.2012
"Stop Online Piracy Act" - Time to shut down the phone nets . Certainly terro... by YourValentine on 20.01.2012
US Marines Peeing on Dead Bodies - [b]Micrówave wrote: [/b] Soon after a 2002 [b]... by YourValentine on 18.01.2012
US Marines Peeing on Dead Bodies - I can totally relate to your point of view, Zebonk... by YourValentine on 15.01.2012
US Marines Peeing on Dead Bodies - I totally agree, GF. Also - nobody seems to ask th... by YourValentine on 13.01.2012
Elton John to remember Queen's Freddie Mercury in his book about AIDS - Again - it's impossible to judge a book I have not... by YourValentine on 13.01.2012
Elton John to remember Queen's Freddie Mercury in his book about AIDS - It really makes no sense to judge a book that ... by YourValentine on 12.01.2012
The Great Pretender - This is a mimed performance in a German game show ... by YourValentine on 11.01.2012
What Top Team Will Not Make it to the 2012 EURO? - I believe that all top teams are qualified. When y... by YourValentine on 11.01.2012
Queen ST. Paul 1980 dvd - @ dank - I tried to email you but it was returned.... by YourValentine on 07.01.2012
hi!! - You missed scandal, drama, sex and crime .. just ... by YourValentine on 07.01.2012
ANNOUNCE: 2006-03-17 Queen + P. Rodgers in Buffalo DVD2 - This DVD covers the second part of the concert in ... by YourValentine on 05.01.2012
Kim Jong Il Dies - oops - looks like he supports racist views, as wel... by YourValentine on 05.01.2012
List of Beatles Songs Written During the Sgt. Pepper Sessions - The concert was December 1st, 2011 in Cologne and ... by YourValentine on 04.01.2012
ANNOUNCE: 2006-03-17 Queen + P. Rodgers in Buffalo DVD1 - Happy New Year to everyone here. Disc 2 to follow ... by YourValentine on 04.01.2012
Kim Jong Il Dies - Bob - I do not know what "republican" means to des... by YourValentine on 04.01.2012
Jim Hutton's book or Peter Freestone's new one - You are right - PF did write a second book, I tota... by YourValentine on 03.01.2012
List of Beatles Songs Written During the Sgt. Pepper Sessions - Yes, I did - the best concert I ever saw and I wou... by YourValentine on 03.01.2012
Jim Hutton's book or Peter Freestone's new one - Jim Hutton's book is out-of-print, Peter Freestone... by YourValentine on 03.01.2012
List of Beatles Songs Written During the Sgt. Pepper Sessions - Nice to see some fellow Beatles fans here:-) Indee... by YourValentine on 02.01.2012
ANNOUNCE: 2006-03-17 Queen + P. Rodgers in Buffalo DVD1 - This is disc 1 of a double DVD covering the first ... by YourValentine on 02.01.2012
ANNOUNCE : “Yougaku Shugi” - #3 QUEEN (Japanese TV broadcast) - Again many thanks, Masahiko - another 8 GB :-)) I ... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
ANNOUNCE : "SONGS PREMIUM" Vol.42 - QUEEN (Japanese TV broadcast) - Thank you very much for sharing the 8 GB, Masahiko... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
ANNOUNCE :FreddieTribute Clapham 2011DVD complete corected - Thank you very much, Tom :-) I almost missed that... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
The Darkness feat. Brian May London 2011-11-25 - Thank you very much, fallen queen. I am looking fo... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
Happy New Year!!! - Happy New Year to you and everybody else :-)... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
The last gay thread of 2011 - That really breaks my heart -:( Who is Russell Br... by YourValentine on 01.01.2012
Kim Jong Il Dies - Another interesting point is in which way Clinton ... by YourValentine on 30.12.2011
Kim Jong Il Dies - This thread has taken wild turns from the death of... by YourValentine on 30.12.2011
Anyone have the Japanese Version of DOOL? - I am not quite sure, silver salmon. According to t... by YourValentine on 21.12.2011
Anyone have the Japanese Version of DOOL? - You can buy the DVD from HMV in Japan [url=http:... by YourValentine on 21.12.2011
RIP Christopher Hitchens - I totally agree with you, Thomas, although I would... by YourValentine on 20.12.2011
Bad experiences with the new BluRay - I totally understand you, Peter :-) From reading t... by YourValentine on 20.12.2011
DSMN TalentHouse contest - Imdur's Good Time Mix! - I think you are right. However, as far as I know t... by YourValentine on 17.12.2011
DSMN TalentHouse contest - Imdur's Good Time Mix! - The procedure to get into the next round is very q... by YourValentine on 17.12.2011
RIP Christopher Hitchens - I liked CH - though I often disagreed. He always g... by YourValentine on 17.12.2011
Don't Stop Me Now (PiotreQ Live Remix) [Talenthouse] - I really like your mix but you are already in the ... by YourValentine on 16.12.2011
What's one more "Don't Stop Me Now" remix? - Are you Mad the DJ? :-)... by YourValentine on 16.12.2011
My poetry - Ole - I think it is very brave to write poetry in ... by YourValentine on 07.12.2011
The Final Queen Extravaganza Results? - Moved to general forum... by YourValentine on 06.12.2011
Announce: Brian May w SAS Band in Clapham Grand 2011-11-25 DVD - I do not think Brian had a cold:-) I believe he ju... by YourValentine on 04.12.2011
Luck, serendipity, divinity etc. - If you have a memory for numbers you will always f... by YourValentine on 03.12.2011
Announce: Brian May w SAS Band in Clapham Grand 2011-11-25 DVD - This recording was taken in the Clapham Grand Thea... by YourValentine on 02.12.2011
Happy Birthday YourValentine !! - Thank you very much, this is very nice of you all ... by YourValentine on 27.11.2011
Queen On Camera, Off Guard 1965-91 (Book) - [url=http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/185-004... by YourValentine on 19.11.2011
Queen On Camera, Off Guard 1965-91 (Book) - I like the book, it has great photos.... by YourValentine on 19.11.2011
Relationships between Queen memebers/ - When you hear and read about Queen's carreer, it n... by YourValentine on 19.11.2011
HPV Vaccine- For or Against It? - I really hate all these statistics and "what ifs".... by YourValentine on 19.11.2011
HPV Vaccine- For or Against It? - I would not make such a vaccination manfdatory but... by YourValentine on 12.11.2011
HPV Vaccine- For or Against It? - Such a sensitive issue should not be part of an el... by YourValentine on 11.11.2011
HPV Vaccine- For or Against It? - I am very much in favour of the vaccination becaus... by YourValentine on 10.11.2011
ANNOUNCE - Queen & Adam Lambert - MTV EMA 2011 - DVD - Thank you very much for sharing, Mark. It's good t... by YourValentine on 09.11.2011
ANNOUNCE : US radio show 1975 RAINBOW 03-74 UNEDITED REEL 2 REEL TRANSFER - Thank you for sharing. Really cool, the sound is f... by YourValentine on 09.11.2011
test new topic - test... by YourValentine on 30.10.2011
Tracker 'Offline'? - test reply... by YourValentine on 30.10.2011
Sheer Heart Attack Video Competition: Winner - I voted for another video but I have to say the wi... by YourValentine on 29.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - I agree, Amazon - it is easy to judge from the out... by YourValentine on 29.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - I totally agree, Microwave. (Miracles happen, lol)... by YourValentine on 28.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - @ magicalfreddie - I wish you were right with the ... by YourValentine on 26.10.2011
Announce: 1981-09-27 Caracas DVD - I am not surprised at all. After years of collecti... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
Announce: 1981-09-27 Caracas DVD - Yes, this is the same! I bought 3 DVDs from this p... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - I can live with not convincing you, although I am ... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
facebook - Facebook is the opposite of privacy. They log your... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
Announce: 1981-09-27 Caracas DVD - I am sharing a DVD I bought years ago from a guy i... by YourValentine on 25.10.2011
First film you ever saw at the cinema... - Aww, Niek :-) Mine was Lawrence of Arabia. I wa... by YourValentine on 24.10.2011
Caracas '81 Vob sample - I will share it tonight :-)... by YourValentine on 24.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - [b]magicalfreddiemercury wrote: [/b] It was clear,... by YourValentine on 23.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - I think you are mixing up two issues here, Donna. ... by YourValentine on 23.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - Wow, how disappointing to read that from you. Are ... by YourValentine on 22.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - If you think burying a person after killing him il... by YourValentine on 21.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - Yes, exactly, Zebonka - but in which way are Weste... by YourValentine on 21.10.2011
Caracas '81 Vob sample - Sorry about the delay.... by YourValentine on 20.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - I don't think anyone here has any illusions about ... by YourValentine on 20.10.2011
Gaddafi Captured and Killed..... - Totally agree, Bob. I am sick to my stomach about ... by YourValentine on 20.10.2011
ANNOUNCE FLAC: Queen - Earl's Court 1977 (1st Night Audience Recording) - Nice share - and nice group effort :-) Thanks, guy... by YourValentine on 18.10.2011
Caracas '81 Vob sample - oops, sorry - I forgot. I upload the sample tonigh... by YourValentine on 18.10.2011
Caracas '81 Vob sample - The sound is certainly better than my copy but I t... by YourValentine on 13.10.2011
an od problem with torrent files from QZ - It works for me now - please check... by YourValentine on 12.10.2011
an od problem with torrent files from QZ - Hello Michael, many things do not work on QZ at th... by YourValentine on 11.10.2011
RIP Steve Jobs - When I see a person die slowly and painfully from ... by YourValentine on 07.10.2011
RIP Steve Jobs - Cancer is awful, it kills slowly and brutally and ... by YourValentine on 06.10.2011
Fixed length marriage contracts? - In my country it is very easy to get divorced. You... by YourValentine on 03.10.2011
Fixed length marriage contracts? - This proposed law would apply to civil marriage , ... by YourValentine on 01.10.2011
The Beatles - I totally agree, mooghead. They matured in every p... by YourValentine on 29.09.2011
The Beatles - Of course the Beatles got better wirth age. Firts ... by YourValentine on 28.09.2011
Could anyone in Sweden tell me the laws on children in cars please? - Lol, Grateful Fan :-) To answer your question: i... by YourValentine on 27.09.2011
The Beatles - When the Beatles started recording Rock' n Roll w... by YourValentine on 27.09.2011
The GratefulFan Thread - Only because it's your thread I am not going to te... by YourValentine on 26.09.2011
Announce - My Chemical Romance + Brian May - 2011-08-26 - Reading Festival - Thank you very much for sharing this in great qual... by YourValentine on 25.09.2011
REM call it a day - Of course I am jumping on the chance to hijack thi... by YourValentine on 24.09.2011
Falling Satelite - Imagine you die because a piece of trash falls on ... by YourValentine on 24.09.2011
The GratefulFan Thread - What can I say except that GF is a rare QZ treasur... by YourValentine on 24.09.2011
REM call it a day - While I agree with you about the 2000s material un... by YourValentine on 24.09.2011
Rain Must Fall (extended version) - No problem, Alberto, have fun on Queenzone :-)... by YourValentine on 24.09.2011
Rain Must Fall (extended version) - Hi, Albertopoly - I had to delete your other posts... by YourValentine on 23.09.2011
Who are UMG? - Exactly ! He can use a proxy server, though...... by YourValentine on 21.09.2011
Who are UMG? - In Germany we can hardly watch any music videos on... by YourValentine on 19.09.2011
Amy Winehouse died - GratefulFan wrote: First of the posthumous work t... by YourValentine on 17.09.2011
que pasa con queen hub - step 2  upload slots 2... by YourValentine on 15.09.2011
que pasa con queen hub - I upload 2 screen shots hoping that helps - how to... by YourValentine on 15.09.2011
que pasa con queen hub - Debe abrir dos "slots" o cierra el hub :-) Hope ... by YourValentine on 15.09.2011
Melanie C and Brian May - Why should Brian not play with Mel C - he surely h... by YourValentine on 15.09.2011
What a devastating offseason for hockey fans - German national player Robert Dietrich was also on... by YourValentine on 08.09.2011
My mother died - The funeral helps you to rationalize the loss, Pet... by YourValentine on 08.09.2011
queen hub - Hello Javier, plase have a little patience, your e... by YourValentine on 03.09.2011
Do not rush to judgement - I did not try to make myself an expert in rape cas... by YourValentine on 30.08.2011
Metropolis to come out on DVD/Blu-ray November 15 - You don't need to be a "film purist" to be infuria... by YourValentine on 30.08.2011
Do not rush to judgement - You are absoutely right - we will never know the t... by YourValentine on 27.08.2011
Do not rush to judgement - I totally agree with you except for the words abou... by YourValentine on 26.08.2011
is it right to smack kids? - @ Djdownsy there is no difference between hitti... by YourValentine on 24.08.2011
Dutch morons moaning (rant against europhobes) - As to England - I think they should not be in the ... by YourValentine on 24.08.2011
Dutch morons moaning (rant against europhobes) - The European Union is a huge step towards peace an... by YourValentine on 24.08.2011
Do not rush to judgement - Dear Supreme Court of the State of New York, rem... by YourValentine on 24.08.2011
Cows - Cows can be useful to fill the news - because noth... by YourValentine on 18.08.2011
is it right to smack kids? - I think it is totally wrong and inexcusable to hit... by YourValentine on 11.08.2011
is it right to smack kids? - I think it is totally wrong and inexcusable to hit... by YourValentine on 11.08.2011
America bankrupt? - The losses at the stock markets had no basis in re... by YourValentine on 10.08.2011
hey , is david cameron going to get watergated or what - I can't believe that I live to see the day when Ch... by YourValentine on 04.08.2011
1980.08.26 Providence (upgrade) - Great share, thank you very much, Bob !... by YourValentine on 04.08.2011
America bankrupt? - Watching all this you can really give up on mankin... by YourValentine on 04.08.2011
...never mind that sh*t, it's the World Cup draw! - No jokes about religion and football - I should ha... by YourValentine on 03.08.2011
...never mind that sh*t, it's the World Cup draw! - It is true that West Germany won more titles but ... by YourValentine on 01.08.2011
...never mind that sh*t, it's the World Cup draw! - Perhaps if the British football teams would unite ... by YourValentine on 31.07.2011
America bankrupt? - I do not think anybody is laughing here, Jon. When... by YourValentine on 31.07.2011
America bankrupt? - Does anybody understand how the US congress can le... by YourValentine on 30.07.2011
Norway - Bob, I do not know how the insanity bargain works ... by YourValentine on 30.07.2011
Norway - Interesting points. I believe that the current far... by YourValentine on 27.07.2011
Norway - The media coverage of the tragedy in Norway is qui... by YourValentine on 24.07.2011
Apple fanboy wankfest at work today... - The latest episode in the tales of Apple customer... by YourValentine on 23.07.2011
women's world cup - In Germany of course all games were shown live on ... by YourValentine on 20.07.2011
Help whit book - http://www.krausebooks.com/product/4654/cds_and_dv... by YourValentine on 18.07.2011
hacking/Murdochs/news international/FBI/911/Police corruption - I agree, Jon. The arrest of Rbekah Brooks will all... by YourValentine on 18.07.2011
stem cell research - catqueen wrote: YourValentine wrote: the discus... by YourValentine on 17.07.2011
stem cell research - The link you posted describes a situation which ma... by YourValentine on 17.07.2011
Roger's new song; Dear Mr Murdoch. - GratefulFan wrote: I'm happy for Roger to have se... by YourValentine on 16.07.2011
stem cell research - I have to disagree, Gratefulfan. First of all in m... by YourValentine on 16.07.2011
hacking/Murdochs/news international/FBI/911/Police corruption - I always heard that tabloids are "worse" in Englan... by YourValentine on 15.07.2011
stem cell research - No, they don't :-) It's only an example about how ... by YourValentine on 15.07.2011
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Leiden 12.6.1986 - Complete AUD video recording (master) - A  Rick Roll :-)... by YourValentine on 14.07.2011
stem cell research - Stem cell research does not mean that "humans" ar... by YourValentine on 14.07.2011
Homelessness & Porn, Johnson, Benatar, Mahler & Audet & Giraldo - catqueen wrote: Mahler, i was just reading your p... by YourValentine on 12.07.2011
Announce: Days of our lives - BBC 2011 Documentary - Part1 - Italian sub - Nice job, Leo :-) I can imagine that many Italian ... by YourValentine on 09.07.2011
Announce: DVD LiveAid !Rockin' All Over The World (Complete BBC4 Doc. 2010) - Thanks, bokke :-) It was very emotional to watch t... by YourValentine on 09.07.2011
black veil brides - It's great that you take your son to see the goth ... by YourValentine on 05.07.2011
The Beatles - I am sure you have heard many Beatles songs withou... by YourValentine on 05.07.2011
Announce: Live Aid documentary - Hi folks, here comes a BBC documentary about Liv... by YourValentine on 05.07.2011
Do not rush to judgement - There are some interesting points in the article y... by YourValentine on 03.07.2011
ANNOUNCE : "SONGS" Vol.181 - QUEEN (Japanese TV broadcast) - Thank you very much, Masahiko. I hope you are doin... by YourValentine on 02.07.2011
Do not rush to judgement - So, the accuser of Dominique Strauss-Kahn is not s... by YourValentine on 02.07.2011
Roger unveils "controversial" sculpture in his home town Truro - Here is a cool video showing the unveiling http:... by YourValentine on 30.06.2011
Tokyo march 22nd 1976 - get your knickers off - Thank you very much, Luca :-)... by YourValentine on 26.06.2011
Brian May performed on Starmus Festival - Brian May combined his astrophysical and musical s... by YourValentine on 26.06.2011
Roger unveils "controversial" sculpture in his home town Truro - "..Queen drummer Roger Taylor has been beating a d... by YourValentine on 26.06.2011
Queen Hub Information - It means that you must open two slots to be able t... by YourValentine on 24.06.2011
Announce: Queen, Munich, Olympiahalle, December 18, 1980 - Thank you very much :-)... by YourValentine on 21.06.2011
Funny ebay auction - Sometimes you can only wonder... http://cgi.ebay... by YourValentine on 21.06.2011
Queen documentary "Days Of Our Lives" on US Biography channel - Fans in the United States can watch the new Queen ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2011
Queen want the WeWillRockYou domain name - The rock group Queen has filed a case against the ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2011
19th of June is the birthday of a very good QZer - Happy Birthday, Seb :-) Rock the city!... by YourValentine on 19.06.2011
1977.12.02 New York (first gen - new transfer) - @Hangman2011 I deleted your previous post. Pleas... by YourValentine on 18.06.2011
Apple are Planning To Ban iPhones at Gigs - Just another sick idea by the control freaks at Ap... by YourValentine on 17.06.2011
*Roger sang FBG Last Night* - Good music is just good music - beyond all genres ... by YourValentine on 06.06.2011
going to a concert alone? - I have flown to London and Italy  to see Roger or... by YourValentine on 06.06.2011
Mladic Arrested - Worst European War Criminal Since 1945 Finally Caught - I think the reason is that it was not so spectacul... by YourValentine on 06.06.2011
New York Set To Ban Smoking Outside - I think we all agree that smokers should not put n... by YourValentine on 02.06.2011
New York Set To Ban Smoking Outside - I think there is a difference between establishing... by YourValentine on 02.06.2011
Japan's elderly volunteer to replace workers at crippled nuke plants - Don't we wish that the management of TEPCO were si... by YourValentine on 02.06.2011
Aids Drug AZT killed Freddie - emrabt wrote: The truth is Freddies death was t... by YourValentine on 02.06.2011
ANNOUNCE: DVD of sat-rip BBC2 Days of our Lives (part 1 & 2) - Thank you very much for sharing, the download is a... by YourValentine on 01.06.2011
New York Set To Ban Smoking Outside - With all due respect I think there is worse use of... by YourValentine on 29.05.2011
New York Set To Ban Smoking Outside - As a non-smoker I am glad that I can eat in restau... by YourValentine on 27.05.2011
Happy doomsday - what else can I say?... by YourValentine on 21.05.2011
Brian May - a true gentleman - It's not just intolerant, Bob - it's the abuse Bri... by YourValentine on 17.05.2011
Freddie Mercury act has talent - Thomas Crane, known to the Australian Queen commun... by YourValentine on 17.05.2011
Jim Jenkins interview on Queenonline - I never met Jim Jenkins but he does not come acros... by YourValentine on 14.05.2011
itunes video batch 2 - The BR video from youtube you posted  is on the G... by YourValentine on 14.05.2011
Brian May and Kerry Ellis - The Hour and More - Glasgow - 12th May 2011 - Thank you very much, guesswho :-) ( I try to guess... by YourValentine on 14.05.2011
Happy Birthday, pittrek - Happy Birthday :-)... by YourValentine on 06.05.2011
obama confirms osama bin laden is dead - @ MagicalF - I do not blame you for your feelings ... by YourValentine on 06.05.2011
obama confirms osama bin laden is dead - Zebonka - who is to say that it was a "worthwhile ... by YourValentine on 05.05.2011
obama confirms osama bin laden is dead - I cannot say I feel sorry for Osama Bin Laden - he... by YourValentine on 05.05.2011
Royal Albert Hall "Anthems" - I was at both shows on Sunday because a friend of ... by YourValentine on 04.05.2011
earthquake in japan - It's not about having the last word in this debate... by YourValentine on 28.04.2011
earthquake in japan - GFF wrote: "An umbrella organization of Germany'... by YourValentine on 25.04.2011
Unfair Queen t-shirt competition? - I like your design and I voted for it, Davidraphae... by YourValentine on 24.04.2011
earthquake in japan - I did not drop out of this discussion although it ... by YourValentine on 22.04.2011
Queen T-Shirt Design Contest.... would you vote for me. - I voted for you, your design is very cool. I admit... by YourValentine on 22.04.2011
earthquake in japan - Really, GFF, I am losing a lot of respect for you ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2011
earthquake in japan - GratefulFan wrote: No, I suggested that unreason... by YourValentine on 14.04.2011
Live at the Marquee Club 1972? - Marquee and Hangman acetate were discussed years a... by YourValentine on 14.04.2011
ANNOUNCE: Sao Paulo 1981 DVD - I am reseeding it - it should be slightly faster n... by YourValentine on 13.04.2011
what do guys like to do for the weekend? in a platonic way? holp holp! - "That Julian Assange email debacle was 10 times cr... by YourValentine on 04.04.2011
what do guys like to do for the weekend? in a platonic way? holp holp! - I would not want to meet someone wo has so little ... by YourValentine on 03.04.2011
earthquake in japan - "Being anti-nuclear for the sake of being anti-nuc... by YourValentine on 31.03.2011
earthquake in japan - You cannot expect them to tell the public that the... by YourValentine on 29.03.2011
earthquake in japan - Brian May has the habit to call people names if th... by YourValentine on 23.03.2011
RIP Elizabeth Taylor - This is very sad. Not only was she such a wonderfu... by YourValentine on 23.03.2011
earthquake in japan - Let me add something about the special situation i... by YourValentine on 21.03.2011
earthquake in japan - Well good for you, that your landscape was rebuilt... by YourValentine on 21.03.2011
earthquake in japan - GratefulFan wrote: "I can't seem to get in my ca... by YourValentine on 19.03.2011
earthquake in japan - GratefulFan wrote: . With regard to your int... by YourValentine on 18.03.2011
earthquake in japan - A very interesting essay, Bob but unfortunately we... by YourValentine on 17.03.2011
earthquake in japan - GratefulFan wrote: I have every clue about what I... by YourValentine on 16.03.2011
earthquake in japan - I really do not want to be impolite, GF because I ... by YourValentine on 15.03.2011
earthquake in japan - It's just out of control, a terribile nightmare. M... by YourValentine on 15.03.2011
Queenzone reunited - Charles Bear - ah yeah...... by YourValentine on 15.03.2011
earthquake in japan - I cannot believe you are talking about "premature ... by YourValentine on 15.03.2011
earthquake in japan - It must be horrible for the people to be kept in t... by YourValentine on 14.03.2011
earthquake in japan - It's the same here, Pete. 60 000 people demonstra... by YourValentine on 13.03.2011
earthquake in japan - The problem with nuclear power apart from the dang... by YourValentine on 12.03.2011
earthquake in japan - The sheer horror of parts of the country lying in ... by YourValentine on 12.03.2011
Brian "Freddie is in my thoughts every day" - Why shouldn't Brian have fond memories about Fredd... by YourValentine on 11.03.2011
Queenzone reunited - @ Cindy -  Raf is indeed on my facebook list and ... by YourValentine on 06.03.2011
USA: The Westboro idiots can now yell 'fire' and it's OK - Really interesting. I cannot quite understand why ... by YourValentine on 04.03.2011
Queenzone reunited - About Freddie VTB - I remember quite well that he ... by YourValentine on 04.03.2011
USA: The Westboro idiots can now yell 'fire' and it's OK - I have a serious question about that case to peopl... by YourValentine on 03.03.2011
Queenzone reunited - He died from a very aggressive form of cancer with... by YourValentine on 02.03.2011
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Stormtroopers in Stilettos videos by Leo Pelz (Leo'82 BR) - Thank you, Leo, for sharing these videos. I wish t... by YourValentine on 02.03.2011
Announce: Queen Teo Torriatte - Tokyo 17.02.1981 (new mr peach tape) - Thank you, Luca :-)... by YourValentine on 01.03.2011
Happy Birthday, Ginger - Happy Birthday, dear Ginger, Queen of torrents :-)... by YourValentine on 28.02.2011
Queenzone reunited - Eggy was with Raspy - not Clit :-) They are both a... by YourValentine on 28.02.2011
Irony. - When (on facebook) someone tags you in a photo tha... by YourValentine on 25.02.2011
Announce: FLAC Roger + John Live at Cowdray Ruins 18-09-1993 - The interviewer is Thomas Zeidler - we should ask ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2011
New Mr. Peach tape soon available - wow - Usually, we should not post advancements here but ... by YourValentine on 19.02.2011
Great commercials - Excellent. Usually I skip commercials but this one... by YourValentine on 15.02.2011
Egypt anyone? - At the moment one can only feel happy for the Egyp... by YourValentine on 12.02.2011
Egypt anyone? - ParisNair is of course right in pointing out that ... by YourValentine on 07.02.2011
Argument About Post-modernism - In very general terms "modern" in literature, art ... by YourValentine on 04.02.2011
Egypt anyone? - It's not only the USA who supported Mubarak, the E... by YourValentine on 03.02.2011
Egypt anyone? - Looks like Mubarak's "honor" is sustained by attac... by YourValentine on 02.02.2011
If you could choose just one of these... - Great post, fatty - and so educational:-) We shoul... by YourValentine on 01.02.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - I really do not believe that Brian decides to hold... by YourValentine on 01.02.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - No, they are not just re-releasing their albums. T... by YourValentine on 31.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - If there should be more on the bonus CDs than was ... by YourValentine on 31.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - Wilki Amieva wrote: Of course that is only your op... by YourValentine on 30.01.2011
For the single ladies - Well, I have to say I never saw someone labelled "... by YourValentine on 30.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - I did not say anything about previous Beatles and ... by YourValentine on 30.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - Isle0fRed wrote: I'll agree with a post mentioned ... by YourValentine on 29.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - Penetration_Guru wrote: After much headscratching... by YourValentine on 28.01.2011
Press Release: QUEEN: FIRST FIVE ALBUMS RE-ISSUED ON ISLAND RECORDS - At least they should leave poor dead Freddie out o... by YourValentine on 26.01.2011
What Have the British Given to Society? - The soap box, Glenfiddich, Nick Hornby, sarcasm, ... by YourValentine on 24.01.2011
Brian's other equipment - Very cool - I am looking forward to view the magaz... by YourValentine on 23.01.2011
Queen Fan Club is it worth it? - koronja - with your membership you can download th... by YourValentine on 23.01.2011
For the single ladies - Dear GFF, I really cannot believe that you keep up... by YourValentine on 23.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - This video is really scary. It also tells me that ... by YourValentine on 22.01.2011
For the single ladies - @ GF - as to the "stalking case" : While the email... by YourValentine on 22.01.2011
For the single ladies - Where is the stalking in the link you posted, GF? ... by YourValentine on 21.01.2011
Brian's other equipment - http://www.musicradar.com/guitarist/brian-mays-oth... by YourValentine on 21.01.2011
Queen Fan Club is it worth it? - Unlike most of you I joined the FC only after the ... by YourValentine on 21.01.2011
Queen 40 - DELUXE Editions/DEEP CUTS tracklists? - In 2009/2010 Mike Oldfield released de luxe editio... by YourValentine on 19.01.2011
Queenzone intelligence test - You probably know the cynical saying that if your ... by YourValentine on 18.01.2011
Queen 40 - DELUXE Editions/DEEP CUTS tracklists? - The "Deep Cuts" idea must come from an old Queenzo... by YourValentine on 18.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - I believe that fanatics on each side are the ones ... by YourValentine on 17.01.2011
1981-09-27 - Caracas DVD - small upgrade - TORRENT - I opened the new torrent and the client found all ... by YourValentine on 16.01.2011
1981-09-27 - Caracas DVD - small upgrade - Thank you very much  for this upgrade. I admire u... by YourValentine on 16.01.2011
1981-09-27 - Caracas DVD - small upgrade - TORRENT - Thank you very much for the torrent, Stefano :-) ... by YourValentine on 16.01.2011
Queenzone intelligence test - I really do not understand why growth is still reg... by YourValentine on 15.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - I think the emigration bit was just a joke, GFF :-... by YourValentine on 15.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - GratefulFan wrote: I've found myself almost unabl... by YourValentine on 12.01.2011
Queen + Paul Rodgers - Vienna 01.11.2008 MASTER - Very nice art work, Ale. The German name for Vienn... by YourValentine on 09.01.2011
Sharing official material - I think the DVD should not be shared on QZ for the... by YourValentine on 09.01.2011
Sharing official material - Let us assume it was just a mistake and not intent... by YourValentine on 09.01.2011
Sarah Palin's hit list - http://www.examiner.com/social-media-in-national/s... by YourValentine on 09.01.2011
Sharing official material - it's really easy: material that has not been relea... by YourValentine on 08.01.2011
Sharing official material - Since there seems to be some confusion about what ... by YourValentine on 08.01.2011
Happy New Year, Queenzone! - Happy New Year, Janet and everyone else:-)... by YourValentine on 02.01.2011
Anyone here collect coins? - I used to collect silver D-Mark coins which were r... by YourValentine on 28.12.2010
Announce:-Queen + Paul Rodgers - Glasgow, Scotland. 11th October 2008 DVD - Sorry for being late but I have been late the last... by YourValentine on 27.12.2010
queen play sun city - This interview with Brian May is really unbelievab... by YourValentine on 27.12.2010
Mark Blake: "Is this the real life? The untold story of Queen". Review - Is there really something untold about the story o... by YourValentine on 18.12.2010
early winter - This year for the first time in my life I went to ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2010
Queen in a new book by Greg Prato - Greg Prato, a writer for several sites and mags (... by YourValentine on 11.12.2010
Freddie Named [2nd] Greatest Lead Singer - Eddie Vedder is missing - again! I wonder why he i... by YourValentine on 10.12.2010
Nothing to kill and die for... - 30 years ago today John Lennon was killed for the ... by YourValentine on 08.12.2010
Brian May + Kerry Ellis LIVE show - I could not resist and bought tickets. Hope to mee... by YourValentine on 05.12.2010
Russia To Host The 2018 World Cup - I am sorry for England but Russia is a good choice... by YourValentine on 02.12.2010
World AIDS day - A couple of years ago I was on a local AIDS awar... by YourValentine on 01.12.2010
World AIDS day - Today is World AIDS day, a good opportunity to rem... by YourValentine on 01.12.2010
ANNOUNCE - "Affairs" and "Grand Dame" from QueenItalia.it party - Thank you so much, Ale :-) You are the best! I hav... by YourValentine on 01.12.2010
Happy Birthday YourValentine - Thank you very much :-)... by YourValentine on 27.11.2010
1977 footage - what concert? - Thanks for your amazing films and pictures, Dan:-)... by YourValentine on 27.11.2010
the bible - WTF IS THIS! - This topic is disgressing.... We started with th... by YourValentine on 23.11.2010
the bible - WTF IS THIS! - We would have terrorism but would we have stoning ... by YourValentine on 22.11.2010
the bible - WTF IS THIS! - "If" is all very well :-) I agree with you that re... by YourValentine on 21.11.2010
the bible - WTF IS THIS! - Religion gives many people the excuse to discrimin... by YourValentine on 21.11.2010
the bible - WTF IS THIS! - catqueen wrote: .  And i think if we take the ... by YourValentine on 21.11.2010
concert highlights????? - Concerts belong to what I call my "memory bank". S... by YourValentine on 21.11.2010
Queenonline doing a top 20 Queen video list from the fans - The new record company may not release the missing... by YourValentine on 17.11.2010
The official language of the EU - Sertanly yu notis zat zis is alredi ze main laguag... by YourValentine on 05.11.2010
The official language of the EU - The European Commission has just announced an agre... by YourValentine on 04.11.2010
January 3: all albums get digital release by Island Records - I think the Beatles remasters are excellent. I ha... by YourValentine on 31.10.2010
January 3: all albums get digital release by Island Records - "bisher unveröffentlichtes Material" means previo... by YourValentine on 31.10.2010
January 3: all albums get digital release by Island Records - Unpublished material means unreleased sound, not j... by YourValentine on 31.10.2010
the Dutch get their revenge... - RIP Paul the oracle octopus.  We had so much fun ... by YourValentine on 26.10.2010
for fans of real music - Moved to the personal forum... by YourValentine on 26.10.2010
Can I share this CD? - Yes, it's an EPK, you can share it I think.... by YourValentine on 20.10.2010
The Freddie 10cd 2 dvd boxset - I bought mine for 80 British pounds including inte... by YourValentine on 20.10.2010
Very Quick Question about Wembley 86 - Hello Harry, my pm does not work, sorry. I can ema... by YourValentine on 18.10.2010
Hi,it's been a really long while... - Welcome back, Miracleman! If you have no worse pro... by YourValentine on 18.10.2010
Very Quick Question about Wembley 86 - About the complete first night shown on the conven... by YourValentine on 18.10.2010
Breakthru2011 - Sounds nice...... by YourValentine on 13.10.2010
Common Misconceptions About Queen That Piss Me Off - That Freddie was gay is not a "misconception" at a... by YourValentine on 13.10.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - GFF, I definitely did not call you inhuman :-) I a... by YourValentine on 08.10.2010
Bono's Charity Rep Defends Wage Bill - I totally agree, GF. It seems like many people hat... by YourValentine on 30.09.2010
. - Hello Marc, I tried to answer to your PM but it di... by YourValentine on 27.09.2010
the pope's visit to the UK? - As usual you did not bother to read my post, micro... by YourValentine on 22.09.2010
the pope's visit to the UK? - Although the Catholic church says that God created... by YourValentine on 20.09.2010
the pope's visit to the UK? - Child abuse happens everywhere when adults (mostly... by YourValentine on 20.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - I want to add an article by the leader of another ... by YourValentine on 19.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - Gratefulfan wrote: I understand why people make ... by YourValentine on 19.09.2010
"Freddie Mercury becomes a movie" - This article is based on a Sunday express item. I ... by YourValentine on 15.09.2010
TQ gets his MA - Well done, TQ - congratulations. :-)... by YourValentine on 15.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - About the Rudy Giuliani's comments - I think he is... by YourValentine on 13.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @ Amazon - the reason why I did not correct you wh... by YourValentine on 11.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @GratefulFan I agree that the Imam is in an uncomf... by YourValentine on 10.09.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - Great post, Yara, I could not agree more. On CNN... by YourValentine on 09.09.2010
And volume four is on the way! - There is no need to attack Gary. It's not his dec... by YourValentine on 09.09.2010
And volume four is on the way! - There is simply no excuse for leaving out "Lost Op... by YourValentine on 07.09.2010
Cool present from my coworker - LOL GratefulFan :-))... by YourValentine on 06.09.2010
Cool present from my coworker - This is really very nice  :) Not trying to be t... by YourValentine on 05.09.2010
Announce: 1979 The Champions-Tokyo-Madrid DVD - As requested I share this rather small (1,93 GB) D... by YourValentine on 05.09.2010
Champions US documentary 1979 - tcc directed me to this thread from here http:/... by YourValentine on 04.09.2010
ROCKMOS - book by Queen fan Thilo Rahn to be pre-ordered now - With great pleasure I want to promote the book ROC... by YourValentine on 04.09.2010
ROCKMOS - book by Queen fan Thilo Rahn to be pre-ordered now - The Book 342 pages with hundreds of great picture... by YourValentine on 04.09.2010
Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow's New Song - Thanks for the link, David!  The video is very fu... by YourValentine on 31.08.2010
Happy Birthday, Lisser - I wish you a very happy birthday, dear Melissa. ... by YourValentine on 27.08.2010
Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow's New Song - Grrr .. the video is blocked in my country. Soon w... by YourValentine on 26.08.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - Thomas Quinn- you conveniently disregarded my whol... by YourValentine on 18.08.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @GrateFulFan - I see that we just cannot agree on ... by YourValentine on 18.08.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - This discussion gets really very deep. It's hard t... by YourValentine on 17.08.2010
Who owns the rights to Freddie's solo stuff? - The Freddie Mercury Estate owns the rights.... by YourValentine on 16.08.2010
Where to go in Germany ? - Of course:-) The train to my city takes 1 hour lon... by YourValentine on 12.08.2010
Where to go in Germany ? - Oldenburg itself is not really a tourist sensation... by YourValentine on 12.08.2010
Widespread Erroneous Info - Yes, you are both correct. I was only pointing out... by YourValentine on 12.08.2010
Widespread Erroneous Info - Contrary to Queen legends BoRhap was not the first... by YourValentine on 11.08.2010
Uncommon record used as beverage coaster... :P - You should not be surprised about the ugly statue ... by YourValentine on 04.08.2010
Kelly Ellis & Brian May perform in the Hyde Park on September 11 - Kelly Ellis & Brian May have been announced to per... by YourValentine on 28.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - GratefulFan - I was referring to the "many inciden... by YourValentine on 26.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - I think this discussion has taken a turn to the we... by YourValentine on 24.07.2010
Rock In Rio gigs: Should I? - I think an audio merge is okay, the official relea... by YourValentine on 22.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - You sum it up perfectly, Mike.  I have nothing t... by YourValentine on 20.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @Amazon First of all I am sorry that you feel of... by YourValentine on 19.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @ Amazon Sorry but I begin to believe that you d... by YourValentine on 18.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - Yes, try to build a Christian church anywhere in B... by YourValentine on 17.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - I am one of those who liked the Germany vs Uruguay... by YourValentine on 16.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - Amazon wrote: YourValentine wrote: "@ Amazon: ple... by YourValentine on 16.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - @ Amazon: please tell me what Angela Merkel thinks... by YourValentine on 16.07.2010
Widespread Erroneous Info - There were many promotional music videos before Bo... by YourValentine on 15.07.2010
A Mosque at Ground Zero? - I do not know anything about the "Cordoba Initiati... by YourValentine on 15.07.2010
Widespread Erroneous Info - I am not sure about the Deacon/ Innuendo part. Whe... by YourValentine on 13.07.2010
Switzerland rejects a U.S. request to extradite Roman Polanski - I think Polanski is a great director but this shou... by YourValentine on 13.07.2010
Switzerland rejects a U.S. request to extradite Roman Polanski - Director Roman Polanski is a free man after the Sw... by YourValentine on 12.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Yes, I agree, Jon - they did not win historical re... by YourValentine on 12.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - De Jong's foul was very ugly and Van Bommel is *al... by YourValentine on 12.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - The final certainly won't win a beauty prize - but... by YourValentine on 12.07.2010
John Deacon - a new minister in Slovakia - There is quite a similarity but Deaky is completel... by YourValentine on 10.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Haha, GrateFulFan:-)  Next thing you know you cal... by YourValentine on 09.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - It's obvious that the German team lost because the... by YourValentine on 08.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Spain was the better team, they deserved to win, c... by YourValentine on 07.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - The match was good. Both teams had a chance  but ... by YourValentine on 07.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Oh, oh - Paul, the octopus predicts that Spain wil... by YourValentine on 06.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Interesting that you dug this old post out, Jon:-)... by YourValentine on 04.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Why did Maradona never try to prevent his team fro... by YourValentine on 03.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Both teams could win that match. Brazil failed to ... by YourValentine on 02.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - Certainly not a boring match! Sensational victory ... by YourValentine on 02.07.2010
World Cup 2010 - You hit the nail on the head, Jon. The Portugese t... by YourValentine on 30.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - @Mr. Mercury - the fact that English world class p... by YourValentine on 28.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - There cannot be a match England vs Germany without... by YourValentine on 27.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Jon,  we both know that the best team does not al... by YourValentine on 27.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - @Bob: if you are referring to the (0:2) - this is ... by YourValentine on 25.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - It's only a joke, Bob :-)... by YourValentine on 25.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Before flying home, the French team visited an orp... by YourValentine on 25.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - The world champion defeated - the Slovakian team d... by YourValentine on 24.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - I hope you are right, Holly ;-) English fans alway... by YourValentine on 24.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - i think this time England is the better team - the... by YourValentine on 24.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Jon - England vs Germany is really a classic, it w... by YourValentine on 23.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - lol Holly :-) The French must be the team of the... by YourValentine on 21.06.2010
19th of June's the birthday of a very good QZer: me :) - Happy Birthday, Sebastian :-)  Have a fantastsic ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - I am not blaming the referee- there are many reaso... by YourValentine on 18.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - This match cost me 2 years of my life :-(  No exc... by YourValentine on 18.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Great story, GratefulFan :-) I understand you well... by YourValentine on 18.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - It does not make sense to claim that one game is m... by YourValentine on 17.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - I think the German team looked so good because Aus... by YourValentine on 16.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - They did not move !! I do not remember that I ever... by YourValentine on 16.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Absolutely, Rick. Remember the UEFA cup in 2008 wh... by YourValentine on 15.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - Sorry, Amazon, that you feel so bad about your tea... by YourValentine on 15.06.2010
The New Holland - The Netherlands have always been a role model of t... by YourValentine on 13.06.2010
World Cup 2010 - England vs USA 1:1 - the first big surprise. With ... by YourValentine on 13.06.2010
Singles Collection V3 MLHBS - I bought them, too :-)... by YourValentine on 09.06.2010
Breakthru - Oops - sorry, Paul :-)... by YourValentine on 03.06.2010
Breakthru - You have no facebook site for Breakthru, Paul - ho... by YourValentine on 02.06.2010
Mad Bad And Dangerous To Know - I cannot open the attachment, can you send it to m... by YourValentine on 02.06.2010
Eurovision 2010 - Sorry Jon, but the English song was really bad - i... by YourValentine on 01.06.2010
Eurovision 2010 - Great, Pete :-) Finland gave Germany 12 points, th... by YourValentine on 01.06.2010
Dennis Hopper almost dead - No disrespect intended but on casual glance I read... by YourValentine on 31.05.2010
Eurovision 2010 - pma wrote: I am gutted and bitter that my perso... by YourValentine on 30.05.2010
BBC Session 4 MASTER COPY - Thanks a million, I have listened to session 6 the... by YourValentine on 30.05.2010
BBC Session 6 MASTER COPY - Many , many thanks for these wonderful tracks in u... by YourValentine on 30.05.2010
Funniest shit I've seen on YouTube - A typical "misheard lyrics" video, very funny:) ... by YourValentine on 28.05.2010
Queenhub. - The main op will add you, do not worry.... by YourValentine on 27.05.2010
Riga 2008 soundcheck - ultra rare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I am sorry this happened to you, Chris :-(  I rec... by YourValentine on 26.05.2010
John S. Stuart calling Greg Brooks - Open invitation/request - Queen Archivist wrote: John, I'm afraid you're sti... by YourValentine on 24.05.2010
Happy Birthday, iron_eagle - Happy Birthday, dear Paulie ! I hope life treats ... by YourValentine on 20.05.2010
Are farmers cooling Chicago's summers? - Science is always a model of reality, nothing can ... by YourValentine on 16.05.2010
Belgium Decides To Ban The Burqa - Another great post by Amazon, I could not agree mo... by YourValentine on 15.05.2010
Are farmers cooling Chicago's summers? - Bob, environmental consciousness is a virtue in it... by YourValentine on 15.05.2010
Roger and Brian doing Tenement Funster - It was May 11th. Taken from brianmay.com (it's not... by YourValentine on 14.05.2010
Are farmers cooling Chicago's summers? - Bob, I think that doubts about the global warming ... by YourValentine on 14.05.2010
Are farmers cooling Chicago's summers? - Far from beiing a scientist I simply do not believ... by YourValentine on 14.05.2010
UK Elections May 6th - The majority voting system is really old fashioned... by YourValentine on 08.05.2010
UK Elections May 6th - When I first saw the numbers : The Tories winning ... by YourValentine on 07.05.2010
UK Elections May 6th - I have a question for the English people (voters) ... by YourValentine on 07.05.2010
Happy Birthday, pittrek - Happy Birthday, Peter. Finally, I did not forget :... by YourValentine on 06.05.2010
Brian's Save Me Campaign - Maybe I am blind but I did not see anybody saying ... by YourValentine on 03.05.2010
Brian's Save Me Campaign - cacatua wrote: You aren't appreciating the fact t... by YourValentine on 30.04.2010
Brian's Save Me Campaign - This video is just another example how you can hur... by YourValentine on 30.04.2010
Has Brian lost the plot or showing his true colours - @ GratefulFan - I totally agree with you in every ... by YourValentine on 30.04.2010
Queen on YouTube - Roger Taylor is one of the best rock "gravel voice... by YourValentine on 29.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: 29-04-75 Shizuoka, Japan FLAC - Merci, Ginger:-)... by YourValentine on 28.04.2010
New Law Means Illegal Downloaders Face Life Internet Ban - @ Brenski - you are right in a way. Copying music ... by YourValentine on 28.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1986-07-12 Wembley Flac audience - I did not see it, sorry. I must redownload the fl... by YourValentine on 27.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1986-07-12 Wembley Flac audience - On request I share the audience recording of the f... by YourValentine on 27.04.2010
Question for Veteran Members - I have a "raw" audience recording, I will share it... by YourValentine on 27.04.2010
Happy Birthday, Mr. Mercury - Happy Birthday, David. Have a great day and par... by YourValentine on 26.04.2010
New Law Means Illegal Downloaders Face Life Internet Ban - A very interesting discussion, I realise I did not... by YourValentine on 25.04.2010
Announce: Queen Japan Tour 1976, Nagoya March 23 - Thank you very much, Mark:-)... by YourValentine on 25.04.2010
New Law Means Illegal Downloaders Face Life Internet Ban - Of course illegal downloads hurt the artists! If w... by YourValentine on 24.04.2010
Brian's Save Me Campaign - I believe that nobody can seriously deny that Bria... by YourValentine on 24.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: Brian May + Kerry Ellis - Save Me (Save Me Campaign Version) - This is horrible. I need to listen to the original... by YourValentine on 24.04.2010
New Law Means Illegal Downloaders Face Life Internet Ban - It's amazing how the music industry keeps telling ... by YourValentine on 22.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: Budapest 2008 - some clips - It's possible that the error with the pictures com... by YourValentine on 19.04.2010
Freedom of Speech - Holly - yes. Such research could not be illegal. O... by YourValentine on 19.04.2010
Freedom of Speech - He did deny the holocaust saying that it was "not ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: Budapest 2008 - some clips - Are you actually seeding it? The torrent file look... by YourValentine on 16.04.2010
Private messages don't work + other problems - Uploading torrent files does not work and the webs... by YourValentine on 14.04.2010
test - Wrong forum ;-)... by YourValentine on 13.04.2010
Queen live at the Rainbow 1974 DVD - I deleted your post - I asked you to delete it you... by YourValentine on 09.04.2010
... - Live At The Rainbow was officially releaed and can... by YourValentine on 07.04.2010
Gregsynth is officially 20 now! - Happy Birthday :-) ... by YourValentine on 01.04.2010
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Milano 28-09-2008 FLAC - I am reseeding this , so hop on if you want. ... by YourValentine on 31.03.2010
Dublin 1984 (Gregsynth Remaster) FLAC Torrent - You are not seeding it. After creating the to... by YourValentine on 30.03.2010
Question about De Lane Lea & BBC Session 2 Bootlegs - This will be a great moment in the history of this... by YourValentine on 30.03.2010
How the HELL do you post a torrent? - What's your problem? Try to specify it, please ... by YourValentine on 30.03.2010
Paul Rodgers on Loose Women Show - I never knew that Paul Rodger is a loose woman! ... by YourValentine on 24.03.2010
Youtube - Jesus Acetate - The lack of answers is due to the fact that ferdy ... by YourValentine on 23.03.2010
Jesus rare version from Trident Acetate - Amazing, thanks for uploading this! ... by YourValentine on 22.03.2010
Ulster Unionists tap Freddie Mercury act for votes - I beg to disagree, David. QZ is a place to discuss... by YourValentine on 21.03.2010
Love of My Life video - Which part of the video footage is from Paris? ... by YourValentine on 17.03.2010
Love of My Life video - It was filmed in the Budokan, Tokyo in April 1979 ... by YourValentine on 17.03.2010
queen in 2010 = more free disk space - For me free space is not a goal at all. When my ha... by YourValentine on 16.03.2010
Queen Convention 2010 - You have a better chance to find room sharers on J... by YourValentine on 12.03.2010
Joe Elliot: Brian was the big anchor of Queen - It was published in 2007  but do not bother. It's... by YourValentine on 12.03.2010
Queen RDS Dublin 1984 pictures - Great photos! I wish I could see a band like this... by YourValentine on 12.03.2010
I Really Need Some Help - @queen-brian: it's not my website, it's Richard's ... by YourValentine on 11.03.2010
Muse concert - I saw them in November and it was an amazing conce... by YourValentine on 11.03.2010
I Really Need Some Help - I deleted all your posts from that thread - there ... by YourValentine on 10.03.2010
I Really Need Some Help - You sent us 4 emails between March 5th and today. ... by YourValentine on 10.03.2010
Songs that took on a new life when played live - Very selective quoting, Zebonka :-) I wrote:... by YourValentine on 03.03.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1981-02-13 - Tokyo (Budokan) ''Play Flash Game'' (new version) - I do not have the GE version, I just asked Martin ... by YourValentine on 03.03.2010
Songs that took on a new life when played live - August R - I saw LOML once in 1998 (Ano... by YourValentine on 01.03.2010
ANNOUNCE: 1981-02-13 - Tokyo (Budokan) ''Play Flash Game'' (new version) - This is an Uxbridge release with yet another recor... by YourValentine on 01.03.2010
Songs that took on a new life when played live - I do not understand why Love Of My Life is so popu... by YourValentine on 28.02.2010
Happy Birthday, Ginger01 - Happy Birthday, dear Ginger :-) I hope you have a ... by YourValentine on 28.02.2010
Killer Whale Attack At Seaworld - I totally agree with Sir GH. If you do not respect... by YourValentine on 27.02.2010
sterile discussions (archivist/Queen+PR.. etc etc..) - The issue of censoring the forums comes up as regu... by YourValentine on 27.02.2010
Q + PR Queenzone Project - What about it, Dennis? ... by YourValentine on 27.02.2010
Q + PR Queenzone Project - Contribution: complete Rome 2008 DVD as shared her... by YourValentine on 26.02.2010
Is it classy or elegant when girls swear like old washer women?? - I did not see them. I usually focus my att... by YourValentine on 24.02.2010
A huge personal favour please? - You find your threads here, John [url=http://... by YourValentine on 23.02.2010
Is it classy or elegant when girls swear like old washer women?? - 1. moved from the serious forum 2. Holly is male... by YourValentine on 22.02.2010
Dynasty (re-master) - Thank you very much for the share. I think the War... by YourValentine on 22.02.2010
World Cup 2010 - Joxer - Germany did not have any better than "aver... by YourValentine on 22.02.2010
ANTHONY HOPKINS - Moved from the serious forum ... by YourValentine on 22.02.2010
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics - Aksel Lund Svindal from Norway:  gold medal winne... by YourValentine on 19.02.2010
Announce : Roger & Brian + Musical Touring Cast The Late Late Show Ireland - Thank you for this discussion because I missed the... by YourValentine on 17.02.2010
Invite You To A Night At The Warehouse (re-edit) - Thank you very much - this should be interesting! ... by YourValentine on 16.02.2010
Conversion of old links to new links - Thanks, this is very helpful ... by YourValentine on 16.02.2010
Announce as torrent - Moscow 15 September 2008 - 16 cameras - Thank you, Ginger - how did you manage to downlod ... by YourValentine on 16.02.2010
Announce DVD QUEEN + Paul Rodgers - Live In Moscow 15.09.2008 (16 cameras) - Thanks for sharing this. Can you put it into the h... by YourValentine on 15.02.2010
Can I share this interview? - I think it's okay to share it. It's more like an E... by YourValentine on 14.02.2010
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics - The death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili c... by YourValentine on 13.02.2010
WWRY Movie - Last week Brian said in a radio show that the movi... by YourValentine on 10.02.2010
Happy Birthday Zebonka!!!! - Happy Birthday, Scott:-) Nice to hear you have had... by YourValentine on 05.02.2010
By then no-one will give a toss any more! - Maybe Freddie would not have allowed the Freddie a... by YourValentine on 03.02.2010
Banning religious symbols - Great post, magicalmercury, I agree with every wor... by YourValentine on 29.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - Sorry but we are talking about very differnt thing... by YourValentine on 28.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - Yara, I am sure you do not dress so unusually that... by YourValentine on 28.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - A very interesting discussion spreading far beyond... by YourValentine on 28.01.2010
Who here has the Magic years videos? - I used to love the Magic Years - funny and enterta... by YourValentine on 27.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - Well, a British administrator in colonial India di... by YourValentine on 27.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - Your comments make perfect sense to me, pittrek. I... by YourValentine on 27.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - Actually, I think their parents decided that the s... by YourValentine on 26.01.2010
Banning religious symbols - I believe that the vote on the minarets and discus... by YourValentine on 26.01.2010
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book -  NCC-1701-Q from The Netherlands and david (galas... by YourValentine on 26.01.2010
Lyrics Question - It would help if you read the answers:-) In my pre... by YourValentine on 23.01.2010
How is Freddie portrayed in the 'We Will Rock You' musical? - In the musical Queen are just a part of the legend... by YourValentine on 23.01.2010
Lyrics Question - Serry is right as usual. Maybe he used Andy's good... by YourValentine on 21.01.2010
The end of the world as we know it... - I like Robbie, too - I even bought his new album. ... by YourValentine on 20.01.2010
Bohemian Rhapsody FAIL - Oh my god - it was Brian's curse again... ... by YourValentine on 18.01.2010
DVD Queen + PR Rio de Janeiro 11-29-2008 - Thank you very much for finishing the share, I can... by YourValentine on 16.01.2010
Pissed off at Torrents - @Gregsynth - when you can never download any torre... by YourValentine on 16.01.2010
ANNOUNCE: Knebworth 09-08-86 DVD - I re-uploaded it and reseed it now. ... by YourValentine on 16.01.2010
Help the earthquake victims in Haiti - 1. I was not talking about bogus emails with fake ... by YourValentine on 15.01.2010
New on the stage of champions: Queen II AOBTD - Richard fixed the problem :) ... by YourValentine on 15.01.2010
Help the earthquake victims in Haiti - I know that I will get some flippant answers to th... by YourValentine on 14.01.2010
New on the stage of champions: Queen II AOBTD - Something is wrong with the files, they are much t... by YourValentine on 13.01.2010
How to Help a Loved One...? - Just tell her that she can come to you whenever sh... by YourValentine on 11.01.2010
New on the stage of champions: Queen II AOBTD - Richard revamped the upload to the stage of champi... by YourValentine on 11.01.2010
Happy Birthday, Yara! - Happy belated birthday, Yara. I hope you had a gre... by YourValentine on 09.01.2010
"Best Of The Best" artwork - new update! - Test message page 12 ... by YourValentine on 08.01.2010
happy birthday Lady Nyx - Happy Birthday :-) ... by YourValentine on 06.01.2010
Pissed off at Torrents - Gregsynth - some of the torrents are very old but ... by YourValentine on 06.01.2010
How long does it usually take Brian May to reply to an email? - Brian May cannot give you permission to use Queen ... by YourValentine on 06.01.2010
Test Leo's torrent - Wow, finished :-) Thank your very much for your ef... by YourValentine on 03.01.2010
Live in Budapest DVD best version - Hmm - reading would help:-) I missed the "2003"...... by YourValentine on 02.01.2010
jim hutton - emerald44, I am very, very sorry to hear that. Pl... by YourValentine on 01.01.2010
Live in Budapest DVD best version - The Budapest concert video is official and cannot... by YourValentine on 01.01.2010
Test Leo's torrent - Leo did not succeed in posting the torrent file, s... by YourValentine on 27.12.2009
Queen Hub Information - Email the main op for help. ... by YourValentine on 24.12.2009
Queen DVD's from the 70s! - Take a look at the Sharing The Music Announce foru... by YourValentine on 24.12.2009
Happy Christmas - Merry Christmas and a happy new year:) ... by YourValentine on 24.12.2009
AG commentary to download on brianmay.com - Brianmay.com offers the Brian and Roger commentari... by YourValentine on 23.12.2009
1975-12-24 Hammersmith Odeon DVD "pittrek edition 2009" - Nice share, Peter:-) Merry Christmas ... by YourValentine on 22.12.2009
Queen & The Muppets in UK chart - I think the main reason why the track did not char... by YourValentine on 22.12.2009
Rage Against The Machine Vs. The X Factor - According to the Sun the "bookies" lost estimated ... by YourValentine on 21.12.2009
KISS - Sonic Boom Tour - additional U.K dates - Moved to Personal section... ... by YourValentine on 16.12.2009
LADY GAGA AND QUEEN - They even influenced the muppets! Not to m... by YourValentine on 14.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - "I just have to add, that in 2008 a whopping 565,6... by YourValentine on 12.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - I am not challenging your decision to get the shot... by YourValentine on 11.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - Sorry about the hijack, goodco, but it seem that t... by YourValentine on 11.12.2009
guest appearances ... - Queenpedia, of course:) [url=http://www.queen... by YourValentine on 10.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - I do not know about other countries but in Germany... by YourValentine on 10.12.2009
Trouble with identifying footage from "Champions of the world" - Yes, all the overall outdoor shots (audience) and... by YourValentine on 10.12.2009
PRESS RELEASE: Queen+The Muppets Single - Queen are officially muppets now. This press relea... by YourValentine on 09.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - I agree that money is the driving force behind alm... by YourValentine on 09.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - This is a Queen website - so if people  want to d... by YourValentine on 08.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - First of all, I do not moderate the opinions of pe... by YourValentine on 08.12.2009
Does anybody knows something , about this F.M. documentary? - It's a fairly recent TV programme from the English... by YourValentine on 08.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - The media make a big business out of the misery of... by YourValentine on 08.12.2009
10 things that piss you off most - [b]Freya is quietly judging you. wrote: [/b] ... by YourValentine on 07.12.2009
Tiger Woods, anyone? - What did he do to offend you that much? ... by YourValentine on 04.12.2009
World AIDS Day - It's just a donation, Pim. The sponsoring of the s... by YourValentine on 03.12.2009
World AIDS day - Just a little reminder that December 1st is the... by YourValentine on 01.12.2009
Happy Birthday Barb-YourValentine!!!!!!!!!!!! - Thank you very much, folks:-) ... by YourValentine on 01.12.2009
Roger's Interview - Thanks for sharing this, very much appreciated. Al... by YourValentine on 30.11.2009
The Unblinking Eye (everything is broken) - Lol Zebonka, yes I noticed :-) As to the line... by YourValentine on 30.11.2009
ANNOUNCE: Queen Hammersmith BBC 2009 - Thank you very much, Rien - I am looking fvorward ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2009
ANNOUNCE: DVD of BBC 2009 re-broadcast of X-mas 1975 concert - Thank you very much for sharing ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2009
The Unblinking Eye (everything is broken) - Thank you, Bohardy ,for helping us out with thre l... by YourValentine on 30.11.2009
Electric Guitars - The Ultimate List (so to speak) - Brian May played Roger Taylor's original Fender Br... by YourValentine on 29.11.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - What I like most about the book - apart from the m... by YourValentine on 29.11.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - People - please do not forget to answer the questi... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - I have it, too  and I like it very much. Great gu... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - Details from the press release for the book: ... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Win a copy of Phil Sutcliffe's new Queen book - Hi folks, thanks to Eventageous PR Ltd  we h... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Happy Birthday Barb-YourValentine!!!!!!!!!!!! - Thank you all very much:-) ... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Adam Lambert? REALLY? - Apart from the fact that this is not a serious QUE... by YourValentine on 25.11.2009
Happy Birthday Barb-YourValentine!!!!!!!!!!!! - Thank you , Melissa - I actually did get your text... by YourValentine on 24.11.2009
Thierry Henry's hand gives a France a World Cup ticket - You are ight in many respects: it's mainly the ref... by YourValentine on 24.11.2009
The Unblinking Eye (everything is broken) - I like the song.  It's much better than I expecte... by YourValentine on 23.11.2009
New Roger Taylor track & 2010 tour. - "Why on earth should be we meddling - i... by YourValentine on 23.11.2009
BBC Breakfast - Freddie Memorial, Feltham 20-11-09 - Thank you :-) ... by YourValentine on 21.11.2009
HAPPY 40TH JOXER!!! - Happy "big" Birthday, Jon! From now on you will ch... by YourValentine on 21.11.2009
Muse - I do not know. I assume they have amps, just not ... by YourValentine on 17.11.2009
Muse - Call me old fashioned but it's not a real life con... by YourValentine on 17.11.2009
New Roger Taylor track & 2010 tour. - There is no law set in stone saying that a pop son... by YourValentine on 11.11.2009
An Italian TV might have at least partial Knebwort Park footage... - If Knebworth had been aired in 1999 we would know ... by YourValentine on 07.11.2009
An Italian TV might have at least partial Knebwort Park footage... - Knebworth was never aired on Italian television - ... by YourValentine on 07.11.2009
Calling someone "a miserable scrawny turd" - Thanks for your vote of confidence, Togg but I am ... by YourValentine on 06.11.2009
Happy Birthday, Jeroen!! - Sorry, sorry, sorry about posting this so late in... by YourValentine on 04.11.2009
Calling someone "a miserable scrawny turd" - Moved back to the serious forum because I was just... by YourValentine on 04.11.2009
Calling someone "a miserable scrawny turd" - Moved to the Personal Forum :-) ... by YourValentine on 04.11.2009
Freddie outfit replica on sale - on QOL - Has anyone seen this? This takes merchandising to... by YourValentine on 03.11.2009
Nowhere Boy - The John Lennon movie - That's not for real, is it? ... by YourValentine on 01.11.2009
Queen appearances on Pop Quiz - Have you ever considered to join the hub? Many fil... by YourValentine on 01.11.2009
2 questions - The Scorpions were in fact a "spare band" in case ... by YourValentine on 28.10.2009
Happy Birthday Bo Rhap!!! - Happy Birthday :-)  Have good one ... by YourValentine on 23.10.2009
A Village Lost and Found - £21 delivered from Amazon.co.uk - I pre-ordered "Village Lost and Found" together ... by YourValentine on 20.10.2009
This Is It Michael Jackson movie - I agree with your general opinion about the m... by YourValentine on 20.10.2009
This Is It Michael Jackson movie - First of all there is no need to apologise... by YourValentine on 20.10.2009
This Is It Michael Jackson movie - They are businessmen, right? Not the mafia. They... by YourValentine on 18.10.2009
This Is It Michael Jackson movie - A lot of judgement in this post.... H... by YourValentine on 18.10.2009
News Exclusive: - Top Ten signs you are obsessed with Queen : N... by YourValentine on 13.10.2009
Peter Hince's book - Sadly, the book has not been published yet. ... by YourValentine on 13.10.2009
New PR Interview (video) - It was 2006 in the USA where QPR played Bad C... by YourValentine on 12.10.2009
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Myth & Truth - I think the "3 chords" is a very old Rock'n Roll c... by YourValentine on 11.10.2009
President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - Beyoncé did much more to deserve this.... Bu... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
10 Queen Tracks confirmed for Rock Band in October - Sully - it's great to see you here after all these... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - We had DVDs from the 2005 shows: Rome, Floren... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
Announce:Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 2 - Actually, I only noticed the mistake when I c... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
Please change the Queenzone homepage! - This is how the forum looked when I first joined Q... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - "OSLO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama wo... by YourValentine on 09.10.2009
PG's tour diary/blog - beware boring stuff - Aha - so it was about Baseball. I always thought L... by YourValentine on 07.10.2009
ANNOUNCE: Gibson's Night Of 100 Guitars DVD - I seed it now - only 10% missing ... by YourValentine on 05.10.2009
Gibson Night Of 100 Guitars dvd - If you have a fast rapidshare connection and a pre... by YourValentine on 05.10.2009
PG's tour diary/blog - beware boring stuff - Why are you so bothered about sleep? Sleep is tota... by YourValentine on 05.10.2009
Gibson Night Of 100 Guitars dvd - Thanks for the rapidshare links:-) I'll continue t... by YourValentine on 05.10.2009
Queen Crest - You also find the answer in the QueenZone FAQ sect... by YourValentine on 04.10.2009
PG's tour diary/blog - beware boring stuff - I hope you have a lot of fun after you survived al... by YourValentine on 04.10.2009
Happy Birthday Raf! - Happy Birthday, Rafael :-) ... by YourValentine on 03.10.2009
ANNOUNCE: Gibson's Night Of 100 Guitars DVD - Yes!! Thank you very much :-) ... by YourValentine on 02.10.2009
ANNOUNCE: Gibson's Night Of 100 Guitars DVD - Thank you very much :-) Are you seeding it? I do n... by YourValentine on 02.10.2009
Gibson Night Of 100 Guitars dvd - It's obvious that the seeder has a major problem s... by YourValentine on 01.10.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - Rogeroen :-) ... by YourValentine on 30.09.2009
Sorry - If you cannot download, try the following: delete ... by YourValentine on 30.09.2009
Announce:Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 2 - This is disc 2 of the previously shared Rome 200... by YourValentine on 30.09.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - Lol Oliver:-) Jeroen is a Meta-Rogerette ;-) ... by YourValentine on 30.09.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - You are a Rogerette, brian's wig :-) For p... by YourValentine on 29.09.2009
Queen + PR Rome 26-09-2008 DVD disc 1 - Hi folks , a year ago this day Queen and Paul Rodg... by YourValentine on 26.09.2009
New Fan cover: Dear Friends by Aric - Here is a new fantastic addition to the stage of ... by YourValentine on 26.09.2009
Muse - I have tickets for a Muse concerts in November - i... by YourValentine on 24.09.2009
I wanna testify uk single for sale. plus more rare early queen Memorabilia - It's okay to offer genuine items for sale on Queen... by YourValentine on 23.09.2009
Beatles 2009 remastered series - comments? -  "Once again..........how are the first four albu... by YourValentine on 17.09.2009
Beatles 2009 remastered series - comments? - The mono box arrived today, it looks cute with all... by YourValentine on 16.09.2009
Honeymoon's over? - Yara wrote: "Obama's problems began as soon a... by YourValentine on 16.09.2009
Interview with Roger's Son - Funny that he thinks John Deacon wrote "Dragon Att... by YourValentine on 16.09.2009
Songwriters - LOL @ Yara :-) ... by YourValentine on 16.09.2009
She is like the wind - This is the last time I moved your post from the s... by YourValentine on 15.09.2009
Honeymoon's over? - Janet and Dan -  am glad to hear you are okay for... by YourValentine on 14.09.2009
Beatles 2009 remastered series - comments? - I agree that the 1999 mixes sound far superior. T... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Absolute Greatest Rip Off - Prices Revealed! - From the product info on the site brians wig poste... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Queen + Paul Rodgers - Live In Vienna 2008 DVD - Many thanks for this generous share to everybody i... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Happy Birthday , Lisser - I presumed that you, Pieter and Melissa attend, Er... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
New fan cover: Bohemian Rhapsody by Eyal Cahana - Here is another amazing addition to the Queenzone ... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Totally Annoyed..."Under review" - The whole "Freddie was booed at Rock in Rio becaus... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Beatles 2009 remastered series - comments? - I ask the same question. Certainly the 1987 mixes ... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Totally Annoyed..."Under review" - They did not play IWTBF in Argentina. ... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Beatles 2009 remastered series - comments? - Has anyone bought the mono box? It's selling out f... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Honeymoon's over? - Yes, it's funny how people take to the streets bec... by YourValentine on 13.09.2009
Happy Birthday , Lisser - I would come if I have the time and the money and ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2009
Review of Brian in Paignton for book signing - Thanks for sharing this, Gary:-) A nice photo of B... by YourValentine on 09.09.2009
World Cup Qualifiers - I hope Argentina qualifies. And France and Portuga... by YourValentine on 08.09.2009
Fender broadcaster in Back Chat video - Well, yes, it's true. Apparently, Roger owned (own... by YourValentine on 08.09.2009
The rare video collection... - Back to the top Please take notice, "the-hitm... by YourValentine on 08.09.2009
Fender broadcaster in Back Chat video - Probably you guitar aficionados know that but for ... by YourValentine on 06.09.2009
Changing my signature - Not yet...I am sure it will arrive soon, thanks fo... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Changing my signature - Sorry for disturbing but you can change your signa... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Robbie's new single - It's on radio all day long and I am already gettin... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Someone tried to shoot me today. - TED was the first QZ troll - you should remember h... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Queen Photo Exibition In London - I was there and what makes the photos so special i... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Anyone reading any good books? - I am reading "El juego del Angel" by Carlos Ruiz Z... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Happy Birthday, Hitman - Happy Birthday, Lorenzo :-) Have a great birt... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Someone tried to shoot me today. - It was TED. He was tired of fatty and his rastafar... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
The rare video collection... - ...contains loads of official material and cannot ... by YourValentine on 04.09.2009
Press release "Absolute Greatest" - The audio commentary is the bait for the have-it-a... by YourValentine on 03.09.2009
1975-05-01 Tokyo, Japan ("Emperors of Japan") - multi-source merge - Thank you very much for the share and all the work... by YourValentine on 01.09.2009
Hi everybody! - Welcome to Queenzone :-) ... by YourValentine on 01.09.2009
How do you report someone? - If he pms you again, please send an email via the ... by YourValentine on 01.09.2009
Hello my friends (old time QZers!!) - You can email by clicking on the "contact us" link... by YourValentine on 01.09.2009
Pop Galerie Reloaded "Queen" 2009 - Yes, it was about the same as the previous DoRo do... by YourValentine on 28.08.2009
Jesus a rat a lier? Microwave thinks - Moved to the personal forum ... by YourValentine on 28.08.2009
Queen Collection For Sale - ... by YourValentine on 27.08.2009
Happy Birthday , Lisser - Happy 21st Birthday, dear Melissa. I hope you have... by YourValentine on 27.08.2009
Dutch ISP doing away with net neutrality - They will lose customers quicker than they can say... by YourValentine on 26.08.2009
RIP Ted Kennedy - I always had tremendous respect for Senator Kenne... by YourValentine on 26.08.2009
The absolutely undisputed "Best Queen Video"! - This is the YouTube link, it should work http... by YourValentine on 25.08.2009
Announce: Queen - 1975-04-28 - Okayama-ken Taiikukan, Okayama, Japan. Flac - Thank you very much for this new show. I can't wai... by YourValentine on 24.08.2009
Favourite One Hit Wonders - Midnight Oil are not a One Hit Wonder, they had va... by YourValentine on 19.08.2009
Does anyone know this song... - It sounds like Dax Johnson although I cannot ident... by YourValentine on 17.08.2009
Announce QUEEN + PAUL RODGERS Belgrade 29.10.2008 DVD Torrent - Thanks for starting this torrent, I help seeding. ... by YourValentine on 16.08.2009
When design fails... - Funny! The voice says: Father Bapterius is just to... by YourValentine on 15.08.2009
Help me find a dear friend - I changed a couple of pms with Yara and we are per... by YourValentine on 15.08.2009
We Will Rock You spoken passage between fast/slow version - No, the topic starter is right. The spoken part do... by YourValentine on 14.08.2009
QUEEN + PAUL RODGERS Belgrade 29.10.2008 DVD - Amazing - thank you very much! ... by YourValentine on 14.08.2009
Help me find a dear friend - It's the troll who tells me to get a life - to mak... by YourValentine on 13.08.2009
Happy Birthday, Jessica (KillerQueen840) - Happy Birthday :-) ... by YourValentine on 13.08.2009
Help me find a dear friend - Sorry, Yara - if your post is funny I just do not ... by YourValentine on 13.08.2009
Help me find a dear friend - Jessica, please do [b]not contact this idiot[/b], ... by YourValentine on 13.08.2009
The Mystery of "I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" - In fact, Josh said that "Celebration" was initiall... by YourValentine on 13.08.2009
The Mystery of "I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" - We already discussed this when the digital album c... by YourValentine on 12.08.2009
Where are they now? The Cross - Clayton Moss just recently released a new album (i... by YourValentine on 12.08.2009
Scully doo where are you? - Martin does not need me or anyone else ... by YourValentine on 12.08.2009
happy birthday "its a hard life" - Happy Birthday, Jess :-) ... by YourValentine on 10.08.2009
Brian May: overly aggressive over songwriting credits - I agree that it looks bad when IWIA is ... by YourValentine on 08.08.2009
Brian May: overly aggressive over songwriting credits - Brian did not make a "big deal" about the Axl rec... by YourValentine on 07.08.2009
New Fan Cover: Going Back by Rip It UP - Of course "Going Back" is not a Queen song, it was... by YourValentine on 03.08.2009
How to change subscription ?? - Hmmm... I liked your old signature better :-) ... by YourValentine on 03.08.2009
Happy B-day The Mir@cle! (Martijn) - Happy birthday again :-) ... by YourValentine on 03.08.2009
How to change subscription ?? - Go to the drop down menu "members" on the main pag... by YourValentine on 02.08.2009
Stage Of The Champions - Yes, some contributors have websites, for example ... by YourValentine on 02.08.2009
We Didn't Start The Flame War! - Definitely photoshopped ... by YourValentine on 01.08.2009
New Book on Queen?!?!?! - This book is not worth the paper it's printed on.... by YourValentine on 28.07.2009
ANNOUNCE: Killer Queen documentary - Gerne :-) ... by YourValentine on 27.07.2009
ANNOUNCE: Killer Queen documentary - Killer Queen is a channel 4 documentary which wa... by YourValentine on 27.07.2009
Killer Queen, Documentary video ( Megaupload ) - I have a DVD, I'll upload it. ... by YourValentine on 27.07.2009
how do i download...... - Just  click on "stage of champions" on the a main... by YourValentine on 27.07.2009
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb -   Let me wish you a very happy birthday, W... by YourValentine on 26.07.2009
on the convention of fans in London - Let me try to answer this although I have never ... by YourValentine on 26.07.2009
THIS AUTUMN QUEEN WILL BE RELEASING THEIR ULTIMATE ONE DISC GREATEST HITS A - This is reality beating satire. On Queenzone we ha... by YourValentine on 25.07.2009
Luciano Pavarotti & Friends - Modena - 2003 - For those of us who were there this night was... by YourValentine on 23.07.2009
ANNOUNCE: The Story Of Queen INTERVIEWS from VHS master - I think the complete unedited documentary can be s... by YourValentine on 19.07.2009
Paul McCartney on Letterman July 15, 2009 - [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UDx15eunLg&fe... by YourValentine on 17.07.2009
Paul McCartney on Letterman July 15, 2009 - This is one of the many occasions when i really lo... by YourValentine on 17.07.2009
blast from the past , ah yeah . - It's always nice to put a face to a name:) ... by YourValentine on 14.07.2009
Your 'Bo Rhap' story ... elite QZers needed! - I do not remember when I heard Bohemian Rhapsody f... by YourValentine on 14.07.2009
Queen & Lizzy - Live in Seattle - remastered master tape transfer - Thank you very much, guys! ... by YourValentine on 14.07.2009
1984.08.24 Brussels - source 2 master - Thank you! ... by YourValentine on 14.07.2009
1984.09.30 Vienna - merge - Thank you, Bob. I am lagging... ... by YourValentine on 14.07.2009
Hapy Birthday Burak (The Fairy King) - Happy belated birthday, Burak :-) ... by YourValentine on 13.07.2009
Michael Jackson - I totally agree, Bob. here is what makes me ... by YourValentine on 10.07.2009
Michael Jackson - The O.J.Simpson case was totally different: not on... by YourValentine on 10.07.2009
Michael Jackson - Great posts, Pete. It's so much easier to throw ar... by YourValentine on 10.07.2009
Win tickets for Peter Hince's photo show launch party on Queenzone! -       Hi folks, QueenZone is i... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Michael Jackson - Great posts, Pete - I agree with every word. ... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Michael Jackson - True - I don't. A "profile" does not prove anyth... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Michael Jackson - Thanks for explaining :) ... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Michael Jackson - I don't know, English is not my native language. Y... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Michael Jackson - When I was a child I used to sleep over ... by YourValentine on 09.07.2009
Happy Birthday Marialvy - Happy Birthday, Marialvy:-) Have a great day! ... by YourValentine on 07.07.2009
Hammersmith'75 to be released (from Brian's soapbox) - That is great, let's hope it will be released soon... by YourValentine on 05.07.2009
Q + PR - Ukraine DVD pack shots - I got my copy today (DVD + 2 CDs) and I was very s... by YourValentine on 02.07.2009
Michael Jackson - Thanks for clearing that up, Pete.  I was not fam... by YourValentine on 30.06.2009
Michael Jackson - Major Tom, I am not laughing - if that mea... by YourValentine on 30.06.2009
Calling all Queen fans... - Welcome to Queenzone. Check this: [url=http:/... by YourValentine on 30.06.2009
Queen Cologne, Sartory 6th December 1974 On Dimeadozen - Here is the link http://www.dimeadozen.org/to... by YourValentine on 30.06.2009
Michael Jackson - I am not a fan and I still think your state... by YourValentine on 29.06.2009
Michael Jackson - But the jurors are not paid, right? If the state p... by YourValentine on 29.06.2009
Michael Jackson - He was acquitted, wasn't he? Looking like a freak,... by YourValentine on 29.06.2009
Michael Jackson - This alleged apology by Jordan Chandler was first ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2009
Announce on QZ tracker : Seattle 13 March 1977 from JEMS master - Thank you very much, Ginger:-) ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2009
1976.09.18 London - merge/matrix, UPDATED OCT 2015 - Thanks for sharing :-) ... by YourValentine on 26.06.2009
Possible mid 1970's USA shows to be "discovered" - Amazing news:-) Well done, Dennis. I respected his... by YourValentine on 26.06.2009
Happy Birthday, pma - Happy birthday, Pete - I hope it's a good one and ... by YourValentine on 26.06.2009
london next week. - The discount depends on the sales figures of that ... by YourValentine on 25.06.2009
london next week. - I am not sure if you can visit the fan club since ... by YourValentine on 25.06.2009
So does anyone else care about Iran? - I am sure you would not risk the dirt under y... by YourValentine on 24.06.2009
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - All my best wishes to your "big" birthday, dear Ma... by YourValentine on 24.06.2009
jkjkjk - Test username and avatar ... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
... - The problem with the wrong accounts should be fixe... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
... - test reply with a quote ... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
... - Test reply  advanced editor ... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
Announce: 9 June 1990 - Fish and Roger - Share it and we will tell you :-) ... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
So does anyone else care about Iran? - @ Thomas Quinn -  no, I do not believe that Mouss... by YourValentine on 23.06.2009
So does anyone else care about Iran? - I am so ashamed about this horrible thread. I cann... by YourValentine on 22.06.2009
ANNOUNCE: Queen Sun City 1984 FLAC - pitch corrected and tracks splitted - Thank you, Alex :-) ... by YourValentine on 21.06.2009
Sneaky Ways to Grab Recordings???????? - Well, David - I am not impressed by the size ... by YourValentine on 20.06.2009
Sneaky Ways to Grab Recordings???????? - :-) Nice story, Oliver :-))) The audio t... by YourValentine on 20.06.2009
Torrent problem :/ - Usually, this means that the torrent was deleted f... by YourValentine on 20.06.2009
IS THIS RARE III??? Queen fan will love me lol - Yes, FWBF was filmed at the JVC studios, Wembley i... by YourValentine on 19.06.2009
Queen Live Poitier 1979 Unseen footage!!! - Merci beaucoup :) ... by YourValentine on 19.06.2009
Queen Live Poitier 1979 Unseen footage!!! - Great :-) Could you please upload this one to mega... by YourValentine on 19.06.2009
IS THIS RARE III??? Queen fan will love me lol - The reason why we have this material only in black... by YourValentine on 18.06.2009
Is This Rare?? queen live PARIS - France, 1min video - Nice share, thank you very much. I am very interes... by YourValentine on 18.06.2009
Announce: 1995-01-18 Roger Taylor Genova flac torrent - I really expected that :-) So this recordi... by YourValentine on 17.06.2009
What a good day - Congratulations, Mylord :-) ... by YourValentine on 17.06.2009
Announce: 1995-01-18 Roger Taylor Genova flac torrent - For a change I want to share a Roger Taylor conc... by YourValentine on 17.06.2009
Complete list of all downloads - Great job, as usual, Martin :-) And very cool from... by YourValentine on 17.06.2009
New Fan Cover : We Believe by Scaramouche - Hi folks, here is another great addition to the St... by YourValentine on 16.06.2009
Documentaries About Queen - Exactly - "These Aare The Days Of Our Lives" with... by YourValentine on 16.06.2009
Big chief sitting hawk. - An Indian father and his son go fishing. The son h... by YourValentine on 13.06.2009
ANNOUNCE: The Brian May Band Eastern Horizon (04-11-93) - I sent you a PM, Peter. I hardly even post somethi... by YourValentine on 12.06.2009
ANNOUNCE: The Brian May Band Eastern Horizon (04-11-93) - Hi folks, it seems like this concerts is still m... by YourValentine on 12.06.2009
Other stuff that is fixed..... - Yes, it works now - great! It was not such a big t... by YourValentine on 11.06.2009
Queenzone update list - Sounds great to me :-) Two things: - I w... by YourValentine on 10.06.2009
Other stuff that is fixed..... - Private messages do not work for me neither in I... by YourValentine on 10.06.2009
Test message box in new topic - it works now, great:) ... by YourValentine on 10.06.2009
Peter - Gary, do you know if there will be a catalogue? ... by YourValentine on 10.06.2009
I can't reply to any posts - I can't put the mouse cursor to the textarea ! - I have the problem when I post a new thread. I can... by YourValentine on 09.06.2009
New on the Stage Of Champions: The NeKaRe project : Nevermore - Hi folks, another great song preformed by fans. ... by YourValentine on 08.06.2009
Back from the future! - Welcome back, Dudley :-) ... by YourValentine on 08.06.2009
Athiest fundamentalists - I strongly disagree, Thomas. Just read what "Saint... by YourValentine on 07.06.2009
Athiest fundamentalists - I do not see a contradiction there, Pete. Religiou... by YourValentine on 06.06.2009
The Sun City Gig - I have a strong opinion about Queen playing Sun Ci... by YourValentine on 05.06.2009
The Sun City Gig - That's amazing :-) I would like to send you a pm,... by YourValentine on 05.06.2009
BRIAN MAY 1993.06.21 Rotterdam (BEST VERSION AVAILABLE) - Flac - rapidshare - Thanks for the share and all other shares. I hope ... by YourValentine on 05.06.2009
Happy Birthday, Panchgani - Oops, I almost forgot, that today two long time Qu... by YourValentine on 03.06.2009
Happy Birthday Erin! - Happy Birthday, Erin :) Rock the cosmos!! ... by YourValentine on 03.06.2009
Eminem at the "receiving end" on the MTV awards - [url=http://ccinsider.comedycentral.com/2009/06/01... by YourValentine on 01.06.2009
Adam Lambert possibly new singer for Queen - Togg, I am absolutely with you  - I am all for ... by YourValentine on 29.05.2009
Adam Lambert possibly new singer for Queen - If you are so bored why don't you stop hijacking p... by YourValentine on 29.05.2009
ANNOUNCE : Pesaro April 8th, 2005 DVD from badguy82 2nd attempt - I am reseeding, please keep the clients open when... by YourValentine on 28.05.2009
Thank You Paul (the Voice) Rodgers - Bob wrote: "Ringo wasn't a founding member of... by YourValentine on 27.05.2009
Exclusive: Queen’s Brian May Addresses Adam Lambert Rumors - Looks like Mr. Lambert has plans of his own. The... by YourValentine on 27.05.2009
Adam Lambert possibly new singer for Queen - I am sure Adam Lambert is a good sin... by YourValentine on 27.05.2009
Desert Islands Discs - You explained it perfectly! Montserrat Caballé's ... by YourValentine on 26.05.2009
Adam Lambert possibly new singer for Queen - [b]Sheer Brass Neck wrote: [/b] I agree wit... by YourValentine on 25.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Dan Corson - Have a very happy birthday, Dan! Party on... ... by YourValentine on 25.05.2009
American Idol Finale - Thanks for the compliment, Sebastian. I suppose yo... by YourValentine on 24.05.2009
Rosario, Argentina - 1981 - Oh :) ... by YourValentine on 24.05.2009
How much anti-muslim / anti-immigrant sentiment is there where you live? - I think that racism comes from xenophobia which is... by YourValentine on 24.05.2009
Desert Islands Discs - That's cool, Dave :) I visit YouTube a lot because... by YourValentine on 23.05.2009
American Idol Finale - Hi Daniel, on top of your reply window you have a ... by YourValentine on 23.05.2009
Thank You Paul (the Voice) Rodgers - I agree, Rich Tea. I am also one of the many thous... by YourValentine on 23.05.2009
American Idol Finale - I agree about the musical. The story is embarrassi... by YourValentine on 23.05.2009
American Idol Finale - In other news American Idol is still named a major... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
Queen - Live 1984 - "Viva Italia" - Thank you very much for the share. I am late but a... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Mr. Jingles - Happy Birhday, Dan. I hope you have a great day an... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
American Idol Finale - We are the Champions - Thank you very much :)  ... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
American Idol Finale - Thank you very much for sharing this (seriously!).... by YourValentine on 21.05.2009
Brian May is in LA, attend Chickenfoot concert - This message was on QMS earlier today: "My fr... by YourValentine on 20.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Iron_Eagle - Happy 30th birthday, dear Paul ;-) I hope you are ... by YourValentine on 20.05.2009
Your city, town, village etc. and its contents! - Great post, Janet - much of what you write reminds... by YourValentine on 19.05.2009
How much anti-muslim / anti-immigrant sentiment is there where you live? - We have problems with so-called "parallel societie... by YourValentine on 19.05.2009
the stage of champions. - I posted two new tracks, I hope you guys like it. ... by YourValentine on 18.05.2009
New Tracks on The Stage Of Champions by Sebastien Lebrun and The Pilgrims - Here are two different renditions of "The Show Mus... by YourValentine on 18.05.2009
"I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" written by Clayton Moss - Okay - this gets more and more mysterious. I'll se... by YourValentine on 17.05.2009
CANVAS: Q+PR 2008-10-14 Cardiff multicam dvd - Oops, sorry :-) ... by YourValentine on 17.05.2009
CANVAS: Q+PR 2008-10-14 Cardiff multicam dvd - TimBHM - did you download Marknow's video from Car... by YourValentine on 17.05.2009
"I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" written by Clayton Moss - I don't remember that he said "acetate". Probably ... by YourValentine on 17.05.2009
"I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" written by Clayton Moss - Thanks for the link, so it's rather old news :-) I... by YourValentine on 17.05.2009
Paste bug - In the "post reply" window you have a "cut", "copy... by YourValentine on 16.05.2009
"I Can't Get You Out Of My Head" written by Clayton Moss - Years ago the song leaked to the public as a demo... by YourValentine on 16.05.2009
Happy Birthday, Freya! - Happy Birthday, Freya!   I hope you are panic... by YourValentine on 15.05.2009
Desert Islands Discs - It's just a game - no need to worry about electric... by YourValentine on 13.05.2009
Desert Islands Discs - Desert Islands Disc is a long running programme on... by YourValentine on 12.05.2009
Reaching Out on new Eminem album - I suppose it is an "honour" to be sampled by Emi... by YourValentine on 09.05.2009
The Cross - Meltdown 1987 (VHS) Rip **Torrent** - Hi Jon, you seem to be seeding, it's very slow, th... by YourValentine on 07.05.2009
Happy birthday, pittrek :) - Happy Birthday, Peter :) I hope you have a great ... by YourValentine on 06.05.2009
Q&PR officially over. - No offense but this is about as realist... by YourValentine on 05.05.2009
ANNOUNCE: 16.04.2005 - Prague; FLAC (the best version) - Thanks for the share and for the clickable links :... by YourValentine on 04.05.2009
Happy Birhday, AC - Happy birthday, camel lover:) Have a great da... by YourValentine on 03.05.2009
Car crash into Dutch Queen parade - Viewer discretion is advised watching the jpgs Ric... by YourValentine on 30.04.2009
It wasn't singer Susan Boyle who was ugly on Britain's Got Talent - Yara, I think the author means well but judging pe... by YourValentine on 30.04.2009
Swine Flu Pandemic - I am totally calm and I do not care if the... by YourValentine on 30.04.2009
Swine Flu Pandemic - True, the information should be honest and should ... by YourValentine on 29.04.2009
Swine Flu Pandemic - Over 150 casualties in Mexico and now the first ch... by YourValentine on 29.04.2009
It wasn't singer Susan Boyle who was ugly on Britain's Got Talent - Isn't it telling that the author calls Paul Potts... by YourValentine on 29.04.2009
French Terrorists - As long as the European governments keep believing... by YourValentine on 29.04.2009
lack of advertising - Apparently, there was a big difference between Eur... by YourValentine on 27.04.2009
Happy Birthday, Pieter MC - I really hope you celebrate many more b... by YourValentine on 27.04.2009
lack of advertising - Maybe I missed something but the band played 40 co... by YourValentine on 26.04.2009
this site is terrible - Just legs are okay. And you can send the kids, I a... by YourValentine on 26.04.2009
Happy Birthday Mr Mercury! - Happy Birthday, Dave. I hope you have a fantastic ... by YourValentine on 26.04.2009
ANNOUNCE FLAC: Pittrek Best Of The Best Queenconcerts - 32 GB! You spammer ...;-) ... by YourValentine on 26.04.2009
Happy Birthday, Pieter MC - Happy Birthday, dear Pieter, one of the oldest mem... by YourValentine on 25.04.2009
hola - Welcome to Queenzone and do not worry: Tarzan coul... by YourValentine on 22.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Rotterdam 26-04-2005 LOSSLESS MASTER - Great - I have not yet downloaded it... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
hey - Hello terrence, welcome to Queenzone. You are from... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
1978.11.17 New York - merge - Thanks for sharing :) ... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Rotterdam 26-04-2005 LOSSLESS MASTER - Thank you very much, Dennis :) I just asked Jeroen... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
1986-06-21 Mannheim, Germany - 2-source compilation - Thanks for the share. I cannot even download that ... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: Third night in Leiden 1986, Magic Tour, complete alternate source - Thank you very much for the much appreciated share... by YourValentine on 21.04.2009
Third night in Leiden '86 - I emailed Richard, I hope he can fix it. I have no... by YourValentine on 19.04.2009
Third night in Leiden '86 - Same here  :( ... by YourValentine on 19.04.2009
Uh... Thankyou.. Spinal Tap? - That's really cool, you should be proud :) I watch... by YourValentine on 19.04.2009
** Bootlegs on eBay FOR SALE** -   [b]Micrówave wrote: [/b]   ... by YourValentine on 18.04.2009
Britain's got ugly talent - @ Freya - you are absolutely right. Unfortunately,... by YourValentine on 17.04.2009
French Terrorists - French workers have always been more radical in fi... by YourValentine on 17.04.2009
Britain's got ugly talent - I agree with Maggie. Most people judge others by t... by YourValentine on 17.04.2009
Boston Tea Party Take Two!! - Hi Maggie, the link works when you add a space to ... by YourValentine on 17.04.2009
Has Anybody Noticed - No, sorry, I cannot change the main page. I do not... by YourValentine on 16.04.2009
** Bootlegs on eBay FOR SALE** - @ pittrek I know what you mean. People often ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Philadelphia March 14th 2006 DVD - I am re-seeding it. Hop on :) ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2009
Happy Birthday Inu-Linger - Happy belated birthday, Richard :) ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2009
Queen in Portland Maine, 1980 - "He separted them on the computer and put them on ... by YourValentine on 16.04.2009
tips to get live in houston - Here is a Torrent, you can download it for free ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2009
ANNOUNCE: Boston Radio, USA, interview. 1st January, 1974 - Thanks for the share, very interesting :) ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2009
Has Anybody Noticed - These shares were all not seeded. Some person open... by YourValentine on 14.04.2009
please, iam having some problems. - Hello adamore, what is your problem? You posted th... by YourValentine on 14.04.2009
** Bootlegs on eBay FOR SALE** - The topic starter just [b]discussed[/b] th... by YourValentine on 14.04.2009
Easter - Happy Easter :) ... by YourValentine on 12.04.2009
Earthquake in Italy - I am very much for dialogue between religions. I a... by YourValentine on 12.04.2009
RIP 928 aka Kool Kat - This is sad news. He really annoyed me many times... by YourValentine on 10.04.2009
Earthquake in Italy - I also think that believers are convinced that God... by YourValentine on 10.04.2009
Earthquake in Italy - Which taboo? There is no connection between t... by YourValentine on 09.04.2009
Announce: Video Q + PR in Argentina 21-11-09 - I managed to encode the 4 mpg files to a DVD. I do... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
What gigs in 2009 are you going to see? - That's a perfectly legitimate act of nostalgia, Me... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Mack - Mack did not "leave". AKOM was the last album that... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
What is credit default swap ? (funny) - Congress member Ackerman explains what "credit def... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
The Big Bang Theory - Bumping up this thread in my attempt to to bring s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
School uniforms - I wonder how you teach children to accept that peo... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
5 songs that everyone should have in their collection - Bumping up this thread in my attempt to to bring s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Derek Sherinian - Bumping up this thread in my attempt to to bring s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Guitar Lessons - I hope you succeed with your guitar lessons :) ... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Top Ten Things U2 Learned Over The Years - Bumping up this thread in my attempt to to bring s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Brazilian Woman tries to blackmail the Swiss Goverment - I am sorry to hear you were robbed, Yara :( ... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
What do you Musicians think of my Guitar playing? - Nice, I rated :) ... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Post a picture of your pet - Cute pictures :) ... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Why Mr President? - We had the same when Bush was here. People were no... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
What gigs in 2009 are you going to see? - I have tickets for Santana and Crosby, Stills & Na... by YourValentine on 08.04.2009
Queen-Houston Rock 12.11.1977 DVD-with decompressed MONO audio - Thanks for the effort and the share :) ... by YourValentine on 07.04.2009
Freddie book - You can read my review here if you want [url=... by YourValentine on 07.04.2009
Happy Birthday Jeanette (Yogurt)!!!!!! - Happy Birthday and congratulations for reaching th... by YourValentine on 07.04.2009
Hi - Welcome back :) There has not been a US tour. May... by YourValentine on 06.04.2009
Happy Birthday Beata ^^ - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Ms Rebel. ... by YourValentine on 05.04.2009
George Harrison recognized with Hollywood Star - I think George Harrison would have laughed about t... by YourValentine on 05.04.2009
Happy Birthday Cindy! (Miss Multiples aka colfarrell1) - Happy Birthday:) ... by YourValentine on 03.04.2009
Uneven albums? - I totally agree - there is no Queen album that doe... by YourValentine on 03.04.2009
World Cup qualifiers: Northern Ireland 3-2 Poland - And England won last minute vs The Ukraine because... by YourValentine on 02.04.2009
Rare TCR Promo Item? - This is very funny :)  ... by YourValentine on 02.04.2009
World Cup qualifiers: Northern Ireland 3-2 Poland - Holly, think positive. They won today :) ... by YourValentine on 01.04.2009
World Cup qualifiers: Northern Ireland 3-2 Poland - Well done. There is a very realistic chance for No... by YourValentine on 29.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - @ April, you wrote: "I would only want to ... by YourValentine on 29.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - I have not seen the documentary but the reason why... by YourValentine on 28.03.2009
The Queenzone Chat Room - Did you try the alternative I described above? ... by YourValentine on 27.03.2009
Funny videos - Old file but still... ... by YourValentine on 27.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - Maybe you should read a history book. Read... by YourValentine on 27.03.2009
Private messages don't work ...again ! FIXED - Whatever you smoked, Yara - I want it, too:) ... by YourValentine on 25.03.2009
Private messages don't work ...again ! FIXED - I received yours, Peter. I could not send another ... by YourValentine on 25.03.2009
Private messages don't work ...again ! FIXED - I cannot send PMs.. ... by YourValentine on 25.03.2009
Italian PM Berlusconi's party merges with Italian Fascist Party - When you think of it we have a lot in common with ... by YourValentine on 23.03.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - bttt ... by YourValentine on 22.03.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights discs 2 and 3 torrent - Folks, here come discs 2 and 3 from the Uxbridge r... by YourValentine on 22.03.2009
Hey all, need a hand with a song title - Yes, definitely Living On My Own. Thanks for ... by YourValentine on 21.03.2009
I send a big part of my collection from France - I do not think it's funny to invent rumours about ... by YourValentine on 20.03.2009
... - Please remove this torrent, it has all the officia... by YourValentine on 16.03.2009
Where is the interview with Peter Jones...? - Sorry, I uploaded the wrong file - and the edit b... by YourValentine on 16.03.2009
Where is the interview with Peter Jones...? - I just remeber that we can upload files now, so I ... by YourValentine on 16.03.2009
Where is the interview with Peter Jones...? - Of course, I send it. ... by YourValentine on 16.03.2009
Where is the interview with Peter Jones...? - I downloaded it. ... by YourValentine on 15.03.2009
Modify profile's not working - test reply to a post ... by YourValentine on 15.03.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - [b]A little reminder that tonight is chat time.[/b... by YourValentine on 15.03.2009
Can someone record the Freddie Mercury Biography? - There is a torrent in the Sharing Forum. ... by YourValentine on 14.03.2009
Top Ten Things U2 Learned Over The Years - Very funny :-) [url=http://www.youtube.com/wa... by YourValentine on 14.03.2009
Modify profile's not working - test ... by YourValentine on 13.03.2009
New Neil Young on April 7th! - Yes, Helpless was first, it was on the "Deja Vu" A... by YourValentine on 11.03.2009
Announce on QZ tracker : Freddie Biography on A&E broadcast 29 January 2009 - Oops - sorry, Leonardo:) ... by YourValentine on 11.03.2009
Announce on QZ tracker : Freddie Biography on A&E broadcast 29 January 2009 - The man in the photo is not Freddie's fath... by YourValentine on 11.03.2009
Freddie vs Paul - [b]P-Staker wrote: [/b] 9. Positive M... by YourValentine on 11.03.2009
New Neil Young on April 7th! - Neil Young is  genuine, a great songwriter, great... by YourValentine on 11.03.2009
Wish You Were There - Hyde Park docu on rapidshare - Thanks very much to brians wig for sending the lin... by YourValentine on 10.03.2009
Announce on QZ tracker : Freddie Biography on A&E broadcast 29 January 2009 - Nice upload, Ginger:) I help you seeding as promis... by YourValentine on 10.03.2009
Cigarette prices + tax - What about damage caused by alcohol? Broke... by YourValentine on 09.03.2009
The Queenzone Chat Room - Some users have difficulties with the java chat ro... by YourValentine on 09.03.2009
We Want Made In Heaven II - You should relax a bit, thequeen. If a harmless li... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
Barcelona tribute - I think it was only the same soprano, Jero... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
We Want Made In Heaven II - Are you saying you do not want all these wonderful... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
We Want Made In Heaven II - I want - MIH II and III - Queen Love Songs... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
A question about the theatrical edit of Rainbow 74 - I don't remember that the actual set list of the c... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
My lovely friend Eva Bajnok "loserintheend" died today - I am very sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
Please help - I need help dusting my books. I really cannot be b... by YourValentine on 06.03.2009
Any Touring this Year? - Yes, that's it. I do not get any sound for some re... by YourValentine on 05.03.2009
Any Touring this Year? - Togg, can you post a link to that interview? I fol... by YourValentine on 04.03.2009
Barcelona tribute - It's a commercial release, you cannot upload it, s... by YourValentine on 04.03.2009
Any Touring this Year? - The other day Brian May and Roger Taylor launched ... by YourValentine on 04.03.2009
Is this real (Under Pressure at Knebworth)? - Welcome to the board. The sound track is definitel... by YourValentine on 03.03.2009
Complaints, Gripes, Grievances . . . 2009 Edition ^_^ - Zebonka , you are an adult (at least physically), ... by YourValentine on 03.03.2009
Misheard lyrics - One of my favourite topics. There used to be a web... by YourValentine on 03.03.2009
Complaints, Gripes, Grievances . . . 2009 Edition ^_^ - I get really really angry when I see little kids o... by YourValentine on 03.03.2009
Brazilian Woman tries to blackmail the Swiss Goverment - Strangely, a very similar case happend in Germany ... by YourValentine on 02.03.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - Hello slmalloy5- usually, we always says "hi"... by YourValentine on 01.03.2009
Happy Birthday, Ginger01 - Usually, these threads should be in the Personal F... by YourValentine on 28.02.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights Disc 1 (May 8th, 1985) - Hmm, I get error mesages when trying to answer wit... by YourValentine on 27.02.2009
Private messages don't work ...again ! FIXED - test reply ... by YourValentine on 27.02.2009
Freddie statue would be a hazard to public health in Edinburgh - Go to [url=http://www.google.com]www.googl... by YourValentine on 27.02.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights Disc 1 (May 8th, 1985) - [b]Sir GH wrote: [/b] How can you be sur... by YourValentine on 27.02.2009
ANNOUNCE: Final Budokan Nights Disc 1 (May 8th, 1985) - Folks, this is a new Japanese silver boot release ... by YourValentine on 26.02.2009
ANNOUNCE: Queen Long Island (Nassau) 19-11-1978 - @ L-R-Tiger 94: I have been in the hub since ... by YourValentine on 26.02.2009
Happy Birthday, Bob the Shrek! - Happy Birthday, Bob:) You can't have enough o... by YourValentine on 26.02.2009
DVDs - Sound Quality vs Picture Quality - Thanks for the unexpected compliment :) I take you... by YourValentine on 25.02.2009
ANNOUNCE - Queen - Boston July 23, 1982 Master -FLAC - Bulsarian, you need to be a little more patient. N... by YourValentine on 25.02.2009
Has anything important in Queen happened on the 24th of february? - Any slip of paper with some sort of proof ... by YourValentine on 24.02.2009
Freddie statue would be a hazard to public health in Edinburgh - Who knows, lol. ... by YourValentine on 24.02.2009
Freddie statue would be a hazard to public health in Edinburgh - [url=http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/Disruption-... by YourValentine on 24.02.2009
Has anything important in Queen happened on the 24th of february? - Libor, I only meant it's maybe not sure when or wh... by YourValentine on 24.02.2009
Request The Rare Video Collection 1 2DVD SnowProducciones - I think he is referring to the current trial again... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
DVDs - Sound Quality vs Picture Quality - This is hard to say - I just find that DVD-Rs are ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
Has anything important in Queen happened on the 24th of february? - You are probably right, I just copied the ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
DVDs - Sound Quality vs Picture Quality - Yes, I have used DVD shrink for slightly too big D... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
Has anything important in Queen happened on the 24th of february? - 1967 : The Reaction live at Hayle Penmare Hotel, L... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
Happy Birthday Andy!!!!! - Happy Birthday, Andy :) ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - bump ... by YourValentine on 22.02.2009
DVDs - Sound Quality vs Picture Quality - Personally, I care more about the picture than the... by YourValentine on 22.02.2009
13-Year-Old British Boy Becomes a Poppa - I am not surprised that tabloid reasoning is all y... by YourValentine on 20.02.2009
Happy Birthday, Janet - Happy Birthday to one of the oldest Queenzone memb... by YourValentine on 20.02.2009
13-Year-Old British Boy Becomes a Poppa - Great post, Lozlan. ... by YourValentine on 20.02.2009
Happy Birthday Fatty! - Happy Birthday :) ... by YourValentine on 14.02.2009
A little something I wrote - The BNP will thank the British government for the ... by YourValentine on 13.02.2009
Some GIFs Made By Me - Nice job, thank you :) ... by YourValentine on 13.02.2009
Congratulations Pim Derks! - Happy Birthday, Pim :) I hope it's a good on... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - I absolutely respect your position and we agr... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
queenonline - For the live downloads go here [url=http://ww... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
Announce:- SAS Band featuring Roger Taylor - 24th Jan o2 - Highlights - Thank you :) This brings back good memories. ... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - I want to add something, because you said Eluana w... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - Lorenzo, it's not about "proper" life - that ... by YourValentine on 11.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - Lorenzo, first of all, my previous post was b... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
In search of a picture - No, never - here is a screen shot from Milton... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Announce:- SAS Band featuring Roger Taylor - 24th Jan o2 - Highlights - Hmm, I cannot play this at all (28 riff o.) - not... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Is This Real Life? - What in all the world do dentists in the US... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - Conservative and religious women are just as offen... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Announce: 2008-11-21 Buenos Aires TV Edit DVD - 1. There is one break in the concert footage with ... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Announce: 2008-11-21 Buenos Aires TV Edit DVD - Hi folks, this is the 62 min edit from the TV stat... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
A Quick Question About Freddie - I try again: I think Freddie used often Shure... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
A Quick Question About Freddie - I think he often used Shure mics on the stage. Loo... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Why I don't see a subject about Eluana Englaro??? - If we did not have modern medicine the woman would... by YourValentine on 10.02.2009
Queen Record Price Guide- gr8kingrat.com - Nice work:)  Definitely very useful ... by YourValentine on 09.02.2009
Is This Real Life? - Over 6 million people already watched a movie of a... by YourValentine on 09.02.2009
Bushfires - Horrible pictures and the number of victims risi... by YourValentine on 09.02.2009
Happy Birthday, Fried Chicken - Happy Birthday, dear Niek, I lost track how old (y... by YourValentine on 07.02.2009
The Torpedo Twins suck!!! - I happen to think that DoRo do not "suck".... by YourValentine on 07.02.2009
The Torpedo Twins suck!!! - If you click on Bo Alex' username you will se... by YourValentine on 06.02.2009
Happy Birthday Zebonka! - Happy Birthday :) One step more towards adult... by YourValentine on 05.02.2009
Brian May - Los Angeles - April 6th, 1993 (mediafire) - [url=http://maps.google.de/maps?hl=de&q=Friesland&... by YourValentine on 05.02.2009
Brian May - Los Angeles - April 6th, 1993 (mediafire) - Nice share - which "Queen portion" did you remove?... by YourValentine on 05.02.2009
Queen Hub Information - I could not connect but solved the problem by conn... by YourValentine on 03.02.2009
Pope lifts excommunication on holocaust-denying bisshop - In terms of censorship that makes me think that at... by YourValentine on 03.02.2009
Help! I need these four "Queen" boot DVD's. - It's perfectly reasonable to ask for a swap, Jason... by YourValentine on 02.02.2009
In my Defece - The video is a compilation from many Queen and Fre... by YourValentine on 28.01.2009
Quiz - Here is the solution: Just imagine to be the stude... by YourValentine on 25.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - Bump ... by YourValentine on 25.01.2009
Quiz - My head is spinning..:) Magicalfreddie has the re... by YourValentine on 25.01.2009
Pope lifts excommunication on holocaust-denying bisshop - Okay, the pope changed his mind. Apparently, the i... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
Pope lifts excommunication on holocaust-denying bisshop - The pope must be out of his mind. A German should ... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
Quiz - You did not read the clue properly:) Each student ... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
The Real Brokeback Mountain - So, you are joining the troll-and-idiot fraction? ... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
Quiz - It's not a guess, it is a logical thought proces... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
Quiz - It would not take ten miunutes to figure that... by YourValentine on 24.01.2009
Quiz - Three top math students with equally great achiev... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
Journalist films turtle killing pigeon - It's not this Rick Astley video, is it? ;) ... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
Shit!!! Fuck The Free in The Hyde Park. - To clear this up: Apparently the torrent file... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
Does Paul sing any Queen Songs Better than Freddie - [b]pittrek wrote: [/b] I don't 100% agree a... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
Does Paul sing any Queen Songs Better than Freddie - I totally disagree about WATC. For me it's a winne... by YourValentine on 23.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - Hi, I re-upload the torrent file.  It should be 4... by YourValentine on 22.01.2009
Drum solo in Birmingham - 2008 - If you have changed your mind about collec... by YourValentine on 22.01.2009
O Me O My, It's an Inauguration! - I do not blame the Christian predominace of the in... by YourValentine on 22.01.2009
O Me O My, It's an Inauguration! - President Obama deserves a fair chance. After al... by YourValentine on 21.01.2009
Queen Record Price Guide- gr8kingrat.com - That's a real good idea. I cannot help you with pr... by YourValentine on 20.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - Bump... ... by YourValentine on 18.01.2009
personal messages - You are new - people must know you to send you a m... by YourValentine on 17.01.2009
Girl is scared to death of PICKLES - If you suffer from a phobia, no matter if weird o... by YourValentine on 17.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 2 - This is Disc 2 to the Snow Producciones Double D... by YourValentine on 16.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - When I started seeding my uTorrent client showed 4... by YourValentine on 15.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - I would love to but I need more seeders. I ca... by YourValentine on 15.01.2009
Israel strikes Gaza, at least 280 palestinians are dead - In fact it's Nürnberg... Thomas Quinn wrote:... by YourValentine on 15.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - Yes, it's the one :) You copied my spelling error,... by YourValentine on 12.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - @ The [url=mailto:D@z]D@z[/url] - have you enable... by YourValentine on 12.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: QPR Buenos Aires Multicam Audience DVD Disc 1 - This is a Snow Producciones edition: Queen +... by YourValentine on 11.01.2009
Sleep paralysis, most terrifying thing EVER! - If aliens abduct people they must be so much more... by YourValentine on 10.01.2009
Israel strikes Gaza, at least 280 palestinians are dead - Even if the Israeli air defense were able to destr... by YourValentine on 10.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - That's why we think of arranging fixed hou... by YourValentine on 10.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour - No daylight savings in the Northern Hemisphere rig... by YourValentine on 09.01.2009
Queen Brussels 1986 - Yes, I agree - this recording is mp3 sourced. ... by YourValentine on 09.01.2009
New Queenzone chat hour -   Lately, the chat room has been empty a l... by YourValentine on 09.01.2009
Queen Paris 1986 - Hello ryou_akipe Please go to [url=http... by YourValentine on 08.01.2009
Israel strikes Gaza, at least 280 palestinians are dead - Yes, it's heart breaking. War is never a solution.... by YourValentine on 08.01.2009
Queen Paris 1986 - It's apparently a flac version plus artwork jpgs. ... by YourValentine on 08.01.2009
Israel strikes Gaza, at least 280 palestinians are dead - Some interesting points have been risen here: ... by YourValentine on 08.01.2009
YV - don't do it - okay :( I sent you a pm... ... by YourValentine on 07.01.2009
Happy Birthday Lady Nyx - Happy Birthday :) ... by YourValentine on 06.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: DVD Queen + P. Rodgers "Barcelona Rockin" - Lol, Jeroen :) At some point you have to change th... by YourValentine on 05.01.2009
Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Race - Great minds think alike, Erin ... ;) ... by YourValentine on 05.01.2009
Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Race - He's good enough he's thmart enough and doggon... by YourValentine on 05.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: DVD Queen + P. Rodgers "Barcelona Rockin" - As promised , here is the DVD from the "LIMITED di... by YourValentine on 04.01.2009
Piss off 08!!!!! HELLOOOOOOO 2009!!!!! - Happy New Year to all :) May 2009 will bring... by YourValentine on 01.01.2009
Queen, solo and Cross for sale - You misunderstand the purpose of this forum. It's ... by YourValentine on 30.12.2008
Announce:Revive Of The Champions - 2005 Saitama 2days (re-upload) - The torrent is not banned, the concerts are audien... by YourValentine on 29.12.2008
QPR : "BARCELONA ROCKIN" silvers (Barcelona 2008) - megaupload - My apologies to Oliver for hijacking this thread. ... by YourValentine on 27.12.2008
ANNOUNCE:Queen Live For The People Of Kampuchea DVD - The tracker works, no idea why the list shows the ... by YourValentine on 27.12.2008
New Fan cover: Massimo Bosco - Bijou - Here is a cover version of the guitar part of Bijo... by YourValentine on 27.12.2008
Queen-esque Christmas carol - Very nice :) ... by YourValentine on 26.12.2008
QPR : "BARCELONA ROCKIN" silvers (Barcelona 2008) - megaupload - Oliver, I have a 2CD/DVD box as detailed on queeno... by YourValentine on 25.12.2008
My Tribute to Queen / Rio 2008 - Welcome to Queenzone and thanks for the nice story... by YourValentine on 25.12.2008
Open letter to Queen Archivist/ QPL - Yes, that's what I am talking about. I hate buying... by YourValentine on 24.12.2008
Open letter to Queen Archivist/ QPL - I'll look out for the half-price offer. But then t... by YourValentine on 24.12.2008
Happy Holidays! - Happy Holidays, dear Janet and everybody else. ... by YourValentine on 23.12.2008
downloads!.... -  "I don't use a password to log into the album cl... by YourValentine on 23.12.2008
ANNOUNCE-Queen + Paul Rodgers Moscow 16.9.08 MASTER FLAC - Many thanks, Darren! I am unable to download all t... by YourValentine on 23.12.2008
Hi - Welcome back :) ... by YourValentine on 22.12.2008
One minor (not critical) bug - manual link: [url=http://www.queenzone.com]ht... by YourValentine on 21.12.2008
Earls Court 77 - pittrek remastered edition - Thank you very much for this - uploading 80 files ... by YourValentine on 19.12.2008
ANNOUNCE!! Brian + Kelly Ellis with Rufus on Drums - Thank you very much:) Great share and so fast! ... by YourValentine on 17.12.2008
downloads!.... - @ Phill the Thrill: you need no code. Just log int... by YourValentine on 16.12.2008
Q+PR 2009 American tour?? - Me too, Erin... ... by YourValentine on 15.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - Mike, suicide is not illegal, in fact. Only attemp... by YourValentine on 15.12.2008
One minor (not critical) bug - test hyperlink manager 2 [url=http://www.quee... by YourValentine on 14.12.2008
One minor (not critical) bug - test hyperlink manager sharing topic ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - Dignitas is the last hope for many people because ... by YourValentine on 14.12.2008
Royalties - In Germany you pay for every public performance of... by YourValentine on 14.12.2008
I took TCR back to the shop - [b]inu-liger wrote: [/b] The reason those "... by YourValentine on 13.12.2008
ANNOUNCE: missing mov file from the Buenos Aires DVD - Hi folks, pittrek asked me if I have an uncor... by YourValentine on 12.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - Yes, that's true. You cannot have a majori... by YourValentine on 12.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - Yes, that is the problem, While I would sp... by YourValentine on 12.12.2008
Assisted suicide on TV - cheap voyeurism or useful for the public? - [url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081211/ap_on_re_... by YourValentine on 11.12.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR ; Chile 19/11/08 Full (No TV) DVD5 w/menus - Muchas gracias :) ... by YourValentine on 10.12.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR ; Chile 19/11/08 Full (No TV) DVD5 w/menus - I have 26% and it's working. Sometimes we need a l... by YourValentine on 10.12.2008
CHARITY AUCTION: Brian May autographed t-shirt - There are dozens of fake autographs on ebay each d... by YourValentine on 09.12.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR ; Chile 19/11/08 Full (No TV) DVD5 w/menus - I also hope you can make it working. Recently a to... by YourValentine on 08.12.2008
Joxers Advent Calendar - Please keep posting, this is very funny:) Btw... by YourValentine on 07.12.2008
Thank god It's Christmas Video? - There is a video to "Thank God It's Christmas" tha... by YourValentine on 06.12.2008
One Vision added to LIVE download 2008 - If you are a member of the album club, just log in... by YourValentine on 05.12.2008
Announce as torrent : Argentina video 21 November 2008 - I ran it through SUPER and the glitch is gone. Luc... by YourValentine on 03.12.2008
Announce as torrent : Argentina video 21 November 2008 - There is a little glitch in my part04mpg , that's ... by YourValentine on 02.12.2008
Announce as torrent : Argentina video 21 November 2008 - I am not surprised that I mixed up the tracks. Dow... by YourValentine on 02.12.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - http://rapidshare.com/files/169313711/2008-11-21-Q... by YourValentine on 02.12.2008
Announce as torrent : Argentina video 21 November 2008 - It's about 85 minutes (from start to the beginning... by YourValentine on 02.12.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers = Over -   [b]Headlong24 wrote: [/b] Well, aft... by YourValentine on 02.12.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers = Over - [b]Fone Bone wrote: [/b] ... The... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - No, it's the same as part 38 from the announce pos... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - Thank you:) I try ... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - Many, many thanks for the re-upload. When I load t... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
World AIDS Day - Yes, I wanted to post a reminder how we as Queen f... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - Did anyone manage to downloaod part 18? I get an e... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
Announce as torrent : Argentina video 21 November 2008 - How can you be so fast? I downloaded over night an... by YourValentine on 01.12.2008
Queen + PR live in São Paulo 27/11/2008 Fan Review - Thanks for writing this up for us:) ... by YourValentine on 30.11.2008
ANNOUNCE - Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-11-2008 (Video) - MegaUpload - Thank you! Just incredible. I only needed one scre... by YourValentine on 30.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: QueenItalia – Multicam dvd – Q+PR at DatchForum,Milano 09/28/2008 - "Sam Jones" is just a troll who is risking legal a... by YourValentine on 29.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: QueenItalia – Multicam dvd – Q+PR at DatchForum,Milano 09/28/2008 - I can torrent it after downloading the files which... by YourValentine on 29.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: QueenItalia – Multicam dvd – Q+PR at DatchForum,Milano 09/28/2008 - Oh, cool. I certainly download this one. Many than... by YourValentine on 29.11.2008
List of things i need to fix... edit subject line - When I want to reply to a topic, it asks me now to... by YourValentine on 29.11.2008
DVD tree - the start - It died, I am sorry to say. People did not copy an... by YourValentine on 29.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: DVD Q+PR - LIVE IN SANTIAGO DE CHILE -19/11/2008 - Leonardo, the torrent should work. Use uTorrent as... by YourValentine on 28.11.2008
Kick a Ginger Day - When I read the subject line I thought it was abo... by YourValentine on 28.11.2008
List of things i need to fix... edit subject line - Some people do not get my private messages, so I ... by YourValentine on 28.11.2008
looking for Santiago and Buenos Aires pics !! - Hello Vali, here are some nice pictures from Buen... by YourValentine on 27.11.2008
Buenos Aires Gig - When I watch the videos from Buenos Aires on YouTu... by YourValentine on 27.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: DVD Q+PR - LIVE IN SANTIAGO DE CHILE -19/11/2008 - Muchas gracias:) Are you seeding? I see a pee... by YourValentine on 26.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: Live at Santiago de Chile 19/Nov/2008 [FLAC] - Amazing. Thank you very much :) ... by YourValentine on 26.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - Yes, Bob, I give up. It's all my fault. I keep the... by YourValentine on 26.11.2008
"CALL ME" dancing. - Straight men can't dance.... ;) Watching this... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
New Fan Cover: Aljoscha Crema - You take my breath away - Hi folks, here is a piano - only cover of YTMBA, p... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - "yet you're trying to convince everyone you can th... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - >>"It doesn't matter to you, because the average d... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - >>"It looks like you're trading strategy brings yo... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - @ TimBHM: the reason why a "tightly moderated" for... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
Announce-Queen + Paul Rodgers Birmingham NIA 16.10.2008 FLAC - Thank you  very much for this recording. ... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
Happy Birthday YourValentine!!!!!!! - Thank you all very much for the nice wishes:) It w... by YourValentine on 25.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - Phoenix501, you are right pointing out that the co... by YourValentine on 23.11.2008
Q+PR live in Argentina - Video from webcast - Many thanks, Bruno. You can feel the incredible ex... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
Happy Birthday Joxer the Almighty Rainbow Pirate - Happy belated birthday, Joxer :) ... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
ABC Trust auctions tickets with backstage access and signed items for Brazi - ABC Trust are dedicated to raise funding and aware... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - @ Yara what happened to your thread in a serv... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
Re-Announce Cologne 6 July 2005 DVD - You have a PM, Harry. ... by YourValentine on 22.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - "And that's where the Queen community differs from... by YourValentine on 20.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - "I was right pissed off about Chicago 78.  I trac... by YourValentine on 20.11.2008
Photos from the QPR show in Chile!!! - Very nice video:) How did you manage to film witho... by YourValentine on 20.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: Chile 19Nov2008 / MP3 - Thank you very much for your effort, this is much ... by YourValentine on 20.11.2008
9 torrents from dimeadozen - Bob, you know I do not agree but that i... by YourValentine on 20.11.2008
online broadcast for the concert in Chile - I am afraid we all have the same problem: no conne... by YourValentine on 19.11.2008
online broadcast for the concert in Chile - The concert has not yet started. Check the local t... by YourValentine on 19.11.2008
everything is ready for tomorrow!!! - Finally the loyal fans from South America get a ch... by YourValentine on 19.11.2008
Dubai concert - Mustapha was not played according to a fan report ... by YourValentine on 18.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Thank You All (09-08-86) flac torrent - I re-opened it ... by YourValentine on 12.11.2008
No Subject - Thanks for sharing that, Mike:) If the school... by YourValentine on 12.11.2008
The O2 Arena - 13/10/2008 - PHOTOS (catwalk) - Thank you for sharing these great pictures:) And... by YourValentine on 12.11.2008
US election - People voted a new leader into the most powerful ... by YourValentine on 11.11.2008
For Raf: How To Eat Pussy - Did you even read the "error message", Raf? :) ... by YourValentine on 10.11.2008
Difficult to work with! - "I just don't believe there's any real value to a... by YourValentine on 08.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: QPR - Hannover Oct. 4th 2008 (FLAC master) - Thank you very much for sharing, Riku! The torrent... by YourValentine on 08.11.2008
Guns N Roses demos w/Brian May - I agree. It's better not to share them on the foru... by YourValentine on 06.11.2008
TCR US Chart Position - TCR entered the German charts at No 4. Now after 6... by YourValentine on 06.11.2008
Brian May Interview: no US tour in spring - Okay, then I heard it probably from you two, lol. ... by YourValentine on 05.11.2008
No Subject - Thank you very much, Chris. It sounds great. ... by YourValentine on 05.11.2008
Brian May Interview: no US tour in spring - Without trying to read too much into this intervie... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
No Subject - Oops, sorry - you are right , this must be the sec... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
Brian May Interview: no US tour in spring - A recent radio interview of a NYC radio station wi... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
Happy Birthday, Jeroen - Have a very happy birthday, dear Jeroen.  2008 wa... by YourValentine on 04.11.2008
Bob the Shrek wedding report! :-) - Sorry to hear that, Paulie:(  Hopefully there are... by YourValentine on 03.11.2008
No Subject - Now with the new tour stuff we are all uploading/d... by YourValentine on 03.11.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Live in Chandler (Phoenix) July 6th 1980 (FLAC) - "Sorry, the free service is at full capacity." ... by YourValentine on 03.11.2008
Queen+PR, Madrid oct 25, 2008. Full video - You have to unpack the rar file - there are 2 torr... by YourValentine on 02.11.2008
What bits of other songs has Brian played in his solo? - Okay, here is the bit from the Madrid ripped from ... by YourValentine on 02.11.2008
What bits of other songs has Brian played in his solo? - Holly, the poster on YouTube says that he did not ... by YourValentine on 01.11.2008
Call me next single in the UK - Call Me is  the only song of the album that is o... by YourValentine on 31.10.2008
David Beckham says that "money is killing sport" - Hmm, Beckham is probably in a bad position to talk... by YourValentine on 31.10.2008
2008 - 09.24 Paris as rapidshare - http://rapidshare.com/files/158981653/Queen___Paul... by YourValentine on 30.10.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers, Antwerp, 23-09-08 - Thank you very much - my uTorrent is running hot w... by YourValentine on 30.10.2008
Maradonna will be Argentina's new national football coach - What? Isn't that unbelievable. Yes, he was a one-o... by YourValentine on 30.10.2008
I am tired of "Treasure Moment" topics - People, I want this forum back for normal people. ... by YourValentine on 29.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR - Glasgow SECC, 11.10.08 - [b]onedunpark wrote: [/b] Depending on h... by YourValentine on 29.10.2008
happy birthday MasterHistoryGirl - Happy Birthday, Maggie :-) Have a great day a... by YourValentine on 29.10.2008
Queen+PR, Madrid oct 25, 2008. Full video - Thank you very much! The torrent works fine. ... by YourValentine on 28.10.2008
Afghanistan - I believe that you would bomb other countries to r... by YourValentine on 27.10.2008
Afghanistan - "C'mon" - we are talking about caskets and not dea... by YourValentine on 27.10.2008
No Subject - test page 2 ... by YourValentine on 26.10.2008
Afghanistan - Maggie wrote: Of course it bothers me; but I ... by YourValentine on 26.10.2008
Announce Queen Glasgow 2008 PART VIDEO - Thank you very much again, Mark. I deleted the the... by YourValentine on 25.10.2008
Afghanistan - yes, but does that not bother you? How ... by YourValentine on 25.10.2008
Afghanistan - I totally agree about the drafting aspect. However... by YourValentine on 24.10.2008
How do you get comeras into the venue ? - xray machines???? no idea about Vienna secu... by YourValentine on 23.10.2008
Afghanistan - It's about the oil and gas pipelines http:... by YourValentine on 23.10.2008
Afghanistan -   [b]Holly2003 wrote: [/b]   In... by YourValentine on 23.10.2008
E-mail notifications of Private Messages received, not being sent - This was a problem with the email server which is ... by YourValentine on 22.10.2008
Afghanistan - I think we have less independent media, we... by YourValentine on 22.10.2008
Afghanistan - It's somewhat out of the public eye but "we" have ... by YourValentine on 22.10.2008
torrents - The torrent works fine, there are 12 seeders now. ... by YourValentine on 21.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Dutch convention 2004 DVD - Why can't you download it, Raffo Miles? ... by YourValentine on 21.10.2008
AN OPEN LETTER TO YOURVALENTINE & FELLOW QUEENZONERS REGARDING JAKE BRITT - The Fairy King is right, Inu-Liger. Just ignore th... by YourValentine on 21.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Dutch convention 2004 DVD - This is not a re-seed because I never managed to s... by YourValentine on 20.10.2008
ANNOUNCE - Dutch Queen Convention 2004 DVD - The thread is here http://www.queenzone.com/q... by YourValentine on 20.10.2008
ANNOUNCE - Dutch Queen Convention 2004 DVD - I seed this DVD in a totally new torrent because i... by YourValentine on 20.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR - Glasgow SECC, 11.10.08 - No, maybe Richard is re-assembling it:) ... by YourValentine on 19.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR - Glasgow SECC, 11.10.08 - Can you switch on MSN or ICQ, G? ... by YourValentine on 19.10.2008
Q+PR Cardiff, 14.10.2008 full concert audio, wav, Rapidshare - Thank you very much, Pal, this is much appreciated... by YourValentine on 19.10.2008
Queen & YouTube? - YouTube deleted the Bohemian Rhapsody pop up video... by YourValentine on 18.10.2008
AKOM: Roger or Paul? - Roger. It was not only the singing, it was Paul Ro... by YourValentine on 17.10.2008
Barcelona 92 olympics - Barcelona was not performed in the opening or clos... by YourValentine on 17.10.2008
Help with Best Of The Best 1987-2004 - I think I can help but I am very busy processing t... by YourValentine on 16.10.2008
Any good ideas? - Music is often perceived in school as just another... by YourValentine on 16.10.2008
3 HD Video's from the O2, London, October 2008. - Very nice video. I could not believe my eyes seein... by YourValentine on 16.10.2008
Haven't been here in a while... - I am very sorry about your dad, Kayla. It must hav... by YourValentine on 15.10.2008
3 HD Video's from the O2, London, October 2008. - Many thanks, Mark. I am curious to watch these. ... by YourValentine on 15.10.2008
No Subject - Thanks for sharing, lots of files to download in t... by YourValentine on 15.10.2008
My thoughts on Cardiff gig last night - Sorry if that was mentioned somewhere before and I... by YourValentine on 15.10.2008
No Subject - I get an error page for your first two links but... by YourValentine on 15.10.2008
Togg's review of the O2 - Thanks for sharing this. About the wandering aroun... by YourValentine on 14.10.2008
Setlist 02 Arena London please... - I did not download it but thanks anyway :-) ... by YourValentine on 14.10.2008
format test - ..... ... by YourValentine on 13.10.2008
No Subject - Happy Birthday, Rick and sorry about your aun... by YourValentine on 12.10.2008
Glasgow 11 October - Cool, G :-)  Thanks to Steven, too ... by YourValentine on 12.10.2008
Q-PR and QUEEN -   [b]bst123 wrote: [/b] I don't wa... by YourValentine on 12.10.2008
format test - thanks so much better now ... by YourValentine on 12.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Frejus 30-07-86 FLAC - I reopened it. ... by YourValentine on 12.10.2008
Re KOREAN HANDSOME - Hi folks, this user (also MEXICAN HANDSOME et al) ... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: QUEEN + PAUL RODGERS - AHOY 07/10/08 - [p]Thanks for the upload. It's actually very easy:... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
Oh God... - Well, Jake - it looks like another attempt to crea... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
Review/setlist Hannover ? - Great photos - they are from Freddie VTB, I did no... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
format test - Posting a line posting a new line after hitti... by YourValentine on 11.10.2008
Top Ten overheard comments on the QPR tour - no, I think not:) I wish I knew how I can make ... by YourValentine on 10.10.2008
Top Ten overheard comments on the QPR tour - 10. "Who is this short guy with the scarf?" (a... by YourValentine on 10.10.2008
Chile : Discrimination? incompetence? - Great job, BredeBS, I think people can trust you. ... by YourValentine on 09.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Milano 28-09-2008 FLAC - Thanks for the compliments. The concert was record... by YourValentine on 09.10.2008
index for 2008/2009 QPR recordings - That's a great idea, thank you very much. You shou... by YourValentine on 09.10.2008
Hamburg Review - Thanks for sharing this. The video you could not s... by YourValentine on 08.10.2008
My personal tour review - William, I would like to come to the USA but selli... by YourValentine on 08.10.2008
Queen Hub Information - Yes, that can happen - when the hub owner is not a... by YourValentine on 07.10.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers Milano 28-09-2008 FLAC - Queen & Paul Rodgers Datch Forum, Milano, Italy ... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
Queenzone Questions - How long have you been a member of Queenzone?   ... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
hamburg? - Pim, it was not only GERMAN fan club members who h... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
My personal tour review - @ Mr. Teatime: you don't regrow your hair, there m... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
Song to dance to..... - Well, Bob - have you chosen the bride dance? We wa... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
3000 tickets left for Sheffield :( - Ticketmaster cancelled early bookings for general ... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
My personal tour review - Like on previous occasions this tour would not hav... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
My personal tour review - Just back from the current tour and here is my op... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
Travelling between the European gigs - passengers welcome - I am home too, Alex. Tired and  ill but happy. A... by YourValentine on 06.10.2008
Happy Birthday, Raf! - Happy Birthday :-) ... by YourValentine on 03.10.2008
Poll: Which male QZer could you see yourself dating? Funny. - Mr.Jingles wrote: Why not have a threesome with Er... by YourValentine on 01.10.2008
Poll: Which male QZer could you see yourself dating? Funny. - I date PieterMc behind Erin's back (hope she does ... by YourValentine on 01.10.2008
Sao Paulo gigs in tourbook - I post from Rome, so maybe that is no news for you... by YourValentine on 25.09.2008
New Fan Cover: Saku and Franz : Dreamer's Ball - Here is a new rendition of Dreamer's Ball by Saku ... by YourValentine on 20.09.2008
Fan Presales for Buenos Aires on argenqueen today - argenqueen.com.ar sells 500 tickets in an exclusiv... by YourValentine on 20.09.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers Criticisms - Well, Yara - since you quoted me I would appreciat... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - Nobody deserves it. Every human being has a right ... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Song to dance to..... - The bride dance is usually a waltz because most gu... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers Criticisms - Apart from all alleged and assumed motives, apart ... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Where do you rank Comos Rocks? - I don't rank albums but compared to all my Queen a... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Queenzone email error - Hi folks, the login to your email box on the QUEEN... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Aftershow meeting in Berlin (attn Double -U) - The forum members of the German fan club website h... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Milano fan meeting - Jump on a plane, Melissa. I have a deja vu...... by YourValentine on 19.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - "And that's basically what you want to do, if you'... by YourValentine on 18.09.2008
Milano fan meeting - Many thanks, AC. The John Deacon Freundeskreis wil... by YourValentine on 18.09.2008
Petition - an out cry! - People visit here because they are Queen fans. Tha... by YourValentine on 18.09.2008
Chart listings for overseas Queen singles - In Germany the singles charts are compiled and arc... by YourValentine on 17.09.2008
Announce Queen+Rodgers Moscow 15 September 2008 - Oh fantastic:) Thank you so much... by YourValentine on 17.09.2008
Pope attacks separation of church and state - @ Yara - thanks for the compliment. Actually, I th... by YourValentine on 16.09.2008
Watched Kharkov..Opinions - I already wrote this in the Sharing forum... Th... by YourValentine on 15.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR 12.05.2008 Kharkov DVD5 - Send me an email or QZ pm, Neil ... by YourValentine on 15.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR 12.05.2008 Kharkov DVD5 - I just watched the concert - 147 minutes! The hi... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR 12.05.2008 Kharkov DVD5 - People, this torrent works fine, I already downloa... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
The Cosmos Rocks Review - This thread is better than some in the General for... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
who would be interested in a... - I am interested. I would never give up on bokkepoo... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR 12.05.2008 Kharkov DVD5 - It works great, thank you very much... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR 12.05.2008 Kharkov DVD5 - Thank you very much! The other torrent is stuck, s... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
Pope attacks separation of church and state - First of all the Pope was not a Nazi. It would be ... by YourValentine on 14.09.2008
Setlist...thus far from Kharkov... - Brian said on his soap box the mistakes were delib... by YourValentine on 13.09.2008
Setlist...thus far from Kharkov... - I downloaded the bits Mark posted in the Sharing s... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Announce Ukraine 2008 Audio (parts only) - Thank you very much, Mark! I cannot not listen and... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Setlist...thus far from Kharkov... - I can see/hear nothing, please keep posting... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Cosmos Rocks QOL Tour Edition Delayed - Surprise, surprise. Although the admin edited his ... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Cosmos Rocks QOL Tour Edition Delayed - Jeroen, if you are waiting for your tickets from Q... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Snow Producciones - That should not be a problem, Bob. I can torrent t... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
The Cosmos Rocks Review - I have listened to the album many times now and he... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
No sharing of Cosmos Rocks album mp3 - The album can be downloaded from hmv japan, the fo... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Milano fan meeting - Looking forward to meet you, Alex:)... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
Snow Producciones - All films on the DVD are from the St. Paul's Civic... by YourValentine on 12.09.2008
No sharing of Cosmos Rocks album mp3 - I am surprised I have to delete such threads - it ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
Milano fan meeting - We will arrive in Milano on Saturday, 27th, so we ... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
Announce on QZ Tracker - Rotterdam 17 May 1977 FLAC - Great job as always, Ginger :-) The torrent works,... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
Snow Producciones - "Care to give any examples? Again, full lineage is... by YourValentine on 11.09.2008
Most stupid lyrics ever - Not to mention the "soup in the laundry bag" - tha... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
Snow Producciones - Bob, first of all I did not say you lie. Secondl... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
Queen on YouTube - edited (the recommended video was deleted by YT)... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
Snow Producciones - I don't think the genuine master is circulating at... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
Snow Producciones - You find such SVCDs to DVDs mostly on compilations... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
FOS's thread of uploads - Nice of you being nice, fatsoldsun :-) It's not... by YourValentine on 10.09.2008
Snow Producciones - "In fact, many of the circulating DVDs are lossy, ... by YourValentine on 09.09.2008
FOS's thread of uploads - Welcome to Queenzone, fatoldsun. You are very welc... by YourValentine on 09.09.2008
The Cosmos Rocks: Lukewarm BBC Review - This review is very fair and balanced and hits the... by YourValentine on 09.09.2008
QPR concert in Chile probably on November 19th - "Fuentes de la discográfica EMI en Londres confir... by YourValentine on 05.09.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers play in Chile November 19th - According to Chilean mewspaper El Mercurio EMI off... by YourValentine on 05.09.2008
Happy Birthday Lori!!!!!! - Happy belated birthday, Lorenzo:) Only 3 weeks le... by YourValentine on 05.09.2008
Queen + P Rodgers played show case gig in Elstree Studio - Queen and Paul Rodgers played a short concert to 5... by YourValentine on 04.09.2008
Porno Industry - @ Cwazy little thing I do not "object" to using... by YourValentine on 03.09.2008
I've pulled!!! - I hope you keep us updated about the progress of t... by YourValentine on 02.09.2008
Porno Industry - Yara, you should not take the talking of these guy... by YourValentine on 02.09.2008
School uniforms - We have no school uniforms and the issue is sensit... by YourValentine on 31.08.2008
Collection for sale - I have known wegotit for a while and while you hav... by YourValentine on 31.08.2008
New Fan Cover: Dario - It's A Hard Life - Here is a new interesting addition to the growing ... by YourValentine on 30.08.2008
No selling? Where should I post... - Post them here. No selling means no selling of CD-... by YourValentine on 29.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - I sent you a pm, Cesar... by YourValentine on 28.08.2008
10 reasosm why Q+PR is better than Queen with Freddie Mercury - @ P-Straker - I have a spare air guitar to donate;... by YourValentine on 28.08.2008
10 reasosm why Q+PR is better than Queen with Freddie Mercury - Great list, Holly:) here is my Top Ten list why... by YourValentine on 28.08.2008
Happy Birthday, LISSER!!! - Happy Birthday, dear Melissa. I am so sorry I forg... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
Obama's VP choice - I don't understand this "change" thing. Change wha... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
Obama's VP choice - Maybe my question is naive but here it is: Bide... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - The seeding works with uTorrent, please download i... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - I have the same message but I seed to 3 peers now.... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - The upload started, I am connected to one peer who... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - I am seeding but there is no connection. Just keep... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
ANNOUNCE Hammersmith 79 DVD - 2 songs ex quality - This is Now I'm Here and Crazy Little Thing ... by YourValentine on 27.08.2008
Br Soapbox... PRS rights - Actually, I would prefer NOT to be showered with u... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
Brian May imposter on Queenzone - Too bad that other users' messages got lost :-( Ho... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Is Craig a democrat, could you please place a link... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Here is an interesting article by Paul Craig Rober... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
Brian May imposter on Queenzone - There have been two new accounts pretending to be ... by YourValentine on 25.08.2008
Queen + PR in Berlin (21/09/08) - You can post your ticket on the "Marktplatz" on th... by YourValentine on 24.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Okay, I really do not know anything about the rela... by YourValentine on 23.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - I am not naive at all. Iran has the worst record i... by YourValentine on 23.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - It's interesting how different people evaluate... by YourValentine on 23.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Maggie - the war already is in Russia's back yard.... by YourValentine on 22.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - "this atmosphere is helpful for leaders to push mo... by YourValentine on 21.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Why does Putin want a war? This war would not be i... by YourValentine on 21.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Absolutely. Although I think avoiding a cold war i... by YourValentine on 20.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Yes, thank God.. whoever that may be. But since we... by YourValentine on 20.08.2008
Obama CHANGE and the Chicago Machine - You have changed, Mike ;)... by YourValentine on 20.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - That's exactly the arrogance that drives me up... by YourValentine on 20.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - I wish you could see the double standard. It's... by YourValentine on 20.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - "True.. it's all our fault that there are people d... by YourValentine on 19.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Why the hostility? None of us is a victim of this ... by YourValentine on 19.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - I don't understand - the NATO did not do anything ... by YourValentine on 18.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Maggie, I think Putin did not think he HAD to ... by YourValentine on 18.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - @ The Miracle, I agree about the term "former a... by YourValentine on 18.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - Please read my message in context and quote it com... by YourValentine on 18.08.2008
Read Jake's post on "WORST TRENDS" and discuss - I think the reason is that most QZers do not r... by YourValentine on 18.08.2008
North American Release Delayed - When I ordered it, they said shipping date is Sept... by YourValentine on 16.08.2008
North American Release Delayed - I preordered it from QOL because they promised to ... by YourValentine on 16.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - Let me join the compliments, this is a very intere... by YourValentine on 16.08.2008
NEW Tourdates: - Come on, don't be so selfish, there are enough con... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - I brought up the Ireland topic in response to John... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - It's true that many issues are solved by time pass... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - I agree that there is other injustice in the world... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - Very interesting thoughts, John. While I agree wit... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - Not yet - they are online in Bejing since August 6... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Fuck Tibet - Queenzone is not blocked in Bejing, therefore I hi... by YourValentine on 15.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - "May I remind you that in the Rhineland, the numbe... by YourValentine on 14.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - Sorry but now you lost me completely. Are we... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - I think it's very unlikely that Russia invades a E... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - First of all I am not "whining". Secondly, the com... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
Happy Birthday Jessica (KillerQueen840) - Happy Birthday :)... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
3 more new pictures - They are nice, thanks for posting them.... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - Without being able to support my view with loads o... by YourValentine on 13.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - "I see. So why are people saying that Texas is abo... by YourValentine on 12.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - "What about the assassination attempts on the Ukra... by YourValentine on 12.08.2008
Tickets yet? - I got my tickets months ago. ... by YourValentine on 12.08.2008
Happy Birthday Jessi! - Happy belated birthday :-)... by YourValentine on 11.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - "If they want to be members of NATO, or the UN, or... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
War in Georgia; Escalation to Caucasus Not Unlikely - I am not well informed but isn't it true that Geor... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
New fan song: Pain Is So Close To Pleasure by Hairless Boys - Here is a new addition to the QZ fan cover collect... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
Track list of the new Queen + Paul Rodgers album published - The Free Record Shop website published the track l... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - I don't think a UN army is desirable. I really wan... by YourValentine on 10.08.2008
Is Texas above the law? Texas thinks so. - That's a very pragmatic point of view but shou... by YourValentine on 09.08.2008
Happy Birthday Luca (Hangman) - Buon Compleanno, caro amigo :-)... by YourValentine on 05.08.2008
test yv - Yes it works - and double email/password registrat... by YourValentine on 05.08.2008
MSN messenger - Try ICQ, Melissa... by YourValentine on 04.08.2008
MSN messenger - I have no problems, I bet it's your Vista... Edit... by YourValentine on 04.08.2008
Album Cover - http://sierraclub.typepad.com/greenlife/media_loun... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
Who Remembers Me??? - I remember you from the pre 2001 board. I did not ... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
Album Cover - What is "fresh" about a black sky, desert-like san... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - Unfortunately, schools are chronically underfunded... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
Album Cover - The cover looks depressing. ... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
Happy Birthday Martijn!!!! - Happy Birthday :-)... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
WTF... ? - These rules are already in place since 2006. Busin... by YourValentine on 02.08.2008
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - I reseed. Enjoy :)... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
Announce on QZ tracker : Sendai 2nd gen 2 April 1976 FLAC - You should be able to change the subject line with... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
Announce on QZ Tracker : New Orleans 21 April 1974 FLAC - Ginger - freezer never shared his recording which ... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
beheading on bus - This story gave me nightmares.... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
Is this sick or am I weird ? - Don't you think the husband looks undernourished?... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - @ MusicMan - it's similar here: schools are state ... by YourValentine on 01.08.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - It's not all roses in my country, I hope I made th... by YourValentine on 31.07.2008
Single Single to debut on Radio 2 August 4th - SINT was already released as a single, I am the on... by YourValentine on 31.07.2008
wegotit site down - We already noticed... What happened to your Queen... by YourValentine on 31.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - @ Microwave: I live in a city with 200 000 people ... by YourValentine on 31.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - Lady Nyx, you describe the problems very accuratel... by YourValentine on 30.07.2008
My right to express my opinion... if it's ok and acceptable with PERKY - Check the new profiles, Jacey - you can look up th... by YourValentine on 30.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - Yes, MagicalFM - I understand completely that a p... by YourValentine on 30.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - I have no clue what you are disagreeing on. That I... by YourValentine on 30.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - I think it's a good thing to let your child learn ... by YourValentine on 30.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - There is huge difference in teaching kids self-def... by YourValentine on 29.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560851/Sho... by YourValentine on 29.07.2008
Chatty watty - We recently revived the chatroom. I need someone t... by YourValentine on 28.07.2008
Happy Birthday, Archie Leach - I don't know if you even visit here anymore but if... by YourValentine on 26.07.2008
Happy Birthday, wstüssyb - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, William :) ... by YourValentine on 26.07.2008
Best Of The Best series - Great job, Peter. Many thanks for all your work an... by YourValentine on 25.07.2008
UPDATED: How to post a torrent on Queenzone.com- - Just add the torrent to your announce message with... by YourValentine on 25.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - @ Oberon I see your point and I am generally un... by YourValentine on 24.07.2008
Ensueno Mistake on the Freddie Boxed Set. BUT........... - Well, Mylord, I think you sounded reasonable for e... by YourValentine on 24.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - Oberon, I agree that a cultural boycott is questio... by YourValentine on 24.07.2008
Website problems - please post here or email - strange... edit: please keep posting your p... by YourValentine on 23.07.2008
News of the World Robot for sale - Kai, you might offer this to Brian May via the Que... by YourValentine on 22.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - First of all you can be sure that the rich whi... by YourValentine on 22.07.2008
Does anybody here remember MegaMike? - You clone!... by YourValentine on 18.07.2008
Shawy or Thijs!!!! - ??? What does that mean?... by YourValentine on 18.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - Totally right, Daniel. Bophuthatswana was one o... by YourValentine on 18.07.2008
Bappy Hirthday Jens aka Mr Drowse!! - Happy Birthday:)... by YourValentine on 17.07.2008
Updating profiles... - What exactly happens, Steven?... by YourValentine on 16.07.2008
Bohemian Rhapsody answerphone message - Cleaning up my hard drive I found this answerphone... by YourValentine on 16.07.2008
Updating profiles... - profile update works... by YourValentine on 16.07.2008
Does anyone else feel ripped off by The Album Club? - Beware of exclusive forums! ... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
Website problems - please post here or email - Hmm, after updating my profile (adding a signature... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
test yv - Thanks, Richard:)... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
test yv - test yv... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
test yv - test again... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
Website problems - please post here or email - I managed to update my profile but I had to restar... by YourValentine on 15.07.2008
Happy Birthday Bubu!!!!! - Happy Birthday :-)... by YourValentine on 12.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - Yes, Queen always said they played to a "mixed rac... by YourValentine on 12.07.2008
Website problems - please post here or email - You all have noticed that QZ is dealing with a lot... by YourValentine on 11.07.2008
Queen at Sun City - No, they did not play to a mixed audience. The... by YourValentine on 11.07.2008
Queen Live In Japan 1985 DVD, Someone Please Torrent My Copy - Your link shows the annoying Masterplan pirate (w... by YourValentine on 09.07.2008
a tribute to jacky smith - I don't have a problem with Jacky running the fan ... by YourValentine on 08.07.2008
What happened to the guy from QZ who released a single/album? - Matt Bulthouse http://profile.myspace.com/index... by YourValentine on 08.07.2008
a tribute to jacky smith - I bought my German tickets from the German fan clu... by YourValentine on 08.07.2008
I'm sure ANY other father would react the same way... - Forced and arranged marriages are still common pra... by YourValentine on 08.07.2008
ANNOUNCE: Sao Paulo 1981 DVD - kurgan100, if you have a flat rate, you should dow... by YourValentine on 07.07.2008
Happy Birthday Marialvy - Happy Birthday, Marialvy :) Have a great one... by YourValentine on 07.07.2008
Flash - The Vanjard Remixes... - You don't need it but make up your own mind h... by YourValentine on 05.07.2008
Test New Topic - Voila...... by YourValentine on 04.07.2008
ANNOUNCE: 4DVD-set of the complete 46664 Hyde Park 27-06-2008 concert - "I do believe that the second Sugababes track is "... by YourValentine on 04.07.2008
Happy Burnday Lester Birtham - Happy Birthday again, Lester :) I hope you have... by YourValentine on 04.07.2008
ANNOUNCE: 4DVD-set of the complete 46664 Hyde Park 27-06-2008 concert - Thanks a lot for this sharing. I add the titles I ... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
Nelson Mandela 90th concert - I don't know how the Tromsoe audience would have ... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
Nelson Mandela 90th concert - Sorry but now I have to disagree respectfully ... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
What do you make of this article? - Totalitarian marching song, gay übermensch - wher... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
Nelson Mandela 90th concert - The weird thing about One Vision was to hear Fredd... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - I am sure that there are politicians in Russia, Fr... by YourValentine on 03.07.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - You should be honest in quoting your own artic... by YourValentine on 02.07.2008
about:blank pop-ups!! Pop-ups everywhere! - I use SpywareBlaster for protection against adware... by YourValentine on 01.07.2008
Multitrack Updates - Again: Please do not post any multi tracks here. E... by YourValentine on 01.07.2008
Freddie in Lego comic - For the collectors of weird Queen references: Fred... by YourValentine on 01.07.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - The best team won, there is no doubt about that. T... by YourValentine on 29.06.2008
A CRITICAL ERROR - Looks like only the threads that were started afte... by YourValentine on 29.06.2008
My avatar picture has changed - and I didn't change it! - test... by YourValentine on 29.06.2008
Roger Taylor's Attitude - Now that the thread moved from discussing Roger's ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - "I am only saying that there is no proof that the ... by YourValentine on 28.06.2008
Jeff Scott Soto - The B-Sides WIth Queen Tracks - John, they said that the CD mentioned in this thre... by YourValentine on 28.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Q+PR Live at Hyde Park 46664 concert 27-06-2008 London - Thank you very much, Marco. I was not at home toni... by YourValentine on 28.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - @ nameless http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX9oM... by YourValentine on 27.06.2008
Roger Taylor's Attitude - Both Roger and Brian tried to make a solo career a... by YourValentine on 27.06.2008
Jeff Scott Soto - The B-Sides WIth Queen Tracks - The JS Soto management emailed to Queenzone asking... by YourValentine on 27.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - I don't know - you tell me. Do you think the w... by YourValentine on 27.06.2008
Why are Americans so attracted to conspiracy theories? - I think conspiracy theories always start when the ... by YourValentine on 27.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - No these are not facts. It's what maybe Fox ne... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - No need to be sorry, Tom :) I am very impressed by... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - "The point is that there was a significant amount ... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - I think you do not have that phone in English you... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Bootleg: Le Fleur Du Mal Tokyo 11 may 1985 - It's not from the official video, it comes from a ... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - "They seem to forget that the regime used poison g... by YourValentine on 26.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Thanks for the congratulations but I did not win a... by YourValentine on 25.06.2008
ANNOUNCE:Queen live in Newcastle ´86(video). - No, it's definitely not from the master. I think H... by YourValentine on 25.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - Are you sure you were not attacked by The Vill... by YourValentine on 25.06.2008
ANNOUNCE:Queen live in Newcastle ´86(video). - Well, I have the Newcastle DVD in colour from ... by YourValentine on 25.06.2008
oil drilling - You are oversimplifying the issue. There reall... by YourValentine on 25.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Yes, it's true - Luca Toni gets good passes from R... by YourValentine on 24.06.2008
Happy Birthday, Mr. Scully - All my best wishes to your birthday, Martin. I hop... by YourValentine on 24.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Germany never won against Italy, so you can assume... by YourValentine on 24.06.2008
Best Coverage of 46664 - In Germany the concert will be broadcasted live on... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
New Fan Cover: It's Late by M.A.D. - Here is another great Queen cover: It's Late by M.... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - How can you "provoke" a spider that moved into... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - I think Saif is right looking at this picture h... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
Martin - In Memoriam - Yes, John, I understand you. I do not think his fr... by YourValentine on 23.06.2008
Martin - In Memoriam - Martin was a German fan, there is a message on the... by YourValentine on 22.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - After 88 years Spain won the first cup match vs It... by YourValentine on 22.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Holy camel!... by YourValentine on 22.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - I did not watch the game, I am so sorry about the ... by YourValentine on 22.06.2008
oil drilling - We heat with natural gas. The combustion efficienc... by YourValentine on 21.06.2008
LIVE AT THE RAINBOW DVD - You can download from Demonoid without being a mem... by YourValentine on 21.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - That was a nightmare for the Croatian team. They w... by YourValentine on 21.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Why should Holland lose against Russia? They have ... by YourValentine on 20.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Absolutely right, Mr. Jingles. The match did shut ... by YourValentine on 20.06.2008
oil drilling - But that is not true for oil,unfortunately. Th... by YourValentine on 19.06.2008
oil drilling - Typical Bush 19th century solution for a 21st cent... by YourValentine on 18.06.2008
queenhub - Ask the question in the hub chat room or send a pr... by YourValentine on 18.06.2008
Testing avatars... and not displaying them if you want - Now I uploaded another picture and it works :-) Lo... by YourValentine on 18.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - "Then Spain in the semi-finals. Holland will kick ... by YourValentine on 18.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Italy vs France - the misery of the French team re... by YourValentine on 18.06.2008
Testing avatars... and not displaying them if you want - Hmmm, I wonder where this avatar comes from :) I h... by YourValentine on 17.06.2008
Testing avatars... and not displaying them if you want - How can I delete it? I just wanted to experiment b... by YourValentine on 17.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - You are right, the German defense is in bad shape.... by YourValentine on 17.06.2008
How to deal with a fans who throw bottles at you... - How horrible - and uncool. He acts like a big mout... by YourValentine on 17.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - I remember Cordoba, too - and Gijon 82.. that was ... by YourValentine on 16.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - "are you gonna be jumping for joy or head in hands... by YourValentine on 16.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Turkey vs Czech Republic Pure drama,incredible up... by YourValentine on 16.06.2008
Gone for a long while - Good luck, then, I hope you get well soon.... by YourValentine on 16.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - I agree with Fenderek - the penalty in the 94th in... by YourValentine on 14.06.2008
Live recordings and quality of the preformances. - Nothing beats attending a concert yourself imo. Li... by YourValentine on 14.06.2008
Brian May endorses Barack Obama? - Environmentalists and animal protectors are not ne... by YourValentine on 14.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - The Dutch team are in a class of their own - amazi... by YourValentine on 14.06.2008
Brian May endorses Barack Obama? - Hu? I thought the funny thing about your post was ... by YourValentine on 13.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-25 DVD - It does not come from a 2nd or 3rd gen VHS tape bu... by YourValentine on 13.06.2008
New date added: Luxembourg - October 8th - "Brian, Roger and Paul have just added a new show ... by YourValentine on 13.06.2008
BBC sessions release ??? - The original BBC tapes where bought by a well know... by YourValentine on 12.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Congratulations, Ms Rebel - great match against th... by YourValentine on 12.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-25 DVD - This is the DVD from the Wardour box "Queen - Prid... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
Announce : JAPANESE JEWELS DOCUMENTARY DVD - You can still send a PM to the sharer, maybe he wa... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
A plan to get 'You and I' in the charts! - Absolutely. This board won't be any fun without yo... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Greece vs Sweden - I want the 90 minutes of wasted... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
A plan to get 'You and I' in the charts! - fairydandy, my reply was to Pieter and it was tota... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
A plan to get 'You and I' in the charts! - fairydandy - sorry but I think you set the tone of... by YourValentine on 11.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - No idea what the d-word and the c-word are but you... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - I can assure you that none of your posts were ever... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - @ The Miracle: German media reported that Cruyff d... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - Un-fucking unbelievable. Freddie was a raging h... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - --------------------------------------------------... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - Steven and others, I offer as evidence some quotes... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - I already answered to your post in the Serious For... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Queenzone: Censorship? - It's very unlikely that your posts were deleted, D... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
A plan to get 'You and I' in the charts! - I reply what I want, sorry. Even if you are no... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
A plan to get 'You and I' in the charts! - I am sure there would be more answers if fd would ... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Fan & Band Interviews - Milton Keynes 1982 - Thank you very much for the share, I only have had... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Great performance by the Dutch team, I never expec... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - Very interesting thread. As long time fans we are ... by YourValentine on 10.06.2008
Singles boxset coming November 4th, 2008? - 10 CDs are not too much. Take the singles from var... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
UPDATED: How to post a torrent on Queenzone.com- - You don't upload the torrent to the tracker anymor... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - Why is it so easy to misunderstand each other? ... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
Singles boxset coming November 4th, 2008? - 309 $ - quite expensive, probably the money is for... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
Seeders - I seed the Young Nobles.. that should be fast.... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Yes, but the Brazilian player was only naturalized... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
Announce : JAPANESE JEWELS DOCUMENTARY DVD - Come on, people - 1150 users downloaded this torre... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
Go Poland Go - Euro 2008 - Apparently, the German team had the better Polish ... by YourValentine on 09.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-23 FLAC - Mike, the sound is a bit distant which I personall... by YourValentine on 08.06.2008
RIP - Hillary Clinton's political career - What does that mean: "..that's why she's not relea... by YourValentine on 06.06.2008
Why were some topics deleted - It was not deleted, it's just a couple of threads ... by YourValentine on 06.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - @ jackunion: don't worry, UP is for real - and a w... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
ANNOUNCE: Tokyo 1979-04-23 FLAC - This is the second concert from the Wardour box "Q... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - I think it should be about Freddie, the gay musici... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - Yes, that is right - he is a person of histori... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - Not being a lawyer I am still sure that the movie ... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
Happy Birthday Thijs - Happy Birthday, Thijs :)... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
"Somebody to Love" aka the Freddie film - "Mary Austin (name changed for whatever reason") ... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers - Welcome to the board, Mrs Bad Guy. I suppose the t... by YourValentine on 05.06.2008
New Fan Cover: Pilgims - Somebody To Love - A new entry for the fans of the Stage Of The champ... by YourValentine on 04.06.2008
Happy Birthday to... - Happy belated birthday from me, too, Adriana. I t... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Protect the snails - I was just kidding about the hairspray, lol. But I... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Protect the snails - Have you ever tried hairspay, Erin?:) Brian is nev... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Protect the snails - I don't mind snails but there is no peaceful coexi... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Happy Birthday, Erin - Happy Birthday, dear Erin. You knew Queenzone when... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
Happy Birthday, Mike Van M - Happy birthday to the defender of free speech and ... by YourValentine on 03.06.2008
New Fan Cover: TMLWKY by Adam Baboolal and friends - btt... by YourValentine on 02.06.2008
multitrack masters - The difference is that there was an official compl... by YourValentine on 31.05.2008
Hilarious moment at the National Spelling Bee - Oh numnah - what a relief :) Really funny when ... by YourValentine on 31.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers to play Argentina in November? - I don't think there is another Latin America tour ... by YourValentine on 30.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers play two concerts in Sao Paulo, Brazil - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 29.05.2008
Looking for - Un-played un-warped vinyl? - They don't want to sell them to you:)... by YourValentine on 29.05.2008
Ye Olde Messageboard - Richard re-uploaded it - for now :)... by YourValentine on 29.05.2008
Ye Olde Messageboard - Hmm, looks like it's gone :(... by YourValentine on 29.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers to play Argentina in November? - I think it's safe to get excited about Buenos Aire... by YourValentine on 28.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers to play Argentina in November? - My source is not official but reliable, the inform... by YourValentine on 27.05.2008
European Championship - Italy is always a candidate but there are other te... by YourValentine on 27.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers plan concerts in Buenos Aires - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 27.05.2008
ANNOUNCE Tokyo April 14th 1979 FLAC - On request this is the first concert from the Ward... by YourValentine on 26.05.2008
The Cosmos Rocks With Album Cover - The image was copied from QOL http://www.queeno... by YourValentine on 26.05.2008
Torrent announce: Queen - Son & daughter (march '74), from swedish tv - Thank you very much for sharing this, a great find... by YourValentine on 26.05.2008
Happy Birthday, Dan Corson! - Happy Birthday, Dan :)... by YourValentine on 25.05.2008
Freddie & Me - Imo it's a nice book worth having (see my review i... by YourValentine on 24.05.2008
Champions League Final 2008 - "Besides, there is nothing better than watching a ... by YourValentine on 23.05.2008
ANNOUNCE: Portland 2006 FLAC torrent - There are seeders, stay tuned. You also must be lo... by YourValentine on 22.05.2008
Highlander remake?!?! - (carefully moving around Zebonka12..) I think B... by YourValentine on 22.05.2008
Champions League Final 2008 - Sorry, Bob - it looked good. I rooted for Chelsea,... by YourValentine on 21.05.2008
ANNOUNCE: Portland 2006 FLAC torrent - This is a new, previously unshared concert from th... by YourValentine on 21.05.2008
Happy Birthday Danny - Happy Birthday to the best QZ has to offer ;)... by YourValentine on 21.05.2008
New Fan Cover: TMLWKY by Adam Baboolal and friends - I totally agree, I think it's great. The link w... by YourValentine on 20.05.2008
Cool! - Try the good old "set email address to yes" in ord... by YourValentine on 20.05.2008
Happy Birthday, Iron_Eagle - Let me wish you the happiest of birthdays, old bir... by YourValentine on 20.05.2008
New Fan Cover: TMLWKY by Adam Baboolal and friends - Oh sorry, I did not expect it does not work, becau... by YourValentine on 19.05.2008
New Fan Cover: TMLWKY by Adam Baboolal and friends - Here is the long awaited entry by Adam and his fri... by YourValentine on 19.05.2008
If your login does not work... - Tom, probably you have two accounts with the same ... by YourValentine on 18.05.2008
Queen Hub Information - The main op is on a vacation. He comes back today,... by YourValentine on 18.05.2008
How to use an ATM - Come on, Ms Rebel - it WAS funny:)... by YourValentine on 17.05.2008
Queen and Paul Rodgers to play Argentina in November? - Yes, I think that this is true. According to an in... by YourValentine on 17.05.2008
Announce: Hot Space Demos FLAC Ex+++ Rapidshare - Here is the same spectral viiew for Staying Power ... by YourValentine on 17.05.2008
Announce: Hot Space Demos FLAC Ex+++ Rapidshare - I am not sure if I can trust my ears about mp3 sou... by YourValentine on 17.05.2008
Hecklers And Their Putdowns - "Halfway through a U2 gig in Glasgow, Bono stopped... by YourValentine on 17.05.2008
for Thunderbolt - If he uses html tags in his username, the private ... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
Announce: Hot Space Demos FLAC Ex+++ Rapidshare - Lol, I gave away more than I wanted:) Yes, I think... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
Announce: Hot Space Demos FLAC Ex+++ Rapidshare - Can anyone please show me why these are supposed t... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
pet hates - I know there is so much misery and hunger in the w... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
QOL ticket presales much better - Hmm, glancing over at QOL it looks like there are ... by YourValentine on 16.05.2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREYA - Haha, so we have a true c-lebrity on Queenzone :) ... by YourValentine on 15.05.2008
QOL ticket presales much better - If you gave up on QOL ticket sales for the known r... by YourValentine on 15.05.2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREYA - Happy birthday :) I have no clue about the carr... by YourValentine on 15.05.2008
Scooter tops UK charts - Hmm, joxer - let's not forget DJ Oetzi - he was no... by YourValentine on 14.05.2008
trip to london - Look up http://www.queenconcerts.com/london.ht... by YourValentine on 14.05.2008
Scooter tops UK charts - In Germany we have had the pleasure to be entertai... by YourValentine on 14.05.2008
Freddie Mercury - Barcelona interview - Well, as you may have guessed already this is a TV... by YourValentine on 14.05.2008
If your Queenzone login does not work.... - Hi folks, Richard has moved the website to another... by YourValentine on 13.05.2008
If your login does not work... - Hi folks, Richard has moved the website to another... by YourValentine on 13.05.2008
Forum Guidelines - reload... by YourValentine on 13.05.2008
Queen - Brian May - edit: moving the thread did not work... by YourValentine on 12.05.2008
New Fan Cover: Tenement Funster by Matt Hutchison - http://www.queenzone.com/ The link is on the ma... by YourValentine on 10.05.2008
New Fan Cover: Tenement Funster by Matt Hutchison - Here is another great addition to our "Stage ... by YourValentine on 10.05.2008
helo im new and im brain mays biggest fan - You are very welcome to disappear, Fopjemopje or ... by YourValentine on 08.05.2008
Personal messages stopped working - Richard fixed it.... by YourValentine on 08.05.2008
For the 1st time, ever! In Italy! QUEEN VINYLS AND MEMORABILIA EXHIBITION - Looks like a very interesting event, well done, Al... by YourValentine on 08.05.2008
Queenonline maillist - It's just a product selling list. When the album c... by YourValentine on 08.05.2008
Happy birthday, pittrek :) - Happy Birthday, hmm, most long-dicked (cough) QZ m... by YourValentine on 06.05.2008
The Hero -- live Vienna 1982 - This is from Frankfurt 82 filmed by DoRo for a doc... by YourValentine on 05.05.2008
ANNOUNCE : new DVD of our last tour - Moved to the personal forum The Sharing forum i... by YourValentine on 05.05.2008
Brian May clears up that Paul Rodgers thing - “ He used to have a go at me in the studio when ... by YourValentine on 05.05.2008
Statutory rights - Good for you :-)... by YourValentine on 05.05.2008
Brian May involved in the Rocky Horror Show? - Hot Patootie was covered by Brian May, it's a bonu... by YourValentine on 04.05.2008
Happy Birthday Andrea (AC)!!! - Happy birthday, sniper :) Have a great birthday... by YourValentine on 03.05.2008
THAT WILL BE THE LAST TIME, I THINK YOU WILL FIND. - I totally agree with you, ok computer. I am myself... by YourValentine on 28.04.2008
Statutory rights - In my country you lose every warranty if you have ... by YourValentine on 27.04.2008
Happy Birthday, Mr Mercury - Happy Birthday, Dave :) Have a fantastic day, y... by YourValentine on 26.04.2008
New Tour Dates: Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, London - Peroid ??... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
Happy Birthday, PieterMC - It's still early, Erin, you can act like you remem... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
Happy Birthday, PieterMC - Happy Birthday, Mr. Queenpedia. Have a great ... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
Steiner Teacher in Kent, England - You were lucky, Bob. Imagine - you might hav... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
What do you think about camels? - They don't taste good ... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
Announce : Roger & Brian Interview 2 F.M broadcast Ireland 1986 FLAC - Thank you, Mark. I never heard about this one.... by YourValentine on 25.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: Hammersmith 1975 DVD orig. broadcast mixed with the stereo rebr. - In this case you have to buy loads of beer in ... by YourValentine on 24.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - I can't change the script or anything. The moved (... by YourValentine on 23.04.2008
ALL RIGHT NOW, COVER SONG FOR THE NEW ALBUM? - Here are some songs Brian, Roger and QPR covered l... by YourValentine on 23.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: Hammersmith 1975 DVD orig. broadcast mixed with the stereo rebr. - Molto grazie, Leo. How much are you sharing? I ask... by YourValentine on 22.04.2008
ALL RIGHT NOW, COVER SONG FOR THE NEW ALBUM? - This would be the worst choice. ARN may have been ... by YourValentine on 22.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - Thanks for the nice words, Melissa - please call m... by YourValentine on 22.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - @ Microwave If you don't mind I am not on QZ 24 ho... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - Have you looked into a mirror lately, Microwav... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
Mothers and children in polygamist case to be separated - Yes, I already mentioned Magical and Allie - I am ... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
New Fan Cover: White Queen by Franz and Riku - Here is another excellent addition to our stage of... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: 1979-04-21-Kanazawa FLAC - Disc 2 http://rapidshare.com/files/109095786/13_D... by YourValentine on 21.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: 1979-04-21-Kanazawa FLAC - Disc 1 http://rapidshare.com/files/109067903/01... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - First thank you guys for the kind words, it makes ... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Mothers and children in polygamist case to be separated - I understand that the state could not do anything ... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: 1979-04-21-Kanazawa FLAC - Yes, there are seeders, the problem is on your sid... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - Lester - if I knew how to make the boards better w... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Mothers and children in polygamist case to be separated - I am all for religious freedom but even religious ... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Queen radio show on Sunday 27 April - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Mothers and children in polygamist case to be separated - It's interesting how citizen rights are defined in... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
QOL is down again - If you have a problem with QOL people, you should ... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
Stand up, Queenzoners, and let our collective voices be heard! - Yes I emailed Brians Permed Podle, Flaupjemaupje a... by YourValentine on 20.04.2008
DVD tree - the start - Finally, my second package arrived at dsmeer. He w... by YourValentine on 19.04.2008
ANNOUNCE: 1979-04-21-Kanazawa FLAC - I reseed it, please post when you are finished.... by YourValentine on 19.04.2008
New Tour Dates: Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, London - The dates were written on a reliable site but dele... by YourValentine on 19.04.2008
New Tour Dates: Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, London - Sheffield Arena 19th Oct 2008 Newcastle Arena 4t... by YourValentine on 18.04.2008
Remember PSYCHO STAR and ARLENE R. WEISS - Erin -if the conspiracy is working well, the victi... by YourValentine on 16.04.2008
ZURICH ’78 - April 30 1978 (FLAC) - Absolutely. If you open a collector site I wou... by YourValentine on 15.04.2008
ZURICH ’78 - April 30 1978 (FLAC) - Well, Bob, it seems that we have a very different ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2008
ZURICH ’78 - April 30 1978 (FLAC) - What you describe in the first paragraph is ... by YourValentine on 15.04.2008
ZURICH ’78 - April 30 1978 (FLAC) - "Got no more info but what’s mentioned ... by YourValentine on 14.04.2008
Danny Miranda - Danny Miranda seems to be a genuinelly nice and fr... by YourValentine on 13.04.2008
Happy Birthday To Me lol - Happy Birthday :)... by YourValentine on 12.04.2008
my sign in - open your internet explorer, empty the cache, dele... by YourValentine on 11.04.2008
When Are The Tickets Going To Get Printed - You can get to the front row if you manage to ... by YourValentine on 10.04.2008
Air by bach - You asked this a few weeks ago already:) http... by YourValentine on 10.04.2008
When Are The Tickets Going To Get Printed - It means you are number 39110 in the queue in fron... by YourValentine on 10.04.2008
Which venue on the 2005 tour did this happen? - In the VH1 Rock Honor backstage interviews Paul Ro... by YourValentine on 10.04.2008
DVD tree - the start - Today I resent the DVDs to dsmeer after the 1st pa... by YourValentine on 09.04.2008
To bokkepoot - I don't think he reads this forum, it's better to ... by YourValentine on 09.04.2008
DVD TREE START IN OVERSEAS - CADENA DE DVDS COMIENZO EN AMERICA - The list was not yet closed, diegomercury666 s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
QOL seating allocation...WTF???? - "Bugger!! I can't stand to be that high in th... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
RIP - I am sorry about your loss, Vinou :-(... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
The Munich 2005 DVD Torrent as posted by gerolamo - Hi folks, I deleted the topic posted by gerolamo a... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
QOL seating allocation...WTF???? - They cannot charge you ten pounds more for a s... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers in Rotterdam 2008 TICKET - If I understand the Dutch on the confirmation mail... by YourValentine on 08.04.2008
Happy Birthday Janet ( Yogurt ) - Happy Birthday:)... by YourValentine on 07.04.2008
POST IN THE RIGHT FORUM OR RISK BEING DELETED - reload... by YourValentine on 07.04.2008
I WON THE FUCKING BET!!! - I certainly do not condemn anyone for voicing thei... by YourValentine on 07.04.2008
Mannheim Seating only? - Please email me to the same email address I still ... by YourValentine on 07.04.2008
Album Club... starts 4th April? - I tried again - now I get this message: "Y... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
Album Club... starts 4th April? - No, I did not get an answer, I don't think the... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
Mannheim Seating only? - Kartenhaus.de has standing tickets for Mannheim ... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
I WON THE FUCKING BET!!! - He was Moses and the Omega Man (the original "... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
Help me! - Do you have paypal?... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
DVD Queen Interview 3 - No offense to the uploader but is it really worth ... by YourValentine on 06.04.2008
Album Club... starts 4th April? - I cannot login either. I get an "email the ad... by YourValentine on 05.04.2008
Hey guys! Back for a second for an important message ... - I liked the video, really cute:) I rated and comme... by YourValentine on 05.04.2008
Announce: QPR C-Lebrity on Happy Hour - DVD on QZ tracker - Thanks to the sharer on DAD. I thought the date wa... by YourValentine on 05.04.2008
Favourite instrumentals - Mike Oldfield: Tubular Bells Ommadawn Platinum ... by YourValentine on 04.04.2008
If your a Rick Astley Fan post here - I am not a Rick Astley Fan but I post just for the... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
English tickets - ticketmaster presale? - Thanks, folks... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher - What really makes my heart sink is all the "e... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - Rotterdam is not sold out, only the tickets QOL bo... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
English tickets - ticketmaster presale? - Is there any chance to buy tickets for the English... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher - Am I the only one who thinks that maybe there was ... by YourValentine on 03.04.2008
Fan Club ticket pricing error - I bought my German tickets from the German Fan Clu... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
April 1st Fools Baby - Happy belated birthday:)... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
The fan ticket presales - a joke - Looking over at QOL - - the seats cannot be al... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Ticket prices converted - The Fan clubs have to charge the prices they get f... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - That was really not your fault, gnomo:) I think... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - That's why I need balcony seats:)... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - As you know I want a seat because I am short and d... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
The fan ticket presales - a joke - The FC and QOL online presales are ridiculously ov... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
GERMAN SHOWS ARE ALREADY ON GENERAL SALE! - I don't think Mannheim will be cancelled. The Germ... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - I think we are all a bit diappointed about Verona ... by YourValentine on 02.04.2008
Verona concert moved to Milano - as announced on QOL a short while ago. Very sad, I... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers to debut new track on Al Murray - Great, Pieter:)... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Quick Convention Report - Thanks, David, very interesting :) Personally, I d... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Pre-registration tickets - Drummer Immense, if you don't get the presale link... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
seeking guidance - It's well possible he watched AI - come on, not ea... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Pre-registration tickets - If you have not yet received the QOL presale email... by YourValentine on 01.04.2008
Pre-registration tickets - Perry, email me by clicking on the "contact u... by YourValentine on 31.03.2008
seeking guidance - Our first member from China, I believe. Are Queen ... by YourValentine on 31.03.2008
Canadian Seal Hunters get what they deserve - I really respect you, magicalfreddiemercury but I ... by YourValentine on 31.03.2008
Canadian Seal Hunters get what they deserve - I think seal hunting should be outlawed internatio... by YourValentine on 31.03.2008
Please Reseed Philadelphia 2006 DVD Currently Stuck At 66% - can you link to the original seed, so we can check... by YourValentine on 31.03.2008
Set list for tour - Moved to QPR tour forum... by YourValentine on 30.03.2008
New Forum Please. - Moved to QZ forum... by YourValentine on 30.03.2008
queen fans on Netlog - Moved to the Personal Forum... by YourValentine on 30.03.2008
I know you guys don't remember me... - Peace, Brandon (or should I say BigBam?) STL, I... by YourValentine on 30.03.2008
Mona Lisa Secrets finally revealed... - I knew this - after I finished watching.... by YourValentine on 29.03.2008
I know you guys don't remember me... - You mix up this forum with the old FC forum. I rem... by YourValentine on 29.03.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers to debut new track on Al Murray - Can anyone please record this TV performance to VH... by YourValentine on 27.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - While Farouk has received the DVDs and has opened ... by YourValentine on 27.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - @ HeyUBoy, please post your email address and I ad... by YourValentine on 25.03.2008
A Great Weekend in Chicago - I am very sorry about your loss and the circumstan... by YourValentine on 24.03.2008
Pre-registration tickets - If you are a fan club member, you should register ... by YourValentine on 24.03.2008
Tour dates are out - Are you flying, Jeroen? Gdansk is 1000 km /14 hrs ... by YourValentine on 21.03.2008
Tour dates are out - You would meet some familiar Queenzoners in Berlin... by YourValentine on 21.03.2008
Tour dates are out - You can still jump on a RyanAir plane to Frankfurt... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Touring Internationally? - It has been confirmed various times but it's a... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Heather Mills Awarded 24.3 Million - Kevin Federline - and he is not even good loo... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Tour dates are out - Too bad, Jeroen :( Italy will be so much less fu... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Why are Q+PR doing so FEW UK dates?? - Brian said in a recent interview that 10% of all t... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Tour dates are out - eggy - come to Mannheim, it's only 100 km from me.... by YourValentine on 20.03.2008
Tour dates are out - Yes, Lorenzo. Last time I deeply regretted that I ... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
www.QueenDiary.info - That was a fast and very effective improvement. Th... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
Tour dates are out - "Forget Belgium; We're going to Berlin!!"... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
www.QueenDiary.info - For example - if I want to know the dates when Que... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
Queen + PR tour dates out - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
www.QueenDiary.info - Very nice website, congratulations. I have not yet... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
Tour dates are out - The ancient arena in Verona - magical. This time I... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
Tour dates are out - http://queentour2005.wegotit.at/ :)... by YourValentine on 19.03.2008
5 dates in Germany ! - Great work, thank you so much Thomas. With your he... by YourValentine on 18.03.2008
New Fan cover: Lazing On A sunday Afternoon by teddi2002 - An instrumental version for a change by Queenzoner... by YourValentine on 18.03.2008
Obama or No-Bama? - @ Treasure Moment - it's obvious that there is onl... by YourValentine on 17.03.2008
Obama or No-Bama? - "It always comes down to who you are associat... by YourValentine on 17.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - The voting has ended. Please look up the other thr... by YourValentine on 17.03.2008
Obama or No-Bama? - Does Jeremiah Wright put an end to the Obama cult?... by YourValentine on 16.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - I re-opened it. I sent you an email, tgunn.... by YourValentine on 15.03.2008
Hello my friends (old time QZers!!) - Lost your login? After working so hard to get thes... by YourValentine on 15.03.2008
Killer Queen on TOTP - You mix that up with Seven Seas Of Rhye. The Kille... by YourValentine on 15.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Please start a new thread.... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
Fatty and Janet story for March.. - "can you spit german ale through your nose al... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
I want to travel - Zebonka - if you have the time and the opportunity... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
modern freddie? - If we believe the WWRY people Freddie would campai... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
Tourstart: 16-SEP-08 Moscow - Presales....that sounds like server crash, no cred... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Mannheim 21. Juni 1986 ***FM-1.GEN*** - Thank you, Ginger. Everybody in the swarm has to d... by YourValentine on 14.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Mannheim 21. Juni 1986 ***FM-1.GEN*** - Thanks, Queenline but your track has the same size... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Mannheim 21. Juni 1986 ***FM-1.GEN*** - I emailed you about the 99%. The QZ tracker is... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Mannheim 21. Juni 1986 ***FM-1.GEN*** - Maruga, I think I am the seeder you see. I share w... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - I added you, hermenegildo. I don't need your posta... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - I added you, Del Pietro, you are number 2 on the E... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen Mannheim 21. Juni 1986 ***FM-1.GEN*** - Many thanks, this is amazing :)... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - Yes, please see my message above. I sent you a pac... by YourValentine on 13.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - Faroukqch from Chile and dsmeer from Holland have ... by YourValentine on 12.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - Don't worry, Victor, I am sure there is a way to s... by YourValentine on 12.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - Sigitassa - the voting has ended. Please look at t... by YourValentine on 12.03.2008
Favourite Joke (Part 2) - Funny:) Just to annoy Fried_Chicken I add anoth... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
DVD tree - the start - I think this tree should be easy because not too m... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
air...the classical music peice - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTs1uLxmkgU ... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - We start tonight :)... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
REQUEST: 26-10-2005 Yokohama, Japan - The first post was moved to the Request forum... by YourValentine on 11.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - castaway_girl - if you want to be in the tree, ple... by YourValentine on 08.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - You miss the point, Peter. This thread is for peop... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Paedophiles On Second Life Website - I don't know if a child abuser is more likely to a... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
DVD tree - sharing by mail (enviar DVDs por correo) - Many fans are unable to download big DVDs because ... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Announce: Brian May Live Sun Plaza Hall, Tokyo, Japan.Nov 11th 1998 (MP3) - Hello Bo Alex, this website is not meant for E... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Flac vs. Mp3....please stop this! - I answer to this although I am getting tired of th... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Paedophiles On Second Life Website - The overwhelming majority of child abuse cases hap... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
New Fan covers by Dan McCord and Matt Hutchison - Although I think that each of these fan songs dser... by YourValentine on 07.03.2008
Marine Throws Puppy Off Of Cliff - I don't think Americans are hated because of a pup... by YourValentine on 06.03.2008
The Annual Stella Awards - Sometimes I think the jury system is a failure. A ... by YourValentine on 06.03.2008
on the rock trail. - I understood it after the first four posts ;)... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
Tickets for the 46664 concert in Hyde Park now available - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
Tickets for the 46664 concert in Hyde park, June 27 - http://music.livenation.co.uk/46664concert/home/ ... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
News about the Moscow concerts - I looked up the ticket prices for the upcoming Rih... by YourValentine on 05.03.2008
A request to the moderator(s) - If you are unsure, ask the forum:) I was only ... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
News about the Moscow concerts - If you are interested in a ticket for one of the M... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
Guide Me Home - You always make me laugh, Zebonka :)... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
A request to the moderator(s) - I totally agree with John. No need to write lists,... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
Another commercial using WWRY - A German home improvement market uses WWRY for a T... by YourValentine on 04.03.2008
Last Saturday in Hamburg - The pilot aborted the landing procedure in the las... by YourValentine on 03.03.2008
Last Saturday in Hamburg - an airbus almost crashed when it was caught by cro... by YourValentine on 03.03.2008
New Fan Cover: Fat Bottomed Girls by Luciano - Yet another fan song: Fat Bottomed Girls by Lucian... by YourValentine on 02.03.2008
Bohemian Rhapsody - Opera part - Piano (by me) - Rename the thread, please... by YourValentine on 01.03.2008
The best penalty kick in the world ever... - If he had tried to do that on purpose - he would n... by YourValentine on 01.03.2008
New Fan cover: Nevermore by Ivan - It looks like spamming the board with new fan song... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
Please read - Did you get my email, Dave? There have always b... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
Please read - I guess most of you realised that Queen Production... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
VOTE FOR BRIAN! ITS FINAL DAY - Totozone...sounds cool... by YourValentine on 29.02.2008
New Fan Cover: Seaside Rendezvous by Matt Hutchison - Yes, more songs will be posted soon. I was blown a... by YourValentine on 28.02.2008
New Fan Cover: Seaside Rendezvous by Matt Hutchison - Folks, listen to this rendition of SR - a first on... by YourValentine on 27.02.2008
Multitrack Updates - I have nothing against QOL, I have been a member t... by YourValentine on 26.02.2008
Multitrack Updates - Okay, okay - it would have been enough to read thi... by YourValentine on 26.02.2008
The Flu. Not once, but twice. - It's really useless to use all these disinfect... by YourValentine on 26.02.2008
Happy Birthday Bob The Shrek! - Happy Birthday, Bob:) Have a great day and enjo... by YourValentine on 26.02.2008
Multitrack Updates - Please people, do not get this website in trou... by YourValentine on 26.02.2008
Q+PR To Play Moscow 16 & 17 Sep - I can only strongly recommend not to buy any p... by YourValentine on 25.02.2008
Favourite joke - A nun travels in the train and when she has to get... by YourValentine on 25.02.2008
The Flu. Not once, but twice. - I hope you all get better and get a flu shot next ... by YourValentine on 25.02.2008
A Queenzone Fairytale - This is the honest truth.... by YourValentine on 23.02.2008
The Flu. Not once, but twice. - After having a flu, a pneumonia and a sinusitis in... by YourValentine on 23.02.2008
Multitrack Updates - Maybe we can all calm down a bit. Queen know that ... by YourValentine on 23.02.2008
Multitrack Updates - Theoretically it would have been possible to leave... by YourValentine on 23.02.2008
Whats Up? - Talking is perfectly okay. There was a complaint a... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
Whats Up? - Yes, sadly. Please contact us for information.... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
Q+PR To Play Moscow 16 & 17 Sep - Thanks for posting this :) Moscow is too far for m... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
Happy B-day Andy!!!!!!!!! - Happy Birthday, Andy :)... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
No Subject - It's there to annoy you:)... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - good:)... by YourValentine on 22.02.2008
New Fan Cover: Dan McCord - Love Of My Life - Hi folks, Richard has moved all the fan songs to a... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
sample from RARE demo from 1976 - Hello jpet - you can find friends here with or wit... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
sample from RARE demo from 1976 - again I am too slow:)... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
sample from RARE demo from 1976 - WUM is an expression I learned from PG, maybe he i... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
sample from RARE demo from 1976 - WUM alert ... :)... by YourValentine on 21.02.2008
Happy Birthday Janet - Happy Birthday, dear Janet:) Forever young... by YourValentine on 20.02.2008
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - All files are there and we are 3 seeders. Just sta... by YourValentine on 20.02.2008
Unreleased tracks: Petition - reload...... by YourValentine on 19.02.2008
Happy Birthday, Serry - Let me wish you a very happy birthday, Serry. I... by YourValentine on 18.02.2008
Apologizing for my mistakes - Falsification in the press and books - I don't see how I say anything about other books w... by YourValentine on 18.02.2008
Apologizing for my mistakes - Falsification in the press and books - "Give Daria a chance.She is trying to right a... by YourValentine on 16.02.2008
Apologizing for my mistakes - Falsification in the press and books - Come on, please. She claims that there is a conspi... by YourValentine on 16.02.2008
Words of support vs. a promise to pray - Publicly speaking about prayers is a very American... by YourValentine on 16.02.2008
Apologizing for my mistakes - Falsification in the press and books - Ahundova's book is not published because it's utte... by YourValentine on 16.02.2008
Happy Birthday Fatty! - Happy Birthday, Scottie :)... by YourValentine on 14.02.2008
New Fan Cover : The Prophet's Song - This song is certainly not easy to do. Here is a v... by YourValentine on 13.02.2008
Interesting News - Cool :)... by YourValentine on 13.02.2008
my weekly topic - "realy? wel than i spelled it wrong sorry my ... by YourValentine on 13.02.2008
Congratulations Pim Derks! - Happy Birthday, Pim :) Van harte gefeliciteerd ... by YourValentine on 11.02.2008
ANNOUNCE Berlin 28-04-78 from TRIAL Flac - There are 24 seeders and 24 leeches, please use uT... by YourValentine on 11.02.2008
ANNOUNCE Berlin 28-04-78 from TRIAL Flac - Hi folks, I did not find another flac version of t... by YourValentine on 10.02.2008
A hypothetical question regarding religion and education. - As soon as the archbishop of Canterbury has introd... by YourValentine on 10.02.2008
As much noise as I've made... - You have a beautiful voice, very touching. I was ... by YourValentine on 09.02.2008
Sentence the victim? - I agree with everything you say. It's truly im... by YourValentine on 09.02.2008
Sentence the victim? - I wanted to bring that topic back up because we di... by YourValentine on 08.02.2008
Happy Birthday Brian _Mays_Wig! - Happy Birthday :)... by YourValentine on 07.02.2008
A movie I would not want to watch on an airplane - I love flying but I can imagine I would not enjoy ... by YourValentine on 07.02.2008
If you are over 18 and in the U.S.. - I think you are right pointing out the importance ... by YourValentine on 07.02.2008
Happy Birthday Niek!!!! - Happy Birthday, Niek :) Van harte gefeliciteerd... by YourValentine on 07.02.2008
Bohemian Rhapsody (alternate vocal take) (from 24trk master) - In fact two threads:) No need to explain why yo... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
If you are over 18 and in the U.S.. - "the President on the US is a figurehead, and... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
Bohemian Rhapsody (alternate vocal take) (from 24trk master) - Bobby_Brown - is it possible that you have not loo... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
If you are over 18 and in the U.S.. - "Obviously, dear, you frequent that site...do... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
If you are over 18 and in the U.S.. - "Does is really matter where the facts come f... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
If you are over 18 and in the U.S.. - QUOTENAME]Haystacks Calhounski wrote: [/QUOTENAME]... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
These dowload things - "If I can add to the naive questions. When yo... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
These dowload things - You can also download flac frontend - a free and ... by YourValentine on 06.02.2008
DISGUSTING police brutality in USA - This makes me so sick - I hope there will be justi... by YourValentine on 05.02.2008
No Subject - Happy Birthday, Zebonka I hope you get "Fa... by YourValentine on 05.02.2008
New fan cover: Don't lose your head - For the friends of the Stage Of Champions - here i... by YourValentine on 05.02.2008
FLASH ALIVE - Thank you very much for the share and the effort. ... by YourValentine on 01.02.2008
Announce:Q+PR Saitama 2005.10.26.FLAC.torrent - @ Batman04 - please upload the torrent file to the... by YourValentine on 01.02.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - Which was yours, Voice of Reason?... by YourValentine on 31.01.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - How could I forget the "Through The Keyhole&q... by YourValentine on 31.01.2008
Nijinsky re-creation in IWTBF. - You can take screen shots from the DVD. I don't th... by YourValentine on 30.01.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - The "easter egg" thread inspired me to o... by YourValentine on 29.01.2008
What's the point of Queenzone? - @ rhyeking Look under the "Library"... by YourValentine on 26.01.2008
Long-time Queenzoners - I was one of the Queenrockers and since we arrived... by YourValentine on 25.01.2008
US team makes embryo clone of men - Therapeutical cloning is really not about creating... by YourValentine on 25.01.2008
Best Led Zep 2007 reunion concert bootlegs (on dimeadozen.org) - Audio or video, Jeroen?... by YourValentine on 24.01.2008
Long-time Queenzoners - What else is new, Pieter? :)... by YourValentine on 24.01.2008
nice little small figures - You must be in favour of the concept of pre-emptiv... by YourValentine on 22.01.2008
nice little small figures - Well, the topic starter is not a clone of Innu... by YourValentine on 22.01.2008
Obama... - It's interesting to see that many people in ... by YourValentine on 21.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Frejus 30-07-86 FLAC - I reopened, so Ginger can share all her other torr... by YourValentine on 18.01.2008
Global Dimming - From page 137 of above quoted study: "... by YourValentine on 18.01.2008
Global Dimming - "The actual debate is the degree to which cha... by YourValentine on 17.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen + PR - Dublin, Ireland May 14th 2005 2nd source CORRECTED - Thanks to Maruga and Alex Solan for the share and ... by YourValentine on 17.01.2008
Is this the genuine article??? - I wonder why they picked a photo from 1984 for a G... by YourValentine on 17.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Music Box Muenchen 1979 DVD - There are still 4 seeders, can't you download at a... by YourValentine on 17.01.2008
Global Dimming - @ Microvave: you ask for the "source"... by YourValentine on 16.01.2008
Global Dimming - I agree, Maggie - blaming does not help. However w... by YourValentine on 16.01.2008
Global Dimming - The "simple increase of temperature" has... by YourValentine on 16.01.2008
Global Dimming - Global warming is not about recycling, it's about ... by YourValentine on 15.01.2008
drammen 82 - http://www.mediafire.com/?5xjg3mzmycu I hope th... by YourValentine on 15.01.2008
Interesting email - Why oh why do Queen attract all these loonies but ... by YourValentine on 15.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Thank You All (09-08-86) flac torrent - There are still 6 seeders, you should be able to d... by YourValentine on 15.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Knebworth 09-08-86 DVD - I am seeding this and Houston all the time :)... by YourValentine on 14.01.2008
Queen to play at the new O2 arena - The fact that this topic has not been moved to the... by YourValentine on 14.01.2008
Announce as torrent : Stockholm 10 April 1982 FLAC - You are the heart and soul of the sharing communit... by YourValentine on 13.01.2008
False claim of Photo - I deleted the photo. I am sure the uploader did no... by YourValentine on 11.01.2008
Sanremo 84 + Press conference - Stefano, I downloaded the torrent file from the tr... by YourValentine on 09.01.2008
UPDATED: How to post a torrent on Queenzone.com- - You can post it: start a new thread to announce th... by YourValentine on 08.01.2008
UPDATED: How to post a torrent on Queenzone.com- - You uploaded the torrent but you are not seeding i... by YourValentine on 07.01.2008
Happy Birthday, Penetration_Guru - Happy Birthday, Mylord. Have a great day and m... by YourValentine on 07.01.2008
For Cookies, and Pictures from the UK! - These pictures are beautiful. I had to laugh about... by YourValentine on 06.01.2008
happy birthday Sparrow/Lady Nyx - Happy Birthday, Aylen:)... by YourValentine on 06.01.2008
Say It's Not True - Anyone? - I bought it in a normal shop, it was the only copy... by YourValentine on 05.01.2008
Right, I need some advice. Proper advise. - It's hard to advise not knowing the victims but as... by YourValentine on 05.01.2008
ANNOUNCE: Cologne 2005 DVD - I have no idea where the mp3s come from, really st... by YourValentine on 05.01.2008
Flashman is dead, long live Flashman... - phew...... by YourValentine on 04.01.2008
Brian May on "This Morning" Today (4/1/08)!! - Thank you, Nightjar, very nice to share it with us... by YourValentine on 04.01.2008
Flashman is dead, long live Flashman... - I am lost - can anyone explain?... by YourValentine on 04.01.2008
New Fan Covers: Procession - Hi folks,five fans submitted their version of the ... by YourValentine on 01.01.2008
Benazir Bhutto killed - They announced it. Countries who never signed ... by YourValentine on 01.01.2008
Live Shows From "Champions Of The World" Documentary - TYMD video shoot comes from Nassau Coliseum, Febru... by YourValentine on 29.12.2007
Happy Birthday Deacon John! - Happy Birthday, Olivia :)... by YourValentine on 21.12.2007
Led Zeppelin Live In O2 Arena available in DimeADozen - Just great... by YourValentine on 18.12.2007
Seeds for Earl's Court 77 Video and HAmmersmith 75 Video - It's better to post in the thread of the video you... by YourValentine on 17.12.2007
ANNOUNCE: Knebworth 09-08-86 DVD - I reseed it... by YourValentine on 16.12.2007
"Miracle" guitarist Rudi de Jong dies at age 42 - I am shocked and sad about the sudden death of Dut... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
Ultimate Collection 1974 - Addings On - Moved to the General Forum...... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
Constant Hell - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b/104-3160329-35... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
New Bootleg , As it began, The BBC Archive - I wish there would be such a nice looking official... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
Constant Hell - Great post, josedequeso. I think you are on a good... by YourValentine on 13.12.2007
Constant Hell - Maybe I get the wrong impression and I do not want... by YourValentine on 12.12.2007
Republican President will be elected in 2008 - I watched the 12 longest minutes of this day on Yo... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
Check this out - http://www.ovationtribute.com/Ovation%20Promo/A_Ro... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
ANNOUNCE:1986.06.29 - Olympiahalle, Munich, Germany - freddiesp - you must upload the torrent file to th... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
Constant Hell - I am very sorry to hear about your condition. It m... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
led zep reunion setlist - That's the good thing about YouTube - they just ha... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
Anthologies in 2008? - edited... by YourValentine on 11.12.2007
What song are you listening to??? part 2 - Please start a new thread :)... by YourValentine on 08.12.2007
"Elections" In Russia - I wonder why you think he will start a new Cold Wa... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
OK, What Are Your Predictions for the EURO 2008?? - Poland vs Germany,hmmmm http://www.buero-kopern... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
Queen fans make a difference - You can view the news article athttp://www.queenzo... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
Queen fans make a difference - View article at http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
Queen fans who make a difference - I want to present and promote a great website run ... by YourValentine on 07.12.2007
OK, What Are Your Predictions for the EURO 2008?? - Well Joxer, you can still support Scotland ... oh ... by YourValentine on 06.12.2007
Queen DVD vine - Well, I did not read in the newspaper about it :)... by YourValentine on 05.12.2007
Queen DVD vine - From Tokyo 79 there is an alternative DVD on the W... by YourValentine on 04.12.2007
Does anyone know where this from? - This is from Reading 1999 (Freddie Birthday Party)... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
Roger Taylor - Happiness LP - Jeroen, here are some auctions from ebay: ROGER... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
IM BACK - I don't know why but somehow these outbursts a... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
Roger Taylor - Happiness LP - The LP is genuine and has been sold for ca 30 Brit... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
SINT: Intelligent discussion - Other than many other fans I really like the lyric... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
Gavyn was born! - Congratulations, Jake, what a cute baby:) You a... by YourValentine on 03.12.2007
Let Me Live (Original Version) - FLAC - I re-opened it.... by YourValentine on 02.12.2007
Queen DVD vine - There are not many post 81 pro shot concert videos... by YourValentine on 01.12.2007
New Fan Cover: If You Can't Beat Them.. by Mike Ryde - Hello folks, here is another first: If You Can't... by YourValentine on 30.11.2007
Say It's Not True - Totally agree with your words, Jeroen. The sound g... by YourValentine on 30.11.2007
The New QOL - It's been cool to have all these crazy QOLers here... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
all QOL'ers unite - I figured out the name - I just had no clue it was... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
File sharing -v- vinyl bootlegs - Everything is more precious when you have to to pu... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
all QOL'ers unite - Hmmmm, Microwave - you just opened a can of worms.... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
Sentence the victim? - I just hope you are not right, although nothing ha... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
Dime A Dozen - Cindy, you accidentally hit the "new topic&qu... by YourValentine on 28.11.2007
Your username AND your siggy line on QZ. Why you picked it? - I thought you chose your nick as a referen