Lester Burnham 07.11.2004 17:27 |
I posted this in Hem's failed attempt at becoming Charles Baer, but I've decided to post this in its own thread and add a few additional comments. This personal section has become a joke. It's a complete waste of time. What once was an interesting section to post random news items and stuff about other bands - fuck, just to have a good time and joke around a bit - has now degenerated into a meaningless forum for select people to boost their postcount by posting the most assinine of shit. I know what the big critics are gonna say - if you don't like it, don't read it. However, I LIKED visiting the Personal section. I liked checking if fatty or Flashman were going to post something funny, and I liked seeing random things about movies, music, news, politics, etc. It was a different way to get perspectives on things and even get a few recommendations on stuff I never knew before. However, this seems to have become Hem's personal forum, and while there are the lot of you who may like him, I really don't see why this forum should be taken over for the weekends. If you notice, there are about a dozen new topics from this weekend alone created by Hem, and it's always the same three or four people that post in them. I present to you the main offender: link Those of you who want to defend the recent posting activity, read that and tell me I'm not wrong. G'on, I dare you. I used to like this particular section, moreso than the Queen section. I know it's cliched, but I've really grown weary of coming to this section and having to sort through all the shit to find something really worthwhile. So don't tell me to stop reading this if I don't want to - I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. But if I am, then I'll just fuck off and let everyone enjoy this disturbing shell of a forum without crabby ol' Lester Burnham. |
KillerQueen840 07.11.2004 17:47 |
I (obviously) agree with you, HeM. The personal section is to, "discuss anything you like." |
dragonzflame 07.11.2004 17:56 |
I agree with Lester. Instead of posting such rubbish as "I'm going to be offline for an hour" "I'm off for dinner now" which are out of date pretty much as soon as they're posted try adding these people at whom these are aimed to your MSN/ICQ/whatever and spare the rest of us having to sift through the million or so pointless threads. |
KillerQueen840 07.11.2004 17:58 |
There are only probably like 2 or 3 of those threads on the board right now, at the MOST. That's not a lot of sifting. |
Lester Burnham 07.11.2004 18:05 |
I'd be more interested in hearing what other people had to say about this besides Hem and KillerQueen. And there are actually 12 new threads by Hem on the first page of the personal section alone. |
Lester Burnham 07.11.2004 18:22 |
Promises, promises. Hem, the way I see it, you're a good guy. You're only fourteen years old, so you're young and impressionable. You've got the typical teenage male problems - you like a girl, blah blah blah...we've all been there. However, the thing is that you seem to post every little waking thought that passes through your mind without giving a second glance as to whether it matters or not. So we've got constant updates about what you're doing, what you're thinking, what you're GOING to be doing, etc. This would be just like me posting about every waking moment I live. If I were to post a thread about what I did today, it would be very boring - I worked on a book for five hours, I ate a slice of pizza, talked to my girlfriend, worked for another two hours, watched a bit of Groundhog Day, and now I'm here. But you seem to want to post everytime you do something and when you're going to want to talk to your two or three closest (internet) friends. There IS a such thing as e-mail, and while I'm all for free speech, a line's gotta be drawn somewhere. The difference between Charles Baer and you is becoming minimal. Whereas he spouts random things, the topics usually die off within an hour. However, your posts remain close to the top of the bunch because you're ALWAYS posting within those topics. So while, say, SergeantPepper's thread may get lost in a cluster of your threads, if it was Charles Baer, it would get two or three "ah yeah"s and "let's get it on"s and then die. There IS a difference, and I just want you to be aware of what you're doing. It isn't a rally cry against you, and I'm not trying to circle up a bunch of people to tell you what you're doing wrong, but I want you to know that one person - at least - is noticing it and mentioning it before it gets too out of hand. While it's great that you're so outgoing and want people to know what you're up to, there's also the matter of the other people who use this site. The only reason why this thread is staying in everybody's mind is because it directly involves you - if it didn't, it would have gotten maybe one reply and then sunk to the bottom of page three. Moderation is key in these things, and this is a PUBLIC messageboard, whereas what you're saying to your (internet) friends could be done much more effectively through e-mail. |
Lester Burnham 07.11.2004 18:43 |
I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I think you should take into consideration the sanity of the other posters on this board, and imagine what it would be like if every single person started posting up-to-the-minute updates on their activities. |
Brimon 07.11.2004 18:43 |
Excellent idea. |
Maz 07.11.2004 18:47 |
<b>HeM<br><font size=1>The King!</font> wrote: But I hope I am not "forbidden" to keep at least ONE thread per WEEKEND about myself.Why must we make deals with you? What's the purpose of posting a thread each weekend about your personal life? Those that care can probably reach you via AIM/ICQ/MSN/Email. Why bother a public notice board? The fact is I lose IQ points around here on the weekend and try not to come. The personal section is overrun lately with nonsense that only a few can participate in. Lester's complaints are valid for most of us QZers here. Hem - you seem to think that Richard or YV are the only ones fit to pass judgment on your actions, but that is not the case. The more rubbish you post, the more you alienate other QZers, and the more they leave and not post. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. QZ was a community of fans; now it's more of a game for a few bored people. |
Gunpowder Gelatine 07.11.2004 19:32 |
I have to say, I agree with Lester. HeM, you know you're welcome on Queenzone, but some of the threads you post would be more suited towards e-mail or a chatroom. Most of the time, any post you start ends up being a conversation between you and the same few people. Just try and keep the conversations minimal; the idea of having one post to go nuts in is a good one. Otherwise, people are going to end up feeling alienated on this board. I mean, look at my post about upcoming movies. It somehow turned into a conversation about spaceships between you and Yogurt. It starts to turn people away from posts that weren't meant to be conversation about intergalatic travel. |
Carrots Of The Piratebean 07.11.2004 19:50 |
Lester Burnham wrote: The difference between Charles Baer and you is becoming minimal. Whereas he spouts random things, the topics usually die off within an hour.Lester, I have to agree with you about the personal section and like you I am not "anti HeM" either. But one thing that got me was what you said re Charles. Shortly after Bush won the US elections, he was hardly giving one topic time to die off before posting another one - usually shit about where Michael Moore ate, etc. To me it seemed as though he was posting like a man possessed and while it may have interested him, to an outsider like me with no interest in any politics whatsoever, it was so boring. I am all for people posting on this section whatever they wish like yourself, but not if it will incur multiple threads of pure nonsense. |
Megamike The GREAT 07.11.2004 20:21 |
I have to agree, I dont have ANYTHING against HeM or the others.. in fact I find them amusing at times.. but to make a topic about just going for lunch, or going to bed.. I think if you want hem, you should just make ONE topic.. call it HEMS topic.. and post all your little stuff like that in there.. just an idea.. nothing personal.. |
KillerQueen840 07.11.2004 20:24 |
Hmm.. that last post of yours, I think that it's a great idea! |
Megamike The GREAT 07.11.2004 20:25 |
Well.. of course.. I thought of it.. ;-) thank you.. :) |
Albyboy 07.11.2004 20:51 |
Totally agree with Zeni... I don't have anything against you, HeM (anything personal, at least), and I have already told you that, if you remember... The fact is that many Qzoners don't want to reply to your posts, but they find it hard to ignore you because of that tendency of yours to "suffocate" and "monopolize" the whole forum... As a consequence, many of them started losing interest and went away... You probably don't mind (and I'm not saying that it's all your fault) but, please, as you were given a second chance to be here, try to be more respectful of others' needs... We don't ask that much, do we? :-) Albyboy |
Lisser 07.11.2004 20:56 |
I agree with Lester. I don't enjoy the Personal section anymore either bc I can't find the interesting topics for having to sort through what Hem had for lunch or a snack. By interesting threads I mean something that all or atleast more than 4 posters can see as useful bits of information that a portion of Queenzone viewers would want to know or read about. Posting saying you are off for a snack or off for lunch is of no interest to any of us and you cover up the other threads that are interesting. What if I posted on here every time I change my son's diaper? Is that interesting to you Hem? We all have snacks and we all eat lunch, so what makes your lunch or snack so special that we have to see a topic/thread about it that is probably knocking another intersting thread down? As far as your friend not being able to use AIM, so what! That is not our faults. Email her. I also agree with Zeni about why is Barb or Richard the only ones that are allowed to ask you to stop posting all this nonsense? We all read these boards too and have done so for a long long time. Just bc some of us do not have the power to ban you or delete your posts does not mean you shouldn't have respect for the other posters. When you make a new post Hem, ask yourself if its something worthwhile to post or if you are just bored and posting poop. Ask yourself if someone else might benefit from the information you are posting. I hope that helps. Thank you Lester for bringing this up. |
KillerQueen840 07.11.2004 21:17 |
First of all.. I can't give out my e-mail for the same reason of instant messaging..but I know that's my problem..not any of yours. And I can see all of your "frustrations." I'm sure HeM doesn't mean any harm to his threads (which is actually only like two) and I think that he's now going to take care all of it next time he comes back. |
Yogurt 07.11.2004 21:38 |
I'm sorry for replying in a thread too many times. And I'm sorry that Gunpowder Gelatine's post about movies ended up with a spaceship. |
Megamike The GREAT 07.11.2004 21:45 |
That's a start.. now.. say Megamike is the GREATEST person I have ever heard of, and all will be forgiven... |
Libor2 07.11.2004 21:47 |
Well, HeM, you wanted it, you have it. I'm another one with Lester here. You said: "Don't read it, if you don't like it". Yes, I stopped read it. But Personal section is in fact flooded with your topics (and, sorry, usually with nonsenses like "I'm off for 5 minutes...", "going to bed..." etc. etc.) And interesting topics goes quickly off first page. I haven't (unfortunately) so much time to be always here. Sometimes I could be here two times a day, sometimes only at evening or during two or three days. In last few days I looked in Personal section, saw HeM here, HeM there, shaked a head in disbelief, and... quickly went out of such mess. You use to say "... if Richard or Barbara tell me...". This is very fine from you, but you'd understand, you do very poor service for this forum. People start to go off of here. This isn't the best thing for forum, is it? I heard here a few times somebody said that "if something isn't prohibited, then why not do it". Marquees, big fonts, colors in topics names... yes, it isn't prohibited, but it could be (and usually is) annoying. Maybe (without waiting for what Richard or Barbara will say) try to use your head and try to expect, what people say to some (your) ideas. The fact is, you aren't the only one here and you'd (and not only you, to be honest) think about other people views to things. And, I'm another one, who encourage you and your friends here using for some personal topics ICQ, Trillian, Skype, Messenger or some other similar program. I didn't catch, why you couldn't use it. I'm old fart comparing to you, but I don't see any problem using it. Download, install, learn to use ... it's matter of an hour maybe. And, if it's really such problem, use old good e-mail. Trust me, it's even better for some topics, than to tell about them to all people here :-) BTW, Hem, we started here approx. at same time (three or so months ago). You were banned then and you started with zero counter. You are here on weekends. And, look at your and my counter. You could say: "he has nothing interesting to say" (and it is usually true), so that's why. But for me it says something anyway. Well, take it or leave it. I have no problem with you, but I think it's better to say some things sooner than later. It could help you maybe. Have a fine day. |
Lisser 07.11.2004 21:48 |
If you are not allowed to use AIM or give out your email address, you probably shouldn't be allowed to use this noticeboard either KQ. While this noticeboard is not labeled for "adults only" it is definitely not censored for teenagers and is to be used at your own risk. Some of the things that are posted on here are not suitable for teens in my opinion but you are not my child and that is not up to me. Again, it is not any of the other users' faults on here that your parents do not allow you to use other methods of communicating via the internet. You stated you understand that so I hope you understand the frustration of posters on this noticeboard when your group uses the board as your personal chatroom. No we do not have to read your threads and I can bet you most of us do not but you knock down interesting threads in the process of using the board as your chatroom. Maybe I am out of line in telling you what to do and not to do on here bc this is not my notice board. I do not make the rules. But I am a regular user on here and I'm stating that what you and Hem and a few others on here are doing to this noticeboard is not enjoyable. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 07.11.2004 21:59 |
I totally totally agree with Lester, not because I hate HeM but because he posts shite. hes only been back on for about 5 weeks and hes got over 900 posts! Im not starting a war with HeM, but this section needs some cleaning up! And I also agree with Lisser, Im gonna agree with everything she says from now on. :o) |
Brian_Mays_Wig 07.11.2004 22:04 |
On friday he had just over 900 posts, today he has 1140, thats over 200 posts in a weekend! The word 'moderation' is unfortunately entering my head! |
YourValentine 07.11.2004 22:35 |
I agree with Lester. The whole Personal section is flooded with post-boosting nonsense by HeM. A little more self control would definitely not hurt. |
KillerQueen840 08.11.2004 07:11 |
"If you are not allowed to use AIM or give out your email address, you probably shouldn't be allowed to use this noticeboard either KQ. While this noticeboard is not labeled for "adults only" it is definitely not censored for teenagers and is to be used at your own risk. Some of the things that are posted on here are not suitable for teens in my opinion but you are not my child and that is not up to me" Ya, *sigh* I know.. I don't understand why I'm allowed to use this and not aim (or e-mail) to talk with my friends here..I find it odd since I think it should be the other way around..but atleast I'm allowed to still come on here...And I know I'll stop with the "nonsense" posts as well...and... Have a nice day. :-) |
Janet 08.11.2004 07:28 |
Why not try the chatroom? :-) |
deleted user 08.11.2004 07:47 |
Just a suggestion, but why don't you all leave your personal messages for each other in the Forum testing section, if there is no other way of communication? That forum isn't used all that often anyway and your "I'm off for an hour" or "I'm going to eat" topics will be out of the way of the other topics, but still available to your group. |
Yogurt 08.11.2004 08:26 |
That's a good idea. |
Lisser 08.11.2004 09:13 |
I hope you have a great day too KQ. Thank you. :) |
Megamike The GREAT 08.11.2004 09:19 |
OH Come on... we want to see a Cat fight... ;-) |
Lisser 08.11.2004 09:25 |
Put your dukes up then Mike, you P*ssy!!! hahaahaha!! I'm supposed to be working now so we'll fight later and I shouldn't be talking like this anyway. Its not lady-like and you all that know me, know how much of a lady I am. *cough* :) |
Megamike The GREAT 08.11.2004 09:45 |
Oh Honey, only on the weekends.. during the week I am as much man as Harvey Fierstein.. |
Lisser 08.11.2004 11:50 |
Rooooooooar!! ;) |
deleted user 08.11.2004 13:24 |
Late, but better than never. Anarchy on the Personal section, I think, is what's happening. I am guilty of these things, but not to excess. Please, for the love of my life, let us cease and desist, unite against spammers. Let the wheels of internet justice crush the offender. Let him taste the pain of indiscriminate justice and let us bask in the glory that was taken from us and now rightfully ours. Queenzoners, unite against the evil that is SPAM. |
Lester Burnham 09.11.2004 14:48 |
I don't see why this should be some kind of a negotiation, where if you're good, we'll allow you to post in a certain section...it's beyond ridiculous. Why make special exceptions when all you're doing is cluttering up the messageboard? If I wanted to have a one-on-one with, say, iGSM, you can bet I would get his AIM name and e-mail address and talk to him privately instead of just randomly addressing topics to him. And if I were in the very bizarre and highly unlikely situation where I wouldn't be allowed to use AIM or e-mail but am allowed to read a QueenZone messageboard, I would probably just give up on the messageboard and go outside and enjoy other things. The point I'm trying to make is that you seem to feel you're more special than others because you were given a second chance. Whether or not that's true is one thing, but I happen to have this feeling that because you're only allowed to come online on the weekends, you want to make the most of it and post everything you possibly can. There are other ways to explore private things between friends than divulging those private things on a public messageboard. Discussing your favorite QueenZoner is one thing, whereas alerting everyone you're going to be eating lunch is just absurd. My recommendation to you is to sign up on QueenOnline, where you're given the freedom of private messages. That, or just...do something else. Like, get off the Internet. |
Lester Burnham 09.11.2004 14:52 |
<font color="crimson"><b>ThomasQuinn</b> wrote: I do, however, feel that you are all overreacting. It is by FAR not as bad as you picture it.If you're referring to me, then it's probably best if you know of a certain phrase: "nip it in the bud". If this thread hadn't been posted, it's very likely that Hem wouldn't be aware of everyone's opinions and would just continue posting more and more crap for his select few friends. It's best to address an issue before things get out of hand (so, I'll say right now that if anybody has a problem with me, let me know!). So, what may be overreacting in your eyes is just preventative measures in mine and I'm sure everybody else's. |
Bob The Shrek 09.11.2004 14:53 |
You can always access the Queenzone chatroom through this site. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 09.11.2004 15:00 |
Ok, Ive lost my rag, HeM and his mate Diego are a pair of fucking morons, ban them for life. |
deleted user 09.11.2004 15:01 |
That diego guy is spreading shit all over the board. Somebody better restrain him... |
KillerQueen840 09.11.2004 15:02 |
Ya.. you're not the only one that just noticed that. ;-) |
Mayboy 09.11.2004 15:02 |
I was beginning to think that Diego was Jake |
KillerQueen840 09.11.2004 15:04 |
I seriously was too! But I thought I better not say anything incase it wasn't. |
KillerQueen840 09.11.2004 15:07 |
<font color="crimson"><b>ThomasQuinn</b> wrote:Agreed! HeM has absolutely nothing to do with whatever his friends post!!! We can't blame everything on HeM!!!Brian_Mays_Wig wrote: Ok, Ive lost my rag, HeM and his mate Diego are a pair of fucking morons, ban them for life.Now what the fuck is this?! You LIKED HeM an hour ago?! Ok, I don't like Diego's post much either, but just because he's HeM's friend, that doesn't mean he's responsible, does it? Or do you hold me responsible for everything that HeM and Dennis do as well? |
deleted user 09.11.2004 15:07 |
Hate the sin. Not the sinner. |
KillerQueen840 09.11.2004 15:23 |
<font color="whitesmoke">bambam wrote: Hate the sin. Not the sinner.I LOVE that saying. It would've been good if I remembered it yesterday..when I was starting to hate one of my teachers... |
Brian_Mays_Wig 09.11.2004 15:41 |
Diego is spamming this board on behalf of hem. I dont like HeM, I never liked HeM, I was keeping the peace to try and make this board a better place. Ban them. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 09.11.2004 15:51 |
you dont make sense. |
Flashman 09.11.2004 15:56 |
The best remedy for this situation is to only read posts made by good self. That way you're guaranteed nothing but the highest quality every time. Except for this post, which was distinctly average. |
KillerQueen840 10.11.2004 18:29 |
I'm not going to be here tomorrow until later Sunday night.. I'm going on a mini-vacation..sorry, HeM. :-( |
Lester Burnham 10.11.2004 18:42 |
Excellent! That wasn't so hard, now was it? |
veronica58 10.11.2004 18:50 |
when i used to post here a couple of years ago, it seemed like there was stuff that actually made you want to respond. now it's just a lot of bad grammar and teenage ideas of humor. |
Fenderek 11.11.2004 06:05 |
Don't read personal anymore- (I did now! :) ) Irony... HeM was accusing pim of not having a life, because of his post count... And than- within 5-6 weeks after getting new chance- he's got over 700... well... I'm with Lester on that one, 100%... |
deleted user 11.11.2004 09:01 |
I agree with Lester. Thsi si my first post in weeksand to be honest I came to see the reaction to Arafat's death. This is becoming, or has become, a place that is quite stupid. Over run by stupid people. |
KillerQueen840 14.11.2004 18:56 |
Now that I'm back..what was that plan of yours, HeM? |
iGSM 14.11.2004 22:30 |
Good idea Lester.. I don't really use AIM though. Only twice, come to think of it. Anywho I this was slightly out of character for Lester but, if I am not mad, would like to see a thread dedicated to Lester and his day in full detail. |
Megamike The GREAT 15.11.2004 10:02 |
I am Against QOL.... They are a rippoff. copy cats that can't be original if they tried... |
iGSM 24.05.2005 11:37 |
Yeah, good search. Probably open up a few wounds, make people a little madder and create havoc with social cohesion. |
Lester Burnham 24.05.2005 11:43 |
The fuck? This bump was entirely necessary. |
Lisser 24.05.2005 12:43 |
Lester Burnham wrote: The fuck? This bump was entirely necessary.I'd like to bump you!! ;) |
iGSM 24.05.2005 12:50 |
Who wouldn't? Keith Moon? Keith: I'd bump the rotten fuck off the planet any day! |
Lester Burnham 24.05.2005 16:01 |
Lisser wrote:Woah hey now! That's an offer I can't refuse!Lester Burnham wrote: The fuck? This bump was entirely necessary.I'd like to bump you!! ;) |
deleted user 24.05.2005 16:04 |
Can I bump you too, Lester? Cheers. Mr. Tampon Tea. |
Haystacks Calhoun 24.05.2005 16:11 |
I wanna bump Lisser , too |
deleted user 24.05.2005 16:13 |
Haystacks Calhoun wrote: I wanna bump Lisser , tooI agree. Why not Erin and Arlene as well? Cheers. Mr. Tampon Tea. |
Lester Burnham 24.05.2005 16:28 |
Everyone can bump me, but Lisser's got first dibs on me. |
deleted user 24.05.2005 16:29 |
Lester Burnham wrote: Everyone can bump me, but Lisser's got first dibs on me.Okay. Thanks. Cheers. Mr. Tampon Tea. |
KillerQueen840 24.05.2005 16:29 |
Wow, I was such an asshole in this topic. >.< |
Haystacks Calhoun 24.05.2005 16:50 |
I love bumping , and grinding , with all the women |
bellydancer 25.05.2005 01:09 |
I agree with Lester. Inane posts like "I'm leaving" are about as interesting as having a tooth pulled...... |