For those of you who were following the story, The two guys who shot my brother were each sentenced to 11 years in prison on Thursday. link
Here's hoping they leave jail in 2016 with rectums the size of dinner plates.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Good news, Fatty lad.
I can testify that it ain't no fun being shot. I still have three holes in me, all to the rear, naturally - and while they make for a good conversation piece at parties (when my tweeds are more often than not around my ankles), they remain a hellish reminder of the brutalities of conflict, and slighted, enraged husbands alike.
deleted user 07.11.2005 10:41
they will be out in about 4,5 or 6 years, they never serve the full sentence anymore, life time means 6 months now, short life that is :(
Dan Corson wrote: I think they should have been shot in the same way as your brother. In my opinion, the punishment should be the same as the crime.
Well to be perfectly honest my brother's no angel and if the punishment is going to be the same as the crime, Pete can look forward to having his nose and left ear bitten off when his case comes up next month.
Dan Corson wrote: I think they should have been shot in the same way as your brother. In my opinion, the punishment should be the same as the crime.
Are you for the death penalty? I am so on the fence with this issue. Sometimes when I hear of heinous crimes towards children, rape, etc. I want so bad for the perpitraitor to be given the death penalty. But then I wonder if that will make anything any better bc its obvious that people still commit crimes and are not deterred by the death penalty. Then I wonder what if there isn't full proof evidence that this person actually commited this crime yet they are put to death? So I'm here and there.
I personally think rotting in a cell and more or less thinking about what they've done - how can they not? - for the rest of their lives is better punishment than putting them to death.
"In my opinion, the punishment should be the same as the crime."
- this in effect would make you as bad as the criminal. If somsone tortures an 'innocent' person, would that give 'the law' the right to torture them in return? Both the criminal and the law are then torturers, the only difference being they have different justifications for their act.
Think about what you wrote, it really doesn't make any sense.
TheOpposition. wrote: "In my opinion, the punishment should be the same as the crime."
- this in effect would make you as bad as the criminal. If somsone tortures an 'innocent' person, would that give 'the law' the right to torture them in return? Both the criminal and the law are then torturers, the only difference being they have different justifications for their act.
Think about what you wrote, it really doesn't make any sense.
Yes it does. The main factor which determines "badness," as you put it, is motive and reasoning - the "why," as opposed to the "what." Justifications are everything. This is, for instance, why we have varying degrees of punishment for what results in a person's death.
It is clear to anyone that "premeditated intent to kill" is worse than simply "intent to kill," or "depraved indifference to human life," which are both clearly worse than "wrecklessness."
Think about what you wrote; it really doesn't make any sense.
The only reason why I might support death penalty is because it's not fair to spend taxpayers money on keeping some sick bastards alive for the rest of their lives.
However, taking certain flaws like the corruption and bureaucracy of the justice system itself, then it might not be such a good idea to make the death penalty legal.
Lester Burnham wrote: I personally think rotting in a cell and more or less thinking about what they've done - how can they not? - for the rest of their lives is better punishment than putting them to death.
Not quite sure if fatty is being serious or not. However, sounds like he is. If you are, my deepest sympathies to both you and your brother, fatty, and hoping they get a few more years added on for bad behaviour.
And there I was thinking it would be a good idea to move to Edinburgh to get away from the scumbag gangs in Northern Ireland.
Seems you can't avoid 'em...