Sometimes I sit there at my desk and think 'Right, Flashy. The internet. The world's your oyster.'
But I'm blowed if I can think of anything to search for. Or if I do think of something, when I find it, it's shite.
I remember my first experience of this here Interweb. Circa 1995 and round at my old pal Tupper Clayton's, who was mad keen to show yours truly all the wonders of this brave new (to me) world.
What's the first thing he puts on? Pamela Anderson chomping away on some lucky feller. Well, I had an admiring glance, I'll grant you that.
"Wait until you see this one, Flashy," sneered Tupper. "Cor! She's a good girl!"
She certainly was, I can't deny it. But after 6 or 7 hours, even Tupper grew tired and toddled off to the bathroom for an uncommon length of time. He didn't seem too bothered about porn when he came back, so we tried to find other interesting things.
And I've been looking ever since.
Not at Tupper's, I've got my own PC these days.
If anything, it's got worse. It's 95% titillation, and 5% tits. Cracking if you've no chance of catching a bit of mutton, but I like the real thing in my hands, not my own plonker.
So has the t'internet run its course? Is there really nothing out there?
Am I really the only thing worth reading out of a userbase of 2 billion?
Yes it's mostly crap sites after crap sites with crap adverts in between, except a few select sites (e.g- queenzone) that are actually worth regularly visiting.
fredhead wrote:
Yes it's mostly crap sites after crap sites with crap adverts in between, except a few select sites (e.g- queenzone) that are actually worth regularly visiting.
I was with you 'til the QZ part. The only thing worthwhile on here are setting off all the fireworks and having a laugh at everyone's reactions to a big "FUCK YOU AND YOUR FIVE FINGERED GLOVES!!" Y'dig?
Yes, most of it is rubbish!
But I couldn't live without it anymore. The internet offers you good information and stuff and it is a connecting and meeting point.
But people are taking it too far. I've read that whole books will be available on the web very soon. What's the point?
It sort of destroys things... like the music business and, apparantly, the book business will make its losses, too.
:D This is completely unrelated to the topic, but I notice that a lot of the posts on here have words like 'Rubbish' (in this title) and, when referring to a mother, you call her 'mum' O_o Are those like English terms or somethin'? Im from America and we use 'mom' and stuff :D
Rabid Wolverine wrote: I'm from America as well but can certainly tell you that they don't say mom they definetley say mum, and rubbish is used by them quite a bit.
No, I am sure they say Mom in America - atleast in Illinois :D
I like classical music too, Rabid (Amadeus = Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) :D
Of course I remember when it was all trees and called the Information Super Highway. That didn't last long did it? As Paris Hilton would say its a bit of a mouthful.
Remember Microsoft Chat? Great fun till the thought police decided that it was paedo-gedden. If you thought Queenzone attracted the more ahem...colourful characters you should have been on chat. Fuck me with a 3.5" diskette. Yeah they would without a thought.
<font color=#FF399> Linda Of The Valley wrote: ugh, the internet sucks...
never anything good on it..:(
I'm so stressed and pissed off and bored right now....