Vali 08.05.2008 15:15 |
************************************************ WATC Video Shot '77 artwork added ************************************************ Hello dear Queenzoners, as Pittrek has posted Part 4 of the "Best Of The Best" live recording series, time has arrived to have some artwork for it. I'd like to mention I've shown my work to Pittrek before posting it, and of course I wouldn't post it here if I didn't get his approval. Many thanks for your support, Pittrek ! Below you'll find the artwork for 1973 Golders Green, including front and back cover and a 3-page booklet containing all the technical information about this recording, as shown in Pittrek's original thread: link You'll find also a "blank" booklet page so you can make any combination you like when printing it. Not to mention I'm open to any comment or suggestion from your side! I hope Liverpool'73 artwork will be ready in a couple of days. Hope you like it! Vali |
Vali 08.05.2008 15:15 |
back |
Vali 08.05.2008 15:16 |
Vali 08.05.2008 15:17 |
Vali 08.05.2008 15:17 |
Vali 08.05.2008 15:18 |
pittrek 08.05.2008 15:51 |
Nice. Thanks again :-) |
Queenrockyou 08.05.2008 15:57 |
Very very good in my opinion. I would love to be able to create that sort of thing. Clean & nice. Very good ! You have just found your credo ! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Edmund 08.05.2008 16:21 |
Tremendous.............Thank you for sharing |
Bo Alex 08.05.2008 22:28 |
Nice job!!! Many thanks Vali!!! |
Vali 09.05.2008 15:29 |
Hello again everybody! faster than I expected, here you have some artwork for Pittrek´s Best Of The Best series: Liverpool ´73 please note I include 2 back covers ... started with one, didn´t like it much, started and finished another ... and then re-worked the first. Result: I like both !! so you decide wich one to use !! Many thanks for the kind feedback received on my first deliver, hope you like this one ! cheers Vali |
Vali 09.05.2008 15:30 |
Vali 09.05.2008 15:32 |
Vali 09.05.2008 15:37 |
1-page booklet with original notes from Sir GH! I added line-up many tks for your initial share, Sir GH ! |
Vali 09.05.2008 15:41 |
and finally a "blank" booklet page ! well, not blank at all :) |
Queenrockyou 09.05.2008 16:22 |
Nice, interesting, clean... valuable once again. Hope you will enjoy your stay on Queenzone and stay a long time here ;o) ! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Vali 09.05.2008 16:55 |
Many tks Olivier ! been enjoying it for 3 years or so and no planning to move from here :D I can say the same to you! You´re becoming a superstar with your (huge) ammount of shares!! Thankyou! |
Queenrockyou 09.05.2008 17:18 |
Well I don't do that for stardom, but for getting QPR shows or bringing some here, that's all ! thanks Maruga and all the original sharers instead ! I'm happy you decided to be more vocal, we benefit from your art :o) ! It took me quite some time before posting something here ! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Ale Solan 09.05.2008 21:39 |
Nice stuff Vali! keep the good work ;-) |
Vali 10.05.2008 06:28 |
Alex Solan. wrote: Nice stuff Vali! keep the good work ;-)Thaaankyou Alex! really aprctd !! |
bohemianmoomin 10.05.2008 10:27 |
Excellent...I can't wait till I can burn them all into cds and stack them in a row...maybe even design a sleeve for all the cds, or a box :P Really nice artwork though, well done Vali |
Vali 10.05.2008 11:18 |
bohemianmoomin wrote: ...maybe even design a sleeve for all the cds, or a box :P Really nice artwork though, well done Valimany tks man ! I also thought of designing a sleeve for all the cd´s, or even a spine that would draw a big composition when all the cd´s put together in a row .. I´ve seen it in some Springsteen fans compilations and looks wonderful ! But for the moment I´ll follow a single design for each cd .. let´s see what happens in the future when the collection is complete ! ;) |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:17 |
Below you'll find new artwork for Best Of The Best: Rainbow Theatre, March 31 1974 Front and back cover plus a 4-page booklet with Sir GH's comments about this recording, as can be read at link Mant tks once more to Pittrek and to Sir GH, who originally shared ths multi sourced version of this fantastic show. Hope you like the artwork! cheers Vali |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:18 |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:19 |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:20 |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:20 |
Vali 13.05.2008 05:21 |
Queenrockyou 13.05.2008 07:40 |
I love this clean artwork ... The front cover is really great !!! And all the information is included in the booklet. It could not be better ! Dear Alex Solan, you now have to face some competition !! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Ale Solan 13.05.2008 10:16 |
ruth.olivier wrote: Dear Alex Solan, you now have to face some competition !!haha yes =) ---- Vali, a couple of points I'd like you to have in mind and tell me what you think: for the front cover, I'd like the title to be a bit bigger; in my case I'd use for the title and the tracklist the Zurich BT Bold font which it's almost the same (or the same) used for the original Queen II album artwork, relative to this era/tour. I'd also use another pic for the back cover, or it's that the effect you wanted for it? something like an old pic "lying" over the artwork? they're scanned by you from a book, right? did you want to keep that "shine" I see on some pics? Keep the good work, I like it =) |
Vali 13.05.2008 10:39 |
Alex Solan. wrote:Hi Olivier and Alex, many tks for your usual kind words !!ruth.olivier wrote: Dear Alex Solan, you now have to face some competition !!haha yes =) ---- Vali, a couple of points I'd like you to have in mind and tell me what you think: for the front cover, I'd like the title to be a bit bigger; in my case I'd use for the title and the tracklist the Zurich BT Bold font which it's almost the same (or the same) used for the original Queen II album artwork, relative to this era/tour. I'd also use another pic for the back cover, or it's that the effect you wanted for it? something like an old pic "lying" over the artwork? they're scanned by you from a book, right? did you want to keep that "shine" I see on some pics? Keep the good work, I like it =) And Alex, many tks for your suggestions! I ... yeah, more or less agree with the title issue, using a bigger font. I'm using Verdana. Actually working on the Portland '74 cover, will try a bigger size. And regarding the back cover pic, I've been actually trying to obtain that precise effect. I'm not scanning the pics, I'm just taking pictures from the "Classic Queen" book by Mick Rock with my digital camera (not enough money to reach the "Killer Queen" book ... I've spent much with a Red Special guitar :D). Normally, I take several photos of the same picture, from different angles, using flash, not using it, etc. And I simply prefer the textures I obtain this way rather than using my scanner. That shine you see is simply the reflection of the cammera's flash. Up to now, I wanted some pictures to show this particular texture, as If anybody could feel the picture itself is ... "real", or can be "touched". My limited english avoids I can express what I want to tell you exactly :P ... I'm sorry !! Besides this, with the back and booklet pictures for Rainbow '74, a difusor effect was applied. Ok, now I'll continue working with Portland '74 ... as a preview, I can say that the work will be more colourful this time !! many thanks for your support !! really really aprctd !! cheers everybody !! Vali :) |
pittrek 13.05.2008 11:07 |
Thanks for your nice work :) BTW please prepare yourself for Earls Court, Houston, Copenhagen and Seattle from 1977 :) |
Bo Alex 13.05.2008 11:54 |
Thanks Vali for this wonderful Artwork!!!! |
Vali 13.05.2008 11:57 |
pittrek wrote: Thanks for your nice work :) BTW please prepare yourself for Earls Court, Houston, Copenhagen and Seattle from 1977 :)WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?????? you're gonna kill me, dude !!! :) no, it's my pleasure .. really !! We all work for our passion, isn't it? Talking now a bit seriously ... when I see what I can do with these covers, or what Alex can do, or Jean ... what we all can do with a little bit of time, interest and creativity ... just a little bit! and then look at Queen Rock Montreal or ROTC artworks ... please ... |
pittrek 13.05.2008 12:22 |
Or maybe the cover of the single "Say It's Not True" :) |
rg9l 13.05.2008 12:44 |
Thank you Vali, your artwork are really nice! Especially the one for the Rainbow '74... |
Vali 14.05.2008 12:02 |
Hello everybody, still in state of shock after learning about Pittrek's plans for 1977, here you have new artwork for Portland Exposition Hall 1974. Front, back and 3-page booklet. More colours for this release ... it's spring time, isn't it ? Hope you like it Many tks for your support! cheers, Vali ps: ah! Alex, take a look at the front cover's font size ;) |
Vali 14.05.2008 12:03 |
Vali 14.05.2008 12:04 |
Vali 14.05.2008 12:04 |
Vali 14.05.2008 12:05 |
Queenrockyou 14.05.2008 13:02 |
Great as always... I appreciate the fact that the info.txt file is present in the artwork, all the precious information is on it, from lineage to tracklisting, so it's just... perfect ? Yes, that's the word ! Nice work, go on ! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Bo Alex 14.05.2008 13:11 |
Thanks again man!!! Nice artwork with very complete info!!! |
RoyThomasBaker 14.05.2008 22:29 |
Keep up the good work, Vali. Definitely you're improving the standard of this Pittrek's unvaluable contribution. Thank you to both. |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:13 |
Hello everybody ! after a little break, here you have new artwork for Budokan '75 ! Hope you enjoy it ! Front and back cover plus 5-page booklet many tks to Pittrek; Stark for the great remaster and Sir GH for his notes at very soon: Hammersmith Odeon !! |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:14 |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:15 |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:16 |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:18 |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:19 |
Vali 20.05.2008 07:20 |
RichiRoma 20.05.2008 10:21 |
Your styling is great thankyou for for making great covers to Pittreks great collection. They look so good next to eachother! Richi |
Vali 20.05.2008 10:26 |
Grazie Richi !! :) |
Bo Alex 20.05.2008 11:48 |
thanks Vali! your work is perfect!!! |
Queenrockyou 20.05.2008 12:15 |
Grrrrrrreat !!! Regards, Olivier, France. |
angelrulax 23.05.2008 14:05 |
Thank you very much.Great artwork |
Vali 23.05.2008 16:26 |
angelrulax wrote: Thank you very much.Great artworkDe nada, colega !! ;P |
Farrokh The Great 28.05.2008 16:22 |
Thanks so much Vali!!!!!! Gracias por tu gran trabajo y gran aportación a esta comunidad Vali, es bastante apreciado. Un gran saludo desde México |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:38 |
Here I am again, after a forced break and facing a difficult task designing this new artwork I was blocked for some days with no ideas and, most important, no good pictures to use, so I finally decided to capture the pictures from the video. So, every picture contained in this artwork comes from this show! Front and back cover plus a 7 page booklet with detailed information. Ladies and Gentlemen: Hammersmith Odeon '75 ! hope you like it! cheers Vali |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:39 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:39 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:40 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:41 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:42 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:44 |
sorry for the blank post above :P |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:44 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:45 |
Vali 08.06.2008 08:46 |
Padilla 09.06.2008 07:31 |
Very nice work Vali, thank you. |
pittrek 09.06.2008 07:53 |
Nice job, man, really |
Queenrockyou 09.06.2008 08:38 |
Wonderful !!! Regards, Olivier, France. |
Rado 24.06.2008 07:17 |
No more covers ? the tread has changed ? |
Vali 24.06.2008 07:52 |
Rado wrote: No more covers ? the tread has changed ?No; the thread has not changed, but I am not a designing machine and have many things to do in my life as well as creating covers for you (you're welcome, by the way). In a few days you'll have covers for Osaka '76 shows; take it easy man cheers |
Rado 24.06.2008 12:51 |
Vali wrote:Thank you, man ! ;) i only would to know if i missing something, do it with the time you need ! ;) byeRado wrote: No more covers ? the tread has changed ?No; the thread has not changed, but I am not a designing machine and have many things to do in my life as well as creating covers for you (you're welcome, by the way). In a few days you'll have covers for Osaka '76 shows; take it easy man cheers |
Vali 24.06.2008 13:16 |
Many tks, dude :) |
Vali 02.07.2008 17:36 |
Hello everybody, for those who had the curiosity to check this new message from me, just wanted to let you know that new artwork for Osaka '76 is finished at last !! The bad news for the moment is that some kind of error at QZ avoids direct uploading of the pics here, so I'm forced to post external links if you want to get the pics. I can't also edit the thread title, so I will change it with the "Osaka '76 added!" when this error is solved. So now, let me tell you a couple of things about this new artwork for the fabulous "Best Of The Best" series from Pittrek: Osaka 1976 Afternoon + Evening shows My first idea was to create two different artworks for each show, but then discarted this as I thought, being the same date, same venue etc, that the artworks should have some ... continuity Then I thought of creating just one cover for a 4-disc set including the two shows, but didn't like that at all; and finally got the concept I'm finally delivering: same artwork for two different 2-disc sets with minor changes or slight differences between them. In the front cover you'll see scans of the original tickets for each concert, one being green -afternoon- and one being red -evening-, so green fonts are shown on the afternoon show front and back cover, and red fonts on the evening gig artwork. And the same has been applied on the booklets for each set. As additional info, I would like to thank the following sites -and their webmasters- from who I obtained some of the beautiful elements shown on the front cover: My dear friend Ale's link , for the b/w cutting of Rog, Bri and Fred link , for the great Music Life japanese magazines covers link , for the ticket scans link , for the concerts info shown on the booklets and last but not least, many thanks to Pittrek for his usual blessing before I upload the pics for you !! hope you like the work !! next: 1977 ... and this will be hard ;) cheers Vali Afternoon front cover: link Afternoon back cover: link Afternoon booklet: link link Evening front cover: link Evening back cover: link Evening booklet: link link |
eYe 03.07.2008 00:34 |
Very nice, thank you! |
Vali 25.07.2008 09:16 |
Ladies and gentlemen, Seattle ' 77 ready for you. Front and back cover + 3-page booklet hope you like it cheers Vali |
Vali 25.07.2008 09:17 |
Vali 25.07.2008 09:19 |
Damn ... the upload file doesn't work. I thought it was solved I'm sorry. Try to upload the pics later, or post external links rgrds Vali |
Vali 06.08.2008 04:28 |
Seattle 77 front cover: |
Vali 06.08.2008 04:28 |
Seattle 77 back cover: |
Vali 06.08.2008 04:30 |
Seattle 77 booklet page 1: |
Vali 06.08.2008 04:30 |
Seattle 77 booklet page 2: |
Vali 06.08.2008 04:31 |
Seattle 77 booklet page 3: |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:02 |
Here you have another one: Copenhagen '77 Front and back cover and 4-page booklet Please note I decided to keep the (wrong) tracklist order, as in the original LP. Hope the "edit" option is solved soon by Richard, so I'll be able to update the thread title. Soon: Glasgow '77 hope you like it !! :) |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:05 |
back cover: |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:07 |
booklet 1: |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:09 |
booklet 2: |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:11 |
booklet 3: |
Vali 06.08.2008 14:14 |
and booklet 4: |
Vali 09.08.2008 12:14 |
Hi everybody! a new deliver for this fantastic project from Pittrek: Apollo Theatre, Glasgow 1977 Front & back cover + 2-page booklet Many tks to Pittrek and Bob's; information and ticket scans from are much appreciated, too! Soon: Earls Court '77 hope you like it ! rgrds Vali |
Vali 09.08.2008 12:16 |
Vali 09.08.2008 12:17 |
I'm sorry, the upload file option does not work again ... it was suposed to be fixed. Will report Richard and hope it is solved soon. |
pittrek 09.08.2008 12:27 |
Hi Vali, glad you're still doing your great work :) I hope Richard fixes everything one day :) |
Vali 22.08.2008 04:22 |
Hi everybody! it seems Richard fixed the upload file option for the moment, so here we go again: a new deliver for this fantastic project from Pittrek: Apollo Theatre, Glasgow 1977 Front & back cover + 2-page booklet Many tks to Pittrek and Bob's; information and ticket scans from are much appreciated, too! |
Vali 22.08.2008 04:23 |
back: |
Vali 22.08.2008 04:24 |
booklet 1 |
Vali 22.08.2008 04:25 |
booklet 2: cheers !! |
Vali 22.08.2008 05:58 |
And now it's time for Earls Court, first night, 6th June 1977 ! Front and back cover + 7-page booklet including comments of the show featured at link and transfer notes from frank39 (link Please note that no cover will be created for the second night, as only the Rock'n Roll medley is available. Many tks to Pittrek, frank39, Sir GH and to anybody downloading and enjoying this. cheers, Vali |
Vali 22.08.2008 05:59 |
back: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:00 |
booklet 1: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:02 |
booklet 2: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:03 |
booklet 3: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:04 |
booklet 4: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:05 |
booklet 5: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:06 |
booklet 6: |
Vali 22.08.2008 06:08 |
booklet 7: cheers ! |
mogiggymo 22.08.2008 07:38 |
Vali, Thanks for the artwork it's really great. Might I ask you what software package would let me print-out these wonderful booklets, I have expressit, whihc let's me print front and back jewel case covers, not booklets though. Thanks again Sam |
Vali 22.08.2008 10:24 |
Good question my friend, but have no answer ! Believe it or not, I haven't printed these covers yet :D I have a program, Cover XP, wich has the option to print cd booklets, but not in the correct way to build a proper 4, 6 or 7 page booklet, I guess So if any queenzoner here could provide us some suggestions, that would be great ! |
Vali 22.08.2008 10:28 |
In the meantime ... new artwork created for 1977: New London Theatre !! also known as We Are The Champions video shot, if you prefer :) Front and back cover plus 2-page booklet hope you like it!! cheers, Vali |
Vali 22.08.2008 10:29 |
back: |
Vali 22.08.2008 10:30 |
booklet 1: |
Vali 22.08.2008 10:31 |
and booklet 2: rgrds ! |
eYe 23.11.2008 02:13 |
Would somebody please be so kind and upload the front and back of Glasgow '77 again? But please rename the files, when I download them from this thread I get the artwork of the recent QPR gig, prolly because of the same file names - another forum bug? |
Vali 23.11.2008 07:29 |
At your disposal, dude [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] cheers |
Vali 23.11.2008 07:30 |
Snefru 23.11.2008 12:25 |
Hi Mr. Many nice covers here. Nice work. Could I ask which program you use to create them? Cheers |
eYe 23.11.2008 13:15 |
Thank you very much, Vali! I really like your artwork and I hope you find the time to complete the best of the best series :) |
Rado 07.01.2009 07:58 |
Any update ? |
Vali 07.01.2009 11:59 |
Rado wrote: Any update ? were you reading my mind mate ? as my work on TCR Tour is quiet now I was thinking of working on this again many tks for bringing the thread to the first page again ! stay tunned ! cheers |
Vali 11.01.2009 13:00 |
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away .... BEST OF THE BEST series Episode XIV HOUSTON '77 Hello there !! after some time with The Cosmos Rocks Tour covers, I've decided to work again on this fantastic series that Pittrek brought to us! So I expect to be delivering at least 1 new cover each week to you. To finish year 1977: Houston - The Summit front cover: |
Vali 11.01.2009 13:02 |
back cover: |
Vali 11.01.2009 13:05 |
and 1 page with some info of the show taken as usual from Bob's site link, in case you want to print some kind of booklet. Hope you like it ! |
SgK 12.01.2009 15:09 |
Rado 13.01.2009 05:49 |
Thank you[img=/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif][/img] |
Vali 13.01.2009 07:23 |
???????????????????????????? does anybody else get a QPR Argentina DVD cover when downloading my last Houston '77 CD back cover ?? I just opened it and this QPR cover appeared suddenly .. and I did not upload this one, as I didn't have it previously [img=/images/smiley/msn/confused_smile.gif][/img] |
eYe 13.01.2009 10:12 |
Yes, must be a bug. I downloaded the correct back yday, but it seems it was overwritten by the dvd cover from this thread (same number used): |
Vali 13.01.2009 13:27 |
eYe wrote: Yes, must be a bug. I downloaded the correct back yday, but it seems it was overwritten by the dvd cover from this thread (same number used): hummmm ... yes, I see. Ok thanks ! well, you'll find the correct cover below. Pls ignore the attached file above (or not, as it''s really a nice DVD cover, but nothing to do with me!) Queen live in Houston '77 back cover: |
Vali 17.01.2009 10:16 |
Hello everybody ! a new cover for you: Pavillon de Paris 23-04-78 Front & Back cover + 2-page booklet with the info shown on the readme file as shared by Pittrek. Hope you like it ! Front cover: |
Vali 17.01.2009 10:20 |
Back cover: |
Vali 17.01.2009 10:22 |
Booklet 1: |
Vali 17.01.2009 10:26 |
and Booklet 2: Cheers!! |
pittrek 17.01.2009 10:49 |
Vali, great work as usual ! |
EdFredrick 19.01.2009 19:29 |
Thanks for all these beautiful covers. This is a great compilation series and it's wonderful to have such nicely done covers with all the information for them. Thanks so much for these-I hope you find the time to finish them all. It's greatly appreciated!! |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:05 |
Hello ! a couple of new artworks for you from year 1978: Montreal & Toronto Montreal: front & back cover + 1-page booklet with info from the original readme file Toronto (Sir GH's two source mix): front & back cover + 3-page booklet with all the info from the original readme file Many tks as usual to Pittrek for his efforts; and to Sir GH, for his work on the Toronto recording Hope you like it ! Montreal Forum 1-Dec-78 front cover: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:06 |
Montreal Forum 1-Dec-78 back cover: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:08 |
Montreal Forum 1-Dec-78 info page: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:10 |
Toronto, 3-Dec-78 front cover: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:11 |
Toronto, 3-Dec-78 back cover: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:12 |
Toronto, 3-Dec-78 booklet page 1: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:14 |
Toronto, 3-Dec-78 booklet page 2: |
Vali 23.01.2009 14:15 |
Toronto, 3-Dec-78 booklet page 3: and that's it !! :) |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:31 |
Hi, a couple of new artworks for you to finish year 1978 ! first, Chicago 07-Dec-1978, front & back cover plus 3-page booklet. Hope you enjoy it Chicago78 front: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:32 |
Chicago '78 back: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:33 |
Chicago '78 Booklet 1: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:33 |
Chicago '78 Booklet 2: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:34 |
and Chicago '78 Booklet 3: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:38 |
And year 1978 finishes with the Vancouver show on 14-Dec-78, with fornt&back cover plus 3-page booklet. Hope you like it ! Vancouver '78 front: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:38 |
Vancouver '78 back: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:39 |
Vancouver '78 booklet 1: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:40 |
Vancouver '78 booklet 2: |
Vali 23.02.2009 05:41 |
and Vancouver '78 booklet 3: enjoy ! |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:25 |
Hi everybody! after some days enjoying holidays in a beautiful, tropical and remote island, I deliver the first artworks of year 1979: Cologne: front and back cover + 2-page booklet with Sir GH's info of his two-source edit Frankfurt: front and back cover + 2-page booklet many thanks to the usual sources from whom I borrow info, pics & other stuff of the shows: and hiope you like it ! cheers Cologne 1979 front cover: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:26 |
Cologne 1979 back: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:27 |
Cologne 1979 Booklet 1: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:28 |
Cologne 1979 Booklet 2: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:30 |
and now it's time for Frankfurt 1979 front cover: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:31 |
Frankfurt 1979 back cover: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:31 |
Frankfurt '79 Booklet 1: |
Vali 09.03.2009 16:32 |
and Frankfurt '79 Booklet 2: |
Jon home 11.03.2009 15:01 |
Hi Vali Many Thanks for the artwork, absolutely fantastic (As Usual). It's looking fantastic on the shelf & making the rest of my collection look shabby ! Can you please re-upload the front cover of Cologne as I am getting the Inner 1 of Frankfurt ? Best of the Best regards : Jon |
Vali 11.03.2009 22:39 |
Hi Jon, many tks for your words! here it is, Cologne front: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:38 |
Hi everybody, two new works for year 1979: Munich (front & back cover + 1-page booklet) and Paris (front & back cover + 3-page booklet); hope you like it !! Munich'79 front cover: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:39 |
Munich'79 back cover: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:41 |
and Munich'79 booklet 1: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:42 |
Paris'79 front cover: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:43 |
Paris'79 back cover: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:43 |
Paris'79 booklet 1: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:44 |
Paris'79 booklet 2: |
Vali 14.03.2009 08:45 |
and Paris'79 booklet 3: |
Vali 16.03.2009 18:13 |
hi, just noticed Munich 79 booklet wasn't uploaded correctly. Hopefully here it is: |
pittrek 19.03.2009 15:11 |
Hi Vali, one quick question, which software do you use for printing the bootlegs ? |
Vali 19.03.2009 16:13 |
Hi man, you won't believe me but .... haven't printed none of them, yet. Mainly because my printer died long before I started these (and QPR) works. I bought a printer a couple of months ago and been thinking about searching the same you're asking me now: a proper software for printing these covers as booklets, etc etc So, if anyone reading this can throw a little help on this matter, it will be highly appreciated. I'd also appreciate some advise on wich type of paper is the best for this purpose. Maybe Mr. Alex Solan ? ;) |
Jon home 19.03.2009 19:22 |
Hi Guys I have combined two at a time using CXP_Free / link Then I whacked a couple of staples through the middle of them ! Hope this helps ? Best regards : Jon |
Vali 20.03.2009 04:52 |
Jon home wrote: Hi Guys I have combined two at a time using CXP_Free / link Then I whacked a couple of staples through the middle of them ! Hope this helps ? Best regards : Jon Sure !! Many tks Jon [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:48 |
Hello, two new covers for year 1979: TOKYO April 14 - front, back and 2-page booklet OSAKA April 20 - front, back and 2-page booklet hope you like it ! cheers Tokyo'79 front: ** edit: correct cover on next page; sorry for this typical problem; it has nothing to do with my aparent lack of hability when uploading pics |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:50 |
Tokyo '79 back: |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:52 |
Tokyo'79 booklet page 1: |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:55 |
Tokyo'79 booklet page 2: |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:56 |
Osaka'79 front: |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:58 |
Osaka '79 back: |
Vali 03.04.2009 16:59 |
Osaka'79 booklet page 1: |
Vali 03.04.2009 17:02 |
and Osaka'79 booklet page 2: |
Vali 03.04.2009 17:07 |
and here it goes Tokyo'79 FRONT again; this problem is happening every time I upload several pics .. some of them finally end up mixed ! |
truemetal 04.04.2009 11:09 |
Hi Vali ! Thanks a lot for sharing these fantastic art-works. Would you please re-upload this : Afternoon front cover: link It doesn't seem to work. THANKS AGAIN ! Enrico |
Vali 06.04.2009 12:58 |
truemetal wrote: Hi Vali ! Thanks a lot for sharing these fantastic art-works. Would you please re-upload this : Afternoon front cover: link It doesn't seem to work. THANKS AGAIN ! Enrico sure !! here it is ... if it is uploaded correctly, of course :P |
Vali 10.04.2009 18:23 |
Hello everybody, we're about to finish year 1979 ! Here you have my artwork for the Newcastle gig on December 4th at the City Hall; front, back + 2-page booklet hope you like it !! cheers Vali Newcastle Dec.4 1979 front cover: |
Vali 10.04.2009 18:24 |
Newcastle Dec.4 1979 back cover: |
Vali 10.04.2009 18:27 |
Newcastle Dec.4 1979 booklet 1: |
Vali 10.04.2009 18:29 |
and Newcastle Dec.4 1979 booklet 2: |
truemetal 11.04.2009 14:30 |
Thanks a lot Vali. Nice job indeed. |
Vali 23.04.2009 14:59 |
Ok my friends, what a week at Queenzone ! many shows posted by many kind uploaders ... thankyou all ! As usual, I like adding my two cents with the best I can offer, so .... Year 1979 finishes with the spectacular Pittrek's multi-source recording of the fantastic show Queen played at the Hammersmith Odeon on December 26. Here you have front and back cover plus 6 inner pages containing all the notes as found in the info text. Hope you like it, I'm really looking forward to start working on the 80's :) cheers Vali |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:02 |
Hammersmith '79 back cover: +++ edit ++++ see below - uploaded pics mixed again, not my fault ! |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:03 |
Hammersmith'79 inner 1: |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:05 |
Hammersmith'79 inner 2: |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:07 |
Hammersmith '79 inner 3: |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:10 |
Hammersmith '79 inner 4: |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:12 |
Hammermith '79 inner 5: |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:13 |
and Hammersmith'79 inner 6 !! please remember to rename properly these inner pages, as I didn't number them as I usually do ! |
Vali 23.04.2009 15:46 |
Hammy'79 back cover: |
Vali 09.05.2009 07:56 |
Hello, hello, hola !! year 1980 starts with the fantastic show at the Oakland Coliseum on July 14th. Here you have front and back cover plus two inner pages containing all the info included in the info text by Sir GH. Many tks once again for sharing this recording with us, Bob ! As lately uploading the files directly here has become, let's say, "complicated", I've decided to provide a link to a .rar file that contains the 4 pics. Hope you like it, I'm already working on Chicago '80 ! cheers Vali |
Rado 10.05.2009 11:40 |
I like VERY MUCH the new way of sharing covers. without mess or duplicates ! :) thank you so much... |
Vali 23.05.2009 12:05 |
Hi !! a new cover for this collection ! this time: Chicago / Rosemont, September 19th 1980 Front and back cover + 2 inner pages with info ah ! as I wasn't sure wether I should entitle this work as "Rosemont" or "Chicago", you can choose both options below ;) Please click on any thumbnail and then proceed with one final click to get the image ! hope you like it! Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Masahiko 23.05.2009 22:32 |
Vali wrote: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away .... BEST OF THE BEST series Episode XIV HOUSTON '77 Hello there !! after some time with The Cosmos Rocks Tour covers, I've decided to work again on this fantastic series that Pittrek brought to us! So I expect to be delivering at least 1 new cover each week to you. To finish year 1977: Houston - The Summit front cover: Hi Vali ! Thanks a lot for sharing these fantastic art-works. These are really great. One question... Front cover of 1977 Houston - The Summit Is the file you uploaded in here right? (letter of "I AM NOT A SUPERSTAR - LET ME LIVE") Would you please re-upload the right file, if this is wrong. Thanks in advance. Masahiko |
Vali 24.05.2009 17:10 |
Hello Masahiko !! You're right, and I'm sorry, as many of the older covers got mixed with other pics uploaded here at QZ from other users.. Here you have it: I made two versions of this artwork; don't remember wich one was originally uploaded ... so now you can choose :) cheers Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Masahiko 24.05.2009 18:21 |
Vali wrote: Hello Masahiko !! You're right, and I'm sorry, as many of the older covers got mixed with other pics uploaded here at QZ from other users.. Here you have it: I made two versions of this artwork; don't remember wich one was originally uploaded ... so now you can choose :) cheers Vali [img=link [img=link [img=link [img=link [img=link Domo Arigatou! Thank you for your replying my request. I look forward to your splendid works from now on. (especially, I wait for 82 Sapporo.) Regards, MasahikoDomo Arigatou!Thank you for your replying my request.I look forward to your splendid works from now on.(especially, I wait for 82 Sapporo.)Regards,Masahiko |
Vali 30.05.2009 11:16 |
Hello there !! new artwork for Pittrek's series! Queen at Wembley Arena, London, December 8th 1980 Front and back cover, plus three-page inner notes hope you like it :) cheers Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vali 02.06.2009 15:36 |
I'm here again ! one more delivery for year 1980: Brussels - December 13 front and back cover plus one info page. hooope you like it !!! rgrds Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vali 06.06.2009 08:56 |
Hello my Queen friends ! year 1980 finishes with the show at the Festhalle in Frankfurt, Germany, December 14th. here you have the front and back cover plus two inner pages. Hope you like it ! many tks Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
FaBu 17.06.2009 18:55 |
Thank you very much for all the lovely covers you've made both for this series, and the Cosmos Rocks covers. I must say that I prefere yours to Alex's, because you have understood the saying "Less is more" When I try to download Booklet 2 from Chicago 78, I get Booklet 2 from Vancouver 78. Is it possible for you to fix that? Thanks in advance! |
queenespaña 18.06.2009 04:39 |
Decirte Vali, que muchas gracias por compartir tus portadas con nosotros y decirte que son muy buenas, profesionales. Muy buen trabajo. |
Vali 18.06.2009 12:28 |
queenespaña wrote: Decirte Vali, que muchas gracias por compartir tus portadas con nosotros y decirte que son muy buenas, profesionales. Muy buen trabajo. Muchas gracias amigo !! es un placer ver a más españoles por aquí !! :) |
Vali 18.06.2009 12:46 |
FaBu wrote: Thank you very much for all the lovely covers you've made both for this series, and the Cosmos Rocks covers. I must say that I prefere yours to Alex's, because you have understood the saying "Less is more" When I try to download Booklet 2 from Chicago 78, I get Booklet 2 from Vancouver 78. Is it possible for you to fix that? Thanks in advance! Many tks for your kind words, FaBu, it's nice to know many people appreciates this work :) Alex and I have different styles; it's a matter of taste, of course ... but I'd like to say I really love what Alex is doing! in fact I always tell him !! it's been many times I find myself admiring his covers and thinking "wow, I wish I could do that!" .... sometimes I think my covers are more, let's say, "organic", and his covers are more .... "linear", in the sense of "(very) well structured". It's his style, wich I can't even get close to, but I definitely love !! by the way, Chicago '78 booklet 2: ![]() |
Vali 03.07.2009 18:00 |
Ladies, gents .... it's been some days without any update in this thread, isn't it? Ok, then .... here you have year 1981 with Tokyo, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo !! By the way, for those interested who didn't notice ... you can find my artwork for the superb Boston '76 recording here: link hope you like ... everything !! if not , hey, I tried my best ! ;) Tokyo '81 - February 17: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vali 03.07.2009 18:27 |
Buenos Aires '81 - February 28:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
kondek 03.07.2009 18:32 |
I have some problems with downloading some of your covers. I haven't checked the rest but on the first few shows from the 70s I seem to be getting a strange error - I can't open any of those files with any program. I tried changing the extension etc but to no avail... I also tried uploading it to an image hosting site but it doesn't recognize the file. Does anybody have the same problem? |
Vali 03.07.2009 18:39 |
and Sao Paulo '81 - March 20:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vali 03.07.2009 18:45 |
kondek wrote: I have some problems with downloading some of your covers. I haven't checked the rest but on the first few shows from the 70s I seem to be getting a strange error - I can't open any of those files with any program. I tried changing the extension etc but to no avail... I also tried uploading it to an image hosting site but it doesn't recognize the file. Does anybody have the same problem? don't know what's happening; I get the same error. Just send me a PM with your email adress and the covers you're interested in ... and I'll send them !! |
kondek 03.07.2009 19:08 |
Ok then, PM sent. |
Vali 07.07.2009 15:30 |
.... and in order to celebrate my post num. 1001: Drammen '82 artwork !! Front, back, booklet 1 and booklet 2. Yeah ! many thanks to Stark for the remaster; to Pittrek for his generous work; and to Bob, from whom I always borrow the concert review !! ;) cheers Vali ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
goa 07.07.2009 15:55 |
Vali wrote: Hello everybody, for those who had the curiosity to check this new message from me, just wanted to let you know that new artwork for Osaka '76 is finished at last !! The bad news for the moment is that some kind of error at QZ avoids direct uploading of the pics here, so I'm forced to post external links if you want to get the pics. I can't also edit the thread title, so I will change it with the "Osaka '76 added!" when this error is solved. So now, let me tell you a couple of things about this new artwork for the fabulous "Best Of The Best" series from Pittrek: Osaka 1976 Afternoon + Evening shows Vali Afternoon front cover: link I dl the rest, but that is not availible. I tried with Firefox and IE. Coudl someone attach it please? |
Vali 07.07.2009 16:45 |
hi goa !![]() rgrds Vali |
queenespaña 08.07.2009 04:10 |
Vali, eres muy bueno creando portadas, excepcional, de verdad. Muchas gracias por compartir tu arte con nosotros. |
Vali 08.07.2009 05:02 |
Muchísimas gracias, caballero !!! a mí lo que me mola es que os gusten a todos los que estáis por aquí ! :) |
queenespaña 08.07.2009 06:04 |
Pues es así, es un muy buen trabajo. Son de profesional. |
goa 08.07.2009 08:17 |
:lol: que bueno, en español!!! Muchas gracias, desde SudAmérica. |
Rado 11.09.2009 04:22 |
Is everyone alive ? ;) |
Vali 11.09.2009 04:58 |
Rado wrote: Is everyone alive ? ;) Hi Rado ! yes, we are, I think :) no worries, there have been a few distractions since the last time I updated this thread, but I've been working lately in a couple of new covers. Frankfurt, Leeds and New York '82 coming very soon. |
Rado 11.09.2009 08:57 |
ok Vali, thank you and happy to hear that you are all alive !! ahah take your time and good work as allways !!! :) |
Rado 25.10.2009 06:17 |
any news ? ^_^ |
Vali 25.10.2009 13:18 |
Hi Rado ! first of all: I'm sorry I didn't update this thread. I've been very busy for the last weeks and been out of Queenzone. At last I'll have some rest for the coming weeks and believe I'll be able to work a little bit and finish these year '82 covers that are still pending. Many thanks for your patience and for wakin' me up :D !! cheers Vali |
Vali 05.11.2009 17:49 |
... for those of you who have been waiting with interest and some dosis of patience, here it goes - at last - a little update on this series. My apologies for the delay, hope you like it !! Frankfurt '82 Front, Back, Booklet 1 and Booklet 2 link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> |
Vali 05.11.2009 18:02 |
Leeds '82 Front, back, booklet 1, booklet 2 and booklet 3 note: New York, Fukuoka I & II and Sapporo coming very soon !! link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> |
Rado 06.11.2009 05:17 |
Thank you so much for your effort Remain only 17 concerts, whe start to see the light ! :) haha |
Vali 06.11.2009 05:29 |
Rado wrote: Thank you so much for your effort Remain only 17 concerts, whe start to see the light ! :) haha yeah, the end of the tunnel is getting closer :) |
Vali 08.11.2009 15:19 |
hello Queenzoners, here you have a new update: New York '82 Front, Back, Inner 1 and Inner 2 hope you like it! cheers link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> link border="0"/> |
Rado 05.12.2009 06:36 |
Thank You very much, very appreciated !!! |
Rado 05.12.2009 06:36 |
Mr. Bulsara 16.12.2009 12:47 |
Hello. I can't open the New York '82 pictures. Anyone knows what happen? Thank You |
YourValentine 08.01.2010 09:43 |
Test message page 12 |
Rado 25.02.2010 04:44 |
i can read this message BUT my last i can read is from vali Posted: 07 Jul 09, 15:30. wat's happen ? is 3 month that tha situation goes on :( HELP please the error is: Sorry! There has been a website error There has been a problem with the website. The "cookies" you may have stored for this domain have now been cleared. This may solve the problem you experienced. You can help us solve this problem, by telling us what happened at or by using the contact form. |
Vali 25.02.2010 07:05 |
Hi Rado, I don't know if this post will be read, but anyway ... yes, I've been in contact with Richard and he's been trying to solve it but it seems the problem is huge so I was considering starting another thread and post the covers left there; Richard also offered the possibility to create a new section in the picture gallery. I can see now there is an "artwork" gallery, maybe that's it. Ok, maybe this actual thread is working ok again, except for the previous page, so I'll try to post some new covers this evening. The remaining covers for 1982 are almost done, just needed to check some info with Pittrek regarding lineages to complete the job. For the last two or three months I'v been .. let's say, uninspired, tired of this routine, but now I feel ok; in fact last weekend I started collecting many pictures , tickets, etc, for the '84 shows from Bob's and Scully's sites. You can expect fresh activity from my side in the next couple of months. Let's see in wich thread I'll be able to post it, but you'll get it for sure :) thanks Vali |
Rado 25.02.2010 11:54 |
Hi i can read you message. last post i can read is: ------------------------------- .... and in order to celebrate my post num. 1001: Drammen '82 artwork !! Front, back, booklet 1 and booklet 2. Yeah ! many thanks to Stark for the remaster; to Pittrek for his generous work; and to Bob, from whom I always borrow the concert review !! ;) cheers Vali ------------------------------- if there is something after i've lost it :) thank you and to Richard for your effort. i wish the problems will resolves soon. ps: the problem is only mine or other user have it ? |
Vali 02.03.2010 15:23 |
Hi Rado, here you have a quick update with the material lost after Drammen '82 -> Frankfurt '82" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/> Leeds '82" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/> New York '82" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/> Remaining covers (Fukuoka I & II and Sapporo) coming (really) soon! |
Rado 03.03.2010 03:59 |
Vali you'r Cool !!! Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH ^_^ |
pittrek 03.03.2010 04:01 |
Great work, but page 12 is still inaccessible |
Vali 03.03.2010 09:00 |
pittrek wrote: Great work, but page 12 is still inaccessible Hi Peter yes, and it seems page 12 won't work anymore. The covers above are the ones originally posted on that page, being that the reason why I reuploaded them again. Luckily from actual page 13 it'll work correctly again. Hope I'll be posting Fukuoka and Sapporo by next friday, although my work for Sapporo will pale in comparison to what Alex Solan did months ago with Sir GH's definitive version of that recording. I recommend everyone gettin' that one. It's unbeatable :) Rado: you're welcome, dude [img=/images/smiley/msn/thumbs_up.gif][/img] |
Vali 06.03.2010 07:15 |
Hi, here you have a new update. First night at Fukuoka (at last !), 19 Oct 1982. Hope you like it !!" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/>" border="0"/> |
FaBu 07.03.2010 09:54 |
Thank you very much for this,and for a beatiful Drammen! |
Rado 02.04.2010 03:26 |
sorry i'm afraid to loose something again... is fukuoka the last cover posted ? ;) having a good easter !!! :) |
Rado 20.05.2010 07:32 |
All dead, all dead ? :) |
Vali 20.05.2010 08:01 |
Rado wrote: All dead, all dead ? :) * * * * * * loving that song !!! ;) I'm sorry Rado, as you seem to be my loyalest fan !! many things going around and keeping me busy for the last months ... can't confirm any schedule right now but I'll be working on it sooner or later, as I have a strong determination of finishing it ... some day one day :) many tks Vali |
CERATOPHRYS 20.05.2010 12:04 |
Rado 22.05.2010 07:57 |
very happy to hear that is all alive ;)good luck for your activities... :) |
Rado 02.09.2010 14:05 |
UP ? ;) |
Vali 05.09.2010 14:13 |
Ok Rado, this is for you ! :) I recently felt t was time to finish year 1982 and starting year 1984. Here you have the second night in Fukuoka (not confirmed 100% if real or not) and Sir GH's mix for the Sapporo gig (although I recommend the ultra-excellent artwork Alex Solan did for this one). Tomorrow I'll post the whole year 1984 ! Fukuoka 2nd night - front and back: ![]() ![]() Sapporo - Sir GH's mix - front and back: ![]() ![]() cheers Vali |
Jon home 05.09.2010 15:09 |
Many thanks as usual stunning covers Not far to go now ! Cheers Jon |
Vali 05.09.2010 17:21 |
Hi Jon many tks for your comments ! ok, I've just uploaded all the covers for year 1984, so here we go: BIRMINGHAM '84: front + back ![]() ![]() MILAN '84: front + back ![]() ![]() MUNICH '84: front + back ![]() ![]() VIENNA '84: front + back ![]() ![]() Although not included originally in the series, I'll be maybe doing something with Sun City ! we'll see ! hope ypu like it cheers Vali |
Rado 15.09.2010 06:45 |
WOA !!!! what a really good update ! :) thank you...again... |
Queenline 16.09.2010 04:42 |
Thanks Vali Vell done :-D |
Rado 09.11.2010 15:01 |
UP ? ;) |
Rado 23.12.2010 12:36 |
up again ? :) remain only few covers to complete my beautifyl set of cd's :) |
Vali 23.12.2010 17:43 |
Rado wrote: up again ? :) remain only few covers to complete my beautifyl set of cd's :) ----------------------- you're unstoppable Rado :) no worries, just decided a few days ago it was time to complete this job ! you'll got the rest soon, I'm on it ! |
Rado 26.02.2011 11:30 |
Trying to do a little...UP ! ^_^ |
Rado 25.04.2011 13:18 |
We need LAST 8 cover concerts...could you please give us that last effort to give an end to this beautiful project ? thank you... |
Vali 29.04.2011 04:54 |
Hi Rado, ok here we go :) year 1985 will be the last one, as I completely forgot it and started working on year 1986 instead a long time ago. So ... step by step, here it is Mannheim. Hope you like it ! cheers Vali ![]() ![]() |
Gaabiizz 29.04.2011 12:20 |
Exelente , gracias por aportar |
Rado 30.04.2011 07:33 |
i'm unable to download the front cover. otherwise the second one was ok i don't undestand why :( TY for the update. Your cover aver VERY appreciated. you can give their the taste of professional cover ! |
Vali 30.04.2011 10:58 |
Rado wrote: i'm unable to download the front cover. otherwise the second one was ok i don't undestand why :( TY for the update. Your cover aver VERY appreciated. you can give their the taste of professional cover ! ---------- ok Rado, check above if it's ok cheers! Vali |
Rado 30.04.2011 12:20 |
well it works !!! :) YEAH !! :) |
Vali 07.05.2011 13:45 |
Here it goes a new one for year 1986. Queen at St. James Park, Newcastle:![]() ![]() cheers! Vali |
Rado 08.05.2011 05:41 |
here i am ! cool as usual :) TY |
Rado 07.07.2011 14:04 |
UP ! |
thefallenqueen 27.07.2011 16:30 |
Very nice artwork Vali, any chance to get a zip folder containing the complete best of the best artwork as some links seem to be down...??? Thanks |
Vali 29.07.2011 11:44 |
thefallenqueen wrote: Very nice artwork Vali, any chance to get a zip folder containing the complete best of the best artwork as some links seem to be down...??? Thanks ------------------------------- ------------------------------- hey many tks for your kind words :) well I've had your suggestion in mind for ages ... and I'd like to do it once the series is completed. But the main problems are: 1.- There's so little left to do to finish the series, I know .. but I'have so very little free time to do it !! 2.- I want to fix some of the early work, as it looks so amateurish to my eyes now, and I must say I feel a little embarrassed ! Some minor touches here and there should be done .... but once again: patience. I need time and 3.- Ale Solan: as long as that bastard is being so active ... my motivation is zero !! he's the artwork genius, not me :D ps: of course, point 3 is a joke. Alex knows how much I love him !!! ;) |
thefallenqueen 29.07.2011 20:04 |
All we need is just a little patience... looking forward to it, all these cover artworks give our bootleg collections a face, leaving blank CDRs behind... :-) |
Rado 20.09.2011 14:10 |
Ok just wait !!! |
Vali 24.09.2011 11:32 |
Rado wrote: Ok just wait !!! ---------------- ---------------- .... and see !! :) ![]() Uploaded with ![]() Uploaded with |
Rado 25.09.2011 10:53 |
catch! |
Vali 26.09.2011 12:08 |
and here it goes a new one, the 2nd night in Vienna !![]() Uploaded with ![]() Uploaded with |
Rado 19.10.2011 06:18 |
any news or update ? ty |
Rado 03.12.2011 04:45 |
UP ? |
Gaabiizz 04.12.2011 14:09 |
Is Great!! |
Rado 19.01.2012 11:16 |
sadly i think this tread is definitively dead...:( RIP ;) |
Vali 20.01.2012 04:42 |
nah, you never know ;) |
Rado 22.01.2012 08:16 |
Well !!! happy to hear that ! :) TY |