doremi 18.10.2005 10:19 |
link Unfortunately, I have to agree, as I have heard much of the album and seen the ''Tripping'' video on his official wesbite. Veyizmere. His first album writing all the songs without longtime co-songwriter Guy Chambers, and he's just not up to the task as a songwriter without Guy. Also remember when we were debating if he looks as if he is aging tooo fast, and I said I thought he was around 32-34, but looks like he is well into his mid 40's, well he's ONLY 31. |
pma 18.10.2005 10:24 |
I haven't liked most of RW's singles the first or the second time I heard them. But now once again I have found "Tripping" playing inside my head. |
Mr.Jingles 18.10.2005 10:27 |
Why are we even bothering reading reviews for Robbie William's new album. We might as well see what they have to say about Ashlee Simpson's new album. |
doremi 18.10.2005 10:33 |
Because after everyone dissing him, when I had never heard anything by the guy, after seeing and hearing him perform ''Angels'' and ''Let Me Entertain You'' at Live 8, I thought he had some half ass talent as a pop singer and performer. Then I went and listened to his entire back catalogue and watched all his videos on his website, and was still pleasantly surprised. Just when I thought he was a decent (NOTE I am NOT saying GREAT, or big time talented, but for what he does, pop, melodic and decent, entertaining, tuneful) singer. But...this NEW album and BOTH its songs and videos are CRAP! He needs to hook back up with songwriter Guy Chambers, and stop with the bizarro world Dali type videos as well |
Bohardy 18.10.2005 10:49 |
My God! Robbie's ONLY 31 and yet he looks like he's 32?! Poor guy, ageing that much so quickly. I mean, he'll be 32 in 4 month's time anyway, but who wants to look a whole 4 months older than what they are? |
Fenderek 18.10.2005 11:22 |
"Posing as a sensitive soul in a “spiritual lull”, he has plied journalists with sob stories about addiction, feeling terrified of being single, and claims that deep down he is just a little boy who wants to be loved. Bless. These maudlin, attention-seeking sentiments are very much a part of album on which Williams presents himself as a penitent playboy who wishes to atone for past indulgences, expressing the desire for clean living but at the same time wanting to continue the perks of his millionaire lifestyle." Beautiful, great review! |
GreatKingSam 18.10.2005 11:36 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: Because after everyone dissing him, when I had never heard anything by the guy, after seeing and hearing him perform ''Angels'' and ''Let Me Entertain You'' at Live 8, I thought he had some half ass talent as a pop singer and performer. Then I went and listened to his entire back catalogue and watched all his videos on his website, and was still pleasantly surprised. Just when I thought he was a decent (NOTE I am NOT saying GREAT, or big time talented, but for what he does, pop, melodic and decent, entertaining, tuneful) singer. But...this NEW album and BOTH its songs and videos are CRAP! He needs to hook back up with songwriter Guy Chambers, and stop with the bizarro world Dali type videos as wellI like Robbie, and I like both his new songs, and the videos. One is weird like the song (as suggests the title, Trippin') and one is simple and, like the song. I say I like them and I think they are great, and than people should be open minded and not hate Robbie becuase they want to jump on a bandwagon, but does that mean you are still correct to say they are crap? Also, he has a new songwriting partner, he's not gone completely on his own, either. And, stop with the bizzaro Dali type videos too? He's had about one of them. God, I wish Queen would stop with their plastesine model videos... |
The Fairy King 18.10.2005 13:51 |
You ppl have an opinion, without actually listening to his albums. At least Arlene did some research and listened to some of his stuff. Hypocrites, if someone would say something like that about Queen or Pink Floyd or whatever, you guys are the ones makin a big fuss! |
doremi 18.10.2005 14:11 |
<font color=#C5150>The Fairy King</font> wrote: You ppl have an opinion, without actually listening to his albums. At least Arlene did some research and listened to some of his stuff. Hypocrites, if someone would say something like that about Queen or Pink Floyd or whatever, you guys are the ones makin a big fuss!Thanks Fairy King! :D I always say that every artist I like, is obviously allowed to and would probably want to evolve and ''experiment'' with new sounds. I would think that ''Intensive Care'' is such an album for Robbie. Understand, that like Queen with say, ''Hot Space'', I THOROUGHLY RESPECT Robbie for trying something different and some reggae soungs what not, and not the same old. BTW...I have said many times on this board that I like ''Hot Space'' for the most part very much too. It's not Robbie's music direction that I don't like on his new album. It's that the songwriting (IMO ONLY) is not good. If the songwriting had been good, christ I don't care if he sings blues, rock, soul, whatever. As for the wierdness of the video, actually, if the song had been good (Trippin'), then the video may have had more appeal, because what TRULY matters to me, is the music, the audio, not the visual, but since I don't like the song, I focused that much more on the visual imagery, and I also thought that the video was very distracting, incoherent from and to the song. I still like Robbie and I will listen to ''Angels'', ''Let Me Entertain You'', ''She's The One'', ''Millennium'', or ''Kids'' his GREAT duet and video with Kylie Minogue...any day and YES, he was GRAND at Live 8, when he sang his OWN songs...not Queen's Stuff, but his OWN songs. He is a wonderful showman and really commands the stage. |
Banquo 18.10.2005 14:31 |
He was in Blackpool last night filming his new video under the 'gay illuminations'. My sister went to try and look for him but he was crowded by thousands of people. The local paper has totally gone mad for it. He was here three hours tops. |
pma 18.10.2005 23:19 |
<font color=#C5150>The Fairy King</font> wrote: You ppl have an opinion, without actually listening to his albums. At least Arlene did some research and listened to some of his stuff. Hypocrites, if someone would say something like that about Queen or Pink Floyd or whatever, you guys are the ones makin a big fuss!Oh I'll do the honours. Pink Floyd is utterly boring and extremely bad music, I cannot hear their tripe without becoming drowsy. You have to be pretty damn pretentious beyond any reason, low on your IQ (to a retarded level) and a drug addidct to actually enjoy such crap. And fans of PF (Pussy Fart) probably also enjoy whacking baby seals, making them throughoutly evil people. And the world would be a better place without them. Oh and Robbie is rock'n'roll. Live with it. |
GreatKingSam 19.10.2005 03:27 |
Arlene, are you familiar with Me And My Monkey? Or any one else for that matter? I cannot get over this song. Brilliant. |
doremi 19.10.2005 13:08 |
pma wrote:At the risk of having eggs thrown at me (cuz I'm from the USA where Pink Floyd are sacrocent/holy. plus my brothers' all time favorite band)...<font color=#C5150>The Fairy King</font> wrote: You ppl have an opinion, without actually listening to his albums. At least Arlene did some research and listened to some of his stuff. Hypocrites, if someone would say something like that about Queen or Pink Floyd or whatever, you guys are the ones makin a big fuss!Oh I'll do the honours. Pink Floyd is utterly boring and extremely bad music, I cannot hear their tripe without becoming drowsy. You have to be pretty damn pretentious beyond any reason, low on your IQ (to a retarded level) and a drug addidct to actually enjoy such crap. And fans of PF (Pussy Fart) probably also enjoy whacking baby seals, making them throughoutly evil people. And the world would be a better place without them. Oh and Robbie is rock'n'roll. Live with it. When my brother moved out on his owen, he had ''Dark Side Of The Moon'', and then ''Another Brick In The Wall'' on his phone answering machine. UGH!!!!! I HATE PINK FLOYD!!!!!!!! I spent the first 20 years of my life hearing my brother blast all of their psychodelic, depressing music in his bedroom directly(adjoining MY bedroom), and he only would play Floyd when HE was depressed. Every damn time he broke up with a girl or had a bad day at work, or was stressed out, he would lock his door and crank up that damn depressing music. I know most of their songs and their lyrics, and it's so self absorbed and full of self loathing/pity. I always looked at the Floyd as the Original, precursor to Nirvana in that sense... Let me tell you, boy am I the opposite from my brother. My entire life, if I've had a bad day, I do NOT want music to make me even MORE depressed. I want QUEEN, Genesis, U2, something to inspire me, give me hope, cheer me up, dust myself off, and start all over again. But back to the Floyd, well I'll tell you this, Bob Geldof got them for Live 8 because they are such an enormous commercial pull here in the USA and he used them to get the USA to be aware of Live 8, but he has ALWAYS been open in the press that he does NOT like their music at all! Bob Geldof also did NOT want to play Pink in the film of The Wall. Roger Waters had to personally inrroduce himself to Bob, they became friends, and he asked Bob to do it as a favor. Then Roger Waters and Pink Floyd retuned the favor with their reunion (even though they had been so rancorous to one another all these years), for Live 8 since they are friends with Bob Geldof. But Bob in past press for The Wall and in current ptress for Live 8, says he can't stand their music. Good for Sir Bob! |
doremi 19.10.2005 13:11 |
GreatKingSam wrote: Arlene, are you familiar with Me And My Monkey? Or any one else for that matter? I cannot get over this song. Brilliant.I think I may have heard that, but if I did, I don't remember it. I'm pretty sure it's on his website, as most of his song and video catalogue are. Isn't ''Kids'' with Kylie Minogue awesome! I also like his cover/duet of ''Someting Stupid'' with Nicole Kidman, both the song and the video. Damn near as good as the original by Frank and Nancy Sinatra! Oh, and that song, something about I forget, ''I will Call Hollyoowd And You will Listen'' or something or other. |
its_a_hard_life 19.10.2005 14:33 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: Because after everyone dissing him, when I had never heard anything by the guy, after seeing and hearing him perform ''Angels'' and ''Let Me Entertain You'' at Live 8, I thought he had some half ass talent as a pop singer and performer. Then I went and listened to his entire back catalogue and watched all his videos on his website, and was still pleasantly surprised. Just when I thought he was a decent (NOTE I am NOT saying GREAT, or big time talented, but for what he does, pop, melodic and decent, entertaining, tuneful) singer. But...this NEW album and BOTH its songs and videos are CRAP! He needs to hook back up with songwriter Guy Chambers, and stop with the bizarro world Dali type videos as wellRobbie williams is full of shite end of, hes such a show off and takes the micky out of gays, did you see him in live 8 when he started talking gayish to two hundred thousand or more peeps that wasnt funny or being clever that was just sick and upsettin to see, hes no good and im glad Brian and Roger never choose him to sing in there 2005 tour or he would shite everything up and make Brian and Roger look like cowards, Robbie drop the hard act, your nothing to the REAL TALENTED SINGERS! |
doremi 19.10.2005 14:49 |
the_hero wrote: I think people see Robbie as arrogant and "former take That" so he must suck. He actually has talent, a lot of it. Saying he might have been the next Freddie is bullshit, but he sure has a great voice.You're my...hero.... :D |
flash00. 19.10.2005 19:50 |
i just watched robbie's documentary tonight on making his new album, i must say i like some of his past hits, but this new album is terrible no dissrespect to the guy i think he's backed a wrong horse with tin tin duffy lol. |
iGSM 19.10.2005 21:59 |
The only thing I like of his is the Swing When You're Winning...and that's mainly because John Lovitz sings with him..and..Nicole Kidman. The DVD of his performance at the Royal Albert Hall was gear too. |
Banquo 20.10.2005 12:09 |
flash00. wrote: i just watched robbie's documentary tonight on making his new album, i must say i like some of his past hits, but this new album is terrible no dissrespect to the guy i think he's backed a wrong horse with tin tin duffy lol.I watched that as well. Can't say I was too excited about the music. He still comes across as an arrogant wanker but that's his way isn't it. Still think he's the best showman since Freddie though. |
doremi 20.10.2005 19:29 |
Bet ya. when Live 8 comes out on DVD in November, and people see and hear how damn talented he is when he has good song material to work with and perform, they will realize how talented he is. BTW, I am on the Live 8 mailing list and they send me LEGAL video/audio advance clips of Live 8 in newsletters to promote the DVD, and it;s amazing how great that whole show was, especially, U2, Paul McCartney, Coldplay, Richard Ashcroft, Madonna, and.... ....Robbie Williams. They also sent me one of ''behind the scenes'' footage of Robbie Williams rehearsing early in ther day for Live 8. Really excellent stuff. |
The Fairy King 28.10.2005 10:09 |
its_a_hard_life wrote:Sick and upsetting?? The guy is a born entertainer. The guy has talent. And he has proven that on many occasions. You never heard a RW album in your life. You never attended a concert, you just base all your crap on that one Live8 performance (which was the best of the day, oh well). I think there would be more audience participationif RW would've joined the band for a tour. How many times didn't Freddie sing out of tune or act like a retard? At least he loved what he did and the people love what he did. So i don't really see a real argument in your little rant, other than just plain stupidity and ignorance. Get a life.Arlene R. Weiss wrote: Because after everyone dissing him, when I had never heard anything by the guy, after seeing and hearing him perform ''Angels'' and ''Let Me Entertain You'' at Live 8, I thought he had some half ass talent as a pop singer and performer. Then I went and listened to his entire back catalogue and watched all his videos on his website, and was still pleasantly surprised. Just when I thought he was a decent (NOTE I am NOT saying GREAT, or big time talented, but for what he does, pop, melodic and decent, entertaining, tuneful) singer. But...this NEW album and BOTH its songs and videos are CRAP! He needs to hook back up with songwriter Guy Chambers, and stop with the bizarro world Dali type videos as wellRobbie williams is full of shite end of, hes such a show off and takes the micky out of gays, did you see him in live 8 when he started talking gayish to two hundred thousand or more peeps that wasnt funny or being clever that was just sick and upsettin to see, hes no good and im glad Brian and Roger never choose him to sing in there 2005 tour or he would shite everything up and make Brian and Roger look like cowards, Robbie drop the hard act, your nothing to the REAL TALENTED SINGERS! |
doremi 28.10.2005 13:24 |
the_hero wrote: I;ve bought the cd today, and I must say I really like it.Good for you. *cheers* Is the rest of it better I hope? I really love Robbie! *watches out for flying eggs* The October 2005 issue of Classic Rock Magazine has a GREAT interview with Robbie's former co-songwriter, Guy Chambers. Guy speaks VERY fondly of Robbie's songwriting talent (and other talents as a a singer, etc) and from the way he alludes to things, I think he VERY much wants to team back up with and collaborate with Robbie. Oh, to the poster who said Robbie sucked at Live 8...SUCK THIS!!!!!!!!!! Robbie was AWESOME especially on ''Angels'' and ''Let Me Entertain You''. He had all of Hyde Park in the palm of his hand and was so ingratiating to the audience and is a GREAT live performer. The only thing I didn't like was when he covered Queen. But again, like I have always said, when he did his OWN songs/material, he was outstanding! |
doremi 31.10.2005 12:24 |
Robbie has said he will NOT sell this CD in the USA because he just cannot crack the USA market, but.....Tower Records had an IMPORT of the ''Intensive Care'' CD...for $45. Too much moolah for me, but nice to know that if I ever have the money it is available as an import. In the 11/04 Q Magazine, he says sarcastically, ... ...''The only way my album will get in an L.A. record store (and Robbie LIVES in Los Angeles), is if I leave it there myself.''... The Novemnber 2005 issue of BRITISH GQ Magazine, which YES, you can get here in the USA at Barnes and Noble and Tower Records has an excellent in depth COVER STORY/Interview with Robbie discussing ''Intensive Care'', his career, his feelings about trying to crack the USA market,... ...(and now he sounds upset with and hurt by America just like Queen, in that he says that he has tried to crack the market here, and America just demands too much work and promotion, so why bother when he sells millions of records and sells out stadiums across Europe and other markets..I don't blame him)... and his performance at Live 8... .........and......... ........for all men of Queenzone!!!!!!!!........... ....the inside multi page photo spread is Robbie laying with FIVE NUDE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!..... |
bohemian 11513 31.10.2005 12:33 |
Only FIVE NUDE WOMEN??? He´s definately on a "down swing"!!! ;-) |
PieterMC 31.10.2005 13:20 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: I really love Robbie! *watches out for flying eggs**starts throwing eggs at Arlene* |
PieterMC 31.10.2005 13:27 |
Robbie can't crack America because people over here don't get him. He acts like an ass when he performs. I remember seeing him on the Tonight Show and he was rubbing his butt again Simon Cowell, who was a guest on the show. Not the best introduction to the US. Hopefully he will never make it here because then I will not need to hear his crappy music on the radio. |
Erin 31.10.2005 14:20 |
PieterMC wrote: Hopefully he will never make it here because then I will not need to hear his crappy music on the radio.Wurd. |
doremi 31.10.2005 14:34 |
One thing that pissed me off in another interview he does in Q Magazine, which pisses thwe reviewer off too, is in the song ''Ghosts'' he boasts something about .... ....''Here I stand Victorious, the only man to make you come''. How FNG full of yourself can a man or a music artists be, even in their fictional lyrics? If ANY man sang that or said that to or about me or just in a random song, what a turnoff! I like Robbie ALOT, but this is the kind of crap that makes fans and America and the press rag on him. He 's WAY past arrogant! Geez! |
doremi 01.11.2005 11:47 |
Intensive Care is #1 in the U.K.! |
Mr.Jingles 01.11.2005 12:30 |
IT'S NOT like here in America WE DON'T GET IT when it comes to idolizing a British heartrob. George Michael matured a hell of a lot as an artist after he went solo and buried his own Wham! image. Robbie Williams on the other hand acts far more juvenile than he did on his 'Take That' days. George Michael was as big here in the States as he was across the pond, and the general public respected him, and his fan base wasn't only teens, young girls, middle aged women, and gay men. There's no doubt of who has more talent between those 2. |
doremi 01.11.2005 12:30 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote:I love snowball fights!, but I love Dinosaur eggs fights MORE!PieterMC wrote:*joins in...using Dinosaur-eggs...petrified*Arlene R. Weiss wrote: I really love Robbie! *watches out for flying eggs**starts throwing eggs at Arlene* *picks up a giant one and wings it at Thomas* ;) Mine's a petrified Tyranasuarus Rex! |
doremi 01.11.2005 12:33 |
Mr.Jingles wrote: IT'S NOT like here in America WE DON'T GET IT when it comes to idolizing a British heartrob. George Michael matured a hell of a lot as an artist after he went solo and buried his own Wham! image. Robbie Williams on the other hand acts far more juvenile than he did on his 'Take That' days. George Michael was as big here in the States as he was across the pond, and the general public respected him, and his fan base wasn't only teens, young girls, middle aged women, and gay men. There's no doubt of who has more talent between those 2.Jingles, I thorughloy agree. I am in no way comparing George's IMMENSE talent to Robbie's ok talent. But....George has ''retired'' from music and Robbie has some talent and for NEW music, I'd sure as hell rather listen to him than, what are my choices again...50Cent and Ashley Simpson? I WISH George would start recording again but he became so disgusted by the music industry, who would no longer promote his records..because of people like 50 cent and Ashlee, that he just threw in the towel in disgust. It did my heart good to see George Michael ''guest'' with Paul McCartney at the Live 8 Finale and perform live for the first time in years. |
Mr.Jingles 01.11.2005 12:49 |
I might hate Robbie Williams but compared to 50 Cent or Ashlee Simpson I hold the guy in high respect. The whole record industry in America is fucked up. After the Orange Bowl and SNL there's still too many fuckin' dumb teens buying Ashlee Simpson's new album. Her latest album went to #1 outselling both Stevie Wonder and Depeche Mode. |
doremi 01.11.2005 13:21 |
Mr.Jingles wrote: I might hate Robbie Williams but compared to 50 Cent or Ashlee Simpson I hold the guy in high respect. The whole record industry in America is fucked up. After the Orange Bowl and SNL there's still too many fuckin' dumb teens buying Ashlee Simpson's new album. Her latest album went to #1 outselling both Stevie Wonder and Depeche Mode.I heard and if tyou think that sucks, every week I drive to Washington to go to our Tower Records as they carry TONS more CD's/artists and magazines, including from the U.K./imports, and better stuff than the chain crap stores like Best Buy. But...what do you think the last 2-3 years even Tower STICKS up front in the store to most heavily promote....dah...50 cent, Kanye West, The Game, Ashlee Simpson, Hilary Duff. BLUAHHHHHHHHH!!! Thank goodness they DO carry TONS of Cd's by Queen and classic rockers, and music genres like blues and world, and they have a separate room that is soundproofed from the rock room just for Classical music and opera, that I read in. But my point is that what they PROMOTE, what they prominently stick up front, is the CRAP! You know what they ALWAYS play over the sound speaker system at Tower...Rap, and Rave/electronica! UGHHHHHH! You know I learn more about music and get to hear more great bands, artists, music, by learning about them from reading and /or listening to them on things things like Queenzone, the web, British music and entertainment Magazines, etc. Damn, I HATE regular radio. I barely ever listen to it anymore unless it's a special like ''I Love The 80's weekend'' or a classic rock station. What happened to the music industry in the USA? It all but died in the early to mid 90's starting with grunge and then rap and now electronica/rave/trance. |
doremi 01.11.2005 13:23 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote:*puts band aid on Thomas's cracked skull, wipes off T-Rex egg yolk and plays a Queen record* Better? :DArlene R. Weiss wrote:*Attempts answering but finds it extremely difficult with a cracked skull and half a petrified egg in his mouth*<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote:I love snowball fights!, but I love Dinosaur eggs fights MORE! *picks up a giant one and wings it at Thomas* ;) Mine's a petrified Tyranasuarus Rex!PieterMC wrote:*joins in...using Dinosaur-eggs...petrified*Arlene R. Weiss wrote: I really love Robbie! *watches out for flying eggs**starts throwing eggs at Arlene* |
YourValentine 02.11.2005 04:43 |
Music is always a matter of taste but we should talk about the music and not about how we would like the musician to behave. What I hear against Robbie Williams sounds familiar, doesn't it? It was also said about Freddie decades ago: that he is arrogant and his behaviour outrageous. How can a line like 'Here I stand victorious, the only man to make you come' create any disgust in a country that is flooded with hateful, sexist and violent rap lyrics day and night? I like the new Robbie Williams album. It's different but that is a good thing. He takes some risks instead of playing safe. If he is not big in The USA - who cares. Not all US artists are big in Europe, either. |
doremi 02.11.2005 11:40 |
YourValentine wrote: Music is always a matter of taste but we should talk about the music and not about how we would like the musician to behave. What I hear against Robbie Williams sounds familiar, doesn't it? It was also said about Freddie decades ago: that he is arrogant and his behaviour outrageous. How can a line like 'Here I stand victorious, the only man to make you come' create any disgust in a country that is flooded with hateful, sexist and violent rap lyrics day and night? I like the new Robbie Williams album. It's different but that is a good thing. He takes some risks instead of playing safe. If he is not big in The USA - who cares. Not all US artists are big in Europe, either.YV, as you know I live in the USA and I HATE the sexist, violent, misogynist lyrics of rap and alot of country music as well. As for that lyric on Robbie's album, I'm just expressing my opinion that that particular song lyric, did not win me over any. I much prefer songs like ''Angels'' or ''Millennium''. Then again, I LOVE his duet with Kylie Minogue, ''Kids'', and I heard it a gazillion times, then realized some of the lyrics are about...sodomy? OK... By the time I found out that lyric, I had already learned to love the song, but....that lyric still bothers me and I wish it wasn't in there. Just my opinion. And, I agree that Freddie was considered outrageous and arrogant, which for all I know, may have been part of the reason Queen didn't crack America, just like Robbie or vice versa. BUT...I find Robbie a very talented singer/songwriter/live performer/showman. Guess when you get down to it, every darn singer or band I have ever loved, has at least ONE song or lyric that rubs me wrong. ....BUT...I still like the artist/band, just not the lyric or song. For instance...Heart is one of my all time favorite bands, but I HATE their song that condones drugs...Magic Man. Eric Clapton is one of my all time favorite artists...but I HATE his song condoning drugs, Cocaine. ...One of the WORST OFFENDERS!!!!....I like the Rolling Stones, but ''Under My Thumb'' is one of the most sexist, misogynist, arrogant songs I think...of ALL TIME! OMG!!!!!....... If I picked apart every artist/band I love, I would find something that wrankles me about a particular song or lyric. This just happens to be the one with Robbie. Tell you what...if I ever met the guy and had my whack at him...he better put his money where his mouth is on that line! LOL!!!!! What a rooster he is!!!! LOL!!!! |
Mr.Jingles 02.11.2005 11:58 |
Since I was a kid, I always hated that Cyndie Lauper song "She Bop" ...then when I learned that the song was about masturbation I started liking it. |
doremi 02.11.2005 12:15 |
Mr.Jingles wrote: Since I was a kid, I always hated that Cyndie Lauper song "She Bop" ...then when I learned that the song was about masturbation I started liking it.LOL! :D |
pma 09.11.2005 14:31 |
Got my copy of Intensive Care (along the bonus dvd) today. I'm highly pleased. Watching the documentary on the dvd before listening did help me to "dig deeper" into the meanings and meaninglessnes of certain songs. Out of the songs, "Advertising Space" has made the most impact on me. Now, if the best Guy Chambers can do without Robbie is *swear word* like "Real to Me" and "Irish Son" (both with Brian McFadden) then I feel sorry for the man. Hope he re-unites with Robbie in songwriting, because judging by the McFadden etc. stuff he needs Robbie more than Robbie needs him. |
doremi 09.11.2005 15:17 |
ANNOUNCING Robbie's WORLD TOUR 2006!!!!!!!!! Ends with Wembley Stadium! Tockets go on sale 11/19/2005. All tour dates, venues, cities, below!!!! (Nothing in the USA) :-( link |
pma 11.11.2005 11:11 |
I got one thing to say... Robbie's "Spread Your Wings" is wonderful, unlike that utter piece of rubbish by Queen. Then again it doesn't take much to beat 4th grader lyrics like "Sammy was low, just watching the show..." June'n'Spoon... |
@ndy38 11.11.2005 11:16 |
pma wrote: Oh and Robbie is rock'n'roll. Live with it.You gotta be kidding me :P |
doremi 14.11.2005 11:21 |
As I said, according to this article he is NOT releasing ''Intensive Care'' at all in the USA, since he can't sell records here, even though it's #1 in the UK and across Europe. link |
doremi 14.11.2005 14:28 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: Why do the Americans get saved while the Europeans get stuck with him? I mean, after all the Americans elected Bush. They can use some punishment.What, 50 Cent, Ashlee Simpson and Britney aren't punishment enough! LOL! |
doremi 14.11.2005 14:37 |
<font color =#CC00FF>***Marial-B*** wrote: Britney is a worldwide punishment, for mankind. 50 Cent is for americans Ashlee is a one minute wonder Robbie isn't a punishmentOutstanding assessment! Thanks...I like Robbie! |
doremi 17.11.2005 10:39 |
Great article from, where Robbie's record label Chairman talks about how Robbie's new record is #1 in Europe, but he still can't sell records here in the USA. I find this interesting in that it's the same exact thing career wise that happened to Queen. link |
Mr.Jingles 17.11.2005 12:46 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: Why do the Americans get saved while the Europeans get stuck with him? I mean, after all the Americans elected Bush. They can use some punishment.How about the people who voted for Kerry? It's still nearly half of us who supported him. After all, 50 Cent is enough of a punishment for us. We have to see his ugly face and hear his horrible music on radio, TV, movies, and even video games. |
Fenderek 18.11.2005 09:01 |
Yeah whatever- he's talented or not- couldn't care less, I can't stand the guy. This is not music for me- this is product. He's NOT entretaining me- if I hear him I want to slap him. IMO he's making a tit of himself on stage. He points the mic to the audience and that's called showmanship. Fair enough. I prefer the guy who stands with mic stand entire gig and when sings- his voice touches my soul. Robbie only makes me cry. And it's not because I'm touched... I can admit that his technique can be good at times ("...Swinging" thing wasn't THAT bad actually), but the tone of his voice AND phrasing are really poor. In My Opinion of course. Oh- and I don't rate "Angels" as good song. Annoys the hell out of me. If I was to chose one I'd probably go for "Let Me Entertain You"- got a little bit of this "SOMETHING" in it. I've heard hundreds of songs like "Angels", tens of them more beautiful and much better... The only difference is... Anyone heard about "Anna Lee"? I thought so... I really don't acre about charts. I found my niche, there are many bands in the underground that are more interesting and finding them is more satisfying. Robbie is for me a n example of what's wrong with the music industry. But that's just my opinion. Oh- he's arrogance is also a factor. And just before someone will say that Fred was also arrogant. Yes, but at the same time he was charming and funny, tongue-in-cheek with that. Robbie isn't. |
Queenrule 28.11.2005 09:58 |
I bloody wish robbie willim's was in intensive care |