cliffhowell 07.01.2005 17:29 |
As a QFC member for almost 20 years I am totally peeved (& that's the worst language I'm prepared to use in public) at the way this lottery for the Brixton show is being carried out. Basically it means a QOL so called "member" of perhaps only a few weeks has as much chance of getting a ticket as really long standing QFC members. It stinks. I've been trying to work out the probability of getting a ticket but there are too many figures I don't know, such as how many QFC members are there (I've heard maybe only 5000 these days with a lot outside the UK), how many QOL "members" & the capacity of Brixton (I think 5000ish). Also you need to know the likely level of interest (based on the convention interest generally and adding a bit I'd say maybe a third would / could go to the gig). Allowing for the fact you can buy 2 tickets each I reckon we, as QFC members, have about a 75% chance of getting a ticket. Lets gets discussing this and updating this %age probability if we can firm up the figures and estimates a bit more. It's all a bit of clever marketing / advertising I think from QPL. They are stirring up all this interest (Brixton, Paris, barcelona, madrid, etc) and really uping the word of mouth out there. I know we are all being used and made to pay a high price for these tickets but hopefully it will only be the real true fans who get to this gig as I can't see anyone other than a real true fan paying £60ish for this gig. Comments and more information please. |
Jjeroen 07.01.2005 17:47 |
=edited= My apologies... edited because of maybe too harsh responce in the heat of my disappointment... |
cliffhowell 07.01.2005 18:05 |
Jeroen, if you take that attitude then it should just go on general sale as there are probably 1000's of real fans out there who are not as sad as us lot spending our Friday nights chatting on forums who will all be pretty peeved when the public announcement is made and already the best seats / places are sold out. The fan club was the original "forum" before all this internet stuff. To me this Brixton show should be fan club members only (not QOL)with priority given for loyalty. OK do another for QOL members only but this one should be a way of finally rewarding QFC members. Oh, and I really hope (although it is a long shot) that they decide to play at the convention - QFC members only there mate & I've booked already. |
wstüssyb 07.01.2005 21:06 |
The fan club was the original "forum" before all this internet stuff. To me this Brixton show should be fan club members only (not QOL)with priority given for loyalty. OK do another for QOL members only but this one should be a way of finally rewarding QFC members Pretty sure QTC fans got rewarded very handsomly in the 80's, video shoots what-not. now QOL will have the same importance as QTC, as the internet being the newage was to be with fans, of course they are gonna use a base from that section of their fan base. |
Mr. Scully 08.01.2005 08:39 |
Fanclub members only... loyalty... so I (being a very loyal Queen fan but NOT in the fan club) should have less rights than somebody who's loyal to the fan club (and probably doesn't care about Queen these days anyway)? I get your point but it's not black & white. You will never know if the "loyal" fans are in the fan club, on QueenOnline or in neither of these organizations. Wasting your money in the fan club doesn't make you a more loyal fan - on the other hand, I understand that for the money you expect something more, that's normal. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll still get your tickets. For this price it can't sell out in the "lottery". |
Megamike The GREAT 08.01.2005 09:39 |
Well, I am a Lifetime member of the Fan Club, Does that show MY loyality? :) |
deakys ghost 08.01.2005 14:20 |
I aggree 100% with cliff, the Brixton show should have been Fan Club members only. I too have been a fan for over 20 years and am annoyed that some edjit who has logged onto QOL at the start of December may get a ticket, it makes a mockery of paying a subscription over the years to the club. I hope that only a very small percentage goes to the internet users and the core support in the FC get a fair deal!! |
deleted user 08.01.2005 14:44 |
What makes a member of the fanclub a bigger fan than someone who joined QOL or why are members of the fanclub more entitled? And who is to say that a handful of those members of QOL are not also members of the fanclub? How selfish it is, Cliff, that you feel that you deserve a ticket more than a newer fan. I don't care if you've been a Queen fan for 20 years - a Queen fan is a Queen fan. Although I can understand your concern, it also just looks like a childish argument and a way for you to flaunt the longevity of your Queen fanaticism in order to make other Queen fans feel as though they are less important. Having said all this, I hope you are able to get yourself a ticket. |
deakys ghost 09.01.2005 09:48 |
Those of us in the fan club for many years have supported the band through good times and bad, even when nothing was happening. The fact that a "travelling" supporter (jumps on the bandwagon when something big happens) can log on at the start of December and maybe get a ticket for Brixton is annoying. For those of us who have been fc members for 10 years plus and paid subscriptions means that this has been worthless, register online a couple of weeks ago and get the same benefit but I suppose that's the modern world! |
Mr. Scully 09.01.2005 10:06 |
Being a fan club member is not supporting the band; it's only giving a job to two ladies. Queen really needed the fan club members only for the video shoots - and being in a Queen video is a great reward for any Queen fan. So don't put it like Queen owe you anything just because you're in the fan club. |
englishyob 09.01.2005 12:25 |
This place is starting to sound like a fucking junior school playground, it does matter it you a QFC or QOL member what matter is that Queen + Paul Rogers are going to be touring we all should be grateful they are. I was once a member of the QFC but couldn’t afforded it and it wasn’t that rewarding so I just stuck to buying Queen + Solo stuff instead the way a fan does. Been a member of the QFC does not give you automatic privileges over anything the band does so that means concert tickets. The QFC is just the fan club the QOL is the bands website, which is open up to member to subscribe for newsletter concert tickets, etc etc so consider yourself lucky they didn’t just sat the Brixton gig was for QOL members only |
Brian_Mays_Wig 09.01.2005 14:45 |
I was in the fan club for 10 years - then left cos its shit! So i entered the lottery. Big Deal. |
deleted user 09.01.2005 17:04 |
"Those of us in the fan club for many years have supported the band through good times and bad, even when nothing was happening. The fact that a "travelling" supporter (jumps on the bandwagon when something big happens) can log on at the start of December and maybe get a ticket for Brixton is annoying." - So...what you're saying is, anyone who is not a member of the QFC has not supported Queen? Gotcha, that makes sense. "For those of us who have been fc members for 10 years plus and paid subscriptions means that this has been worthless, register online a couple of weeks ago and get the same benefit but I suppose that's the modern world!" - If being a member of the QFC turns out to be worthless, then you really have no one to blame but yourself, because no one has forced you to subscribe all those years to the fanclub. As I said before, I can understand the concerns, but all at the same time I think some of you are behaving childishly concerning this issue. You want the best and expect everyone else to just lose out cos they haven't shown the same "support" that you have. |
jericho05 09.01.2005 18:35 |
I've never been in the fan club but nevertheless spent my first dollars on Queen back in 1978. Since then I've purchased all the studio albums on vinyl, casette and CD (not to mention all the DVDs)as well as spending hundreds of dollars to see the band live and Brian solo a couple of times. Does that make myself or those like me less deserving of a shot at a ticket or mean we are not supportive of the band? Give it a rest! That said I am not a member of QOL either (IMO it's shit) and am not entered in the lottery. I do hope you get your ticket of course but in reality nobody should be eliminated from contention. A case could be made that a block of tickets be available for Queenzoners! Yes that includes all the "newbies" and anyone that considers themselves a fan. I am grateful that the first band I truly loved is being discovered by others. The lottery should be available to whoever wants in. |
deleted user 10.01.2005 07:10 |
There are no doubts about the fact that Queen Production is working in a "not so much professional way". The dates should be announced all at once while we already know about 2 spainish gigs, the Vienna one, the Paris one... and we already can buy tickets!! So what about the people who still don't know if there will be a nearer date? He has to wait for the full calendar instead of buying the tickets in a hurry, to be sure to get a couple of... Why that, can't QP control all their local promoters?? And then the weird lottery. The most disappointed people should be the OIQFC members, but I have to say that I'm disgusted as well: I never bothered to join QOL mailing list because you can get all the best infos earlier on other resources just like our beloved QUEENZONE. What about the price, then? 110 euro for a single concert? Totally crazy, that's why I won't go. I will attend all the (many) italian dates and I will also travel abroad, maybe in Germany or Austria and for sure in London, later on. That and the fact that I think of Queen every single day of my life make a "good and loyal fan" of me, not the 2 weird subscribtions to QOL or QFC. That's it!! |
Benn 10.01.2005 07:54 |
It all just further illustrates the fact that QPL cares not a jot about what they are doing. |
eggy 10.01.2005 08:31 |
Basically I and most general people will join a fan club when they get something out of it. For the past few years as a member of the qfc you would have had four magazines a year filled with crap about we will rock you. I have no interest in that whatsoever. I would join if i got good tickets out of it, and maybe some exclusive material too. I wouldn't spend even as little as £15 when i get nothing out of it. Hence Queen have missed a chance of people joing the club here. I was a member back in 2001 for the Freddie Tribute, but knew nothing like that was likely recently. |
YourValentine 10.01.2005 09:37 |
To be fair: this is not the fault of the fan club. I am sure Jacky is just as gutted about the whole ticket issue as you, maybe even more because this can well be the end of the fan club. From the FC website you can see that priority tickets for other concerts will also be available via QOL. It's a rare display of ingratitude on the side of QP towards a loyal person who kept the fan base together for so many years, no matter what you personally think about the fan club. |
Benn 10.01.2005 10:11 |
It's the fault of the fan club if they associate themselves with it. Sounds to me like a ploy to generate increased membership in the hope that people think "God, if I join now, maybe I'll be in with a shot for another show like this one". We all know that mmbership numbers have been falling for the last 10 years and that there is only a certain time left during which people will pay for a t-shirt selling service. Still, so long as enough people are members to pay for Jacky's holiday to Spain every year, all's well..... |
Mr. Scully 10.01.2005 10:35 |
I don't blame the fan club either (I mean I do blame them all the time but not today :-) This looks like a QP/QOL marketing strategy which was obviously a big mistake. |
eggy 10.01.2005 12:12 |
I've nothing bad to say against the club, it was in an impossible position for years, maybe if the band starts up again it will be okay. I think QP have done what they thought would be good, but is totally flawed. |
Benn 10.01.2005 12:23 |
Eggy, Why was their position impossible? 1 - they were the first people to announce the box sets as being set for release. 2 - they were the people that PROMISED the broadcasting of a 6-part radio series that failed to materialise. 3 - they were the prople that CONSISTENTLY asked for suggestions as to how to improve the club and failed to do anything about any of them 4 - they have agreed that the OIQFC database can be used for this ballott - allowing people's personal details to be used before even ASKING. Jacky's just a fan that has managed to keep her position in the organisation (such as it is) which allows her the access she craves - good luck to her. |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.01.2005 12:31 |
I agree with the Valentines's point about the FC not being at fault. Jacky was kept in the dark about this whole just as much as we were. Remember folks, the FC is NO LONGER personally involved with QP as it ONCE was. It's a damn shame, but it's reality which is too bad in a situation like this where the the Club can really use that connection right about now. I am sure Jacky is just as pissed about this whole fiasco as we are...she is plainly in the same boat as we are. In regards to the Club, they do the best they can with what little they have left now and you have to appreciate that on some level. True, the past few years have not been good to the Club and after this Tour i don't see how it can go on much longer. All we seem to have here is a place to send money just to insure we have the "privilidge" of attending a Convention every year and that's it really. A real shame, as things were exciting and fun in the past. When the Band had any kind of event at all, you were pretty much quarenteed a good shot at some nice tickets. Now things seem to have dried up, but when you think of it, Queen has in itself until very recently. WWRY definately revived them, no doubt at all about that in my mind. WWRY is directly responsible for motivating Brian and Roger to get up off their rears and perform live again together. This in itself should be hailed as momentous, regardless of who is singing lead. Queen are BACK in a glimmer....let's hope it lasts. And let's hope the FC lasts too. |
Rich Tea 10.01.2005 14:55 |
Oh dear I see a few none fan club members having a dig here not surprised really! I have been a Fan Club member since 1974 and it would have been a nice touch for the lottery to be for those most loyal of fans. Yes the fan club isn't as relevent now as it once was, not the fan clubs fault more a shift in technology and a lack of real Queen activity in the last 10 years. However now we have some activity just like in the old days when a tour was announced there were always fan club priority tickets available. Sad that this first "Queen" tour since Freddies sad demise couldn't have had one show totally exclusive to those people who have stayed truly loyal to Queen and kept the fan club going. Mr Scully I respect your views although for some reason I sense a hint of bitterness but I do not agree with you I think Jackie & Val do an excellent job and it is very easy to knock people in there position but offer no alternative. For us who are members, the fan club gives us, still after all these years, a sense of belonging and in some small way a sense of being part of the Queen empire whatever that may or may not include! |
deakys ghost 10.01.2005 16:24 |
Well said "Rich Tea", you've hit the nail on the head!! |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.01.2005 16:38 |
Yes, some good points made here. I am a member as well, and have enjoyed my time with the Club. This event has me wondering though...but it's early yet. I'm sure the Club will try to organize something for the longtime Members in the end before all is said and done. Who knows, if this tour is a huge hit (which i'm sure it will be at least from a ticket selling standpoint) we shall see another one shortly thereafter? It has been done before...particually by Brian's first solo tour(s) so you just never know. I have not lost total faith in the FC...but i do wonder sometimes. |
RohemianBapsody 10.01.2005 18:39 |
I can understand the frustration of Fan Club members. I was a member for 12 years until 1993, but due to the lack of new material and the obvious halting of touring my membership slipped. As stated previously, being a Queen fan isn't only about being a member of the Fan Club. I never stopped being a Queen fan as I have still seen Brian live and also went to Astoria for the 10th Anniversary of Freddies passing, and recently went to London when I found out the Brian was appearing at Virgin. Any way hoping that all Queenies, whether they belong to the QFC or QOL get to see the tour - and hoping the bastard touts do not get any tickets ! |
YourValentine 10.01.2005 20:39 |
Benn, what would have been the alternative for the fan club? The handover of the fan club data base is only a result of the helter-skelter organisation of this gig and the whole tour, apparently. Jacky could either go with the flow or alienate the members even more. It's very obvious that she had nothing to say in the planning of the fan-only concert. To avoid a misunderstanding: I was never a fan club member but that does not mean I cannot see the very unfortunate situation for the fan club. |
Mr. Scully 11.01.2005 04:45 |
"I think Jackie & Val do an excellent job and it is very easy to knock people in there position but offer no alternative" Where's the online membership? The FC website is still useless. I know you've been in the fan club for a long time so you probably feel being part of a family... but for the money it's senseless. Many websites offer much more info for free. The fanclub COULD do it in a similar way - offer online membership with exclusive photos or articles from the past. Don't know if it would be successful but it would be better than nothing. If they want to survive, it's their only chance anyway. I'm pretty sure I can knock Jacky & Val - I'm investing into my Queen site more time that these two ladies invest into the fan club - and I'm not paid for it. Two reasons why I can criticize. |
Benn 11.01.2005 06:42 |
This was one of their things in the past - they requested suggestions as to how to improve the servise and did absolutely nothing. I suggested that they use the technology at their disposal and was told that "people like to have a magazine delivered" as a reason why they would not go for on-line membership. Frankly, that's fucking stupid. I also suggested having separate "types" of fan-club membership - onl-ine and traditional, but again was told that it would be too difficuly to arrange. Every suggestion that was made was turned down. The Reason: Jacky and Val need to preserve their own jobs and therefore will not do anything that may reduce the number of people needed to fill envelopes 4 times a year. I was a member for 15 years '84 - '99 and frankly ended up hating the whole thing. |
Rich Tea 11.01.2005 17:35 |
Mr Scully I still sense some bitterness! Your site is very good however I would prefer if you didn't make this personal which it seems to me you are by attacking Jacky and Val the way you are. If you have so much available time why not get involved in the Fan Club and give some constructive help/advise to the two ladys. I only wish I had the time to. You are like myself entitled to your opinion and as I've said I respect that but disagree with you. Also there are still a hell of a lot of people out there who's lives are not lived online and still rely on the fan club for their information. I know you think I am probably quite sad but I still get a buzz when the Fan Club magazine arrives just like I did all those years ago as a spotty 15 year old! |
Deacons 1st Choice 11.01.2005 17:53 |
Nice sentiments there Rich Tea... I'll admit that i too still get a bit excited when the latest issue of the Mag shows up. Sure it's thinned over the years, and a LOT of the pix in there seem to be reprints we already all have...but it's still something to look forward to. So is the FC still a expense for QP? I thought they were independent? This is why things have been the way they are...lack of real "plusses" i mean. I do agree that there are many things that coulc be done to improve it, but let's face it gang, in this day and age thanks to the internet it's not going to happen without membership dollars rolling in. If the Club could bulk up it's membership again then perhaps we would start seeing such improvements. But the chances of that happening now are pretty slim to say the least. I also agree that the FC still does serve a purpose to those who do not have internet access. I was once one of these people...and it was very fustrating. When the FC Mag would arrive it was quite a event, as i had no other connection to learn about what was going on. As hard as it may be, there are still loads of people out there who do not have a computer, or such access. The FC still means a lot to these folks, so saying it no longer serves a purpose is'nt really true from that perspective. Love it or hate it...the Fan Club still exsists, and this year is it's 30th anniversary. Amazing really!! |
Saint Jiub 11.01.2005 22:40 |
I let my membership lapse a year or so ago. The buzz was gone. Most of what was in those magazines, I had gotten from the internet weeks ago. Payment by credit card and an on-line fanclub merchandise site were always "Coming Soon". Too many empty promises to pay $29 ($15 in postage alone) for four pamphlets. |
Mr. Scully 12.01.2005 02:51 |
"If you have so much available time why not get involved in the Fan Club and give some constructive help/advise to the two ladys" More than two years ago I offered them to make a members-only section for their site... make the website interactive. If I remember well, they haven't even bothered to reply. Now it's 2005 and the site is still absolutely static... from graphical point of view quite good but the site doesn't offer anything at all and its structure is like from mid 90's. I know I criticize the QOL site often but as for interactivity, QOL deserves 5 stars, compared to QFC. Let's stop this discussion - we're here to discuss above all the new tour. |
Benn 12.01.2005 11:32 |
And the show isn't for fan club members only, is it? You only have to be a member of the on-line site to win and then you can get 2 tickets which presumably you can give to whomever you like. Lack of clear thought and planning. |
The Fonz 12.01.2005 16:48 |
Honestly, is there any reason to think this is going to be extremely hard to get tickets for? I suspect the tickets are going to not be quite as sought after as they were in 1986. |
deakys ghost 13.01.2005 04:10 |
The Brixton tickets are going to be the most sought after as it's an "EVENT" for the core support, as much as we grumble about the QFC/QOL lottery we ALL want to be there so why didn't they chose a bigger venue?! Looking at the ticket sales for the other European concerts maybe there won't be a panic for UK gigs as sales don't seem to be that great so far but promotional work hasn't started yet. As others have said on this forum the whole organisation of this tour and the drip feed of information is an absolute feckin disgrace compared to the professional way things were done in the past!! |
Benn 13.01.2005 06:35 |
In all honesty, I'll be surprised if any of the arena shows actually do sell out. You have to remember that there is a huge core of support / fans that thik this is all a complete disgrace tand that Freddie's memory is being tarnished by the whole thing. These people are unlikely to buy tickets. There is also a core of regular music fans that are goingto be affected by the adverse publicity the whole thing has received and, whereas they may have gone along to the show out of curiosity, they are likely to avoid the whole thing like the plague. |
Mr. Scully 13.01.2005 06:47 |
I don't know about England but I'm pretty sure these gigs will be a huge success in Europe - it's a completely different league than Brian's solo tour and Brian was still able to sell at least 5000 tickets in most countries. |
Fenderek 13.01.2005 07:34 |
Benn wrote: In all honesty, I'll be surprised if any of the arena shows actually do sell out. You have to remember that there is a huge core of support / fans that thik this is all a complete disgrace tand that Freddie's memory is being tarnished by the whole thing. These people are unlikely to buy tickets.But you'll also have a lot of ppl who are not close-minded, people musically open, generally ROCK fans; and when they hear about Queen playing with Paul Rodgers (unlike most of Queen fans they'll know who he is...)- they'll go and buy tickets! For it may be a great rock gig. Some Queen fans think it's digrace? Brian and Roger don't need all of them to sell those dates... General public will join, ppl who do not own NOTW in 5 different formats... They're not going to complain about Paul Rodgers sounding like Paul Rodgers... which may make the whole experience better...:S ALSO- DO NOT FORGET PAUL RODGER FANS! In all discussions we seem to forget them. They'll join as well; and some Free / Bad Company tracks ARE going to be played, wheteher we like it or not. This tour may be attractive not only for Queen fans... IN FACT- that may be the strenght of it... |
Benn 14.01.2005 04:39 |
*As far as I'm concerned*., the more Free tracks they play, the better! I'd far rather hear Don't Say You Love Me than We Will Rock You or Radio Ga Ga..... |
Fenderek 14.01.2005 07:38 |
Benn wrote: *As far as I'm concerned*., the more Free tracks they play, the better! I'd far rather hear Don't Say You Love Me than We Will Rock You or Radio Ga Ga.....Couldn't agree more... |
Libor2 14.01.2005 08:30 |
Being with Benn and Fenderek here. I don't understand all the whinning about Paul Rodgers singing with Queen. Freddie is not here and this is for sure. We couldn't do anything with it. So lets look forward to something new. May + Taylor + Rotgers is more I could ever expect (as I didn't see Queen live). And time will tell, if this could work. I hope it could. |
Jimi 14.01.2005 10:28 |
Benn you are right about the (not)sold out arenas.Pricing is key to this. Of course we'll all trip along but you don't fill stadia with hardcore people. Those who maybe see 4 or 5 decent shows a year are the bread and butter. Basing the idea on 2 people going thats 120 quid out of a household budget just for tickets.A lot of cash. Freinds i've spoken too who are very keen and admire Queen have no intention of going due to the price. At 30 - 35 quid they would have been there.Be warned band members... |
ziggy811 14.01.2005 10:40 |
I agree. I think the prices are too high. Last year I saw David Bowie for half the price of what a Queen ticket is going to cost me. |
Benn 14.01.2005 10:46 |
I don't think you'll find the arena tickets priced that high - Goldsmith will see to that, regardless of what QPL want - he's not going to promote something that he *knows* will make a loss from the start. I don't have a problem with the price for a venue that is intimate like Brixton is. What I have a problem with is the manner in which the tickets have been available and, above all, the format of the show its self. A 3 hour show would justify that pricin ANYWHERE, but the won't play any longer than two hours and all we will get is the churning out of the same old Queen songs from '86 plus the odd Free / Bad Co song and perhaps I Want It All, Innuendo and Made In Heaven. Now, if they had thought about it, SURELY the ideal way to do this would have been to wait until the end of the tour. The band and Paul are then as familiar with each other as they are going to get, Paul then knows the material and is comfortable with a Queen crowd. Have a small venue date at which they can all stretch out and play in a relaxed way and treat it as a celebration - massiavely long show with stacks of rarities / covers thrown in for good measure. What we WILL get is a Greatest Hits show again. |
Jimi 14.01.2005 10:54 |
Gotta say i was also in the fan club for around 12 years and it served the purpose of concert tickets from 1978 to 1986. And of course the convention. I've always been disappointed with the standard and having met Jackie and spoken to her on several occasions i was always baffled as to why she was in charge of this 'monster'. I don't mean anything bad but i never thought she really had it.Even the diction in the mags was often wrong!!Freind of mine posted a question years ago asking what track the flying v guitar was for on a live shot from 82. He got a letter back on their headed paper saying ''sorry we don't know''. Bizzare behaviour..... |
Benn 14.01.2005 11:57 |
Well, here's a story. I wrote to Jacky back in probably '91 with a number of suggestions for the magazine: 1 - A collector's corner section. This was taken on, but only to the extent that they just reproduced the pictures that we have all seen of record sleeves - absolutely nothing of interest there. They did this simply because it was the least time-consuming way of doing things. 2 - Bootleg lisings / reviews Was told "no chance" basically because the Fan Club believe they are as illegal as the record company do. 3 - More rare pictures / press cuttings Was told that this would be too difficult to do and that printing costs of the magazine would be prohibitive. So, what EXACTLY does the £15 cover gor your subscription, based on the fact that about 20 pence covers postage (which is always late and never quarterly) - that leaves about £3.50 for the printing of your magazine, and I KNOW that a magazine of that size doesn't cost that much to print. They also said that it would be too time consuming to research - I voluntered to do it for free and didn't get a reply. 4 - Band member Q&A This happened, but the depth of the questionning was absolutely ridiculous. people still asking Brian why he wears clogs and whet Freddie liked for breakfast. The fact is that they Jacky and Val have become lazy. They have jobs that sustain themselves in terms of them being guaranteed whilst briand and Roger are still "in the business". Anything that takes a little imagination or is showing evidence of thinking outside the box is apparently too difficult. The Conventions pretty much organise themselves now that they ave been going on for so long, so again, they don't have to stretch themselves - it's been the same format for years - sure, people appear to love them, but surely it would be nmore interesting / challenging for the format to be changed. At the end of the day, they have both done a laudable job in trying to maintain a service, but the fact is that it is tired, out of date and a waste of time in terms of being an information service. What they are trying to do now is to protect their own interests as opposed to serving thise that are best for fans. |
Jimi 14.01.2005 15:11 |
Excellent post Benn!!!I share your frustrations for many years. Gimme the damn job!Pals of mine were in the Led Zep and Genesis clubs. Although they didn't get glossy magazines the content was always thorough grammatically correct and intelligently written. I always felt the Queen fan club was bordering on the absurdity you'd expect from a Take That or Spice Girls club.Just childish.Bowie commisions screen printed shirts of his album sleeves. The are great. What do we get? Stick on prints and mismatched Queen logos. Is it so difficult?On 3 occasions mags were late or never turned up and the blamed the royal mail. Oh didn't send them did you..... |
deakys ghost 14.01.2005 15:59 |
What I can't fathom is that when forums such as this are buzzing with news and rumours, written by and for fans, that the fc mags are always have very little news! I have never liked the self opinionated tone taken by the present secretary. There used to be an excellent fanzine based in Manchester called "winged messenger" does it still exist?? There was also "princes of the universe" another 'indie' publication which was informative and written by a fan for fans. Maybe we should pool our resources and set up a true 'fanclub'..... |
Jimi 14.01.2005 16:57 |
Count me in. It does need a more qualified approach. I've been to the convention on and off for the last 15 years but it could be so much better. But thats another story. I can't remember the last time i read anything of any interest in the fc mag. Pics of people meeting the band and happy birthdays? why? We need a constructive indie mag(apologies if they are out there) |
deakys ghost 14.01.2005 17:16 |
There used to be a mag called "days of our lives" but it was pretty weak. Anyone know of any indie fan publications out there?? |
Deacons 1st Choice 14.01.2005 21:05 |
I was involved in a couple of fanzines here in the States and Italy back in the early to mid-90's. I have designed a lot Queen artwork for them, two of which very heavily: "News of the World" was a large magazine format fanzine produced by two huge fans with plenty of fellow fan contributions from around the world. I was heavily involved in this mag as well and it was a fantastic mag. Very professional but at the same time having that "indie" edge and what the Hell attitude. It was sold for about two years at many tower Records in CA but stopped near the end of 1997 i think. It was a gem though...and sorely missed! Another well put together mag was called "Mercury Queen" in Italy, and was the publication of the Mercury Queen Fan Club based in Milan. I was also involved in this one, not as heavily as the previous title, but this mag was aimed for the Italian Fans so i mostly donated artwork. It was very popular in Italy and was one of the leading fanzines there. It also sadly stopped.... The best fanzine we had here Stateside, as far as info, real news, and some great articles past and present was produced by the famous "Royal Vison Club". This was a Fan Club (unofficial, but had the backing of the OIQFC in it's later years) based in Michigan that was very much like the old FC in the UK. They organized Conventions here, raised charity money, organized tickets for the solo tours, and so much more. It's a shame that it folded back in 1996 or so. None of these well made fanzines exsist now,,,the internet killed them all off. |
Saint Jiub 14.01.2005 21:53 |
Yep - Royal Vision was fun - I attended the last two conventions north of Detroit. I joined when Hollywood Records released Live at the BBC and mentioned Royal Vision in the pamphlet. |
Deacons 1st Choice 15.01.2005 18:45 |
Yes i remember that was one of the first times the Royal Vision Club was noted in any Queen product. It was very exciting back then!! The RV "Queenventions" were AWESOME FUN!! I enjoyed them better then the UK ones to be honest, as it was a bit more...well...hmmm, how can i put it...."controlled" and relaxed. They were'nt as packed and crazy as the UK ones tend to be. It was intimate and NICE..... Glad that after a 2 year gap or so after Royal Vision folded, a few ex-RV Members formed a commitee to carry on the Queenvention fun....BREAKTHRU! |
Benn 16.01.2005 14:16 |
The best publication that ran was The Queen Chronical - a friend of mine called Adam Tidd ran it. It simply sought ot inform fans and act as a reminder of the glory days. The fact is that as far as the OFFICIAL Queen organisation goes, Jacky and Val aren't thought that highly of. They are seen simply as people that run a t-shirt selling service and are useful in keeping the liberal side of Queen fandom in check. QPL| knows that people like us that are more forthright in our views won't bother with the fan club and try that much harder to get the real story and the very latest information via other avenues. That, for QPL is far better publicity that a badly run fan club. We are seen as the voracious fans who hunt things down and don't settle for what we're told. Strokes Jim's ego a bit too.... |
deakys ghost 16.01.2005 16:49 |
It won't be long before Henry James is treading the boards with the band himself, hitting the triangle a la Deacon!! I think that the current fc secretary can not continue crying about news on the internet, only she can make the magazines better and allow for more input from fans. A good start would be a guranteed issue date instead of a magazine whenever. There's a wealth of info to be gained from us long term fans (or all fans for that matter!)in areas such as collecting, concert memories and detailed articles/interviews with people once close to the band. The fc ticket pre-sale is at least small comnpensation for the shambles this current tour information has been handled. |
Deacons 1st Choice 16.01.2005 20:25 |
That's IF you even recieved that info! I don't know about other US and Canadian fans..but did anyone on THIS continent get the pre-sale info?? I sure have'nt.... |
Jimi 17.01.2005 04:38 |
There is more of a need for a well written fanzine now probably more than ever. The tour has seen to that. As for the internet its never going to stop me reading articles in magazines(?) Football has a similar scenario but major clubs manage both official and unofficial web sites and numerous fanzines. The fan club exists / existed merely as a vehicle for concert tickets. Lets take this on . |
Benn 17.01.2005 05:30 |
It's the same with a lot of people - they need to make themselves feel that they are an indespensible commodity. We've got a woman here at work that has done the same job for years. She's moaning about the fact that she's so busy and wants to off load what she does onto someone else. Of course, as soon as anyone shows an interest and suggests a couple of improvements etc, she then heads off to her boss and bleats on about the fact that she "CAN'T POSSIBLY" give that kind of responsibility to anyone else. Jacky is EXACTLY the same - if other people suggest ideas, there's the chance that she will become marginalised and not the centre of all things. At the end of the day, she's protecting her own job which is central to her life. Unfortunately, she's doing a bad job in terms of servicing the needs of fans by not being more open minded to new ideas and suggestions. The only way this will change is if people don't renew their subscriptions. It doesn't take a lot to organise a convention, believe me as I had a hand in one for The Who in '04 - it's amazing what happens when you go outside of official channels and find all sorts of "official" people within the organisation expressing an interest and then attending the event. |
Richard Lopata (new email) 17.01.2005 06:32 |
Listen, I've been a fan for 18 years now, since I was 6. I have every bloody record, single, album and bootleg. But I was not a member of the fanclub, because Freddie was dead, and it was just a magazine of recollections and looking back. The people who have been paying for years to that fanclub have no more rights than us. The fact that you are older doesn't mean you are entitled to tickets no more than a new fan. So, piss off. I'm a member of the fanclub for 3 months now, 18 years of fan-hood, ... and I'm going |
Benn 17.01.2005 10:12 |
Richard, re: > Listen, OK..... >I've been a fan for 18 years now, since I was 6. I have every bloody record, single, album and bootleg. Hmm, I seriously doubt that, but if you say so..... >The people who have been paying for years to that fanclub have no more rights than us. The fact that you are older doesn't mean you are entitled to tickets no more than a new fan. Where did anyone say that? Can I advise that you READ people's posts before responding to them in such an angry manner - I've not got a problem with anger on forums, but when it's not warranted because of an inability to read and UNDERSTAND a post (however garbled it may be), then that's a different kettle of fish....... Or be clearer in what you are trying to say.... |
deakys ghost 17.01.2005 12:48 |
So Richard you've finally joined the fan club, anything to do with the prospect of getting priority tickets??!! Listen to Benn and stop stamping your feet! There's no medals for being a long term fan, there's people have been there since day one! |
Jimi 17.01.2005 17:47 |
Ditto Benn and Deaky. Relative to the scale of the band and the need to reportr and represent information the fan club is a joke. I've seen too many instances of sycophantic poorly written articles to give a fuck about any of it. Yes Benn that type worked for me......i'm fortunate enough to be able to get rid of them. |
Peta 18.01.2005 04:04 |
I joined to the Fan Club in 1996. Then I announced and again I joined. I´d like to buy one magazine from these issues: Spring 96,01,02,03 Autumn 00,01,02, Winter 00,01,02 Thank you for your replies. |
Richard Lopata (new email) 18.01.2005 04:38 |
Benn, that mail wasn't meant for you but for the people who started this thread ... it was against the statement: "For Queen Fan Club Members Only" so no hard feelings p.s.: yep, i have an enormous Queen collection p.p.s.: "so you joined ... " ... the fact that I had to join for priority tickets says enough, right? p.p.p.s.: i'm not aggressive ... there are worse things said on this forum |
Richard Lopata (new email) 18.01.2005 04:41 |
"Oh dear I see a few none fan club members having a dig here not surprised really! I have been a Fan Club member since 1974 and it would have been a nice touch for the lottery to be for those most loyal of fans." I think I did read the posts well: here is clearly stated that a more loyal fan is someone who is a member since 1974 |
Benn 18.01.2005 06:00 |
What they're getting at there is the fact that by definition someone that's been a member of the club / fan since 1974 is going to have spent more time / money / emotion on the band than someone that's only come on board since fM died or since the tour was announced. |
Jimi 18.01.2005 18:06 |
Well 15 quid saved not joining the club makes a 50 quid ticket.....wait for it....35 quid. Get over it. |
Benn 19.01.2005 04:36 |
......and the £35 is kind of standard ticket pricing. Therefore, they are not only penalising people ethat DO pay a fan club membership (£50 + the membership), but also people that aren't members (standard ticket + what it would cost to join the club). Bastards. |
Jimi 19.01.2005 17:42 |
I'm glad one person got it Benn..... I read where someone is not going because its too much money but 35 quid would have been ok...??? That really fucked me off. Well don't go to Macdonalds or buy lottery tickets for a month....Wash my fucking car 3 times and i'll pay the fucking difference.How the mighty are fallen... |
Jimi 20.01.2005 12:19 |
As if we needed any more proof. They will blame anyone but themselves for the mishap of course. Boneheads |
QueenSite 20.01.2005 12:27 |
I don't know what happened to thefan club, I can guarantee Jacky is a good and brave woman. Probably she is not supported by Queen's management, this tour is a tremendous lost opportunity for the fan club. It's a real pity.Presale details sneaked on forums first. If one only looks to queenworld or queenonline, he run the risk of missing gigs and events. I do hope it will improve, I want to be supportive, the fc gave me so much over the years |
Peta 20.01.2005 12:59 |
Today I received the letter from Jacky. For me it´s a great news because Queen will play in Prague, april 16! It was not sure in Prague but I already know YES!!!! |
Scotty10 20.01.2005 14:17 |
cliffhowell wrote: Jeroen, if you take that attitude then it should just go on general sale as there are probably 1000's of real fans out there who are not as sad as us lot spending our Friday nights chatting on forums who will all be pretty peeved when the public announcement is made and already the best seats / places are sold out. The fan club was the original "forum" before all this internet stuff. To me this Brixton show should be fan club members only (not QOL)with priority given for loyalty. OK do another for QOL members only but this one should be a way of finally rewarding QFC members. Oh, and I really hope (although it is a long shot) that they decide to play at the convention - QFC members only there mate & I've booked already.I am not a fan club member but have thought about it for a long time, my parents don't really like me giving out details on the interenet, I would have to pay for it myself and such. I agree with the above because I am not a FC member does that make me half a fan? I am only 16 and have listened to Queen for as long as I can remember I listen to the CDs everyday on my way to school and God only knows how many times I have been taken the pi** out of for listening to "old" music. I would give my heart and soul to go to any UK gig, I am willing to scape the floor of my bank account to pay over the odds and will even pay my dad's petrol to travel to Birmingham if that' what it takes. I don't really care what anyone else says but I am a true fan if ever there was one, i'm not saying i'm the biggest fan "number 1" but I am in love with the music. |
deakys ghost 20.01.2005 17:04 |
Excellent post Scotty10! I think it's a great shame that younger fans like yourself are being priced out of this tour. The fanclub had more relevance to fans when the band were actively recording and touring as a four piece unit. It is good if you want to attend events such as the convention or FM celebrations and meet fellow fans but again these cost money to attend! The priority tickets has been a shambles much in keeping with the tour information so far. So really you have lost or gained nothing by not being a member of the fc. I've been a member for over 15 years and will be seriously considering not renewing my membership at the end of this year. Maybe this is the end of "fanclubs" in the computerised world. Hope you get to a gig Scotty, get washing that car!! |