Hello. I need someone's help that has a blog. I created a blaw and I can get in to it if I go to my blogs but no one else can. Did I do something wrong in the settings/
Thanks so much for helping if you can.
Queen Mercury
I tried it Jacqueline and it dosen't work. It only takes me to the QZ homepage. I don't really know how to help you on this one. I'm sorry. :-(
If you do manage to get it working, let me know. I'm really anxious to read the rest of your story. ;-)
I think I know what the problem is, Queen Mercury. The problem is that you spelled your blog address: QueenMercuryqueenzonec.queenzone.com. Try taking out the queenzonec part after your screen name before dot queenzone.com. Hope this helps, good luck:D
Okay, Queen Mercury, I don't want to be picky, but checked your blog address, but discovered that you have three slashes before your screen name in the address, so if you please remove one, then your link will open for everyone who'll want to read your creative work. Again, sorry to complain, I just thought I'd point that out to you.
**bump** I'm sorry to keep posting, but I'm reviving to get you to see my last message before I keep reviving. I'm still dying to see your story, but I feel like i'm being thoughtless. I'm so sorry:*(
deleted user 15.09.2006 22:20
queen rox, why don't you just email queen mercury?