Many years ago I bought the “Dutch” version of “Invite You To A Night At The Warehouse” infect a concert at the Broenby Hall, Copenhagen 12 may 1977 and it became one of my most favorite Queen concert’s ever. Later on I got a the CD version (STONED label) which was a real upgrade, but lately I downloaded a copy of the original vinyl version from “QualityBootz” (great site!) and must say this one sounded again much better than my CD version.
For personal use I re-edited the show in the original running order, which means that “Death On Two Legs” and “Sweet Lady” were moved to their correct place in the set. Tried to fix the dropdowns in the second verse in “In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited” and finally add some high and low frequencies to give it a bigger sound. So that’s what you can find here in this share… I know that there’s also a “fixed” WARDOUR version of this concert, but I have never heard, so I cannot compare it…
Included you can find the artwork which also is re-edit, since the running order has been changed. I also changed “Complete Performance” into “In Complete Performance”, simply because the second and final encore (the famous Rock and Roll Medley) is missing.
Also included you can find an info file with more information about the linage and the original share on “QualityBootz”.
Unfortunately I got a lot of troubles with uploading this “share” to one of the available providers, finally I managed to upload everything on RAPIDSHARE as separate files, which can be downloaded only 10 times!! (I know you can transfer these files to a linklist, but again every time I get “connection failure”) THERFORE I ask kindly if someone can share this as a torrent or upload it to megaupload!
I have uploades some excerpts from the wardour version of this show,
If someone wants to compare both versions, the file is called "", it weighs 30 mb and the link will expire in 24 hours
As you all know, megaupload is token offline by the FBI.
Since has also some problems with their services at the moment, I will upload for the time being to a alternate service like multiupload, called
Here are the new fresh links to the original files which were shared in this topic: link link link
Hello folks, could anybody please torrent this? It looks great. Please do it for us who arrived late at the party (and are left cold sobber/ and our baby left us for somebody new)