Rick 30.04.2009 07:51 |
link Unbelievable... Shocked and stunned. |
Rick 30.04.2009 08:00 |
WARNING: These pics below are shocking. View at own risk. link link |
john bodega 30.04.2009 08:42 |
I have to say, if that was a deliberate attack, then they really didn't think it through very well... That's shocking though, of all the bastard things to do. Did the prick die? |
magicalfreddiemercury 30.04.2009 09:08 |
Zebonka12 wrote: I have to say, if that was a deliberate attack, then they really didn't think it through very well... That's shocking though, of all the bastard things to do. Did the prick die? No. He's in custody, but he killed four other people as he drove through the crowd. Bastard. |
YourValentine 30.04.2009 09:35 |
Viewer discretion is advised watching the jpgs Rick posted in his second message. Just horrible :( |
Rick 30.04.2009 10:09 |
Yes, you're right. Forgot to add that... |
Jjeroen 30.04.2009 10:21 |
^...that's what I wanted to say. ...you realy do not want to know about the even more horrible pictures that we are receiving at the office over here right now... very disturbing... I can not comprehend how some media chose to publish pictures like that. |
Erin 30.04.2009 10:24 |
That's crazy. :-S |
thomasquinn 32989 30.04.2009 10:51 |
EDIT: the picture has been removed from nearly all websites. It is authentic, but probably the identity of the man is being hidden. Strangly, a scan of his personal information attained from the registration of the car he used, is still online. We have a picture of the guy who did it. The picture. The bus in the background carries the royal family. The picture was taken only a few seconds after the impact, judging from the position of the bus in comparison with the video footage. It's horrible that I have to say this, but: thank god he is a white national. If he'd have been foreign-looking, there would have been horrendous scenes in the big cities tonight. |
john bodega 30.04.2009 11:08 |
It's weird, y'know, I don't condone violence but would it have really mattered much if someone had put a couple of rounds into him instead of taking his picture? |
thomasquinn 32989 30.04.2009 11:15 |
Zebonka12 wrote: It's weird, y'know, I don't condone violence but would it have really mattered much if someone had put a couple of rounds into him instead of taking his picture? Yes. Now we can probably retrieve a motive, and perhaps arrest others, because there are some suspicious circumstances. For instance, the motorcade got delayed by 20 minutes along the route, and yet he arrived at the point where he struck within seconds of the bus carrying the royal family. It is not unreasonable to suspect that he may have had a contact somewhere, helping him. Even if that isn't so, a motive is important: was he an extremist republican, or opposed to the royal family for some other reason? Or was the motive to kill as many people as possible? Many questions remain, and with luck, he can answer them. |
john bodega 30.04.2009 11:42 |
Ha, perhaps I could've worded that differently.. what I was really angling at though is 'why bother taking a photo of the guy??'. |
Winter Land Man 30.04.2009 15:22 |
Rick wrote: link Unbelievable... Shocked and stunned. The guy who did that should be locked in a room with 3 bull queers and tortured, to be honest. |
Darren1977 30.04.2009 15:23 |
Jesus christ i hope those people are okay, that motherfucker should be shot. |
Micrówave 30.04.2009 15:43 |
Yes, let's have a good ol' fashioned lynching. What are y'all from Texas? |
pittrek 30.04.2009 15:58 |
Darren1977 wrote: Jesus christ i hope those people are okay, that motherfucker should be shot. Fully agree :( |
Yara 30.04.2009 17:50 |
Such meaningless stupid brutality. It's saddening, really. I tried not to see any pictures of it at all, but it's just impossible. I opened up the website of a local journal and there was a huge pícture which sent chills down my spine. I'm trembling like a leaf. I know it's not easy, and I deeply respect the work done by editors and journalists, but newspapers and their websites could sometimes act with more responsibility and prudence when dealing with such images - it's enough to make a good, informative coverage of the event, there's no need to delve into such terrible and chilling imagery. It's so sad to see human beings in such horrendous conditions being exposed as objects or pieces of curiosity in a picture. The raw image of their utmost suffering has probably been sold and negotiated all around. It's as if there were no respect at all for them even in such extreme situations. Besides, I think about the families of the people who have been killed or wounded...it's all so sad. |
***Marial-B*** 30.04.2009 17:56 |
Sweet Insanity wrote:Rick wrote: link Unbelievable... Shocked and stunned.The guy who did that should be locked in a room with 3 bull queers and tortured, to be honest. First time I agree fully with you :S. Yes, this is horrendous, I mean, what the guy did with cold blood was shocking. |
Cwazy little thing 30.04.2009 19:56 |
Horrendous. I really wish I'd shown the restraint not to look at the footage and pictures on that dutch site - not something I needed to see, particularly that poor little girl. People terrify me sometimes, I just cant believe what human beings are capable of doing to each other. |
AspiringPhilosophe 30.04.2009 20:52 |
Wow....it's horrible to see such a festive and happy event turn into something so ugly. My sympathies to everyone involved. The thing that will suck the most is that this guy who did it will probably die from his injuries, so they'll never be able to charge him. |
Winter Land Man 30.04.2009 23:44 |
Notice the cop standing in the same position in both photos? What an asshole. |
Jjeroen 01.05.2009 03:48 |
AspiringPhilosophe wrote: Wow....it's horrible to see such a festive and happy event turn into something so ugly. My sympathies to everyone involved. The thing that will suck the most is that this guy who did it will probably die from his injuries, so they'll never be able to charge him. ...he did. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 01.05.2009 04:47 |
i dont want to take away anything from the seriousness of the story and what this lunatic did,the twat of a human being and the death of the innocents he caused,but i must make a little comment about the ambulance sirens in Holland.I love the sound they make,they sound as if the batteries in them are running low and need changing. anyways,have the police found any reason why this twat did what he did? it just seemed so....senseless? |
thomasquinn 32989 01.05.2009 06:07 |
They have no idea whatsoever. He died in hospital last night, so all they have to go on is a few words he said to the police officer who was at the car within seconds of it crashing into the monument. The authorities have not released the exact wording, but they said he made explicit that he was targeting the bus with the royal family. Other than that, we know very little, except his name, where he lived, and that he had very little contact with other people. |
magicalfreddiemercury 01.05.2009 07:51 |
From what I read yesterday, he blamed the hierarchy for the fact that he lost his job and was about to be evicted. I guess it makes sense to kill innocent people when your own life sucks. Why go down alone when you can take others along with you. |
Mr Mercury 01.05.2009 09:11 |
Now that the driver has died, its very probable that no-one will ever know the real motive behind his fucking stupidity |
Yara 01.05.2009 14:06 |
Mr Mercury wrote: Now that the driver has died, its very probable that no-one will ever know the real motive behind his fucking stupidity Stupidity. That's the word. Brutal meaningless stupidity. I shouldn't have seen the pictures but it was really inevitable, I opened up the website of a local newspaper and it was there in the main page, a huge picture with the image of the girl after being hit. I'm still very much schocked by it, I can't think of this without feeling bad. Such brutality. It's really dispiriting. :-( Hug. Take care. |
Rick 01.05.2009 15:55 |
Seven deaths in total (including the perpetrator). |
Janet 01.05.2009 19:40 |
What a senseless tragedy. So sad. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 01.05.2009 19:47 |
Senseless cunt. My sympathy gos to the families of the victims. |