wegotit 07.01.2005 10:45 |
QUEEN + PAUL RODGERS TO PLAY BRIXTON ACADEMY! - FAN TICKET LOTTERY The first date of the Queen + Paul Rodgers European Tour will be at the Brixton Academy in London on Monday 28th March 2005. As this is the first date of the tour it should be a hot ticket! Queen and Paul Rodgers have decided to limit all tickets to fans only! Due to the size of the venue and the obvious high demand for tickets, it has been decided that the fairest way to give all fans a chance of purchasing tickets for this prestigious show is in the form of a lottery. It is a deliberate ploy to get tickets straight to loyal fans and not to greedy ticket touts. Tickets for the Brixton show are NOT going on GENERAL SALE. There is a maximum ticket limit of two per registered applicant. Tickets are priced at £55 each and subject to a £4.50 booking fee, plus £4.95 special delivery per order. How To Enter The Lottery You will qualify for the Queen + Paul Rodgers Brixton Academy ticket lottery in two ways: 1. If you are a paid up member of the Official International Queen Fan Club - All members of the QFC will be automatically entered into the lottery draw and do not need to register on Queen Online.com. Any duplicate register attempts may mean you will be withdrawn from the lottery list. This opportunity is only open to those members of the Official International Queen Fan Club who were registered prior to Saturday 11th December 2004. This is the date that news of the Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour surfaced. 2. If you are a registered member of Queen Online.com - All registered users of Queen Online.com will be given the opportunity to apply to purchase tickets for the Brixton concert via the specially created web page located at the address below, between Friday 7th January 2005 and Friday 14th January 2005*. Queen Online.com User Link for the Brixton show - link This opportunity is only open to those members of Queen Online.com who were registered prior to Saturday 11th December 2004. This is the date that news of the Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour surfaced. Further Lottery Information *Please note early application to the lottery does not increase your chances of winning the opportunity to purchasing tickets to the Brixton show. The lottery will be administered with the same audit system used by UEFA in the distribution of tickets for Euro 2004. The system is fully audited by Price, Waterhouse & Cooper. Successful applicants will be informed on or before Friday 21st January 2005. Any customer attempting to either enter the lottery more than once or found to be obtaining more than two tickets will immediately have all of their booking refunded, without notification and with no option to repurchase. Any customer attempting to resell their tickets will immediately have all of their booking refunded, without notification and with no option to repurchase. Look out for further news on the Queen + Paul Rodgers European Tour very soon! Good Luck! |
ianshome 07.01.2005 11:39 |
yea i got the mail myself! i am in the draw but there must be thousands who are too! im waiting for other uk dates/venues too does anybody know when they will be announced |
Benn 07.01.2005 11:46 |
>It is a deliberate ploy to get tickets straight to loyal fans and not to greedy ticket touts. But as we all know, it won't stop them getting some. |
Nuno 07.01.2005 12:19 |
I think I'll wait for other UK dates. It's little expensive - considering Brian saying there not doing it for the money |
ianshome 07.01.2005 12:31 |
its the going rate what did you expect to pay? other uk dates wont be any cheaper if you look at paris/barcelona they equate to be dearer for the best seats |
YourValentine 07.01.2005 12:44 |
Don't forget that the tickets for the Brixton Academy gig cost 65 British pounds- that equals 93 Euros, which is much more expensive than the European gigs. However, the tour start in such a small venue is of course a place to be. Apparently the other tour venues will be published AFTER the lottery ends which means that the fans cannot choose if they enter the lottery or rather buy tickets for a later gig, for example in their neighbourhood - not very customer friendly. |
Hank H. 07.01.2005 14:16 |
And surely they know that their loyal fans will pay 65 Pounds. Especially since now they must feel flattered being rewarded with such a "very special chance". I'd never buy a pig in a poke for 65 Pounds. |
Jjeroen 07.01.2005 17:32 |
Crap, crap, crap! Tsjeesus, am I pissed off right now! I've had an extremely shitty day and this realy is the top of the cherry... I'd be happy to pay that price for this particular show, but apparentaly signing up for a website prior to a certain date is more important than being a loyal fan for 19 years!? (And having been a member of the fanclub for over 10, except for the last couple just because it just was NOT worth it?!) (AND adding to that me being one of the few people to be realy enthousiastic about this tour from the beginning...) (I understand the idea of a fanclub-member-show, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean I cannot feal insulted, right?) |
Deacons 1st Choice 07.01.2005 19:48 |
Well, i'm feeling a bit glum right now as this is the first i have heard of this breaking news. I did not recieve any e-mail about this which has me glum. My membership to the OIQFC JUST expired and i JUST sent in my renewal last week....guess this means i'm totally "out" of this contest on all fronts. I am indeed glum....but life has fun ways of turing things right so who knows? I don't think this has been handled very well so far, that is all i will say for now regarding this tour. |
YourValentine 07.01.2005 21:37 |
I don't believe that all tickets will be sold in the lottery. They are really very expensive in the first place and a lot of FC members are not even interested in the tour. I would not be surprised if there will be another chance to purchase tickets after the draw. Reading all the comments on QOL I get a feeling this "treat" was not planned too well. First of all, a fan event should not be top price and a quick search on ticketmaster shows that tickets are usually between 25 pounds and 45 pounds for smaller venues in the UK. Only Elton John stadium tickets cost 75 pounds but you get 35 pound tickets, too. Secondly, many fans are clearly offended and upset because they are excluded being not a FC member or registered to QOL. Even in the email QOL says that the tickets should go to the "loyal fans and not to greedy ticket touts" . If you are not in the lottery, you are obviously a greedy ticket tout. It's totally stupid to upset possible customers like that, I can't believe the band thinks that this is how fans should be treated. It's pretty unclear how the tickets for the FC club members are calculated. While the QOL members can choose if they want 1 or 2 tickets, the Fan club members are in the draw automatically, so how can QOL know how many tickets have been sold? The real big loser in the whole process is the Fan Club. While this tour could have been a chance for the FC to recruit new members and regain some importance for the fans QOL makes the FC redundant with this procedure. Why being a FC member when the (free) QOL membership gets you the same advantage. Jacky will be left with hundreds of emails and phone calls by frustrated members who thought their membership would finally be useful now. |
Deacons 1st Choice 07.01.2005 22:03 |
Valentine....i TOTALY agree Dear. Thank you for posting this....it speaks the truth, exspecially at the very end. This event may well seal the doom of the FC. What's the point of being a paying member of a "club" if anyone online can get the same benefits (and some even better) for free? Such a pity this had to happen this way. Well, we shall see what the end result is. Things could turn for the better.... |
Hank H. 08.01.2005 05:10 |
YV: "I don't believe that all tickets will be sold in the lottery. They are really very expensive in the first place and a lot of FC members are not even interested in the tour. I would not be surprised if there will be another chance to purchase tickets after the draw." Somehow I hope this happens, because maybe it would be a lesson that they can't expect people to do ANYTHING they suggest is something special for ANY price. But I think it will sell out very quickly. Maybe they also invited a lot of special guests, who knows how many tickets they sell anyway. |
Schlipsi 08.01.2005 05:18 |
I totally agree with YV. I also wonder how this will work with the fan club because it says that all members will be part of the lottery. But: You have to pay for the tickets. And what happens if a certain member wins a ticket but he does not want to or cannot see the concert and therefore doesn't buy the ticket? Then they have to contact the next member and so on. That's a lot of work and the concert is in two months...and of course the fans have to book flights, hotels etc. But what nerves me most is the fact that they do not release the dates and it's not possible to plan your holidays etc. I for example booked a ski trip yesterday - from 26th march until 2nd april. 3 hours later I received the email with the Brixton concert. Fantastic. |
deleted user 08.01.2005 05:19 |
I'm really speechless. It seems like Queen production can't do ANYTHING right, every choice of them is always WRONG and DISAPPOINTING... how can they? I hope YV is right and tickets will be still unsold, after the weird lottery. Not that I'm considering to buy one, 90 euro is a totally crazy price for a concert which was also supposed not to be set for getting money. Yeah, fairytales... |
deleted user 08.01.2005 06:39 |
I can't go to that concert because i'm not a member of the QFC or Queenonline. Do you think they'll play somewere else in London during this tour? If so would you beable to buy tickets or would that have to be over Queenonline in this lottery thing? |
Richard Orchard 08.01.2005 07:24 |
<font color=orange>joe satriani</bold> wrote: I can't go to that concert because i'm not a member of the QFC or Queenonline. Do you think they'll play somewere else in London during this tour? If so would you beable to buy tickets or would that have to be over Queenonline in this lottery thing?there will be at least one other london date - for the general public. |
Mr. Scully 08.01.2005 08:33 |
I received the email, strangely enough I'm probably registered on this crappy official QOL site :-) Although the first date of the tour is VERY promising, I'm not going - the ticket price is ridiculous and the plane ticket in March isn't unfortunately cheap either. Still, if anybody if you want to attend, I'm sure they won't sell more than half of the tickets so the rest should be available to general public after the draw. |
Jjeroen 08.01.2005 08:39 |
Martin, you could sign up for the lottery anyway and sell the tickets to me if you 'win'!!! |
Save me 08.01.2005 10:41 |
Richard Orchard wrote:What about Birmingham? £55 is alot of money to pay, then there is the cost of travel and accommodation, so im hoping they will do at least one gig in the midlands!!<font color=orange>joe satriani</bold> wrote: I can't go to that concert because i'm not a member of the QFC or Queenonline. Do you think they'll play somewere else in London during this tour? If so would you beable to buy tickets or would that have to be over Queenonline in this lottery thing?there will be at least one other london date - for the general public. |
Penetration_Guru 08.01.2005 10:55 |
How much???? So if one is a member of the QFC and fills this form in as a QOL member, is that a duplicate application? Since when was UEFA a bastion of fairness? Doesn't anyone think that allowing two tickets pretty much brings touts back into the equation anyway? Bunch of arse...... |
Brian_Mays_Wig 08.01.2005 11:38 |
ianshome wrote: its the going rate what did you expect to pay? other uk dates wont be any cheaper if you look at paris/barcelona they equate to be dearer for the best seatsNo it aint. Velvet Revolver tickets for next week are £25. I paid only £22 last september. |
Mr. Scully 08.01.2005 13:24 |
jeroen - if you want, it's not a problem, just send me an email to Mr.Scully@email.cz (if you don't mind risking it - apparently selling is strictly forbidden but I have no idea how they want to check that). |
Penetration_Guru 08.01.2005 16:09 |
Since you're allowed two tickets, one can be for your bestest mate in the whole world, jeroen. |
deleted user 08.01.2005 18:07 |
I'm just gonna keep checking on here every day for other English venues. Hopefully there will be some soon. |
deakys ghost 09.01.2005 06:50 |
All members of the FC will have received renewal forms with the Autumn / Winter mag so I am assuming that even those of us who haven't renewed as yet are eligible for the lottery having been members on December 11th?? Brixton should have been for Fan Club members only as those of us who have been members for 10years plus could be considered the true support. |
deleted user 09.01.2005 07:41 |
Hopefully i should be going to one of the UK concerts but £55 is alot of money to pay especially with paying for other stuff like the seats or accomodation etc... |
Jjeroen 09.01.2005 09:25 |
deakys ghost wrote: All members of the FC will have received renewal forms with the Autumn / Winter mag so I am assuming that even those of us who haven't renewed as yet are eligible for the lottery having been members on December 11th?? Brixton should have been for Fan Club members only as those of us who have been members for 10years plus could be considered the true support.What about the ones that have been a member for over 20 years, except for the last one (and therefore are not able to buy tickets)??? Also, someone remarked that this is a reward for all (and only) the people that have 'invested' in Queen. Tsss... they should see my house! |
smilebrian 09.01.2005 17:32 |
Still no other tour dates for London, rip off price, crap lottery, man its hard work being a Queen fan! Now need to cancel holidays and pay a tout. What's wrong with announcing full dates at once, releasing tickets through ticketmaster and charging 30 pounds? Works for every other band in the world. Johns decision to retire is more justified every day. |
Maz 10.01.2005 01:39 |
Regarding this whole lottery thing: What's to stop someone who is not going (ie a dirt poor American) from entering the lottery, securing two tickets, and transfering them to an English fan who missed out? Hypothetically speaking, could I possibly win a pair of tickets and then give them to a needy Brit or European (assuming they pay, of course)? You'd think some fans would be reaching out to Americans or other international fans to increase their shot in this lottery. |
Mr. Scully 10.01.2005 02:53 |
I'm just very surprised that it's all so unprofessional - very untypical for Queen. |
YourValentine 10.01.2005 04:50 |
I think the "strictly no sales" rule is not meant to prevent fans to pass on a ticket to another fan. It's meant to scare away the "greedy ticket touts", although the price itself should be enough to scare them away. |
ianshome 10.01.2005 04:59 |
Brian_Mays_Wig wrote:velvet revolver are hardly queen with due respect i meant in comparison to other top artistesianshome wrote: its the going rate what did you expect to pay? other uk dates wont be any cheaper if you look at paris/barcelona they equate to be dearer for the best seatsNo it aint. Velvet Revolver tickets for next week are £25. I paid only £22 last september. |
Voice of Reason 2018 10.01.2005 08:05 |
I guess I'm a bit out of touch these days, but £55 for the Brixton Academy looked like a lot to me! |
eggy 10.01.2005 08:24 |
Brixton tickets are usually £15 - £25. So this is a rip-off, saying that its one of my favourite venues, the slope means its a good view no matter where you are, and Franz Ferdinand rocked last year. I paid £65 for Prince tickets back in 2002, so I'd be willing to pay again. I won't be going though as I didn't join a mailing list for news on a band that didn't exist until after the day of speculation. All a bit of a pathetic way to do things really. |
Benn 10.01.2005 08:59 |
There are conceivably going to be a lot of tickets won by people that have no intention or are unable to get to London for the show. that means that, theretically, EVERY ticket could be won by people that can't attend. Surely it would have been better to do it where the Brixton show is ONLY available to UK members of the fan club and then, as the tour goes along, have a small club date like this in each city and ONLY available to people that are members of the fan club in that country. That way, the loyal are rewarded and the band get to play small venues which they far prefer. All QPL want is to generate as much cash as possible - if that means pissing a few fans off then so be it - the band will still tour regardless of what people think and Mr Beach will sit there quietly rubbing his (what I assume to be) greasy little hands together. Hopefully John will have nothing to do with all of this whatsoever and remain with dignity intact. |
Benn 10.01.2005 09:02 |
There are conceivably going to be a lot of tickets won by people that have no intention or are unable to get to London for the show. that means that, theretically, EVERY ticket could be won by people that can't attend. Surely it would have been better to do it where the Brixton show is ONLY available to UK members of the fan club and then, as the tour goes along, have a small club date like this in each city and ONLY available to people that are members of the fan club in that country. That way, the loyal are rewarded and the band get to play small venues which they far prefer. All QPL want is to generate as much cash as possible - if that means pissing a few fans off then so be it - the band will still tour regardless of what people think and Mr Beach will sit there quietly rubbing his (what I assume to be) greasy little hands together. Hopefully John will have nothing to do with all of this whatsoever and remain with dignity intact. |
YourValentine 10.01.2005 09:29 |
Eggy, why don't you join the QZ tour mailing list, maybe you get in touch with someone who is entitled to enter the lottery but does not need both tickets. |
eggy 10.01.2005 12:13 |
Good idea Barb, will do. I'd rather pay double the amount for Brixton. Earl's Court is a shitehole and thats the only place I can see them playing in London. Hope I am wrong though! |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.01.2005 12:18 |
Eggy, out of curiousity, what do you feel are the best venues to see a group in London are? Earls' Court you say is crap now...how about Shepards Bush? Just wondering, as i'm not from the area and am trying to gather valuable info such as this if they ever do announce the full list of Tour Dates. I'd love to hear what venues you have been to that you rate as top notch. |
Benn 10.01.2005 12:26 |
Shepherd's Bush would be great. The Astoria - small but a bit of a flea-pit. The Forum - ok Hammersmith Apollo - top drawer Docklands Arena - great acoustics 100 Club - even smaller and would be my choice. |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.01.2005 12:35 |
Thanks Benn.. I always thought the Shepards Bush would be a good venue for them to play. The fact that The Cross played there back in their day probably has a lot to do with it. |
Lisser 10.01.2005 13:17 |
I entered the lottery. If I get tickets and its not feasible for me to go then I'll get them to you Eggy or whoever else would want them that will reimburse me. The only reason I'm not too sure I could get there is its a week before our Spring Break. It'd not look good for me to take a week off work right before they give me a week off for Spring Break. But I've never been one to give a crap what made me look good or not and time off work is my favorite thing!!! Let me know if I can help anyone though. |
Jjeroen 10.01.2005 14:35 |
Lisser, if my other plan fails, I'd be extremely happy to take them from you! ;-) |
Benn 11.01.2005 04:21 |
Brixton was chosen because it was Brian's first choice of venue when he promoted the BTTL album - the show was such a personal success that he was enthused by the whole thing. I guess that stuck in the memory. |
eggy 11.01.2005 05:50 |
I like Brixton, its quite far down on the tube buts a good venue, and the Wetherspoons there is dirt cheap, exactly the same can be said for Hammersmith, except its a nicer venue but more expensive. I've only ever been to Hammersmith when its seating too, if Queen played there i'd want standing! I like Shepherds Bush, Saw The Killers and The Zutons there, you can always get close to the stage. Astoria is a dive, but the upstairs is alright to get out of the way. The last two are far too small for a Queen gig, as is Hammersmith really. |
eggy 11.01.2005 05:52 |
P.S. Lisser something like that would be grand. |
Benn 11.01.2005 06:36 |
Nowhere's too small for a rock show IMO. I absolutely hate and detest stadiums and arenas because, even if you're at the front, you're too far removed from the band - the barriers are at least 6 feet from the stage and the stage itself is usually too high. At a club or ballroom, the stage is no more than three feet above the floor and you can see the band as real people rather than ants in the distance. You also get a true feeling for the music through the floor rather than rely on TV screens and delay towers. |
eggy 11.01.2005 07:07 |
True, but a band the size of Queen, is not going to play a 1500-2000 capacity venue or smaller than that. |
Benn 11.01.2005 08:02 |
Why not? What *size* is Queen then? Just because they played stadiums in the past doesn't mean that they can't down-size. Iron Maiden did it, The Who played Watford Colliseum in 2002 for 1100 people. The stones played The Astoria last year and that's only about 1300 capacity. All sorts of bands do it, because it gets them closer to their audience - why do you think Brian played places like record stores to promote Another World? |
The Mir@cle 11.01.2005 08:10 |
You're right Benn, Toto played in even smaller venues (<1000). And those concerts were great. |
eggy 11.01.2005 08:20 |
This is a comeback tour, not a back to basics tour. The venues will be 7500 - 20000 venues. Brixton is the "thank you" to the fans/mugs. They won't play places half the size of that. |
Benn 11.01.2005 09:35 |
> They won't play places half the size of that. But, and this may really shock you, THEY ARE, aren't they. It would lead me to think that because The Stones had such great success with that formula last year, Queen may try to follow suit - it gave The Stones the opportunity to change the set list around featuring material that suited different kinds of venue. More intimate / rarer material at the more intimate / rarer venues and the crowd pleasers at the venues where people were *less likely* to demand the rare stuff. |
eggy 11.01.2005 10:16 |
If they play the Astoria or Shephard's Bush / Islington Academy I would be willing to turn up starkers!! It won't happen in London. Why would they want to sell out 1500 capacity place when they could do 15000 on a first gig back in the country they come from. Playing smaller venues over here (apart from a fan club only gig which Brixton passes as) to me would say to the neautral fan that Queen have kind of lost it. Maybe where their fan base is smaller they would go for smaller places, but not here and not as small as Shepherds Bush - there would be a riot. |
Benn 11.01.2005 10:38 |
You obviously have no idea why the BAND THEMSELVES would prefer to play in a more intimate setting then........ The problem with the "stadium rock" thing is that the players have little sense of the audience, because so many of them are so far away. Let's see how the tour pans out - my money's on a number of small venues as they travel. |
Penetration_Guru 11.01.2005 17:00 |
I have an idea about Brixton, and the reasons for a high price/fan only/ fairly intimate venue. If it comes off, I will claim to have foreseen it. If it does not, I will admit it. But I'm not telling yet. |
Deacons 1st Choice 11.01.2005 18:04 |
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Well i look forward to finally hearing from you mate! |
eggy 12.01.2005 04:17 |
That's not very sporting PG. And Benn, you obviously seem blind to the fact of business logic. Bands play venues 98% of the time to a supply demand basis. Queen have demand to fill higher venues of 1500. So business behind the band will mean they will play larger venues. Why earn £10,000 from a gig when you earn £100,000 from playing Earls Court. Fans can get close enough there, its just a shit venue. Brixton is the intimate thank you to the fans, they have no need to do any more. |
Fenderek 12.01.2005 05:04 |
Penetration_Guru wrote: I have an idea about Brixton, and the reasons for a high price/fan only/ fairly intimate venue. If it comes off, I will claim to have foreseen it. If it does not, I will admit it. But I'm not telling yet.Recording a live album or DVD out of it...? |
Benn 12.01.2005 05:44 |
Eggy, if you actually bothered to READ my posts, rather than just concentrating on responding no matter what, then you would have seen that, thoroughout this thread, I have suggested that the band will play small venues: "As the tour progresses" and "Just as The Stones did". That is to say, IN ADDITION to the standard tour format of arenas / stadia. I'm not sure how much simpler you want me to put that in order for you to understand that it's SIMPLE business logic for them to dangle the carrott to the hard-core fans of a timy venue, where you will never be more than 80m from the stage. If you've ever been to Earls Court, you will know how close to the stage you can get and it's not very close at all, comparatively, regardless of whether you're at the front or not. |
eggy 12.01.2005 06:53 |
As I reply no matter what I'll reply again... I was at Earls Court twice less then three weeks ago, and its close enough and I didn't go right to the front as its pure carnage. If you're in the seating blocks at the back I'd agree with you in that the atmosphere can be lost a little for the audience. Saying that Muse got everyone to get their phones out instead of lighters and the atmosphere that created around the place was electric and the band seemed to kick a real kick out of that as well. Obviously at Hammersmith at Sherpherd Bush you can get right to touching level but you can't at Brixton either. I don't know these forgein venues,but they all seem stadia to me. Queen are a stadia band. Hence I think they will stay in them. There is nothing wrong with harmless debate, you think they will I think they won't. I'm just saying my reasons why I think they won't whereas you like to make it into some sort of disagreement. There is no use in using CAPSLOCK for emphasis as it really does not do anything. |
Benn 12.01.2005 09:06 |
That's use of the shift key as opposed t caps lock - again - another assumption on your part that you simply can't back up. |
Lisser 12.01.2005 10:15 |
I'm leaning more towards Eggy's points of view. They make the most sense to me. About the lottery.....I'm entered Eggy. I guess I'll find out if I'm to get two tickets Jan. 21st right? Is that the date? It's not looking good for me to go. I want to very bad but with that being the week before our spring break I will feel guilty about taking that extra time off. So if I get the tickets I'll get the tickets to you. |
Benn 12.01.2005 10:21 |
But the announcement clearly states: "Any customer attempting to resell their tickets will immediately have all of their booking refunded, without notification and with no option to repurchase." Therefore, I'm assuming that when you get to the door on the night, you will be asked if you are the person that the tickets were won by and if you're not, you will be refused entry. Imagine being turned away.....the embarassment. |
cliffhowell 12.01.2005 10:49 |
I imagine the tickets will have your name printed on them and perhaps you will have to show some ID |
eggy 12.01.2005 10:52 |
I'm thinking the same as Cliff but no one knows whats going on at the minute. Besides the name on the ticket can only be right for one of two people, your guest won't have the same name. They tried similar at Glastonbury and it doesn't work. It's quite easy to provide fake ID. Lisser - Thanks, I've someone else in for me, so maybe if you use your services somewhere else they'd get better usage. |
Benn 12.01.2005 11:12 |
There will be a serial number on each ticket and they will all be on a list against the individual winner's names. Somehow the box office / venue security will have to check each person against the tickets that they say they have won. If each person takes two tickets, they will be presumably linkd together - one of the two tickets will need to be held by the "winner" and one by his / her "guest". Now, when it comes to booking the tickets,are they going to ask you to nominate who you ae taking as your guest so that they have a record? It's all setting it's self up for a complete shambles - you can bet your life that touts will be there on the night flogging tickets. My plan is to hang about until right before they go on stage and get one off of a tout for about £10 when they find that they still have a bunch of tickets left and need to get rid of them - after I have sold them my two sometime in the afternoon. |
Lisser 12.01.2005 11:16 |
What if you are buying the tickets as a gift for another Queen fan? Like if I'm registered on Queen Online but my dear old parents aren't bc they have no pc but I want to get them these tickets? My parents and I do not have the same last name. That would be bad if I got the tickets, gave them to my parents, got them airfare to London to see this concert and they were turned away at the door. None the less, I'm in the lottery. If no other fan wants them from me if I get them, then I'll make more of an effort to attend or I'll decline my two tickets if I am chosen to get them and can't attend. |
Benn 12.01.2005 11:30 |
So, doesn't this all go to prove that the whole thing wasn't properyly thought out by QPL in the first place? They are going to have no control on the night as to who's got the right tickets and who actually is / isn't a member of the fan club. Best thing to have done would be to make it a fan club ONLY show and that entry can only be gained by providing your membership number at the door. What this does do of course, is open the way right up for the touts to make an absolute killing. They will be monitoring all this. |
Deacons 1st Choice 12.01.2005 19:22 |
I agree in a way Benn..i am a firm believer in that the Brixton Show should have been for FC Members ONLY. This would have solved a lot of the problems that have come about. The FC was around long before the internet world, so i think all those Memebers should be rewarded for STAYING with the Club through the lean years when they could have easily dumped it like so many other people did. This would be the reward for hanging on in there....the ultimate reward in some ways. |
Benn 13.01.2005 07:55 |
Sadly though, apart from what Brian contributes to his own website, Queen fans just aren't thought of highly enough by anyone for them to actually be considered when *anything* is being organised. Remember the launch for the MIH album at Hammy Apollo? Quite frankly, the whole thing was an embarassment - Roger turning up for all of 20 seconds was a complete joke (and the story about him "popping in before he went on holiday" was complete lie) and there was nothing to see / hear that wasn't familiar to the hard-core. And, as the star prize in the raffle; the wall-mounted box set that no one wanted in the first place. Fand are seen as a source of money - a bunch of people that QPL can happily exploit because they are pretty certain that 70% of them will just blindly part with their money. Sad, but true. |
YourValentine 13.01.2005 08:05 |
One might think this is a life and death matter rather than a rock concert. I am sure the "no selling" rule aims at people who try to sell the much wanted tickets on ebay to make a profit, anything else would just be outrageous. You cannot ask 4900 people for passport, what kind of atmosphere would that be creating? In the mean time QOL has sent another email encouraging people to enter the lottery. This may indicate that not enough people to sell all tickets have entered yet. So, there may well be a chance for other fans to purchase a ticket. Of course, this is just speculation. |
Lisser 13.01.2005 09:19 |
I think you are right Barb. |
Lisser 13.01.2005 10:03 |
I think you can only buy two. |
Benn 13.01.2005 11:07 |
The no selling thing is quite explicitly direct in terms of what it says. But, what they haven't done is to outline to potential customers EXACTLY how they are expected to be able to prove that it is actually the person in the queue on the night that bought the ticket(s). As for the reminder e-mail, that's a standard thing that they would do just to try to get as many people aware as possible. They can't be seen to not got hat extra yard to ensure that no one can say "well, they didn't tell me". Unfortunately, EVERYTHING seems to be done via e-mails these days and I would imagine that a great number of people are missing out here, just because they don't have e-mail. I just can't wait to hear the nightmare stories from the night. |
Deacons 1st Choice 13.01.2005 20:00 |
You are correct in saying that there are indeed MANY Queen Fans who would love to know about this lottery and have absolutely no clue due to the fact that they are NOT online or have internet access. I was one of these Fans until very recently...i was out of the loop as far as late breaking news goes regarding Queen. My only source was the FC Mags...and living here Stateside ment that by the time the Mag arrived, it was terribly outdated. I was still thankful to get it though. If i was STILL that Fan who was not online like i am now (amazingly) i would be VERY anxious and downright livid about this whole thing. Angry as to the fact that i may well have found out far to late to get tickets or learn the tour dates. I often think of those fans who are still out there that are still in that boat...still have no computer access to the internet. They are probably going crazy trying to find out what's going on, and i'm sure there are loads of them who have absolutley NO CLUE whatsoever about Queen touring at all! That would be me if i was'nt here now, so my thoughts go out to that unfortunate lot. |