Saffron Caribou 11.03.2004 01:09 |
I just can't sleep. I checked the news story and found out about that book. I read some of it, and then started to read it. For the past hour I have been reading some parts of this book. I'll probably finish tomorrow. However, this book is just too unreal for words. This book is basically a conspiracy theory within itself. As far as I've read this book: 1. Classifies homosexuality as a depravity, according to the author. Thus saying that Freddie was never a homosexual. Because his songs were never about loving another man, and that his faith shuns homosexuality (which is true). 2. Criticises almost all of the Freddie biographies in existance, making them known as false, depraved, and dirty accounts. 3. Freddie dying from AIDS was basically an agenda from the Gay Mafia. Proclaiming that the Gay Mafia KILLED Freddie, not literally of course. There should be more shocking ditrabe, but I'll finish tomorrow. If you want, go ahead and read it yourselves. link |
Penis - Vagina 11.03.2004 01:18 |
I've got it bookmarked but I'm too sleepy now. I'll take it with a grain of salt.. ridiculous, but perhaps entertaining reading :) |
jorge 11.03.2004 02:00 |
1...Freddie was never a homosexual. Because his songs were never about loving another man... Man Made Paradise !!! |
pma 11.03.2004 02:28 |
Another person with the ability to find religious meanings and depths in ANY Queen song just about :-) (like in Now I'm Here and Dragon Attack....) It is a "fun" read, if you like reading something written by a mentally disturbed homophobe. Nothing more. The part where she describes the Bejart Ballet collaboration with Elton John shows some GREAT imagination (read mental illness) from her part.... that made me laugh. |
Mr. Scully 11.03.2004 04:29 |
I think we discussed this book on QueenOnline some time ago (OK, yes, GUILTY, I was on QueenOnline for a while!). Undoubtedly this Russian book will win a "most stupid book of the year" award. I can't believe somebody can actually buy such shit. |
Fenderek 11.03.2004 08:28 |
<<(OK, yes, GUILTY, I was on QueenOnline for a while!)>> Buahahahahahahaha...!!!! Wait... I was there too........ |
RMT 11.03.2004 08:35 |
I post on QueenOnline too but I find it very unfriendly over there compared to here. I was talking about the early version of Let Me Live (the one that got withdrawn cause of the similarity to another track) and people didn't seem to know it and I felt like I was getting my head bitten off by people elsewhere. |
Fenderek 11.03.2004 08:39 |
IMO queenonline is MOSTLY for children, being amused by smileys, photos and the likes- looks like one big circus and to find any interesting thread (or even post) is extremely frustrating- you have to go through a lot of crap like "quote of the quote of the quote of the..." and the reply being a smiley face... |
Krizzy 11.03.2004 13:35 |
The book in question was originally written in Russian. The author or rather an acquaintance of the author posted originally on QOL. My thoughts on this "horse manure" have not changed. How dare this author assume what Bomi's relationship with his son was. Can he read minds? How dare he/she undermine other authors works as clearly erroneous. How dare the author say Freddie was not gay when clearly he was in love with a man Jim Hutton and shared his life until his untimely passing in 1991! To me as a writer this author has an interesting if not inaccurate work of pure fiction based on supposed facts. Kriz ;o) |
johnnymegabyte 11.03.2004 13:49 |
re: 1...Freddie was never a homosexual. Because his songs were never about loving another man... Freddie's songs were never gender specific. When sung man to woman, or woman to man ( plus any other combination ) the words don't change. A good songwriter can make the song go both ways. Freddie was a good songwriter that went both ways. .............. Delilah was a CAT. |
Trisonic77 11.03.2004 23:17 |
What about good old fashioned lover boy? That wasn't about a chick was it. |
Sicmot 12.03.2004 00:36 |
I dare to defend M.V Avhundovas opinions.. he's done very deep and throughly researches.. instead of those poof biography authors.. he named a few.. Its easy for you to smash his genuine ideas down, since you too have nothing else to scoop than those dozens of profound biogs to base your assimilated thoughts.. I truly recommend to read it comprehensively with thought.. Im not saying he's 100 % right in eveything.. but it sounds he's a very clever man and has put some serious thoughts pinpointing clear facts aside pure fictions..for example, I believe what he says about Freddies and Jim's relation.. too many illogicalities in the way Jim tries to prove how close they were.. I believe now Jim was only one of his three servants. Its up to you to make up your minds.. but give it a chance instead of being brainwashed idiots. :) |
Kuku 12.03.2004 01:12 |
"I believe now Jim was only one of his three servants. Its up to you to make up your minds.. but give it a chance instead of being brainwashed idiots." Did Freddie have three servants? :| And who's being brainwashed here? Perchance Sicmot, you yourself wrote the book? No matter, these kinds of message give me a reason to snort and chuckle for days. I don't know why people have issues with anyone being gay or not. I have way more issues with Freddie being promiscuous. Love may know no bound, but sex should, in my humble opinion. But who is to judge? Keep judging and you may be judged accordingly. |
pma 12.03.2004 03:17 |
Aah, yes the book is full of DEEP research such as (and these are just minor examples).... " By the way, the main characteristic of the gay culture is its screaming tastelessness, flamboyance, vulgarity. " - and many other hate-mongering homophobic rants. The song "Your Kind Of Lover", is seen as proof that Freddie was never a homosexual... and other truly PATHETIC interpretations of the simplest songs. "Remember that Englishmen are traditionally very xenophobic and don’t like the foreigners." - And let's all remember Russians are traditionally intolerant of homosexuality and don't like "fags"... (Homosexuality was punishable by a prison sentence and many lesbians were sent to mental institutions as late as 1993) Still no mention of "The Pied Piper Of Hamelin" by Robert Browning when analysing "My Fairy King". tsk tsk tsk, or would that fit into the whole religious anthem scene..ripping off parts of lyrics. Guess not. Great research, especially I must applaude Ahundova for taking the time to get to know homosexual people and their culture. She really does seem like the expert. Hurray :-/ (sarcasm). Funny that these freaks can come here and accuse us of believeing everything written in FM bios (which isn't really the case) however themselves blindly believe an opus, which is merely a piece of homophobic fanfiction written by a mentally deranged person. Nothing more or less. I can see this book gaining ground in cultures that are traditionally highly intolerant of homosexuality, but not amongst us westeners who've been brainwashed by the gay mafia.... |
Mr. ProDJ 24.03.2004 17:22 |
So many quick posts.... Are You sure, you’ve read this book? Or your posts were based only on someone else’s words? I’m sure, not only mr. Scully read discussions on queenonline, when book appeared in Russia, but I can’t understand, why you repeating something, that has been said along time ago? I’m giving you a chance, to read this book, and to have your own opinion! I’m not saying, that everything in this book is true – I don’t agree with many of Ahundova’s thoughts, but even then, it still worth reading. And don’t say, that you’ve read it – man, who has read book won’t say this: > 1...Freddie was never a homosexual. Because his songs were never about loving another man... Man Made Paradise !!!< Their is a big paragraph in this book about this song. |
Whisperer 24.03.2004 17:51 |
I haven't read that book yet, but I certainly will read it in the near future. What really makes me mad are all those people who start laughing immediately when they see or hear the word "conspiracy". Same happens when someone has a very extrem view on some matter - those same people start immediately to make fun of the person. Why can't you just give even the most impossible theory a chance? As history has proved, some of the most unbelievable theories have become reality. My favourite conspiracy theories :-) Paul McCarthy's death Secret US force behind the 9/11 attacks Roswell 1947 Give the book a chance! |
Mr. ProDJ 25.03.2004 01:43 |
Say it's not true You can say it's not right It is hard to believe The size of the crime (just a quote :) |
AC 25.03.2004 07:46 |
To me, it is clear that this book was written without even doing a little research. An example? In the book you can read this: Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo figaro Magnifico - And, like a last hope, the choir calls: "Galileo figaro magnifico". It's the key phrase, which reveals the entire meaning of the song, and usually it isn't translated by the researchers. And, if they DO translate it, they translate it from Italian, getting "Galileo is a great barber". What Galileo? What has barber to do with that? Yes, it's a nonsense. But don't make Freddie an idiot. Actually, it's a slightly corrupted Latin phrase, "Galileo figuro magnifico" - translated as "Magnify the Galilean's image". "Galileo", repeated five times, translated from the Latin as "Jesus Christ" - that was His name in the ancient Rome. 1) The translation to Italian of "Galileo figaro magnifico" is quite debatable: it's like translating "Join is a great singer" in "John great Freddie Mercury". In my opinion, this is wrong. 2) The translation of "Galieo figuro magnifico" in Latin is TOTALLY WRONG! It doesn't mean "Magnify the Galilean's image", it probably means something like "I exalt I create at/for Galileo". Completely different. It should have been something like "Galilaeae figuram magnifico", which has not a lot to do with "Galileo figuro magnifico", even less with "Galileo figaro magnifico". At least, this shows that the author doesn't know Latin and clearly invented some words It took me about 2 minutes to find the correct translation in Latin... Congratulations. And this was just a quote. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 25.03.2004 10:54 |
just ask Malina, she probably co-wrote it.....but dont ask for the authors address! |
Togg 25.03.2004 11:02 |
It beggers belief that this book hasn't had some kind of legal action taken out against it and the author, I guess originating in Russia it has gone largly under the radar screen but all the same, there are so many elements that any number of people could get stroppy about. |
Mr. ProDJ 28.03.2004 17:29 |
>this shows that the author doesn't know Latin and clearly invented some words< As far as I remember, no-one spoke about Freestone and Sky in such manner… But ok. Ok, AC, I have to agree with most of you’ve said. I don’t know Latin at all, so I can’t check it, but if you’ve made your research, than I think you’re right. But I have two questions to you. The first question – how should we say in Latin "Magnify the Galilean's image"? Does it sound absolutely different to “Galileo figaro magnifico”, or it has something common??? And the second question – how would you describe the meaning of this words (Galileo figaro magnifico)? Ahundova’s explanation of Bohemian Rhapsody as a hole still sounds great to me even without this galileos :) But, of course, as a fan of Queen, I want to know the meaning of every word in their songs… I think I’m not the only one ;) |
AC 29.03.2004 05:29 |
First question. There's a problem: in Latin "I magnify" "We magnify" and "Manigny!" have different translations. In my previous post I translated "I magnify the Galilean's image" with "Galilaeae figuram magnifico". Second question. I didn't understand what you want. Can I ask you something? I have some doubts about "Galileo" being the translation of Jesus Christ in ancient Rome. Do you have any quote? |
Bohardy 29.03.2004 06:22 |
Hang on a minute. Am I imagining things, or are there seriously some people on here who are actually trying to work out the meaning behind "Galileo figaro magnifico"? Has Malina been cloned? |
Mr. ProDJ 10.04.2004 17:44 |
>>In my previous post I translated "I magnify the Galilean's image" with "Galilaeae figuram magnifico". << OK. But "Galilaeae figuram magnifico" is still very close to Galileo Figaro Magnifico, isn't it? And YES, Galileo was one of the name of Jesus Christ - he was freqently called this way even in the bible. >>Am I imagining things, or are there seriously some people on here who are actually trying to work out the meaning behind "Galileo figaro magnifico"?<< Am I imagining things, or this man calls himself a "Queen FAN"????!!! |
The Professor 10.04.2004 19:20 |
Having read the book (in Russian), I agree with the fact that it's complete and utter crap. However, it can be quite entertaining if you take it for what it's worth and don't go in expecting it to be a legitimate biography. |
Into La Ment 10.04.2004 19:58 |
Is it just me, or do Queen have a much higher-than-average number of really strange biographies (... and of course those which are just total b£&%*"!£) than other groups??? From what I've read it seems that way, anyway... |
jasen101 11.04.2004 16:57 |
The book was disgusting. It promotes hate towards gay people. What a load of crap. |
Daburcor? 11.04.2004 17:02 |
Who is this Freddie Mercury fellow you all speak of? I've never heard of him in my life. |
Mr. ProDJ 11.04.2004 17:32 |
>>>The book was disgusting. It promotes hate towards gay people. What a load of crap. <<< You've read it at queenonline? good one ;) |
AC 13.04.2004 10:06 |
Yes, but Latin is Latin, it is not English or something else. What's written in the book is simply untrue. And I have no idea if someone else on QOL says the same things. And I simply don't care. These are my words. And where exactly in the Bible please? |
jasen101 13.04.2004 13:09 |
Actually, I read the book for myself. Crap! |
Mr. ProDJ 14.04.2004 01:18 |
>>Yes, but Latin is Latin, it is not English or something else. << As far as I know, Galileo Figaro Magnifico is not an English Words too. >>And I have no idea if someone else on QOL says the same things. And I simply don't care. These are my words. <<< I didn't say that You've took your ideas from QOL - this words were dedicated to another guy! >>>And where exactly in the Bible please?<<< Ahh... well... you know, I'm not a specialist... The only thing I can help - I can use google:) I've just input "Jesus+Galilean+Bible". So, here is a link: link |
AC 14.04.2004 11:09 |
It doesn't work. |
Sicmot 14.04.2004 12:11 |
Is all you can really find from the book about "hate towards gay people? and explanations for galileos" ?? If I remember right.. there were hell of a lot stuff about freddie's childhood in Zanzibar, and the explanation what happened to his personality and "becoming the gay himself" after being assaulted by those pederats in boarding school. Other stuff I found newly interesting was the way the author defends freddie's memory right up till the end against the press, and those other biography writers who only sees him being the gay icon of the 80'. She's not actually promoting hatred for gay people, but to those who only sees freddie as gay and his legacy as product of mad gaymans' megalomaniac goals in commanding his life in his flamboyant style. Other authors doesnt recognize the person behind the phenomenom.. Ahundova does, its another issue how deep and correct she is in her analyzation about the real FM. In fact, she admits freddie being gay.. and that homosexualism is something universal and exists, and freddie "was" one of them due to those factors that affected his personality in his early stages". but he was also bi-sexual to some degree, thinking about his relation to mary that lasted those 7 yrs.. I believe like ahundova says that the real freddie could have only really love women, because women reflected better to his complex emotional needs.. He never really loved any of his male lovers in the same way as female-lovers. males were rather just physical amusement and friends for him.. since males are not generally as developed emotionally. altough born gay males tend to have better birthable emotional readiness. It's something genetically. Yeah.. thats all folks for now.. Ps. Sorry for my poor english.. Im finnish and thus I reserve the right to be imperfect. |
Reebokk 26.04.2007 14:32 |
Nazareth is in the province of Galilee. And of course, Jesus was brought up and raised as a boy in Nazareth (see Matthew 2:23) "Galileo Figaro Magnifico" InDeEd means "Magnify the Galilean figure". It's just mispronounced / miswritten. It appears in the same context with "Beelzebub", which we know is Satan name. If Satan is in game, does that mean Jesus cannot show up? Jesus Christ name appears in a few Queen Lyrics, like 'Bicycle Race' and 'Jesus'. There must be some sort of outrageous Jesus hater to deny the obvious. My opinion: Ahundova was 200% right in 'Bohemian Rhapsody' text interpretation. It's a flash of insight. As well as she has good points at Queen Lyrics research in general. I don't agree with her 100% but she's definitely worth reading. |
Daniel Nester 01.05.2007 11:55 |
I think it's rather abhorrent that we are talking "genuine ideas" when what we are really talking about a fear and hatred of gay people. For far too long, many Queen fans have been reluctant to admit that Freddie was a gay man. Just so people are up to speed, here's three of the loopholes: -- He had a girlfriend. yes many gay men did/do, and there are many who have wives/beards all their lives). -- He didn't sing about men. This is debatable, as people have pointed out in this thread. But not writing gender-specific lyrics doesn't get one off the gay hook (c.f., Elton John, Bowie, Jagger, Townshend, Shakespeare, Lou Reed, Sappho, Joan Armatrading, Melissa Etheridge, Frank O'Hara, Walt Whitman). (Sorry about that phrase "gay hook.") -- That he wasn't "out," therefor he wasn't gay. I love this one. You can look the above list for people who are not "out" but who have had gay period or who are gay. But I think if Freddie himself came down or came back and said, "I am a gay man," it wouldn't be enough proof for some. |
YourValentine 01.05.2007 12:23 |
People with more than 2 brain cells won't waste their time on this horrible piece of crap. It does not deserve a serious discussion. |
Reebokk 04.05.2007 12:40 |
Not every 'Gay' goes to 'Heaven', read if you wanna know what I mean :-))) |
Belladonic haze 14.01.2013 09:21 |
I loved it :D |
ITWEMBLEY86 15.01.2013 01:50 |
I seen that, it is some real crazy shit , totally nuts!!! |
Belladonic haze 15.01.2013 08:19 |
link This is a quite good chapter U_U |
Queenfred 15.01.2013 08:57 |
Sicmot wrote: I dare to defend M.V Avhundovas opinions.. he's done very deep and throughly researches.. instead of those poof biography authors.. he named a few.. Its easy for you to smash his genuine ideas down, since you too have nothing else to scoop than those dozens of profound biogs to base your assimilated thoughts.. Sorry? Deep and thorough research? I read one paragraph and found this: "And in Australia, there’s a man who publicly called Queen a Christian group. The aforementioned Robin Gamble, the vicar of Anglican church of St. Augustine in Melbourne, uses Queen’s music in the church masses. In the interview to the influential Australian magazine Age he called Freddie Mercury a rock singer who asked the most serious questions about the meaning of life and death..." Now, two things, firstly- Robin Gamble is an English Vicar and is an evangelist in Bradford England (oh, and he's English) Always lived in England and even opened a Christain pub there at one point. He does however, use the music of Queen as an inspiration (don't we all). Secondly, "Age" isn't an influential Australian magazine at all's actually called The Age and it's a bloody newspaper! The only passage I read and two factual errors. Doesn't sound like a worthwhile read to me (unless fiction is your thing). |
Belladonic haze 16.01.2013 07:00 |
I think it's a she. |
Zaza Gabor 16.01.2013 22:10 |
Oh, Dear. I swore not to get into serious discussions here when I registered; my excuse is this apparently isn’t one. I can’t resist objecting when people talk badly about fanfic writers; and this is what you guys do. There is only one major principle of fan fiction: the destination of popular culture is to please fans so fan fiction just takes the freedom to interpret popular culture in the way it pleases most. It’s sex for some and for others it’s religion. What’s the problem, then? I know what you’d say: if this is a fanfic, it should have a disclaimer. However, unauthorized biographies don’t have other disclaimers than being unauthorized biographies; and – face the fact! - they are but socially acceptable fanfics. If homophobia and conspiracy theories are socially acceptable in Russia (I’ve got a maybe wrong impression that they are) then this particular piece of writing is an unauthorized biography in Russia. When it goes viral internationally where it’s not acceptable socially, it’s simply a fanfic. This is what happens when popular culture tends to please fans worldwide. We all have opinions but let’s not get hypocritical: if you like broad-mindedness then show some. Was it some “frian” or “froger” gay porn would you also go like “how dare she”? Well, this one is anti-gay. So what? It’s freedom of speech. Ask Eminem XD or just… have patience or choose better literature XD |
YAFF 17.01.2013 15:58 |
Saffron Caribou wrote: 3. Freddie dying from AIDS was basically an agenda from the Gay Mafia. Proclaiming that the Gay Mafia KILLED Freddie, not literally of course.Delusional. Freddie liked gay sex more than Garfield likes lasagna and I couldn't possibly care less about his sexuality. |
tomchristie22 18.01.2013 00:04 |
Skimming over this thread without investing myself too much, otherwise I'll get angry :P |
john bodega 18.01.2013 02:10 |
I have no idea who or what the thread is about, but one look at the name M. V. Ahundova tells me they're full of shit and shouldn't have any attention paid to them. |
pma 18.01.2013 14:40 |
This shit still around? I think many queenzoners could write a better fan-fiction autobiography, make it even more ridiculous and far-fetched. Just keep it deadpan and be over the top. Let's face it, Ahundova's book about Freddie completely ignores his love affair with John Deacon, and the fact that he fathered John's kids (Yes, he gave birth). |
Zaza Gabor 18.01.2013 16:24 |
That’s it. If any of you smart cookies will bring this topic up again saying it’s not worth attention, I’ll write a serious review and post it in bold print so you can have two topics about M.V.Ahundova on the front page! OK I may be exaggerating about the bold print but I mean it. This s[tuff] would never come to my attention if not your posting. Now I’m into reading it and I’m seriously angry. I don’t mind deviation but this is a long one to say the least. You better don’t push me! |
Flores 24.01.2013 01:05 |
I am reading the book and I recommend it to everybody. The truth is coming up. To the ones that discredit the book without reading it and taking a few lines of it to demostrate the inaccuracy of the biography I tell you: who are you? you can lie to others, but not to me. Too late my dears, I am aware of the massive campaign to confuse people so that we would not receive the messages that would rescue youth from the darkness. I know that people have been paid to sustain the lie that Freddy was omosexual, promiscous, depraved and using drugs, and I am not surprised that in forum like this, about Queen, people continue to be paid to support the lie. You do not talk like a fan of Queen would talk, you look like your only interest is to discredit this biography. A fan of Queen would be interested in reading the book, and surprised, maybe confused, but happy to see what a beautiful being Freddy was, a rare uncorruptable and with a big big heart fearless person, so big a heart that they took it for egocentrism. People who are egocentric themselves cannot understand people with a pure heart, they just are not able to recognize what pushes them to reach the masses. They believe it is for self-promotion, look at me I am so big. It is the opposite: follow me and you'll be free. I recognize him because I am like him, there are people among humanity that have incarnated to help this world to find the way back home, back to the light, back to our real Father, back to who we really are, free from any slavery that the ones that control this world want to keep us in. Freddy's mission was to reach the youth of western countries in danger. Save them from drugs, annihilation, give them a hope, a right goal to fight for. And I tell you this not because it is written in the biography, it is not written. I tell you this because I recognize it myself, by observing where he was born, the people which could give him an uncorruptable faith in God and from there move in the middle of the lost souls of England. His shining cristalline, innocent and strong voice is a boost of life, a flash of light that clear all shadows, all fears. I have been killed and persecuted in past lives for bringing the message of love and freedom, I am not surprised to discover he has also been persecuted, it did not take much to me to recognize the truth in Ahundova's word. But his songs still shine many miles up in the atmosfhere of all the earth, and will continue to do so. Look at this video, at the end of his life, before dying, when he was so full of pain that he could hardly stand up. See the light, see his serenity, see his love, that only can come from the deep connection with God that many have lost: link I feel him looking on us now, with a smile and even more love |
Holly2003 24.01.2013 05:21 |
oh ffs ... |
Belladonic haze 24.01.2013 06:42 |
woah! |
tomchristie22 24.01.2013 08:02 |
There's a definite trend with people posting ridiculous shit also using 'dear', 'darling' etc in their writing, in some sort of weird homage to Freddie's mannerisms. I find it kind of creepy really.
Flores wrote: FreddyFreddie * What utter crap though, seriously. I hold very different values than those Freddie did, but that doesn't drive me to come up with ridiculous, groundless theories about him really being a heterosexual, conservative Christian man. If you can't love him and what he created for who he is then go away, really. He would be insulted by people like you trying to justify their respect for him by blatantly lying to themselves. |
GT 25.01.2013 15:35 |
What a load of bollocks this thread is. Why would anybody give this book or anything about it the time of day, let alone read it. Freddie was gay - get over it. He loved women and had a sexual relationship with Mary, most gay men have gone through the same scenario. It's about finding your own identity, experimentation if you like. Heterosexual people go through it too if they have doubts as to who they really are. Since Freddie died (and even when he was alive) many women have wished he was straight to fulfill their own desires for him. The man was not for turning - get a life. Freddie loved and had sex with other men because that was his preference. Nobody else's business. He would be horrified at all this crap again. |
Missreclusive 25.01.2013 17:14 |
lol...aha! Now you people are going to presume to "know" what Freddie would think/feel. You guys slam everyone for responding to the thread "Was Freddie a good person?" saying how in the world would anyone ever know but you come to this one and actually type that Freddie would think this or that? Where do you get the idea of what he would think? Oh..wait...all of our opinions of whether Freddie was good or or not...come from the same of interviews of him, his bandmates, lovers, friends, ect... along with books written. Talk about being hypocritical! This board is amusing, I am here for amusement and if I learn something too..then great. The presumptious thinking only adds to my entertainment, thanks! |
john bodega 25.01.2013 21:56 |
And people reckon this forum doesn't need me to moderate it. Pffffffff. |
ITWEMBLEY86 28.01.2013 13:00 |
Belladonic haze wrote: link This is a quite good chapter U_UMore about the author link |
ITWEMBLEY86 28.01.2013 13:35 |
" The only good news were that Queen were presented with the Britannia Award for Bohemian Rhapsody that was voted the best British single in 25 years. The critics unleashed another stream of hatred – how terrible, how those wretches could forget the all time geniuses Beatles and give the award to some upstarts! " SO TRUE!!!!!! BEAT THE BEATLES! The hard fights of 1977 placed a stamp on the new album, News Of The World. Its cover was bringing the serious thoughts. The critics refused to comment the cover, saying only that the idea to picture a robot belonged to Roger Taylor, who’d seen a similar picture in an old sci-fi mag. And in all books about Queen and in the Internet sites, the cover is represented in cut down, and the entire cover can be seen only by the people who have a legal copy of the album at home. . INSIGHT INTO THE TRUE MEANING OF THE NEWS OF THE WORLD ARTWORK link SO TRUE!! |
ITWEMBLEY86 28.01.2013 14:17 |
Something important happened. It’s not just a lucky year, there were many of those in Queen’s career – it’s the beginning of their reign. The mass Queenomania is storming all around the world, their albums, both new and old, are sold by millions in dozens of countries. Queen’s video clips are named among the best videos of UK and the entire world, Queen is solidly voted England’s national institute and the best group of 1986, and Freddie Mercury was the best vocalist. The Live In Rio video tops the charts and receives the award as the Best British Video. The slates in some newspapers don’t help – Queen fandom doesn’t get any smaller. The forbidding of Mercury’s solo video clip Living On My Own, accused in transvestitism, doesn’t help either – it became the free advertising for Mercury’s solo video EP that was sold in a few days and topped the charts. And the unreasoned refusal of British TV to show their video clips – and they were still shown at the cable channels. Though Queen are still ignored by the establishment, and they don’t get any prestigious awards – should they care? Their songs are sung everywhere, and their enormous popularity even without any vulgar awards and medals makes their enemies cry at nights. Freddie is started to be openly called the King of Rock – first by one newspaper, then by the second, third… The events look more and more like the events of 1963 – the time when the Beatles-mania began… In the album A Kind Of Magic, the theme of confrontation notably comes into the theme of the early triumph – in the song Don’t Lose Your Head, it’s said, “Don’t lose your way, don’t lose your head, remember – love’s stronger, love conquers all… If you make it to the top and you wanna stay alive – don’t lose your head.” And in the aforementioned Princes Of The Universe Mercury says about himself as the future King of Rock who will come through everything, pass all trials – and get his throne. In Summer, the most grandiose European tour in Queen’s history took place – the Magic Tour. Queen’s performances were always popular, but there never was anything similar to what was happening in that 1986 Summer. elvis MAY BE THE kING oF rOCK 'N' rOLL But who else IS THE KING OF ROCK other than FREDDIE MERCURY ? iN A UNIVERSAL SENSE He is more than say Robert Plant whos fame lasted and was with his own generation but he id not span genrations like Evlis or Freddie did Elvis was both Rock n Roll and then more country and western always on my mind is basically country and western song in style The same goes for the beatles They were rock no roll then later they were middle of the road almost the carpenters Michael Jackson wrote his main songs around his videos and for them entirely , and for his dance moves. But Queen were ROCK then a stange mix of virtually everything universal POP Freddie Mercury is truly "THE KING OF ROCK" There is no other. |
ITWEMBLEY86 28.01.2013 14:39 |
He uses the term “angry workers” a lot, to describe the paid oppositon to the greatest rock band in history. I think many of them still run around Queen forums such as this , and even run some of them. The knifings at the rock gigs aren’t rare, but not on Queen’s gigs. Their fans are mannerly and intelligent people, and they don’t come to the gigs with weapons and chains. So, the man who knifed the guy wasn’t a Queen fan. Then who was he? Guess yourselves… SO TRUE |
Queenfred 29.01.2013 17:13 |
Queenfred 29.01.2013 17:14 |
ITWEMBLEY86 wrote:iN A UNIVERSAL SENSE He is more than say Robert Plant whos fame lasted and was with his own generation but he id not span genrations like Evlis or Freddie did Elvis was both Rock n Roll and then more country and western always on my mind is basically country and western song in style The same goes for the beatles They were rock no roll then later they were middle of the road almost the carpenters Queenfred wrote: Plant didn't have an impact on any other generations?? Tell that to Chris Robinson ...or Dave Grohl for that matter. And as for the Beatles becoming The Carpenters ...Jesus, have you even listened to The White Album -or Abbey Road? You have no credibility at all when it comes to musical insight, this much is certain. None. |
Queenfred 29.01.2013 17:17 |
...and yes - I DID fuck up with my editing above! |