Yer tea's oot!: 1. A well known Scottish phrase indicating that someone's day of reckoning has come and a severe chibbing is about to ensue.
2. A brand new book covering the origins and meanings of over 600 Scottish slang words written & illustrated by Scott Simpson A.K.A fatty from Queenzone.
Yes, the final meeting took place today and the book got the go-ahead. It should be in the shops by Christmas and for every copy sold I will personally donate £1 to my local drug dealer. Hopefully by this time next year, I will be working on a sequel or at least be halfway through a 2 year sentence.
I hope you are going to give us details of where us English gentry-type folk can purchase this book south of the border Fatty. As I can assure you and your reader there is no chance of Sir Archie crossing the border even if it is to buy a copy of your book and proclaim 'I knew him when he had no arse in his trousers' (Thanks Flashy).
Oh by the way Congratulations old bean.
Any chance of a dedication?
I don't have to be first on the list ahead of your family but I must go before Dark Mywhatsit.