It's much too refined a plan for GB's taste. He wouldn't bother with anything that scheming. However, the obsessions that jones904 shows do fit MEDUSA really well. I guess inu's right.
It is a hard thing to accept, but one must remind oneself that due to Queen's massive worldwide appeal, the vast majority of their fans are infact very ordinary and not in the least bit *exceptional, and as this forum proves to me again and again ,it is a great mistake to think you are in the company of anything but the usual moronic hordes that avidly post on the internet.
Indeed the thoughtful and the true are a very rare breed.
So dear reader if you are shocked by the low standard of the posters in this forum , just one of many of it's kind devoted to the greatest of musical talent , do not be dismayed or disuaded by your encountering of such dross as the posters on this forum, do not let them discourage your better instincts or endevours, for it is the fools folly to despise their betters.
Well, can you blame him for wanting to enjoy the result of some 100 (non-consecutive) hours of drafting to finally come up with something that sounds vaguely intellectual?
jones904 wrote:
It is a hard thing to accept, but one must remind oneself that due to Queen's massive worldwide appeal, the vast majority of their fans are infact very ordinary and not in the least bit *exceptional, and as this forum proves to me again and again ,it is a great mistake to think you are in the company of anything but the usual moronic hordes that avidly post on the internet.
Indeed the thoughtful and the true are a very rare breed.
So dear reader if you are shocked by the low standard of the posters in this forum , just one of many of it's kind devoted to the greatest of musical talent , do not be dismayed or disuaded by your encountering of such dross as the posters on this forum, do not let them discourage your better instincts or endevours, for it is the fools folly to despise their betters.
Big words don't actually make you look cultured or intelligent if you don't know how to use them. The only 'point' I can decipher from this is that essentially, Jones thinks he's a better contributor than we are, and we just can't appreciate it because we're adjusted to our own low standards. :P
jones904 wrote:
It is a hard thing to accept, but one must remind oneself that due to Queen's massive worldwide appeal, the vast majority of their fans are infact very ordinary and not in the least bit *exceptional, and as this forum proves to me again and again ,it is a great mistake to think you are in the company of anything but the usual moronic hordes that avidly post on the internet.
Indeed the thoughtful and the true are a very rare breed.
So dear reader if you are shocked by the low standard of the posters in this forum , just one of many of it's kind devoted to the greatest of musical talent , do not be dismayed or disuaded by your encountering of such dross as the posters on this forum, do not let them discourage your better instincts or endevours, for it is the fools folly to despise their betters.
Big words don't actually make you look cultured or intelligent if you don't know how to use them. The only 'point' I can decipher from this is that essentially, Jones thinks he's a better contributor than we are, and we just can't appreciate it because we're adjusted to our own low standards. :P
Yeah, which is really really funny because the almost nonsesical title of another thread he wrote was "NAME ANYMORE THINGS THAT BRIAN SAID FREDDIE DIDNT REALLY MEAN WHEN HE SAID"
Top stuff,
tomchristie22 and Queenfred:
I couldn't agree more with you both about this insufferable ego-maniac!!!
jones904 - You TOTALLY (IMHO) miss the point:
Every artist or band are grateful to their loyal fans BUT those fans aren't actually OWED anything in return!! If Queen Productions never release another new product ever... then so what?! We've got the bootlegs still to enjoy *wink-wink*
And they can release stuff however they want e.g. if Roger wasn't happy with Radio GaGa from the Ukraine gig, then it doesn't appear officially on the DVD. That is the Artist's right and should be respected!!
Just my opinion of course ;-)
Sorry but this is a serious topic!!! Demonstrably so!!!
Dear Greg,
I wasn't suggesting for one minute you were actually jones-whats-his-face!!!
I was simply being ironic that this 'person' was so out of it that he surely he can't be for real!!!
Please see my previous post above yours a couple of posts back. I have total respect and gratitude for what you do.
Pip pip erstwhile we charming lads in the presence of AN horrific dismal display, but having interspective aptitude and sublime erudition must suffer contemptuous, inscrutable contumacious troddling in such a convocation!
Where shall the new pedantic forum exist?!
earwig wrote:
Sorry but this is a serious topic!!! Demonstrably so!!!
Dear Greg,
I wasn't suggesting for one minute you were actually jones-whats-his-face!!!
I was simply being ironic that this 'person' was so out of it that he surely he can't be for real!!!
Please see my previous post above yours a couple of posts back. I have total respect and gratitude for what you do.
Ta, earwig. Nice of you to say that.
You know.... there is no point in being subtle here on QZ. You can see from my thread in which I make it BLATANTLY CLEAR precisely what I mean about why my i.d here has changed recently.... that people STILL take it the complete arse-upwards way... as if they cannot read, or if they can read, the old grey matter is NOT in processing mode. It never ceases to amaze me. Funny though!!!
Honestly, it's not worth being anything other than BLUNT, BASIC, SIMPLE... and even then some here will struggle.
You know this, right???
:-) GB
So what? You're either that boring and repetitive old fart Greg Brooks, or you are some tedious oik pretending to be that boring and repetitive old fart Greg Brooks. Either way, you contribute nothing of any interest.
This place really has gone to the dogs.