yeah looks really nice :D i just posted a topic about it in Personal section whoopps lol
Cant wait to see the Brits 1990 clip when its been uploaded :D
Thanks Richard! :)
Doesn't work too well with Opera 7.23. Top picture won't load, drop-down menus don't look right. Looks nice though.
Works fine in Internet "exploiter" though.
Wooow! Looks really great! I can't wait to see the videofiles.
I feel honoured that the Freddie-Live-Crowd-Picture that I offer as a download on my site appears on the front!
Impressing indeed. This is the first time after a long while I'm entering the noticeboard - nice occasion...
I liked the old one better... Somehow Queen sites just can't look really great and have great content... There are a lot of sites with great content around, but none of them are REALLY WELL designed. But that's just me complaining, I'm studying Multimedia Design so this sort of thing interests me...
Pay no attention to the naysayers, Richard. The new design is brilliant. You rock, and thanks for the many years of providing us a terrific site and a place of uncensored discussion. Even if, along the way, some of "us" haven't known how to be responsible with it.
I'm joining Pim on this one. I'm in the same case (design student, etc...) I liked the simplicity of the old version. Now informations are everywhere, not on the left like before but...c'est la vie ;)
Oh my god
It looks amazing. first when I logged onto the site, I thought i entered the address wrongly but then I notice no, This is the new design .
I looks great.
Thank you Richard(I hope that's the name of the webmaster)
I must say I expected a lot more. I see no improvement at all since the previous version so I'm disappointed. QueenZone was a revolutionary website in late 90's but five years after it's still the same technology. C'mon, what is 'body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"'? We have css styles for that. Menu doesn't work in Mozilla properly (I know, that will be corrected). The site lacks any graphics except for one big image. Design via tables is pretty much outdates but can be understood in this case because considering the structure of the site, it would be quite a hard work to do everything via divs. But I simply see no idea, it was obviously done in a hurry, it's just a one big table with links.
Don't get me wrong, Richard, I always admired your site in the past. But this is not an improvement.
[edit] If I remember well, Pim Derks is really good when it comes to design, maybe you should have "hired" him :-)[/edit]
[edit2] link [/edit2]
I suppose it's impossible to please everybody. I like the new design although I thought Queenzone would never change:) There will be many improvements like the return of the newsletter and the Freddie Tribute messages won't appear on the main page anymore. The incompatibilities with browsers can sure be solved and the design itself is just a matter of taste.
It's ok, but a lot of people are getting carried away with it. It's a very basic design, but I doubt I could do better and I'm sure someone with the know how could do it better.
The best thing is the new main picture.
Congrats on the Site Richard, it looks great. More to the point the content is stillg reat, thanks for many years of keeping it running, and here's to many more!