mike hunt 12.09.2006 00:46 |
I love this, Freddie mercury proves the critics wrong on queenzone and queenonline. That's all I'v heard on these boards was how solo freddie was a big fat failure, but a successful box set in 2000, a # 1 hit in 1993 (living on my own) and now a CD of music that's been already released only a few years back makes #6/DVD #1. Yes, freddie has proven his own fans wrong and I enjoy every second of it. Freddie has proven his solo stuff has longevity, and is great music for the ears. Viva Barcelona!....Viva Mr. Mercury! |
verygood 12.09.2006 01:26 |
I never doubted that man, i always thought he was God. |
mike hunt 12.09.2006 01:53 |
The critics know who I'm talking about, the critics are a minority, but they love to bring up the failure of Mr. bad guy. These same people forget to mention the brilliance of barcelona (whole album) the only queen member to have a # 1 single outside of the band, a successful box set and now the success of the very best of. I love being part of the winning team! |
queen mercury 33542 12.09.2006 19:20 |
I love all of Freddie's albums, and I am a huge fan of him. Barsilona is so great because it is different. It's music that Freddie loved, and rock and opera come together brilliantly in this album. |
Penetration_Guru 13.09.2006 17:37 |
Mr Bad Guy was not a big hit. None of the singles from it were big hits. The Barcelona album didn't sell that well, neither did any other than the first single. Even the 1993 re-release of The Great Pretender went largely unnoticed. Freddie as a solo artist was not successful. Especially as the face and voice of Queen who were hugely successful. However, none of the above is a criticism. I'm not suggesting it's bad music - I like it - just that it didn't even vaguely hit the heights it could. And humping out compilation after compilation with multimedia hyping (and bonus stuff to encourage first week sales) hardly disproves his previous sales figures does it? |
Crezchi 14.09.2006 02:30 |
Penetration_Guru wrote: Mr Bad Guy was not a big hit. None of the singles from it were big hits. The Barcelona album didn't sell that well, neither did any other than the first single. Even the 1993 re-release of The Great Pretender went largely unnoticed. Freddie as a solo artist was not successful. Especially as the face and voice of Queen who were hugely successful. However, none of the above is a criticism. I'm not suggesting it's bad music - I like it - just that it didn't even vaguely hit the heights it could. And humping out compilation after compilation with multimedia hyping (and bonus stuff to encourage first week sales) hardly disproves his previous sales figures does it?Yes you are correct, but here in the USA, back in 1993, we heard The great pretender & Living on my own on the radio constantly. :) The newer versions anyways. |
mike hunt 14.09.2006 03:24 |
Mr. guru, your excactly the fan I'm talking about. His solo material wasn't successful?...The song bracelona was a top ten hit twice, the great pretender hit #6 on the charts. In my defence was a top ten hit, and plus a # 1 with a remix of living on my own. Now the best of freddie is #2 on the charts. You make it sound like his solo stuff bombed like rogers did. Remember he only had about 2 and half albums worth of solo stuff and he had about a half dozen top ten hits, wasn't successful? |
Katastrophe Mercury 14.09.2006 08:31 |
verygood wrote: I never doubted that man, i always thought he was God.isnt he? :D |
The Fairy King 14.09.2006 08:49 |
LongLostMercury wrote:God is gay?verygood wrote: I never doubted that man, i always thought he was God.isnt he? :D |
Penetration_Guru 14.09.2006 13:34 |
Mike, there are lies, damned lies & statistics. I accept that we can both make the facts suit our position, but comparing his chart positions to that of Queen does not make him look successful. Plus I would suggest that we should use overall sales figures as opposed to peak chart positions, as we all know that record companies do all they can to secure a high initial chart position (releasing Iron Maiden singles in the quietest week of the year, adding "limited edition" content at point of release, etc etc). So while Barcelona (album) hit the dizzy heights of number 15, it was back out of the chart within 8 weeks. Both Flash Gordon & Hot Space had longer runs on the chart than that, and I'd call anyone that claimed the Flash album was successful a stepford. |
Serry... 16.09.2006 04:21 |
mike hunt wrote: The song bracelona was a top ten hit twice, the great pretender hit #6 on the charts. In my defence was a top ten hit, and plus a # 1 with a remix of living on my own.The Great Pretender was # 4. Mike, I'm sorry, but IMD and LOMO were so good after Freddie's death that explains something... When Freddie was alive: MIH was 57, LOMO - 50, LMLTNT - 76, TGB - 80, HCIGO - 95... Man, Roger's "Future Management" was higher even... But who cares about damned chart positions?! |
Carol! the Musical 16.09.2006 12:33 |
<b><font color="green">The Fairy King wrote:Of course. He's even got the lisp! :DLongLostMercury wrote:God is gay?verygood wrote: I never doubted that man, i always thought he was God.isnt he? :D |
mike hunt 17.09.2006 02:18 |
I understand Mr. bad guy was a failure, but barcelona wasn't exactly created to be a huge radio hit, have you people ever heard the album?...could you imagine this album having 4 #1 hits on it?..Barcelona was a huge success because finally freddie went back to creating great music without worrying about chart positions. |
YourValentine 17.09.2006 05:05 |
I suppose we all heard the album - it's a Queen board:) I think we all agree that chart positions do not say anything about the quality of a song or album. However, I claim the right to say that I think Mr. Bad Guy was a very disappointing album. You don't need to be narrow minded to not like Mr. Bad Guy. It's just a very uninspired album. Actually, I like the Queen versions of the Mr. Bad Guy songs on MIH better than the original. On the other hand I love the Barcelona album, it's crossing all borders, it's beautiful music and I never get tired of it. For me there are musical worlds between the two solo albums. |
AmeriQueen 17.09.2006 06:12 |
He's never done otherwise. From my point of view, he can't really prove the press wrong. This is because of the way I see it, which is basically that any human or group of humans capable of writing negative Freddie material, are not worth of the title critics. To criticize Freddie's musical ability or so much as any major release of his, is to critisize the most talented of writing creations, not to mention vocals superior to virtually all that is ever known. Hey, I don't particularly like Mike Tyson. The guy's a scumbag of the worst order! That being said, I couldn't honestly pretend to be a boxing journalist if I wrote Tyson out to be lucky, overrated or inferior. I would lose all credibility. Therefore, how could one who knows jack shit about music ever in a million years put any stock, approval or acceptance into Rollling Stone Magazine's top 100 albums of all time list when it's highest Queen ranking could be no higher than 101 because not one album, including 'A Night At The Opera', made the cut??? The answer is, "Freddie proves to be the best, proving most music "critics" are really a joke, unimportant and insignificant to this world's media and culture. |
deleted user 17.09.2006 09:09 |
You see, the thing about critics is that they think that writing a negative review or saying something bad about a well-liked, sucessful, band/person/artist/actor/director/mother-in-law, will make them look smart - because anyone who doesn't agree is obviously not that intelligent, you know. I'm speaking in general here. I'm not opining one way or another about Freddie's solo stuff, since I've still not got my hands on it (except for the few songs that come with "regular" Queen products). This is my general experience from reading reviews by sneering critics in the paper. |
Penetration_Guru 17.09.2006 16:25 |
OOh, Mike's starting to twist and turn like a twisty turny thing in a twisty turny place at the most twisty turny time of day. First he says that "high sales = counteracting criticsm". I respond with "not high sales" He responds with "chart positions no measure of artistry" 2/10 Mike. Try and keep logic in the vicinity next time. |
Regor 17.09.2006 18:42 |
Penetration_Guru wrote: So while Barcelona (album) hit the dizzy heights of number 15, it was back out of the chart within 8 weeks. Both Flash Gordon & Hot Space had longer runs on the chart than that, and I'd call anyone that claimed the Flash album was successful a stepford.Slightly off topic: a soundtrack album with only 3 tracks with a commonly accepted "song structure", to a film that was only a medium hit in europe and a complete flop in the US. Result: Top 30 in america and Top 10 in the most important markets in europe. One of Queen's biggest single hits in germany at the time. Without being stepford, but under the given cricumstances it was quite successful. |
YourValentine 17.09.2006 20:56 |
"You see, the thing about critics is that they think that writing a negative review or saying something bad about a well-liked, sucessful, band/person/artist/actor/director/mother-in-law, will make them look smart - because anyone who doesn't agree is obviously not that intelligent, you know" That's a really unfair generalisation. Well liked and successful artists sometimes write real bad songs or books or make real bad movies or paintings. It's the right of the critic to call a bad book or painting bad. If you are interested in art, literature and music you will know the respected critics in your country and their reviews will help you to avoid spending your hard earned money on inferior products. Of course, there are useless critics in cheap tabloids but you really do not need to read them. |
Maz 17.09.2006 21:06 |
<font color=?B2F><b>Crezchi wrote: Yes you are correct, but here in the USA, back in 1993, we heard The great pretender & Living on my own on the radio constantly. :) The newer versions anyways.What USA did you live in? Not the same one I did, apparently. |
deleted user 17.09.2006 21:16 |
YourValentine wrote: "You see, the thing about critics is that they think that writing a negative review or saying something bad about a well-liked, sucessful, band/person/artist/actor/director/mother-in-law, will make them look smart - because anyone who doesn't agree is obviously not that intelligent, you know" That's a really unfair generalisation. Well liked and successful artists sometimes write real bad songs or books or make real bad movies or paintings. It's the right of the critic to call a bad book or painting bad. If you are interested in art, literature and music you will know the respected critics in your country and their reviews will help you to avoid spending your hard earned money on inferior products. Of course, there are useless critics in cheap tabloids but you really do not need to read them.I know they're not ALL bad... but... It's hard to find an "unbiased" oninion of anything in any of the papers or magazine's I read. For instance, I find that my opinion of a movie is usually opposite the review in "People Magazine". So, I suppose the remarkable consistancy is something to go by... I think it would be more constructive if a magazine or paper published reviews from two differnt critics (preferably opposing viewpoints). |
Smitty 17.09.2006 22:33 |
<font color=660066>Fredlilah<h6>12345678 wrote:I could see vivival having a heart attack after reading that...<b><font color="green">The Fairy King wrote:Of course. He's even got the lisp! :DLongLostMercury wrote:God is gay?verygood wrote: I never doubted that man, i always thought he was God.isnt he? :D |
mike hunt 18.09.2006 00:53 |
Mr guru, I'm not twisting anywhere. The fact remains, The new freddie DVD is #1 and the new best of debuted at #6. That seems like success to me. From a artistic point of view barcelona was a huge success like queen2 was, in that the general public don't get, but the album still has a fan base. Answer one question Mr. guru, Was barcelona (the song) a top ten hit twice?...if so, is that success?...Mr. bad guy had some great moments, but was inconsistent as a whole. I'm not arguing that, but one shaky album and one brilliant piece of art is not failure in my opinion. another question Mr. Guru, What do you think of the song in my defence?...and where did it place on the charts?...did it make the top ten? was it a genious vocal performance?....if so, does that make a success?....waiting for your reply Mr. guru! |
Penetration_Guru 18.09.2006 18:14 |
I'm sorry, your first criterion was sales, your second was artistic geniousitiness. Please specify which of these entirely separate criteria you would like to use in order to "prove" your point. |
mike hunt 19.09.2006 01:53 |
Mr. Guru, I'm using both artistic success and sales to prove my point. Both of those points are what success means. |
deleted user 19.09.2006 02:44 |
I always thought he was a musical god - but Lord and Jesus are still number one and I don't think that would ever change, maybe Freddie can be right behind them... He would like to be underneath them :P Or For Them To Be Ontop Of Him, Take Your Pic. |