Lester Burnham 19.04.2008 23:56 |
Let me preface this by saying that, as we all know, the Internet is pretty serious business, and Queenzone is the mecca of high-brow intelligence and discussion. (Also, I'm not drunk.) Anyway, I've recently taken a much-needed break from QZ, and have started to poke my head back in periodically to see if things have gotten better. And they haven't. What in the world is going on here where Treasure Moment, who is, by all accounts, a bully and a troll, is allowed to post threads promoting his shitty band and derailing otherwise half-decent conversations with his god-awful "Freddie is God AND THAT'S A FACT" bullshit? I remember years ago when Bryan's Permed Poodle was wreaking havoc on QZ with his "RIP QUEEN 1971 - 1991" and someone (maybe Barb?) very kindly sent him an email asking him to tone it down a little bit or he will be deleted. Because he was, at heart, a rational human being (just barely), he agreed to just go away and leave us be. And the QZers rejoiced! But now, absolutely nothing has been done regarding Treasure Moment. Yes, he has a right to post here, just like everyone does, but something's gotta give, for crying out loud. It's becoming an absolute nightmare to trawl through this place. (Yes, I'm aware that I partake in some of the Treasure Moment bashing, and that I egg him on. Don't ask me why, it's probably just because I like seeing the little idiot try to worm his way out of logical and rational discussion.) Two years and change ago, Barb started a thread that asked "What is wrong with the Queenzone community?". I have dug up that thread, because it's interesting to see... that absolutely nothing has been done. Here's the link (because I absolutely hate long links that stretch the page way across, making everything impossible to read, I've used Tiny URL!): link What can be done to fix this place? It's in DIRE DIRE DIRE need of some fixing, because as it stands now, this is just not an enjoyable place to be. I'm not saying we need to completely revamp the board (though we could at least start with deleting the extra 's' on "Messsage" in each post topic/reply page!), but there needs to be a stronger hand in what goes down here. I'm sure Richard is a busy guy these days, but to just hope that everything fixes itself by not taking any action just doesn't seem to be working anymore. And just so it doesn't seem like this thread is an angry whine against how things used to be, I will offer some suggestions: - Ask Treasure Moment to either shape up or ship out. He is the biggest offender, as far as I'm concerned, and it's just tiresome. - Actually, I still stand by what I posted back in November 2006: Lester Burnham wrote on November 21, 2006: I posted about this a few months ago, titled "A Modest Proposal", which people saw as typical idiocy on my part instead of what it was meant to be: satire. I certainly don't remember what it was about, and I have no intention of searching for it, but just observing this board recently, I do see that it's turned into a virtual chatroom with oversexed people (guys and girls, teenagers and young adults, etc.) going on about how lonely and/or horny they are. |
*Rain Must Fall* 20.04.2008 00:34 |
Good luck with it all Lester. A board is what it's members make it. |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 00:54 |
I have to agree with what Lester says. Unfortunately though I think the chances of things ever changing are slim to none. I understand that Richard wants no censorship on the forum, and that's fine.... it's his call. However, I really feel that the board needs to be updated (PHPBB3, which at most would take an hour to install and configure) so that you can block any user that you don't want to read posts from. Between the endless crap on here, and the constant problems with QOL there is no longer a good online fan community IMO. For those that are interested, just look at the features that PHPBB3 would offer us... link |
Serry... 20.04.2008 01:52 |
+1. As an alternative: hanging, censorship or sending people into nut colleges. I lived in the Soviet Union, I know technologies. You may trust me - it works. Or let's clone some more of P_Gs. And get back to the post counters. And let 'em links to QueenPedia, QueenConcerts, The Hub before register their accounts, "I agree with bla-bla-bla above, I'm over 18, bla-bla-bla" button and stuff. By the way it's 'Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour' here: link , but still 'Queen Tour 2005' inside: link |
***Marial-B*** 20.04.2008 03:53 |
Well... I've been seeing the progress of the decadence of this site. Lester, I really think that troll called Treasure Moment has an e-mail from one of the moderators in advice of what he has to change on attitude but he hasn't make any change at all. This has been over months and months that this person has been doing such a boring job to bug people over here. What has to change??? We should ignore him. I think I find less and less space to post nice things here than 3-4 years ago. And there's a lot of people who have tried to return, even MexQueenFM, but at the end nothing changes. I think it's more of an attitude. Lots of people have grown up here between posts, but lately everyone is concentrated on fighting Treasure Moment or Bradley(Innuendo1990) and his troll with a weird name. I still think we should ignore those people. I also still think Barb and Richard should choose a 3rd moderator that can spend more time here and take a bit of control about everything, or split the work between forums, 'cuz I know a lot of things can be written in just one day here, just in a simple thread. And what Pieter has just posted is really good, but, do you think some "radical" people would change this for emoticons, avatars and restrict moderators??? We should consider that maybe is still not an option and that would be when the frog grows hair on its back :P. |
YourValentine 20.04.2008 05:54 |
Yes I emailed Brians Permed Podle, Flaupjemaupje and various other people with some success. I deleted numerous "Treasure Moment" aliases who only want to stir up fights and are in fact aliases of normal users. Just to show you that it's not always one user who causes the problem, please read the following thread: link what about this link We need to be fair: not every useless thread is started by TM, not every thread by TM was actually started by the "actual" TM and not all threads started by him were crap from the start, some are turned into crap by the replies. I email TM and warn him but will anyone from the regular users help and start some interesting threads? We would need an effort to create interesting topics to outnumber the crap. There is so much we could discuss if we were not discouraged by the inevitable hijackers who destroy each discussion. We have so many witty and funny people on the board who do not contribute in a productive way because there is just not the proper environment. Who is interested in helping to make this board what it used to be? a place of intelligent and witty discussions and intersting topics? As to censorship - this is the situation: Richard hardly ever deletes anything, he is a passionate believer in self moderation. I have 2 options: I can delete a thread or delete a user. Both options are a very serious restriction of the freedom of speech and I don't do it for no good reason. We can subdivide the forums ad infinitum - this won't scare off the trolls, only peer pressure will. If a troll gets 35 replies but a normal topic gets only 5 replies - why in the world should someone not be a troll? It's impossible to "moderate" good topics into a forum, the users have to a) post interesting topics and b) ignore trolls. |
Winter Land Man 20.04.2008 06:29 |
I remember there used to be really great threads in the Queen section. Now it's full of discussion about Paul Rodgers and how no one likes him, or how others think he's perfect. There's also a lot of usless topics in other sections on here. I really think we should have a section/forum just for Paul Rodgers... I'm not against him and I haven't dis-respected him in any way, but I'm so tired of people saying he's great, or that he's not great and he's trying to be Freddie. It's bored me to death, it's hard to find real good topics in the Serious and General Queen sections because it's full of fighting about Paul Rodgers. I think it's time to make a forum about Queen + Paul Rodgers (I know you have one for the tour, but I think you need one for other discussions about their project). There's a lot of young Queen fans on here that probably only have Greatest Hits, or, downloaded all their songs on Limewire or something, and if that's what they want, that's what they want. What ever happened to people discussing rare singles and stuff? Now it's all about Paul Rodgers, or Face It Alone. I'm so bored with those topics and discussions. I wish there were more die hard Queen fans on this forum instead of teens, that as I said, probably just have Greatest Hits compilations, or mp3's from limewire. Keep in mind, there are a lot of hardcore Queen fans, but it's being over taken by people who don't know what they are talking about. I'm a big Queen fan, and I have been for quite some time. Obsessed even. But I don't go mouthing off about Paul Rodgers. I think Brian and Roger have the right to do what they like, and Paul Rodger's isn't bad at all. But I'm so sick of the endless discussions about him, of people claiming he's taking Freddie's place. I miss topics with serious Queen fans, who'd pay more attention about things in the past, than now. There's probably Queen fans on here now, that don't even know what a single is, and that's sad. I'm collect TONS of singles and albums by Queen, and the member's solo albums and singles as well. That's the kind of discussion I'd like to be in. I don't want to talk to people dissing Paul Rodgers. I don't know what to do about the non serious Queen fans though. But I think there should be a new section to talk about Queen + Paul Rodgers. |
Sweetie 20.04.2008 07:03 |
I wish I knew the old Qz... And I agree that this place could do with a change for the better... I really suppose my post is going to sound stupid and like I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I can't really say much because you said it all before. |
Serry... 20.04.2008 07:09 |
The freedom of speech... Great thing which exists (not everywhere though) in real life, but should we copy rules of real life into virtual life? Can I sue for the lie, insults and death threats someone called 'redspecialusa'? Or 'adventure_seeker'? Technically, yes, but let's face the truth - no. Can I do the same towards Joe Smith, 24 from Dallas? More chances actually. It's so easy to hide behind nicknames, aliases, proxy IPs in virtual life, but it's all almost impossible in real life. So again my question should we copy rules of real life into virtual life...? Maybe yes, but completely, not partially? |
john bodega 20.04.2008 07:40 |
Queenzone is fine. I like Treasure Moment. Those threads are the best; and seeing people's reactions to him is even funnier. To all the bright sparks, to the posters here that I genuinely respect; no one's stopping you from having intelligent discussion. The threads are a bit longer now, for all of the fucktards like theCro and kenny8 having their say, but Christ - just skip their posts and address each other. It's not hard. It's just like in real life when you blank someone. Piss easy, I do it all the time. |
Freya is quietly judging you. 20.04.2008 08:39 |
It would be great if all this happened, but, it's still as unlikely to happen now, as it was 2 years ago. Sadly, a long time ago I took the "if you can't beat them, join them" route. This has worked quite well for me. It would be great if Treasure Moment was deleted though. Even the most sensible people get inexplicably wound up by him. |
bitesthedust 20.04.2008 08:43 |
One thing I would make a point of stating is that those non-pro Queen+ fans, like myself should be allowed to make their opinion heard, providing it is done constructively and allowing an alternative viewpoint from their own. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 09:05 |
<b><font color=007788> ?Freya? wrote: It would be great if all this happened, but, it's still as unlikely to happen now, as it was 2 years ago. Sadly, a long time ago I took the "if you can't beat them, join them" route. This has worked quite well for me. It would be great if Treasure Moment was deleted though. Even the most sensible people get inexplicably wound up by him.it would be even greater if you got deleted you nazi + fake queen fan |
Freya is quietly judging you. 20.04.2008 09:19 |
You see, this is what I find funny. From that, he has deduced that not only am I a fake Queen fan, I'm also a nazi. It must be amazing to see what goes on in that little brain of his. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 09:37 |
<b><font color=007788> ?Freya? wrote: It must be amazing to see what goes on in that little brain of his.Something like this? link Except maybe less active. |
Lester Burnham 20.04.2008 09:43 |
Barb, I realize you need to be diplomatic in this situation, but ignoring the trolls isn't going to work. It just isn't. That attitude has been used for years, but it just isn't going to cut it anymore. You can't ask anyone to NOT reply to the trolls, because they always say something ludicrous like "shut up you should be deleted you nazi + fake queen fan". (By the way, how the hell is that not considered bullying and trolling? Exactly what are the guidelines here?) On ANY OTHER SITE, the instant Treasure Moment showed up and started with his bullshit, he would've gotten a warning, and if he didn't stop, he would've been banned. But it's been God knows how long since he's been menacing Queenzone, and still NOTHING has been done except for sending emails to him that clearly don't do anything. Yes, it's not ALWAYS Treasure Moment who does it, but the MAJORITY of the time it's Treasure Moment who does it. Can't there be a way to moderate (!!!) who signs up a fake account and then restrict them from doing so? Don't get me wrong, I like a good parody every now and then, but when the entire board is full of Treasure Moment wannabes, then it's just beyond absurd. The way to keep people here, and to bring back some of the old guard, is to get rid of some of the trash. If that doesn't happen, pretty soon everyone's going to leave, bringing about a new wave of people. The reality of it is, you can plead for the old people to come back, and they might, but once they catch sight of a halfway intelligent conversation disintegrating into either "FREDDIE IS GOD SHUT UP YOU SHEEP THAT'S A FACT" or "KICK PAUL OUT HE'S USELESS RIP QUEEN 1971 - 1991", then they're going to skedaddle and go somewhere else. I can't say that I'd blame them, either. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 10:26 |
Lester Burnham wrote: Barb, I realize you need to be diplomatic in this situation, but ignoring the trolls isn't going to work. It just isn't. That attitude has been used for years, but it just isn't going to cut it anymore. You can't ask anyone to NOT reply to the trolls, because they always say something ludicrous like "shut up you should be deleted you nazi + fake queen fan". (By the way, how the hell is that not considered bullying and trolling? Exactly what are the guidelines here?) On ANY OTHER SITE, the instant Treasure Moment showed up and started with his bullshit, he would've gotten a warning, and if he didn't stop, he would've been banned. But it's been God knows how long since he's been menacing Queenzone, and still NOTHING has been done except for sending emails to him that clearly don't do anything. Yes, it's not ALWAYS Treasure Moment who does it, but the MAJORITY of the time it's Treasure Moment who does it. Can't there be a way to moderate (!!!) who signs up a fake account and then restrict them from doing so? Don't get me wrong, I like a good parody every now and then, but when the entire board is full of Treasure Moment wannabes, then it's just beyond absurd. The way to keep people here, and to bring back some of the old guard, is to get rid of some of the trash. If that doesn't happen, pretty soon everyone's going to leave, bringing about a new wave of people. The reality of it is, you can plead for the old people to come back, and they might, but once they catch sight of a halfway intelligent conversation disintegrating into either "FREDDIE IS GOD SHUT UP YOU SHEEP THAT'S A FACT" or "KICK PAUL OUT HE'S USELESS RIP QUEEN 1971 - 1991", then they're going to skedaddle and go somewhere else. I can't say that I'd blame them, either.how about we get rid of you and freya who are acting like nazis? do you what freedom of speech is? you think you are so much better with your constant insults towards me? i see you as a troll too |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 10:27 |
<b><font color=007788> ?Freya? wrote: You see, this is what I find funny. From that, he has deduced that not only am I a fake Queen fan, I'm also a nazi. It must be amazing to see what goes on in that little brain of his.no matter how stupid and ignorant i think you are, do you see me demanding you to get banned? no because im not a nazi and i see you just as a little ignorant and not so smart kid. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 11:04 |
Treasure Moment wrote: no matter how stupid and ignorant i think you are, do you see me demanding you to get banned? no because im not a naziHAHAHAHA :) Treasure Moment, I've got a surprise for you. Treasure Moment wrote: how about we get rid of you and freya who are acting like nazis? Treasure Moment wrote: it would be even greater if you got deleted you nazi + fake queen fanYou silly, silly cunt. You can't even make your mind up for the duration of one page of one thread. Hilarious :) |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 11:09 |
<font color=#FF66FF><b>Marial-B wrote: And what Pieter has just posted is really good, but, do you think some "radical" people would change this for emoticons, avatars and restrict moderators??? We should consider that maybe is still not an option and that would be when the frog grows hair on its back :P.I'm not talking about more moderation with PHPBB3, but it would allow people to "self moderate". If a user gets on your nerves you can personally ignore that user. Everybody else can still see them. PHPBB also has flood control which would stop idiots who feel the need spam the board now and again. It's not about avatars or emoticons, it's about a board that has a search that works, where you can ignore people who annoy you, and finally offer private messaging between users. |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 11:11 |
Serry... wrote: The freedom of speech... Great thing which exists (not everywhere though) in real life, but should we copy rules of real life into virtual life? Can I sue for the lie, insults and death threats someone called 'redspecialusa'? Or 'adventure_seeker'? Technically, yes, but let's face the truth - no. Can I do the same towards Joe Smith, 24 from Dallas? More chances actually. It's so easy to hide behind nicknames, aliases, proxy IPs in virtual life, but it's all almost impossible in real life. So again my question should we copy rules of real life into virtual life...? Maybe yes, but completely, not partially?I agree with you 100%. Great post. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 11:16 |
Zebonka12 wrote:no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Treasure Moment wrote: no matter how stupid and ignorant i think you are, do you see me demanding you to get banned? no because im not a naziHAHAHAHA :) Treasure Moment, I've got a surprise for you.Treasure Moment wrote: how about we get rid of you and freya who are acting like nazis?Treasure Moment wrote: it would be even greater if you got deleted you nazi + fake queen fanYou silly, silly cunt. You can't even make your mind up for the duration of one page of one thread. Hilarious :) |
YourValentine 20.04.2008 11:25 |
Lester - if I knew how to make the boards better within the rules of the website owner I would certainly do it. I just cannot do it all by myself, I even get tired of being blamed all the time. I am tired of being told how crappy the boards are and the reason is not the users - no - it's the lack of moderation. I am tired of being told that people are too good to post here because they have a life and how pathetic people are who still defend the board. I am tired of being called lazy, inattentive, uncaring, and whatnot. Okay - I can delete TM and Jake Britt and people who start the 345th "random" thread but there will still be someone offended by something another user posts and claim that the other user should be banned. After getting this off my chest and getting over the frustration to have to do this on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I want to explain myself one more time, because I respect you, Georg and I want you to understand. I cannot keep anybody from creating a new TM alias - when I see one I have to manually look it up and delete it. The software does not allow for banning IPs or IP ranges, it all has to be done manually. I make a copy of the deleted account, so if someone keeps creating such fake accounts I can notify his provider and get him in trouble for illegally spamming the website. The same goes for trolls, I have a troll list which makes it possible to take action if a troll should create more accounts than I can handle. I do warn people, I plead with people, I threaten people, I move around topics, I delete topics with illegal content, I delete obvious troll accounts. I keep track of all these activities in order to avoid mistakes and accidentally delete a harmless bystander. The fun in all these activities is zero. I would appreciate if regular users could restrain from answering obvious trolling threads and just let them slip into neverland instead of replying 3 times and show indignation and ask for banning and deleting. When I receive an email from a user with a complaint I ALWAYS answer. Maybe not the way the user wants me to answer but I always answer and explain why I cannot help if I cannot help. In many cases I can help. It's not okay that users suffer distress on the board from other users but to ask me to take sides in a fight between Freya and TM is asked to much - I am the frightened one here!! I also do not meddle into fights between P Rodgers pro and cons - it's just not worth my time, everybody has the right to voice their opinion - and Jake: there is a Queen + Paul Rodgers forum. To make a long story short: yes I do care a lot about this board, I invest a lot of my free time although I enjoy more to upload pics and fan covers, answer emails, or write a quiz - sadly I have hardly any time for this lately. I am eternally grateful for any good advice and helpful comment. I cannot write another board - that would be up to Richard but I think he likes his board, it has not crashed once since 2001. |
Freya is quietly judging you. 20.04.2008 11:28 |
...This whole freedom of speech thing is great, but only to an extent. To regular members and normal people, who know how the site works and are happy to stay within the boundaries, it works brilliantly. However, you have to remember not everybody is normal and not everybody is going to abide by the rules and self moderate and people take advantage of being able to write whatever they want. This is fine until it starts annoying regular posters, the people who keep the site active and the people that post the most and get enjoyment out of the site. That's when a user should be deleted - freedom of speech or not. Others have been deleted for this kind of thing, and I think this has been going on for far too long. It's not fair on us that every time we log on we have to go through all this "FACT SHEEP DMT I HATE YOU" crap, and not only that - the personal attacks, before we get to anything even mildly interesting. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 11:28 |
Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
Winter Land Man 20.04.2008 11:32 |
Zebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 11:35 |
Zebonka12 wrote:you are a confused child zebonka :) i never demanded anybody to get banned FIRST. I just said the same thing back to those particular people who wanted me banned.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 11:37 |
Jacob Britt wrote:stop being so damn sensetiveZebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 11:37 |
Jacob Britt wrote:Ugh. First I had assdude chasing me from thread to thread, now I've got you. Fantastic.Zebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 11:39 |
Treasure Moment wrote: you are a confused child zebonka :) i never demanded anybody to get banned FIRST. I just said the same thing back to those particular people who wanted me banned.*ahem* There is absolutely no confusion here. I did not say you said anything 'FIRST', as if it matters. The point is that you said it at all. I know that 'an eye for an eye' might be how they do things in Uppsala, but this is a thread about improving Queenzone. Your ideal response to people saying you should be banned could be, "I'm sorry for annoying you, I will try to be a better forum member". Or you could fuck off. Either or. |
Lester Burnham 20.04.2008 11:40 |
Barb, please don't misinterpret my comments. I know of the hard work you do, and I know you get the short end of the stick periodically. I do not think you're lazy, inattentive, or uncaring, and I would never, ever think to say that. I respect you very much, and I do think it's unfair you have to deal with this shit all the time. You are the unsung hero, because you do a lot more than anyone will ever know. I don't like to tell people how to do their job, because I sure as hell hate it when people tell me how to do mine. But Richard's laissez-faire approach to Queenzone is becoming detrimental. Just because the board hasn't crashed since 2001 doesn't make it automatically superior to anything that exists out there. I have the technical know-how of an amoeba, so I'm not really the one who can say anything about PHPBPBPBPBPBP boards or how great they are, but maybe a little bit of a shake-up is due? Why not ask someone else to help out with "moderation", so that some of the tension can be taken off your shoulders? If the software for the board is so archaic, where you have to manually do all those things while searching for a troll or duplicate account, then why not ask Richard for an upgrade? Surely the ease with which moderator(s) are able to do their job better and endure less headaches (and less bitchy threads like the one I've started) is more important than knowing the board hasn't crashed since 2001? Regarding Treasure Moment, yes, I know it would be grand if we could all ignore him, but we can't. There's just no way to do it. (That would be easier with an "ignore" feature, of course, but it's unlikely that will ever appear.) It's like standing in a crowded room where people are quietly and rationally discussing something, and then all of a sudden, some raving lunatic runs in and starts screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs. You want to ignore him, but it's disrupting your discussion! So you kindly ask him to stop yelling so loudly, but he doesn't, and then the requests for him to shut up get louder and more obscene, until the entire room is yelling at each other and all order has been lost. Anyway, I'm not sure that I could offer any more suggestions than what I've already offered, but there ARE people here who would be happy to help, especially if it means returning QZ to a decent place to be. And again, Barb, I DO appreciate all the work you do, and anyone who says otherwise is just ignorant. And THAT'S A FACT. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 11:41 |
Zebonka12 wrote:or i have the right to speak my mind as you and if it doesnt suit you too badTreasure Moment wrote: you are a confused child zebonka :) i never demanded anybody to get banned FIRST. I just said the same thing back to those particular people who wanted me banned.*ahem* There is absolutely no confusion here. I did not say you said anything 'FIRST', as if it matters. The point is that you said it at all. I know that 'an eye for an eye' might be how they do things in Uppsala, but this is a thread about improving Queenzone. Your ideal response to people saying you should be banned could be, "I'm sorry for annoying you, I will try to be a better forum member". Or you could fuck off. Either or. |
Winter Land Man 20.04.2008 11:43 |
Zebonka12 wrote:I'm not chasing you thread to thread.Jacob Britt wrote:Ugh. First I had assdude chasing me from thread to thread, now I've got you. Fantastic.Zebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 11:48 |
Treasure Moment wrote: or i have the right to speak my mind as you and if it doesnt suit you too badAs I've said before, I find it highly entertaining when you speak your mind. Just pick an opinion and stick with it. If you're not a 'Nazi', then surely you wouldn't ban anyone for having an opinion; even someone who's just said 'Ban Treasure Moment?' Fair is fair, hey! |
.Jony. 20.04.2008 11:49 |
get a life |
john bodega 20.04.2008 12:02 |
.Jony. wrote: get a lifeWho the fuck are you, then? Unless you're a firefighter, mountain climber, baby-saver or TJ Hooker, you really aren't in a position to utter those words anywhere outside of a Dungeons and Dragons meet. |
Donna13 20.04.2008 12:15 |
Zebonka12 wrote:Can everyone else hear the Indiana Jones theme music in this post? (Zebonka's, I mean. Haha.)Jacob Britt wrote:Ugh. First I had assdude chasing me from thread to thread, now I've got you. Fantastic.Zebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 12:23 |
YourValentine wrote: I cannot write another board - that would be up to Richard but I think he likes his board, it has not crashed once since 2001.It may not have crashed, but there are numerous problems. I am sure some of these are things that cause a headache for you too. Posts appearing out of order, and the lack of a good search are just 2 of the issues. Banning an IP should be a simple process, and it's sounds like it's a hassle every time you need to do it. I just wish Richard would be open to the idea of looking into an alternative that would makes things easier for everybody. |
***Marial-B*** 20.04.2008 12:42 |
PieterMC wrote:Still, it will help us to reorganize what we want to see or ignore, but we still can do it, and I don't see Richard changing his mind about changing the conception of the forum Pieter. Still your idea is what I think most of us like, including me.<font color=#FF66FF><b>Marial-B wrote: And what Pieter has just posted is really good, but, do you think some "radical" people would change this for emoticons, avatars and restrict moderators??? We should consider that maybe is still not an option and that would be when the frog grows hair on its back :P.I'm not talking about more moderation with PHPBB3, but it would allow people to "self moderate". If a user gets on your nerves you can personally ignore that user. Everybody else can still see them. PHPBB also has flood control which would stop idiots who feel the need spam the board now and again. It's not about avatars or emoticons, it's about a board that has a search that works, where you can ignore people who annoy you, and finally offer private messaging between users. |
***Marial-B*** 20.04.2008 13:06 |
YourValentine wrote: Lester - if I knew how to make the boards better within the rules of the website owner I would certainly do it. I just cannot do it all by myself, I even get tired of being blamed all the time. I am tired of being told how crappy the boards are and the reason is not the users - no - it's the lack of moderation. I am tired of being told that people are too good to post here because they have a life and how pathetic people are who still defend the board. I am tired of being called lazy, inattentive, uncaring, and whatnot. Okay - I can delete TM and Jake Britt and people who start the 345th "random" thread but there will still be someone offended by something another user posts and claim that the other user should be banned.Barb, we all do understand you. I know more about you moderating this and I haven't seen Richard that a lot. I mean: you are the one answering our complains, talking with most of us and being more active here than Richard. He's already a cool guy for doing this thing and sharing it with us from all around the world. I've met people here, I met my actual bf here, I have been here since 2002, I begged once to be deleted and accomplisehd it (which was the most stupid thing I've done in this forum), so we aren't complaining neither about you and nor Richard, we just want to find a soultion. The Random threads are not that bad, I think the ones using it know the purpose: compiling the nonsense on the same thread and not spreading it in different threads. Remember the time when every single newbie posted a "Hello..." or an "I love you..." thread??? I don't see that from a long while now on the Personal Forum. The only thing that bugs all the forum is TM and the people posing as him. But like I said, I just ignore the guy and move on, and check something else. The thing is that sometimes there's nothing interesting to check or post on. I miss people like Caspar around here. He would bring subjects who would be like a chaos when a fight started in one of his threads, but his words had something behind and were thought. Not these TM threads that he can't defend himself and just say everyone is brainwashed or is a troll. I miss people like Alex here also, although he won't agree on what is going on here. I even miss the cookies sometimes!!! When Jake brought the Arlene subject, I thought "Why not all the trolls do something productive like that nutcase before she was about to get the money from Sasha???" She was productive in some way, specially when she became the QZ journalist. Of course people come and go, and that's something that we can't help. But we can do some work when there's a huge lack of respect like the one we're watching nowadays. It's not the freedom of speech, is the lack of respect that is surrounding this board lately. If there's a way to moderate that we should suggest it like Lester and Pieter did, and not be with our arms crossed and let this happen. |
AspiringPhilosophe 20.04.2008 14:01 |
I also applaud Barb for the crap that she has to deal with when it comes to this forum. Not too long after I came here I saw Lester's original thread about the decline in quality of QZ. These complaints have been tossed around forever. The reason I joined this forum was something similar to Lester: I wanted to make new friends and have intelligent conversation. I have been able to do that, to a certain extent here. The follow advice I would like to caveat: It is in no way meant to be demeaning to anyone. Heaven knows I'm guilty of spending a lot of time on this board as well. These complaints will go on forever. People, we need to remember that this is JUST an internet forum. No one should take it seriously enough that they are hurt by anything said here, no matter how bad it is. There are far more serious things in life to deal with. Just as in real life, we cannot control the idiots. I don't mind responding to some of TM's threads simply to sharpen my logic skills and hopefully impress some logic on him. But when he doesn't take it, when he calls me names or accuses me of being a sheep or being stupid, I don't get all bent out of shape about it. He's just a moron anyway, and it's not worth my time. That being said, there are a lot of immature threads posted here...but think about the average age of the posters here; teenagers. What exactly are you expecting? It's only the rare few teenagers who are mature enough to hold intellectual conversation. Some here can do that, but the bulk of them are just immature teenage idiots crying out for attention. Consequently, those are the same people posting the most threads, because guess what? They have the most free time to be able to post (at school and at home). Those of us who are mature enough to hold the kind of conversations that we enjoy have lives outside of this forum. Maybe the technology change that could be made to make it easier to ignore people would help, but I don't have a problem ignoring people who are a waste of my time. The best way to have intelligent conversation is simply to start one, and when some idiot like TM tries to derail it, treat him like the four year old he is acting like...ignore him. However, I have also noticed that many of the "serious topic" threads are NEVER responded to by anyone but the same people. Myself, MagicalFreddieMercury, Microwave, Barb, Sir GH on occasion and some others I can't name right now occasionally keep them going. But don't complain about a lack of serious topics when the ones that are started quickly sink into oblivion because no one wants to discuss them. (You'll notice that a good serious topic thread is here about the polygamy case in Texas, and I can count on 1 hand the number of different posters who have responded) Of course you'll see more of the crap posts that way. If you want serious conversation and serious topics, then respond to them when they are brought up to keep them alive. If you don't, don't whine when they quickly disappear. If there are people out there who want an environment isolated from the idiots in which to discuss things, then create it yourself and keep strict tabs on who can come in. This forum is representative of the real world; more idiots than intelligent people. Don't wait for circumstances to change that, it won't happen. "You have to be the change you want to see in the world" said Ghandi. Remember that. If you don't like the environment here, then create one you can live with, tell your like minded friends about it and enjoy it. Don't rail against the stupidity on an open forum; there is no point because the stupidity will not go away. Either ignore it or hide yourself from it. It is entirely up to the person in question how they respond to this forum. If you want to keep participating here and keep in touch with friends here, then you have to take the bad with the good and learn to deal. If you chose to leave, it was yo |
Lester Burnham 20.04.2008 14:24 |
I know it's an Internet forum. I myself have said that in the past, especially when some of the other posters are incapable of making the distinction. When I close my browser, I don't think of Queenzone anymore. It doesn't occupy my thoughts, its decline doesn't keep me up at night, and I don't go to a therapist to complain about the way it used to be and ask for advice on how to deal with the community. But this is an escape for some, and a way to meet people for others, but, most importantly, it's a way to discuss a band that we love. Is it so much to ask that the riff-raff be dealt with? Evidently so. I have tried in the past to start thought-provoking threads. Hell, if you search for "Lester's Album Discussion", you'll see that that was my own contribution to spiffing up the place. It worked for a while, and others started their own intelligent threads, but now it's pretty hit or miss. Anyway, I just wanted to get some discussion going, to see what the general consensus is here regarding the board. But when the attitude of the site's owner is to stay the course and let it all sort itself out, then I guess what I'm doing is futile. I do not fault Barb, and no one else should, because her efforts really should be applauded. She does a hell of a lot of work with so few resources, and good on her for that. But to assume that the majority of Queenzone will ignore the idiots is unrealistic, as is evident by the way people have responded to Treasure Moment in this very thread. (Not a slight against Zebonka, who is one of the few people here who is able to have a corking sense of humor yet still contribute intelligently to a discussion.) Yes, it is an Internet forum. I get that. We all get that. But why can't we have some kind of standard to make it an enjoyable place? |
@ndy38 20.04.2008 14:30 |
I concur with my fellow historian, it is JUST an internet forum. People take things far too seriously in this place. Yes, trolls do exist, but they haven't stopped intellectual/general/personal topics and discussions from occuring. Surely such a thing can be ignored completely? I think it's safe to say that these forums will never be fully moderated, so unfortunately you have to make do. Ignore the spammers and trolls then you will enjoy the board. If people choose to respond then that's the main problem. It's very typical of people on here to complain about the trolls....but then you see the same person that had complained previously respond to a topic a troll has started, where's the sense in that? |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 14:32 |
Historygirl and lester, get over yourselves. you are not smart ONE BIT. I actually see you 2 as extremely stupid and naive and thats my opinion of you 2. |
.Jony. 20.04.2008 14:33 |
Zebonka12 wrote:dungeons and dragons? oh my god i'm going to pretend i didnt hear that.Jony. wrote: get a lifeWho the fuck are you, then? Unless you're a firefighter, mountain climber, baby-saver or TJ Hooker, you really aren't in a position to utter those words anywhere outside of a Dungeons and Dragons meet. oops....failed |
Poo, again 20.04.2008 14:55 |
.Jony. wrote:How can you hear with your eyes?Zebonka12 wrote:dungeons and dragons? oh my god i'm going to pretend i didnt hear that oops....failed.Jony. wrote: get a lifeWho the fuck are you, then? Unless you're a firefighter, mountain climber, baby-saver or TJ Hooker, you really aren't in a position to utter those words anywhere outside of a Dungeons and Dragons meet. |
YourValentine 20.04.2008 14:57 |
First thank you guys for the kind words, it makes me feel like I was fishing for compliments - maybe I even sounded more defensive than I actually feel. I also have to defend Richard who is not too stupid or dismissive to create another board - there are other reasons which are not my business to discuss. I agree with everything Maggie said, it's exactly my own position but I would like to improve the conditions for the good people of Queenzone if I knew how I can do it. Just look at this very thread: Zebonka, Jake, jony (who?) Donna13, Treasure Moment - a bunch of hijackers with no respect for people who want to discuss a topic which does not interest them - You guys make the problem over-evident. Would you yell immature crap into other peoples' conversation in real life? Just get out of this thread. I agree with Marial that the random thread is not a problem, it's easy to avoid, I always thought there may well be a place for just random stuff. |
Treasure Moment 20.04.2008 15:06 |
YourValentine wrote: First thank you guys for the kind words, it makes me feel like I was fishing for compliments - maybe I even sounded more defensive than I actually feel. I also have to defend Richard who is not too stupid or dismissive to create another board - there are other reasons which are not my business to discuss. I agree with everything Maggie said, it's exactly my own position but I would like to improve the conditions for the good people of Queenzone if I knew how I can do it. Just look at this very thread: Zebonka, Jake, jony (who?) Donna13, Treasure Moment - a bunch of hijackers with no respect for people who want to discuss a topic which does not interest them - You guys make the problem over-evident. Would you yell immature crap into other peoples' conversation in real life? Just get out of this thread. I agree with Marial that the random thread is not a problem, it's easy to avoid, I always thought there may well be a place for just random stuff.how would you react if all of these people talked shit about you and disrespected you and called you all sorts of stuff? Im just saying what i think like anyone else and these people think they have the right to change my mind and words? they claim im a troll and stupid while they are doing the EXACT same things back to me, calling me names and stupid. They see me as stupid and i see them as stupid, nothing more to it than that. |
john bodega 20.04.2008 16:02 |
YourValentine wrote: F Just look at this very thread: Zebonka, Jake, jony (who?) Donna13, Treasure Moment - a bunch of hijackers with no respect for people who want to discuss a topic which does not interest them - You guys make the problem over-evident. Would you yell immature crap into other peoples' conversation in real life? Just get out of this thread.Ordinarily I would've stayed right-the-fuck out, but I just had to figure out what Treasure Moment meant with the Nazi thing. I've never understood the term 'hijacking' anyway. Conversations are fluid. Hijacking a conversation is like trying to wrestle with a stream. |
.Jony. 20.04.2008 16:12 |
<font color=pink>Poo wrote:i said i DIDN'T hear it (or tried to, but then i uttered those words in total disbelief)...learn to read cowboy.Jony. wrote:How can you hear with your eyes?Zebonka12 wrote:dungeons and dragons? oh my god i'm going to pretend i didnt hear that oops....failed.Jony. wrote: get a lifeWho the fuck are you, then? Unless you're a firefighter, mountain climber, baby-saver or TJ Hooker, you really aren't in a position to utter those words anywhere outside of a Dungeons and Dragons meet. |
Maz 20.04.2008 16:53 |
I like Pieter's idea of a new board that would allow for self-moderation, which this thread itself shows the very need for. I hate having to scroll through comments by idiots with nothing but insults to say in order to read the thought-out replies. The occasional silly thread is fine, and at times welcome, but anymore I can't keep up with most users because of the vast amount of tripe around. I also realize that it is easy for me to say "come up with a new board" when I don't have to do it myself. I appreciate what Barb does and the work she puts into this board. Perhaps a board with more self-moderation would alleviate her work some, and should be discussed. |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 17:47 |
Maz wrote: Perhaps board with more self-moderation would alleviate her work some, and should be discussed.It's something I am more than willing to help Richard with. More than anything I think that new board would help Barb out a great deal. Another great benefit would be that accounts can only be created using a valid email address, as you would need to activate your account by clicking on a link in a registration email. |
emrabt 20.04.2008 18:00 |
Treasure Moment wrote: lester, get over yourselves. you are not smart ONE BIT. I actually see you 2 as extremely stupid and naive and thats my opinion of you 2.um...... how many books have you had published? |
PieterMC 20.04.2008 18:00 |
Felixk wrote: Who do you think you are to attack Barb's way of handling the forum? You motherfuckers! Andres Guazelli has just been here almost pledging for people to either ask questions about or make contributions and sugestions to the book he's writing on Freddie's voice, and there was not a single one of these cocksuckers (sorry) who showed up to discuss. Where were you, Lester Burnham, you pretentious cocksucker? You didn't show up. Where were you when Steve and Sebastian carried on one of the most interesting discussiong about Queen's music that has taken place here lately? Where the hell were you, cocksuckers!!!! Bastards! You son of a bitch claim you want the so-called "serious topic", but when they DO arise, and when they ARE ABOUT QUEEN'S MUSIC, you all shut up, you motherfucker, cocksuckers, bastards! Sebastian talks to the air here. There's no fucking Lester or SirGH or Microwave to discuss on his level. But these are the people who are always disdaining the forum. Where are these people when Queen's music is discussed seriously? They fucking disappear because they KNOW SHIT ABOUT MUSIC. SHIT. They can't understand a single post by Sebastian. So go to hell, cocksuckers! That Yara, she's such a scum, such a bitch, she should have been banned for ruining the most interesting discussions we have had lately with her teenage arrogant ignorant shit. Cocksuckers! Phillistines! Let Barb alone, she does what she can. It's YOU who do not contribute. Do you want to make the forum a better place? STOP ANSWERING TO TROLLS, WHO ARE AT THE SAME LEVEL AS YOU, AND START ANSWERING TO THE GOOD THREADS, OK? You shit! Bastards! Hypocrits! Scum of the earth, cocksuckers!A fine example of the problem. Nobody ever said Barb was the problem. |
Lady Nyx 20.04.2008 18:13 |
Felixk wrote: Who do you think you are to attack Barb's way of handling the forum? You motherfuckers! Andres Guazelli has just been here almost pledging for people to either ask questions about or make contributions and sugestions to the book he's writing on Freddie's voice, and there was not a single one of these cocksuckers (sorry) who showed up to discuss. Where were you, Lester Burnham, you pretentious cocksucker? You didn't show up. Where were you when Steve and Sebastian carried on one of the most interesting discussiong about Queen's music that has taken place here lately? Where the hell were you, cocksuckers!!!! Bastards! You son of a bitch claim you want the so-called "serious topic", but when they DO arise, and when they ARE ABOUT QUEEN'S MUSIC, you all shut up, you motherfucker, cocksuckers, bastards! Sebastian talks to the air here. There's no fucking Lester or SirGH or Microwave to discuss on his level. But these are the people who are always disdaining the forum. Where are these people when Queen's music is discussed seriously? They fucking disappear because they KNOW SHIT ABOUT MUSIC. SHIT. They can't understand a single post by Sebastian. So go to hell, cocksuckers! That Yara, she's such a scum, such a bitch, she should have been banned for ruining the most interesting discussions we have had lately with her teenage arrogant ignorant shit. Cocksuckers! Phillistines! Let Barb alone, she does what she can. It's YOU who do not contribute. Do you want to make the forum a better place? STOP ANSWERING TO TROLLS, WHO ARE AT THE SAME LEVEL AS YOU, AND START ANSWERING TO THE GOOD THREADS, OK? You shit! Bastards! Hypocrits! Scum of the earth, cocksuckers!....so calling people names and generalizing is going to make things better? |
LozlanTheMage 20.04.2008 18:23 |
It's nice to see an active and intelligent debate on Queenzone. This is, of course, in despite of Treasure Moment's abusive tirades and Jony(?)'s spontaneous malignance. I admit I'm an occasional poster, user, etc. This is largely due to the level of antagonistic and abusive back-and-forth blah QZ is capable of producing - this site sports more barnacles than a sperm whale's snout. I do visit often, and find myself chuckling along to the more obscene and inflammatory threads. But I don't think macabre amusement should be the goal of any serious internet message board. All precepts of free posting aside, some levels of moderation are required under any circumstances. Even the most happy, productive and rich fan communities can be bogged down by roving trolls and spammers. QZ, at first glance, seems a practice in establishing a thwarted fannish utopia: come one, come all is a noble sentiment, but said philosophy must be coupled with a stern and protective administrator's eye. Of course the trolls will scream and bellow as they are cast into the void. However, I do not frequent internet chat boards searching for personal abuse. The level of dumb-ass antagonism on these boards has largely prevented my active participation; usually when I post I'm responding to someone's moronic rambling. While poking a monkey with a stick is an amusing pastime, it can hardly be confused with productivity or earnest discourse. |
LozlanTheMage 20.04.2008 18:23 |
StoneColdClassicQueen 20.04.2008 18:39 |
What is the topic again??? I don't even know anymore. Too many people are fighting on here :/ |
QueenMercury46 20.04.2008 19:14 |
StoneColdClassicQueen wrote: What is the topic again??? I don't even know anymore. Too many people are fighting on here :/That's how most queenzone topics turn out. |
QueenMercury46 20.04.2008 19:17 |
I don't think there should even be a question of "fairness" because it's obvious that Treasure Moment just causes trouble everywhere, and it's obvious that he's a dimwit. I don't understand why it's so hard to ban the dumbass and put a stop to all the complaining. Nobody likes him. It would be more fair to everyone else combined than unfair to him. |
Freya is quietly judging you. 20.04.2008 19:27 |
Felixk wrote: From It's clear from what he has writen, this cocksucker son of a bitch bastard ignorant arrogant who doesn't know shit about music, COCKSUCKER! Phillistine! Plague of Egypt, scum of the earth, arrogant piece of shit!That insult didn't really go anywhere, did it? |
Freya is quietly judging you. 20.04.2008 20:05 |
I feel you have an unhealthy obsession with Sebastian. That be all. |
Erin 20.04.2008 20:26 |
Felixk wrote: I just think that those who pretend they want something better are just seeking an excuse to get a particular member banned. Read my previous replies, please. Barb is the solution, not part of the problem. Thanks, Barbfanatic.Where were people insulting Barb? I'm sure most everyone appreciates the work she does. I would like a better board not because I want someone banned, but because it's time for QZ to step into the 21st century. :-S |
Lord Kinbote 20.04.2008 21:54 |
Jacob Britt wrote:Disagreed (with Jacob Britt, that is).Zebonka12 wrote:You two both have problems. That's one of the things that ruins Queenzone.Treasure Moment wrote: no you silly transvestite :) i didnt demand them to get banned FIRST, i just said the same thing they did AFTER they demanded me to get banned, see the difference?Nope. No difference. You still can't make your fucking mind up. What, so it's okay for you to say who should get banned? But not okay for us? Hahaha. Fuck, you dig yourself deeper in every post. I can't believe there are people who want you banned. You're funnier than Phelps. In the time that I have lurked here on Queenzone (weeks, months; I just don't know anymore), I have come to realize that both Zebonka and Treasure Moment are valuable contributors, albeit for different reasons. Zebonka has proved to be witty to no end, while TM is . . . principled. Neither of them "ruin" Queenzone, unless you consider them to be interrupting the serious conversation going on here. I'll shut up now. |
Lester Burnham 21.04.2008 01:03 |
Felixk, You're fun -- I think I'll keep you :) |
Yara 21.04.2008 01:36 |
Felixk wrote: So go to hell, .......! That Yara, she's such a ..., such a ...., she should have been banned for ruining the most interesting discussions we have had lately with her teenage arrogant ignorant ... ....! Phillistines! Let Barb alone, she does what she can. It's YOU who do not contribute. Do you want to make the forum a better place? STOP ANSWERING TO TROLLS, WHO ARE AT THE SAME LEVEL AS YOU, AND START ANSWERING TO THE GOOD THREADS, OK? You ...! ...! Hypocrits! ... of the earth, ...!Oi, Félix. O e-mail que eu lhe enviei retornou, não sei por quê. Mandei para os dois endereços. Será que você poderia me enviar um, com seu novo endereço, para conversarmos melhor? Não é de bom tom usar o fórum do site para tratar de desavenças pessoais, certo? Te cuida, Yara. |
Treasure Moment 21.04.2008 02:11 |
<font color="sky blue">QueenMercury46 wrote: I don't think there should even be a question of "fairness" because it's obvious that Treasure Moment just causes trouble everywhere, and it's obvious that he's a dimwit. I don't understand why it's so hard to ban the dumbass and put a stop to all the complaining. Nobody likes him. It would be more fair to everyone else combined than unfair to him.who says anyone likes you? who are you to say who gets banned? stfu and mind your own business. |
The Mir@cle 21.04.2008 03:01 |
PieterMC wrote:This isn't a bad idea at all!Maz wrote: Perhaps board with more self-moderation would alleviate her work some, and should be discussed.It's something I am more than willing to help Richard with. More than anything I think that new board would help Barb out a great deal. Another great benefit would be that accounts can only be created using a valid email address, as you would need to activate your account by clicking on a link in a registration email. And please people... ignore that Treasure thing. As soon as no-one answers him, there will be no reason to be here any longer. |
Treasure Moment 21.04.2008 05:30 |
<font color=#CC0066 face="Bradley Hand ITC"> The Mir@cle </font> wrote:there is no reason for you to be here either you stupid idiot.PieterMC wrote:This isn't a bad idea at all! And please people... ignore that Treasure thing. As soon as no-one answers him, there will be no reason to be here any longer.Maz wrote: Perhaps board with more self-moderation would alleviate her work some, and should be discussed.It's something I am more than willing to help Richard with. More than anything I think that new board would help Barb out a great deal. Another great benefit would be that accounts can only be created using a valid email address, as you would need to activate your account by clicking on a link in a registration email. |
Donna13 21.04.2008 09:15 |
I apologize if I am considered to be highjacking a thread with my one line of text. But it is not the first time in my life someone has accused me of not respecting others. So, I guess I just have to accept that as part of my personality and try to improve myself. Ha. I would like to say a few things, if Lester is still up for it. My first comment is that ever since I joined this group, I have read threads from those "older" board members complaining about the decline of the board and how they miss certain people who used to post here. That is not rude at all. That is perfectly nice - to miss those who don't post anymore. But then the threads escalate into blaming certain individuals or certain groups of individuals (the teens, for example) for the decline, naming names - oh, plenty of names are named. Everyone must come up with a list (the prime activity of some here anyway) of who is acceptable and who is not. Of course they will always put their own name on the acceptable list. This is so irritating and rude and really - that is a form of immaturity (a very good example of immaturity, actually) - to think that one's own personality is superior and that one's own idea of interesting topics is the rule that should be followed. Everyone is different here. Everyone has something interesting to say (to me anyway). One example that is always brought up regarding the so-called decline of Queenzone is the random thoughts thread. Well, if you ever read that thread for a certain period of days, you will realize that it is a very interesting mini-blog of those who use that thread. From that thread I have learned many interesting things about the lives of certain Queenzoners. Freya, for example, is becoming famous worldwide for this carrot buying idea. Joxer is a very funny philosopher. He should have a newspaper column or a radio show. It's A Hard Life attends all the concerts in the London area - her messages are really an excellent mini-blog of the music scene there. Zebonka is recently also in the random thoughts thread. Everyone knows I am a fan of his. And HistoryGirl also posts many interesting comments in that thread regarding her experiences as a grad student. Lady Nyx (Sparrow) has recorded an album, I think. I don't think any of this is something to shun or be fearful of reading. As for Treasure Moment, I think he is alright. I got a little mixed up with the fake Treasure Moment, and I should not have called the real Treasure Moment a crazy person. I don't mind him - I really don't. Some of his threads are on the strange side (the alien baby, and Americans in danger). But I shouldn't have called him crazy. I think he does make some interesting points about music (and at least he keeps the discussion going and he has certain ideas to share). As for this "self moderation" talk, I always assumed that self moderation meant monitoring your own speech - not blocking others from expressing themselves. I am against the idea of blocking certain people in a thread. How will you know what is being discussed and what people are responding to if you can only see posts from those you deem appropriate to hear from? If a person is so abusive, then they should be banned. As for the technical improvements that Pieter suggested, he is the expert. Richard would be lucky to have his help. |
Maz 21.04.2008 11:17 |
I don't think people are necessarily upset at the Random Thoughts thread (or other self-contained threads like them). If I want to ignore it, that's simple enough and it doesn't bother others. Those types of threads have been on QZ for years and I don't see why they bring QZ down. The problem are when certain posters interject themselves into other discussions only to heap abuse on people. When their presence is everywhere, it makes reading and wanting to participate in threads more difficult. The idea of self-moderation would make it easier for me to ignore the trolls in threads I'm interested in, rather than just giving up on reading them altogether. |
Erin 21.04.2008 11:22 |
Maz wrote: The problem are when certain posters interject themselves into other discussions only to heap abuse on people. When their presence is everywhere, it makes reading and wanting to participate in threads more difficult. The idea of self-moderation would make it easier for me to ignore the trolls in threads I'm interested in, rather than just giving up on reading them altogether.Exactly. Also, when you look at the Personal section and see 6 Treasure Moment related threads, it makes you not want to bother even looking at that part of the board. It was ok, perhaps, when it was just a couple, but when the whole section is full of them... It has cooled off since this thread was started, however. |
Treasure Moment 21.04.2008 11:42 |
Erin wrote:its not my fault when a bunch of 14 year old retards change their nick to mine and start making threads.Maz wrote: The problem are when certain posters interject themselves into other discussions only to heap abuse on people. When their presence is everywhere, it makes reading and wanting to participate in threads more difficult. The idea of self-moderation would make it easier for me to ignore the trolls in threads I'm interested in, rather than just giving up on reading them altogether.Exactly. Also, when you look at the Personal section and see 6 Treasure Moment related threads, it makes you not want to bother even looking at that part of the board. It was ok, perhaps, when it was just a couple, but when the whole section is full of them... It has cooled off since this thread was started, however. |
Donna13 21.04.2008 11:54 |
Maz wrote: I don't think people are necessarily upset at the Random Thoughts thread (or other self-contained threads like them). If I want to ignore it, that's simple enough and it doesn't bother others. Those types of threads have been on QZ for years and I don't see why they bring QZ down. The problem are when certain posters interject themselves into other discussions only to heap abuse on people. When their presence is everywhere, it makes reading and wanting to participate in threads more difficult. The idea of self-moderation would make it easier for me to ignore the trolls in threads I'm interested in, rather than just giving up on reading them altogether.A good example would be those that do follow people from thread to thread to insult them and continue an argument (with no desire of participating in the thread with any other ideas other than abuse), so in those cases, it would not be necessary to read their posts at all in order to follow the conversation. If Pieter does convince Richard to incorporate this feature, it will be an interesting thing to observe. I can appreciate the hardship of moderation when it comes to making the tough decisions on who to ban, and also the daily grind of being responsible for moving threads and answering questions, etc., and I do appreciate the work that Barb puts into this site. I am not against banning when a person loses all other opportunities for discussion and prefers only abuse. Or in the case of flooding the board with too many threads at one time. |
Erin 21.04.2008 12:13 |
Treasure Moment wrote: its not my fault when a bunch of 14 year old retards change their nick to mine and start making threads.I didn't say it was. I'm sure you don't like it anymore than the rest of us. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 12:22 |
Erin wrote:I know I sound like a broken record, but this is an example of why email validation for registration would be a good idea.Treasure Moment wrote: its not my fault when a bunch of 14 year old retards change their nick to mine and start making threads.I didn't say it was. I'm sure you don't like it anymore than the rest of us. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 12:52 |
PieterMC wrote: where you can ignore people who annoy you, and finally offer private messaging between users.That's funny coming from you. You started a thread a while back asking for opinions on your little website. I stated that your "bio" pages for other artists was a bit lethargic and unresearched. You simply cut and paste. I believe I used the word "lazy". Ever since, you just CAN'T let it go. I don't need to dig up posts to proove that, you know it (Remember your classical music comment!) So every once in a while, you just pop in a thread that I either started or am commenting on with a stupid little post like "I don't care what you think". You are part of the problem, PieterMC. See, most people go to sleep and wake up and it's another day. You, for some reason, want to keep something going because of some negative feedback on your website. Funny though, the negative criticism seemed to work. Within a month, you had decent articles or links on most of the relevant artists. But you keep popping in on me, pal. I know how to deal with your type. Exactly the same way most rational people do. I move on. |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:05 |
^^ Oh geez...who is the one that can't let this go? This is where the eye roll emoticon on PHBBHBB33 would come in handy. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:05 |
Well, Erin, explain why Pieter still jumps into threads with quips at me then? I simply thought the hipocratic post was worth commenting on. I haven't brought this up before. |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:09 |
Micrówave wrote: Well, Erin, explain why Pieter still jumps into threads with quips at me then?You responded to him first in that Roger Taylor solo album thread with a negative tone. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:12 |
Oh, I didn't agree with him? Like you have to in EVERY THREAD? That's what happened. Provide a link. Show everyone how I *responded negatively*. That's a big problem with QUEENZONE. If you don't agree with someone who's posted something, they take it personally. Face it Erin, Roger's solo work is sub-par. Pieter thinks it's borderline masterpiece. That's it. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:12 |
Micrówave wrote: You started a thread a while back asking for opinions on your little website.Actually I think you'll find it was Gregg Brooks who started the thread asking what people thought of Queenpedia, not me. link |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:13 |
Perhaps, Erin, you can give us an example of something YOU have brought to the table. An intellegent thread. Anything? No, you simply have to agree with Pieter on nearly every thread. Don't you live with him? Wouldn't it be easier to simply turn his way and say "uh-huh"? |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:14 |
PieterMC wrote: Actually I think you'll find it was Gregg Brooks who started the thread asking what people thought of Queenpedia, not me. linkWay to dodge the issue. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:16 |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:17 |
So for the record, I have pointed out two Queenzoners: (1) A Queenzone Thug - if you don't agree or praise him with kudos, get ready for war (2) A Queenzone Yesman - or "Yes-woman" in this case. Someone who is here for cheerleading purposes. The funny thing is, I do like Pieter's website, I really do. |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:19 |
Micrówave wrote: Face it Erin, Roger's solo work is sub-par. Pieter thinks it's borderline masterpiece. That's it.Actually, you were disagreeing on Barcelona. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:19 |
link, please, so everyone can see it. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:20 |
Micrówave wrote: link, please, so everyone can see it.link Micrówave wrote:PieterMC wrote:Oh God, do I dare? Sorry Pieter, but Barcelona is horrid. In fact, ask any classical music lover to give it a spin, and they'll give it back after about 3 songs. If you want PROOF of that, take a look at Montserrat's work of art. Barcelona was an effort to gain some younger fans, but only that. She does not consider it a serious piece of work, as say her Marriage of Figaro release, and neither do her biographers. As for Roger's first two solos (which are the only ones I have), I keep thinking I need a new needle for my record player... then I realize I'm playing CDs!!!paulsmith2001 wrote: They are all pretty awful. Most of Roger Taylor's Solo records are weak (don't get me started on the cross) lyrics are full of dreadful rock cliches and as with the other members of the group, their solo releases are nothing compared to their collaborative efforts.Sorry, but Roger's solo efforts are great. The only other solo release that is better is Barcelona. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:21 |
and can't Pieter answer on his own? Does he need a spokeswoman? Again, here you are cheerleading or wanting to flame things up. I don't want to do that. I'm simply pointing out the hipocracy of some people resonding to this thread. |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:23 |
Micrówave wrote: Again, here you are cheerleading or wanting to flame things up.Yeah..I've always been the source of most of the arguments on QZ. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:23 |
^^Everyone look at how I just tore Pieter to shreds for no reason!! LOL So, I even started out saying "Sorry Pieter" and he took offense? Thanks for clarifying that you two are INDEED part of the problem on Queenzone. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:24 |
Micrówave wrote: Again, here you are cheerleading or wanting to flame things up. I don't want to do that.Yes you do. That's what you do. It even says as much on your profile. "The most abrasive and over-the-top personality to grace the Queenzone community." |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:24 |
Micrówave wrote: ^^Everyone look at how I just tore Pieter to shreds for no reason!!I said you had a negative tone, not that you tore Pieter to shreds. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:25 |
Micrówave wrote: ^^Everyone look at how I just tore Pieter to shreds for no reason!! LOL So, I even started out saying "Sorry Pieter" and he took offense? Thanks for clarifying that you two are INDEED part of the problem on Queenzone.You started out with "Oh God, do I dare?". Can you not even read your own posts? |
Erin 21.04.2008 13:27 |
Micrówave wrote: Thanks for clarifying that you two are INDEED part of the problem on Queenzone.Let it be known....Pieter and I are the problem on QZ, not Treasure Moment or trolls or an outdated board. Lester, get your facts straight. Barb, you better ban us, cause we are bringing the board down. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:29 |
Cause I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Barcelona sucks. So we all need to make sure that we don't respond negatively to Pieter or else his wife will haunt you. Ok, so we've got Rule #1 for all Queenzone 1. Be Nice and say only Nice Things to Pieter How should we proceed from there? You want to start banning people, too? |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:31 |
So let's move on to my other issue with you two. What about it, Erin? What do you bring to Queenzone? How many intellegent discussion have you started here in the last few months? |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:33 |
Micrówave wrote: How many intellegent discussion have you started here in the last few months?And your just a constant stream of intelligent discussion. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:35 |
yeah, I think I bring something. Someone asked about the first CD ever a couple of weeks ago. It was Abba. No one seemed to know that. Plus, I've had some great diatribe with the musicians here about amps, pedals, guitars, etc. What about Erin? Anything? |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:38 |
Like this for example: link A great talk about Marillion. What does Pieter bring into the conversation? A Treasure Moment quip. That's it. Like I said, part of the problem. I see Erin's gone quiet... maybe you should, too, for a while. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:41 |
Micrówave wrote: maybe you should, too, for a while.Perhaps you should take your own advice. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:43 |
Micrówave wrote: yeah, I think I bring something.Yes fantastic. Your first post on this thread is an attack. What exactly did you bring to this discussion about the forum? Nothing. The only thing you wanted to do was to have yet another cheap shot at Erin and myself. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 13:50 |
No I wanted a DISCUSSION. (Boy you two are paranoid MF-ers!) You can't handle the fact that you were wrong in your tact, so now you're acting like a pathetic little baby who wants to take his ball and go home. You're an internet Thug, dude. Plain and Simple. Yes, you have the ability to be so much more, but refuse to hold yourself accountable for your actions. So keep up the website, again, I really like it. But stick your self-righteous, pompous attitude back in the sock-drawer. And maybe, a little "scene control" would do some good, but I'm not one to tell you how to handle your business... |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:56 |
Micrówave wrote: You're an internet Thug, dude.I'm saving that one for posterity. Micrówave wrote: And maybe, a little "scene control" would do some good, but I'm not one to tell you how to handle your business...Funny. You had told us how to run our website. Micrówave wrote: No I wanted a DISCUSSION. MF-ers!)Thanks. That made me laugh. You don't want that. That's not your style. You just want an argument. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 13:58 |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:00 |
hahahahaha Not surprised you don't know what "scene control" means. I'm not talking about your website, which you had asked opinions on... |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:00 |
Yes, erase what you wrote. You looked pretty foolish there... And edit me when you quote me. That works real well. I guess a career in journalism is in the works... |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:01 |
Micrówave wrote: I'm not talking about your website, which you had asked opinions on...Yes, I changed my name to Gregg Brooks and asked for opinions. |
YourValentine 21.04.2008 14:01 |
Micrówave wrote: You're an internet Thug, dude. Plain and Simple. Yes, you have the ability to be so much more, but refuse to hold yourself accountable for your actions. So keep up the website, again, I really like it. But stick your self-righteous, pompous attitude back in the sock-drawer. And maybe, a little "scene control" would do some good, but I'm not one to tell you how to handle your business...Have you looked into a mirror lately, Microwave? Do you want me to count the occasions you called me a "Nazi" and other insults because I dared to have another opinion than you? Do you want me to count the troll accounts you created in order to hide behind fake aliases when you littered this board with hateful crap? Pathetic coward. Who are you to attack Pieter and Erin in such a mean way? Pieter is one of the oldest members on this board, a true hero of the internet Queen community who gave us many good Queen related websites since the 1990s. Erin is one of the nicest, caring and good natured people I ever met on the net, they both have a cool sense of humour and are always a good laugh. Your attack is totally laughable and nobody will believe you for a minute. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:04 |
YourValentine wrote: Have you looked into a mirror lately, Microwave? Do you want me to count the occasions you called me a "Nazi" and other insults because I dared to have another opinion than you?Yes, Barbara, I would like you to show proof of when I called you a "Nazi". Tangible proof. Don't double-talk me, now, you said I "called you a "Nazi", so back it up. Oh, but you can't or won't. Or will probably just get mad because you made a incorrect comment and ban me. Your issue with me goes back to the Amnesty International thingy... remember? When I doubted the merits of AI and you took offense as if you were part of AI. So, please, I await the thread links where I called you a Nazi... |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:08 |
And you pointing out Peiter and Erin have been here since the 90s doesn't really hide the fact that they are just as guilty as the ones they complain about. That's what this thread is about, right? You guys blast all the newbies, but attack them too. And then you hurl insults just like the ones you're against? How does that help? |
Winter Land Man 21.04.2008 14:08 |
Micrówave wrote:I want to see your multiple screen names!YourValentine wrote: Have you looked into a mirror lately, Microwave? Do you want me to count the occasions you called me a "Nazi" and other insults because I dared to have another opinion than you?Yes, Barbara, I would like you to show proof of when I called you a "Nazi". Tangible proof. Don't double-talk me, now, you said I "called you a "Nazi", so back it up. Oh, but you can't or won't. Or will probably just get mad because you made a incorrect comment and ban me. Your issue with me goes back to the Amnesty International thingy... remember? When I doubted the merits of AI and you took offense as if you were part of AI. So, please, I await the thread links where I called you a Nazi... |
Erin 21.04.2008 14:10 |
Micrówave wrote: And maybe, a little "scene control" would do some good, but I'm not one to tell you how to handle your business...I just looked up "scene control." "3. When a man is able to exert the proper amount of force, manipulation, coersion, dominance, or persuasion to keep his wife, girlfriend, kids, etc. in line." Congratulations, this makes you a winner.... link |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:13 |
Micrówave wrote: And you pointing out Peiter and Erin have been here since the 90s doesn't really hide the fact that they are just as guilty as the ones they complain about.I'll bare that in mind next time I decide to spam the board. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:14 |
I've been Treasured Movement, The Stalker, The Fake Greg Brooks, Toaster, and a few varieties of Microwaves. Remember Barry C? See the recent Arlene thread to hear about this winner. Pretty much a QZ pedophile that I took issue with. He was one of Barb's friends and got me banned for calling me a Tosser. Barb decided that the Child Molester should stay on QZ and I should go. So I changed my monniker and came back and called him a Tosser again. Turns out I was right about him. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:15 |
Still waiting for the links, Barbara. You said I called you a "nazi"... so show me. So what do you call someone who falsely accuses you of making racist comments? Wouldn't that be inflaming racism itself and be a prime example of that? |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:21 |
I think here is the time we stop for a minute and thank Lester for bringing this wonderful thread up. It's not about Treasure Moment, is it? No, indeed it is not. It's about accepting the fact that you've pissed a few people off and going forward from there. Not coming back a month later with the same retort. Now TM holds a special place in my heart, though. He just doesn't get it. I want to be nice to him. I do. But all these FACTS clear my judgement and sometimes bring out the smart-ass. I'm not afraid to say if I've offended ANY of you here, I truly am sorry. But I can also say that most of what has offended you, I didn't intend. Like Pieter. I wasn't trying to personally insult him. He asked for comments about his website. Every response was "yeah! good job" and nothing more. I simply brought a suggestion which he took the wrong way. I even apologized in that very thread, but that was to no avail. |
Erin 21.04.2008 14:21 |
PieterMC wrote:I need to get crackin' on some multiple screen names. I've only ever had one, you know.Micrówave wrote: And you pointing out Peiter and Erin have been here since the 90s doesn't really hide the fact that they are just as guilty as the ones they complain about.I'll bare that in mind next time I decide to spam the board. |
Erin 21.04.2008 14:23 |
Micrówave wrote: Like Pieter. I wasn't trying to personally insult him. He asked for comments about his website.OMG...for the 10th time...HE didn't ask for comments about Queenpedia. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:25 |
Micrówave wrote: He asked for comments about his website.No, I didn't. Gregg Brooks did. Evidently you cannot read. Subject: What do you guys on QZ think of Queenpedia.com Poster: Queen Archivist link |
Erin 21.04.2008 14:26 |
Micrówave wrote: I even apologized in that very thread, but that was to no avail.I think you should apologize for more than just the Queenpedia crap. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:30 |
So you didn't want any opinions about your website. Well, fuck us, then. And Erin, I don't have anything to apologize to you two for. I already did. You didn't answer my question, though. What have YOU brought to Queenzone? UPDATE: Rule #1 Be nice and say only nice things to Pieter #2 Do NOT make any comments about his website We're really making some progress here. I'm done with you two. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:32 |
Barbara, Still waiting for the link to the thread where YOU SAID I CALLED YOU A NAZI. Are you ignoring that? Perhaps an attempt to dodge the answer like Pieter? |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:34 |
Micrówave wrote: So you didn't want any opinions about your website. Well, fuck us, then.No, Gregg wanted opinions. Do you want somebody come round to your house and read his post out for you, because apparently you have lost the ability to read. I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me. If people like it, then they will visit, and if they don't then they won't come back. If they find something missing then people send us an email, and we add it. You harped ON and ON about what was wrong and missing, but I did not receive any e-mails from you. Interesting. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:34 |
Micrówave wrote: I'm done with you two.I wish you were, but we both know that you will never let it drop. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:37 |
What a great way to great people...
PieterMC wrote: I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me.I love it!!! Rhetorical Question #3 So should people keep sending you emails and suggestions? |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:41 |
Micrówave wrote: What a great way to great people... Q U E E N P E D I AIf you look at the site then you will see where you can send your updates / submissions. Please feel free to send any an all relevant information, like many people have.PieterMC wrote: I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me.I love it!!! Rhetorical Question #3 So should people keep sending you emails and suggestions? |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:43 |
PieterMC wrote: I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me. PieterMC wrote: If they find something missing then people send us an email, and we add it.Hey!!!! Wait a minute!!! I know that contradiction!!!! YOU'RE TREASURE MOMENT!!!! PieterMC wrote: Please feel free to send any an all relevant information, like many people have.Did you respond with: PieterMC wrote: I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me.????? |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:44 |
Micrówave wrote: ---------Um. No. Two different things.PieterMC wrote: I don't give a crap what anybody thinks about the site. Makes no difference to me.PieterMC wrote: If they find something missing then people send us an email, and we add it.Hey!!!! Wait a minute!!! I know that contradiction!!!! YOU'RE TREASURE MOMENT!!!! 1) I don't care if you like the site or not. 2) If you do like it, and want to contribute something to it, please send it on. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 14:47 |
Doesn't matter now, you've been FOUND OUT!!! Come to think of it, your site is extremely Freddie friendly. I mean you do nice for the other three, but you make Freddie look like some kind of GOD. Oh my god!!!! This is making more and more sense as I put it together. Now I know how Lois Lane must have felt!!! |
Lester Burnham 21.04.2008 14:49 |
Hey Microwave, calm yourself. Your attacks on Pieter and Erin are really, really bizarre. Pieter's mentioning of ignoring people with a PHBHBHBHBPHPHBHBH board was general, though you seem to have taken it as a slight against you. This thread was turning into a rather decent discussion of how we can change Queenzone, even if nothing got done, and then it was pretty much shot to hell once you showed up. Anyway, it seems that claims of getting worked up over an Internet forum are starting to become true. It's just not worth it anymore. Decent conversations get sidetracked by people who have e-bones to pick with each other, which may be hypocritical of me, but what can I say. I'm only human. Barb, I apologize for starting this thread -- probably wasn't the best idea. All I can say now is good luck and godspeed. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 14:53 |
Micrówave wrote: And maybe, a little "scene control" would do some good, but I'm not one to tell you how to handle your business...BTW... I have ZERO interest in the opinion of somebody who is so obviously sexist. Is that what you consider your wife to be (if you have one), just somebody to control. |
Erin 21.04.2008 14:54 |
Lester Burnham wrote: Barb, I apologize for starting this thread -- probably wasn't the best idea. All I can say now is good luck and godspeed.That kinda gives the impression that you are done with QZ. I hope not, anyway. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 15:01 |
PieterMC wrote: BTW... I have ZERO interest in the opinion of somebody who is so obviously sexist. Is that what you consider your wife to be (if you have one), just somebody to control.BTW... My wife knows her place. I have ZERO interest in a wife that has to "back me up" in every aspect of my life. Does she dress you, too? Does she remind you to brush? Wait, you're the guy that refuses to buy a hallmark card BECAUSE THEY DON'T ENCOMPASS HOW YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT HER. When Erin sneezes twice, you say "Bless You" twice... JUST SO SHE KNOWS SHE'S DOUBLY BLESSED. Hey, you guys should name your kids with the same first initial!!! I'm thinking Madison and MacKenzie. You're right. I wish I was you. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 15:05 |
Micrówave wrote:Thanks. You just made my point.PieterMC wrote: BTW... I have ZERO interest in the opinion of somebody who is so obviously sexist. Is that what you consider your wife to be (if you have one), just somebody to control.BTW... My wife knows her place. I have ZERO interest in a wife that has to "back me up" in every aspect of my life. Does she dress you, too? Does she remind you to brush? Wait, you're the guy that refuses to buy a hallmark card BECAUSE THEY DON'T ENCOMPASS HOW YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT HER. When Erin sneezes twice, you say "Bless You" twice... JUST SO SHE KNOWS SHE'S DOUBLY BLESSED. Hey, you guys should name your kids with the same first initial!!! You're right. I wish I was you. |
Erin 21.04.2008 15:06 |
Micrówave wrote: I have ZERO interest in a wife that has to "back me up" in every aspect of my life.You make it sound like I'm tracking Pieter's online whereabouts by posting here. |
iron eagle 21.04.2008 15:07 |
i dont spend much time here anymore more life events then anything else although granted a bit of it also is sheer boredom with the bullshit from the homophobes, child spammers and overall haters..its always something,..everyone is wrong and everyone is always right syndrome *yawns* recently an event seen in print and tv globally about got my ass.... then the next day i suffered an even more difficult loss 3 zoners-- erin, pieter and write your letters emailed and called 'are you alright?' only to find that no i was not...their simple reaching out did more for me then they will ever know... that period also told me some whom i thought were dear friends werent actually YV doesnt deserve any crap heeped at her at all---she is in a no win situation no matter what...what should not be lost though is she truly tries to be very fair ... and yet it is impossible to keep everyone happy the spammers-- if people ignored them and not egged them on with childish replies they would go away or at least modify their behaviour.. but no they are goaded and thereby encouraged to continue their bullshit this stuff is always a cycle-- peaceful and fun aggravating and childish ban them and unite defend the censorship free zone throw a few stones and stomp on floor peaceful and fun micro-what does erin bring to the board? true friendship would be my answer...of course i know her more then you... have run around with her here in atlanta, chicago, cleveland...she has a level head, a kind soul...she's all around good people.... same for pieter |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 15:12 |
Lester Burnham wrote: Hey Microwave, calm yourself. Your attacks on Pieter and Erin are really, really bizarre. Pieter's mentioning of ignoring people with a PHBHBHBHBPHPHBHBH board was general, though you seem to have taken it as a slight against you.No, Lester, Pieter's a hipocrate. You asked what could be done? To move on, thats what needs to be done. You don't think two pages of bullshit doesn't show me that as well? Blame Treasure Moment, Bryan Permed Poodle whatever and everyone else, but you "long-timers" need to get off the high horse. Now you, Lester, consistantly bring good threads to the table. Pieter, well I think he's slipping. Read over that Marillion thread again... you'll see what I mean. Erin, on the other hand, well she's Erin. You yell out "Hey Pieter" and Erin pops up and says "Yes? What can I tell Pieter?" Banning someone for what they say? As an author, I am shocked that you would take that stance. People are mad at Treasure Moment (yourself included), but a lot of them are no better than him!! Yet they seem to be able to sit there and think because they've been here for 6 years, they can spew out garbage but no one else can. |
Erin 21.04.2008 15:13 |
iron eagle wrote: micro-what does erin bring to the board? true friendship would be my answer...of course i know her more then you... have run around with her here in atlanta, chicago, cleveland...she has a level head, a kind soul...she's all around good people....Aww...I love ya, iron. XOXO I hope we get to run around again some time soon. :-) |
Erin 21.04.2008 15:17 |
Micrówave wrote: You asked what could be done? To move on, thats what needs to be done.Indeed. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 15:17 |
Micrówave wrote: No, Lester, Pieter's a hipocrate.I'll take that over being sexist any day. At that's the last thing I will ever say to you Micrówave. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 15:22 |
Good. If you would have adopted that after our first go around, we would have not wasted these last couple hours. Forget me altogether. And instead of saying "sorry Pieter" the next time I may disgree with what you said, I'll just simply say "what a moron" and then ramble on. That way it's not so negative. |
Maz 21.04.2008 15:35 |
iron eagle wrote: YV doesnt deserve any crap heeped at her at all---she is in a no win situation no matter what...what should not be lost though is she truly tries to be very fair ... and yet it is impossible to keep everyone happy the spammers-- if people ignored them and not egged them on with childish replies they would go away or at least modify their behaviour.. but no they are goaded and thereby encouraged to continue their bullshit this stuff is always a cycle-- peaceful and fun aggravating and childish ban them and unite defend the censorship free zone throw a few stones and stomp on floor peaceful and funI agree with the Tin Pigeon I have been on QZ long enough to have ridden my high-horse into the ground and turned him into glue. Trolls are often are own creation by giving them attention, but then they become an all encompassing presence on the board. Yes, reading jokes about TM's music in a Queen thread is funny once, though it also reinforces TM's own ego in the end. What ideas were being discussed several pages back could potentially make QZ acceptable to many more users and increase their participation (I offer myself as an example). It's not about being "right" all the time, or trying to silence opposing views; it's about having a fun discussion where maybe we learn a thing or two. I admit, I have often chuckled at Microwave's comments. He has an abrasive style, but a thought-out opinion on most matters. And when he's called me out on something, I've tended to react with intelligent sarcasm rather than let him under my skin. I am sorry that this thread has turned into attacks on other users, rather than the discussion it started out as. And I hope Lester is only going on a temporary sabbatical and not leaving for TheWhoZone for good. |
Erin 21.04.2008 15:44 |
Maz wrote: And I hope Lester is only going on a temporary sabbatical and not leaving for TheWhoZone for good.Same here. |
PieterMC 21.04.2008 15:50 |
Erin wrote:Sorry, I have it on good authority that Lester Burnham has left the building.Maz wrote: And I hope Lester is only going on a temporary sabbatical and not leaving for TheWhoZone for good.Same here. |
john bodega 21.04.2008 15:55 |
I don't suppose anyone in this thread would care to consider that some things are done with the best of intentions? Such as Lester's original post. Who cares if it's considered 'high horse' to make an observation? He still has a point. I understand that most posters on Queenzone (including myself) act like we don't give two figs about anything, because it's such a laugh. So I don't take any of the arguments in this thread seriously because hand-on-heart, honest to God, I can't tell if you guys are taking the mickey or not. Fair is fair, I think absolutely everyone in this thread has a point, because that's just how it goes. Extremists tend to overlook this, but the truth is usually to be found near the middle. Case in point. Treasure Moment = I can't conjure the words to describe his close-minded silliness. He's got a vague point though, when it comes to free speech. I personally think he crossed the boundaries of free speech and marched straight into Spam a long, long time ago.... if I were a moderator I'd have probably deleted some of his threads or posts simply because they're always so generic. And not because I want to suppress him or his music. If he's got someting to share, he should be welcome to. Duplicating crap is just silly. Fuck, if I were a mod I'd probably delete my OWN posts where I post that Zombie picture and claim it's Freddie. I've done it 50 times, I swear..... At the same time as really not giving much of a fuck about the internet and the silly arguments we manage to get ourselves into, this is the only forum I post on these days and I'd like the best for it. link Of course, this will sound 'high horse' of me, but looking at the thread from the perspective of someone who bombed out after taking the piss out of Treasure Moment for being so flighty with his morals, I have to say - you've all got points and it's a bit comical how that seems to evade you. I know it's hard to ignore morons on the internet, but I'm doing it right now and it's dead easy. The only reason I don't ignore Treasure Moment is because he amuses me, plain and simple. But ignoring people on a forum is a whole lot easier than ignoring someone in real life (although I do appreciate the example of someone barging into a real conversation and shouting heaps, from earlier in the thread). Where the fuck was I going with this.... oh yeah, peace and love and shit. |
Erin 21.04.2008 15:55 |
PieterMC wrote:Dang, and he didn't even make an "I'm Leaving!" thread.Erin wrote:Sorry, I have it on good authority that Lester Burnham has left the building.Maz wrote: And I hope Lester is only going on a temporary sabbatical and not leaving for TheWhoZone for good.Same here. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 16:03 |
Thanks Maz, Zeb, for seeing what I was trying to say. I freely admit to being a bit "off", but my intentions are good. I would never falsly accuse someone of something vicious. BY THE WAY BARBARA, STILL WAITING But, I'm not afraid to point out when someone is acting like a knucklehead. And I'm not afraid of the Queenzone Clique either. You people who need each other to justify the assinine way you treat people. Barbara, you viciously accused me of calling you a Nazi. Now, if you would have accused me of calling you a knucklehead, that wouldn't be so bad. But you flat out LIED. Barbara. So now YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM. YOU NEED TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Hell, we all do. But when you come out with a lie to try to attack one's character, you really show your ass, as you did here today, Barbara. Which is why you won't comment and can't find what you've been tasked with finding. What's it been, an hour now??? Where's the link, Barbara??? |
YourValentine 21.04.2008 16:34 |
@ Microwave If you don't mind I am not on QZ 24 hours a day. I am certainly also not going through hundreds of pages to find a quote you may just as well have deleted in the meantime. I know what you said and other users saw it too, so don't act all innocently. I wonder why you don't want me to publish any proof for all your fake troll accounts @Felixk - I have no idea who you are but Lester and I have no problem at all. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 17:46 |
YourValentine wrote: @ Microwave If you don't mind I am not on QZ 24 hours a day. I am certainly also not going through hundreds of pages to find a quote you may just as well have deleted in the meantime. I know what you said and other users saw it too, so don't act all innocently. I wonder why you don't want me to publish any proof for all your fake troll accountsBarb, I don't care... list 'em all... I've forgotten them all. Means nothing. But YOU are the one one with the BOGUS CLAIM. And now you say you 'don't have time' or 'could have deleted', that's bullshit and you know it. You may have interpreted it that way but I know for a FACT that I would never call anyone a Nazi. No way. Maybe my jewish ancestry has a little to do with that, I dunno!!! But if you're going to attack my character, the least you could do would be to back it up with something other than "uh, well my friends saw you do it." What friends do you refer? Erin and Pieter? And you also "wonder why I don't want you to publish". Where exactly did I say that? Jeez, you make this up as you go, don't you? Show me IN THIS THREAD where I said, inferred, or even cared about my QZ aliases? In fact, I fully admit them. I'm starting to think Greg Brooks was right about you and your "clique". Remember? The "Way to go, Barb" crowd? You have been called out here, and now you're scrambling to find a way out. We have a phrase here in America. Put up or shut up. I hate to say that to you, because I really never had a problem with you UNTIL TODAY. Have you ever heard of the commandment THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS? I guess you'll have to go to confession now. Don't forget. Probably only 5 Hail Mary's anyways. |
Micrówave 21.04.2008 17:56 |
Felixk wrote: Because he's a very reasonable guy who's so outraged by our ignorance that he's just leaving the forum, he failed to recognize that he was doing and promoting exactly the kind of thing he was condemning: answering trolls and not taking part in the intelligent threads.I think that applies to quite a few of us in here, self included. That's why I think we should stop this "I'm better than you cause I've been here 8 years and Barbs my friend" crap. That's what it's become. Most of these self-proclaimed "long-timers" are simply Barb suck-ups who want to bitch and moan about everything THEY think is wrong. And then they throw out "Barb, can you ban ...." I'll say it again... stop bitching! Bring something to the table. That'll solve most of the problems! |
Winter Land Man 21.04.2008 18:41 |
Micrówave wrote: I've been Treasured Movement, The Stalker, The Fake Greg Brooks, Toaster, and a few varieties of Microwaves. Remember Barry C? See the recent Arlene thread to hear about this winner. Pretty much a QZ pedophile that I took issue with. He was one of Barb's friends and got me banned for calling me a Tosser. Barb decided that the Child Molester should stay on QZ and I should go. So I changed my monniker and came back and called him a Tosser again. Turns out I was right about him.Who is Barry C??? |
Erin 21.04.2008 18:44 |
Micrówave wrote: Most of these self-proclaimed "long-timers" are simply Barb suck-ups who want to bitch and moan about everything THEY think is wrong. And then they throw out "Barb, can you ban ...."I don't want anyone banned. I would love a new board, however. |
iron eagle 21.04.2008 19:03 |
i certainly dont suck up to anyone thats for shizzle erin go on tell em..... *LOL* agh wtf i miss how this place was--- it was a beacon of good, open caring people.... they didnt bitch-begrudge-goade-hate on-suffer delusions of granduer-or try to be superior over each other--or just have to have the last word..over and over and over again... and if someone did it wasnt acceptable or tolerated........ its all so boring and childish right now....... peace out |
Janet 21.04.2008 19:30 |
Micrówave wrote:I remember a thread where you said to BarbYourValentine wrote: @ Microwave If you don't mind I am not on QZ 24 hours a day. I am certainly also not going through hundreds of pages to find a quote you may just as well have deleted in the meantime. I know what you said and other users saw it too, so don't act all innocently. I wonder why you don't want me to publish any proof for all your fake troll accountsBarb, I don't care... list 'em all... I've forgotten them all. Means nothing. But YOU are the one one with the BOGUS CLAIM. And now you say you 'don't have time' or 'could have deleted', that's bullshit and you know it. You may have interpreted it that way but I know for a FACT that I would never call anyone a Nazi. No way. Maybe my jewish ancestry has a little to do with that, I dunno!!! But if you're going to attack my character, the least you could do would be to back it up with something other than "uh, well my friends saw you do it." What friends do you refer? Erin and Pieter? And you also "wonder why I don't want you to publish". Where exactly did I say that? Jeez, you make this up as you go, don't you? Show me IN THIS THREAD where I said, inferred, or even cared about my QZ aliases? In fact, I fully admit them. I'm starting to think Greg Brooks was right about you and your "clique". Remember? The "Way to go, Barb" crowd? You have been called out here, and now you're scrambling to find a way out. We have a phrase here in America. Put up or shut up. I hate to say that to you, because I really never had a problem with you UNTIL TODAY. Have you ever heard of the commandment THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS? I guess you'll have to go to confession now. Don't forget. Probably only 5 Hail Mary's anyways. "There are no mass graves being discovered in OUR country. I believe you're German aren't you? So go bury your head in the sand." And then you stated that no German had the right to throw stones the way that she did, and said that she had forgotten her own history. What exactly were you insinuating when you said that. Because I interpreted the same way that Barb did. So if I was wrong, why don't you explain exactly what you were trying to say? edit* And for the record, I don't "suck up" to anyone here, either. |
Erin 21.04.2008 19:47 |
iron eagle wrote: i certainly dont suck up to anyone thats for shizzle erin go on tell em..... *LOL* agh wtf i miss how this place was--- it was a beacon of good, open caring people.... they didnt bitch-begrudge-goade-hate on-suffer delusions of granduer-or try to be superior over each other--or just have to have the last word..over and over and over again... and if someone did it wasnt acceptable or tolerated........ its all so boring and childish right now....... peace outiron keepin' it real, yo. Fo shizzle, my nizzle. |
iron eagle 21.04.2008 20:21 |
word |
Lisser 21.04.2008 20:29 |
Forgive me Erin, Pieter, Barb, and Paulie for just now posting in this thread. I've been at work, at the dentist with my daughter, and at English class. Here is my two cents. I love Barb, we've been friends online for years and years. We talk just about everyday. I can't speak as highly about most of my "real life" friends as I can Barb. She is one of the most rational, patient, fair, and caring people I know. Of course she isn't going to make everyone happy at every moment on this board. Her job is not to make everyone happy. It is to some how maintain order and some form of pleasure for 1000s of people with 1000s of different personalities, likes, and dislikes. Part of the fun of this board is that there are so many different people from so many different life situations. How boring would it be if we all just liked Queen the same amount exactly, the same songs in exactly the same order, etc.? So if at some point or another Barb makes a decision on QZ that you happen to disagree with, please get over it and realize that you are not the only person she has to think of. Microwave, I too agree with Zeni (Maz) on enjoying a good number of your posts and witty comments. I must have missed the argument back whenever you and Pieter disagreed. I do however remember you making an insane comment to Barb about her heritage. I was shocked by it but I know people on here tend to have bad days along with good days and I figured maybe you were having a bad one. I got over it probably much easier than Barb did. Not many people know a lot about Barb and maybe she might not want me to say this but those that do know her know that she is more passionate about upholding human rights across the globe than any person I can say I've been lucky to hold a conversation with. She has opened my eyes to so many different things and I considered myself to be a strict "survival of the fittest" follower, much like I think you are, please correct me if I'm wrong though. She supports several organizations that work very hard to keep oppressed people safe. She supports them generously mentally, physically, and probably financially. I can not speak for her finances of course. I know nothing of them. I know you don't want to hear me brag on Barb since you feel like she has a club of people. I don't really think she has a club, I think the people that speak up for Barb and take offense when someone speaks ill of her are friends and really that is all it is. We are not a regime, not her army...just friends and lifelong friends at that. This brings me to Pieter and Erin. I dearly love the both of them as well. I've met them both in New Jersey and in Jacksonville. Shared drinks with them, food with them, Queen concerts with them, phone conversations, etc. They really are special people and would give anyone who needed anything the shirt off their back. They both would lend an ear to anyone who needed it. They each add very special things to this board. Paulie said it the best so no need to repeat it. I am a member of a few other notice boards and I feel confident in saying that there is no clique here. There are however friends. People who have met several times in real life, people who met on here and got married (Erin and Pieter and another couple I can't recall their names), MarialIvy and Tijn met here and are now dating, they've spent a lot of time together too in real life of course. I could go on but I know you understand what I'm talking about. We're all just friends who share at least one thing in common, mostly a lot more than that though. No clique, no "Go Barb" Club or whatever it was that was said. I've also had many phone conversations with that there Tin Pigeon and he is so wonderful and I miss seeing him here but I know he's got a life and he's very busy. He is even a star in my NJ film!!! Paulie I do hope you are ok and if you ever need me I'm right here for you!! :) |
Erin 21.04.2008 21:54 |
You rock, Lisser. You're always the voice of reason on here. I can't wait for another US tour, so I can meet up again with all the great people I know from QZ. :-) |
Maz 21.04.2008 22:10 |
Well spoken, Lisser. Assuming you read that aloud as you typed; otherwise, well written. |
Lisser 21.04.2008 23:04 |
Erin wrote: You rock, Lisser. You're always the voice of reason on here. I can't wait for another US tour, so I can meet up again with all the great people I know from QZ. :-)Aw Erin :) I'm hardly the voice of reason but I try not to add to the mess that sometimes clutters the place. You rock girlfwwwrand! We will see each other soon at a concert...I just know it! :) |
Lisser 21.04.2008 23:05 |
Maz wrote: Well spoken, Lisser. Assuming you read that aloud as you typed; otherwise, well written.I had my secretary type for me while I dictated you know ;) You've got your own secretary now too right Dr. Zeni???? If not you deserve one...or two! |
Bob The Shrek 22.04.2008 00:09 |
Lisser wrote:I dictated, Lisser typed ;-PMaz wrote: Well spoken, Lisser. Assuming you read that aloud as you typed; otherwise, well written.I had my secretary type for me while I dictated you know ;) You've got your own secretary now too right Dr. Zeni???? If not you deserve one...or two! Maz - we haven't traded emails insulting each other for ages. |
YourValentine 22.04.2008 05:14 |
Thanks for the nice words, Melissa - please call me Ma'am from now on ;) Nice picture, Zebonka, I'll keep this in mind - Freddie would want me to, lol. |
Lisser 22.04.2008 08:05 |
Bob The Shrek wrote:She hasn't traded insulting emails with me lately either. I even went into the Hub to tell her she shucks corn but she wasn't there. How dare her!! ;)Lisser wrote:I dictated, Lisser typed ;-P Maz - we haven't traded emails insulting each other for ages.Maz wrote: Well spoken, Lisser. Assuming you read that aloud as you typed; otherwise, well written.I had my secretary type for me while I dictated you know ;) You've got your own secretary now too right Dr. Zeni???? If not you deserve one...or two! |
Lisser 22.04.2008 08:05 |
YourValentine wrote: Thanks for the nice words, Melissa - please call me Ma'am from now on ;) Nice picture, Zebonka, I'll keep this in mind - Freddie would want me to, lol.Ma'am yes ma'am :) |
Maz 22.04.2008 08:55 |
Bob The Shrek wrote:I was just writing a lecture about the French as losers, and all I could think of was Shrek.Lisser wrote:I dictated, Lisser typed ;-P Maz - we haven't traded emails insulting each other for ages.Maz wrote: Well spoken, Lisser. Assuming you read that aloud as you typed; otherwise, well written.I had my secretary type for me while I dictated you know ;) You've got your own secretary now too right Dr. Zeni???? If not you deserve one...or two! ah, good times |
Erin 22.04.2008 09:19 |
^^ Y'all need to quit all that chit chat and contribute something else productive to the thread. This makes you all part of the problem. ;-) |
@ndy38 22.04.2008 11:53 |
What age are you guys?! Take a deep breath, grasp some reality and realise you're arguing on an internet message board! |
Ale Solan 22.04.2008 22:55 |
Lisser wrote:Waiting for you to adopt me. You know.YourValentine wrote: Thanks for the nice words, Melissa - please call me Ma'am from now on ;) Nice picture, Zebonka, I'll keep this in mind - Freddie would want me to, lol.Ma'am yes ma'am :) |
Dan C. 23.04.2008 00:30 |
Wow! I sure missed a lot! |
pittrek 23.04.2008 06:38 |
I don't agree that this forum didn't crash since (insert year here). It depends on your definition of "crash". Here are some common errors : - refresh - if you add a new reply to some thread very often you don't see your reply at the main page - formatting of hypertext links - if somebody ends his reply with an link and somebody else quotes it, the link changes to "link[ /QUOTE]" (without the space between [ and /)which in the result unreadable and of course it messes the format ting of the page, because the QUOTE closing tag is missing.The solution is VERY simple, in quoting add a blank space before you output the [ / QUOTE ] string. - incorrect sorting of replies - it's pretty common that your new posts appear above posts which are e.g. 2 years old - subject in replies - why the hell is the subject: field some times empty when you write a reply ? - ASP crash screen - VERY common error and very DANGEROUS, you can get even the stack output on your screen together with the asp source !!! - "tooltips" - if you want a yellow text with a message to appear when you let your cursor over some object for a few seconds, add the text as the value of the "title" attribute, and not the "alt" attribute for Christ's sake - moving of the threads to other forums doesn't work, you can see the thread for a long period of time in both forums This is a list of randomly chosen errors, 99% of them can be easily fixed. Please in no case don't take this as an attack against Barbara, I think she makes a great work with the tools she has. Also no offense in Richard, I admire people who instead of taking an existing product decide to do it on their own |
YourValentine 23.04.2008 09:59 |
I can't change the script or anything. The moved (or deleted!!) topic only disappears from the original forum when someone posts something new, hence my frequent "reload" posts. The moved topic appears in the new forum wwhen someone posts in the new forum. I did not understand half of your other comments:) |
PieterMC 23.04.2008 10:40 |
YourValentine wrote: I did not understand half of your other comments:)I think this is some of what he was meaning. 1) When you post a reply to a thread quite often the last 'Last Post' in the forum does not get updated. 2) When you quote somebody who has included a link to another website as the last thing in their post then your post will messed up. 3) Sometimes when you post your post will appear out of order in the thread. This makes it hard to follow some topics. It seems like it happens most on threads that are very active or have a large number of pages. 4) When you click reply sometimes the name of the current topic does not appear in the subject box. |
Micrówave 23.04.2008 10:55 |
Well, I'm glad Lisser posted as well. That was a pretty reasonable and well thought out post. Those seem to be few and far between here.
Was I having a bad day? Definitely possible. But, as you pointed out, people get passionate about certain things. Me? Freedom of Speech is a big thing. So is thuggary. So when I see the same people asking "Hey Barb, can you ban..." and then it happens, I wonder (1) How dare anyone tell someone what they can and can't talk about, as long as it isn't causing harm. (2) Why is it the same people demanding this ban?
That left me to believe that there indeed was a Queenzone clique. That, and the way the same people tend to gang up on people here...
But, I stayed off yesterday and see this topic is still going strong, so I just thought I'd add that.
Plus, I think I need to respond to Janet, because you seem a little confused.
Janet wrote: I remember a thread where you said to Barb "There are no mass graves being discovered in OUR country. I believe you're German aren't you? So go bury your head in the sand." And then you stated that no German had the right to throw stones the way that she did, and said that she had forgotten her own history. What exactly were you insinuating when you said that. Because I interpreted the same way that Barb did. So if I was wrong, why don't you explain exactly what you were trying to say?If that is calling someone a Nazi, you need to go back and re-read that thread. NO culture really needs to be "throwing stones", Barb just happened to be from Germany. And went on about a six month "let's bash George Bush campaign". If she were Mongolian, I would have substituted the word. But thats how Barb, Janet, and a few others interpret things and then go on spread a false claim. In fact, Janet, I challenge you to name a civilization that hasn't trampled on another, besides the American Indian. But that's for another thread that "you remember", not this one. And that's pretty narrow minded for you to assume I was referring to Nazis even. Germany has a rich and lengthy history to it, you grabbed that one, not me. So maybe it was YOU Janet that was calling a Nazi, or Barb was calling a Nazi. Show me "nazi". Because I sure didn't say it. Mass graves have been happening since the dawn of man. |
Erin 23.04.2008 11:23 |
Micrówave wrote: So when I see the same people asking "Hey Barb, can you ban..." and then it happens, I wonder (1) How dare anyone tell someone what they can and can't talk about, as long as it isn't causing harm. (2) Why is it the same people demanding this ban?Who have you seen doing this? Are you just meaning what is in the Queenzone.com section? |
AspiringPhilosophe 23.04.2008 11:33 |
<font color=black>@ndy<font color=red>38 wrote: What age are you guys?! Take a deep breath, grasp some reality and realise you're arguing on an internet message board!Indeed Andy! Look at the way everyone is tearing each other apart over something as inane as an internet forum. For crying out loud people, it's not worth this. Relax! I'm all for passionate debate, but when the debates turn into personal attacks on people that's when they should stop. Was there a need to dredge up all this stuff about Microwave and Barb? No. Please people, just walk away and let it go. This is JUST the internet |
Micrówave 23.04.2008 12:25 |
Erin wrote: Who have you seen doing this? Are you just meaning what is in the Queenzone.com section?You're kidding, right? Actually, usually the ban request happens in the Queenzone.com section, minutes after an argument in the personal or general section happens. Apparently I call people Nazis more frequently than the ban requests!!! *cracks himself up* Apologies to the horse, that I've beaten dead. Jacob Britt wrote: What ever happened to people discussing rare singles and stuff?They were banned. |
The Fake Greg Brooks 23.04.2008 12:35 |
Micrówave wrote: I've been Treasured Movement, The Stalker, The Fake Greg Brooks, Toaster, and a few varieties of Microwaves.You're a lying son of a bitch. |
Erin 23.04.2008 12:36 |
Micrówave wrote:I don't ever bother looking at that section, so I miss all the ban requests. It's not like those requests are granted anyway.Erin wrote: Who have you seen doing this? Are you just meaning what is in the Queenzone.com section?You're kidding, right? Actually, usually the ban request happens in the Queenzone.com section, minutes after an argument in the personal or general section happens. |
Micrówave 23.04.2008 12:51 |
What happened to Barry Bulsura? I didn't think he was intellegent in the least, but one person asked and he was gone. |
Erin 23.04.2008 12:57 |
Micrówave wrote: What happened to Barry Bulsura? I didn't think he was intellegent in the least, but one person asked and he was gone.I didn't know who you were talking about, but I found the ban thread. I do remember the "I will keel you" posts slightly. Wasn't he just a spammer? What's the harm in banning a spammer? |
Freya is quietly judging you. 23.04.2008 13:28 |
PieterMC wrote:Yes, this happens if you use a quote in your reply.YourValentine wrote: I did not understand half of your other comments:)I think this is some of what he was meaning. 1) When you post a reply to a thread quite often the last 'Last Post' in the forum does not get updated. |
pittrek 23.04.2008 13:31 |
YourValentine wrote: I can't change the script or anything. The moved (or deleted!!) topic only disappears from the original forum when someone posts something new, hence my frequent "reload" posts. The moved topic appears in the new forum wwhen someone posts in the new forum.Yes, that's the "refresh" problem I was talking about. I did not understand half of your other comments:)Oh I am sorry to read that :-) If you want to know what was I talking about I can try to be more specific. Oder soll ich es auf Deutsch versuchen ? :-) BTW right now in the html form which I am writing this into, the "subject: " field is empty |
pittrek 23.04.2008 13:37 |
Micrówave wrote: What happened to Barry Bulsura? I didn't think he was intellegent in the least, but one person asked and he was gone.I was the one who suggested to ban him and it looks like Barb accepted the reasons. |
john bodega 23.04.2008 14:00 |
Micrówave wrote: Well, I'm glad Lisser posted as well. That was a pretty reasonable and well thought out post. Those seem to be few and far between here. Was I having a bad day? Definitely possible. But, as you pointed out, people get passionate about certain things. Me? Freedom of Speech is a big thing. So is thuggary. So when I see the same people asking "Hey Barb, can you ban..." and then it happens, I wonder (1) How dare anyone tell someone what they can and can't talk about, as long as it isn't causing harm. (2) Why is it the same people demanding this ban? That left me to believe that there indeed was a Queenzone clique. That, and the way the same people tend to gang up on people here... But, I stayed off yesterday and see this topic is still going strong, so I just thought I'd add that. Plus, I think I need to respond to Janet, because you seem a little confused.shut up naziJanet wrote: I remember a thread where you said to Barb "There are no mass graves being discovered in OUR country. I believe you're German aren't you? So go bury your head in the sand." And then you stated that no German had the right to throw stones the way that she did, and said that she had forgotten her own history. What exactly were you insinuating when you said that. Because I interpreted the same way that Barb did. So if I was wrong, why don't you explain exactly what you were trying to say?If that is calling someone a Nazi, you need to go back and re-read that thread. NO culture really needs to be "throwing stones", Barb just happened to be from Germany. And went on about a six month "let's bash George Bush campaign". If she were Mongolian, I would have substituted the word. But thats how Barb, Janet, and a few others interpret things and then go on spread a false claim. In fact, Janet, I challenge you to name a civilization that hasn't trampled on another, besides the American Indian. But that's for another thread that "you remember", not this one. And that's pretty narrow minded for you to assume I was referring to Nazis even. Germany has a rich and lengthy history to it, you grabbed that one, not me. So maybe it was YOU Janet that was calling a Nazi, or Barb was calling a Nazi. Show me "nazi". Because I sure didn't say it. Mass graves have been happening since the dawn of man. |
Janet 23.04.2008 14:35 |
Hello Microwave.
Here is your post from the thread that I mentioned:
"Well Barb, I thought you had a lot more than that. What a small-minded person you are. I'm glad you don't take me seriously. But then, after your childish, niave views on the world, who are you? Keep joining email lists to save the world and blame Bush for everything wrong. You've gotten pretty offensive lately. Problems? Meanwhile, we're having some real dialogue about the true problem: a viable solution. That's what no one has. We needed a hard line president going into 2000, every American knew that. And it was going to be one of the most difficult times in history for that job. Everyone knew that. So far, he's done what he was elected to do. I'd like to see someone do better. No mass graves being discovered in our country, I believe you're German. So go bury your head in the sand." To which HistoryGirl responded: "That was harsh, Mircowave. You do know that insulting people over something that they have no control over only makes you appear stupid, right? If you want to place blame on her, because she is German, for what the Germans did almost 100 years ago, then people should rightly be placing blame on us for Slavery almost 300 years ago. I thought you had more dignity than that, Microwave." And you answered back: "Sorry CMU. I get tired of her attacking people because she runs the board. And to say Bush made the world a more dangerous place is no different from what I said to her. Of course I don't blame every German citizen. But no German has the right to throw the stones she likes to. Perhaps she forgets her own history. But you're, right, maybe it was a little harsh. But blaming Bush for everything is ALL SHE DOES! It gets old and maybe she needs to pull her head out. Oh, and by the way. The first slave masters were AFRICANS, not Americans. Egyptians had slaves 2000 years before the Europeans, then the Americans (who came from Europe!!!) had." If I was truly wrong about your comments, and I took what you said out of context, then you have my sincere apology. My last post on this subject, and on this thread. |
pittrek 23.04.2008 15:11 |
If somebody wants to get back to topic - this is one of the this : link |
Killer Queenie 23.04.2008 16:41 |
Okay, so I read most of the posts up to about page 5 and got sick of all the flamming and argumentative comments being made. This is part of the problem on sites like this: personalitys clash. Someone will post their opinion, someone will critisie it, the person get offended and then a huge argument arises. Now, I have, on the odd occasion, posted something, had someone disagree or get "picky" with my post and I have defended what I said, so I'm not exactly innocent here. But when a perfectly sensible or reasonable discussion turns into a full blown argument with people firing insults at each other (cue the threads with Treasure Moment) that when things go wrong. I think, as a lot of people have said, that people should be more restictive of what they post and, rather than start insulting other posters, they just ignore the culprit and get on with whatever the topic was about. I know this is easier said than done, but it can be done. |
Micrówave 23.04.2008 18:43 |
Zebonka12 wrote: shut up naziCan we ban this guy? :) That was funny, Zeb. Maybe you should be in charge of banning... as soon as you get a haircut, hippie. |
Micrówave 23.04.2008 18:47 |
Killer Queenie Boo wrote: Now, I have, on the odd occasion, posted something, had someone disagree or get "picky" with my post and I have defended what I said, so I'm not exactly innocent here.Yes, like when I called the entire Queenzone community a bunch of armed nazi rapists with AIDS... or some such. Killer Queenie Boo continues: But when a perfectly sensible or reasonable discussion turns into a full blown argument with people firing insults at each other (cue the threads with Treasure Moment) that when things go wrong.Well, actually I was thinking that his threads seem to get the most response. Why is that? |
deleted user 23.04.2008 20:31 |
If I can get my two-cents in... As one of the people on the ignorant side of the QZ board, I know when I can and when I can't contribute to a discussion. But I think some people don't know when they haven't got a clue about what they are saying, and that's part of the problem with the place. Some people post arguments without ever backing them in a logical manner, and instead--as it has been mentioned--start personally attacking the thread-starter/ posters who disagree. Also, I would like to object to the whole "teens have no idea what they are talking about." I read enough posts on Queenzone, and find that some of the most intelligent and thought-provoking topics are started by teenagers (Steve, Yara, etc.)... Both post brilliant discussion topics that everyone can contribute to, and learn from, and they are both teenagers. Yes, I agree some of Queenzoners biggest spammers are clueless teenagers, who haven't a clue what track comes from what album, barely know the names of the band members, etc, but be fair. Some teenagers are part of the solution, while some adults are part of the problem. Basically, my question for the Queenzone community in general (I will not name names, because flaming, again, is part of the issue): if you don't have a constructive topic to start, or a constructive reply to make, why even bother? The other issue I think is happening--though others will definitely disagree with me in this area--perhaps the Queenzone community's topics are getting more and more stale because people have run out of things to talk about. I mean, I'm as big a Queen fan as the next girl, but honestly, what besides We Will Rock You, re-re-re-releases of age-old material, and Q+PR have they done lately? Nothing really recent to talk about...then there are the other questions, like meaning of lyrics, for example. In this example alone, people get a) flamed for starting the topic, b) foolish responses, like "that song is about AIDS" (popular reply, actually), or c) funneled to a website with an interpretation. Then there are questions with straightforward answers, like "Did Freddie sing the bridge in Sail away Sweet Sister?" These types *usually* don't create much discussion because the answer is the answer, with no room for debate, really. Sometimes, these threads also just turn into flame thread because someone will start "yelling" at the topic-starter for asking a "stupid" question. Sometimes--and this is what I loathe most--instead of just letting the thread close, people will return and continue to add comments that have nothing to do with the original question, like "I ate zucchini. It was good." Sheer idiot replies. But I believe the topic-starter is looking for a way to correct the problem. How I answer that, myself, is what can be done? The culpable posters must stop themselves or be stopped by others. That is the only way. Yes, the idea to reorganize the website is a terrific idea, but I believe that the new board would become spammed up, too, before long. But, since I have no better idea, I say it is worth a shot. Maybe this post was repeptitive, and more or less restated what others have already said. Maybe it was stupid, and nonsensical, with no thought process. Either way...there it is. Bottom line (I hate reading long posts): I believe the problem is people don't know when to reply anymore. My advice: If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything. It's completely up to the individual member to decide whether or not their posts are idiotic, and therefore, the problem can only be resolved if a poster/ the posters in question recognize that they have nothing to contribute to certain/ all topics, and don't reply/ leave the board. |
john bodega 24.04.2008 02:53 |
Micrówave wrote: That was funny, Zeb. Maybe you should be in charge of banning...I'm working on it... I'd be the best moderator. Micrówave wrote: as soon as you get a haircut, hippie.As I explained to Faron Hyte - already done. |
Killer Queenie 24.04.2008 07:25 |
<font color=red>Valentine <h6> from Hell wrote: Bottom line (I hate reading long posts): I believe the problem is people don't know when to reply anymore. My advice: If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything. It's completely up to the individual member to decide whether or not their posts are idiotic, and therefore, the problem can only be resolved if a poster/ the posters in question recognize that they have nothing to contribute to certain/ all topics, and don't reply/ leave the board.Agreed. |
john bodega 24.04.2008 08:31 |
<font color=red>Valentine <h6> from Hell wrote: If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything.Oh fuck THAT. |
steven 35638 24.04.2008 23:46 |
<font color=red>Valentine <h6> from Hell wrote: Also, I would like to object to the whole "teens have no idea what they are talking about." I read enough posts on Queenzone, and find that some of the most intelligent and thought-provoking topics are started by teenagers (Steve, Yara, etc.)... Both post brilliant discussion topics that everyone can contribute to, and learn from, and they are both teenagers.I was quite flattered upon reading this statement. Thank you, Michelle. I can honestly say that your posts are intelligent and thought-provoking as well (as displayed in your lengthy yet wise and interesting post). That being said, there are plenty of intelligent members on Queen Zone. The problem is, is that many of them don't use their wittiness for the greater good. That is, instead of ignoring the individuals who antagonize one another they typically join in due to their, I presume, superior argumentative abilities. I shall be honest. I am guilty of this and have been complained of in the past, but I have changed my ways of course. Therefore, and just like many of the predecessors of this thread, I have come to the conclusion that the trolls encapture our attention to a dangerous extent. Sometimes I think it's not the trolls that ruin this place, it's the distracted intelligent ones. I agree with all those stating we should all work together in developing worthwhile threads while ignoring the trolls, no matter how tempting. If you have nothing good to say, keep it to yourself. That's the only way this place will quit degrading itself (seeing as how our moderaters are too busy, which is understandable; we all--er--most of us have lives). Well, I'm sure I just about repeated everything said prior to this post...I wish I had found this thread sooner. |