Marknow 12.02.2012 11:20 |
I would advise you to download this version instead[/url[/url[/url[/url]]]] Queen + Paul Rodgers, O2 Arena, London England. 13th October 2008. Lineage : Sony HDR-SR11 - Powerdirctor 10 - Blu-ray Video, Type: MPEG-2 Duration: 1hr 10 min Bitrate: 32.01 Mbps Frame Rate: 25fps Aspect ratio 16:9 Resolution: 1920x1080 Audio, Type: LPCM Sampling Rate: 48 kHz Bitrate: 1536 Kbps Size: 13.7 GB You can check the quality of the video here[/url] Tight security on the night, I was not brave enough to lift my camera until IWTBF. I filmed until I was caught by security during Radio Ga Ga. I missed Bad Company to have a cigarette. Pretty shakey at times to be honest, but some nice bits too. I Want To Break Free C-lebrity Surf's Up... School's Out Seagull Love Of My Life '39 Bass solo Drum Solo I'm In Love With My Car A Kind Of Magic Say It's Not True We Believe Guitar Solo Bijou Last Horizon Radio Ga Ga (cut) Enjoy. |
bruno_facio 12.02.2012 12:24 |
Thanks a lot for this footage from QPR 2008! |
Ale_Pisa 12.02.2012 14:01 |
Thank you very much Mark! |
bokkepoot 13.02.2012 10:02 |
Thanks for sharing your recording :) |
brians wig 13.02.2012 13:25 |
Wow! Thanks Mark :) |
A Word In Your Ear 13.02.2012 15:37 |
Mark you're a star!!! I was at this gig!!! |
e-man 14.02.2012 04:31 |
on beyond thanks for this! I was there. great gig |
people on streets 14.02.2012 07:23 |
Thanks for the share. I'm not downloading, but appreciate the gesture. Saw you used Powerdirector. I still use Sony Vegas (11). How is Powerdirector compared to Vegas? Kind regards. |
Marknow 14.02.2012 08:06 |
people on streets wrote: Thanks for the share. I'm not downloading, but appreciate the gesture. Saw you used Powerdirector. I still use Sony Vegas (11). How is Powerdirector compared to Vegas? Kind regards.I had small problems with Vegas, and gave up on it some time ago. It was noticeably slower importing large files, and seemed to lose frames on hd rendering, also had the odd crash during importing and rendering. Might have just been codecs, but could not solve it. Powerdirector is faster at rendering, and never crashes on me. It's easier to use too, I think. My Nvidia graphics card is also supported for acceleration on rendering with P.D. Although both do pretty much the same job, I prefer Powerdirector. It's worth a look if you have time for it. I don't miss Vegas, I uninstalled it months ago. |
brians wig 14.02.2012 08:47 |
PowerDirector also keeps interlacing on relevent files, something that other HD editors certainly don't! I've just started using PD9, and it's preview monitor has the option of viewing files in low resolution: something which is ideal for me and my computer... Question for you though Mark: Does PD10 have frame view though? Most of the editors today don't have that basic function, but it's an important one for me as I sometimes need to have two identical programmes on the timeline but from different sources, so that I can edit out tape dropouts from the relevent frames. |
Marknow 14.02.2012 10:47 |
brians wig wrote: PowerDirector also keeps interlacing on relevent files, something that other HD editors certainly don't! I've just started using PD9, and it's preview monitor has the option of viewing files in low resolution: something which is ideal for me and my computer... Question for you though Mark: Does PD10 have frame view though? Most of the editors today don't have that basic function, but it's an important one for me as I sometimes need to have two identical programmes on the timeline but from different sources, so that I can edit out tape dropouts from the relevent frames.This rendering has a progressive frame rate by default, they must have worked on that between PD9 and 10. I have not got down to single frames myself, but there is a video here for PD9 explaining it, I think... link Download it from thepiratebay and have a look at it, If you don't rate it delete it, and if you like it buy a licence, that's what I did. The trial version has a lot of locked out features, so it's not worth downloading. Hope this helps. |
earwig 16.02.2012 06:58 |
Fantastic - thanks!! |
brians wig 18.02.2012 13:41 |
Hi Mark, Did you record this as 50i (or 50fps is more likely what the option says on your camera under frame rate) or 25fps, as what you've kindly uploaded for us is a De-interlaced picture? I've been caught out by this before on my old JVC. As an aside, have you tried multiAVCHD for BD authoring? Sadly it's not a supported piece of software any more, but it IS free and would have kept the picture interlaced if that's how your master recording is. |
Marknow 18.02.2012 17:46 |
brians wig wrote: Hi Mark, Did you record this as 50i (or 50fps is more likely what the option says on your camera under frame rate) or 25fps, as what you've kindly uploaded for us is a De-interlaced picture? I've been caught out by this before on my old JVC. As an aside, have you tried multiAVCHD for BD authoring? Sadly it's not a supported piece of software any more, but it IS free and would have kept the picture interlaced if that's how your master recording is.The original recording was 25fps. What is telling you this is de-interlaced? PD10 & Vegas11 showing it as Progressive, just curious cheers. Shame it was not kept Interlaced either way, must have a fiddle with PD 10 and see if I can fix that for the next one. Will have a look at multiAVCHD too when I can cheers. |
J.C 18.02.2012 18:16 |
I was there with my wife, so ta for this. Looks marvilous thank you very much. |
brians wig 18.02.2012 19:13 |
Hi mark, What tells me it's de-interlaced is I watched it on a TV set and I can tell. Setting an encoder to Progressive mode does tend to de-interlace material. How does it look on your own TV set if you play the original file back via the camera? Oh. Please check your PMs... |
Marknow 18.02.2012 19:25 |
No longer have that camera :( Can only view on my TV through my pc, looks great in powerdvd, looks nasty enough in vlc and wmp. |
YourValentine 21.02.2012 03:10 |
Thank you very much for this video, Mark. It was very hard to film from your seat and I feel for you all the way through:-)Too bad that you were caught but at least you had more freedom to wave and shout after that. I was in many concerts where the artists did not mind the least and you could film openly. Queen are the worst in this respect and you have to choose between filming and enjoying the concert. Thank you for choosing to film and to share it with us, very much appreciated. |
rhapsody8 21.02.2012 04:25 |
Maybe it will be a boring question for Blu-Ray sharing, but I have to ask this. Is there a DVD version of this nice recording? I'm not a video expert to convert it to DVD, sorry. Thanks for your great effort and kind sharing... |
Marknow 21.02.2012 17:02 |
rhapsody8 wrote: Maybe it will be a boring question for Blu-Ray sharing, but I have to ask this. Is there a DVD version of this nice recording? I'm not a video expert to convert it to DVD, sorry. Thanks for your great effort and kind sharing...That's a fair request, and one I was half expecting :) Will up a DVD version Soon. |
Marknow 21.02.2012 17:12 |
YourValentine wrote: Thank you very much for this video, Mark. It was very hard to film from your seat and I feel for you all the way through:-)Too bad that you were caught but at least you had more freedom to wave and shout after that. I was in many concerts where the artists did not mind the least and you could film openly. Queen are the worst in this respect and you have to choose between filming and enjoying the concert. Thank you for choosing to film and to share it with us, very much appreciated.Thanks, I literally did miss the concert, filming was so tough from that distance and between peoples shoulders. |
Marknow 21.02.2012 18:11 |
UPGRADE HERE link Download that version instead. |