malicedoom 09.06.2016 14:15 | |
thomasquinn 32989 10.06.2016 03:53 |
Good. There's no place for Trump or Trump-supporters in the civilized world. |
Chief Mouse 10.06.2016 04:17 |
And even in response to this, Brian was put down as a whining old woman by someone on Facebook. Seems like he can do no right. |
Costa86 10.06.2016 05:14 |
Yes, he should stop using songs without permission. But he's gon' make good ole 'Murica great again! Better Trumped than Clintoned. He's gon' build a wall, and it's gon' be visible from space - good view for all the astronauts that 'Murica's gon' send to space once it becomes the greatest dayum country in the world again! link link |
RS_Protos 10.06.2016 12:05 |
"Good. There's no place for Trump or Trump-supporters in the civilized world. " yes because Clinton is civilized............. and yes, there's a place for Trump supporters |
The Real Wizard 10.06.2016 12:46 |
RS_Protos wrote: "Good. There's no place for Trump or Trump-supporters in the civilized world. " yes because Clinton is civilized.............Please show the quote where Clinton (or any other politician) encourages their supporters to engage in violence on those who disagree with them, offering to pay their legal fees when they end up in court. |
*goodco* 10.06.2016 13:34 |
build a wall, keep those foreigners out His mother was a foreigner, his three wives foreigners until marriage, and he uses a foreign band's song at the rally (probably thought it came from their 'A Day As A Racist LP). So much for 'merika. If he's going to use British songs, perhaps 'I'm A Loser' would have been more appropriate. |
Holly2003 10.06.2016 14:49 |
Great King Rat would've been a better Queen choice. But Cold Hearted Man by AC/DC is most appropriate. His lack of empathy for ... anyone really, marks him out as a sociopath. Let's hope the American people see sense, hold their noses, and vote for Hilary instead (or preferably Bernie, but that's hardly likely now) :( |
malicedoom 10.06.2016 15:18 |
Great King Rat... that's AWESOME. I wish I would have thought of that. Nicely done! |
Killer_queenIII 10.06.2016 23:10 |
Great King Rat's an appropriate choice. Throw in Death On Two Legs too for good measure. Tan that big talking, small fry overgrown schoolboy's hide. |
YourValentine 11.06.2016 04:10 |
Someone should tell Trump that Freddie was an immigrant, even a refugee. Someone who should have been kept out by building a wall according to T. |
coops 11.06.2016 07:51 |
RS_Protos wrote: "Good. There's no place for Trump or Trump-supporters in the civilized world. " yes because Clinton is civilized............. and yes, there's a place for Trump supportersThis kind if response does not make sense to me. Are you saying Trump is a good presidential candidate? How do the qualifications of other candidates have anything to do with whether or not Trump is qualified. If someone said to you Hitler was a mass murdered, would you come back with " because Stalin wasn't..."? As a side note, I am a Brit and have been living in the states for 25 years with a green card. I am a medical professional and have served in the army as an officer for 15 years. I pay taxes. Trump says its wrong that "people from other countries are taking jobs from Americans, and we need to change that". Is he referring to people like me? Technically. But really, its the brown people he and his fans have problems with. People complain to me all the time about Hispanics coming here and working. Illegal or otherwise. But because I have blonde hair and blue eyes it they don't lump me in the same category. Trump is about invoking FEELINGS in his supporters. Will he build a wall? No, but people like the idea. Makes them feel good. Could he ban Muslims? No, but it makes people feel good. Being tough on China? Ha, no but people feel good about the idea. Does he have a plan for healthcare? Yes, here it is. And I quote, " I will get the best people and we will figure something out. It will be terrific". Nice thought out plan and it makes people feel good. He is a rich man so he should know. Right? It goes on and on. Just fact check him. He is ignorant about the world, people and practically everything else. And liking Clinton or not, does not change this. And finally, there is a place for his mostly xenophobic followers. Its called the 17th century. |
Nitroboy 11.06.2016 08:14 |
I find it strange that Brian says they don't allow their music to be used for political campaigns. Yet Brian May himself used "Flash" in a badger campaign.... |
AlbaNo1 11.06.2016 18:21 |
Isn't there already a big fence between US and Mexico? Plus his other policies are less right wing than other republicans, other than on immigration, as analysed on below link link I don't support trump and haven't met anyone who does But it seems typical lightweight liberal queen /brian to object to trump in this way. It's equally populist to unthinking reject him as it is for the supposed rednecks to support him I don't know for sure but imagine all queen members naturally voted Tory. With brief New Labour flirtation aside |
RS_Protos 13.06.2016 09:01 |
coops, your response does not make sense to me also. He is not talking about people who are here legally taking jobs, you are twisting the truth. He is talking about people who are here illegally or as the PC people say's amazing how people cant talk the truth anymore....... He wants companies to stay in America, not go for example to Mexico or other countries for cheap labor and make more profits selling the product in America, like tax them more if they sell it here. But all the politicians, lobyists. etc are involved and make money out of it............ I'm also from europe and live in America but there's limits to everything, let's see england, france, and germany in a few more years how great they will be....Germany and there liberalism is a joke.... I'm also an immigrant here in America but I didnt push and demanded my culture/values here, I adapted to the american culture. I dont see that happening from some other cultures here or in europe, and thats NOT being xenophobic as people use that as an excuse. |
goose44 13.06.2016 11:43 |
Trump, 2016 I am one! |
pittrek 13.06.2016 12:18 |
Wow, why do people hate Trump so much? I mean I'm just a foreign observer who doesn't really care about American politicians, but from what I know about him he seems like a typical politician. |
luthorn 13.06.2016 13:13 |
pittrek wrote: Wow, why do people hate Trump so much? I mean I'm just a foreign observer who doesn't really care about American politicians, but from what I know about him he seems like a typical politician.Career politicians hate him, because their cushy jobs are on the line. Imagine if Trump went in to government with his 'You're fired' mantra. A lot of those useless government leeches would find themselves jobless fast. The media is in bed with the establishment, so they will bark as their bosses tell them to. the plebs? Plebs is easily manipulated, so they'll hate anything their masters tell them. |
Oscar J 13.06.2016 14:07 |
Ah, and the intelligent anti-"PC", anti-"establishment" arguments once again. Yeah, sure Trump is racist, fascist, consistently disrespectful against women, wants to censor critical media, glorifies stories about shooting muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood, claims global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. And fine, he doesn't know anything about international relations or politics, or the world situation in general, really. But as long as he "tells it like it is", isn't politically correct or part of the current establishment, then HELL YEAH, TRUMP 2016! Utter stupidity. |
RS_Protos 13.06.2016 14:26 |
"Ah, and the intelligent anti-"PC", anti-"establishment" arguments once again." There was another muslim attack and Obama still doesn't get it..........lets not offend the muslims PC crap.......... |
wOvANz 13.06.2016 15:27 |
USA has a bad choice this time. |
Pingfah 14.06.2016 05:04 |
RS_Protos wrote: "Ah, and the intelligent anti-"PC", anti-"establishment" arguments once again." There was another muslim attack and Obama still doesn't get it..........lets not offend the muslims PC crap..........A gay man, who used gay dating apps, and would spend his evenings getting drunk in the very club that he ended up shooting up. Does that sound very fundamentalist Muslim to you? |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2016 08:15 |
Noted fact: most of the Islamic terrorists in Europe, including the Paris and Brussels terrorists, were petty criminals (or, as with Salah Abdeslam, violent criminals) who drank, did drugs and the likes and did not hold particularly strong religious views before they joined terrorist cells. Documentation left behind by IS showed that new recruits from the west, almost to a man, stated that they knew very little about Islam and were deemed by the leaders to need intensive teaching sessions to be familiarized with Islam (of course, IS' interpretation thereof). People don't seem to care about facts and truth anymore. "Freedom of speech" seems to mean "my lies are as good as your facts" to people who back Trump. They don't even care that he lies more than Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio and the whole RNC combined. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 08:44 |
"A gay man, who used gay dating apps, and would spend his evenings getting drunk in the very club that he ended up shooting up. Does that sound very fundamentalist Muslim to you? " Still was one no matter how you twist and turn words......... |
luthorn 14.06.2016 09:03 |
Pingfah wrote:Maybe all fundamentalist Muslims are closeted homosexuals, who are too afraid to come out so instead they go on killing people.RS_Protos wrote: "Ah, and the intelligent anti-"PC", anti-"establishment" arguments once again." There was another muslim attack and Obama still doesn't get it..........lets not offend the muslims PC crap..........A gay man, who used gay dating apps, and would spend his evenings getting drunk in the very club that he ended up shooting up. Does that sound very fundamentalist Muslim to you? |
luthorn 14.06.2016 09:05 |
Oscar J wrote: Ah, and the intelligent anti-"PC", anti-"establishment" arguments once again. Yeah, sure Trump is racist, fascist, consistently disrespectful against women, wants to censor critical media, glorifies stories about shooting muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood, claims global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. And fine, he doesn't know anything about international relations or politics, or the world situation in general, really. But as long as he "tells it like it is", isn't politically correct or part of the current establishment, then HELL YEAH, TRUMP 2016! Utter stupidity.A typical brainwashed argument without facts to back, just empty copy paste slogans from the media. I rest my case. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2016 09:11 |
Without facts to back? Excuse me? Trump has made, literally, many DOZENS of racist and sexist remarks in the past few months alone. He has patently LIED on numerous occasions, you can check that Politifact, a NON-PARTISAN group that FACT-CHECKS American politicians. He has PROVEN ties to the Genovese-mafia family ( link ), well-documented since the 1990s. He has OPENLY encouraged his supporters to commit ACTS OF VIOLENCE against opponents. And yet, you come up with this kind of bullshit. Trump supporters can't handle facts. Like all fascists, they make up their own truth and call reality propaganda. The stupidity is breathtaking: every objective fact is denied, but no remark by their Great Leader, no matter how outrageous, is subjected to the least bit of critical thinking. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2016 09:12 |
RS_Protos wrote: "A gay man, who used gay dating apps, and would spend his evenings getting drunk in the very club that he ended up shooting up. Does that sound very fundamentalist Muslim to you? " Still was one no matter how you twist and turn words......... Of course, you know better than the people who are actually doing the investigating. Obviously. That's the core of the retarded populists who back Trump & Co: they don't know anything about anything, but their opinion, drawn straight out of their ass, is better than anything an expert can offer. |
Pingfah 14.06.2016 09:17 |
RS_Protos wrote: "A gay man, who used gay dating apps, and would spend his evenings getting drunk in the very club that he ended up shooting up. Does that sound very fundamentalist Muslim to you? " Still was one no matter how you twist and turn words.........Which words did I twist exactly? Everything I said was factual. You actually don't know what a fundamentalist muslim is then. A gay man who drinks alcohol by definition cannot be a fundamentalist Muslim. So when you boil all these attacks down to nothing more than religion, you fail to perceive any of the actual reasons why they happen. These are disenfranchised young men, who's religious upbringing makes them an easy target for radicalisation, to say that it happened simply because they were Muslims is a pathetically simplistic reading of the situation, which i'm sure suits your intellect just perfectly. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 09:34 |
Are you kidding me? They are still from muslim back round no matter how you put it, did you see his fathers back round? Read what he was saying when he was young, what he said about 911, yet people are scared to call them out. I'm not saying all muslims are bad, BUT all these killings are from muslim people! I know people cant handle what Trump says about temporarely stopping immigrations from Afganistan for example, but even if one in a thousand is a radical islamic extremist, than thats a problem, innocent people are getting killed for politicians PC stupidity. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 09:39 |
"Of course, you know better than the people who are actually doing the investigating. Obviously. That's the core of the retarded populists who back Trump & Co: they don't know anything about anything, but their opinion, drawn straight out of their ass, is better than anything an expert can offer." Not sure what you don't understand from the news? Even retarded people can understand. Opinion? Have you watched the news theses days and the investigation going on? |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2016 09:39 |
Many more than 1/1000 white American men are criminals. Should we persecute all white American men? The only politicians stupidity that is killing people is refusing to tighten gun laws. Did you know that the same people who say Muslims must be stopped from entering the country REFUSE to vote for a law that would ban suspected terrorists from buying guns? Of course you didn't. Because you don't know anything. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.06.2016 09:40 |
RS_Protos wrote: "Of course, you know better than the people who are actually doing the investigating. Obviously. That's the core of the retarded populists who back Trump & Co: they don't know anything about anything, but their opinion, drawn straight out of their ass, is better than anything an expert can offer." Not sure what you don't understand from the news? Even retarded people can understand. Opinion? Have you watched the news theses days and the investigation going on? I clearly know a lot more than you do. And I'm not going to waste a single character on you after this post. You are beyond help. You don't know facts from propaganda, and you refuse to take your head out of your ass. As far as I'm concerned, you can go drown yourself. It would be the greatest contribution you ever made to mankind. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 10:05 |
I can tell you are very smart and you know a lot, oh meant to say you have been brain washed a lot......also you take your head out of your ass. I guess your answer to someone when you can't handle a debate/truth or different ideas than yours is to drown themselves? wow, typical comments from a weak person and not from someone who knows a lot. |
Pingfah 14.06.2016 10:10 |
RS_Protos wrote: Are you kidding me? They are still from muslim back round no matter how you put it, did you see his fathers back round? Read what he was saying when he was young, what he said about 911, yet people are scared to call them out. I'm not saying all muslims are bad, BUT all these killings are from muslim people! I know people cant handle what Trump says about temporarely stopping immigrations from Afganistan for example, but even if one in a thousand is a radical islamic extremist, than thats a problem, innocent people are getting killed for politicians PC stupidity.Umm, do you have the slightest idea how many people get shot to death in the USA every year, and what percentage of them are committed by Muslims?! I bet you don't, or you wouldn't make such transparently untrue and utterly idiotic statements as that. And nowhere NEAR one in 1000 muslims is a radical extremist, you paranoid moron. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 10:47 |
That is the most "utterly idiotic" comparison, that's how you justify its ok? You are comparing how many people get shot in the USA with muslim terrorists? |
Pingfah 14.06.2016 10:58 |
You just said "all these killings are from Muslim people". You understand what your own words mean do you? Not even the majority of mass shootings or murders are carried out by Muslims in the US, let alone individual ones. Statistically, you are at hardly any danger whatsoever from Muslims compared to white or black Americans, yet you persist with your paranoid ravings, you and your ilk are turning the USA into a global laughing stock. If you want to stop mass killings, deal with the amount of guns, end the war on drugs, and do something about the amount of mentally ill people in your country, which would mean dealing with your gun laws, and your pathetic excuse for a healthcare system. Muslims are the LEAST of your problems. Your statement is nothing but a barefaced lie. Now go fuck yourself you dumb fucking hick. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 11:52 |
I don't feel like fucking myself right now, sorry. Regarding gun laws, i totally agree with you, I wont deny that. I came from europe and I know how great the healthcare is there, not, it might be free but it's horrible when it comes to treating patients. Actually it's free here in the USA for the lazy f'ks also, all illegals get free health care, oh and tons of new legal immigrants who just come here to collect money, dont feel like working, why work when you can collect money. Regarding "Muslims are the LEAST of your problems", seeing how europe is becoming it will be a bigger problem than you think, not just terrorism but your way of life will change and it will too late. |
Oscar J 14.06.2016 14:02 |
^ And you're the one calling people brain washed. Two things: being a Swede, I can say that we have a great health care system. We also have among the highest number of muslim immigrants in Europe, as has been the case for many years, yet our juvenile delinquency rates have been steadily declining since the early 90's. I am not the least bit worried about the muslim immigration - I am however concerned about anti-democratic, populist and fascist forces getting increased support and power in many European countries. I am also not too happy about the "vigilance"-movements consisting of ordinary ethnic Swedes taking law into their own hands and assault random immigrants (preferably children, they're easier) on the streets. |
RS_Protos 14.06.2016 15:18 |
Sharia law might be sooner than you think over there as it has appeared in some other euro countries already :) |
*goodco* 14.06.2016 19:19 |
Drumpf wants to nuke ISIS. Response: Good luck finding their HQ. Drumpf wants to hand over nukes to Japan and South Korea and other allies. Response: Really? Drumpf was kicked out of grade school, and sent to military school. Response: I was not. Drumpf's mother was an immigrant. His first wife was an immigrant before marriage, and did not become a citizen until six years later. His last two wives were immigrants and not US citizens. Response: My two wives born in America, as were their great grandmothers. Drumpf's suits and ties are made in Mexico. Response: Mine are Made In USA Drumpf effed around on his first wife. Response: So did Bill. Drumpf has filed four bankruptcies. Response: He knows how to be financially stable? Drumpf ran x amount of casinos and boxing matches. Response: Mob ties, anyone? Drumpf avoided three military drafts via college and physical exemptions. Response: He cannot remember which foot caused the exclusion, calls McCain a 'loser' for being a POW. Drumpf loves Palin. Response: But she was also a loser, and quit her job as governor of Alaska. And (that list is endless) Drumpf ruined and totally destroyed the USFL. Response: He won a $1 award (and tripled) in a court judgment. Drumpf: Trump University Response: Lawsuits and judgments against. Drumpf: Didn't know anything about KKK member David Duke before the South Carolina primary, and refused to condemn him. Response: Threatened to pull out of the Reform Party 2000 election due to David Duke being a part of it. etc etc etc |
Saint Jiub 14.06.2016 20:26 |
Oscar J wrote: ^ And you're the one calling people brain washed. ... being a Swede, I can say that ... I am not the least bit worried about the muslim immigration |
RS_Protos 15.06.2016 08:37 |
And more to come............less and less culture and tradition values from some people/countries they will regret in the long run..... |
Oscar J 15.06.2016 10:11 |
Not sure what that article was supposed to say. I only spoke for myself there by the way, of course some people are worried. Not least the supporters of the anti-immigration populist party Sweden Democrats, which now has almost 20 % in recent polls. Also the way you edited my post there didn't quite work. The "being a Swede" part referred to my experiences with our health care system. RS_Protos, you might as well stop with your platitudes, I've heard them hundreds of times from other xenophobes already. Our culture is richer than ever thanks to immigration. |
RS_Protos 15.06.2016 11:41 |
"Our culture is richer than ever thanks to immigration." huh? think about what that means, LOL, not sure if that's a naive, left, etc statement or like I initially said countries with no culture and traditions anymore. Most likely the history of your country is not the same as mine which i can understand the different views that's why you shouldn't call someone xenophobe without knowing. |
pittrek 16.06.2016 03:41 |
Oscar J wrote: Yeah, sure Trump is racist, fascist, consistently disrespectful against women, wants to censor critical media, glorifies stories about shooting muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood, claims global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.Ehm, source? These are very dangerous claims, what about some source/citations to support them? |
thomasquinn 32989 16.06.2016 04:17 |
Seriously, pittrek? I'm not even going into "disrespectful against women", that's been proven to death. "Wants to censor critical media": "glorifies stories about shooting muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood": "claims global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese": link So pittrek, are you going to own up and accept he said all these things ? Or are you going to go real quiet now? I hope you're not going to pretend these are 'leftist lies', coming from Time, Business Insider and Trump's own Twitter-feed. |
Costa86 16.06.2016 09:17 |
The global warming bit I was really disappointed by. I don't know who advised him on that one. He's seriously deluded if he thinks climate change is a hoax. In fact it would be disastrous if he were President and treated it like a non-issues or a fake threat. |
malicedoom 16.06.2016 11:39 |
Donald Trump is a fucking asshole. - Thanks for reading. Be well. |
thomasquinn 32989 16.06.2016 12:25 |
Costa86 wrote: The global warming bit I was really disappointed by. I don't know who advised him on that one. He's seriously deluded if he thinks climate change is a hoax. In fact it would be disastrous if he were President and treated it like a non-issues or a fake threat.He doesn't. He doesn't believe most of the things he says - in fact, in the past, he was vocally opposed to many of them. He's simply saying what he believes will get him the most votes - Trump's a sociopathic monster - he doesn't care what he has to say or do, so long as it'll get him what he wants. He knows full well that the vast majority of the people who vote for him are uneducated and prejudiced. He loves that - makes them easy to manipulate. He shows that when he spins and changes positions from event to event, relishing in the thought that the suckers who come out to support him don't even realize it. |
RS_Protos 16.06.2016 13:36 |
Typical comments from the left, they are all educated and know what's better for the rest............ |
Saint Jiub 16.06.2016 14:30 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:He doesn't. He doesn't believe most of the things he says - in fact, in the past, he was vocally opposed to many of them. ... He sounds just like Hillary ... except he is not eating out of the the pockets of Wallstreet, ambulance chasers, or labor unions. |