YourValentine 14.04.2020 12:34 |
Hello people, please remember that the serious forum is for Queen topics. If you want to create threads about trolls, please use the Personal forum. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.04.2020 12:40 |
Too little, too late. |
Invisible Woman 14.04.2020 16:27 |
I agree. You are both right. |
Sealion 14.04.2020 16:37 |
Like this one? link This site has become an embarrassment for all sensible Queen fans. |
miraclesteinway 14.04.2020 16:52 |
It's alll tooooo laaaaaate |
popy 15.04.2020 00:54 |
Yeah. Ok. So the admin says the real big problem are topics in the wrong place. If that's a joke, it's a bad one. But ironically this topic is also in the wrong forum... |
Anton3283 15.04.2020 07:10 |
YourValentine wrote: Hello people, please remember that the serious forum is for Queen topics. If you want to create threads about trolls, please use the Personal forum.But you do nothing to make it that way. Your connivance led to the fact that here we have a lot of trolls. And each time they become more and more. |
reesefallon 15.04.2020 21:17 |
Golden Salmon 16.04.2020 08:32 |
Yeah, this place could use some timely moderation. And automated measures to prevent bots from signing up. And forum tech that actually works and isn't from the previous century. I understand that this is a free service but its value resides in the people who want to use it. Do not be surprised if the greatest contributors to this board will migrate to the new one and never look back. It's been a long time coming. |
Vocal harmony 16.04.2020 13:12 |
Golden Salmon wrote: Yeah, this place could use some timely moderation. And automated measures to prevent bots from signing up. . . . . . . . . . . Do not be surprised if the greatest contributors to this board will migrate to the new one and never look back. It's been a long time coming.That is what has happened in this last week. |
Hangman_96 17.04.2020 12:01 |
It's late, it's late and now it's really late. |
Ale Solan 17.04.2020 14:46 |
It is never too late for a real serious discussion in here:"> |
*goodco* 22.04.2020 19:59 |
Better forums do not have threads about trolls, they delete them. That was always the problem with Qzone. I know there were many who would have helped moderate, but those requests were ignored. Instead, we ended up with 'reverse censorship'....the chronic tiny percentage of antagonists who posted too much, with so much vile, that the good people here moved on. The mass exodus in the past two weeks or so to something far, far more 'adult' when made available, is proof that the eons old permissiveness didn't work. A real shame it had to come down to this. Goodco signing out. |
silver_salmon 24.04.2020 16:43 |
Barbara please explain what do you mean with "Serious". The last time i saw a serious (or at least interesting) thread here was in 2009 more less. |
inu-liger 29.04.2020 09:25 |
We've told you for years, literally YEARS, this website needed moderation and to get rid of trolls, definitely as far back as the Q+PR era. But we were always told No, because "free speech." It's no wonder many of us are jumping ship over to that site Ale mentioned. Everyone is, or has long been, fed up with the carte blanche treatment these trolls got to enjoy at our collective psychological expense. This website has long squandered its potential to remain the top Queen fan site, and there's no turning back. It's done. |
inu-liger 29.04.2020 09:33 |
Anton3283 wrote: But you do nothing to make it that way. Your connivance led to the fact that here we have a lot of trolls. And each time they become more and more.Shut your fucking hypocritical mouth, you hideous slob. You are the LAST person to have ANY right to talk about this after the heavy contributions YOU made to the troll activity here over the years, right down to harassing Greg Brooks and Gary Taylor out of your own selfishness. There were no kind words about you when brought up in real life in-person conversations. |
aristide1 29.04.2020 16:34 |
Golden Salmon, on the other place: "I just updated a little old share, and in the process of doing so I invalidated the old link at QZ and added a link to us, ha!" I can't explain this bizarre bitter attitude from someone who received massive appreciation and had no problem with anyone. What better things (that he was deprived of on QZ) could happened to him on a new forum? And why the urge to punish QZ? |
The Real Wizard 30.04.2020 01:36 |
aristide1 wrote: I can't explain this bizarre bitter attitude from someone who received massive appreciation and had no problem with anyone.Of course YOU wouldn't understand - you're one of the trolls whom 500+ people have emigrated from this place to avoid. |
*goodco* 30.04.2020 05:17 |
mooghead wrote: What was the point of starting/joining the new board if the old guard are still going to return here to carry on the the stupid squabbles? It completely undermines the reason for its existence. Wasn't it so that we could watch this place die? |
aristide1 30.04.2020 09:59 |
No one jumped ship because of me. My only persistence was in trying to make you to exhibit more logic and common sense. Obviously it didn't worked so well as long as I am perceived as a troll by the people desperately craving for unanimity. |
brENsKi 30.04.2020 11:09 |
aristide1 wrote:No one jumped ship because of me. My only persistence was in trying to make you to exhibit more logic and common sense. Obviously it didn't worked so well as long as I am perceived as a troll by the people desperately craving for unanimity.doesn't matter how you try to spin it...there's no "perceived" about it - you are a troll. Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry - the Four Horsemen of the QZ Apocalypse Admittedly, none of you ever stayed in your own saddle - quite often changing horses mid-ride. All four of you brought war, famine and pestilence to QZ in equal measure, and now finally - death. well done. |
inu-liger 30.04.2020 21:57 |
Gerry is so mentally ill, it’s sad. How desperate do you have to be to make multiple accounts to troll the same place with? |
runner_70 01.05.2020 11:59 |
brENsKi wrote:The first thing you know when you meet a "TROLL"? Seeing him calling others being trolls. Fucking idiotaristide1 wrote:No one jumped ship because of me. My only persistence was in trying to make you to exhibit more logic and common sense. Obviously it didn't worked so well as long as I am perceived as a troll by the people desperately craving for unanimity.doesn't matter how you try to spin it...there's no "perceived" about it - you are a troll. Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry - the Four Horsemen of the QZ Apocalypse Admittedly, none of you ever stayed in your own saddle - quite often changing horses mid-ride. All four of you brought war, famine and pestilence to QZ in equal measure, and now finally - death. well done. |
brENsKi 01.05.2020 14:08 |
runner_70 wrote:The first thing you know when you meet a "TROLL"? Seeing him calling others being trolls. Fucking idiotseveral hundred have left QZ to get away from Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry. Our Forum is just 3 weeks old, with 536 members, 463 threads, 4,666 posts - and no arguments. Pray tell Mr Weckless, what exactly has happened at QZ under the caretakership of you Four Horsemen? it's a tumbleweed driven, dust-ridden fucking ghostown. think we know everything we need to know about Troll Identification. You four, on the other hand - appear to be struggling with recognizing trolls. To assist you with the process, i've had Amazon send a mirror to each of your residences. Unfortunately Amazon are out of stock of Delusion Detectors, but they've promised to ship to you once they've restocked. Thank me later. |
Vocal harmony 01.05.2020 16:27 |
runner_70 wrote:Ah Heinrich you've returned. . . Well you've said your piece, so do fuck off like a good little chap.brENsKi wrote:The first thing you know when you meet a "TROLL"? Seeing him calling others being trolls. Fucking idiotaristide1 wrote:No one jumped ship because of me. My only persistence was in trying to make you to exhibit more logic and common sense. Obviously it didn't worked so well as long as I am perceived as a troll by the people desperately craving for unanimity.doesn't matter how you try to spin it...there's no "perceived" about it - you are a troll. Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry - the Four Horsemen of the QZ Apocalypse Admittedly, none of you ever stayed in your own saddle - quite often changing horses mid-ride. All four of you brought war, famine and pestilence to QZ in equal measure, and now finally - death. well done. |
popy 01.05.2020 17:27 |
For me, a good moderator deletes topics about trolls independently of where they are posted. But since this is the worst moderator of all moderators I've seen on all the forums i'm in, it doesn't surprise me that you don't give a f*ck about trolls murdering the forum. And users offered help for years, but you completely ignored us. The current state of slow death of this forum is 100% your fault. If you moderated more often and allowed more moderators, the forum would still be alive and well. You're the one to blame. This is how a moderator responds to trolls? Wanting people to make posts about them in the right place, instead of banning trolls and deleting topics about them? A complete disgrace of a moderator. That's a good strategy. Since you don't have time for the site, instead of handing over moderator rights to other users, you prefer people will stop using the site so that you don't have to come to the site anymore. Your ego is bigger than wanting the site to keep going, you don't stand the idea of others moderating the site. Mission accomplished. You might as well close the site, it's clearly what you want. |
runner_70 01.05.2020 18:03 |
brENsKi wrote:Still you cunts are still coming back to QZ ? Why is that? Is your new asskissing forum so fucking boring ? STay where the fuck you went to and never return - you are the ultimate asstrollsrunner_70 wrote:The first thing you know when you meet a "TROLL"? Seeing him calling others being trolls. Fucking idiotseveral hundred have left QZ to get away from Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry. Our Forum is just 3 weeks old, with 536 members, 463 threads, 4,666 posts - and no arguments. Pray tell Mr Weckless, what exactly has happened at QZ under the caretakership of you Four Horsemen? it's a tumbleweed driven, dust-ridden fucking ghostown. think we know everything we need to know about Troll Identification. You four, on the other hand - appear to be struggling with recognizing trolls. To assist you with the process, i've had Amazon send a mirror to each of your residences. Unfortunately Amazon are out of stock of Delusion Detectors, but they've promised to ship to you once they've restocked. Thank me later. |
runner_70 01.05.2020 18:04 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Same goes out to you assclown - why you still come back here when you have your super douper asskissing forum fuck off you asscuntrunner_70 wrote:Ah Heinrich you've returned. . . Well you've said your piece, so do fuck off like a good little chap.brENsKi wrote:The first thing you know when you meet a "TROLL"? Seeing him calling others being trolls. Fucking idiotaristide1 wrote:No one jumped ship because of me. My only persistence was in trying to make you to exhibit more logic and common sense. Obviously it didn't worked so well as long as I am perceived as a troll by the people desperately craving for unanimity.doesn't matter how you try to spin it...there's no "perceived" about it - you are a troll. Aristide1, Runner_70, Freddie Jupiter and Gerry - the Four Horsemen of the QZ Apocalypse Admittedly, none of you ever stayed in your own saddle - quite often changing horses mid-ride. All four of you brought war, famine and pestilence to QZ in equal measure, and now finally - death. well done. |
brENsKi 01.05.2020 21:40 |
runner_70 wrote:Still you cunts are still coming back to QZ ? Why is that? Is your new asskissing forum so fucking boring ? STay where the fuck you went to and never return - you are the ultimate asstrollsyou inherited the dust. and what's more, you know it - which explains your "ramping up" on the aggression. di-fucking-dums,dustboy! |
AlbaNo1 02.05.2020 20:55 |
There’s no arguments there . Yet. Because you are holding back and dumping your spite and need for conflict here. But there will be arguments . It’s just a matter of time before you start accusing people of being trolls whilst engaging and encouraging them with every post. |
brENsKi 03.05.2020 09:29 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: There’s no arguments there . Yet. Because you are holding back and dumping your spite and need for conflict here. But there will be arguments . It’s just a matter of time before you start accusing people of being trolls whilst engaging and encouraging them with every post. |
brENsKi 03.05.2020 09:30 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:There’s no arguments there . Yet. Because you are holding back and dumping your spite and need for conflict here. But there will be arguments . It’s just a matter of time before you start accusing people of being trolls whilst engaging and encouraging them with every post.1. there's no arguments because: all that we have over there is a respect of the band and music in general, and an acceptance of differing opinion, with a grown-up approach to discussion. 2. there may be disagreement - but these will remain calm and respectful - because in moderated forums, people behave in a moderated manner. 3. we don't need to accuse anyone of being trolls. any known trolls register - we ban them immediately. any unknown trolls post, they are warned, their post is removed and a repeat results in ban. any bans include email, IP and one or two other combinations - so the forum is pretty well structured/protected - unlike this place, which is geared up to people almost never being banned or moderated. conversely, all you have here is the likes of Gerry, Aristide1, runner_70 and Freddie Jupiter basically posting any one/combination of; racist, abusive, homophobic, trans-phobic, and threatening violence toward anyone who dares to discuss Freddie in any comparative light other than "beaming fucking halo". unfortunately, this forum is in its death rattle (just try and remember what a great place it was BEFORE they arrived) because, apologists - stand by and NEVER condemn any of their posts - because they are not prepared to risk incurring any of the trolls special treatment. ask yourself why have you personally, never condemned them - you know they are wrong to behave as they do, but i suppose you must have your own reasons? thing is, many people absolutely know that what they do is deplorable, but look the other way, often (instead) challenging the challengers (well that's much easier isn't it), because woe betide that this forum should impinge on freedom of speech - even when that freedom insults/invades others' freedoms. bystanders should be ashamed, because - in doing so - they've contributed as much to this forum's downfall as those four creatures have. reaching the sensible conclusion for "deniers" and "apologists" will be almost impossible. you could choose to come to our new forum, breathe the fresh air, actually engage in respectful, stimulating, discussion with the other 563 of us (400+ who used to be here) go on, prove me wrong - join us - or are you far too comfortable in the miasma of this place? and with that, i'll leave you to it. |
runner_70 03.05.2020 14:47 |
brENsKi wrote:Still you come here every day - your new asscunt forum must be pretty boring.AlbaNo1 wrote:There’s no arguments there . Yet. Because you are holding back and dumping your spite and need for conflict here. But there will be arguments . It’s just a matter of time before you start accusing people of being trolls whilst engaging and encouraging them with every post.1. there's no arguments because: all that we have over there is a respect of the band and music in general, and an acceptance of differing opinion, with a grown-up approach to discussion. 2. there may be disagreement - but these will remain calm and respectful - because in moderated forums, people behave in a moderated manner. 3. we don't need to accuse anyone of being trolls. any known trolls register - we ban them immediately. any unknown trolls post, they are warned, their post is removed and a repeat results in ban. any bans include email, IP and one or two other combinations - so the forum is pretty well structured/protected - unlike this place, which is geared up to people almost never being banned or moderated. conversely, all you have here is the likes of Gerry, Aristide1, runner_70 and Freddie Jupiter basically posting any one/combination of; racist, abusive, homophobic, trans-phobic, and threatening violence toward anyone who dares to discuss Freddie in any comparative light other than "beaming fucking halo". unfortunately, this forum is in its death rattle (just try and remember what a great place it was BEFORE they arrived) because, apologists - stand by and NEVER condemn any of their posts - because they are not prepared to risk incurring any of the trolls special treatment. ask yourself why have you personally, never condemned them - you know they are wrong to behave as they do, but i suppose you must have your own reasons? thing is, many people absolutely know that what they do is deplorable, but look the other way, often (instead) challenging the challengers (well that's much easier isn't it), because woe betide that this forum should impinge on freedom of speech - even when that freedom insults/invades others' freedoms. bystanders should be ashamed, because - in doing so - they've contributed as much to this forum's downfall as those four creatures have. reaching the sensible conclusion for "deniers" and "apologists" will be almost impossible. you could choose to come to our new forum, breathe the fresh air, actually engage in respectful, stimulating, discussion with the other 563 of us (400+ who used to be here) go on, prove me wrong - join us - or are you far too comfortable in the miasma of this place? and with that, i'll leave you to it. |
brENsKi 03.05.2020 15:12 |
runner_70 wrote:Still you come here every day - your new asscunt forum must be pretty you have accounts on more than one forum on the whole WWW? thought so, so shut the f**k up, moron. the reason this place is dead, is because of your "assc**t" and similar attacks. i hope alba sees sense and opts to join actual discussion at our forum - rather than bystand your "abuse takeover" of QZ green |
The Real Wizard 03.05.2020 17:04 |
brENsKi wrote: many people absolutely know that what they do is deplorable, but look the other way, often (instead) challenging the challengers (well that's much easier isn't it), because woe betide that this forum should impinge on freedom of speech - even when that freedom insults/invades others' freedoms. bystanders should be ashamed, because - in doing so - they've contributed as much to this forum's downfall as those four creatures have.Nailed it. Because it's always easier to tolerate the status quo than to challenge it, especially when the challengers are in the minority. Most people don't want to be the pariah who sticks out from the rest, even if there's a chance they could create something good. |
Vocal harmony 04.05.2020 16:24 |
runner_70 wrote:We come here every day because we can. And using the unmoderated freedom of this place I can call you whatever I want, just as you have done for months. And there's fuck all you can do about it.brENsKi wrote:Still you come here every day - your new asscunt forum must be pretty boring.AlbaNo1 wrote:There’s no arguments there . Yet. Because you are holding back and dumping your spite and need for conflict here. But there will be arguments . It’s just a matter of time before you start accusing people of being trolls whilst engaging and encouraging them with every post.1. there's no arguments because: all that we have over there is a respect of the band and music in general, and an acceptance of differing opinion, with a grown-up approach to discussion. 2. there may be disagreement - but these will remain calm and respectful - because in moderated forums, people behave in a moderated manner. 3. we don't need to accuse anyone of being trolls. any known trolls register - we ban them immediately. any unknown trolls post, they are warned, their post is removed and a repeat results in ban. any bans include email, IP and one or two other combinations - so the forum is pretty well structured/protected - unlike this place, which is geared up to people almost never being banned or moderated. conversely, all you have here is the likes of Gerry, Aristide1, runner_70 and Freddie Jupiter basically posting any one/combination of; racist, abusive, homophobic, trans-phobic, and threatening violence toward anyone who dares to discuss Freddie in any comparative light other than "beaming fucking halo". unfortunately, this forum is in its death rattle (just try and remember what a great place it was BEFORE they arrived) because, apologists - stand by and NEVER condemn any of their posts - because they are not prepared to risk incurring any of the trolls special treatment. ask yourself why have you personally, never condemned them - you know they are wrong to behave as they do, but i suppose you must have your own reasons? thing is, many people absolutely know that what they do is deplorable, but look the other way, often (instead) challenging the challengers (well that's much easier isn't it), because woe betide that this forum should impinge on freedom of speech - even when that freedom insults/invades others' freedoms. bystanders should be ashamed, because - in doing so - they've contributed as much to this forum's downfall as those four creatures have. reaching the sensible conclusion for "deniers" and "apologists" will be almost impossible. you could choose to come to our new forum, breathe the fresh air, actually engage in respectful, stimulating, discussion with the other 563 of us (400+ who used to be here) go on, prove me wrong - join us - or are you far too comfortable in the miasma of this place? and with that, i'll leave you to it. So put up with it, you created this shit hole, and shut the fuck up. |