in the past 3 months many of you know about my sons problem with bullys.
i can now say that my son has since moved school.he started at new school 2 weeks ago and has settled in well.
the school is half the size of the last one and has a very very strickt bully policy.(seperate classes,seperrate dinner breaks etc)
he has made many new friends,and caught up with a few older ones from his sporting activitys.
a couple of his new mates are goth/glam/screaming/ he fits in well there.
new school 6 miles away but in another world for him.
he is happy,smiling,and working hard with 3rd year prelims.
this is just an update and a thank you for all the helpfull comments and advice you gave me.
even thou i say a small thank you,i really cant thank you enough for letting me,rant and so on about this subject.
i now seem to have back a goth rocking 14 yr old son enjoying life again.
Yes, you guys shouldn't have to worry about shit like this. But then, you're not alone. As a father of a 16 year old girl, seems like every week there's something new.
It's also cool that you let him express himself for what he is and not make him wear ties and like the "safe" bands and stuff.
It may not seem like it, but these last few months you've given him a valueable life lesson that a lot of other kids won't get, so he'll have the advantage from now on. That is POWER!!!
I am really glad for your son and your family that this nightmare is over. Moving forward is the right thing to do although I still have a problem accepting that the victim had to leave the school and the bullies stayed. What a horrible message this is for the rest of the school. However, the main thing is that your son has his life and future back.
YourValentine wrote:
I am really glad for your son and your family that this nightmare is over. Moving forward is the right thing to do although I still have a problem accepting that the victim had to leave the school and the bullies stayed. What a horrible message this is for the rest of the school. However, the main thing is that your son has his life and future back.
YourValentine wrote:
I am really glad for your son and your family that this nightmare is over. Moving forward is the right thing to do although I still have a problem accepting that the victim had to leave the school and the bullies stayed. What a horrible message this is for the rest of the school. However, the main thing is that your son has his life and future back.
Absolutely, you would think the fact that David's son was moved that the school would open its eyes and crack down on the bullying. There's so many ways to deal with it, yet they turn a blind eye? What kind of example does that send?
I'm sorry you had to move your son David, but at least you know that he's happy there, also, be happy yourself, because you have shown him that you're there for him. Take it from someone who was very nearly in his shoes, he'll have nothing but the utmost respect for you in the future. May not show it at times perhaps, but he will!
I'm so glad that your son is doing well, and enjoying his new school! Hopefully this is all in the past now. I agree with YourValentine, its terrible that the victim had to be moved, leaving the bullies to continue on happily, but i'm so glad that your son is ok!