Happy Birthday to you both, especially that Banquo chap, a grand fella.
If you're ever in the Lancaster area drop in at the Reform Club and mention my name. I'll be the one at the bar with the monocle, pocket watch and cane.
Chin, chin old bean!
Paul, banquo
I am just in time, and have a wonderful day, I hope you had, and that the loss of an orange team did not affect your day too much
I mean, there are worse things in the world
I am sure there are
far away, perhaps?
Have a Flashtastic day, both of you!
And Banquers, old chap - do follow Sir Archie's advice and pop up for an ale or nine at the Reform Club.
I'll be the one being forcibly ejected just as you make your entrance. But don’t worry, I’ll most likely be fifty quid up from cheating on the billiard table, so the curry is on me.
Birds a guarantee, naturally.
So long as you bring them with you.