Ian-Highlander 27.10.2005 15:33 |
I've never done this before so I dont know if its even going to work, but as I said I would try, here's the first disk of the Hyde Park three disk set DVD that was originally shared via dimeadozen by nevetsnitram and filmed by Pal. The Eminem intro has been cut from this by the original sharer. As some users cant get accounts on dimeadozen I'll start seeding the disks here, please other people out there that have this version help me seed this as my upload speed is limited to about 70k and I'm using a fair bit of that to seed Houston 77 at the moment. Please leave your windows open once you have this. I hope this works *crosses fingers* |
Deanie790 27.10.2005 15:56 |
Thank you. :o) |
Marknow 27.10.2005 19:01 |
Good work fella been waiting for this on a torrent.Cant wait for the next 2. |
antnicholas1 27.10.2005 19:28 |
Great thanks for this |
inu-liger 27.10.2005 20:10 |
Thanks! Will look forward to completing this! |
AmeriQueen 27.10.2005 20:27 |
Bittorrent and the generous people who put these Queen shows, RULE!!! |
jerome.wuzz 28.10.2005 01:33 |
Thanx a lot, that's great ! |
brian-harold-may 26643 28.10.2005 06:10 |
It Doesn't Wont play on my comp What programme do i need to play it?? Thanks |
brian-harold-may 26643 28.10.2005 06:29 |
its ok i just read through and realised i need bit torrent. silly Me. Thanks i cannot wait for it to be complete. it will take three days but it is worth it |
Ian-Highlander 28.10.2005 06:59 |
Ok guys, I'm going away for the weekend but will leave bit torrent seeding this and the houston one. However should anything happen to my spare broadband connection that this is running on then I wont be here to get it back on line. If the seed appears to stop (which hopefully it wont) then be patient and I'll get it sorted as soon as I get back on Monday. It wont mean I've abandoned it. :o) |
sweetlady16 28.10.2005 14:37 |
thanks! so awesome. |
my soul brother jake 29.10.2005 03:47 |
thank you very much! |
smw 29.10.2005 04:26 |
Thanks to Ian-Highlander !!! could somebody please put this on rapidshare Cheers again |
Ian-Highlander 29.10.2005 10:58 |
It's a four and a half GB DVD even if someone seriously compressed this down to an xvid avi or similar it would have to be in hundreds of chunks for rapidshare to accept it. Maybe someone will try for you but you're more likely to get it either using BitTorrent or trading with someone. The ony reason I did it like this was so that people who couldnt get access to dimeadozen or the hub could get hold of it but splitting the whole thing into chunks and compressing them to a different codec is something I dont have time to do sorry. :o) |
Ian-Highlander 29.10.2005 12:52 |
[sarcasm]Having watched the advanced screen of BitTornado remotely for a while I'd like to especially thank those three people so far that have reached 100% of this download and disconnected immediately making sure that they get it and don't help me out sharing this to anyone else. Thanks guys, what would I do without you?[/sarcasm] Seriously guys, come on, play fair for christs sake, I'm doing everything I can to share stuff like this out to people, the least you could do is leave your windows open to allow other people to get the same thing you have successfully downloaded, this sort of action is just downright selfish. |
928 31.10.2005 09:31 |
Hey people who talk about compressing this(& all the other DvDs,SVCD's) to VCD ,XVid etc....... I can compress this down to 84 mb & make it look as lossy & crappy as hell if you want. Most of you seem to prefer it that way!!! During my time here on this board i have noticed that people try to give you the best quality available & the 1st thing you think of is to make it MORE compressed & MORE LOSSY to preserve your bandwidth & not the integraty of the video. Then in 10 years time you wonder why there is no good quality archives of the shows Totally Disgusting....... THINK PEOPLE (Ka Pollas) If you want your B/W more ....then you didnt really want the show & you ain't a REAL fan.Your just a collector of bits.......NOT QUALITY. Yes i understand that some ISP's limit B/W but hey,thats YOUR sacrifice. Try trading,B+P,CHANGING ISP.....please dont constantly F*** the quality up. ...i have a rare concert from the 70's. You can't make out the band or much of the stage because people like you made it that way........ I will overdub a queen audio gig over it & you would be happy with that wouldnt you?....... No you would say "shame there isnt better quality about" ------------------------------------------------ Thank-you for sharing this m8,i missed 2 of them at DAD as i was on vacation. Oh, Can you make it into a format so that i can watch it on my mobile phone.......LOLOLOL |
dbruce 31.10.2005 16:55 |
Finished downloading last night (and still sharing!). Excellent quality recording, and from right where I was standing at the gig... So close that I keep popping into the shot!! Couldn't believe it when I saw myself! What an amazing way to remember a great day. Thanks for posting this! |
Ian-Highlander 31.10.2005 17:32 |
I'm now back home from my weekend away and have stopped seeding this (I uploaded over 20GB during this seed, so plenty of people should have it to be able to keep seeding this). I'll be starting to seed Disk 2 in a few minutes. |
queenfan28 31.10.2005 18:43 |
Silly question but is Imagine still on this torrent, as it is now officialy released material????? |
Ian-Highlander 31.10.2005 19:16 |
Yes it is, on Disk 1. It's exactly the same files that where shared by the original uploader. I dont have the spare time or energy to even try and cut it out of it. |
dbruce 01.11.2005 03:36 |
It would be annoying not to have Imagine as part of this boot. Are the ROTC sales REALLY going to be affected by someone having an amateur shot video of the song from elsewhere? Think it might be a bit overkill to chop this from the setlist just because it's been released. A bit annoyed that Eminem's been removed, as it was only a 2 minute bit of the song, with Brian (and Roger?) adding their two cents to it at the end. |
Ian-Highlander 01.11.2005 09:01 |
I do have the full version of this disk which is available on the hub uncut but I have to abide by the rules of this site just as anyone else does, so only torrented the cut version from the original dimeadozen share, sorry. |
queenfan28 02.11.2005 19:11 |
You may not want to edit this, but Dime dozen has now banned torrent for the reason Imagine is now officially released material javascript:ol('link |
derek44 08.11.2005 20:29 |
Only another 8 days to go on this one :) |
awebb 19.11.2005 06:00 |
Can we keep sharing people, some of us are still downloading disk one - I'll share it for as long as i can after I've got it! |
deleted user 19.11.2005 14:59 |
can this please be reseeded please :) |
deleted user 19.11.2005 15:01 |
and please could the other two possibly be reseeded thanks :D :) |
deleted user 19.11.2005 15:22 |
please................. |
deleted user 19.11.2005 15:48 |
someone?....................................................... |
Ian-Highlander 20.11.2005 06:29 |
I'm re-seeding disks 1 and 2 again now and will re-seed disk 3 later. I have to say though I'm very very pissed off that so many people downloaded each of these and no bastard is seeding them for others. Its no wonder no one bothers these days. I'll seed all three disks for an additional 3 days each maximum and thats it. |
deleted user 20.11.2005 14:10 |
thx so much i really wanted to get these and only just found them |
deleted user 20.11.2005 14:42 |
my bit lord says no one is seeding :( |
Ian-Highlander 20.11.2005 15:17 |
rogersdrumstick wrote: my bit lord says no one is seeding :(Then it's lying to you ;o) link |
deleted user 20.11.2005 15:23 |
oh ill redownload it |
deleted user 20.11.2005 15:29 |
its still not working. i dunno wat to do |
foo_fighter 09.02.2006 01:32 |
Hi everyone! Thanks a LOT for sharing this. But i do have a very small question: could anyone seed at least this #1 disc -there are 3 people with about 90-95% done. Thank a lot in advance. |
foo_fighter 09.02.2006 01:33 |
Hi everyone! Thanks a LOT for sharing this. But i do have a very small question: could anyone seed at least this #1 disc -there are 3 people with about 90-95% done. Thank a lot in advance. |
biggest_fan_K 09.02.2006 01:59 |
Could this possibly be shared with Rapidshare? Please??? |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:31 |
Anyone? Please! 90%.... :.( |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:31 |
Anyone? Please! 90%.... :.( |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:32 |
Anyone? Please! 90%.... |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:32 |
Anyone? Please! 90%. |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:33 |
Anyone? Please! 90%. |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:33 |
Anyone? Please! 90 percent. |
foo_fighter 10.02.2006 02:42 |
Please anyone? 90 percent done... |
foo_fighter 11.02.2006 07:11 |
Not even an answer... C'mon guys... pleeeeeeeaaaaaassssssssseeeeee (not moaning just asking for a favor) |
Ginger01 03.04.2006 02:54 |
Could somebody please seed this? I'm at 14.1% along with a few other people. Thanks in advance! |
Ian-Highlander 03.04.2006 05:01 |
Cant dedicate the bandwidth to seeding these again right now as I spent weeks seeding them last time and am using my bandwidth for other seeds at the moment. But if you have anything to swap, I'm more than happy to post the three disk set to you :D |
YourValentine 03.04.2006 05:31 |
449 people completed this disc, there must be some who are willing to re-seed it... |
The Game Rules! 03.04.2006 19:40 |
I want this too. |
mctazman 04.04.2006 02:23 |
hmm.. just started downloading.... Are the other 2 DVD's shared somewhere on here?? Couldn't find them, could be that I'm blind :D |
Ginger01 04.04.2006 02:43 |
Yes they are, look around... but is anyone seeding them? I'm trying to download Disk 2 but there are zero seeders... haven't tried disc3 yet but am not overly optimistic at this point. |
Ian-Highlander 04.04.2006 04:03 |
Ok, I give in :op For the very very last time, I am now seeding all three discs. I really cant believe this place each disc was downloaded hundreds of times and not ONE person is prepared to seed them. I'm giving as much bandwidth as I can spare from both my broadband connections to this but please dont expect miracles, my bandwidth is stretched very very thin right now with other commitments. For reference the posts for all three discs are: Disc 1: link Disc 2: link Disc 3: link If people who finish these dont stay on and seed these afterwards I will probably never share stuff on here again, I am frankly so pissed off about this its not true, but I'm also not going to let others lose out as a result of other peoples selfishness for these discs. Help from anyone else who has these would be appreciated, I know there are a LOT of you out there. |
mctazman 04.04.2006 12:22 |
cheers for seeding m8. I'm gonna keep the torrents open until there are no more clients... Or until I reach a share-ratio of 10 or so :D |
Ginger01 04.04.2006 15:32 |
Hi Ian, Many thanks for your efforts. They are very much appreciated and, believe me, once I have downloaded these I will seed them whenever anyone needs it. |
deleted user 04.04.2006 15:38 |
thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
MDNA 05.04.2006 11:24 |
Thanks Ian. Currently downloading disc 1. Whwn finnished I will keep seeding as I try my best to hava a share ratio of at least 100% on every torrent. I can´t promise to seed more because I have limited disc space and need to burn and delete in order to download/seed other torrents. Please dont quit sharing here. I know there are some selfish people here, but they exist everywhere. Just be glad not everyone is like that. This said. Let's SEED everybody. many thanks. |
Peta 05.04.2006 11:55 |
Yes, please more seeders... Thank you very much!!!! |
GriffoChubb 06.04.2006 09:59 |
Somebody please seed all the 3 disks! I don' believe it, downloaded almost 800 times and not even a seeder! If i finish i'm gong to seed all the 3 disk as long as it needed you have my word, but please seed! THX in forward those who come and seed |
Ian-Highlander 06.04.2006 13:14 |
Sorry, got home and my connection that was seeding these had died. Its back up now and I'm seeding these again. I'm not going to be able to keep seeding these for much longer though, I'm holding off other stuff I've been promising people for ages to do this, come on guys, somebody help me out here. ...please. |
GriffoChubb 06.04.2006 14:17 |
THX very very much i really appreciate that you are seeding this |
deleted user 06.04.2006 15:29 |
im on 74.0% please keep seeding! |
mctazman 07.04.2006 01:43 |
I'm on 95.9% & 17 hours to go :| a well, once it's don, seeding time :D That's only on Disc 1 tho.... |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 03:39 |
There's a few people on 96 ish percent but for some reason my Bit Tornado is seeding to others at the moment, still at least the few with that much are helping the others get to that point and have no choice but to stick around and help that way. Gotta love distributed file sharing. :D Wonder if I can set it up so it does that on purpose in future lol :D |
mctazman 07.04.2006 06:13 |
Dunno about BitTornado, but Azureus basicly does it more or less randomly. Times keep on changing of course, but it now claims that it needs some 20 hours to 2 days to finish DVD1 :| A well, as long as others will seeds as soon as they're finished, all will be a ok :D |
deleted user 07.04.2006 06:49 |
when everyone's done, can u keep seeding coz i've just started! pleaseeeeeeeee thanx :) |
MDNA 07.04.2006 07:03 |
Can´t make promises but I will try to go for a share rate of 200% on all of these disks. Can't do any more purely because of disk space reasons, but if everyone does the same there is no reason that everybody can´t complete the download. Keyword here SEED !!! |
Peta 07.04.2006 07:50 |
PLEASE, any seeder?? The torrent almost doesn´t work. I am at 99%. Thanks very much!!!! |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 08:38 |
I am still seeding this and have been constantly (give or take a minor glitch last night). But as I am the only person doing so, Bit Tornado swaps and changes who it gives the bandwidth to each time. Be patient, there are a few people nearly finished now. :D |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 08:42 |
There are now at least seven people over 99% on this and of course as ALL of them will leave their windows open to seed this afterwards (*smirk*), the torrent should start to speed up somewhat for others that havent completed it. |
Peta 07.04.2006 09:09 |
Many thanks, Ian-Highlander!!! I am at 99,6% now. Please, could you seed 2nd and 3rd disk??? This concert is a very important for me because I was there. Before I had not the chance to download it from queenzone. Thanks very much again and have a nice weekend!! |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 09:47 |
I am already seeding all three disks, which is why the seeding is so damn slow. I only have about 65k upload split between the three disks as it is, which is why its so important people stay on and help seed this. I can not keep seeding these much longer and need to start dropping off the ones that have completed as soon as I can. |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 09:56 |
Six people have now completed this one in the last few minutes, five of those appear to have stayed on to help seed it, thankyou, to the one that didnt, I hope you're very happy with it you selfish shit. |
mctazman 07.04.2006 12:36 |
I'm seeding, the way torrents were meant to be used... |
Ian-Highlander 07.04.2006 12:50 |
Right, about 9 people have now completed this in the last hour or two, so I'm dropping off this one to increase the speed I can give to the other two with the aim of getting these done and dusted as quickly as possible. |
Peta 07.04.2006 13:13 |
Thanks, Ian-Highlander!! I watched 1st disk already and it´s a perfect, also beautiful memories. Now I am downloading 3rd disk. I am at 5,7% now. |
mctazman 08.04.2006 02:38 |
seeding Disc 3 as well, give me 7 hours or so, then I'll start seeding 2 (will be in by then). Might drop the disc 1 seed, IF there are enough seeders that is. So I can encrease the speeds of the other 2 discs. Also depends on whether or not I can seed the full 32KB/s on each torrent. As I limit my upload to that speed, so I can have some form of internet access left whilst downloading/seeding :-D |
mctazman 08.04.2006 02:44 |
[oops] |
Peta 08.04.2006 12:31 |
Many thanks to all who seeds these disks!!! I have got disk 1st and 3rd already and now I am starting disk 2nd. Thanks!!! |
Peta 08.04.2006 15:22 |
Unfortunately I can´t continue to download 2nd disk because tomorrow my computer won´t be ok but I can continue since monday evening. Perhaps someone will seed it yet. Thanks!! |
MDNA 10.04.2006 04:33 |
Finnished disc 1 and now seeding. almost dome with disc 3, and will seed it afterwards. many thanks to everyone. |
deleted user 10.04.2006 06:27 |
Peta wrote: Many thanks, Ian-Highlander!!! I am at 99,6% now. Please, could you seed 2nd and 3rd disk??? This concert is a very important for me because I was there. Before I had not the chance to download it from queenzone. Thanks very much again and have a nice weekend!!exactly what i was gona say, i was at that concert too ;)! ive nearly finished Disc 1 and Disc 2 is pretty slow! seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed ...please! |
MDNA 10.04.2006 09:27 |
Does anyone have a cover for this?. If so can you post it here ? |
Liquid Scream 11.04.2006 21:37 |
Could anyone seed this? Thanks |
Peta 12.04.2006 11:06 |
MDNA wrote: Does anyone have a cover for this?. If so can you post it here ?link |
truemetal 03.06.2006 10:47 |
Hi ! A seeder would be much appreciated. We are stuck around 90%. PLEASE !!! |
breakthru1989 03.06.2006 14:10 |
many many thanks for this recording. |
Deacon Fan 01.09.2006 15:14 |
Hmm, isn't this supposed to have a menu? Some jackass sent me a 3.61 gb version with no menu in a trade. Just wondering if it's the proper version from this torrent? |
Leroy Brown CZ 04.09.2006 15:53 |
Would anyone be so kind and seed it again? I'm stuck at 46% and there are no more seeders. Thank you so much. |
Deacon Fan 07.09.2006 14:53 |
Yes, please. We have up to 17 people trying to get this right now. I've seen someone in the 90% range and I'm at 73%. Meanwhile I've uploaded 13.41 GB of it. LOL |
Ginger01 07.09.2006 17:16 |
I downloaded this and burned it a few months ago, but when I copied it back onto my hard disk so I could help seed it seems that Nero ate the first seven files :( Fortunately the really big ones are OK - glad to help out here. Hope we can all complete this soon! |
Ian-Highlander 08.09.2006 04:09 |
Can't believe I'm doing this again, but I'm jumping on to seed this again now for you guys. Taking a while to "check existing data" as I'm pulling it across my network from my storage array but should be seeding it again within quarter of an hour or so. |
Deacon Fan 08.09.2006 04:35 |
Thank you so much Ian! I've been trying to get this for months. It's a long story :-P As I write this, it's about to finish in less than 7 minutes. I can hardly believe it. Though I've certainly upped a ton of it to others while waiting, I will stay on and seed for at least a few days (after a restart and I burn it of course!). Thanks again man :) |
Leroy Brown CZ 09.09.2006 05:59 |
Can anyone seed it once more, please? I have already downloaded 99.1% but it doesn't work now. Thank you. |
Ian-Highlander 09.09.2006 07:54 |
I havent stopped seeding it since the other day, but am only seeing one peer now, I'm guessing the tracker has reached its connection limit again or just screwed up again. I keep getting http connection lost errors from it. Try closing and reopening the torrent see if that helps, I'm definitely on it at the moment. The only peer I'm seeing only has 63% so I'm guessing its not you and they are only taking about 4kbps of my upload so there is loads left. |
Ian-Highlander 09.09.2006 07:56 |
Yup, it's definitely the tracker, I just got a "Problem connecting to tracker - Connection reset" error and now its not connected to anyone. I'll keep trying at this end but if anyone can get hold of Richard to check it, it would be great. |
Ian-Highlander 10.09.2006 07:50 |
Ok, I've now uploaded an additional 5GB on this and there are now 2 other seeds, so I'm dropping off this again now, got other things I could be using my bandwidth on. :D The tracker is definitely having serious issues though. |
lewis1_2_3 10.09.2006 17:51 |
Thank you sooo much. This was an amazing concert, and after about 2 months of trying to get it ive finally got disk 1. disk 3 inlikely to be completed shortly. I would like to seed this for anyone who wants. if i just leave the file open in my bit torrent client will this mean i am seeding it? i want to seed this for people, i will seed for around 3 weeks. most nights and most days. so just if someone could answer that question above. Cheers Lewis |
lewis1_2_3 13.09.2006 14:35 |
Im uploading Disk 1 & 3 for the next few weeks if anyone is interested. Cheers Lewis |
deacy 1 17.09.2006 11:22 |
Yes please, thank you! |