I know bootlegs exist of most of the gigs on this tour, but does anyone know if a version of Manchester is out of the trading circuit and in the hands of someone who'd be willing to put it on here.
Dont want to ask on the request section and get a sharp rebuttal about it not being out of the serious collectors hands yet!
Id love this gig, as I was there, so if anyone knows Id be grateful!
Also, if anyone has Brixton in audio or video (or both), and would be willing to send it me via email, or upload it on rapidshare Id love them longtime, cos I was there aswell, and its not available in the announce of it from rapidshare anymore!
I know Im asking a fair bit, but I can trade a few bits and pieces if its desparate (although anyone wanting to trade has probably already got what I have).
I Did; and Im sure its a fantastic gig to listen to if you have bitorrent- unfortunately Im behind a firewall which prevents using it, so Ive got to use rapidshare.
Im sorry I didnt make that clear in my original post, and that people often ask without looking first, but I did look, and I cant download that.
So your frustrated language was unnecessary.
I'd upload it to Rapidshare if I could still use the bastard thing... I wish there was a complete recording with the Peter Kay moment...
deleted user 07.06.2005 03:33
Cwazy little thing wrote: I Did; and Im sure its a fantastic gig to listen to if you have bitorrent- unfortunately Im behind a firewall which prevents using it, so Ive got to use rapidshare.
Im sorry I didnt make that clear in my original post, and that people often ask without looking first, but I did look, and I cant download that.
So your frustrated language was unnecessary.
That's a pitty for you.
If something doesn't work, it doesn't work.
Try to get a solution yourself instead of asking others.
Cwazy little thing wrote: I Did; and Im sure its a fantastic gig to listen to if you have bitorrent- unfortunately Im behind a firewall which prevents using it, so Ive got to use rapidshare.
Im sorry I didnt make that clear in my original post, and that people often ask without looking first, but I did look, and I cant download that.
So your frustrated language was unnecessary.
That's a pitty for you.
If something doesn't work, it doesn't work.
Try to get a solution yourself instead of asking others.
Yes its a pity, and believe me Ive tried finding a way around it. In fact, I would almost certainly prefer to sort it myself than have to ask on here, as your frosty response is exactly what I dislike about this place sometimes - I asked for some help having exhausted my other options, and was hoping not to have to resort to ebay, and to give some swine my money for something that should be free.
So I asked; some people on here have some proper attitude problems sometimes.
Im a fan, just like you, trying to get hold of a memory for myself - I even offered to trade...
Im not saying people are always bad on this place - someone on here was kind the other day, albeit via email - and whoever you are; thank you - I guess you know who you are, though I dont!
Cwazy little thing wrote:
Dont want to ask on the request section and get a sharp rebuttal about it not being out of the serious collectors hands yet!
My intention was not to diss you at all - Im not out to fall out with people, I just dont like people swearing at me, and being snappy - which you were - as I say, Im sorry I didnt make myself clear enough the first time....
besides - chill - its not worth us arguing over; lets all be friends.
And my comment about peoples attitudes was mostly directed at Lord, who was somewhat short with me for no reason....
Who's enjoying the UK sunshine anyway - nice to have some for a change! Smile! I know I am.
Cwazy little thing wrote:
Dont want to ask on the request section and get a sharp rebuttal about it not being out of the serious collectors hands yet!
My intention was not to diss you at all - Im not out to fall out with people, I just dont like people swearing at me, and being snappy - which you were - as I say, Im sorry I didnt make myself clear enough the first time....
besides - chill - its not worth us arguing over; lets all be friends.
And my comment about peoples attitudes was mostly directed at Lord, who was somewhat short with me for no reason....
Who's enjoying the UK sunshine anyway - nice to have some for a change! Smile! I know I am.
Have you tried using the queen hub? Maybe that would work for you? I find it great!!
Yay for the sunshine!!!!!!!! :)
Most firewalls can be configured to allow for BitTorrent. If it's not possible, you really should consider the Queen Hub. You find all information you need in the FAQ of the Queenzone library.
Cwazy little thing wrote: I Did; and Im sure its a fantastic gig to listen to if you have bitorrent- unfortunately Im behind a firewall which prevents using it, so Ive got to use rapidshare.
I think it shouldn´t be a problem to use BT even if you are behind a firewall. You can configure your firewall to open the ports which are necessary for BT. Have you already downloaded a BT client and tried if it works? What firewall are you using by the way?
I have this gig on 2 CD format without Peter Kay.
If you're interested please let me have your e-mail. I have it in flac and decoded .wav. For lossless, you'll need FLAC Frontend which I use to decode flac files.
btw, I have firewall from XP Service Pack 1 if I remember and have no problem with downloading with BT Tornado.
The quality is VG+ - audience recording not soundboard.
I'm trying to help as I'm in a generous mood today. Just ignore the zoners who just don't want to know or are abusive. They're not worth it.
Thanks everyone - I know this place is full of lovely folks!
To those who asked - its a Uni firewall on the network, designed to prevent online firesharing in all its forms - I can only download something actually uploaded onto the internet. But thanks for your suggestions all round.
I may have a go at getting round it for BT anyway, though I dont hold out much hope.
Someone is kindly posting me the gig on cd, so thanks for your offers anyway!