john bodega 14.03.2008 11:42 |
Suggest places. If you want to have a dig at me or tell me to go some place that will obviously get me shot, write your hilarious suggestion between a row of -----------s or something, and then give me an honest opinion. I want to see some place other than my boring bloody city. |
Mr.Jingles 14.03.2008 11:49 |
I'd suggest Miami. Also, I'd strongly suggest to walk around Little Havana with a Che Guevara t-shirt. |
Raf 14.03.2008 11:50 |
If you're a "normal" person, you could go to typical places people would visit, such as big and historical cities (London, Rome, etc). I wouldn't suggest paradise-like islands and beaches as you're from Australia and you must be fed up of that kind of suggestion. :P If you prefer some adventure, you could look up some "exotic" touristic plans in your own country. Stuff involving camping in jungles, climbing mountains, etc. |
Woodie 14.03.2008 11:52 |
If you want, we can swap places cause I really want to visit Australia. |
Serry... 14.03.2008 12:25 |
Perth. |
john bodega 14.03.2008 12:38 |
<font color="lime">Raf840 wrote: I wouldn't suggest paradise-like islands and beaches as you're from Australia and you must be fed up of that kind of suggestion. :PYeah, I only have to walk for twenty minutes to see a perfectly good beach. I'm leaning towards Europe, beyond that I don't know. I'd go to France but I've pretty much forgotten the language. |
Poo, again 14.03.2008 13:06 |
Zebonka12 wrote:How about a small Mediterranean town?<font color="lime">Raf840 wrote: I wouldn't suggest paradise-like islands and beaches as you're from Australia and you must be fed up of that kind of suggestion. :PYeah, I only have to walk for twenty minutes to see a perfectly good beach. I'm leaning towards Europe, beyond that I don't know. I'd go to France but I've pretty much forgotten the language. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 14.03.2008 13:20 |
oh what fun i shall have with this hehehehe.. "camping in jungles": is that the same as "mincing on mountains"? 20 minutes to the beach? ive counted and it only takes me 23 seconds to reach mine.. and finally Miami.. after seeing Dexter on ITV the last few weeks i think not. ps talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny? if you want an ususual journey just get on a bus from Porthleven to never go the same route twice and its never dull esp if you like to be scared witless as Maggie will testify. other than that,stay at home,the TV is better there. |
Micrówave 14.03.2008 13:25 |
Zebonka12 wrote:I'd go to France but I've pretty much forgotten the language.Paris is a toilet. I had a great time in Italy a couple of months ago. |
john bodega 14.03.2008 13:27 |
JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote: talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny?The police. |
john bodega 14.03.2008 13:29 |
My Dad rode a motorbike from Berlin to India when he was in his 20s and I've just realised I've never even left my own state. Pitiful!! Also, it came to my attention that if I don't compulsively buy a guitar every six months like I have been doing, I'd have enough money to at least fly some place, have a look, and fly home again. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 14.03.2008 13:48 |
Zebonka12 wrote:Sting has him?JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote: talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny?The police. |
john bodega 14.03.2008 13:56 |
JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote:More like TJ Hooker.Zebonka12 wrote:Sting has him?JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote: talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny?The police. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 14.03.2008 14:00 |
Zebonka12 wrote:perhaps he needs Denny Crane?JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote:More like TJ Hooker.Zebonka12 wrote:Sting has him?JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote: talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny?The police. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 14.03.2008 14:45 |
john bodega 14.03.2008 15:03 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: LONDON. WE HAVE CANDY.Do you have cake!? If there's cake, I'm there. Let me know. |
AspiringPhilosophe 14.03.2008 15:43 |
Despite what others have said, I have to say that I loved Paris when I was there. It's a great city! Edinburgh is also a great time...I had more fun there than I did in Glasgow, but Glasgow wasn't all that bad either. Or there's always Porthleven. You can hang out with Jox, ride on the buses and try to pull your heart out of your throat every time the double decker bus tries to turn a corner in a village where the roads are only wide enough for ONE compact car at a time. |
Janet 14.03.2008 16:54 |
Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Rocks! (not really) |
YourValentine 14.03.2008 17:12 |
Zebonka - if you have the time and the opportunity to travel - do it. I am sure you won't regret it. Maybe you have a friend who wants to travel, that is even more fun. If you consider to travel Europe - there are Youth passes for railway which brings you to many countries for little money and you can move around freely and choose the places you want to see individually. link You can stay in Youth Hostels which are not luxury hotel suites but provide for everything you need for very cheap prices, you can check them out online and plan ahead. link Europe has many countries with amazing historical cities and various cultures, you will enjoy yourself. I am sure there are similar offers in the USA but I would not know. If you travel in September you might even catch the tour... :) |
Freddies butler 14.03.2008 17:13 |
Zebonka12 wrote:Zebonka, lashing out at people for no reason as usual. His envy of Treasure Moment has gotten the better of him.JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote:More like TJ Hooker.Zebonka12 wrote:Sting has him?JoxerTheOfficialFacebookPirate wrote: talking of Miami,whats happened to Danny?The police. |
john bodega 14.03.2008 21:02 |
Freddies butler wrote: Zebonka, lashing out at people for no reason as usual. His envy of Treasure Moment has gotten the better of him.Go away, pedo. |
Sergei. 14.03.2008 22:17 |
Go to St. Petersburg. It's nice and cold and beautiful there. Actually I can only assume it is because I myself have never been there, but I highly suggest it all the same. :P Or you should go to Moscow. Or Prague. Or Varna. Or Geneva. Or Stockholm. Or Bucharest. Or Oslo. Or go to my Mecklenburg up by the Baltic Sea. During winter. :D If I'm right, I think you live in Australia, so you should experience lovely cold weather and snow. ;PP But yes, you should most definitely travel.. Most people make the mistake of settling down with a wife and kiddles and all that before getting to see the world, only to realise ten years later it's, like... to late to travel. |
Griffin 14.03.2008 22:22 |
well, if the political situation were different, I would point you in the direction of Gilgit, Pakistan...unsurpassed natural beauty...or the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore... but if you're interested in the the USA by any chance, try Cahokia Mounds in Illinois, America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire, and definitely Sedona, Arizona, where there's fantastic rock climbing and champagne breakfasts by hot air balloon. Xpensive tho. There's also a lovely little tea house called "Kashmir" near Vondel Park in Amsterdam. And take your iPod full of Queen -- wherever you go! safe travels |
StoneColdClassicQueen 14.03.2008 22:27 |
Consider visiting some of these theme parks: link Try number 2. Just a suggestion XD |
Sergei. 14.03.2008 22:28 |
Griffin wrote: but if you're interested in the the USA by any chance, try Cahokia Mounds in Illinois, America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire, and definitely Sedona, Arizona, where there's fantastic rock climbing and champagne breakfasts by hot air balloon. Xpensive tho.Or Southeast Washington DC, where the packs of wild baboons in oversized white t-shirts and baggy pants roam freely amidst the housing projects and other ghetto buildings of the sort. |
Ms. Rebel 15.03.2008 07:26 |
If you're going to San Francisco... Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.... If you're going to San Francisco... You're gonna meet some gentle people there... |
Ms. Rebel 15.03.2008 07:31 |
<font color="lime">Raf840 wrote: If you're a "normal" person, you could go to typical places people would visit, such as big and historical cities (London, Rome, etc)Rome is also the name of my neighborhood xD |
Freya is quietly judging you. 15.03.2008 08:22 |
Zebonka12 wrote:There is cake, and many other niceties such as a brilliant nightlife and lots of alcohol and many strange people to behold. Including myself.<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: LONDON. WE HAVE CANDY.Do you have cake!? If there's cake, I'm there. Let me know. Deal? |
john bodega 15.03.2008 13:49 |
<b><font color=007788> ?Freya? wrote:DEAL DEAL fucking deal :DZebonka12 wrote:There is cake, and many other niceties such as a brilliant nightlife and lots of alcohol and many strange people to behold. Including myself. Deal?<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: LONDON. WE HAVE CANDY.Do you have cake!? If there's cake, I'm there. Let me know. I'll sleep in the local park and during daytime we can pretend to be mobile phone salespeople how's that? |
Griffin 16.03.2008 19:02 |
LOL Lestat... have you been to the Ethiopian restaurant called Etete, near the 930 Club? not bad. Actually, the cuisine is good and service is pretty decent |
...assdude.... 39702 16.03.2008 19:58 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Suggest places. If you want to have a dig at me or tell me to go some place that will obviously get me shot, write your hilarious suggestion between a row of -----------s or something, and then give me an honest opinion. I want to see some place other than my boring bloody city.Travel in to the bath room and have shower. |
john bodega 17.03.2008 03:38 |
Wait a sec....
...ASSDUDE.... wrote: Seriously.... Im trying to change my ways here... Its been a while since i have had a go at any body... I have let it all go..... so why would you still insist on trying to push my buttons. Granted what ever you do wont work, just know that I have tried to controll my self, and I am doing great, so thats power to Awww..... Moving right along! <font color=teal>Lestat?<h6>Impresario wrote: But yes, you should most definitely travel.. Most people make the mistake of settling down with a wife and kiddles and all that before getting to see the world, only to realise ten years later it's, like... to late to travel.Yeah, definitely. |
...assdude... 39830 17.03.2008 06:58 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Wait a sec.......ASSDUDE.... wrote: Seriously.... Im trying to change my ways here... Its been a while since i have had a go at any body... I have let it all go..... so why would you still insist on trying to push my buttons. Granted what ever you do wont work, just know that I have tried to controll my self, and I am doing great, so thats power to me.It does appear that you have taken my joke to heart. I was not having a go at you. If you feel offended, I do appologise. I figured we had put all this behind us in which a little banter here and there wouldnt do any body harm. |
john bodega 17.03.2008 07:51 |
No I did laugh, I was still in bed when I first saw your post and indeed; had not showered yet. No harm done, seriously... it takes more than QZ to get me into a wrist-cutting mood! (wave) |
KillerQueen840 17.03.2008 14:48 |
JAMAICA MON! I love it there. |
john bodega 17.03.2008 19:33 |
..... I've never seen snow :( That's it, I'm going someplace cold when the year is over. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 17.03.2008 19:52 |
Zebonka12 wrote: ..... I've never seen snow :( That's it, I'm going someplace cold when the year is over.*puts on hannibal lecter voice* you can join Danny in my freezer.the pair of you will taste nice with a good chardonay *fffffffttt* |
iGSM 17.03.2008 20:34 |
Come to Marple Bridge, Stockport in Cheshire! We have...3 pubs! Please. Come keep me company. So, so lonely. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 17.03.2008 20:53 |
iGSM wrote: Come to Marple Bridge, Stockport in Cheshire! We have...3 pubs! Please. Come keep me company. So, so lonely.that will teach you to go to bloody Stockport! why on earth would you willingly go there? |
iGSM 17.03.2008 21:25 |
The job! The job. Someone..give me another job...and accomodation!!! |
yamaha 17.03.2008 22:25 |
Amish Country. F*** YEAH!!! |
Ms. Rebel 18.03.2008 11:33 |
Visit Croatia, Zagreb. All you have to see there is street called Gajeva :9 |
john bodega 18.03.2008 12:11 |
iGSM wrote: Come to Marple Bridge, Stockport in Cheshire! We have...3 pubs! Please. Come keep me company. So, so lonely.I'll have to drag Chad and Brody over there and start a rockband methinks. |
iGSM 21.03.2008 21:40 |
Chad is supposedly coming over here but I care not for him. |
Lady Nyx 21.03.2008 22:30 |
i want to travel too. but im grounded til this album is done -_- |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 21.03.2008 23:14 |
Lady Nyx wrote: i want to travel too. but im grounded til this album is done -_-yes,theres a pub out there waiting for you to buy for me.. |
john bodega 22.03.2008 01:11 |
iGSM wrote: Chad is supposedly coming over here but I care not for him.I'll have to beat him over the head and take his place, I can't be boned paying for the flight. |
Lady Nyx 22.03.2008 01:48 |
JoxerTheEasterBankHolidayPirate wrote:XD theyll be standing in line for a free drink for a long time! lolLady Nyx wrote: i want to travel too. but im grounded til this album is done -_-yes,theres a pub out there waiting for you to buy for me.. |
The Mir@cle 22.03.2008 04:33 |
Marial-B's Speaking here: Go to Amsterdam: ladies sale themselves and you can go to coffeeshops :P |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 22.03.2008 08:35 |
<font color=#CC0066 face="Bradley Hand ITC"> The Mir@cle </font> wrote: Marial-B's Speaking here: Go to Amsterdam: ladies sale themselves and you can go to coffeeshops :Pit sounds a bit like Camborne but without the coffee shops ;-] |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 22.03.2008 08:36 |
Lady Nyx wrote:im already sitting here like a desert dog!JoxerTheEasterBankHolidayPirate wrote:XD theyll be standing in line for a free drink for a long time! lolLady Nyx wrote: i want to travel too. but im grounded til this album is done -_-yes,theres a pub out there waiting for you to buy for me.. |
Hitman 22.03.2008 08:47 |
<font color="9933FF"><b> Ms. Rebel wrote: Visit Croatia, Zagreb. All you have to see there is street called Gajeva :9NOOOO don't be silly!!! Zagreb is a very enjoyable city!! nice people nice weather and great downtown! i went there in 2005 and found the YOuth Hostel for a ridicoulous price (was it 12eur? i think so... for the DOUBLE room basically the best of the luxury there....low overall quality anyway being a hostel) i really enjoyed my days there! of course Italy would make you fall in love...but if you make it here in italy Croatia is just past the borders Trust me...Europe is a QUeen. There must be a reason?!?! |
john bodega 22.03.2008 08:53 |
Well I ain't going to Tunisia. As much as I'd like to be all pouty and Luke Skywalker-ish, I just heard there was some hostages taken there. |
Poo, again 22.03.2008 09:54 |
How about time travel? |
john bodega 22.03.2008 11:22 |
<font color=pink>Poo wrote: How about time travel?Chesty medieval girls in peasant outfits. So long, people! |
andreas_mercury 22.03.2008 16:25 |
Zebonka12 wrote:just dont come to my country<font color=pink>Poo wrote: How about time travel?Chesty medieval girls in peasant outfits. So long, people! |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 22.03.2008 20:21 |
Zebonka12 wrote:good grief,he's heading for Helston!<font color=pink>Poo wrote: How about time travel?Chesty medieval girls in peasant outfits. So long, people! *hides the Spingo!* |
Queenluv4Life 22.03.2008 21:08 |
Miami beats all! We have the best beaches and the most protitutes! |
Lady Nyx 23.03.2008 00:06 |
JoxerTheEasterBankHolidayPirate wrote:XDLady Nyx wrote:im already sitting here like a desert dog!JoxerTheEasterBankHolidayPirate wrote:XD theyll be standing in line for a free drink for a long time! lolLady Nyx wrote: i want to travel too. but im grounded til this album is done -_-yes,theres a pub out there waiting for you to buy for me.. me in about 4 years is about to wire you some cash :p |
s.m. 23.05.2008 18:16 |
look zebonka san francisco, miami, tunisia, north pole, paris they all sound good, but you know that there is only one place where you would have the best fun of your live 2 weeks with THE CRO in his hometown |
its_a_hard_life 26994 23.05.2008 18:27 |
LONDON CALLING. (8) Which means, London is calling you, Scotty. ;) |
Ms. Rebel 23.05.2008 18:39 |
s.m. wrote: 2 weeks with THE CRO in his hometownIs he by any chance from Otocac? xD |
Winter Land Man 23.05.2008 23:08 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Suggest places. If you want to have a dig at me or tell me to go some place that will obviously get me shot, write your hilarious suggestion between a row of -----------s or something, and then give me an honest opinion. I want to see some place other than my boring bloody city.Move to the UK, then you can use the word bloody and arse, all you'd want. Haha, j/k. Go to Maine. It's nice there... but buy a boat when you are there, to catch lobster and make some money. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 24.05.2008 05:00 |
Jacob Britt wrote:youve obviously never read a Stephen King book or watched an episode of 'Murder.she Wrote'.Zebonka12 wrote: Suggest places. If you want to have a dig at me or tell me to go some place that will obviously get me shot, write your hilarious suggestion between a row of -----------s or something, and then give me an honest opinion. I want to see some place other than my boring bloody city.Move to the UK, then you can use the word bloody and arse, all you'd want. Haha, j/k. Go to Maine. It's nice there... but buy a boat when you are there, to catch lobster and make some money. all the tea in China wouldnt get me NEAR that place! |
john bodega 24.05.2008 07:31 |
its_a_hard_life wrote: LONDON CALLING. (8) Which means, London is calling you, Scotty. ;)Do I answer, do I answer... ! |
iGSM 24.05.2008 07:53 |
Move to Whitechapel or Camden...or Shoreditch? |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.05.2008 08:00 |
iGSM wrote: Camden...:D Whitechapel reminds me of Jack The Ripper, because thats the town where all that shit happened. :) |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 24.05.2008 09:32 |
its_a_hard_life wrote:because of Monopoly the place always gives me the impression its tatty and run down and CHEAPiGSM wrote: Camden...:D Whitechapel reminds me of Jack The Ripper, because thats the town where all that shit happened. :) |
Darynka 26.05.2008 14:47 |
I can say about my country. Ukraine is very beutiful. we have mountains, seas and nice weather. and prices isn't so high as in Western Europe |
beautifulsoup 28.05.2008 09:06 |
London!!! (I did NOT want to come home after our visit there). Beijing And, in the U.S.: Bozeman, Montana The Upper Valley region of Vermont/New Hampshire. |
john bodega 28.05.2008 11:03 |
Something tells me I should give London a shot. Hehe. |
Donna13 28.05.2008 11:34 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Something tells me I should give London a shot. Hehe.I vote for London. Now ... the method. Ship, plane, raft, balloon? (I was in London once for a week.) |
Erin 28.05.2008 11:37 |
London's cool. Wish I could go back. Wish I could go anywhere actually. It's boring very boring. |
Poo, again 28.05.2008 12:10 |
I'm off to Croatia and Bosnia for a month this summer. Yay. Not. |
john bodega 28.05.2008 12:15 |
Donna13 wrote: I vote for London. Now ... the method. Ship, plane, raft, balloon?I vote catapult! |
Ms. Rebel 28.05.2008 13:46 |
Poo wrote: I'm off to Croatia and Bosnia for a month this summer. Yay. Not.LOL!!!! I've never been in Bosnia but I adore living in here <3 |
Poo, again 28.05.2008 14:57 |
Ms. Rebel wrote:It's over-rated. And those green rolling hills may be charming for a while, but you quickly grow tired of them.Poo wrote: I'm off to Croatia and Bosnia for a month this summer. Yay. Not.LOL!!!! I've never been in Bosnia but I adore living in here <3 Hills and mosques - the country in a nutshell. Meh. As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia. |
Freya is quietly judging you. 28.05.2008 17:00 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Something tells me I should give London a shot. Hehe.Do it. |
john bodega 29.05.2008 00:12 |
Now to save money.. ! Woooo |
Ms. Rebel 29.05.2008 07:11 |
Poo wrote:Cool. Visit Zagreb :DMs. Rebel wrote:It's over-rated. And those green rolling hills may be charming for a while, but you quickly grow tired of them. Hills and mosques - the country in a nutshell. Meh. As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Poo wrote: I'm off to Croatia and Bosnia for a month this summer. Yay. Not.LOL!!!! I've never been in Bosnia but I adore living in here <3 |
iGSM 29.05.2008 07:32 |
Nashville, Tennessee. |
Poo, again 29.05.2008 09:19 |
Ms. Rebel wrote:Make me.Poo wrote:Cool. Visit Zagreb :DMs. Rebel wrote:It's over-rated. And those green rolling hills may be charming for a while, but you quickly grow tired of them. Hills and mosques - the country in a nutshell. Meh. As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Poo wrote: I'm off to Croatia and Bosnia for a month this summer. Yay. Not.LOL!!!! I've never been in Bosnia but I adore living in here <3 |
Ms. Rebel 29.05.2008 15:41 |
LOL. This summer's going to be quite interesting >:) |
Micrówave 29.05.2008 16:05 |
Poo wrote: As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Did you happen to meet over one hundred people while there? |
Ms. Rebel 29.05.2008 16:08 |
Ahhh... |
Poo, again 29.05.2008 16:20 |
Micrówave wrote:Yes.Poo wrote: As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Did you happen to meet over one hundred people while there? |
Micrówave 29.05.2008 17:36 |
Poo wrote:Interesting. What's it like to personally know 101 Dalmatians?Micrówave wrote:Yes.Poo wrote: As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Did you happen to meet over one hundred people while there? |
beautifulsoup 30.05.2008 10:27 |
Micrówave wrote:Pa dum tsssshhhh.Poo wrote:Interesting. What's it like to personally know 101 Dalmatians?Micrówave wrote:Yes.Poo wrote: As for Croatia, I've only been in Dalmatia.Did you happen to meet over one hundred people while there? |
Micrówave 30.05.2008 11:06 |
I thank you. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 30.05.2008 11:36 |
im curious to see who turns up in my neck of the woods next...? ;-] |
iGSM 31.05.2008 07:51 |
Everyone should live in Norwich! |