Journey,who is touring this summer in U.S has announced that our beloved JSS will take singer Steve Augiere's place due to a throat infection suffered by the singer(who replaced steve perry).Finally a big break for Jeff!good luck bud.Sneak in a Queen tune now and then!!!
What a shame that Jeff couldn't have stood in for Paul on the tour last year - he could have sneaked in a few songs that Paul would have no chance at singing....ever!
I have seen JSS twice on stage and although he sings Queen material with a lot of passion he just does not have the stage presence it takes to front stars like Brian and Roger. Paul Rodgers is a huge star in his own rights, he has the self confidence and the charisma it takes to play in the same league as Brian and Roger.
JSS is a talented singer who performed at one of the US Queen conventions. He sings the songs in his own style, but he is still a big Queen/Freddie Mercury fan. Even though his name may not be a big a Paul Rodgers, he can sing just as well.
people who don't know who is jeff scott soto, really there is a album called JSS queen convention 2003 and he sings there about i don't know 40 songs maybe? and he sings perfect, innuendo, nevermore and many more allmost as good as freddie.
I would really rather not film the gig I'm going to as I plan on drinking quite a lot but if many QZers want me to, I'll consider it. Keep in mind though, that it may not be very good since I WILL be intoxicated.
Lisser wrote: I would really rather not film the gig I'm going to as I plan on drinking quite a lot but if many QZers want me to, I'll consider it. Keep in mind though, that it may not be very good since I WILL be intoxicated.
i went to see journey in manchester on their short european tour recently and Steve Augeri is amazing, I wouldnt go if JSS was singing. I cant stand him, all ego no presence!