It was interesting to read Brian's comments on how he was not always happy with the way Freddie's estate was handled. I wonder who has the majority control? Mary? Jim? and what if any part do the band play?
Are they releasing that in america? A ton of the record buying public are unfamilar with a ton of Queen material and certainly don't have a lot of knowledge of Freddie's solo stuff (I emember readig reviews about MAde in Heaven were the ignorant producers had no clue that Made n Heaven and I was Born to Love you were from Mr. BadGuy).. But at the same time a lot of people who don't know the material have a high respet for Queen and Freddie they just need a nudge so I think a single would be a great nudge. Maybe a Rock mix of Love Kills, I heard one I forgot who did but it worked really well. They should make a video and promote it well here...
I live in reality and know that wont happen. From the outside looking in I'm just appalled at the way Hollywood records have promoted Queen going back to Made in Heaven, hardly any promotion except for a VH-1 queen day thing. This was in November 1995, no body watched vh-1 then! I didnt hear any songs on the radio didnt see any song. Even the vh-1 thing didnt promote the album that much. It was just poorly done and Hollywood should be ashamed of themselves because Made in Heaven could've made a bigger splash because it's a good record.