Because no-one seems to want to share the dvd version of this show, I'd like to offer the next best thing.
Someone was sharing the entire first half of the show on Youtube. Unfortunately, they didn't continue to put up the rest and have now taken down ALL these videos. Very few are still up. Luckily, I saved them all as I had a vested interest in showing them to my WWRY group.
So, here are the 9 parts all compressed into two RAR files. link - Part One link - Part Two
Let's get this show out there at long last. Now, could someone post the 2nd half of the show? And not just sit on it for themselves.
to bad no one shares a better quality version.
what is the source of this? is it leaked material? material from a convention?
to bad youtube isn't up to other videos sites that have much better audio/video quality
Not sure of the source, but it should be EXACTLY the same source as the dvd. Yes, shame the quality isn't up to dvd standards, but at least it's better than nothing. It's the same pro shot version that was in the previous WWRY musical thread.
I'm fed up of people holding these things back, so, since I have it, it's free to anyone who wants it.
Thanks Adam.
This looks exactly like what they showed at the UK convention many years ago.
We all got excited about it coming out as a DVD release, but hey, this IS Queen productions we're talking about.... :(
Maybe it'll come out once the musical has finished and Brian has retired. In the meantime they'll want folks to keep going to see it.
Bet the guy who uploaded it to youtube got busted...
If this was nicked off QP I am not sure if it's a good idea to post it here - mainly if it was already taken off YouTube. I don't want to be a censor but I'll email Richard about this - in the meantime I would think it's better to remove the links.
Hang on, why do you say this now after weeks of other tracks being shared on here? Who says it was nicked from QP? And it was removed from Youtube by the user, no-one else.
There's no issue here YV. Certainly none that has ever existed before. Heck, higher quality vids from the same video have been shared here.
<font color=red>Mr Mercury</font color> wrote: Adam if you are on about the vids with the time code at the bottom (uploaded by someone called llonkadb), then they are still on youtube.
You may be right. I did a search and found (I think) the same videos, but under different names, e.g. song names. But yeah, it's just those ones upped. The guy said he'd post the entire show and did a new song every week, then mysteriously stopped. The videos, I guess, were renamed. Don't get it.
Well, at least these are saved away from youtube. Better that, than just bookmarked!
<font color=red>Mr Mercury</font color> wrote: Adam if you are on about the vids with the time code at the bottom (uploaded by someone called llonkadb), then they are still on youtube.
You may be right. I did a search and found (I think) the same videos, but under different names, e.g. song names. But yeah, it's just those ones upped. The guy said he'd post the entire show and did a new song every week, then mysteriously stopped. The videos, I guess, were renamed. Don't get it.
Well, at least these are saved away from youtube. Better that, than just bookmarked!
Better save them myself just in case then. At least they are better than nowt. I must admit that it gave the impression that the show was better than I first imagined. Maybe one day I will get to see it.
This recorded version is actually pretty close to what I saw in 2003, which is brilliant cause I saw the bootleg version joe bloggs filmed in 2002 and the show is in its infancy there. Doesn't compare well to this one. I'm glad this version exists.
It would be nice if it was polished up and released, I must admit. It's the classic cast.
Sorry just lookin round the forum im new so sorry.
Cheers for this! the tickets for the show sell out quit fast i've not gotten the chance to see it :(
Is this the one with Kerry Ellis in it?
Love her!
It's from April 2003, so yes, Kerry Ellis is in it. She's pretty fantastic ain't she? Saw her in Wicked a week and a bit ago and she was absolutely amazing.
Thanks so much for sharing these!
We are a school putting on the production in December and its really handy having these to work from!
Could anyone upload act 2??? It would really help us out!
Thanks Again!