Gad, look at the state of this place: if it ain't some wassack spamming, it's bloody Birthday threads!
Whadd'ya mean "Well don't start another 'un, Flashy"?
Like I often state: 'Do as I say, not as I do.'
Otherwise, you'll only put your back out and most likely be arrested to boot.
And anyroad, don't tell me what I can and can't do - I only do one birthday thread a year and it's that time again. So, all the best Sir Archie, you old kipper.
31. Too old to die young now, lad.
Too old.
Many thanks all. Had a tipple or two.
Big night Friday. Lock up your daughters Flashy and Archie will be on the prowl.
That said no need. 20/20 vision is a thing of yesteryear, deaf as a post and knees shot to buggery.
I think I'll get myself to bed nice and early with a mug of hot chocolate and just keep myself out of trouble.
You bastard, all the best. Nobody wished me a fucking happy birthday. Guess they all love you more than me.
What with your humor and all, or 'humour' as you would say. No, I'm not drunk!
YourValentine wrote: Happy Birthday, Lester:) When was your birthday?
July 4th, but I don't think we should be taking away the birthday wishes from Sir Archie. T'was not my intention, I assure you! But thank you all the same!