Flashman 28.12.2004 19:44 |
Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Tens of thousands killed. Children orphaned or fatherless. Or motherless, I ain't sexist. All wretchedly sad and my heart goes out to them, it really does. But the thing that most concerns me in life at the mo is: when am I going to get my next shag? Which is why I'll be seeing in the New Year this year in romantic Paris, with a fine bit of skirt on my arm and a glint in the ol' eye. "What's that, Flashy? " thinks you, the gentle Reader, " off to Paris, with all those cursed Frogs, just to impress a bit of mutton?" Guilty as charged, your honour - send me down and throw away the key. But this piece ain't no ordinary bit of mutton. She's prime rump fillet - none of your scrag end, 2 pints of shandy and a packet of pork scratchings and she's anyone's type of bint. This one takes some impressing before she yields to the overwhelming powers of Prince Flashy. How to finally get her, after months of fervent squiring, into the 'Half Flashman' (one hand cupping tit, t'other grasping rear)? So it's off tomorrow night, for the intoxicating charms of Yuletide Paris, cursed Frogs and all, in the hope of getting this saucy wee trot's guard dropped, closely followed by her underwear. After all, I'm aiming for the 1000th career mount. Although I'm still a while short, the gap is closing. Albeit at a somewhat dwindling rate... So spare me a thought, faithful Reader: for while you're standing four deep at the bar trying to get served, or crying yourself to sleep alone - I'll no doubt be bending over a tidy piece of tackle and piling away to the strains of 'La Marseillais', half-cut on claret and lust. But how will you be seeing in the New Year? |
deleted user 28.12.2004 19:55 |
So what you're telling us, dear Flashy, is that you will be spending your New Year's at home all alone, like the sad single man in his thirties that you are? |
Brimon 28.12.2004 20:05 |
I'll be attending a fancy dress party, but as yet have'nt decided what to go as. Last year I was Robin Hood and the good lady went as Maid Marian. Let me tell you, I looked pretty good in tights, and I turned many an eye that night. Congrats Flashy, on your latest conquest over the water. You can always spot a classy French bird, she'll shave her pits. |
Lisser 28.12.2004 20:11 |
So Paris is where you are taking me Flashy?? ;) |
Flashman 28.12.2004 20:23 |
<font color=purple>Miss James wrote: So what you're telling us, dear Flashy, is that you will be spending your New Year's at home all alone, like the sad single man in his thirties that you are?Do I detect a jealous tone, dear Miss James? And BARELY thirties, if you don't mind! A man of my means may flit wherever he wishes at whatever time he chooses, young lady. And I'll thank you not to disrespect your elders in future, especially in matters that concern you not. |
Flashman 28.12.2004 20:25 |
Lisser wrote: So Paris is where you are taking me Flashy?? ;)Alas, no! But weep not, young Lisser. For your time will one day surely come. Just like all the rest... Seriously though, I can definitely pencil you in for next year, if you're genuinely up for it. |
Flashman 28.12.2004 20:35 |
*Encourages rest of QueenZone to circle MissJames, chanting "You're just jealous! You're just jealous!"* Ah, it's the simple things. |
deleted user 28.12.2004 21:05 |
It's "forget the New Year celebrations" for me. The sad fact is that I work closing shift New Year's eve, which means that I'm working until 6:30pm, but then I have to go to work at 5:00 am New Year's day because of some meeting that all new hires have to attend. Im beginning to think that the early morning schedule that was given to me was some sort of a joke, though... |
iGSM 28.12.2004 21:09 |
Miss James is just going senile (yes, I'm going to milk this joke until you are in your 60's) I'll be spending it probably at some sort of party. You know how it is in Australia. Can't leave those 'roos alone. *looks suggestively at a roo* |
deleted user 28.12.2004 21:20 |
Ooh, I struck a nerve, didn't I, Flashy? Don't worry, I'm sure the thirties will be good to you. As for being jealous, please don't flatter yourself. It's very unbecoming. *shakes fist in an elderly fashion at iGSM* |
SergeantPepperDG 28.12.2004 22:53 |
iGSM 28.12.2004 23:47 |
heh, this is fun. FUN FUN FUN! IN THE SUN SUN SUN! Too bad that's not on. The Red Dwarf marathon which has been on the last 2 years. ALPHABETTI SPAGHETTI!!!?!?!!?!?! |
deleted user 28.12.2004 23:49 |
She has no reason to be jealous of you Flashy... I'll leave it at that, because I know that it will take you a little bit of time to put your denchers in or wheel yourself to the computer to supply a response. Don't fall and break a hip Grandpa. :^P |
iGSM 29.12.2004 00:04 |
*does that thing on the Jerry Springer show when the white trash says something unexpected* |
Flashman 29.12.2004 06:09 |
iGSM wrote: heh, this is fun. FUN FUN FUN! IN THE SUN SUN SUN! Too bad that's not on. The Red Dwarf marathon which has been on the last 2 years. ALPHABETTI SPAGHETTI!!!?!?!!?!?!Give quiche a chance! |
Flashman 29.12.2004 06:18 |
<font color=teal>Tickqueener wrote: I'll leave it at that, because I know that it will take you a little bit of time to put your denchers in or wheel yourself to the computer to supply a response. Don't fall and break a hip Grandpa. :^PYoung man, I've a good mind to come over there and box your ears. I may be a base coward with a yellow streak from here to to YaYa, but I've some training in the Noble Art. And after looking at your photo, you look to be in terrible shape, so I'd fancy my chances. Lucky for you then, that I've a badly cricked neck after sleeping funny, and the doc says I've got to take it easy. |
The Mir@cle 29.12.2004 06:23 |
Flashman wrote:You are in the position to say no to a girl like Lisser?? Damn, what goes wrong in my life... ;-)Lisser wrote: So Paris is where you are taking me Flashy?? ;)Alas, no! But weep not, young Lisser. For your time will one day surely come. Just like all the rest... Seriously though, I can definitely pencil you in for next year, if you're genuinely up for it. |
Janet 29.12.2004 07:37 |
We don't usually go out for New Years, just don't like the crowds, noise, etc. I usually make a nice dinner. Then we start a fire in the fireplace, open a bottle of champagne, cuddle up on the couch, and watch the ball drop. :-) |
YourValentine 29.12.2004 07:50 |
That's fantastic news, Barry :) I am happy to hear that you quit. No other New Year resolution needed for you. |
Sir Archie 'Tiffany' Leach 29.12.2004 08:02 |
Good luck in Paris Flashy you old dog. I shall be four deep in a bar somewhere with the current Mrs Leach. I shall be making my way to the dancefloor just before midnight, near some birds obviously, in order to get a New Year's kiss or a bit of tit elbow if all else fails. |
The Mir@cle 29.12.2004 08:10 |
Great news Barry.. We've always said you can do it... and you did, we all are very proud of you!! Before midnight, I'm gonna visit my friends at their homes and have some drink. After twelve, I'm gonna to the local bar/dancing. Just have fun with my friends till it's morning. But I can't make it that late, my mothers' birth date is 1 January. |
iGSM 29.12.2004 08:15 |
I reckon, if I can chance it, I'll become a vampire. Fuck it. Good resolution. Become a vampire. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 29.12.2004 09:41 |
*gives Barry a pat on the back* Well Done mate! Anyway, ill be standing 4 deep too. Hopefully a good night though. Have a great time Flash. (Jammy Bastard) |
deleted user 29.12.2004 10:11 |
"Young man, I've a good mind to come over there and box your ears. I may be a base coward with a yellow streak from here to to YaYa, but I've some training in the Noble Art. And after looking at your photo, you look to be in terrible shape, so I'd fancy my chances." - I don't see a photo in your profile of a woman standing at your side, Flashy. |
Taylor-Mayed 29.12.2004 16:00 |
I shall either be at someone's house party where doubtless some drunken couples will be on the verge of splitting up with some ear-splitting arguments whilst outside Michael tries to climb a street lamp again, or I shall be sitting in my room all on my own... One of the two! |
Mayboy 29.12.2004 16:12 |
Barry_UK wrote: my dad bought me a ticket for the local for new years eve, i quit drinking 3 weeks ago so i'm going to sit there and watch people make an arse of themselves.Congratulations Barry, nice one! :) Dont think i am doing anything this year really just a quiet one with family, still it makes a nice change seeing as i go out every year. Anyway havent had chance to play with all my pressies yet :P |
Mrs.Taylor 29.12.2004 19:03 |
For the first time - possibly in my life - I'm planning to spend it by myself in front of the TV with a bottle of something or other. Nothing to be depressed about cos I'm quite looking forward to it, as something I've never done before. That said, I'd rather be curled up in front of the TV on New Years Eve with my lover but it isn't to be this year :( On the other hand, I might get railroaded into going to my parents'. |
iGSM 29.12.2004 19:30 |
<> Sounds like something I'll be doing too...except the Michael thing. I don't think that sounds right. |
Lisser 30.12.2004 10:58 |
I'm going to a friends' house to play poker, eat, and drink champagne. I have lots to be toasting as my divorce is almost final. I'm looking forward to a new start!! Happy New Year everyone!!! Be careful whatever you do. :) |
pma 30.12.2004 11:05 |
I might just be asleep when the year changes. Depending on how noisy the fireworks and other annoyances are in the neighbourhood. |
Queenleaf 30.12.2004 13:23 |
I must say, when I read Flashman's original post I was thinking along the same lines as Miss James! I probably shouldn't say that! Oh well I still say Flashman's adorable. Mrs. Taylor: Railroading? How cute! You make me want to go Railroading! I wish we had trains in this desolate place! I would love to hop on a train and spend my New Year on one! I'm in trouble with my parents. They found out about my b/f b/c they read my diary. They are very upset. I wrote some very bad stuff in there I am afraid. Anyway there's not a chance of being able to ring in the new anywhere but in my own boring house. Oh well. I just look at it as that the new year will be wonderfull since it is the year I turn 18 and leave home! Cheers everyone! |
DoctorNine 31.12.2004 12:46 |
iGSM wrote: Become a vampire.Wonderful idea! :) |
.DeaconJohn. 31.10.2017 20:36 |
Taylor-Mayed wrote: I shall either be at someone's house party where doubtless some drunken couples will be on the verge of splitting up with some ear-splitting arguments whilst outside Michael tries to climb a street lamp again, or I shall be sitting in my room all on my own... One of the two!Taylor-Mayed! Another name from the past! I'm having fun bumping all these topics up.... |