I'm just listening to The Cross' version of that song, but with Freddie's vocals on it. Some time ago I saw a snippet of Roger singing that song. It was to short to actually get to know whether it's better or not. So I would like to know what's your opinion about Roger singing this song and maybe where I can find that version.
Well, one is on the US version of the Shove It album the other one is on the European version.
Both versions are on the single...
And of course I prefer Freddies version!
Roger's version was released as a single and on the US edition of Shove It. Freddie's version with The Cross was on the British edition of Shove It, I think. I like it a lot and I always found the MIH Queen version less interesting, although Freddie's voclas are awesome.
I think the Cross version with Freddie is the best one.
I must admit that the Cross version is really better because it has it's own special atmosphere, much more moving than the Queen version.
I also thing that this is Roger's best singing he'd ever done.
I´ve listen to it 2 or 3 times a day since monday and I have to say I love it more and more each day.
It's so different and fresh against Queens version, but Freddie's version from 1988 is also awesome.
The MIH version is to overblown in my opinion.
cheers darlings
Well, Freddie´s version was released in the UK and Roger´s version was released on the USA only. I like both of them but of course, there´s nothing like Freddie singing any song.
When the single was going to be released from the "Made In Heaven" album, the radio-premiere of the single : "Heaven For Everyone" was supposed to be on a Monday, November the 6th, and simultaniously all over the world. I was however allowed to give it a 30 seconds pre-airing on National Dutch radio, in the AVRO studios from Radio 2, with show host Cilly Dartell. Broadcasted interview between 17.05 and 17.20 hrs, and the very first 30 seconds of the "new?" and long-awaited Queen-single came on the radio first in Holland...
I didn't use the new Queen-version then, but took exactly those 30 seconds from the Roger Taylor and The Cross version, that are exactly identical to the same song-piece of the new version...so the listeners had a good idea of what the song was going to be like....
As the The Cross version had already been released officially before, the management could not prevent me from playing it on the radio, but they didn't like it very much, as they thought it would ruin the surprise....i told them that something as old and already released as this song, was not going to be a surprise to anyone at all !!
And the Queenfans already knew that song for years....it was just the snippet i chose that gave away the new version and spoiled the surprise for the audience they thought....
I did not agree and played it, with their permission in the end... i have this show on tape, so this can also be proven to the unbelievers amongst you lot.....
Basje, if I'm not mistaken Heaven For Everyone was released on October 23 1995. The album was released on November 6. I think you've got some dates mixed up :)
freddie sang the original album version for the cross in 1987, roger sang the lead vocal on the cross single version when it came out 87/88.. & we all know about MIH version