yeah - I noticed this earlier today.
And on the Empire magazine site the Queen comments are also positive - stuff like "Im not seeing it if the soundtrack isnt by Queen".
I HATE remakes as a rule though - its so very very rare that a remake actually has any improvement to offer on an original film, and theres already been a load of rubbish sequels which pretty much indicate how the franchise is likely to be treated.
Whats next - a star wars remake?
Apparently the film world is now devoid of original ideas!
never one to put queen down.but,i feel another highlander film is only good for the sci fi bufs.number 1 was good from a queen point of view.but 2.3. and any follow up would be a waste of time.the first was diffrent because of the music.the others were crap.
Highlander was an excellent film, apart from the end where Connor kills Kurgan and he is hoisted into the air, seeing all the wires that supported Christopher Lambert is always disappointing.
Highlander II was an absolute joke of a film, although in this day and age of Global Warming, that aspect of the storyline was good.
Where the film failed, was due to the fact that the storyline didnt follow of from the first film, i.e. suddenly Connor and Ramirez knew each other, having both been banished and from the Planet Zeis as a punishment.
I hope the Producers of the remake read these postings, because i have an excellent idea for the film-
Our hero, Connor, is waiting to catch a small plane from an island along with a sultry looking woman.
As they are about to board the plane, some freak weather conditions hit, massive hail stones which then become hot hail stones, cue the music (A Kind of Magic), begin to fall heavily from the sky.
The plane takes off, as she is scared, the sultry looking female lead, looks for reasuurance from Connor, cue the music in the background (One Year of Love).
Somehow the Pilot of the plane is sucked out of the cockpit, the plane goes into freefall, spiralling out of control, heading towards a firey end, leaving Connor, who doesnt give a fuck really, cos he's immortal and he knows he will survive any crash, but thinks, hmmmmmm, why wait till an hour into the film, i could do with a shag now, to steer the plane out of its downward spiral, crash landing it in a wooded area, music in the background as he fights the plane, A Dozen Red Roses for my Darling.
Having saved the day, Connor thinks he will get his shag straight away, but he has crashed landed at the home of a mad Scientist, who is convinced the earth is under attack from Aliens. For arguments sake, this Scientist used to work at NASA, so he has a good scientific background, he has just completed his PhD, having put his studies on hold for 30 odd years...... i wonder who i could get to play that part?????
Just as Connor is about to get his hands on the sultry ladies impressive 34DD chest, i think i will call her Dale, the mad Scientist interupts them and they all end up being blasted into space in a homemade rocket......... I will develop the storyline further from here......
I personally think that my idea has some potential and i was thinking of approaching a Rock Band, to see if they might offer assistance with the soudtrack.
(carefully moving around Zebonka12..)
I think Brian and Roger will like the idea - they might want to recycle some music for the soundtrack themselves. Maybe even Ben Elton could lend his genius to the project.
woodi485485 wrote: i have an excellent idea for the film-
Our hero, Connor...
I have a better idea.
Cue *Headlong*
(Opening Titles)
Fade in
Our hero, Connor, and the rest of the highlanders are sitting front row at a hockey game. The Hanson brothers come into the game and pull one of those hockey-stick-to-the-entire-bench stint, only with the highlanders. Hanson aims a little low, thus decapitating every last one, including the TV version Connor and the animated Connor.
Fade out
(Credits roll)
cue *Mother Love*
I had a feeling they'd do something like that for the highlander series. I just hope it'll be better than the last couple of films..which of course sucked as well,because they're based from that tv version.
I mean,have you seen the latest one..Highlander-the source? looked and sounded ridiculously stupid.
There can be only highlander that is,and that's the original.