I know this probably doesn't belong in this section per se, but in light of the recent takedown of MegaUpload causing major headaches for people worldwide including Queen bootleg collectors, I figured it would be appropriate enough to commend Bokkepoot here for his awesome work on reuploading and restoring the bootlegs, keeping them up to date as much as possible.
Thank you very much good sir! We really appreciate your hard work :-)
My second love in Queen ( which takes up to today) started when I've discovered queen hub in 2004. Thank you for all this fantastic stuff. You've brought me back to queen family.
I've started in 90's sending vhs tapes to my queen-friends. My Earls Court was perhaps 100 generation copy. Almost unwatchable. And then in 2004 all this ghosts have alived with colours and shapes. Many great discoveries on there. Thank you!
Thank you all for your nice words !!
On my turn I want to thank every taper, every person who is upgrading the recordings, making beautiful artwork, merging different recordings to one big final masterpiece.
Personal I'm not inventive to do these mentioned things.
Only thing where I'm good in is keep things alive (Queenhub, hosting-services, torrents, etc).
This is my way to thank you all by sharing your Queenrecordings with the rest of Queenworld !
Just for the record, All recently "lost" Queen shows are back online now. I'm busy right now with the 1986 until now recordings.
BTW. Sorry for spamming the Queenforum with replies on 5 year old topics. Sometimes it is needed because I didn't reply already before in that topic. When possible I try to use an old reply from me and put the new links in there.
For all not shared torrents at the moment... in some days I hope to restart the torrent program I use and everybody can finish the on Queenzone shared torrents ;)
Again... thanks for the nice words, it's really appreciated !!!
Erik Viking wrote:
My second love in Queen ( which takes up to today) started when I've discovered queen hub in 2004. Thank you for all this fantastic stuff. You've brought me back to queen family.
I've started in 90's sending vhs tapes to my queen-friends. My Earls Court was perhaps 100 generation copy. Almost unwatchable. And then in 2004 all this ghosts have alived with colours and shapes. Many great discoveries on there. Thank you!
I know the feeling !!
That happened for me too :)
back i the late nineties my interest for Queen was almost gone.
I can remember well that I was sick at home and was searching the internet and did found the Hot Space demo's in som obscure Direct Connect hub....before I didn't heard of Direct Connect hub.
Later I did found the Queenhub (TRS-Romania was running that hub in that time) and I was directly in love again with Queen !!
Remarkable moment was the time that TRS did time-ban me for a month because of downloading from him (slow connections and he did need al his bandwith for running the hub) LOL.
Good memories !!!
A BIG thanks to Bokkepoot for not just the effort of updating all of those links but also the sheer amount of time he's spent doing it all.
As Brian May once said to me, "You have too much time on your hands"! LOL :)
If any one man on this board deserves an appreciation thread it's Bokkepoot. What a great guy and what an amazing job he's done for the community, both here and on the Hub.
Thanks, Marco! It's a privilege to know you! :)
Praise goes definately to Bokkepoot!
Al though I started up the Queen hub from my bedroom trying to figure out how to get it all working, it did create a new era in how Queen (unofficial)music and video was being shared. More and more users got on the hub, and the amount of shared data increased tremendously (and so did my electricity bill ...ouch!).
Due to me moving abroad at the end of 2003, I handed over the hub to Bokkepoot as I considered him a very trustworthy guy who I thought could continue the hub. I was not wrong (fortunately!)as Bokkepoot did a superb job for the last almost 8 years ...!
As to this day it seems I still have an account on the hub, but I unfortunately have all my queen material on 2 old harddisks from my old desktop (on which the hub ran) which I still have to transfer somehow to my laptop ...
Anyhow, Bokkepoot, keep up the good work, you're an asset to the Queen community!
There is nothing much to add from me - kudos to bokke , the main op for over 7 years, amazing staying power. Let us not forget the first hub owner scallyuk followed by TRS but there would not be the great hub community without the tireless and generous effort by bokkepoot. I am glad to have you as a friend, Marco :-) You, Ginger, BigV, Tony .. a great group of generous hubbies sharing tons of stuff to generations of fans.
Thanks for the nice words from everybody !
The "monster-job" is done.
Where possible are all 1-click hosting links which are mentioned on link replaced by new working links.
Hopefully they will be available for a long time this time.
If you are missing some links here and there, keep in mind that I also don't have them.
Sorry by spamming the messageboard with new replies everytime.
Next year, again in january or february, I will check them all again !
Best regards,