Hangman_96 17.04.2020 01:33 |
Have you set up an account on there yet? |
brENsKi 17.04.2020 05:53 |
Hi I don't recall giving out the IP address, i think i just confirmed that the queenchat "Kurgan" looks like it could be mrdata1968 link |
brENsKi 17.04.2020 08:28 |
brENsKi wrote: Hi I don't recall giving out the IP address, i think i just confirmed that the queenchat "Kurgan" looks like it could be mrdata1968 linki'd also add that - the new user doesn't appear to be a troll/spammer - (so far) quite genuine questions |
thomasquinn 32989 17.04.2020 09:00 |
You're not allowed to post information like that on a public forum. Please remove it. |
brENsKi 17.04.2020 15:42 |
as i said, i didn't recall. apols. even though you can't identify the person and their house number from their IP address - you can usually narrow things down to part of a town/city. so it probably is best you (at the very least) asterisk out some of the characters in both of your posts |
. 17.04.2020 16:01 |
You can't remember you posted the IP address of mrdata1968 two days ago? It's probably best (at the very least) you don't ask me to edit my posts, but please feel free to carry on editing your own. |
brENsKi 18.04.2020 16:24 |
The Kurgan wrote:Well the IP address you posted has now been deleted from the thread, and so it makes me look like a liar. The Kurgan wrote:You can't remember you posted the IP address of mrdata1968 two days ago? It's probably best (at the very least) you don't ask me to edit my posts, but please feel free to carry on editing your own.i didn't edit the post. YV has removed it - along with some other posts in that thread - she PM'd me to confirm it's deletion: if you'd cared to check the thread you'd have seen this later post from me. blueFWIW - as Barb had already deleted my post - along with the post i asked to be removed, i couldn't exactly verify what i'd posted, now - could i? and, i have a few more important things to "imprint on my memory", right now - like running errands for my octogenarian aunt and uncle who aren't allowed out of the house at the present (and he had Covid-19) - perhaps you'll forgive me for forgetting the precise content of my post. all-in -all, i'd suggest you're being a bit "dickish" about this - what with your sarcastic comments, and re-posting an IP that a moderator has already removed. |
brENsKi 18.04.2020 17:53 |
The Kurgan wrote:I forgive you, and I hope your Aunt and Uncle are doing well.forgive me? i didn't do anything. i didn;t remove the post - YV did this. you jumped in to accuse me of "making you look like a liar" and "editing my post" - i did neither. |
. 18.04.2020 17:58 |
You asked me to forgive you in your previous post, so I forgave you!
brENsKi wrote: perhaps you'll forgive me for forgetting the precise content of my post.I did not accuse YOU of making me look like a liar, this is what I said. The Kurgan wrote: Well the IP address you posted has now been deleted from the thread, and so it makes me look like a liar. |
brENsKi 18.04.2020 21:52 |
The Kurgan wrote: You asked me to forgive you in your previous post, so I forgave you!the inference is definitely there - and you've (obviously) ignored your accusation of my "editing my post" - i did no such thing - it was removed.brENsKi wrote: perhaps you'll forgive me for forgetting the precise content of my post.I did not accuse YOU of making me look like a liar, this is what I said.The Kurgan wrote: Well the IP address you posted has now been deleted from the thread, and so it makes me look like a liar. but hey, you can't be grown up enough to actually admit this? fine. i wondering if our new forum got the better "Kurgan" after all. <<< you had that one coming. |
. 19.04.2020 00:00 |
brENsKi wrote: the inference is definitely there - and you've (obviously) ignored your accusation of my "editing my post" - i did no such thing - it was removed. but hey, you can't be grown up enough to actually admit this? fine. i wondering if our new forum got the better "Kurgan" after all. <<< you had that one coming.Since you thanked YV for deleting your post I can only assume now that it was done so at your request! You instigated its deletion, therefore you edited it out of the thread via a third party. Then just two days later you claim to have no recollection of posting it in the first place. You dropped a bollock mate, and it's you who can't be grown up enough to admit this. Enjoy the fake Kurgan on your forum, he's probably more on your wave length. <<< you had that one coming. IP: ISP: Tele2 Nederland Location: Amsterdam |
brENsKi 19.04.2020 06:28 |
The Kurgan wrote:you are 100% wrong about this. for the last time. i asked YV to delete another post by someone else - why don't you check my reply to her?brENsKi wrote:the inference is definitely there - and you've (obviously) ignored your accusation of my "editing my post" - i did no such thing - it was removed. but hey, you can't be grown up enough to actually admit this? fine. i wondering if our new forum got the better "Kurgan" after all. <<< you had that one coming.Since you thanked YV for deleting your post I can only assume now that it was done so at your request! You instigated its deletion, therefore you edited it out of the thread via a third party. Then just two days later you claim to have no recollection of posting it in the first place. You dropped a bollock mate, and it's you who can't be grown up enough to admit this. Enjoy the fake Kurgan on your forum, he's probably more on your wave length. <<< you had that one coming. while she was in there, she deleted my post with the IP in it. i had no involvement in the deletion of that post and was unaware of said deletion until you accused me of editing posts. no. it's YOU who dropped the bollock. now you have two choices. 1. accept this and apologise. 2. check with YV - she'll confirm my account to be 100% accurate, you can then opt to apologise - or not (on evidence so far, probably a NOT) 3. carry on deflecting crap and accusations. you choose. |
. 19.04.2020 07:23 |
Nice try, but a "confirmation" your account is 100% accurate means nothing to me. The purpose of this thread was to inform users that that I am not The Kurgan on your new site. I've done that, and hopefully my thread and posts won't get deleted (as has happened untold times over the years and without explanation). If they are, I'll remember what I posted, for a couple of days at least. |
brENsKi 19.04.2020 11:20 |
The Kurgan wrote:Nice try, but a "confirmation" your account is 100% accurate means nothing to me.of course it doesn't. so a forum moderator confirming something, is ultimately always trumped by your own distorted view of things? figures. The Kurgan wrote:I've done that, and hopefully my thread and posts won't get deleted (as has happened untold times over the years and without explanation). If they are, I'll remember what I posted, for a couple of days at least.in a nutshell, this confirms 100% why your posts have been deleted without explanation. your arrogance that you'll "remember what you posted" (clearly with the intention of moderating the moderator) shows a contempt for logic, polite behaviour and an inability to admit being wrong. refusing to edit posts containing IP addresses, when another very similar post in the same thread was removed by moderation? "remember what i posted" - haha - you should be honest, you've probably saved them to notepad (or similar) - because there's no way you recall ALL of those entries from memory. and with that, i'm out of this conversation for good. looks like we definitely got the better Kurgan...QZ can keep you. |
. 19.04.2020 16:05 |
1. The moderator can delete my posts (and shares) whenever they want to, I'm quite used to it. 2. Yes, I have a good memory. 3. I'm told "your" Kurgan has now been edited to Great King Rat, so you might want to edit him back again. 4. Bye Bye. |
YourValentine 20.04.2020 08:35 |
Hi The Kurgan, please do not post IP addresses of anyone on this forum without consent of the person whose IP you post. I spoke with brenski about the issue and we both agree that a forum must protect the data of its users. How else can we all use a forum with confidence? I did submit my email address to the new forum and I must be sure they do not take my email or my IP address and publish it somewhere. I ask you to stop reposting any data on this forum, mainly about fights which did not even happen on QU but on the queen chat forum. |
brENsKi 20.04.2020 21:29 |
The Kurgan wrote:With respect, he posted the IP address in the first place so that's a bit rich. If you think I'm breaching your forum rules then ban me, if not then cease and desist with your removal of my posts.i've heard many things said about you - i agree with most, but no one ever called you thick. strange really, because that's the characteristic you're projecting mostly in this discussion. stop and think for a minute: if my post (containing an IP) was removed by a moderator, then why in the name of living fuck, would you think that YOUR post containing identical information, would not be removed? banal - there's a word to describe your current reasoning powers. |
YourValentine 21.04.2020 08:59 |
Hello The Kurgan, I don't understand the dramatic discussion here. Surely you must understand that I cannot allow someone to post IP addresses of Queenzone users (or anyone else for that matter) on this forum. When I saw it I deleted it and I contacted brenski who had no problem with it. Certainly, you would not like it if I posted your IP address on a public forum, either. |
emrabt 22.04.2020 11:45 |
I'd like to point out the post from 18 Apr 20, 17:33 still has the IP details, Either you missed it or it's been edited again to included it. |