Fenderek 17.03.2004 12:30 |
I've spent some time on "google" so piss of...:) What was Freddie's address in Munich, where was he living...? The street is enough... Thanx PS A friend of mine is going to Munich and wants to know; would like to go myslelf (beautiful city), but this year's holiday I'm gonna spend in Poland- going back to my country for the first time in three years... That's going to be weird... |
Josuè 17.03.2004 12:40 |
no clue, sorry |
Fenderek 17.03.2004 12:50 |
Didn't he move in with Winnie...? |
Joma 17.03.2004 15:39 |
I believe it was the Hilton. The studios where they recorded are in the Arabella-Haus (dull place). But he should go and see the laser-show. I've seen it, it's great!! Other places - Freddie's party venues no longer exist. I study in Munich and there's many cool places but not so interesting Queen sites. |
FM 17.03.2004 16:27 |
He stayed in a hotel, at first, with Winnie, for some time, but then moved into an apartment that he and Barbara bought together; the same apartment Barbara lived in until she died. The address is really quite easy to find. |
Fenderek 18.03.2004 03:10 |
Well, I can't find it... |
Mr. Scully 18.03.2004 05:31 |
He shared a flat with Barbara, I was there and saw that particular flat a couple years ago but didn't care about the address, sorry. Before that, he really stayed in Hilton. I have a photo of the hotel somewhere. "Other places - Freddie's party venues no longer exist." Mrs. Henderson gay club is still there. But basically all other places are gone, that's right. |
Joma 18.03.2004 06:12 |
When in London I usually step by Logan Place because I love that house. It such a dwelling in the middle of London. Noisy area but very peaceful and quiet resort - class! But watching Barbara's (ex-) flat is not that good.... |
Mr. Scully 18.03.2004 06:44 |
"But watching Barbara's (ex-) flat is not that good...." It's just that we walked by, normally I don't give a damn where who lives. We had a couple of free hours before the AMAZING Munich laser show so we decided to walk in the city and check some of the "famous" places. All the pubs, clubs and flats are from each other just a couple of hundred meters. |
Joma 18.03.2004 09:08 |
No offence. It was intended to be a tip rather than telling somebody what to do or not. personal |
Fenderek 18.03.2004 12:09 |
BTW Thanks Malina for your help, I'm really gratefull *sarcasm* |
Lara 18.03.2004 16:45 |
eeee......... jak to do Polski?Wybacz,¿e gupio pytam, ale sam rozumiesz-w takim "miejscu"chyba zapominam,co to Polska i ¿e mo¿na po polsku.To jak inna planeta,a tu nagle kto¶ sprowadza mnie na ziemie.Pewnie,¿e dziwne uczucie,Stary. :(Jeszcze dziwniejsze tkwiæ w tym kraju na dobre.Tylko po co im o tym mówisz?Oni nawet nie wiedz± gdzie ta Polska le¿y. Wybacz,ale nie mog³am siê powstrzymaæ.Polak na Queenzone i to Polak,ktory zaczepi³ siê w jukej!My¶lisz,ze to bêdzie jedyny polski akcent w historii tego forum?Pozdrawiam. Hans Sach Strasse.Powodzenia. |
FM 18.03.2004 21:58 |
Fenderek: If you read "Freddie Mercury:The Definitive Biography", you will find the address right in there. Sorry, but I won't post an address here as I think it is too personal to do so. Plus, it is very easy to find if you really want to do so. |
The Real Wizard 18.03.2004 23:10 |
It can't be too personal if it was published in an easily available book. Get off your high horse and help the guy out. |
FM 19.03.2004 08:15 |
Then if you have the book, it's there. It's right in the chapter about Freddie and Barbara's life together. It's quite plain to see. There are many, many people on this forum who have that book, surely someone out there can find that address. But, again, I won't post it because I feel that for the family's sake, I wouldn't want to do something like that. |
The Real Wizard 19.03.2004 23:35 |
"But, again, I won't post it because I feel that for the family's sake, I wouldn't want to do something like that." Again, if it's in a book, the information can't be *that* private. Stop worrying about nothing, and just tell him what he wants to know. |
Penetration_Guru 20.03.2004 03:11 |
Whose family? Freddie's? Barbara's? The author of this sterling and in no way cash-in tome's? I'm all confused again. |
FM 20.03.2004 08:16 |
Barbara does have a son and I think he should be respected, especially now after her death. I have been in contact with him, by sending my condolences on her death and he was so kind to reply. |
D.Blythe 20.03.2004 08:18 |
If you go to Munich, you should check out Musicland studios, if only to see if the legend is true about people going crazy when the mountain wind blows in, the fuehn I believe. Brian mentions it during the commentary for "One Vision". The wind blows down off of the mountain and for some reason people are overcome with suicidal tendencies. By the way, welcome back, Malina. Glad you reconsidered and came back to the noticeboard. |
Penetration_Guru 20.03.2004 11:03 |
We should respect his privacy, but it was ok for you to get in touch? Priceless. |
S@turn 20.03.2004 12:53 |
my girlfriend had a shit day at work, but when she read this topic, she did smile, esp. about the priceless comment of P G So, on behalf of her, and me thanks P G, that was not just to smile but o so f*cking true! |
FM 20.03.2004 14:09 |
Exactly! So if you want to get in touch for the reason I have, then find the address yourself. I'm not going to blab it to anyone. I sent my condolences; he responded, and that was that! I wouldn't now go ahead and "share" the address with everyone! But, it is in the book. |
The Real Wizard 20.03.2004 15:00 |
Rarely do I resort to insults, but my god Malina, you really are fucking stupid. |
Penetration_Guru 20.03.2004 15:15 |
HansSachs Strasse is the street in question, not that I particularly wanted to dig through that book again. It's mentioned twice in a few pages, but I'm fairly sure that this is not enough info to identify the specific flat, and I'm comfortable with that. I myself used to live on Ogden Road, but I'm sure you'll all respect the current occupiers... |
ilizarov 20.03.2004 15:22 |
You sent her son a letter, how wonderful! You keep your ear to the ground Malina, you never know, maybe you'll be lucky and someone else you dont know, who was mates with someone else you didnt know, will die and you can start sending their relatives letters! Yay! (this post was sponsered by sarcasm: the lowest form of wit) |
The Real Wizard 21.03.2004 00:37 |
Hehe nice one, DeaconJohn. |
SallyJ. 21.03.2004 07:42 |
I am a little bit confused.....Malina, if the address is published in a book, then why do you find it too personal to give to someone else? |
ilizarov 21.03.2004 09:27 |
"why do you find it too personal to give to someone else?" - because the voices in her head tell her so. Logic and rational thinking are not Malina's strong points. |
Brian_Mays_Wig 21.03.2004 12:05 |
Malina, the publishers of the book obviously didnt think it was too personal!! For Fucks sake woman, just give it out. *Screams in pain - Shes back again* |
The Real Wizard 22.03.2004 01:12 |
We've tried and tried. Let's see if she finally budges. |
Fenderek 22.03.2004 09:03 |
< As I said: I'm not going... Nor I want to see Barbara's flat- what the hell for...? A friend of mine however does, so when she asked me where should she go, I promised to look here and there; wasn't going to go through every single book I own and I most definitely don't remember all the crap (for me anyway) and useless information that was written there... If I wanted to do it myself- really, really wanted- than maybe I would go through everything I have... But it would take me three freaking days... So I thought- maybe someone was already looking for it and knows...? So they'll tell me and I'll tell her... What's the better place to ask than queenzone...? Malina, it's just contradiction: "I won't post an address here as I think it is too personal" and in the same paragraph "it is very easy to find"... I attempted to find it through queenzone- mistake, then... Thanx again... |
FM 22.03.2004 09:03 |
To all of you: First of all, the partial address is in the book. Secondly, I have the complete details, and when you grow up, you will see that giving out such information would not be the right thing to do. As for sending condolences to people who were important to Freddie, as a Queen fan, it is, to me, the proper thing to do. Barbara was very important to Freddie and they were very, very close, so to send condolences to her family in respect of Freddie (to whom we all supposedly share a common bond) is the nice thing to do. Again, perhaps when you grow up a bit, you will see that. |
Fenderek 22.03.2004 09:06 |
And now for sth completely different... < Wybacz,ale nie mog©¯am siê powstrzymaæ.Polak na Queenzone i to Polak,ktory zaczepi©¯ siê w jukej!My¶lisz,ze to bêdzie jedyny polski akcent w historii tego forum?Pozdrawiam.>> :)Dzieki za tip. Sprawdz ten adres: link Odzdrawiam. Tam mozemy pogadac:) |
The Real Wizard 22.03.2004 10:22 |
"I have the complete details, and when you grow up, you will see that giving out such information would not be the right thing to do" By that definition, you're accusing the writer of the book to be "not doing the right thing". You're an array of contradictions. When *you* grow up, you'll see that. You won't even post the partial information. So if the partial information is in the book, then why not give out that much here? |
Daburcor? 22.03.2004 10:23 |
Uhhhh... Freddie never went to Munich... You all need to read up more on him. |
The Real Wizard 22.03.2004 10:24 |
Hehe Dan... |
Mr. Scully 22.03.2004 10:47 |
I was away for a couple days and now I'm confused. Let's say we have a Mr. X. According to Malina, it's not fair to tell Mr. X's address to other people although it can be easily found in the phonebook. BUT if Mr. X's dog's friend's master's favourite singer's mother-in-law dies, it's of course right and polite to send condolences to preferably all of the people involved in this chain although they have absolutely no idea who Malina is. No, seriously, I don't get two things: 1. If something is widely published, why can't it appear on QueenZone? Probably it's stupid to ask for the address but it's even more stupid to refuse to reply. 2. Has Malina sent condolences to Mary after each of the Freddie's cats died? (Question number two was purely rhetorical as we all know the answer). |
Fenderek 22.03.2004 13:28 |
< When U grow up and learn to read you'll see that I asked only about the street, not the exact addres... Scully>> I don't care personally where Freddie lived; even though I've been living in London for 3 years I went to Logan Place only once...IMO going to see Barbara's flat is equal going to visit some workshop because the guy who works there was Freddie's elektrician or sth as stupid... Was it stupid to ask this question? Actually I think so, yes. But not for the reasons you're thinking of, Malina... |
Brian_Mays_Wig 22.03.2004 14:01 |
Malina does my bastard tits in. |
Bohardy 22.03.2004 14:17 |
How come so many of you seem to have overlooked the fact that PG already posted the name of the street? It's HansSachs Strasse apparently. |
Penetration_Guru 22.03.2004 15:54 |
lol, I was wondering that |
Nuno 22.03.2004 17:10 |
Why the hell in God's name would send condolences to someone you have never met, spoken to, wouldn't have know existed had Freddie not lived with his mum If it wasn't for that we wouldn't give a rats arse about them (most of us here obviously don't) People can get really fucked up when there obsessions take over |
Merlot 22.03.2004 17:28 |
SallyJ. 22.03.2004 20:55 |
Ok, here's my final thoughts about it. I really tried to understand you Malina, really really really!! I'm sure you are not a bad person. Maybe even a nice person, if the topic of conversation has nothing to do with Freddie.I don't know, because I never see anything else than FreddieFreddieFreddie in your postings. That's alright, of course, if only you'd also listen to what others have to say. Or ask. Maybe they really do know things about Freddie that you don't! Maybe we ALL love Freddie a lot!! Have you ever thought about that? I waited for a good explanation why you didn't want to give out the darned address. But I didn't see any normal explanation. So.. I need to say this and then I won't bother anymore. I find it highly disturbing that you, Malina, think that you're better than anyone of us. You're very arrogant, to say the least. To tell us to grow up (I'm 34 btw and hardly a child) while you are behaving as if you're jealous of anyone else who might even THINK about trying to get in touch with someone who knew Freddie......, seeing a flat/street/whatever where Freddie lived....in fact, anything to do with Freddie..., is just childish. So who needs to grow up? I see no reason for your 'secrecy'. If the address is so easy to find, why do you think it's special that you have it? It really isn't. Can't you see that? The answers you gave, make it clear that you are extremely fanatic. Almost like a stalker. This is how you come across. Other than that, the wrong info you provide to 'newbies' or whoever is asking questions, is also very disturbing. (WHEN it's wrong, I am not saying it's always wrong) Because you seem to think that YOU are are the only person in the whole world who knows the truth. You also seem to think that you are the only one who knows people who knew Freddie, or who is in touch with Brian (but then of course Brian isn't Freddie, so why would you bother, or anyone else connected to QUEEN. Well...surprise, you don't and you're not! What you need to do Malina, is get real. Because you live in a dreamworld, that you created by yourself. And again, if you want to be treated with respect, then please start treating others with some more respect yourself. This whole topic became ridiculous, all it would have taken was giving out the ***!!**address!! |
Mr. Scully 23.03.2004 04:14 |
Very good post, Sally. You seem to have more diplomacy than people like P_G or me :-) I have no doubt Malina is much more intelligent than her posts. Because what we see in her posts is fanatism, arrogance, total lack of humor and no sense for reality. (I know it's not relevant here but did you notice that Malina's son looks almost exactly like Freddie did during his childhood in India? Funny coincidence :-) |
Vivian829 23.03.2004 04:33 |
i dun know |
FM 24.03.2004 08:44 |
Ok Sally, now let me try to explain to you in a way that perhaps you can understand. When I read Freddie Mercury, the Definitive Biography, I was very touched by the chapter regarding Freddie and Barbara's life together in Munich. It was poignant, funny and sad all at the same time. It was obvious, in my opinion, that they really "loved" each other. I took note at that time that the author had stated a partial address of the apartment that the two of them had bought together. When Barbara died, I remembered that and went back and found that address. I thought it would be nice, as I hadn't seen any sort of condolences being sent through any Queen sites, to send a condolence note myself to Barbara's son. I sent it to that partial address, not even knowing if it would get there. I put my return address on the envelope thinking that the note would just be returned to me. To my surprise, some time later, I got a response from Barbara's son. He was very gracious and kind and appreciative that I took the time. In his response, he left his full details. Now, as an adult, I don't think it would have been nice of me to go ahead and give THAT information to anyone. Why should I? I wanted the address in Munich, so I went back to that book and found that partial address which is listed. When the person who was looking for the address asked, I said it is listed in that book. Was I supposed to go myself and find it? So, there you have it. Can you understand that, Sally? I don't think I'm special, as you say because I have it. Anyone can write to that partial address listed in the book. What's your problem? Perhaps you're jealous I have it? Now, also, please tell me what wrong information I have ever given a "newbie"? Also, regarding your ridiculous statement that I don't care for anyone except Freddie, I like all of Queen, and would be very happy to see Brian, Roger or even John. But, yes, Freddie is my favorite. I am entitled to a favorite, am I not, Sally? And, yes, I do know a lot of people who have known Freddie over the years, so what? That makes me a stalker? Who am I stalking, Sally, a man who has been dead for years? Give me a break. I think you're a bit warped! You said "You also seem to think that you are the only one who knows people who knew Freddie, or who is in touch with Brian"--when did I ever say that I was in touch with Brian? As far as treating people with respect, I'm the one here who, whenever I answer a question, gets jumped on and answered in a very disrespectful and distasteful manner. So, you see Sally, I respond in the same manner. |
FM 24.03.2004 08:49 |
Scully: Don't ever mention my son again! That was uncalled for. |
Mr. Scully 24.03.2004 09:50 |
I mentioned him once and that was because you uploaded a photo of you and him into the Queenzone gallery. If you wanted to show your family to others (which I personally would never do), what do you complain about then? |
FM 24.03.2004 10:02 |
That's a photo from the U.S. Queen convention in Cleveland. There was still no need to mention my son. And, you wonder why I call certain posters on this board childish. You, Scully, are just plain sick! |
Mr. Scully 24.03.2004 10:05 |
OK, let's make a fair deal. I will never mention your son again and you will never mention Freddie again. Deal? |
FM 24.03.2004 10:25 |
I think you should grow up and get yourself some manners. |
NoOneButYou1975 24.03.2004 10:30 |
throws in my two cents there was no need to bash someone who doesnt post in here and cannot defend themselves..that in itself makes you look bad.. |
Mr. Scully 24.03.2004 10:33 |
NOBY - I don't know if it was directed towards me but if Malina uploads a photo of her son to QueenZone and I say that he looks almost like Freddie (which is true), is that the bashing you're speaking about? Or is there anything wrong about it at all, as Malina suggests? |
FM 24.03.2004 12:38 |
The problem is, Scully, you don't talk about someone's child because you don't happen to like that person's responses. That was wrong--you were wrong! You are very ill-mannered and lack integrity and class to do such a thing. If you have nothing better to do than throw cheap shots at children, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Obviously, you were never taught manners and any social graces in your childhood, that as an adult (and I use that word loosely in your case) you would stoop to such a level. What a jerk! |
Penis - Vagina 24.03.2004 13:16 |
Why would a Queen fan be offended by someone saying that their child resembled Freddie as a child? I don't understand. Mr. Scully doesn't deserve to be ostracized for such an innocent comment. Freddie on the other hand might be a little hurt that you took it as an insult. |
ilizarov 24.03.2004 13:24 |
"I do know a lot of people who have known Freddie over the years, so what?" - it is obsessive behaviour; you only want to know these people because they knew Freddie. This is so you can pretend that via 'knowing' these people (i'm not sure how well you actually do know them), you 'know' freddie in some way. "That makes me a stalker? Who am I stalking, Sally, a man who has been dead for years?" - as good as. I would definatley class your behaviour in the same category as a stalker. I still stand by my opinion that you are as nutty as a fruitcake. |
Penetration_Guru 24.03.2004 13:50 |
Is there a link to this pic, Martin? I could do with a laugh. |
Penis - Vagina 24.03.2004 13:59 |
Apparently after spending three years as a publically shared photo the pic got removed quickly when it became a topic of discussion... but for the time being, it still resides on the temporary archive site at.......... Okay, after careful consideration I've decided not to give a direct link, but instead some directions: Go left until you reach the main 'Queen' forum. Make a right and keep going until you see the "Might Be A Little bit of downtime" sign. Enter there and go 4 more blocks until you see the post that says "You can get your lost posts from:" and enter there. Now, alter the address slightly in your travel computer so that you're not seeing anything after the first slash. Enter here and you will be transported to a backup site for all of Queenzone. Walk to the 4th column near the sky and you'll be standing in front of the Library. Once there, you'll see various signposts suddenly appear, and you'll wish to choose the 'Picture Gallery' route and enter. Now simply stroll down to the last section there, off to the right and you'll be in the right place. |
YourValentine 24.03.2004 14:54 |
Malina asked in a (not frantic at all) email that the picture should be removed from the QZ gallery. Since it's a private picture I thought it's the correct thing to honour the request and delete the picture. Actually, I hoped that would be the end of the argument but it looks like Malina needed to take the opportunity and hit out against Martin like he is the evil on two legs. Whatever you may think, Malina, Martin is sure not the ill mannered jerk you seem to think he is. I had no idea there was a copy of the picture in the back-up and I would not have known how to delete it there. |
FM 24.03.2004 15:07 |
I beg to differ with you, YourValentine. My opinions of Scully remain the same. When I voiced my shock and disapointment at him for mentioning my son, he could have been "man" enough to at least apologize for dragging an innocent child into a topic because he didn't like my response. Instead he made a mockery of it. |
YourValentine 24.03.2004 15:34 |
I don't expect you to change your opinion, Malina :) It's based on a couple of notice board threads. My opinion about Martin is based on 3 years of personal friendship, so it's obvious that we won't agree here :) |
Merlot 24.03.2004 16:04 |
Penetration_Guru 24.03.2004 16:36 |
OK, so any slightly off-white child with a crap dentist looks like Freddie now??? Sod off... Oh, and you could get his ears pinned. And your chin tucked. And that bowl haircut does you no favours. btw, have you asked Jacky and Barbara Bush for permission to use their images? Right, Martin I think you're probably ok now, and I have reinforced my cunt-ness. Everything is right with the world. |
SallyJ. 24.03.2004 18:02 |
*edit* sorry, my post appeared 4 times! |
SallyJ. 24.03.2004 18:03 |
*edit* sorry, my post appeared 4 times! |
SallyJ. 24.03.2004 18:05 |
*edit* sorry, my post appeared 4 times! |
SallyJ. 24.03.2004 18:06 |
I said what I had to say, and I will not say it all over again. If you want to know what I meant with my previous post, I suggest you read it again, cos it's all there. You continue to be arrogant, obsessive, extremely fanatic, and you still do not listen to what others have to say. If your choice is to live in a delusive world, so be it. Good luck. |
Joma 24.03.2004 18:14 |
I said what I had to say, and I will not say it all over again. If you want to know what I meant with my previous post, I suggest you read it again, cos it's all there. You continue to be arrogant, obsessive, extremely fanatic, and you still do not listen to what others have to say. If your choice is to live in a delusive world, so be it. Good luck. There's something which nobody mentioned: Who's Malina - far left or right between Jacky and 'The Son'?? |
Merlot 24.03.2004 19:28 |
Saint Jiub 24.03.2004 23:54 |
What happens when one drama queen tells another drama queen to stop being a drama queen? |
Togg 25.03.2004 04:43 |
This is getting out of hand guys. Malina, think about what was said, basically nothing to worry about, he only mentioned he him and certainly didn't slander him, on the other hand the tosspot that talked about Psyche Star definately DID slander, so that IS something to get upset about. |
ilizarov 25.03.2004 05:34 |
"When i first encountered her, I thought she was some hormonally-imbalanced 15 year old, imagine my surprise when I found out she was a fully grown woman" - its rather ironic that you choose to use that comment in this topic, since it is applicable to both you and Malina. And also, when you bring up a post someone typed 2 or 3 months ago (i assume you had to take the trouble to go to QueenOnline and search for this post), isn't it a bit hypocritical to use this as an example of 'getting over' something? |
S@turn 25.03.2004 06:59 |
seems that you read a book malina, but that does not mean that you understand what is written... If you read the books the same way as that you read the reasonable topics here then your reactions are explained with that |
thanks freddie 25.03.2004 07:33 |
he you all can read the post P G wrote here he wrote the answer of this topic. Penetration_Guru Royalty posted 3/20/2004 3:15:22 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HansSachs Strasse is the street in question, not that I particularly wanted to dig through that book again. It's mentioned twice in a few pages, but I'm fairly sure that this is not enough info to identify the specific flat, and I'm comfortable with that. I myself used to live on Ogden Road, but I'm sure you'll all respect the current occupiers... -------------------- There you have it, now PLEASE stop the fighting and close this topic before it's getting worst. |
Togg 25.03.2004 08:29 |
The dogs are baying for blood tonight! watch out PS I feel a disturbance in the force ;-) Lets get real folks, mentioning you saw someones son in a picture posted on the internet is not exactly a huge crime, if you posted it there Malina then whats the problem, he didn't say anything that should or could be taken as offensive. On the other hand making comments about somebodies mental state is rather likely to provoke wouldn't you say, so hardly surprizing people get upset and remember the comments. I love this place, everyone hides behind there computer screen and yells out stuff that in real life they would never have the courage to say to someones face. Any chance we can get back to normal service, and lets have a little less swearing, Oh and btw I include myself in that, I hate resorting to it but sometimes! jeez |
Lisser 25.03.2004 10:40 |
I am hesitant to stick my nose in this but it is my opinion that Scully didn't say anything bad about Malina's son. I have children and if he said that one of my children looked like Freddie, I wouldn't be upset. Apparently there is some ill feelings or differences of opinions between Malina and Scully/others on this board so she took it the wrong way. Just my observation as an outsider. I have spoken with Scully before through emails; he's always been very polite to me and very kind to answer Queen related questions I have. However, if someone said what they said in regards to Psyche's situation, then I'd be a little less than happy to put it lightly. I have to wonder though what kind of person would say such nasty things about anyone, muchless a child. I'd probably not even give that person any of my time with a response. I wouldn't want any sort of conversation with someone who would speak of a child or another human in such a manner. So I would probably choose to ignore that ignorance. I'm sure Psyche handled it the right way though, the right way for her. Everyone handles things differently. People are going to say what they want to say no matter what your response or excuse is for your behaviors or actions. You may think what you say or do is completely acceptable, others won't. Just be prepared to hear what follows and take it with a grain of salt. *steps off soapbox* |