YourValentine 19.05.2008 16:46 |
Here is the long awaited entry by Adam and his friends- Too Much Love Will Kill you. Enjoy:) |
Mr Mercury 19.05.2008 17:09 |
Barbara, the link on the mainpage doesnt work for some reason. I clicked on it and all I got was this "Sorry! Page not found Sorry the page you are looking for couldn't be found. Please use the menu, or our search engine to locate the information you are looking for" |
Deacon Fan 19.05.2008 19:21 |
Wow, yeah. This is even worse than having to go from the alert here on the forum, back to the front page to get the file, and back here to discuss it (since the goddamn link is never included) This was one I looked forward to. |
Adam Baboolal 19.05.2008 19:27 |
Hey folks, here it is - link (7.8MB) Adam. |
YourValentine 19.05.2008 19:53 |
Oh sorry, I did not expect it does not work, because this is a first. I am afraid there are still not all pages connected to the new server. |
Deacon Fan 19.05.2008 20:58 |
Very nice work Adam. A lot of heart and soul in the singing and piano. I have to be honest though, when the drums and guitar come in... well, first the timing seems just slightly off a few times, and the solo itself is kind of plain and lacks the feeling to match the rest of the song. It's still very good though... |
Adam Baboolal 19.05.2008 21:17 |
Well, I'm surprised DF - timing issues? What ones are they? |
inu-liger 20.05.2008 02:21 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: Well, I'm surprised DF - timing issues? What ones are they?The snare/tom roll that leads into the guitar solo is not very smooth. It seems too slow and not very well-paced. Also, the drums sound like they were programmed with a MIDI sequencer and soundfont...really lacks resonance and a powerful, heavy live sound. It is just so weak and lifeless. Adam, I have a drum set and very good equipment I can use for recording drums. I am willing to record a new drum track for you if you would like that. Also, the "that it's" part in the line "can't you see that it's impossible to choose..." sounds like a CD is skipping on those two words. Just thought I'd point that out. Otherwise, it's a very good effort :) I like it. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 06:19 |
Listen, I think these "issues" are our personal choices and we're happy with the song the way it is. Inu - The drums sound weak and lifeless? The drums are from BFD/Andy John series and those sounds are top notch stuff. Maybe it's a personal taste thing. I know some people prefer one drum set over another. So if they sound weak, I can't tell you why you hear that. And dude, a cd skipping? Thanks for mocking my singing voice. :( Adam. |
john bodega 20.05.2008 06:53 |
I was going to comment on the drum sound but my preferences in that area seem to change with the seasons... I'm a whore for the EZDrummer library myself. I quite like the way you sung it. You've got a great guitar sound going there, bravo. The solo itself... I definitely commend some parts of it, you had the right idea by trying to vary from the Queen one. Some parts seemed to double up on each other, where you could've gone in a different direction. As I said, a great sound though. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 07:24 |
The doubling up may be from where I've used the two mics on the solo guitar. I had a close-up mic (Shure Beta57a) and a distance mic (Rode NT2A). And as the solo got further in, I started to really use both mics together more. Also, there was a mistake in the solo that I cut out and tried to marry to the 2nd take, but there is a slight doubling effect there. I just thought I wouldn't lie about it, if it came up! So, yeah, two takes stitched together at that point (3:14). The only thing I wondered about with the drums were the snare sounds. I could've tweaked that for days, but I think I got a nice compromise which I'm happy with. I think the important thing was to get it out the door before I spent more and more time tweaking that snare. I'm thinking about those drums! Mainly cause there's an overall compression which tightened it all up. I dunno what to think now. Maybe I should revisit those drums. But just coz of the overall compression, nothin more. Adam. |
john bodega 20.05.2008 08:06 |
Just so I'm sure we're talking about the same thing, when I say 'doubling up' I was referring to the guitar melody repeating itself at one or two points. The mic-ing itself sounded great! |
Mr Mercury 20.05.2008 08:48 |
inu-liger wrote: Also, the "that it's" part in the line "can't you see that it's impossible to choose..." sounds like a CD is skipping on those two words. Just thought I'd point that out.Its sounds fine on my player. You must have a slightly corrupt file then. Try downloading it again. |
Mr Mercury 20.05.2008 09:05 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: The doubling up may be from where I've used the two mics on the solo guitar. I had a close-up mic (Shure Beta57a) and a distance mic (Rode NT2A). And as the solo got further in, I started to really use both mics together more. Also, there was a mistake in the solo that I cut out and tried to marry to the 2nd take, but there is a slight doubling effect there. I just thought I wouldn't lie about it, if it came up! So, yeah, two takes stitched together at that point (3:14). The only thing I wondered about with the drums were the snare sounds. I could've tweaked that for days, but I think I got a nice compromise which I'm happy with. I think the important thing was to get it out the door before I spent more and more time tweaking that snare. I'm thinking about those drums! Mainly cause there's an overall compression which tightened it all up. I dunno what to think now. Maybe I should revisit those drums. But just coz of the overall compression, nothin more. Adam.As you know from before, I really liked the sound of the guitar on this and now I also like the sound of the piano. What set up did you use for that? As for the drums, just leave them be Adam they are fine as well. At times I thought your singing sounded quite like Brian's voice when he did his version. No bad thing at all. All in all, I'd say 8 out ot 10 for this. Well done Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 09:22 |
Mr MercuryThanks dude. Appreciate that. The piano is a SteinwayB Grand Piano from East West Colossus. link I tend to use that a lot for just playing and Stuart (who plays piano btw) makes it sound very nice here. Yeah, just listened through the song and I'm 99% happy with it. I'll leave it as is. :) Adam. EDIT: Just in-case you were querying the guitar setup Mr M, it was = BHM 2006 > Electrolead RSB > AC30CC2X. I then used GuitarRig2 for the chorusing effect which I heard could sound similar to a CE1 pedal. |
Mr Mercury 20.05.2008 09:34 |
Adam Baboolal wrote:Thanks for that. I have listened to this version a few times now. The piano sounds nice and sweet here. I also like the fact that this version isnt an exact "paint by numbers" version. Very good indeed.Mr MercuryThanks dude. Appreciate that. The piano is a SteinwayB Grand Piano from East West Colossus. link I tend to use that a lot for just playing and Stuart (who plays piano btw) makes it sound very nice here. Yeah, just listened through the song and I'm 99% happy with it. I'll leave it as is. :) Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 09:57 |
Probably for the first time ever, we decided it should be different. I'll tell the story... In the beginning..! It was Stu's idea to do a piano and vocal version. Simple. But a few days after Stu n Al had left it with me, I tinkered with it and tacked on a Queen MIH type ending. Once I'd done that, I wanted some acoustic guitars in the song. Then...well, just 3 weeks ago Stu re-recorded his piano cause he wasn't quite happy with things. After that was finalised, Al (our 2nd guitarist) and I recorded acoustic guitar parts from the start of the song. After doing a lead vocal, it was just a case of finding time to put it all together and edit it. I should also put a shout out to my brother Ben who added his real cymbals and (unwittingly) the trademark Roger hi-hat hits. Unwittingly cause I stole those from our other cover, Save Me. Adam. |
Haystacks Calhoun II 20.05.2008 10:52 |
People here are waaaaaaay too picky... Adam, well done! It sounds like you all had a blast doing your own version of the song, and, to me, that's what it's all about. For some here to criticize minute timing issues just really, really puzzles me. We're not pros, we don't have producers in studio to "fix" things. We just plug in, have fun, and do what comes to us. Again, well done. |
YourValentine 20.05.2008 12:50 |
I totally agree, I think it's great. The link works now, I apologize for the error. |
inu-liger 20.05.2008 12:56 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: Listen, I think these "issues" are our personal choices and we're happy with the song the way it is. Inu - The drums sound weak and lifeless? The drums are from BFD/Andy John series and those sounds are top notch stuff. Maybe it's a personal taste thing. I know some people prefer one drum set over another. So if they sound weak, I can't tell you why you hear that.Well, I'm comparing the drum sounds not only against the original Queen recordings, but against my own band's as well. Roger and myself are similar in that we both like a crisp yet powerful drum sound. I have a custom kit based on a Gretch setup (although we are awaiting a new custom Mapex Saturn kit to come in some time this year), and I've tweaked it to get a really good sound. You can hear the snare from the set on the kit I used at our first show earlier this year, which you can view on YouTube through the links on our website link And dude, a cd skipping? Thanks for mocking my singing voice. :( Adam.I didn't intend to mock your voice. However, I also hate to point it out, but you sometimes are the Simon Cowell of Queenzone, so it's my turn to give you my constructive criticism. Anyways, my offer still stands to provide a new drum track. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 14:01 |
Exactly Inu, you compared against what you like. lol That's my point. Personal preference. Sorry, but after hearing your Youtube and Myspace stuff, it sounds nothin like Roger's sound. Come on...even I would never say I sound like Brian on guitar or like Freddie singing. You and I sound like ourselves, that's it. If I wanted the drums to sound like Roger, I would've dialed all the Gretsch stuff in and brought in a more emulated sound. Thankfully, I didn't want to copy Roger. Just the hi-hats part which my brother recorded. I only wanted a quality drum sound and I believe I have that now. Oh and the cd-skip thing about my voice is like someone making a remark about a foreign singer doing a cover. It happens and I often find it in bad taste. Lastly, the Simon Cowell of Queenzone, eh. I, along with some others at times, point out proper issues that need fixed. Matt's M-Waltz where I said I liked it quite a bit, but had to point out the low-mid stuff which could be fixed. I even offered to remix it for him. How does that compare to what you say here? It doesn't Inu. The way I sing is how I sing. You can't say I have to change that because you think it sounded like a cd-skip. :P Adam. |
mattsmith 20.05.2008 15:45 |
Nicely done! I quite liked the little bit of harmony that was put in towards the end of the second chorus. I was hoping for more of the same in the final chorus. It seems to add feel and emotion. I agree that the sounds used are down to personal preference. Piano, vocals and drums all sound great, although there's something I don't quite like about the guitar. Can't put my finger on it though. One of the better covers on this site I must say! |
inu-liger 20.05.2008 15:59 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: Exactly Inu, you compared against what you like. lol That's my point. Personal preference. Sorry, but after hearing your Youtube and Myspace stuff, it sounds nothin like Roger's sound. Come on...even I would never say I sound like Brian on guitar or like Freddie singing. You and I sound like ourselves, that's it. If I wanted the drums to sound like Roger, I would've dialed all the Gretsch stuff in and brought in a more emulated sound. Thankfully, I didn't want to copy Roger. Just the hi-hats part which my brother recorded. I only wanted a quality drum sound and I believe I have that now.Whatever floats your boat. I tried. Oh and the cd-skip thing about my voice is like someone making a remark about a foreign singer doing a cover. It happens and I often find it in bad taste.I'm just only saying, cos it seems a bit fast to me. I never said you sound like a foreigner. Lastly, the Simon Cowell of Queenzone, eh. I, along with some others at times, point out proper issues that need fixed. Matt's M-Waltz where I said I liked it quite a bit, but had to point out the low-mid stuff which could be fixed. I even offered to remix it for him. How does that compare to what you say here? It doesn't Inu. The way I sing is how I sing. You can't say I have to change that because you think it sounded like a cd-skip. :P Adam.Well gee sorry. You're reading way too much into it. Your singing was fine. I never said it was terrible, did I? I only commented on one little nitpick, and you're freaking out on me. Very unwarranted there. I'm trying to help you out. Goes to show how much my suggestions are taken....not. And btw those MySpace demos, I really would not consider them myself to be close to Roger's sound at all. Those were done in November last year with a totally different kit, and that was also when I was just starting out. My drumming has advanced a lot since then. Also, Joshua doesn't seem to know how to mix drums properly at times. Those demos were mixed by him, and they sound like shit (keep in mind too, we were very limited for drum and condenser microphones then too, so he had to 'gate' and 'compress' it a lot to get a 'decent sound'...) We have some new recordings in the works now that we have better drums and more equipment for recording and mixing, and they sound a LOT better than these demos. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 16:17 |
Listen, I'm not jumpin on you or getting "freaked out" by anything. I'm merely trying to say that these things you mention are your personal preference and don't hold anything for me. Whereas the engineering comments I make are real tips on how to fix things, and therefore aren't just my own way of looking at something. That's all. But your opinion is just that, your opinion. So, they're not the same, which is why we disagree on the drum sound. Cool? We must agree to disagree on that one. If you want to throw some tracks towards me, I could try doing something with them, if you wish. Always glad to help out. Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 16:19 |
mattsmith wrote: Nicely done! I quite liked the little bit of harmony that was put in towards the end of the second chorus. I was hoping for more of the same in the final chorus. It seems to add feel and emotion... ...although there's something I don't quite like about the guitar. Can't put my finger on it though.Funnily enough, the piano man told me to do another harmony one for the last chorus! So you're not sure about the guitar either? Interesting. Maybe there's something there that people aren't liking. I'd love to get to the bottom of what that is. Thanks for the comments! Adam. |
mattsmith 20.05.2008 16:33 |
Now ive listened to it again, I think it's the tone of the guitar. The sound is ok in itself, but it seems very dry, cutting and harsh. Needs to be fairly powerful, but just maybe needs the sharp edge that it has at the moment taking off. |
thunderbolt 31742 20.05.2008 18:26 |
I like it. A lot, in fact, but something doesn't quite sit right. After a couple of listens, it hit me--the lead vox are somewhat buried in the mix behind pianos and guitars. Maybe it's just the way I have my speakers set up, but it does seem that the instrumentation overpowers you from time to time, Adam. On the whole, though, it's excellent work, and you sound eerily like Brian May at points. You mentioned a cover of "In the Lap of the Gods...Revisited" a while back--any chance of this one showing up eventually? I was looking forward to it greatly, as I consider that to be one of the band's more underrated songs. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 18:59 |
mattsmith wrote: Now ive listened to it again, I think it's the tone of the guitar. The sound is ok in itself, but it seems very dry, cutting and harsh. Needs to be fairly powerful, but just maybe needs the sharp edge that it has at the moment taking off.It is very cutting, but it's somewhat intentional. I really liked the tone of it and couldn't bare to take anymore of it out. Oh well... ThunderboltFirst, definitely not buried. I actually thought they were a little too proud for the first half of the song. I've listened on many systems and never felt they were buried. Why do you question your speakers? Btw, I don't remember mentioning ITLOTG...Revisited. ??? I might have mentioned DSMN, TSMGO, IWBTLY or WWTLF. Maybe it was one of those? They're awaiting treatment. Adam. |
Dan C. 20.05.2008 19:06 |
Well, that was four minutes I'll never get back. Only kidding! It was actually pretty damn good! I wish my voice were that good... |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2008 19:08 |
LOL Oh you nice man ya! Nice one Dan. Glad you liked it. :) See, now I'm thinking I should get on with all the other covers we have on my machine. Adam. |
inu-liger 20.05.2008 21:37 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: Listen, I'm not jumpin on you or getting "freaked out" by anything. I'm merely trying to say that these things you mention are your personal preference and don't hold anything for me. Whereas the engineering comments I make are real tips on how to fix things, and therefore aren't just my own way of looking at something. That's all. But your opinion is just that, your opinion. So, they're not the same, which is why we disagree on the drum sound. Cool? We must agree to disagree on that one.Fair enough :) If you want to throw some tracks towards me, I could try doing something with them, if you wish. Always glad to help out. Adam.Okie, sounds like a plan. I will see if Josh will help me get something going this week. Mind you, we are preparing for a small show on Sunday, so I don't know just yet if it can be done this week. However, I will record two or three alternate takes with different fills and all, and you can see which one feels best to mix in. |
thunderbolt 31742 20.05.2008 22:09 |
Adam, I question my speakers because (1.) they're old and (2.) they suck. I'll send the song to my iPod and see if that makes a difference, but the vox do seem to disappear at a few points As to LOTG, I was incorrect. I dug up the thread (link, and it was Aric who mentioned working on that one. |
Sebastian 21.05.2008 07:48 |
Superb, really. Love the piano, very 'theatrical' (for lack of a better word). The ending of the first chorus ('kill you') is wonderfully sung, as well as 'my shoes' and 'the end'. I didn't like the drums though, not much in terms of sound but performance... somehow they lack an appropriate connexion with the rest of the instruments IMO. Or maybe they don't, but piano, bass, vocals and guitars are way better so this is like a VW Beetle in a car park full of Ferrari's. |
Adam Baboolal 21.05.2008 09:45 |
Thanks for the comments Seb. Drums in question again. Hmm...see, I should say that I wanted my brother to redo them for me, but he said it was good as it was. I came round to that thought as well. But with comments about the drums coming up more and more, maybe I should bring my bro in to replace them. I very much appreciate these comments folks as it helps me a lot to understand how it comes across. Living with this song for the last 3 weeks (the idea for 3 months!) can leave a one-sided look at things. So, it's nice to see the same thing discussed again and again as it shows that maybe my thought at the time was correct. Adam. P.s. I think Stu will like the theatrical piano comment Seb! He is that! |
Serry... 21.05.2008 12:20 |
I haven't got any clue what you guys are talking here about (mainly because I can hardly speak English, less because I ain't musician), but the track is very good (vocals and piano especially), IMHO. Much better than a lot of covers by 'famous' artists. |
Adam Baboolal 21.05.2008 13:03 |
Cheers Serry, you're very kind. I think that as fans, we have a specific viewpoint on these songs and their sound. So, that comes into play when mentioning the drums, I think. I'm just talking with the piano man and we're talking about the drums. I'm formulating a plan... Adam. |
Haystacks Calhoun II 21.05.2008 13:47 |
Adam, Dosen't that seem like a whole lot of extra work to try to appease random folks? Just sayin'....if you were happy with it to begin with, who gives a rats ass what anyone here thinks as far as changing what you've done. I say, leave it well enough alone. It's just a bloody cover song. |
ludwigs 21.05.2008 15:03 |
Adam, I liked it . I am impressed with the singing as I hate that part of my stuff and tend to bury it way down....Your vox overall were very nice!! The snare to me didn't sit well. The cymbal crashes/chinas sound horribly old midi-ish.The intro break does have a stuttery kinda 'off-time' feel to it. Guitar was nicely played.After the unison bend intro the band seems to fall seems empty IMO. (It may be like the original Q version....I'm not sure so am just going on a 1-2 time listen)Thats just how it came across to me? The impression on listening dry... The quality of recording is vastly more refined than my cheapo laptop and 3.5mm mic in setup. Damn .....I need to learn your mastering talents!! Credit to you.Well done!! So, you are having ITLOTG...revisited? I have the 1st one done but ...not shown yet.. |
Adam Baboolal 21.05.2008 16:19 |
Thanks for your comments Ludwigs. I am proud of the vocals because until this last year, TMLWKY has always been out of reach. But my voice must be getting stronger as I can sing it a lot easier than ever. I'm in a good place right now. :) On the cymbals...ehm...they're real! I replaced the BFD ones with my brothers' cymbals. Not midi'd at all. On the snare, I do wonder if it needs some EQ to sit more in the track. And yeah, it's like the Queen version at the end, so there is a quiet spot. There's a synth in the background to combat that. The soundcard makes a difference, but then so does the equipment (mics, outboard) used to go through it. I recommend a quality card to get the best from recording as it'll really open up the sound. I was using a Roland/Edirol UA-101 which got me excellent recordings. Back in March I upgraded things for my video business and got an M-audio Project Mix and that's another good interface. The latter was mainly what I recorded TMLWKY on, actually. Btw, it was a misunderstanding that I was doing ITLOTG...rev cover. Not at all, I'm afraid. Sounds like an interesting one though. Adam. |
Koolkikiland 21.05.2008 16:44 |
Yep, really, really good. Good vocal performance Adam. Not one of Queen's better songs. . . but you all did it justice, I think. dave |
Adam Baboolal 21.05.2008 16:59 |
Haystacks Calhounski wrote: Dosen't that seem like a whole lot of extra work to try to appease random folks?It may be as simple as using my brother's drumming from another cover to make a groove template and attach that to the drums already there. Just need to figure out how to do it! But I'm sure it's possible. That way, it should get a feel similar to my brother's drumming. :) Adam. |
inu-liger 22.05.2008 01:54 |
Adam Baboolal wrote:If it takes too long to get that done, I can get the same bits done in 5 minutes :)Haystacks Calhounski wrote: Dosen't that seem like a whole lot of extra work to try to appease random folks?It may be as simple as using my brother's drumming from another cover to make a groove template and attach that to the drums already there. Just need to figure out how to do it! But I'm sure it's possible. That way, it should get a feel similar to my brother's drumming. :) Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 22.05.2008 04:58 |
Inu, applying a groove takes less than 5 seconds... :P |
tenchijin2 24.05.2008 18:48 |
Okay, I'm listening and replying before reading the comments: 1. Nice, balanced mix. Individual sounds are all very good. The guitar playing was very nice, I liked the laid back timing. Had a lot of feel. 2. The lead vocal is a good performance. Stylistically, I don't like hearing the slurred consonants but that seems to be pretty popular with younger singers these days. 3. There is a timing issue when the drums enter. They seem to drag, big time, at the entry. After that they line up okay. Those are the criticisms that stuck out to me. |
Adam Baboolal 24.05.2008 19:55 |
I definitely agree with the drum fill start, it is slow. Just needs the human touch. I'll get to it sometime. As for the singing, I've learnt all I know from Freddie. Blame him!! lol Adam. |
tenchijin2 24.05.2008 21:07 |
Well, the phrasing of consonants isn't very Freddie like in your voice. The tone and style are influenced, I can tell. Much as my own voice. |
Bohardy 24.05.2008 22:18 |
Overall I think the recording and mix itself is very good. As others have said, it's a passionate vocal delivery, and the engineering is top-notch. However, I have to agree with Tenchijin and the others who have commented on the timing issues concerning the drum entry. There's a definite problem there. I also have to add that the piano playing betrays syncopational problems at times. Indeed, the introductary part unbelievably omits an 8th note somewhere in the 3rd bar. I also would echo the point raised that the overall sound seems to lack something when the solo kicks in. The band, and the sonic scope, seems too small at this point. Other than those minor quibbles though, it's an excellent recording, highlighting the superior production skills of Adam. |
Berty1701 25.05.2008 19:24 |
Its really good to see so many positive comments on this track!Yet, by the same token, it is also useful to see many constructive ones as well. Really gives a kind of general view of the strengths and weaknesses here!!
There is just one things I'd like to clarify though...
Bohardy wrote: I also have to add that the piano playing betrays syncopational problems at times. Indeed, the introductary part unbelievably omits an 8th note somewhere in the 3rd bar.I'm not 100% sure about what you mean here. It could just be me showing my ignorance, but, having listened to the trak a few times, I can't quite tell what you mean about the piano. You couldn't explain a bit more about what you mean, maybe point me in the right direction as to what you can hear? Would be appreciated =) |
Bohardy 26.05.2008 10:43 |
Sure, I can clarify Berty. Perhaps "omits an 8th note" was not the best way of phrasing what I meant. I wasn't referring to the fact that the piano part isn't 100% identical to what Brian plays (which is how what I said now sounds to me), but instead I was pointing out that the 3rd bar is an 8th note, a quaver, short. In a sense, the meter for the 4 introductory bars is: 4/4 - 4/4 - 7/8 - 4/4. So the pianist has 'lost' a quaver somewhere, around the middle of the 3rd bar, where the part gets a little syncopated. Each time this particular part is played in the song, something a little odd happens with the timing, although it never again loses a beat. And the rhythm used is never the same as Brian's. I don't think this is intentional, and so it seems to me that the pianist has slight issues with syncopation. Hope this helps. |
Adam Baboolal 27.05.2008 15:39 |
Ehm...Bo? I don't think Stu's piano was supposed to sound like Brian's. What gave you that idea? Because it's mostly a Brian cover version? Also, I feel for Stu cause of what you've said about his playing. I never thought any of what you did when I heard his playing on this or other tracks we have. I know about the intro thing, but it doesn't bother me. Apart from that, there's nothing in his playing I don't like. I get the feeling he'll be posting about this. Adam. |
Berty1701 29.05.2008 19:28 |
Hey BO, cheers for that explanation. Listening back to it, i totally get what you mean!! I didn't realise I'd made such an obvious mistake! I must admit that its easier when playing that returning theme later in the song when I have other reference points to keep the timing, but I must admit a wee bit of a timing problem during the intro. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll watch that in the future!! But, snycopation problems? I don't quite get what you mean. I didn't feel that my playing was off the beat in anyway, and I thought that, although it's not Brians, it still fitted well. And, just to say, I could have say infront of the piano for days, but my playing will never sound anything like Brians. Every pianist in the world will have a different style, and no piece of music will be played exactly the same by two people. I think its a wee tad unfair to say that just because my playing isnt like Brian's its a syncopational problems. I'm only saying, is all! =D |
Cwazy little thing 29.05.2008 20:00 |
I really liked this, and I dont usually like it when people record covers! I think its cos you can tell its been done with a certain love and respect for Queen, and without the ego issues that some (usually big stars like Robbie Williams) seem to get. The only thing that puzzled me ever so slightly is the gap in the guitar solo at 3:05 - its mildly distracting that the guitar goes silent - I dont know if you could have had some feedback there, or dragged your finger up and down the neck to maintain the "noise" if you know what I mean. That said, I almost certainly couldnt have done any better, so I'll shut up! I'll have to start a topic one of these days about what software/equipment people use to get this stuff sounding decent - like removing/avoiding pops on the vocals whenever you sing a "hard" sound like a "p" or "b" - do you use one of those guards in front of the mic as in professional studios, or is it software? For instance - I tried a version of the first section of Bohemian Rhapsody with myself on vocals to Freddie's piano from the multitracks, but I could neither get a good reverb sound, or do anything about the clipping on lines like "Pulled me trigger". Wanted to upload that here, but thought it best not to stir up trouble about the multitracks. Anyway - got sidetracked there! Great job - very impressive! :) |
Adam Baboolal 30.05.2008 05:58 |
I did originally have something recorded in that little gap, but it didn't seem to work in relation to what comes up next, so I canned it. If I had the right piece to put in there, I'd do it. It was certainly my intention in the first place. Now, I'll tell you what you want to know. I use a pop-shield to stop the plosives (p or b sounds) from getting through to the mic. The shield is there to reduce the already high energy on those sounds. There's actually a spot in the song where I managed to get through the shield a fair bit! That said, with some natural EQ tweaks, that plosive can be reduced. Of course, you can get around using any pop-shield by simply setting up your mic to the side of you when recording. This means the energy would be nowhere near the mic. If you get crackles on your higher vocal bits, I wonder if that's because you "clipped" the audio while recording. This happens when you go over zero - the red line. You must stay below the top of this point, otherwise it will distort the sound you're recording. A way to combat this would be to use a compressor on the recording which can be set to stop it from going over zero. And as for "sound decent", that comes down to the equipment used and the place you mix it in. This was all done in my bedroom studio at home. In the past, the equipment seemed enough, but when mixing here, it didn't quite come out right. So I finally invested some cash and bought bass traps for my room. This helped hugely when trying to get sounds right. Also, my speakers (Tannoy 6D) have a piece of software (ActivAssist) that allows me to set the speakers according to how my room sounds. Basically, all rooms are unbalanced in some way. With this software, you rig up a measurement mic and go through some hoops for it to balance that difference/balance and your system correctly. Clever stuff. It certainly has helped me get things done and I only wish I'd invested sooner. Adam. |
Bohardy 30.05.2008 13:37 |
I had a feeling you were the pianist Berty... Glad you can recognise what I was talking about now. Sorry if I was unclear at first. I think you slightly misunderstand me when I talk about the snycopational issues you seem to have. Your playing was very good, and I wasn't trying to hold you up for comparison against Brian. I know you weren't trying to reproduce what he did 100%, and I don't think I ever suggested you were. The point I was making is that each time you played that, fairly essential, signature returning theme, you used a slightly different rhythm/phrasing than Brian. Now as this is perhaps THE most memorable and identifiable piano part in the song, I would imagine that you were trying to play this the same way (or at least, play the main melody in the same rhythm) as Brian. And, by your own admission, you had a few problems with this. As this bit is the most 'syncopated' bit in the whole piece, it therefore seems to me that despite your obvious capabilities on the piano, an area you might be able to improve on is syncopation. As I said before, I really like this cover and commend all involved. So please just see this minor point as a bit of constructive criticism. |
Cwazy little thing 30.05.2008 16:55 |
Adam Baboolal wrote: I did originally have something recorded in that little gap, but it didn't seem to work in relation to what comes up next, so I canned it. If I had the right piece to put in there, I'd do it. It was certainly my intention in the first place. Now, I'll tell you what you want to know. I use a pop-shield to stop the plosives (p or b sounds) from getting through to the mic. The shield is there to reduce the already high energy on those sounds. There's actually a spot in the song where I managed to get through the shield a fair bit! That said, with some natural EQ tweaks, that plosive can be reduced. Of course, you can get around using any pop-shield by simply setting up your mic to the side of you when recording. This means the energy would be nowhere near the mic. If you get crackles on your higher vocal bits, I wonder if that's because you "clipped" the audio while recording. This happens when you go over zero - the red line. You must stay below the top of this point, otherwise it will distort the sound you're recording. A way to combat this would be to use a compressor on the recording which can be set to stop it from going over zero. And as for "sound decent", that comes down to the equipment used and the place you mix it in. This was all done in my bedroom studio at home. In the past, the equipment seemed enough, but when mixing here, it didn't quite come out right. So I finally invested some cash and bought bass traps for my room. This helped hugely when trying to get sounds right. Also, my speakers (Tannoy 6D) have a piece of software (ActivAssist) that allows me to set the speakers according to how my room sounds. Basically, all rooms are unbalanced in some way. With this software, you rig up a measurement mic and go through some hoops for it to balance that difference/balance and your system correctly. Clever stuff. It certainly has helped me get things done and I only wish I'd invested sooner. Adam.Thanks very much for the info! As Im essentially still a glorified student at the moment, and have zero resources; it'll be a little while before I can invest in some superior equipment for recording. For the time being, Ive got a fairly decent sound card (Creative XFi) which has some features I havent had time to play with fully for recording, so perhaps theres some solutions there, and the SM58 mic I use is decent, but if I could get myself a pop-shield Im sure that would help. I'll have a go one day soon at recording some more stuff and see how I get on. |
beautifulsoup 30.05.2008 17:55 |
Since I know crap about guitars and percussion, yet supposedly know a good bit about singing (being a singer and singing teacher by trade), I will say that the vocal is quite good! A vocal cover that pays homage and shows influences of the original without trying to be a carbon copy. It's a tough vocal to pull off, IMO. Bravo. |
Berty1701 30.05.2008 19:01 |
I totally get what you mean about the time, and I am slightly annoyed that I didnt pick up on it myself! Thanks for pointing it out though!!
Bohardy wrote: As I said before, I really like this cover and commend all involved. So please just see this minor point as a bit of constructive criticism.I wouldn't have taken it any other way =P It is something I will look at though. At the time, it seemed I was doing an ok job of it. The difficulty with this one is the fact that even although you may have the music infront of you, the actual playing of that theme is so open and free, it can be hard to replicate accurately. As I say, I felt I did an ok job of it, esspecially considering this is my first cover =P But, it is a bit of a weakness that I'll look at and try and work on, so thanks for pointing it out! |
YourValentine 02.06.2008 17:46 |
btt |
Adam Baboolal 02.06.2008 20:24 |
Thankyou for restoring the board and with it, this thread. I was away this weekend and noticed some replies in my email box, but came back to find the board nuked. :( Thanks for working hard to restore it as there are posts here I never saw. I think I'll actually save this thread on my HD for safe-keeping! :P Adam. |
ern2150 03.06.2008 11:26 |
Dammit, Adam, why didn't you give the people you've critiqued more ammo? Couldn't you have screwed up, just a little bit? It'd be so cathartic :) Great job all around. The drum lead-in isn't off-time as much as it is a tempo transition -- it had to slow down a bit to accomodate the solos and such, otherwise they'd sound a little rushed. And Roger often gave into the flow in a live situation and let the tempo slip because it "felt" better, so that falls in line too. Anyway, enjoyable. Get to work on the other ones! |
Adam Baboolal 03.06.2008 19:07 |
lol Ern, that's cool man! Well, I do try to put out something that matches what I've talked about in the past. Ammo indeed! lol Anyway, yes, more covers to come. We've got a fair few, due to things that have happened over the last year. A couple I did for a wedding, one we put together for our WWRY show, another for the WWRY dvd and one last one for our upcoming WWRY playback show. The next one I'm going to finish is orchestral... Adam. |
Togg 16.06.2008 09:30 |
I very good version Adam, well done, I listened to it the other evening. What Software are you using? As for the drums (I see a few comments here) they do seem a little out to me to be honest but it's also down to the fact I am so used to hearing the original. That being said, as you will know after listening to your own version so many times your ears also play tricks on you as well. All in all a great version, I will be interested to hear more later. |
Adam Baboolal 17.06.2008 11:30 |
Glad you like it. I'm using CubaseSX3 with East West Colossus for Piano, strings and a synth during the piano bit. That's pretty much all we used. Of course, there were plugins for reverb (Breverb) and other EQ/Compressor, delay bits n bobs. Do you want a list?! Yeah, I think it's a common 'complaint' about the start of the drums. Just needs a tweak. I'll fix it at some point, I guess. More coming at some point. I think we're about ready to resume the other covers we have. Adam. |
Togg 17.06.2008 11:59 |
Interesting, I always like to know what software was used just out of interest because there are so many these days. I have not used Cubase myself, I tend to use Pro Tools these days, however recently I have done a fair bit in Adobe Audition which is very easy to use and seems to work well. I liked the balance of everything, nicely put together. |
Adam Baboolal 17.06.2008 12:35 |
I use CubaseSX cause I seem to get more out of it and can really compose with all the tools. I have Pro Tools on this machine as well as on another system, but I think I'd just use that to get the initial recording. It's good for just plain recording. But it's too costly to run because of the hardware requirements. Running everything with CubaseSx is more cost friendly. I do love to use Adobe Audition to piece things together and feel most creative in that program. It's just nice and easy to put things together. Adam. |
The Jailer 79 17.09.2008 21:00 |
Vocals sound weak I'm afraid. Sounds like someone who is an average singer but who thinks they sound amazing. Just my honest criticism... take it as you like, but I don't mean to offend. Criticism can't always be good. Maybe try songs which suit your voice better... not Queen though!!! |
Adam Baboolal 18.09.2008 16:49 |
The Jailer 79 wrote: Vocals sound weak I'm afraid. Sounds like someone who is an average singer but who thinks they sound amazing. Just my honest criticism...Uh, that's not criticism. That's called an insult. And this is what you do with your first post on Queenzone? Goodbye noob. ;P |
The Jailer 79 24.09.2008 16:19 |
Actually couldn't remember my old login details... been coming to this site on and off since the days were the site owner was good enough to put up tons of bootlegs. As if that even matters though! WTF has being a "noob" anyway got to do with anything or whether I choose to join this post or any other. By reading back on other similar posts, you haven't always held back on your criticisms of other fan songs, so why should I? Are you that insecure that you can't take criticism of any sort? Or should I just kiss your ass cos you have over 4000 posts? For the record, it is actually "noobs" that keep this site fresh and the Queen community so strong. What's the point in having a bunch of long time users, with all that Queen knowledge, if there is nobody else to pass it down too? Too often someone comes to this site and gets cut down by some arrogant twat who is fed up hearing the same questions over and over again! Reality is... don't fucking answer then and read something that does interest you. You should be grateful that new users are coming to this forum and keeping it strong, offering their own unique opinions or observations... not trying to humiliate them at any given opportunity with your superior Queen knowledge. Do you deserve more respect just because you've been here longer or offered more? Should I say your version of TMLWKY was fantastic and the vocals superior to any other attempt by fans? "noob"... every time I see that word getting used it amuses me. "Your new... how dare you offend me... how boring your questions are... how can you possibly know better than me" lol. Goodbye yourself!!! And one last thing... if that offends you you really need to toughen up... a proper insult would be that you bore the fuck out of me every time you offer an answer on anything technical because you're a tech engineer (wow)... or if I said you ruined a nice version of Under Pressure with that girl on your myspace (who actually could sing btw) with your piss poor vocals. Or better still... maybe you should stop insulting the name of Freddie Mercury by saying you learned everything you know by listening to him... THAT WAS AN INSULT... IF YOU'D SAID YOU LEARNED ALL YOU KNOW FROM SPIKE EDNEY OR MAYBE BRIAN MAY (IF HE HAD A PARTICULARLY BAD COLD) THEN I'D MAYBE AGREE. Goodbye again... this will be the last post I take part in if that's the response I get. Toughen up!!! |
Adam Baboolal 24.09.2008 18:01 |
The noob thing was due to a brand new login made and the first post was for this thread that was far down the thread list. You seeked it out and that seemed a bit strange. As for your criticism, it was basically an insult. When I post about tracks on here, I actually try to help the person improve their cover. But you said my vocals sounded weak and (this part I really didn't get) "someone who is an average singer but who thinks they sound amazing"! What's that all about? And where's the critique you speak of in your post?? There is none. You're just trying to cause trouble. I have taken critique on the cover, IF you've bothered to read through the entire thread. Some was informative, some didn't seem to help at all. Why are you telling me about new users coming on here? New users are sometimes a good thing. But you singled me out, so I threw the noob thing at ya with a little smiley. Why so serious?! There have been some "crafty" users signing up a new account on QZ, just to put in a horrible remark against someone and then that's it, they're never heard of again. Once more, I thought this seemed familiar with your post. As for your little outburst in the last paragraph, that shows what kind of person you really are. I've heard people on here call them "trolls" and I have to agree. No good person would spout a huge post in a thread about a little comment like "noob" unless they were somehow out to cause trouble. Who can't take critique now..? So, sorry to call you a noob. You're actually a troll. :P |
The Jailer 79 25.09.2008 12:20 |
I really am at a loss here. The critique WAS that your voice sounded weak... pretty simple. To me you sound like your taking on material that you sound (to me anyway) to struggle with, but from your comments you feel that you coped quite with easily. You added a cover song, obviously expecting feedback (good or bad)... you seemed to really like the positive feedback, but jumped down the throat of anyone that thought the vocals weren't that strong (although you obviously think they are which is your point of view). Why is my comment an "insult" cos I didn't like your vocal interpretation? eg. Also, the "that it's" part in the line "can't you see that it's impossible to choose..." sounds like a CD is skipping on those two words. Just thought I'd point that out. - Inu Luger He tried to critique your voice too and you said that it was in "bad taste"... do you intentionally contradict yourself or do YOU not read through posts properly? "I have taken critique on the cover, IF you've bothered to read through the entire thread" - AB Yeah... but only with piano, drums, guitars, etc... anyone that dares mention the voice you don't really react to that well it would seem. I may have over reacted to the "noob" comment, but I've enjoyed sitting back quietly taking in all the posts here (have done for many a year) and decided to get back into actively taking part... your thread just happened to be the first one that caught my eye. By reading through it, I thought you were sounding a little biased to those that congratulate you, but acted very negatively to anyone with the slightest criticism! If you were being honest with yourself... look back at some of the other covers posts and try be objective on how you go about criticising others... Not helping! No wonder someone called you Simon Cowell... you don't hold back, so why can't it be the same in reverse? "troll"... who gives a fuck about being called that btw lol. To conclude... You deducted I'm here to cause trouble... I disagree. My last paragraph was also a critique... maybe a little harsh... but a critique all the same. Would you rather I took back my post and said you sounded great at Under Pressure with that girl with the amazing voice or be honest and tell you she's way out of your league and it shows? yours sincerely, The Troll. |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2008 12:43 |
This thread just happened to catch your eye? How?! - when it's like 2-3 pages behind everything! The vocal comments that I react to are strange comments to me and that's why I don't accept them, e.g. sounds like a cd skipping. I mean, why say that to someone? What can I possibly take from that? It's my style and throughout my theatre life, it's never been an issue. It's the same as some folk that criticise a cover on here on the basis that the guy singing sounds foreign! So what?! That's what makes them them. If you don't like it, don't make a point of rubbing it in their face! lol You say about the Simon Cowell thing, but hey, that guy knows his stuff 90% of the time. :P As for the comment that I don't help, I don't get that. I always try to make a comment that brings about positive thought. A way of seeing how something works or doesn't work in the context of their track. However, I know that if I've said something that doesn't help, it's usually the general consensus of folk on here listening to the cover. I always feel that if I say something and then someone else picks up on the same point I've made, it seems justified. Your points are pretty meaningless because of the way you worded them, e.g. sounds like someone who thinks they sound better than they do. If that was true, I wouldn't have headed up a WWRY cast as the lead, Galileo, singing Queen songs. That's not boasting - it's just a simple fact. There are times I like my voice (this cover) and times I don't (IWBTLY cover). So, I'm not up myself and have a humility about my voice. I think that's most important and that's why I take comments on that mean something worthwhile. It has to help otherwise it may as well just be tossed in the trash. Why do you think Queen stopped giving interviews to folk? Because the crap that was written was useless. It's why they only went to certain people and talked without a guard being up. I can't believe I've actually spent time on this now. You talk about new users coming here being a good thing and yet, you've spent the first 3 of your 4 total posts on QZ attacking me. What a great contribution. :( Adam. |
The Jailer 79 26.09.2008 14:35 |
I didn't start of attacking you... you blew my criticism way out of context. I really don't think you can take criticism of any sort that well. And playing Galileo in an UNOFFICIAL remake in "Hamitlon" of WWRY is certainly not going to change my mind any... and it IS boasting for the record. I won first place in a Karaoke competition in Glasgow singing I Want To Break Free, among 100 contestants... but I'm not going to turn round and say I'm a proper singer and that nobody should say otherwise. Your voice is distinctly average, as was your performance of IWTBF you've put up. Try compare it to some of the more official versions from around the globe and then make a critique on your own voice before making wild boasts of playing Galileo. This is getting nowhere. I tried making a comment on the track. Most people challenged the piano or drums or guitar, which got positive feedback from you. Only 2 have mentioned the vocals, which got a very different type of feedback. You say you learnt everything from Freddie... well maybe that's your mistake. Try sing your own way without trying to mimick some of his techniques which are way out of your range. You may sound better while not trying to hit such a powerful range, cos it just sounds like your shouting all the time. |
Sebastian 26.09.2008 18:20 |
Anyway, thanks for bringing this thread once again. It reminded me of a great cover, one of the best I've heard on QZ. I don't remember if I commented on the vocals, but now I will: I think they're brill. Not my favourite part of the performance (that goes for the piano, I love it!), but they're ace anyway. |
Adam Baboolal 28.09.2008 07:41 |
The piano is FAB ain't it!! Good ol' Stuart. I hope to play with these guys again very soon. Maybe as soon as tomorrow. Well, I'm off this one till the next cover - this is getting things nowhere. Adam. |
The Jailer 79 28.09.2008 12:10 |
Good luck with your next cover Adam. Maybe Chinese Torture would suit your voice better. |
Sebastian 28.09.2008 13:58 |
Six posts, five of them direct attacks towards Adam. It seems like somebody's in love... |