Estimated 45 000 people might have died in the earthquake in South Asia. Many many more may die in the following weeks due to lack of clean water and medication.
Please make a donation to help saving lives. Every little amount may help saving a live after this incredible disaster. Most organisations have websites where you can donate money online, for example link
the red cross, care and any other organisation.
deleted user 28.12.2004 09:54
I will donate a little later maybe but not over the internet.
I was suprised to see that Australia was donating the second largest sum of money. That suprised me. I thought it'd be the US, UK, Germany and France/China/Russia that would donate in excess of 5 million USD +. Guess 'cause it'a a local thing.
They said the number dead will reach 100,000 from the number now, which is 77,'s horrible to see masses of dead bodies lying in they're saying there's a growing problem of not having enough living people to bury the's devastating... and the waterborne diseases will take even more as much as you can to help out..
iron eagle wrote: well according to the ever lovely UN
we americans are stingy
that being said
i will do my part
Both the U.S. government, and the UN have their share of mistakes, but we shouldn't forget that both have previously great efforts to attend global emergencies like this one. In most of the cases, they worked together.
At a time like this it's just damn foolish to start a discussion about what countries or what organizations shouldn't be helping for whatever 'mistakes', or policies they have made before. We see that there's a remarkable will and desire to send relief and help to all those nations hit by this incredibly huge tragedy.
I happen to dislike Bush and his administration (just like many) but I think that regardless of whether we agree with him or not, we all should welcome any help that Dubya and all Americans are willing to make in order to send relief to the victims of the tsunami. The same thing goes for those who dislike Kofi Annan, Jacques Chiraq, or Vladimir Putin.
All differences should be put aside, and come united to help those who just simply lost everything they had. The worst time to divide the world more than it is already, is this one.
Just heard on the news that the British Govt. has increased it's aid budget to £50m plus there is another £25m from charities - thats well in excess of $100m - I didn't think we would raise that much!
deleted user 30.12.2004 19:12
I hope to contribute to a charity as soon as I get my paycheck.
I have been totally shocked by the tragedy that has struck South Asia. I have also been blown away by the media coverge which points out Canadian or American dead (a small percentage) in light of the tens of thousands of local lives that have been lost.
All of our troubles really must pale in comparison to those so much less fortunate!
I made a donation yesterday.
I think it's great how the world sticks together in this situation right now.
I think this New Year's Eve, when we celebrate, we should think about what's happening in other parts of the world.
And maybe, instead of spending money on firework, expensive parties and lots of alcoholic drinks, we should rather take it slower this year and donate the money to those who need it most.
We can all do something to help them. Even the smallest amount of money is a step forward to help these people.
Sonja wrote: I made a donation yesterday.
I think it's great how the world sticks together in this situation right now.
I think this New Year's Eve, when we celebrate, we should think about what's happening in other parts of the world.
And maybe, instead of spending money on firework, expensive parties and lots of alcoholic drinks, we should rather take it slower this year and donate the money to those who need it most.
We can all do something to help them. Even the smallest amount of money is a step forward to help these people.
I agree. I haven't bought fireworks this year (I'm 21 now, don't need it anymore) and I'm going to donate 50 euro to the people in Asia.
Here in Holland a lot of people start to do things to earn money. We have a land wide bank account to donate money to, you can request songs by radio stations for money and artist make benefit singles. The Dutch citizens already donated 9 million euro (We have only a population of 16 million). Wouldn't it be nice if Bri and Roger did something for the people in Asia??
It's maybe rude to say, but this situation can be good for the world peace I think. People, who used to fight against each other (Sumatra) are now working together. And all the islamistic countries can see now that we have good intentions. Maybe a little glimpse of light at the dark sky.
Everybody should help those poor people.It's a awful numbers of people who needs help and we can give them what we have to offer them.I bet someone is planing a Rock concert to collect money right now.
It's great to see that everyone has contributed, I made my donation yesterday on the Unicef website and hopefully as many people as possible will give something regardless of how great or small it could be.
I'm sure Brian May will mention the tragedy on his website as soon as he gets back after new year's.
I wonder if he will mention that he and other artists might be planning something to raise money for the victims.
I bet there will be a concert for those in Asia some time within the next few months. Weren't they planning a Live Aid anyway? Although Live Aid is supposed to raise money for Africa, but it this case they could make a Live Aid For Asia out of it...
Well, just a thought but wouldn't it be a good idea?
As for World Peace... no, this won't happen. Ever. Look at Palestina, Iraq... there have been fights the last couple of days. The situation there continues as bad as before.. as if Tsunami has never happened. Unfortunately.
The Netherlands showed their best side yesterday. The whole country was making for Asia; children where on the streets selling things, all businesses where earning money and there where spontaneous collections everywhere. There was also an united Radio and TV-broadcast by several (commercial and non-commercial) channels. The result? 122.144.000 euro!!! And there was already 70 million euro collected before yesterday. Almost 200 million for a country counting 16 million citizens. Isn't it great??