Yes, when all hope was gone the FBI came out of the blue and stirred up the hornet's nest! It feels like 1945 all over, the USA coming to the rescue :-) Let us see if FIFA actually can clean up their acts, I have my doubts. As long as the world cup is held in Quatar football is being let down.
he's going to jail - for 20 years (hopefully)
be nice if he took Cristiano Ronaldo with him - not because he's committed a crime - just because i don't like him
YourValentine wrote: Yes, when all hope was gone the FBI came out of the blue and stirred up the hornet's nest! It feels like 1945 all over, the USA coming to the rescue :-)
ps - pity European Intel couldn't have sorted their own house out. But congrats to USA - think this is definitely one of those occasions where the sledgehammer was 100% needed to crack these nasty corrupt little nuts
YourValentine wrote:Let us see if FIFA actually can clean up their acts, I have my doubts. As long as the world cup is held in Quatar football is being let down.
not necessarily. "unhosting" Russia & Qatar - is an answer...but why not let them host anyway, and draw a line after 2022...adding an * to the records:
2010................South Africa.....Brazil
2018................Russia *...........Germany
2022................Qatar * ............Brazil
I do not mind Russia hosting the world cup, it's a football country. Millions of fans watch football every weekend and they should not be punished for their government. In Russia football will be welcome by the people and therefore they should not lose it.
In Quatar the situation is completely different. There is no football and no love for the game in this country. The medieval monarch of Quatar bought the games as some of his peers buy horses for a horse race. It's humiliating for the whole football universe that our world cup which is OUR world cup should take place in this heap of sand among people who have no connection to the sport whatsoever. The Quatar national tream - in case there is a national team - has never qualified for anything which is no surprise. The only way to qualify is hosting the cup and that should not happen.
I am really ashamed of the role the German DFB plays in this pathetic FIFA saga. From sheer fear to be called racists and superior they keep their mouths shut and do not fight the ridiculous system in which Trinidad and Tobago have the same vote as England, Argentina or Germany. Only England has raised their voices to stop all this and we need an English president of the FIFA who re-introduces the idea of fair play into the organisation. Please, Michel Platini - follow Mr. Blatter's example and let at least UEFA find a way out of this swamp.
I hope FIFA don't host the world cup in Argentina. Football is not my business but I want a great country.
Kirchner's government spend a lot of money in Fútbol Para Todos (Football for everyone), more than in almost anything. We need to spend money in education, to have a richer country, a better life quality. But NOOO, YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY IN FOOTBALL... hundreds of millions of dolars spent in fuckin' Fuchibol...
I think Argentina did not apply but it would be a great country to host the world cup. You are an exception from the rule, BETA12: Argentinians are mostly very passionate about football. When I met some friends for the Queen + AL shows in London and Frankfurt this year the world cup final was almost everything we talked about :-)
I think the FIFA rules about hosting must be changed drastically. It is not necessary to have 80 000 VIP seats in a stadium, the normal audience does not need it and it would be good enough to have normal league stadiums. The hosting country must benefit from the games and not the FIFA bank account. I hope we get some changes now but chances are slim.
Argentina to me and many others is in a way a mystery - because it is not exactly clear why it is what it is. It's such a rich country and has a population of well-educated people. For some time in the early first half of the 20th century, it was one of the most economically prosperous countries in the world. There are many factors which have put it in the bad situation it is in now.
Some say that the decline started with Perón. He instilled in many Argentinians the notion that the government owes them a living - and many still have this idea. It's true that Perón put in place many reforms to help workers in society, but unfortunately his measures seem to have done more bad than good in the long-term.
More importantly, the biggest malady in the country is corruption. I hear that it's literally everywhere. There is so much corruption that comparatively it makes southern Italy look like Sweden. The divide between rich and poor is kept as it is, because it suits the rich to remain rich.
All hosting a World Cup in Argentina would do is put more money in the hands of those who shouldn't have it. I am against hosting the World Cup in any country which isn't democratically and socially responsible. SA, Brazil, Russia and Qatar were/are all bad choices. It doesn't make a difference how much they like or don't like football - because in deciding which countries should host the tournament, considerations regarding corruption levels and the quality of democracy in the country should take precedence over how much the people of such country like the sport.
I agree with BETA - how can anyone possibly choose Argentina to host a World Cup and leave it to spend millions and millions, when it has 30% of its population living in poverty? People need to get their priorities right. It doesn't matter one bit that they're football crazy when their country is in the state it is in.
Costa86 wrote:
I agree with BETA - how can anyone possibly choose Argentina to host a World Cup and leave it to spend millions and millions, when it has 30% of its population living in poverty? People need to get their priorities right. It doesn't matter one bit that they're football crazy when their country is in the state it is in.
you do realise that I only put Argentina in the list for the purposes of extending it beyond 2022...the point being i was showing what a hypothetical list would look like with the asterisks against Russia and Qatar.
i was not suggesting that Argentina would be hosting any particular world cup
YourValentine wrote:Only England has raised their voices to stop all this and we need an English president of the FIFA who re-introduces the idea of fair play into the organisation.
Barb, you are aware that our UK representatives were also bribing people for votes? the only difference being that
our useless arse-wipes were offering chocolates, watches and gift packs....and countries that actually won the bid processes were giving away lambos, penthouses and holidays
so it's very hypocritical of "our lot" to crirticise as system they actively engaged in - albeit very badly.
our "committee" were happy to engage and (allegedly) bribe - while they thought they had the chance, but once they lost they cry foul...dispicable
Corruption in football is not going away. There is too much money involved, especially gambling money, and as a result, too much maffia. The faces will change, the corruption won't.