This is a rare TV performance by Brian May singing TMLWKY - one verse in German language.
The quality is mpg1 for VCD
file size: 53 MB
I think it's very enjoyable
Name of the TV programme: Ein Kessel Buntes
Date: 19.12.1992
Here is the German verse, it was written by the members of the German band "Münchner Freiheit" for this particular programme:
Zuviel Liebe tötet
Sie erlaubt kein Doppelspiel
Wie soll ich entscheiden,
wen ich wirklich lieben will?
Du hast Zeichen übersehen,
meine Schreie überhört
Zuviel Liebe tötet
und zerstört
(Too much love kills
it does not allow any double-cross
how can I decide
whom I really want to love?
You overlooked the signs,
ignored my screams
too much love kills
and destroys)
enjoy :)
Thank you so much for this!
When and which TV Show was this broadcasted?
Sehr herzlichen Dank für dieses Lied.
Wann und in welcher Show wurde das gesendet?
I remember watching that on TV. But I didn't know Brian May would be appearing, I watched because my mother and grandmother had attended the show!! Or was it the rehearsal? When I saw Brian, I was pretty disappointed that I didn't accompany them. Of course, they had no clue what they witnessed :) My mother said "ah, that was Brian May of Queen? The curly one? I didn't like him that much..."
thanks for posting this.
i can't believe some people, after someone is nice enough to share something of their's, people say "can you put this on megaupload". just say thanks then ask
habalushy wrote: thanks for posting this.
i can't believe some people, after someone is nice enough to share something of their's, people say "can you put this on megaupload". just say thanks then ask
Hank H. wrote: Thanks!
I remember watching that on TV. But I didn't know Brian May would be appearing, I watched because my mother and grandmother had attended the show!! Or was it the rehearsal? When I saw Brian, I was pretty disappointed that I didn't accompany them. Of course, they had no clue what they witnessed :) My mother said "ah, that was Brian May of Queen? The curly one? I didn't like him that much..."
Wow , it´s terrible when you miss something that another people don´t appreciate...or when people with money like go to shows just to make social live and you would love to be there!!!!!