One of the two US versions of the video have the band footage tinted a sepia tone, but as far as I know, the Torpedo Twins shot the band footage in black & white, and there's no full color version.
Hello Mr Faron Hyte,
Saw in your profile you are from Aruba. Did you visit the Q+PR show? Please contact me. My e-mailadress is in my profile.
Hope to hear from you!
Mr Faron Hyte wrote: One of the two US versions of the video have the band footage tinted a sepia tone, but as far as I know, the Torpedo Twins shot the band footage in black & white, and there's no full color version.
there's the US version included on the "Classic Queen" VHS, where there are some Disney animated footage, but that's the second version
the video was filmed on B&W
im pretty sure that because freddie's health
he had tons of make up on his face
I think it had a purpose when they decided to show this video in black/white.
Which request is next? The famous piece of mango in which he choked?
Too bad braincells can't be bought.
Now let's all wait for Stefan to share his Freddie 'rarities'. After all, Queen is all about Freddie's bad health, fuck the music!
It's on fucking VH1 legends and it's on youtube!
What the fuck are you guys so paranoid? Go down in the ghetto, meet a hooker who's a drug addict, and instead of paying her or him to have sex, pay to look at their body and see what AIDS has done to them!
There's a possibility that a colour version exists, or existed. Depends really. Was it shot on black and white film? Was it shot on colour film and then desaturated? Was it shot on video, then desaturated?
Time to e-mail DoRo methinks.
Fellow Queenie's rejoice!
There is hope!
I will admit, I'm one of the many people on this thread that have been looking for the color-footage of "TATDOOL", only because I wish to see him the way the music video was supposed to be shot.
I'm also curious is how Sacha Baron Cohen will compare to the footage, b&w doesn't do it justice.
For those who don't know, Brian and Roger have given the okay for them to start filming once Sacha finishes "The Dictator."
According to several sources, and much browsing, yes, the music video was shot in color and desaturated upon Freddie's request, however, some footage has surfaced and made it onto a segment in their documentary: link link
It's not the entire music-video, but it does clear-up the rumors going about stating that it was shot entirely in B&W.
I also have several pictures that have surfaced of Freddie during the principal-photography.
If anything, your best bet is to contact Rhys Thomas, he's the one who discovered the footage, so he'll probably have more snippets.