
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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3 discussions started by 'Uglyduckling'

Alright Cheeky Chappies - I'm migrating here for the winter. Forgive if I fo... by Uglyduckling on 17.11.2004
Alright Cheeky Chappies? - I'm migrating back for the winter, forgive if I fo... by Uglyduckling on 17.11.2004
Out of the blue - This is a bit random, but I have just remembered a... by Uglyduckling on 01.11.2003

48 posts by user 'Uglyduckling'

Alright Cheeky Chappies - sorry!! thats not a good start, posting on the wro... by Uglyduckling on 17.11.2004
Alright Cheeky Chappies - I'm migrating here for the winter. Forgive if I fo... by Uglyduckling on 17.11.2004
Alright Cheeky Chappies? - I'm migrating back for the winter, forgive if I fo... by Uglyduckling on 17.11.2004
No news is good news - Alright Flashman? Remember me? Haven't been here f... by Uglyduckling on 03.08.2004
The Bible Code - Death doesn't get itchy...he has no skin.... by Uglyduckling on 25.01.2004
Queen + at Glasto? - alrighty then... by Uglyduckling on 25.01.2004
bad Queen songs - Rich Tea put it a lot more concisely than i did. ... by Uglyduckling on 24.01.2004
Queen + at Glasto? - What on earth for?... by Uglyduckling on 24.01.2004
Radio airplay of Queen songs around the world - Slightly off topic, had a bit of a Queen day today... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
Queen + at Glasto? - Whatever, I'm still trying to get there if it kill... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
The Making Of Bohemian Rhapsody - I can see this going in the 'but who to cast?' dir... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
Roger's not old.... - 'Fish-breathing'? 'Bed filled with money'? You p... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
Remember the Queen Pepsi Ad? - Oh, whooops! *smacks self ostentatiously upon head... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
Remember the Queen Pepsi Ad? - Are you admitting to being a penguin, tosser? ... by Uglyduckling on 23.01.2004
bad Queen songs - LMAO at Dicky Heart.... by Uglyduckling on 21.01.2004
... - OK, after 10 pages, time to change it a little: ... by Uglyduckling on 20.01.2004
bad Queen songs - To monster: Of course I buy albums nowadays, but I... by Uglyduckling on 20.01.2004
Queen for Christmas/funny bit in GVHII - LOL. ps. There is a programme in Brazil called 'F... by Uglyduckling on 20.01.2004
Unreleased material - They weren't calling YOU lazy, cool cat. Well, no... by Uglyduckling on 20.01.2004
Reasons to hate Queen - There are a suprising number of young people who a... by Uglyduckling on 19.01.2004
Glastonbury 2004 - When do tickets go on sale?... by Uglyduckling on 01.01.2004
Stepford and proud of it. - *stands up* Hi everyone, my name is Uglyduckling ... by Uglyduckling on 26.12.2003
Looking for rare pics of dying Freddie. - Togg, your sig sats it all.... by Uglyduckling on 23.12.2003
a reply to a fwd i sent - People take the bible so literally. Is it likely ... by Uglyduckling on 19.12.2003
Do They Know It's Christmas? - I was sure it was bacause of the South African Tou... by Uglyduckling on 19.12.2003
The Eye test - OH MY GOD! That was so horrible!!! I nearly fell ... by Uglyduckling on 17.12.2003
Your musical tastes - I am trying to find the ark's albums but its reall... by Uglyduckling on 17.12.2003
The Darkness: Christmas Time (Dont Let The Bells End) - Yes, theirs is the only single i have ever bought ... by Uglyduckling on 17.12.2003
Brian's best solo piece in a song - Keep Yourself Alive, Let Me live and Good Old Fash... by Uglyduckling on 17.12.2003
Your musical tastes - Thanks CatGurl14, I will have a look!... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
The Darkness: Christmas Time (Dont Let The Bells End) - WHERE IS MY POST?! It took absolutely ages to writ... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
who is the youngest queen fan on here? - 15 over here. It does indeed suck. But we prove t... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
Where is John Deacon? - The FAQ is scary. I just hope Deaky is doing OK. ... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
bad Queen songs - Even the 'weakest' songs on Queen albums are just ... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
We will rock you...... - Why? What have I done? Oh, wait, yeah. Cheers. ... by Uglyduckling on 15.12.2003
Your musical tastes - Queen and Blazin' Squad in the same post?!!! Qu... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
Our Roger is getting old - Well bugger me with a fish fork! And here's me thi... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
the Game: overated? - Deffoe underated. THe things (or lack therof) I ha... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
A question for apologists for the musical - I used my £20 ticket offer to go last night. It w... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
We Will Rock You-The Musical - The musical is bloody fantastic, but the best part... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
We will rock you...... - I was there too last night! It was amaxing I am de... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
Brian is FURIOUS! - I can well understand why he is angry; himself and... by Uglyduckling on 12.12.2003
Question about the "Invisible Man"Video - it would be quite clear if the little boy in the v... by Uglyduckling on 16.11.2003
I saw Brian today!! - Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I was AT the Dominion Theatre then!!... by Uglyduckling on 16.11.2003
Who can replace Deacon? - But LB, what about John's little Deaky dances?! I ... by Uglyduckling on 16.11.2003
Quote Help??? - Personally, I don't care as long as I have my wool... by Uglyduckling on 16.11.2003
Songs from other artists... that SOUND like Queen songs. - Goinback- do you mean 'Torn' sung by Natalie Imbru... by Uglyduckling on 16.11.2003
Out of the blue - This is a bit random, but I have just remembered a... by Uglyduckling on 01.11.2003