To all Queen fans, I think that WWRY-The Musical should be on DVD. It would great special features like Interviews with Ben Elton & the cast. Rehearsals of the musical and lots more stuff. Tell me what u think!
I saw the we will rock you musical on video at this years UK convention. Yes it was pretty good watching it.
I've just got back from London having watched it live at the Dominion Theatre - there is no comparison, it was bloody amazing, live is 100% better (isn't it always ?).
Yes it was
Seen it
didn't like it (although enjoyed it...hipocrit!!!)
Ok, wasn't talking about musical- it was about bloody DVD. I meant- release the f*** box sets and THEN do some lame things like "We Will Rock You" DVD etc
"release the f*** box sets and THEN do some lame things"
Either Fenderek is out of the loop or perhaps he doesn't believe that the boxsets will be ready next year. Later in the year.
P.S. The musical was great. The cd of the musical is rubbish. Live IS better!
I think I'm in the loop, but I don't believe we'll see the box sets in any part of next year.
This is based on previous experience, but I hope to be wrong
Man havin that musical on Dvd might just pause my addiction in seeing it for the sixth time so... HURRY UP BEFORE AM GONNA DIAL UP DA BOX OFFICE AGAIN!
This show really rocks not as visually poppy fancy as the rest in da westend, but seriously live and rawly musically brought out of da dead from the original performances by Queen themselves. LOVE IT!!
I don't think we will ever see the box sets, now next year or the year after - hope I'm wrong !!
Haven't they been saying 'next year' for as long as we can remember.
(On a downer coz trip to London is over :-( )
I hope the musical will come to Holland some day.... I think we have been a little misled by the people who are making the musical by not comming to Holland...
The musical is bloody fantastic, but the best part is sitting in an audience of people who know and love the songs just like you and get the jokes becasue they are fans. THe atmosphere is excellect, and I think it would be lost on a DVD.