
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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1 discussions started by 'Jean Luc 2000'

How popular were Queen in Ireland? - With all the troubles with Britain has had with th... by Jean Luc 2000 on 21.06.2005

30 posts by user 'Jean Luc 2000'

RATE PAUL RODGERS OUT OF 10 - As I type this I'm listing to Freddie belt out Cra... by Jean Luc 2000 on 29.01.2006
keep passing the opened windows - In my opinion that has to be the most underrat... by Jean Luc 2000 on 19.01.2006
Best sing-along song - We Are The Champions.... by Jean Luc 2000 on 21.09.2005
To freddie86 - You better hope he has a Justice system in his cou... by Jean Luc 2000 on 12.09.2005
Freddie and Bono - PLease don't quote Freddie and Bono in the sam... by Jean Luc 2000 on 02.09.2005
Magic Tour Setlist : lame ??!! - I don't know what you lot are moaning about there ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 28.07.2005
Robert Plant beats Freddie to no1 best singer - You need to check in at the funny farm mate. ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 11.07.2005
Brian's Confidence - Brians good with the soft sad songs. Hard rock so... by Jean Luc 2000 on 04.07.2005
How popular were Queen in Ireland? - I think I put this in the wrong thread. If so cou... by Jean Luc 2000 on 21.06.2005
How popular were Queen in Ireland? - With all the troubles with Britain has had with th... by Jean Luc 2000 on 21.06.2005
What is John Deacon's job now? - His job is to bank the royalty cheques.... by Jean Luc 2000 on 21.06.2005
ANNOUNCE!!---Freddies Loves - Normally with Bit Torrent by the time i've fin... by Jean Luc 2000 on 13.03.2005
ANNOUNCE!!---Freddies Loves - I'm downloading it now. What the general rule for... by Jean Luc 2000 on 13.03.2005
Please your favorite to least favorite Queen albums. - To all those people who don't like Queen II. I sug... by Jean Luc 2000 on 20.02.2005
What's your Favourite concert by queen? - Is the concert at Rainbow the only venue were they... by Jean Luc 2000 on 17.02.2005
queen vs u2 - These days you only have to sell a handfull of... by Jean Luc 2000 on 13.02.2005
queen vs u2 - 1) These days you only need to sell a handful ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 12.02.2005
EBay Item (Drool). - Did your mother drop you on your head when you... by Jean Luc 2000 on 29.01.2005
All you need to know about Paul Rodgers - He's 74?!? Is that right? Thats guy will have hea... by Jean Luc 2000 on 26.12.2004
Who would you like to replace Paul Rodgers? - Or got to Zanzibar or whatever it’s called nowad... by Jean Luc 2000 on 26.12.2004
Roger Taylor The Best Of...any suggestion? - I got a suggestion. Stop trying to sing Radio Ga ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 26.12.2004
Tony Parsons Daily Mirror (20/12/04) - He is right!!! U2 are over rated.... by Jean Luc 2000 on 26.12.2004
Announce: Story of Bohemian Rhapsody - new Queenzone tracker! - Could someone please open there window so I can ge... by Jean Luc 2000 on 25.12.2004
IS Q MAGAZINE CRAZY??? - At least Robbie Williams didn't get mentioned so i... by Jean Luc 2000 on 25.11.2004
Favourite live queen song - Why is it I need to login every time I have to pos... by Jean Luc 2000 on 18.11.2004
Queen or The Beatles? Which is the greatest band ever? - Queen really picked up the baton were the Beetles ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 30.10.2004
best queen songs - As the title says this 'Best Queen Songs' so I'm n... by Jean Luc 2000 on 30.10.2004
what is the saddest song???? - I can't believe knowone has mentioned Sail away sw... by Jean Luc 2000 on 30.08.2004
RESEED REQ: In The Lap Of The Gods - 0.362 share rating at the moment. I already h... by Jean Luc 2000 on 29.08.2004
Queen II - Most people hear believe March of The Black Queen ... by Jean Luc 2000 on 29.08.2004