John Deacon has retired. He retired in 1997 after No One But You. He made a one-off appearance to play with Brian & Roger at the ballet thingy with Elton John, but that's it.
I'd imagine he's enjoying family life and good luck to him.
My cousin keeps in contact with a couple of the roadies from years past and one of them told him that he had actually opened a small electronic repair store. Something like that.
chewing gum bum wrote: My cousin keeps in contact with a couple of the roadies from years past and one of them told him that he had actually opened a small electronic repair store. Something like that.
Ooh, I'll have to go to England now and scour every single small electronic repair store in the country!:) No but I don't think he actually needs a job if only because he enjoys it because he doesn't need the money.
Oh for God's sake, the lot of ya are such dumbasses!! He lives in my basement - chained to the ceiling actually. Haven't any of you ever wondered what all them desperate cries for help were whenever I left my house? :P