
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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252 discussions started by 'Sergei.'

Y'all dead too? - so every now and then I think about my Very Active... by Sergei. on 25.04.2017
Graduation Fun Time - Is anyone else on here graduating high school/coll... by Sergei. on 28.05.2012
Antidepressants - Does anyone here take them? If so, do they work we... by Sergei. on 11.03.2012
Who's responsible for this fuckery? - Who controls the usage of Queen's music in movies,... by Sergei. on 01.07.2011
The Divine David - Anyone else ever heard of this guy? Apparently he ... by Sergei. on 08.01.2011
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - Well, maybe it wasn't inevitable, but –– lo! â... by Sergei. on 11.06.2010
Have YOU Dreamed About This Man? - [/QUOTE]I saw it this morning on "Fox & Friends" ... by Sergei. on 01.11.2009
URGENT - ... by Sergei. on 15.09.2009
"Feral Child" Discovered in Filthy Siberian Flat - [url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/e... by Sergei. on 30.05.2009
It's an Alternate QueenZone Universe! - This sounds like one of those "DMT IS THE ANSWER T... by Sergei. on 24.03.2009
13-Year-Old British Boy Becomes a Poppa - [url=http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/art... by Sergei. on 14.02.2009
O Me O My, It's an Inauguration! - Leave it to American people to be stupid enough to... by Sergei. on 20.01.2009
We all love abandoned decay! - XD I felt compelled to share this because I foun... by Sergei. on 23.12.2008
Funny Movie Clips...! XD - Hahah. I love Beverly Hills Cop and saw it for the... by Sergei. on 28.08.2008
SCHOOL. - I start tomorrow. Pfahhh. When dost thou start... by Sergei. on 24.08.2008
Stinky Survey Time! - I stole this from some bag of fag on MySpace. It's... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
MyHeritage Celebrity Face Match... - Is BULLSHIT. xD They told me I look like Natha... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
I love reading old threads. XD - I find shit that makes me laugh so hard I nearly p... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Login problem? - Like, I'd try to post a message/quote someone and ... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Thneeds. - Are something that everyone needs.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2008
I'm such a loser that... - ... End the sentence! What makes YOU *Points* a lo... by Sergei. on 23.06.2008
Favourite Queen music video... - Yes. So it may seem this is a stupid, stale-ass qu... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
How do you get rid of the damn avatar? - I don't necessarily want this picture of Squidward... by Sergei. on 17.06.2008
RIP Tim Russert - Mmm yes. Dropped dead in Washington, DC at 58. ... by Sergei. on 13.06.2008
Gahhh, someone tell me what's going on... - So I went to Queenzone and clicked on "Blogs". ... by Sergei. on 11.06.2008
Oooo Jeez! Greatly disturbing! - Oh oh oh, I had no idea whatsoever that such an or... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
Methinks... - This thought has plagued me a bit since yesterday,... by Sergei. on 04.03.2008
Ooooh-The Dante's Inferno Test! - Huhmph, I know this has been posted before, I stil... by Sergei. on 24.02.2008
"Queenzoners" Myspace group... - Can anyone tell me what the link is for the Queenz... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Holy shit.. Freya, please look!!! D: - Such a shame. :O Alright, so I was on MySpace l... by Sergei. on 12.02.2008
Is there a doctor in the house? :P - Alright, I've a health question. About cracking. N... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
"Persepolis". - Hm. I'd quite like to see this movie. It was rele... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - Yes yes, which movies made you cry, or at least in... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - DISGUSTING SHAME :P... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
...Because this *absolutely* deserves its own thread. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkt3vg8FkpU&fea... by Sergei. on 03.12.2007
November 24, 1991... 16 years. ;_; - Indeed it's been. :( Yes, I know it's tomorrow.... by Sergei. on 23.11.2007
David Bowie on "Atlantis Squarepantis"... - Yeah, it's a wonder no one's made a topic for this... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
A question for Harry Potter fans.... - Yeeeahh. I'm exchanging emails with two of my cou... by Sergei. on 10.11.2007
Argh. - Mmph. Never mind... :B ... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Complaints.. - Here you can complain to, well, anyone you want to... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Amazingly Accurate Troll Guide... - http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/posts/list.m?to... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
Annoying emails-"Hi babe, wassup?" - I know I'm not the only one who gets these things.... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
Happy Birthday, John Lennon! - Yes, I know it's tomorrow, I just wanted to beat o... by Sergei. on 08.10.2007
What would you do??? - I came across this interesting question while watc... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
Piano! :D - I decided... To put up a video/sound clip of moi ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Where the fuck do you come from? - The topic title is a warm nod to Assdude's comment... by Sergei. on 17.09.2007
No Subject - Ah, fuck this. xD... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
Your Birthday. - This thread is very simple. Just say when your b... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - Turns out that, besides Shock Treatment, there wer... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour '08 - Is it actually going to happen? I've heard differe... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - :D (I just saw a commercial for hybrid cars, expla... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
A bit disturbing. - I always thought Amy Winehouse was just naturally ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - Yus, I had my Freddie Mercury doll on my bed while... by Sergei. on 19.08.2007
Another dumb survey! :D - Vag. ... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
My Myspace has been deleted! - D: What a piece of shit site! Everything was fucki... by Sergei. on 10.08.2007
Spiders! X_X - Anyone here with a fear of spiders? D: I absolut... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
What the hell did they say??? - Ever listen to a song all the way through and real... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
Rotten Local Commercials - This local commercial is at the top of the cheesy ... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Brian May to get his PhD - http://www.smh.com.au/news/music/dont-stop-me-now/... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
The Simpsons Movie - I saw this movie on vacation.... I enjoyed it. I t... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
Anus - Actually, this was a mistake thread. Ignore it. xD... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
This is so fucking stupid. - So it's early morning, in the DC area, and this ma... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
Pictures of our pets! :P - I know a lot of Queenzoners have pets. Let's see t... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Profile picture glitches - Have you ever had one of these? I just looked to e... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
Myspace - Eh, I just made a myspace. It stinks worse than sh... by Sergei. on 08.07.2007
God, these are funny... - Radio ads from a Bud Light radio ad campaign... Go... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
No Subject - I mean the "I was there many times" guy.... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
Add speech bubbles to any picture... - Keeps the bored entertained for hours. ;P http://... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
No Subject - EDIT.. This thread is now officially about Jox's n... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
Let's Play The "Would you rather?" Game! - Haha. I'm bored. :P Would you rather sniff Rosie ... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
To TETTERETET - I'm sure all she wants is attention and that's wha... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - I thought I'd make a questionnaire. I went to chur... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - This is what I do when I'm bored. http://i98.phot... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Roger Taylor article on "Uncyclopedia" - Ehrm, I didn't quite find it funny.... http://unc... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Eh, boredom. See? I've got "Hey There Deli... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
"Li'l Bush"... - I have one thing to say about this show... If y... by Sergei. on 15.06.2007
Recent review of Mika in "The Washington Post" - Hahaha.... he was burned. Mika "Heading... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - How am I "Roger is myn :)" ?????? It's ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - Seems there's a lot of bitterness and arguments on... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
How to put a youtube video in a blog?? - No, actually I didn't figure it out. :/ How do yo... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - Fred is 32 years old and he is still single. ... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Well, I'm going to go join the throng of Queenzone... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Dumb Question - Do you think that Brian and Roger (And maybe John)... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
Hilarious American Idol Auditions xD - I'm surprised we haven't had a thread like this. x... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
Fuck. - EDIT: This thread is officially about baked beans.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Well, ta da! :D I must go though, bubulas. Enjo... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Nothing Thread - This thread speaks for itself. It is about a whole... by Sergei. on 24.05.2007
Queenzoners you would meet (XD) - No, I'm joking. This is actually an appreciation... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - Are we kind of like... rivals? I've never really ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'm in a stormy mood. A few of you know why. >_... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - Ladies and Gentlemen. Might I post this? From: ... by Sergei. on 10.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - What would you do? I read that Queenzone's one of... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - Ah yeah. :D... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Poopie list! - Okay, so this is the height of my immaturity. ... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Well... Vishnu has given you all [You all know wh... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
I'm Royalty! - That's right, biotch! I joined Saturday, November... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
Best/Funniest blogs :D - I don't know, I'm just dying of boredom and I'm so... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
Blog problem.. - Well, I tried to post on my lovely blog and got th... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
Funny xD - This is SO funny.... I saw it on Saturday Night Li... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Your favourite Queenzoners! Yeah! - I'm famous for making these XD... by Sergei. on 14.04.2007
More sisters. :P - People probably think these sister topics are stup... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
Crap. - W00t. This was actually meant to be a post... ._.... by Sergei. on 10.04.2007
My favourite cartoon ever.... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpOPyjmB8SI I LOV... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
Freddie's sister... - Anyone have pictures of Freddie's sister back in t... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - Here we can talk about vaginas to our hearts' deli... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Religion... O_o - This is sort of a "branch" off of the ev... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
Where you got your name and signature line from.... - Another lovely topic from the Chairman of the Bore... by Sergei. on 25.03.2007
Looking for a picture.... - It's of Freddie, in the 70s, with a dark backgroun... by Sergei. on 14.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - Duhrr... let's start another one of these!!! :D... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
What If.... - …Freddie was a woman? …Roger was a man? …I... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
Edited. - Edited.... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Aww, how sweet... my bewwy foist post! - This was TWO YEARS AGO *Gawks* :P And I had an... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Another ridiculous joke - A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Almost Famous - Has anyone ever seen this movie? I love it... *hug... by Sergei. on 05.02.2007
Pardon If I sound like a complete idiot... - But Freddie DID bang some women in his lifetime...... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
Do You Think Time Travel.... - Will be made possible, in our lifetime? And I ask... by Sergei. on 02.01.2007
Anyone related to famous people? - I was just wondering if anyone else was. :P My G... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Merry Christmas, you lot! - Yeahaaaaaah! I got some lovely things for Christm... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
The Reincarnation of The Captions Thread! - Tee hee.. http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone/mp3.... by Sergei. on 22.12.2006
OMG Banana Pepper Pickle Carrot!!! - Thank you Raf for sending me this xD and I quote h... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
The Queenie Above you thread made by Edgarlicious - Well...here you go. Let's make sandwiches for th... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
TV Shows you like?? - Stupid topic, yes, but I have to be up early and n... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
An odd situation.... - Let's say this is your last day on Earth. After to... by Sergei. on 26.11.2006
The lovely thread - Edit: Someone delete this thread! Please!... by Sergei. on 26.11.2006
Great News!! - Hallo all you crazy diamonds young and old, come t... by Sergei. on 26.11.2006
The ourselves appreciation thread - This is where we can all sit and stew in our own l... by Sergei. on 22.11.2006
The Brand New Yet Slightly Tarnished 13th QAYT - Ahhhhh! Unlucky. There's bound to be a fight.... ... by Sergei. on 18.11.2006
Queenzoners you like - Gotcha! Hah! You fell into the trap, you lot! Now... by Sergei. on 11.11.2006
Blog Spamming - Whoever it is who keeps spamming mine can you plea... by Sergei. on 10.11.2006
Hmmmm... - I realized that people are using my Blog to promot... by Sergei. on 07.11.2006
Radical Islams - I'm scared of these people O.O I recently saw a p... by Sergei. on 06.11.2006
Halloween Help... Pleeease? - Okay, so this is a typical thing for me every Hall... by Sergei. on 29.10.2006
What's your favourite type of Ice Cream? - Lol I know... such a kindergarten topic. Mine wou... by Sergei. on 23.10.2006
Who played the Gorilla in the IGSM video? - Haha, I loved the gorilla :D Did one of the band ... by Sergei. on 17.10.2006
The "Let's Talk Like Kake Thread" - i luv roger taylore he iz so fitt how bout u an t... by Sergei. on 17.10.2006
Sending Letters - Would anybody know how I could send a message to B... by Sergei. on 17.10.2006
For Raf xD - My poo smells like peaches... ah yeah :D... by Sergei. on 16.10.2006
Someone get on MSN! - I'm bored. :'( Homework sucks. bluepowdermonkey05... by Sergei. on 14.10.2006
The Great Buttcrack Gallery! - Okay, I admit, I am bored. PS: This is not mine. ... by Sergei. on 14.10.2006
Who is your favourite actor/actress? - Mine is... Marlon Brando!!! :DD... by Sergei. on 14.10.2006
I made a Blog! - Yay! :D... by Sergei. on 08.10.2006
For YourValentine or whoever would know... - I had some picture of a girl in my profile.... and... by Sergei. on 08.10.2006
The Archive of Interesting Queen stories and Dreams :) - Here we will share interesting Dreams/Stories(True... by Sergei. on 08.10.2006
The Queenzone Homedogs Club - Haha, self explanatory.... I am the proud (temp... by Sergei. on 08.10.2006
Taking a dump at work - Okay, I didn't come up with these.... got them off... by Sergei. on 30.09.2006
no subject - Ignore this, or it will bite your head off.... by Sergei. on 30.09.2006
QAYT#7-The Official Queenie Above You Thread - Okay, rules are second nature now. Need I say more... by Sergei. on 22.09.2006
Shit nuggets-The MOVIE! - WHOOOOAAAA dude did you see shit nuggets the movie... by Sergei. on 17.09.2006
Annual Postage of "Queenzoners you Like!" - Okay, so since there are a few new and awesome Zon... by Sergei. on 16.09.2006
QAYT5 (The fifth Official Queenie above you thread) ;D - Same old same old.... 1.Wait till this thread h... by Sergei. on 15.09.2006
Wow... Weird thing I noticed... - It seems like a lot of the long term Zoners have c... by Sergei. on 14.09.2006
The Corrupted Wish Thread - Well, since the other ones were so much fun, I tho... by Sergei. on 12.09.2006
Search Button? - So I was looking for some of my older posts from t... by Sergei. on 12.09.2006
To Magicalfreddiemercury - I was wondering while playing with my own kitty, h... by Sergei. on 12.09.2006
The Return of the Add on Queen story!!! - Okay, so I know for some this was annoying but it... by Sergei. on 10.09.2006
The Newer Newest Random Thoughts Thread! - Right now.... I'm watching Seinfeld! :)... by Sergei. on 09.09.2006
Freddie's group hug - *Hugs Freddie* Happpyyy Birthday! :D... by Sergei. on 05.09.2006
Edit - Edited... by Sergei. on 03.09.2006
It's all been downhill since he left Queenzone... - Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Snow. http://img124.ima... by Sergei. on 02.09.2006
BAH! - I got a haircut. It looks terrible. It looks like ... by Sergei. on 02.09.2006
I deleted my myspace! - Ah how good it feels to say that. =) It's just su... by Sergei. on 27.08.2006
Apologizing - I know there will be people who think this thread ... by Sergei. on 26.08.2006
The Best Movies Thread - I'll start... it's kind of like the best bands thr... by Sergei. on 22.08.2006
ABCs of You - A is for: Ate a disgusting french fry with milksh... by Sergei. on 21.08.2006
The School haters thread - Since many people in the Random thoughts thread sa... by Sergei. on 17.08.2006
Myspace! :D - I am www.myspace.com/germanqueenfan93 I need fr... by Sergei. on 13.08.2006
The NEW Queenzoners you would like to meet thread (NO HIJACKING THIS TIME!) - Ok, I'll try this again: I think it would be in... by Sergei. on 12.08.2006
Queenzoners that would be cool to meet :D - I think it would be interesting to meet: The Arti... by Sergei. on 12.08.2006
The "Thanks Richard" Thread - Thank you Richard for making such a cool website! ... by Sergei. on 08.08.2006
MSN - Does anyone have MSN? I am bluepowdermonkey05@hotm... by Sergei. on 08.08.2006
The [Newest] queenie above you - Huh.... by Sergei. on 05.08.2006
You'll never believe what I just did...I... - Ate a peach from the local redneck farmers market.... by Sergei. on 02.08.2006
Weirdest Sign You've Ever Read - "I got my Crabs from Dirty Dicks" ...... by Sergei. on 31.07.2006
Queen songs that make you cry - I sometimes cry during Delilah when he says, "... by Sergei. on 31.07.2006
What happened to the Queen Ipod?? - I tried Googling it and I even searched for it on ... by Sergei. on 31.07.2006
My Beloveds - Presenting my beautiful kitties... Neo (4 yrs) h... by Sergei. on 22.07.2006
Hi.... - Sorry, but I'm back...... by Sergei. on 19.07.2006
I have an announcement to make.... - Cookies!... by Sergei. on 23.06.2006
The Da Vinci Code - Wow, this book rocked! I finished the unabridged v... by Sergei. on 07.06.2006
Stupid topic - Pizza: Cold or Hot? For me, I like it cold... Not... by Sergei. on 14.05.2006
The sickness thread - I currently have a murdering case of strept throat... by Sergei. on 10.05.2006
Ugliest person in showbiz these days... - I'd say it's Kenny Chesney.... by Sergei. on 07.05.2006
Should I post a picture? - I've been considering it for a while... Just wonde... by Sergei. on 07.05.2006
I...am...**bites lip**.... - Straight.... by Sergei. on 24.04.2006
Woot Woot! - Has anybody read the "Queen: As it began"... by Sergei. on 19.04.2006
I can't believe I never mentioned this, but... - My dad has a band! Not like, famous or anything, ... by Sergei. on 18.04.2006
What is WRONG?! - I don't mean to sound pushy or asslike, but I was ... by Sergei. on 16.04.2006
I think everyone's getting sick of me. - It's kind of self evident...I try to give love, pe... by Sergei. on 16.04.2006
My fab new signature line... - I finally got the guts to change it... It's what ... by Sergei. on 16.04.2006
The Queen 2 Novel - by Sergei. on 14.04.2006
The sleeping thread. - Good night. ZzZzZzZzZ............ by Sergei. on 13.04.2006
I FINALLY FOUND IT!!! YAY! - It was a story about the album Queen 2 I wrote two... by Sergei. on 13.04.2006
The tour is over tomorrow. :((( - It's a sad thing, so here is what we shall do: Si... by Sergei. on 12.04.2006
Did Queen even appear tonight? - I heard that they didn't even perform! Did they ev... by Sergei. on 12.04.2006
To JellyBean Queen (onelonelypussycat) - I am just going to tell you I hope you're not leav... by Sergei. on 10.04.2006
Some people really piss me off. - Get a load of this AIM conversation I logged. (the... by Sergei. on 10.04.2006
The "I love," "I hate," thread. - This is how the thread works... I will start off ... by Sergei. on 10.04.2006
A strange Composition of mine - WTF... by Sergei. on 09.04.2006
A fact about you - I am allergic to lipstick and if I put it on I bre... by Sergei. on 08.04.2006
An add on story about Queen - Maybe we could make a Queenzoner's trilogy of funn... by Sergei. on 07.04.2006
Freddie's sister - I have tons of questions about Kashmira, such as: ... by Sergei. on 01.04.2006
Stupid double entendre names - Hi, I'm Seymour Butts. You can also call me Ben Do... by Sergei. on 01.04.2006
Things you want/wanted to be when you grow up - I want to be either an authour or fashion designer... by Sergei. on 30.03.2006
Bad Hair. - Okay, so two hours ago today I had long brown 80's... by Sergei. on 29.03.2006
The 4 Things About you Game - Okay, so this is how it works: So you say 4 thing... by Sergei. on 28.03.2006
Oh...My...God. - I had to do this for Health in school: Go to Goog... by Sergei. on 27.03.2006
Most disgusting food you've ever eaten in your life - I would have to say..... Kimchee. I went to my fr... by Sergei. on 26.03.2006
We Just Got a Call.... - My close grandmother has cancer. :( I will not pos... by Sergei. on 24.03.2006
The Knuckle Cracking Thread - **Cracks all joints in fingers*** ***Cracks toes**... by Sergei. on 24.03.2006
Myspaces/Xangas :-D - I thought I would share my Xanga link with you all... by Sergei. on 22.03.2006
Filthy secrets - I have one eye and have to eat all of my meals thr... by Sergei. on 21.03.2006
Most of Queen sucks - ***sighs*** ladies and gentlemen, another spammer.... by Sergei. on 17.03.2006
Funniest Queenzoners :-D - It seems to have been a while since we have done o... by Sergei. on 13.03.2006
haha-a funny story - Okay, so I was sitting at the kitchen table and re... by Sergei. on 13.03.2006
My story! :) - Hi, everyone~like i mentioned earlier, ladymercury... by Sergei. on 12.03.2006
Can you believe this?! - Ok, so I just got back from the Washington, DC con... by Sergei. on 10.03.2006
Wild People - What people do you think belong in a zoo? hehe...... by Sergei. on 08.03.2006
Most embarassing things for people to buy - Well, let's see what I can think of that would be ... by Sergei. on 01.03.2006
Lent - Will anybody be giving something up for lent? i ... by Sergei. on 01.03.2006
The Silence of The Lambs - Has anyone seen it? It's an awesome movie but it's... by Sergei. on 27.02.2006
To Mr. Tampon Tea - I wtf!!! couldn't you think of like a better user ... by Sergei. on 11.02.2006
Your Great Queen moment..... - What was your greatest Queen moment when you were ... by Sergei. on 01.02.2006
Singing, dears. - Ok, all. Imagine that you had a voice the quality... by Sergei. on 23.01.2006
Singing a Queen song.... - Ok, all. Imagine that you had a voice the quality ... by Sergei. on 23.01.2006
American Idol - DID ANYONE ELSE HEAR THAT NASTY UKRANIAN LADY'S RE... by Sergei. on 17.01.2006
Metallica and Stone Cold crazy - Ok.... I recently made a descision to only post he... by Sergei. on 16.01.2006
What the....? - This can't be a real picture of Queen! Did someone... by Sergei. on 13.01.2006
A quiz - I made a quiz! woo hoo! enjoy:) http://www.allthe... by Sergei. on 27.12.2005
If you could meet... - 3 Queenzoners in person, who would they be? I woul... by Sergei. on 17.12.2005
What's your nickname? - Mine is Sir Walter. (Named after that pompous expl... by Sergei. on 17.12.2005
Didnt Elvis die... - While on the toilet taking a crap or is that just ... by Sergei. on 17.12.2005
Woo hoo! - I've got my profile picture up! Enjoy!... by Sergei. on 16.12.2005
I'm New! - Hi, I'm your_mama! I'm new here and could anyone t... by Sergei. on 16.12.2005
Where did you get your signature line from? - Mine is a play on Body Language, instead I wrote p... by Sergei. on 14.12.2005
Vegetarian Rhapsody - This is so funny! http://www.funnypart.com/funny_... by Sergei. on 11.12.2005
LOL!! - Check this out, it's hilarious: http://www.dafyd.... by Sergei. on 10.12.2005
Christmas albums - What band would you like to see produce a Christma... by Sergei. on 10.12.2005
why... - Does everyone gloat over how "hot" Roger... by Sergei. on 09.12.2005
Party! - Let's all have an online Queenzone party!!!: we w... by Sergei. on 04.12.2005
Bye :( - People have bashed all 3 of my screen names and ta... by Sergei. on 03.12.2005
What Queen songs remind you of everyday objects? - The live version of under pressure reminds me of d... by Sergei. on 02.12.2005
Go to Mpt! - They're playing a Queen concert right now!... by Sergei. on 02.12.2005
THEY'RE COMING TO THE MCI CENTER!!!!! - Yahoooooooooooo! They announced it on 94.7 the arr... by Sergei. on 29.11.2005
What are your favorite/least favorite foods? - I love spaghetti and vanilla iced cream. I hate s... by Sergei. on 26.11.2005
I have A confession to make: - I am, in fact, John Deacon.... by Sergei. on 25.11.2005
If you could have the night out with one Queen member.... - Who would it be, what would you do and why? I wou... by Sergei. on 24.11.2005
pen pals - IS anyone here 9-13? I'd love to have a Queen-fan ... by Sergei. on 24.11.2005
Freddie - Let's all post our good thoughts about Freddie. :{... by Sergei. on 24.11.2005
Scrrrrreen Names! - Hey all, here are my screen names. I hope I can tr... by Sergei. on 22.11.2005
New T-shirt - Hey, I just got a new Queen shirt yesterday! I've ... by Sergei. on 17.11.2005
Attention, attention, peoples!!! - Let's see how many posts we can rack up talking ab... by Sergei. on 12.11.2005

4498 posts by user 'Sergei.'

What is your favourite non-Queen album? - I refuse to follow the directions. Here are ten of... by Sergei. on 22.11.2019
Are these accidents ? - You're trolling this site, like, 13 years too late... by Sergei. on 27.11.2018
Y'all dead too? - Combination of being exposed by artsy-fartsy paren... by Sergei. on 21.11.2018
Y'all dead too? - I don't know how to quote posts anymore, but re: F... by Sergei. on 12.11.2018
Y'all dead too? - so every now and then I think about my Very Active... by Sergei. on 25.04.2017
i'm becoming obsessed with Freddie, HELP ! - lmfao... by Sergei. on 18.11.2013
Would you pay to have plastic surgery to look like anyone from Queen? - (clears throat ceremoniously) No.... by Sergei. on 06.03.2013
first name fame? - Uh, Prince and Madonna are their birth names. Pink... by Sergei. on 22.08.2012
What's your favorite fruit... - Kiwi Other than that, my favorite fruit is probab... by Sergei. on 14.08.2012
the kissing Freddie footage - That's very nice. However, was I talking about peo... by Sergei. on 02.06.2012
the kissing Freddie footage - Wow, I never would've expected so much homophobia ... by Sergei. on 02.06.2012
Freddie Mercury 'pee pee!' - I found it sad (if that's what he actually said, t... by Sergei. on 29.05.2012
Graduation Fun Time - Is anyone else on here graduating high school/coll... by Sergei. on 28.05.2012
Any Rocky Horror Picture Show Fans? - At this point I've heard back from all but one o... by Sergei. on 11.03.2012
Antidepressants - Does anyone here take them? If so, do they work we... by Sergei. on 11.03.2012
World's Greatest Campy-Obscure Movies/Death Wish 3 and other great b-movies - Hobo with a Shotgun... by Sergei. on 11.03.2012
Somebody to love cover by me - In this thread: person posts sub-par recording of ... by Sergei. on 28.02.2012
Grammys 2012 Results - Many die-hard Lady Gaga fans were spitting fire wh... by Sergei. on 20.02.2012
Any Rocky Horror Picture Show Fans? - Oh, I'm decent, just handling the sloppy transitio... by Sergei. on 21.01.2012
What's your Favorite Troll Moment on QZ? - Once, about seven years ago maybe, there was a wom... by Sergei. on 21.01.2012
Any Rocky Horror Picture Show Fans? - Hahah yes. I joined here when I was 11, I think.... by Sergei. on 29.12.2011
Any Rocky Horror Picture Show Fans? - It's been my favorite movie since I was 13 or so. ... by Sergei. on 29.12.2011
The Beatles - My dad first introduced The Beatles to my brothers... by Sergei. on 27.09.2011
Best song about native Americans... - Clearly it's "Half-Breed" by Cher.... by Sergei. on 22.09.2011
Queenzoner face associations??? - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote: Freya is quietly ju... by Sergei. on 12.09.2011
Queenzoner face associations??? - Freya is quietly judging you. wrote: In my head, ... by Sergei. on 10.09.2011
Queenzoner face associations??? - *Puts down rifle and cheeseburger and adjusts camo... by Sergei. on 08.09.2011
America bankrupt? - I don't know exactly what this adds to the discuss... by Sergei. on 06.08.2011
Who's responsible for this fuckery? - ^ That's usually a good solution unless the remote... by Sergei. on 01.07.2011
Who's responsible for this fuckery? - Who controls the usage of Queen's music in movies,... by Sergei. on 01.07.2011
Maybel the Blue Peter dog dies - Four topics about dead public figures are on the f... by Sergei. on 04.05.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote: Look, in the process... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Look, in the process of making a sorry attempt to ... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Derp... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Lostman wrote: lifetimefanofqueen wrote: hes ment... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
FAO Lifetimefanofqueen - emrabt wrote: Anyone know what this documentary w... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote: Do they have anger ... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Do they have anger management therapy in Ukraine? ... by Sergei. on 23.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Aw, I just discovered a really sweet PM sent to me... by Sergei. on 22.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Lostman wrote: lifetimefanofqueen wrote: P.S d... by Sergei. on 17.04.2011
if you could change one thing about the world what would it be? - Lostman wrote: YannickJoker wrote: I would prevent... by Sergei. on 17.04.2011
What Have the British Given to Society? - JoxerTheDeityPirate wrote: Sergei. wrote: Gratefu... by Sergei. on 09.03.2011
Queenzone reunited - Arlene R. Weiss. That's all.... by Sergei. on 07.03.2011
Here's an interesting read. - That was thoroughly uninteresting.... by Sergei. on 07.03.2011
What Have the British Given to Society? - GratefulFan wrote: greaserkat wrote: GratefulFan ... by Sergei. on 05.03.2011
pets - Lostman wrote: Sergei, I don't know but you probab... by Sergei. on 02.03.2011
pets - I haven't put anyone down, so I truly don't know w... by Sergei. on 01.03.2011
pets - It's not that I Can't Stand The Kiddies So Much, I... by Sergei. on 01.03.2011
pets - Thistleboy 1980 wrote: Sergei. wrote: It's much ea... by Sergei. on 01.03.2011
pets - It's much easier to be immature.... by Sergei. on 28.02.2011
pets - Accept whose apology? I'm not apologizing.... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
i have a question.... - No, but you can stop responding and it'll be over ... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
i have a question.... - I regret nothing. And anyway, making peace with ... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
i have a question.... - If you paid attention to the dates of those posts,... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
i have a question.... - You started it.... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
i have a question.... - Oh, I don't know if I can move on after all the fo... by Sergei. on 26.02.2011
pets - Behave.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - If you're going to be it you should know how to sp... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - ....Julia.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - What should we not be spreading to others? Homosex... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - Isn't it almost three in the morning over in that ... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - Oh, yeah. I'm seething with anger. Furious that I'... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - You need an indefinite article in there.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - u lose... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - Let's not pull out the homophobic jabs. Are you in... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - Someone's Ukrainian and has an inferiority complex... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - ... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - That makes zero sense.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - Watch your mouth, Julia Jones.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - I don't know what perfetic is. But listen to Fatty... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - Lmao, you speak to this guy every day? Shows how m... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - Gotta love two morons ganging up on you. The emoti... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - I'll get right on that.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - Please do everyone a favor and eliminate expletive... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - gtfo... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
i have a question.... - I'm not Russian, moron. And if you think pepperi... by Sergei. on 25.02.2011
pets - I know, right! And such a belligerent character th... by Sergei. on 24.02.2011
pets - It's okay though, because I feel myself like king ... by Sergei. on 24.02.2011
pets - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote: So you're saying th... by Sergei. on 24.02.2011
i have a question.... - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote:  Anything and eve... by Sergei. on 24.02.2011
i have a question.... - Lostman wrote: Sergei. wrote:  I'll take "Man ... by Sergei. on 21.02.2011
i have a question.... - Lostman wrote: Leave her alone, fucker! You even... by Sergei. on 17.02.2011
Can someone name some GOOD Christian bands? - Metallica... by Sergei. on 05.02.2011
What Have the British Given to Society? - Hugh Laurie.... by Sergei. on 29.01.2011
I think I discovered why there are two genealogies of Jesus - Faaaaaaascinating.... by Sergei. on 15.01.2011
The Divine David - Anyone else ever heard of this guy? Apparently he ... by Sergei. on 08.01.2011
Pete Postlethwaite RIP - JoxerTheDeityPirate wrote: this means that Sky Mov... by Sergei. on 03.01.2011
Embarrassing facts about you? - Goodoldfashionedloverboy wrote: Fuck you i try fi... by Sergei. on 30.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - That's probably because everyone else got tired of... by Sergei. on 24.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - That still didn't answer my question. But why do y... by Sergei. on 22.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: Categorized by humans.............. by Sergei. on 22.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - "God created man to rule over the animals (that do... by Sergei. on 22.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: Opinions aren't wrong.  You eit... by Sergei. on 22.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - In other words, you expect that homosexuals must f... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - The spell check is automatic. + You said you were... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: 1. lifetimefanofqueen brought... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: No, I'm just tired of this crap.... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: Alright, people.  Just forget i... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: Also, I'm fine with coexisting ... by Sergei. on 21.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - Crazy LittleThing wrote: Sergei. wrote: lalaalalaa... by Sergei. on 20.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: "and no, I'm not 13.  I'm 17. ... by Sergei. on 15.12.2010
Not another "End of the world" date........ - lalaalalaa wrote: 2. I'm sick of having to tolera... by Sergei. on 14.12.2010
man mauled to death in safari shower by lions! - Mr. Britt wrote: Sergei. wrote: This is a nice art... by Sergei. on 09.11.2010
man mauled to death in safari shower by lions! - This is a nice article to read when you're suicida... by Sergei. on 04.11.2010
Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity - Wasn't Stephen Colbert's thing on the same day? I ... by Sergei. on 04.11.2010
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - inu-liger wrote: Sergei. wrote: y u google u... by Sergei. on 02.11.2010
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - y u google urself maria... by Sergei. on 02.11.2010
HELP!!!!!!!!!! (how do u stop self harming?) - Gregsynth wrote: Try seeing a school counselor to... by Sergei. on 15.10.2010
HELP!!!!!!!!!! (how do u stop self harming?) - Thistleboy 1980 wrote: Mr Mercury, being a pedant ... by Sergei. on 13.10.2010
HELP!!!!!!!!!! (how do u stop self harming?) - YoungQueenFan17 wrote: one way 2 stop cuttin is ... by Sergei. on 06.10.2010
why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!??!!?!? - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: im not a christian (if ... by Sergei. on 04.10.2010
why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!??!!?!? - lalaalalaa wrote: I also don't see why you would... by Sergei. on 03.10.2010
littlekillerham........ - Facepalm... by Sergei. on 03.10.2010
littlekillerham........ - lifetimefanofqueen wrote:dose it have to be, i don... by Sergei. on 03.10.2010
littlekillerham........ - That isn't you in your profile picture.... by Sergei. on 02.10.2010
pets - So you're saying that of all the people on this bo... by Sergei. on 02.10.2010
60's colours - Cheeky is not the way to be.... by Sergei. on 02.10.2010
60's colours - Probably.... by Sergei. on 02.10.2010
littlekillerham........ - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: GratefulFan wrote: Why ... by Sergei. on 27.09.2010
The lifetimefanofqueen Random Topic Thread - Mumbai.... by Sergei. on 26.09.2010
The lifetimefanofqueen Random Topic Thread - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: sergei, i make on tiny l... by Sergei. on 26.09.2010
The lifetimefanofqueen Random Topic Thread - Look at this. She doesn't even put the time or eff... by Sergei. on 26.09.2010
im bored...... - "u have a problem with that then tough" "u have a... by Sergei. on 26.09.2010
littlekillerham........ - Language, missy. And just because you titled the... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - Donna13 wrote: I like her posts.  They are natur... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: because sergei your a l... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - GratefulFan wrote: I put the probability that the... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
littlekillerham........ - lmfao There does exist a "private messaging" func... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - GratefulFan wrote: While there are threads I enjoy... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - Oh, you mean these? http://www.queenzone.com/for... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: because i'll do what ev... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: bullying isnt just name ... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - Gregsynth wrote: Well Sergei, to be fair, I did u... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: im not trying to be coo... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
Ive got queenzone on lockdown , you peasants , WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - They are. Charles Webster Baer for president.  ... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
Ive got queenzone on lockdown , you peasants , WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Lmao. These threads are so stupid ... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: actualy sergei, im 13, i... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: sergei, it isnt the end ... by Sergei. on 25.09.2010
im bored...... - littlekillerham wrote: Sergei. wrote: lifetimefan... by Sergei. on 24.09.2010
im bored...... - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: paulsmith2001 wrote: Rea... by Sergei. on 24.09.2010
im bored...... - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog FOR THE LOVE O... by Sergei. on 23.09.2010
all that I ever wanted was for queenzone.com to love me forever now . - weeeeeeeeeeeeeenis... by Sergei. on 22.09.2010
the pope's visit to the UK? - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: and i have tryed to get... by Sergei. on 21.09.2010
its world pease day! - No it isn't. Cars are still exploding in Fallujah ... by Sergei. on 21.09.2010
Queenzone chat room......... - There are usually thirty or more people in the cha... by Sergei. on 15.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - littlekillerham wrote: Sergei. wrote: "and sergei,... by Sergei. on 12.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - "and sergei, you can be a bit of a douche on this ... by Sergei. on 11.09.2010
if your bored............ - You're*... by Sergei. on 11.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - Gregsynth wrote: I do agree with what you are sayi... by Sergei. on 10.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - Gregsynth wrote: Sergei. wrote: Gregsynth wrote: T... by Sergei. on 10.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - Gregsynth wrote: That post was kinda uncalled for... by Sergei. on 10.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - littlekillerham wrote: lifetimefanofqueen wrote: ... by Sergei. on 10.09.2010
has anyone had a weirder dream than this one i had? - Freya is quietly judging you. wrote: Shut up. I... by Sergei. on 03.09.2010
can u help me - omg guise dubble post... by Sergei. on 27.08.2010
can u help me - Knock it off.... by Sergei. on 27.08.2010
what animal would u save - The Jabberwock.... by Sergei. on 19.08.2010
how now, brown cow , can I show you , my love ? - lifetimefanofqueen wrote: ? ¿... by Sergei. on 09.08.2010
Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish :D - Blue Roses Unlimited wrote: inu-liger wrote: l... by Sergei. on 17.07.2010
Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish :D - littlekillerham wrote: You know what? no, im n... by Sergei. on 14.07.2010
You Are A... - littlekillerham wrote: i am also a tart bed who li... by Sergei. on 14.07.2010
Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish :D - STOP POSTING THREADS... by Sergei. on 13.07.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/483... by Sergei. on 05.07.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - On another unrelated sidenote –– I hope she pe... by Sergei. on 28.06.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - JoxerTheDeityPirate wrote: ^ good on her for that... by Sergei. on 28.06.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/gaga_goe... by Sergei. on 27.06.2010
G L O B A L internet G O V E R N M E N T - gig , gig , giggity , goo ah yeah... by Sergei. on 27.06.2010
sad news........... - littlekillerham wrote: my ex-boyfriend does. aft... by Sergei. on 12.06.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - Woodie wrote: I didn't quite read all your post *c... by Sergei. on 12.06.2010
The Big Damn Inevitable Thread About Lady Gaga - Well, maybe it wasn't inevitable, but –– lo! â... by Sergei. on 11.06.2010
One For Girls..... - tcc wrote: What example would you use to explain... by Sergei. on 11.06.2010
any one remember yara - Oh, Yara, Yara... The main thing I remember about ... by Sergei. on 04.06.2010
Dennis Hopper almost dead - @ Jox: Ah, well, the life of a Goosefat Deity i... by Sergei. on 15.04.2010
Dennis Hopper almost dead - Water World sucked. I prefer thinking of him as ... by Sergei. on 15.04.2010
We Will Rock you Musical.... - I saw it when I was in Stuttgart. The synopsis was... by Sergei. on 09.04.2010
Worst Band Ever? - Brokencyde and The Devil Wears Prada go hand-in-ha... by Sergei. on 05.01.2010
If you had to have sex to a Queen song, which one would it be? - I'd think it would be that 4-second track on ... by Sergei. on 24.12.2009
poo smells good , ah yeah , weeeeenis - my anus smells like peaches , ah yeah goo , goo , ... by Sergei. on 15.12.2009
10 things that piss you off most - I get really irritated by the extremely long comme... by Sergei. on 04.12.2009
NEW MOON-11-20-09 - I sense a Twitard.  ... by Sergei. on 02.12.2009
Queen+Paul Rodgers one year ago! - Well, when I think of some events that happened i... by Sergei. on 25.11.2009
Queen+Paul Rodgers one year ago! - I saw them in March of 2006. It doesn't seem that ... by Sergei. on 21.11.2009
The Insane Debauchery Random Thoughts Thread. Sponsored By Jagermeister. - "Kwanzaa" is a crock of shit. ... by Sergei. on 19.11.2009
Sweet Pic I got - Don't forget Groundbreaker, Trailblazer, Jackass,... by Sergei. on 07.11.2009
Sweet Pic I got - And so a bunch of other people could follow suit.... by Sergei. on 07.11.2009
Sweet Pic I got - So, it wasn't enough that you revive like five of ... by Sergei. on 06.11.2009
Have YOU Dreamed About This Man? - Then you two quite possibly may have heard the Ro... by Sergei. on 01.11.2009
Have YOU Dreamed About This Man? - [/QUOTE]I saw it this morning on "Fox & Friends" ... by Sergei. on 01.11.2009
The Insane Debauchery Random Thoughts Thread. Sponsored By Jagermeister. - Huzzah! [/QUOTE]I am going "Trick or Treating" thi... by Sergei. on 31.10.2009
Jose Cuervo Sponsors this random thoguhts thread, hosted by your empress ;) - Does anybody else get those radio commercials abou... by Sergei. on 18.10.2009
Life's great mystery - Grammer has been in some other junk that hasn't la... by Sergei. on 17.10.2009
Life's great mystery - I completely agree with what some people above hav... by Sergei. on 17.10.2009
Top Ten songs from other bands...you love! - I don't really have favourites for any of my favou... by Sergei. on 14.10.2009
Is this the Real life? is this just Fiction!? - Lame.... by Sergei. on 12.10.2009
Another Questionnaire.. - I don't believe I did this one Back In The Day. I ... by Sergei. on 06.10.2009
Jose Cuervo Sponsors this random thoguhts thread, hosted by your empress ;) - WE SAY "YOU HAVE MY DEEPEST SYMPATHY." FACT FACT F... by Sergei. on 24.09.2009
What does this say? - ---- You don't remember. So you can ... by Sergei. on 24.09.2009
A pole: old-fashioned questions - 1- I dislike smoking, so yes, it would be bad. Sm... by Sergei. on 17.09.2009
VMAs - I can't stand Kanye West. I'm always getting him a... by Sergei. on 17.09.2009
Hot Males - LYK OMG, DOT DOT DOT ... by Sergei. on 17.09.2009
URGENT - Jeepers! ... by Sergei. on 17.09.2009
URGENT - Hahah, I know, I Google Image-d his name and happ... by Sergei. on 15.09.2009
URGENT - ... by Sergei. on 15.09.2009
Anyone reading any good books? - [IRRELEVANT] When I was returning from Germany t... by Sergei. on 09.09.2009
Jesus a rat a lier? Microwave thinks - I really didn't understand about 90% of your ... by Sergei. on 28.08.2009
Jose Cuervo Sponsors this random thoguhts thread, hosted by your empress ;) - Aw, where has the summer gone? My trip to Germany ... by Sergei. on 24.08.2009
london calling - Okay. ... by Sergei. on 25.07.2009
Mollie Sugden and Karl Malden Have Died - Ah! I enjoy "Are You Being Served," it always play... by Sergei. on 02.07.2009
Michael Jackson - Aw. RIP. ... by Sergei. on 25.06.2009
boy troubles - There's this girl at my school who liked me for ab... by Sergei. on 15.06.2009
What's a cover after all? - TL;DR Edit: That made me sound like an ass. ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2009
Big chief sitting hawk. - What in the hell are you talking about? ... by Sergei. on 11.06.2009
Figure Skaters - HE'S BACK YOU GUYS ... by Sergei. on 01.06.2009
... - That's what happens. Strangeness happens. ... by Sergei. on 31.05.2009
"Feral Child" Discovered in Filthy Siberian Flat - Oh, well. [i]I [/i]thought it was interesting. xD ... by Sergei. on 30.05.2009
"Feral Child" Discovered in Filthy Siberian Flat - [url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/e... by Sergei. on 30.05.2009
... - How does one "drow" in blood? ... by Sergei. on 30.05.2009
Your city, town, village etc. and its contents! - I should like to meet someone who resides in Nuuk ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2009
Film Quotes (I´m bored almost beyond contenance). - "Just because the police haven't picked you up lat... by Sergei. on 02.05.2009
Worst song - HAH. I really don't like the song "Sweet... by Sergei. on 29.04.2009
First impressions - • (: (::: %*&$... by Sergei. on 27.04.2009
First impressions - I am a gentleman. Ein Herr. Ich bin ein Mann.... by Sergei. on 26.04.2009
First impressions - ^Wtf are you talking about? ... by Sergei. on 25.04.2009
First impressions - He's a divorced accountant named Bart who spends h... by Sergei. on 25.04.2009
hey - I thought they limited internet time at homes... by Sergei. on 25.04.2009
this site is terrible - Nobody cares about your opinion. ... by Sergei. on 22.04.2009
The Future Of Queenzone? - You did it to me. A picture of my face, that ... by Sergei. on 20.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - @Yara: It's actually fiction text, but yeah... t... by Sergei. on 17.04.2009
Britain's got ugly talent - She made a faize at the woman on stage and lo... by Sergei. on 16.04.2009
Britain's got ugly talent - In seriousness, I want to smack that little bitch ... by Sergei. on 16.04.2009
Britain's got ugly talent - Unfortunately he was probably wondering what ... by Sergei. on 16.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - Shame on me. I get nervous too easily. I just... by Sergei. on 16.04.2009
This could be....? - I have a father. And he doesn't rape me in... by Sergei. on 16.04.2009
What shows on TV annoy you? - I really despise those MTV shows like Next, Parent... by Sergei. on 15.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - "Only once the drugs are done, I feel like dy... by Sergei. on 15.04.2009
Which table should I sit at. - She doesn't see the contrast between being di... by Sergei. on 14.04.2009
This could be....? - ....An everlasting love for meeeee.... ... by Sergei. on 14.04.2009
Dumb brothers (again) - And we care because... O, wait, I forgot. We ... by Sergei. on 14.04.2009
Which table should I sit at. - Sit at a table by yourself, or sit on the floor, b... by Sergei. on 14.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - Hahah. It isn't funny under any circumstances. xD ... by Sergei. on 11.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - The logo wore off because Charles Baer rubbed it i... by Sergei. on 11.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - He wants to be smelled? I'm a quite good s... by Sergei. on 11.04.2009
The "I love Cindy" random thoughts thread - I like how suddenly everyone's being urged to orde... by Sergei. on 10.04.2009
what does a man look for in a women ? - It could be that, or it could be that she's j... by Sergei. on 09.04.2009
what does a man look for in a women ? - KAKE ... by Sergei. on 08.04.2009
_ - TEST ... by Sergei. on 06.04.2009
My Queen backstage-drawing special - This got old a real long time ago, like, sometime ... by Sergei. on 05.04.2009
Jake Goody? - House is a character that doesn't exist, and ... by Sergei. on 01.04.2009
Who owns all of Queen's albums, and who doesn't? - Man in the Shadows ... by Sergei. on 01.04.2009
Who owns all of Queen's albums, and who doesn't? - I own (in CDs): Queen Queen II Sheer Heart A... by Sergei. on 31.03.2009
hi im new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Fail. ... by Sergei. on 29.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - Slaves? How did slaves suddenly get mentioned? ... by Sergei. on 28.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - I have seen Schindler's List. I was actually ... by Sergei. on 27.03.2009
Who r the QZ wankers? - O, wow, where does one start with Danny? ... by Sergei. on 24.03.2009
It's an Alternate QueenZone Universe! - This sounds like one of those "DMT IS THE ANSWER T... by Sergei. on 24.03.2009
Who r the QZ wankers? - Microwave? I don't recall him doing anything.... by Sergei. on 24.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - Ms. Rebel likely got six-million because it is w... by Sergei. on 24.03.2009
Is AIDS a lie? - According to my very idiotic French teacher from t... by Sergei. on 22.03.2009
The Soviet Story (documentary) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge ht... by Sergei. on 17.03.2009
Teeth - All you need's a long piece of string and a nice h... by Sergei. on 11.03.2009
Terror - Lulz, my attempt at Charles Webster Baer XD ... by Sergei. on 07.03.2009
Terror - your vagina smells like strawberries , ah yeah ... by Sergei. on 04.03.2009
I will be soiling my self repeatedly today , and tomorrow . - giggity , giggity , goo ah yeah ... by Sergei. on 28.02.2009
Happy Birthday Sergei.!!!!!!! - *Scratches head and looks about* Well, it [i]... by Sergei. on 28.02.2009
all bulls@#$ aside, Is 12chan really legal? - Lies. You sit on a throne of lies and childre... by Sergei. on 25.02.2009
Silly girl or poor supervision? - Hah. Idiot. Maybe it'll teach her to think next... by Sergei. on 20.02.2009
Brothers Suck - Well, [i]those [/i]brothers do suck each other ... by Sergei. on 17.02.2009
Brothers Suck - Why did this thread need to be bumped back up? ... by Sergei. on 16.02.2009
Ohio sucks - So do those pneumatic tubes that you put your... by Sergei. on 15.02.2009
13-Year-Old British Boy Becomes a Poppa - [url=http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/art... by Sergei. on 14.02.2009
Most of them will be dead :-( - Mick Jagger won't die. He's just going to get more... by Sergei. on 13.02.2009
Math is the worst subject ever...and that is a fact. - You fail. ... by Sergei. on 12.02.2009
My amazing gym victory - I hope he plays "Another One Bites the Dust" when ... by Sergei. on 12.02.2009
What do you do on Fridays - I do your mum on Fridays. That's why she never wan... by Sergei. on 10.02.2009
Math is the worst subject ever...and that is a fact. - That's not a hard word. We've already establi... by Sergei. on 10.02.2009
Who is gay here? - Myself. It sounds like you are too since you know ... by Sergei. on 07.02.2009
Math is the worst subject ever...and that is a fact. - She's probably still too stupid to do proofs.... by Sergei. on 06.02.2009
Math is the worst subject ever...and that is a fact. - And you're only in, what, fifth grade? You've... by Sergei. on 03.02.2009
Christian Bale tirade - Lulz, I found that incredibly amusing when I heard... by Sergei. on 03.02.2009
Why school plays are the worst waste of time. - It's "Danke," you doofus. ... by Sergei. on 03.02.2009
Hot Males - I USED TO RUUUUUUULE THE WORLD ... by Sergei. on 03.02.2009
Why school plays are the worst waste of time. - *Facepalm* ... by Sergei. on 01.02.2009
Hot Males - Don't be attitudinal, little girl. ... by Sergei. on 01.02.2009
Hey People Im New Here :) - Willkommen. Avoid "LittleKillerHam" because i... by Sergei. on 01.02.2009
Hot Males - Alas. XD ... by Sergei. on 26.01.2009
The "I HATE SUNDAY" thread - I hate the Sundayz. D: Luckily I fell ill las... by Sergei. on 26.01.2009
Hot Males - We don't start annoying threads like this. St... by Sergei. on 23.01.2009
How do you Queen fans look like part 2 - We smell bad too, you know. Like dust and mold spo... by Sergei. on 22.01.2009
Check out your death date - PWNAGE ... by Sergei. on 22.01.2009
My encounter with Zebonka. - Stop posting so many obnoxious and irritating thre... by Sergei. on 22.01.2009
This dumb msgboard is broken but the search works?? - How does one "abuse" the search function? Have we ... by Sergei. on 22.01.2009
O Me O My, It's an Inauguration! - It's making me annoyed. Grr. HE. IS. NOT. B... by Sergei. on 20.01.2009
O Me O My, It's an Inauguration! - Leave it to American people to be stupid enough to... by Sergei. on 20.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - Aw, man. I failed. How does one remove a file? XD ... by Sergei. on 19.01.2009
Check out your death date - Remember this message you sent to me about a mon... by Sergei. on 18.01.2009
all bulls@#$ aside, Is 12chan really legal? - Child pr0nz?! BAD MAN, YOU VERY VERY BAD MAN *W... by Sergei. on 11.01.2009
Sleep paralysis, most terrifying thing EVER! - I sleep with my arm laid behind my head, so it's p... by Sergei. on 10.01.2009
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - Hahah, I see. Did you go to Vienna or Salzbur... by Sergei. on 10.01.2009
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - When my grandmother lived with us I'd always ask... by Sergei. on 10.01.2009
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - Hahah, I remember that. I was a grade A doofus (... by Sergei. on 08.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - "Im not a sir, and it didnt come up on me copute... by Sergei. on 08.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - ^Lmfao, check your spelling of "Pseudopod". IT'S W... by Sergei. on 07.01.2009
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - Wow, reading some of my old posts makes me gnash m... by Sergei. on 07.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - Ham lacks endoplasmic reticulum in the brain ... by Sergei. on 07.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - There's no such word as "awsome". THAT'S a fact ... by Sergei. on 04.01.2009
Footsteps - Hahah! LORD ... by Sergei. on 03.01.2009
Russian Analyst thinks US will split - (DAMN THIS OBNOXIOUS ARROW) Hahah. Doofus. And he ... by Sergei. on 03.01.2009
What is your favorite band outside Queen - Edward Cullen does not exist. He is a character in... by Sergei. on 03.01.2009
Your Holidays - My Christmas was quite alright---Present wise, it ... by Sergei. on 25.12.2008
We all love abandoned decay! - It was Looshus and Mastuh's house, and they're s... by Sergei. on 25.12.2008
We all love abandoned decay! - I love them both a good lot! :P @Raf: I thi... by Sergei. on 23.12.2008
We all love abandoned decay! - XD I felt compelled to share this because I foun... by Sergei. on 23.12.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a274/aBlueKnight... by Sergei. on 14.12.2008
This is a QUEENZONE fact that should scare you - Messssssssssage! D: ... by Sergei. on 12.12.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - You're a dolt. ... by Sergei. on 11.12.2008
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/3271/lulzqx2.jp... by Sergei. on 02.12.2008
17 Years Ago This Day - Why are we still posting shit six days after? ... by Sergei. on 30.11.2008
I CAN HAS MARQUIS? - PS. *Mails cheque to Abuja* [/QUOTE]UNTIL NAMIBIA,... by Sergei. on 28.11.2008
I CAN HAS MARQUIS? - YAIS YOU CAN HAS MARQUIS  [/QUOTE]As said so lame... by Sergei. on 28.11.2008
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - "Happy birthday" to meh. =.= ... by Sergei. on 28.11.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - Disregard him/her/it. It's a damn fool. ... by Sergei. on 27.11.2008
the new 'all singing,all dancing' totally buff random thread - Farts. : D... by Sergei. on 27.11.2008
No Subject - Hullo to No-Name in this No-Name thread. Lucky fol... by Sergei. on 27.11.2008
Why does everyone hate me - Hmm. That's nothing that a cinder block and some... by Sergei. on 25.11.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - Advanced English? Really? How much of that class h... by Sergei. on 25.11.2008
17 years today! :( Miss you Fred - I died laffin'. XDD Speaking of death. . . ... by Sergei. on 24.11.2008
Why does everyone hate me - For starters, you don't even know how to post thre... by Sergei. on 22.11.2008
Really unhealthy Freddie - XD He had best finish that list of his: "Ex... by Sergei. on 22.11.2008
No Subject - That was so incredibly terrible and offensive. I... by Sergei. on 22.11.2008
What do you want for Christmas - Your ass stinks like a can of sardines. Your b... by Sergei. on 22.11.2008
Favorite films and actors? - Ah, Saif, I see that you have lots of Stanley Kubr... by Sergei. on 19.11.2008
How will the 17th anniversary of Freddie's death affect you. - Micrówave wrote: ... by Sergei. on 17.11.2008
this guy looks like freddy - Who is Freddy? ... by Sergei. on 16.11.2008
How will the 17th anniversary of Freddie's death affect you. - I used to care about it. Now I don't. Not really. ... by Sergei. on 16.11.2008
US election - Hahahah, how did the topic go from the 2008 electi... by Sergei. on 11.11.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Yay, pussycats! I have two! XD [url=http://i4... by Sergei. on 08.11.2008
Obama wins!!! - Quit being so fucking rude and ignorant. Not suppo... by Sergei. on 03.11.2008
No Subject - Hahah ! http://www.smackshopping.com/wp... by Sergei. on 02.11.2008
Republican President will be elected in 2008 - Chances of McCain winning seem slim---Not to menti... by Sergei. on 02.11.2008
Afghanistan - I agree actually. All these politicians who thin... by Sergei. on 30.10.2008
US election - Hahah, that stupid ass "Frank Caliendo" comes to... by Sergei. on 30.10.2008
US election - Ugh, I'm irritated by these African American kids ... by Sergei. on 30.10.2008
Viva La Vida, What do you think? - *Edits* Like the song. ... by Sergei. on 30.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread -  Obnoxious. ... by Sergei. on 29.10.2008
Harry Potter 7 - My Mum tried to read the first of the series to my... by Sergei. on 29.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - There is on my deviantART watchlist this girl who ... by Sergei. on 29.10.2008
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - EYE LUFF IT I haven't actually sat down to wa... by Sergei. on 29.10.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - Hah hah, I wash my hands an awful lot and it drive... by Sergei. on 29.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - MOO ... by Sergei. on 27.10.2008
Let's share some little-known interesting facts about ourselves (Pt. 2) - -My name is disgusting, so I always choose other n... by Sergei. on 27.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - O.O MEIN GOTT IM HIMMEL BIIIG MIST... by Sergei. on 23.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - What's all this about scandalous photographs? I ha... by Sergei. on 23.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - *Edits* HEE HEEEEEEEE. I want to see Qui... by Sergei. on 23.10.2008
Queen fans online> - I'm staring at "3009 Queen fans online". ORLY... by Sergei. on 21.10.2008
Hedwig and the Angry Inch - I've read a lot about the film and the musical, bu... by Sergei. on 17.10.2008
Halloween! - I may choose to go as Alex DeLarge. ¬.¬ ... by Sergei. on 14.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00... by Sergei. on 13.10.2008
Does Mary Austin know where Freddi'es bones are? - Everyone on QueenZone's a comedian. . . Hah hah ha... by Sergei. on 13.10.2008
The "Modern Hippies" Random Thoughts Thread - I'm trapped in myself. Trapped in the world.... by Sergei. on 13.10.2008
Urgent/Bad News To People Of Queenzone About Me - In page 9,10,11 or so she posted the same damn thi... by Sergei. on 12.10.2008
How are you? - I feel dead. :D ... by Sergei. on 12.10.2008
Hi.. - Raaaaaviiiiieeee! XD You've returned! Come an... by Sergei. on 12.10.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - Sigmund Freud was an idiot. ... by Sergei. on 12.10.2008
guess the animal - ^ A RHINOCEROS [p]  [p]  [br] ... by Sergei. on 11.10.2008
guess the animal - http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/9879/jessiejack... by Sergei. on 11.10.2008
Who's Your Most Loved Queen Zoner people - My goodness. This thread is old. [p]I was in... t... by Sergei. on 11.10.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - I'm watching the second-to-last episode of "The So... by Sergei. on 10.10.2008
The Best And Worst QueenZone ID - MadeInHeaven! wrote: Micrówave wrote: Th... by Sergei. on 08.10.2008
Queenzone Questions - Jake? wrote:  Little kids and a couple ad... by Sergei. on 06.10.2008
Queenzone Questions - Woot! XD How long have you been a member of Q... by Sergei. on 05.10.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - Charlie Brown wrote: On Friday night i saw... by Sergei. on 05.10.2008
Love! - IN SOCIALISM LOVE DOES NOT EXIST Pssht, when ... by Sergei. on 04.10.2008
What do you think the world will be like in 100 years? - ^Methinks being dead is more likely. ... by Sergei. on 03.10.2008
Poll: If you wish in one hand, and shit in the other, which one is filled f - Are you the same chap who was Lionel Fauntleroy Ri... by Sergei. on 03.10.2008
Happy Birthday, Raf! - Happy birthday, Raffoo! Thou art eighteen yea... by Sergei. on 03.10.2008
Poll: Who would you rather kiss????? - Aww, I should not count. I don't have a mouth. ... by Sergei. on 02.10.2008
Robert Plant - LMAO. ... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
What do you think the world will be like in 100 years? - Zut, am I that shameful? D: ... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
What do you think the world will be like in 100 years? - I don't care. I'll be dead. Such a selfless ... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - I just Google Image searched "Rudolf Nureyev" and ... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
If you were ever on Death Row, what would you want your last meal to be? - I don't see how I could eat if I were to have my h... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
Poll: What does your ass smell like? - Not at all! This place is battier than a cave! ... by Sergei. on 30.09.2008
Poll: What does your ass smell like? - You would be surprised. Why else would the... by Sergei. on 29.09.2008
Poll: Have you ever been to the Octoberfest in Munich? - Nein, but my family is from Mecklenburg. HOOT HOOT... by Sergei. on 29.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - That's not for you to decide, muahahahah.  ... by Sergei. on 27.09.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - What happens to a dream deferred?.. Does it dry u... by Sergei. on 25.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - That's a good boy. I feel honoured muchly,... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Regarding Clay Aiken: I saw on Vh1 some bit abo... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Take out the link, si'l vous plaît; the thread ha... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Do as I say and take my link out of your post or... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Do as I say and take my link out of your post or I... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - "Osbama" would not approve of your butchering hi... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Poll: Who would you rather listen to? - Sergei didn't vote. Sergei wouldn't take a s... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Actually. I laugh.... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - Gayer than Nureyev, mon chéri. ... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Right right, because you're like herpes; You nev... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - Well, let's look at it this way with a similar q... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - You fail at life. If I could vote more than o... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - I happen to be. Et toi? ... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Poll: Should Jake kill himself? - I laughed too hard. +Voted. The decision wasn'... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Treasure Moment! - Does anyone feel threatened by this? *Cricket... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Treasure Moment! - Or you could shove some shit down his throat and... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - LMFAO That's so fucking gross! XDDDDD... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - Been watching one too many airings of The Breakf... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Poll: What are the Pussycat dolls according to you? - Well, regarding their videos and live performances... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Breaking shocking news..... - OMFFGGGG WHO KNEW He could have very well birth... by Sergei. on 24.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - That wouldn't do much, they'd say "Wait til you'... by Sergei. on 21.09.2008
Why do I do the tings I do? - Shoot them. ... by Sergei. on 21.09.2008
Blink 182 drummer in a airplane crash - I'd have made sure that Boys Like Girls or All T... by Sergei. on 21.09.2008
Treasure Moment! - You've been on this forum for eight days. ... by Sergei. on 19.09.2008
A public message to Treasure Moment - *Aherm* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4royOLt... by Sergei. on 19.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - My mum and dad did that shit, but instead they'd... by Sergei. on 19.09.2008
Treasure Moment! - Jesus. You're as stupid as they come. Africa, eh... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
A public message to Treasure Moment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4royOLtvmQ... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
Hey kids, what time is it? - Hahah, that's why I said it MUST have been a gli... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
Treasure Moment! - I suppose then that the myriads of people that w... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
Did your parents hit you when you were a kid? - My parents didn't beat me enough when I was little... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - You're BACK?! I was hoping you were dead!... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
Vampire Weekend - Damn, as I was reading I thought about mentioning ... by Sergei. on 18.09.2008
Hey kids, what time is it? - That MUST have been a glitch. ... by Sergei. on 16.09.2008
Is it just me or is Mighty Boosh shite? - *Throws potted plants at Jox* I KEEP MISSING ... by Sergei. on 16.09.2008
Is it just me or is Mighty Boosh shite? - I hate kids who remark "THAT was random" to thin... by Sergei. on 15.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Ah, but there is. ... by Sergei. on 13.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Hahah! I'd commit suicide earlier than I already... by Sergei. on 13.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - I find it surprising that a man who posted picture... by Sergei. on 13.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Cock sandwiches. ... by Sergei. on 13.09.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - I would advise against it, in fifteen seconds ma... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Whenever I post a picture of myself I kill the thr... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
The 'accents' thread - XDDDDDD THIS WINS ... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
Pope attacks separation of church and state - I bet he lived during the Middle Ages. Ratzi... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
The Large Hadron Collider is on... - I read about CERN in Angels and Demons. XD They... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - ROFL xDD... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - WELL YOU KNOW WHAT -edit- XD ... by Sergei. on 12.09.2008
The 'accents' thread - My accent sounds like shit. And God dammit, ... by Sergei. on 11.09.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - I always post pictures and then go back to edit ca... by Sergei. on 11.09.2008
The "We Got The Cosmos Rockin'!" Random Thoughts Thread - That's what she does best, let's hope Jake Britt... by Sergei. on 07.09.2008
what happened here, man - QZ is infested with boggarts now. RUN WHILE ... by Sergei. on 07.09.2008
MCR Appreciation Thread! - My prostate is clean as a whistle, thanks. ... by Sergei. on 06.09.2008
MCR Appreciation Thread! - So now you hate people who can't wash their inte... by Sergei. on 06.09.2008
something for a test - UFAIL. ... by Sergei. on 06.09.2008
How are you? - Maybe you didn't wash it right. I SMELL SOME... by Sergei. on 06.09.2008
Happy Birthday Freddie! - I agree, in a sense. I was going to make a threa... by Sergei. on 06.09.2008
Happy Birthday Freddie! - Happy birthday, Monsieur Mercury. Sixty-two ye... by Sergei. on 05.09.2008
How will you celebrate our Birthday boy? - I'm going to call him up and wish him a happy birt... by Sergei. on 05.09.2008
Porno Industry - Because the world is full of randy people. ... by Sergei. on 01.09.2008
Katy Perry on Freddie - I thought you hated women who didn't wash betwee... by Sergei. on 01.09.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Whaat. You'd turn sideways and disappear. XD ... by Sergei. on 01.09.2008
What's the weather at the very time you reply to this topic - Tornadoes be spawned hither and yon, and hail the ... by Sergei. on 31.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - I just chopped off the top corner of my left index... by Sergei. on 31.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/379/2leggedhorser... by Sergei. on 30.08.2008
Ducovny enters rehab... - Heheh. He's great in the X-Files... And to think w... by Sergei. on 30.08.2008
School uniforms - Yes yes, that way everyone can be tattered and s... by Sergei. on 30.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Last night was a milestone but you didn't have s... by Sergei. on 29.08.2008
Funny Movie Clips...! XD - . . . D'accord. ... by Sergei. on 29.08.2008
Funny Movie Clips...! XD - Hahah. I love Beverly Hills Cop and saw it for the... by Sergei. on 28.08.2008
Poverty in America - Ugh! I see this all the time at my school! Kids ... by Sergei. on 27.08.2008
R.O.'s Mental Hospital For Queen Fans! - No; You'd poison the chili and piss in my limona... by Sergei. on 27.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - XD All Along the Watchtower played on my school... by Sergei. on 26.08.2008
How Gay Are You? - Fifty-six. And that's even with answering no to... by Sergei. on 26.08.2008
SCHOOL. - Heheh. Well. Nowadays the threads I start are fe... by Sergei. on 25.08.2008
SCHOOL. - I start tomorrow. Pfahhh. When dost thou start... by Sergei. on 24.08.2008
Facebook is dick bullshit - You're right, that really doesn't make any sense... by Sergei. on 24.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - XDDD I remember when this guy made a thread abo... by Sergei. on 24.08.2008
Stinky Survey Time! - I LOVED THAT MOOVIE xD... by Sergei. on 23.08.2008
Mr. Rebel - French Connection, United Kingdom?... by Sergei. on 23.08.2008
Stinky Survey Time! - Lulz. *Tumbleweed blows by*... by Sergei. on 23.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - He's come out with a comic book too, apparently.... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
Stinky Survey Time! - I stole this from some bag of fag on MySpace. It's... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
R.O.'s Mental Hospital For Queen Fans! - Waaait. So you're frustrated that you didn't get... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
Celeb look alikes! - Matt Damon. Mark Wahlberg. Leonardo DiCaprio. ... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
6 Terrifying Things They Don't You About Childbirth - Heheh. Childbirth. The female anatomy has me l... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
Mr. Rebel - Har har. This thread isn't perverted in the least.... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - *Laffin* NEVER... by Sergei. on 22.08.2008
hot or not game - I have a new theory. YOU sir, are MopJopjeFallo... by Sergei. on 21.08.2008
Help with translation - I've never heard of that expression. People us... by Sergei. on 21.08.2008
How often did Freddie have a broken heart? - I read that there were so many bullshit theories a... by Sergei. on 21.08.2008
I recently joined deviantart.. - Oh. I forgot to post my link. *Dead air* XD... by Sergei. on 21.08.2008
hot or not game - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/images/dancing-ba... by Sergei. on 21.08.2008
Read Jake's post on "WORST TRENDS" and discuss - I was two once. ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
Do animals feel emotions? - Mm. My black cat is stupid, he only seems to r... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
I search a SERIOUS answer : when did Freddie let grow his moustache? - Har har XDD Speaking of Photoshop, a long tim... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Quit cocking it off and go feed your baby.... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
I search a SERIOUS answer : when did Freddie let grow his moustache? - XD It only took you over a year to think of a c... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
R.O.'s Mental Hospital For Queen Fans! - Har har. I'm a chain smoker. :B... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
Read Jake's post on "WORST TRENDS" and discuss - *Laffin*... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
Worst Trends - I knew I'd think of more, pssht XD -Popped coll... by Sergei. on 20.08.2008
I recently joined deviantart.. - I have a dA page but it's bloody awful. It only ha... by Sergei. on 18.08.2008
Worst Trends - NICK AND HIS NOSTRIL HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH... by Sergei. on 17.08.2008
Read Jake's post on "WORST TRENDS" and discuss - I wonder if he hates transsexuals. -_- And by t... by Sergei. on 17.08.2008
My Queen drawings - It's Friedrich Jupiter's doppelgänger. NEIT... by Sergei. on 16.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Right now I want some of those junky animal cracke... by Sergei. on 12.08.2008
F*cking Dutch Customs - You could work in a fake volcano crater like Blo... by Sergei. on 12.08.2008
Michael Phelps is God - If watching him swim is beautiful, watching him dr... by Sergei. on 11.08.2008
Worst Trends - -Twilight. I'm fucking sick of Twilight. The book ... by Sergei. on 11.08.2008
It was 22 years ago today - XD I know, but it's fun to be irritating and pu... by Sergei. on 10.08.2008
ROGER TAYLOR as a kid - That's SOO not him. Roger didn't have a fucking m... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
What song are you listening to??? Part 4 - Fernando-ABBA. For, like, the umptillionth time... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
What would you do... - I dunno, but I know what I'd do for a Klondike. ... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
MyHeritage Celebrity Face Match... - Is BULLSHIT. xD They told me I look like Natha... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
My Queen drawings - Mm, I'm afraid you can't tell me what to do. Isn... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
Olympic opening ceremony - I'm cheering for the Russians. ¬.¬... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
My Queen drawings - THIS THREAD IS MARKED http://img359.imageshack.u... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
It was 22 years ago today - There was a thread about this last year entitled "... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
My Queen drawings - XDDDD... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
Bernie Mac Dies - I just read this. :[ How sad... He was hilarious. ... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
My Queen drawings - ROFLMAO... by Sergei. on 09.08.2008
pet hates - I hate when I crack my neck or something and my fr... by Sergei. on 06.08.2008
Login problem? - "Good morning!! And in case you miss me.. good a... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Login problem? - Good morning. ... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
I love reading old threads. XD - I find shit that makes me laugh so hard I nearly p... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Aw, my coloured nickname is gone. :( I hate pe... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Login problem? - Like, I'd try to post a message/quote someone and ... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Who has the best ass? - WHAT? I still don't get it! XDD I've pondere... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Ok another question, but it's about hip hop.. - XD I think I know who he is. I recognise his sig... by Sergei. on 05.08.2008
Ok another question, but it's about hip hop.. - Hah, I didn't even know they still toured! IKN... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
Who has the best ass? - I DO. Stink butt, ROFL... That has to be the n... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
Ok another question, but it's about hip hop.. - Mmm. I like Public Enemy. XD But they just don'... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
People are being beastly to me. Stop it. - We're all Greg Brooks' mother. ... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
Who is the most charmingly-smiling man on earth? - XDD I think the Joker likes red Kool-Aid. ... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
MSN messenger - Mmmm. Mine works alright. I have a Mac, so I suppo... by Sergei. on 04.08.2008
Is Zebonka the only Queenzoner who thinks Freddie deserved to die? - YAIS FREDDIE DESERVED TO DIE Seriously, pull... by Sergei. on 03.08.2008
beheading on bus - Agreed. D: Seems to me like there are a hell of... by Sergei. on 03.08.2008
Who is the most charmingly-smiling man on earth? - To build on: http://www.tvsquad.com/media/2006/... by Sergei. on 03.08.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - I'm listening to "Dragostea din tei," am I going t... by Sergei. on 02.08.2008
Who Remembers Me??? - No, that was Arlene R. Weiss.... by Sergei. on 02.08.2008
Grunnings for beginners - I know German. I don't care to learn Dutch. But ... by Sergei. on 01.08.2008
Grunnings for beginners - Edit: You NEED to get a life. ... by Sergei. on 01.08.2008
EARTHQUAKE!!!!! - We could all certainly use some advanced earthqu... by Sergei. on 01.08.2008
beheading on bus - Maybe he had it up too loud and that was why the... by Sergei. on 01.08.2008
beheading on bus - Imagine the chaos there must have been on that bus... by Sergei. on 31.07.2008
LOL & Pals - My own idiotic guide to Hahahs: "ROFL" or "LMAO... by Sergei. on 31.07.2008
Parents make their little kids fight in front of a paying audience - Ugh, forget leaving the planet. *Packs suitca... by Sergei. on 31.07.2008
Is this sick or am I weird ? - How touching. Soon the girl will be old enough to ... by Sergei. on 31.07.2008
439 posts - He's fat, he wears Men's XXXXL ribbed brown swea... by Sergei. on 29.07.2008
439 posts - Do you realise how obnoxious it would be if every ... by Sergei. on 29.07.2008
jim hutton's life - I hear he's holding Freddie's remains at ransom, u... by Sergei. on 29.07.2008
Happy Birthday Kaylee!!!! - Happy birthday, yais. *Hands you present* (W... by Sergei. on 29.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/670/roflbotskuo... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - I looked in the mirror and wondered, "What is wron... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
Favourite Queen music video... - Don't post in my threads, cocksucker. ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
Charlie fucking Brown! - LMAO HE'S SO FUCKING UGLY... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
No Subject - Let's all speak Yinglish. I schtupped a shiksa ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Mein bruder is off to Warped Tour. AND HE LEFT ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2008
JOHN DEACON DOESN'T EXIST - O'Reilly?... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
my feelings - Wank trough. xD... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
Did you ever suspect Freddie wasn't white? - Don't pay attention to what Danny says. More shi... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Hahah!!! It appears he was looking to "Save e... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Sexual reassignment surgery costs 200 thousand dol... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
my feelings - "Especially 14 year old twats." I smell that this... by Sergei. on 15.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Fuck off.... by Sergei. on 14.07.2008
my feelings - Fuck off.... by Sergei. on 14.07.2008
Short Haircuts - Fuck off.... by Sergei. on 14.07.2008
my feelings - DON'T BRING ME DOWN (BRUCE) ... by Sergei. on 14.07.2008
Camcorders - I play the piano better than your dumbass. ... by Sergei. on 14.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone/forumnew/forum_... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
Transparent layer on everything! - He's right! Ecstasy tablets grow on trees!... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - ^Si! They're all very... natural. XP Goosh, I want... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
Charlie fucking Brown! - Friendly? Alright, let's take a walk down memory l... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - Is anyone up for 19th and 20th century pr0nz? h... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
Charlie fucking Brown! - FINALLY THERE IS A THREAD ABOUT THIS, THANK YOU ... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
Camcorders - O NO YUHR BAK... by Sergei. on 13.07.2008
Hello!I'm new here - What if God was one of us?... by Sergei. on 12.07.2008
Short Haircuts - Yus, I suppose you're right... I suppose that's ... by Sergei. on 12.07.2008
What Paul Rodgers does when he's not with Queen: - Or maybe as a balloon. XP... by Sergei. on 12.07.2008
Hello!I'm new here - XDD. And no one knows what Bohemian Rhapsody is... by Sergei. on 12.07.2008
Transparent layer on everything! - http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/5746/roflboty... by Sergei. on 12.07.2008
Transparent layer on everything! - Mamma Mia! Here I go again My my, how can I resis... by Sergei. on 11.07.2008
What song are you listening to??? Part 4 - Dancing Queen-ABBA.... by Sergei. on 11.07.2008
Hello!I'm new here - Hello hello.... by Sergei. on 11.07.2008
Transparent layer on everything! - Me and I are the same thing? Alright. Me ... by Sergei. on 10.07.2008
Short Haircuts - Well. It really depends on what fits your face. ... by Sergei. on 10.07.2008
Random me - ^Raf.! :P Gobbeldegook.... by Sergei. on 10.07.2008
hub - Hubba hubba.... by Sergei. on 10.07.2008
Thneeds. - I think you can use the Thneed to clean all the ... by Sergei. on 09.07.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - I once lost ten pounds because I did nothing but w... by Sergei. on 09.07.2008
Loving your cat - Wow. XD. Maybe now, after taking a shower at night... by Sergei. on 08.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - I hear Bran Castle is for sale for around eighty... by Sergei. on 08.07.2008
What happened to the guy from QZ who released a single/album? - XDD... by Sergei. on 08.07.2008
Thneeds. - NO HIJACKING! THIS THREAD IS ABOUT THNEEDS ;P ... by Sergei. on 08.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - You need a Thneed.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Oh, I give the hell up. xD There has to be some... by Sergei. on 07.07.2008
Thneeds. - Are something that everyone needs.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2008
----->New SEXY random thoughts thread<----- - You could have a Polish man give you the massage.... by Sergei. on 04.07.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - We didn't miss you either.... by Sergei. on 03.07.2008
Random me - People from the Ukraine speak Ukrainian.... by Sergei. on 03.07.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - The Articles of Confederation.... by Sergei. on 03.07.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/4900/dscn3955cv9.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - I'm going to fast. That means I'm going to stop... by Sergei. on 02.07.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - I watched "Brokeback Mountain" today. 'Twas de... by Sergei. on 30.06.2008
Strange but true - That was sort of the whole point?... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
Vagina. - Charles Baer, where are you?... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
Vagina. - I vehemently disagree.... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
Katy Perry - I saw that woman on TRL with this hideous straples... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
Random me - Uh.... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - That reminded me of my Christmas present from yo... by Sergei. on 27.06.2008
Sorry about this! - MOMMA, MOMMA, WHERE ARE YOU?... by Sergei. on 26.06.2008
Hey you! - Hahah. XP ... by Sergei. on 26.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - LMAO. I love The Sopranos. :D Has anyone seen... by Sergei. on 25.06.2008
Hey you! - Out there in the cold...... by Sergei. on 24.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - Mm. I say nothing.... by Sergei. on 24.06.2008
Queen & Paul Rodgers & U2 To Tour America? - "I'm a bisexual Slavic" ? I'm a transsexual ... by Sergei. on 24.06.2008
I'm such a loser that... - I'm such a loser that I bothered replying in def... by Sergei. on 23.06.2008
I'm such a loser that... - Then you're such a loser that you were the first... by Sergei. on 23.06.2008
I'm such a loser that... - ... End the sentence! What makes YOU *Points* a lo... by Sergei. on 23.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - OMGZ THAT'S ANOTHER SYMPTOM OF SPIDER BYTZ... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - http://www.e-bug.net/pests/brownreclusebite1.j... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
Help... what kind of spider is this? - OWNED. XD "...I can scare the crap out of it,... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
Queen & Paul Rodgers & U2 To Tour America? - I hear they gave each other regular blow jobs.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
Queen & Paul Rodgers & U2 To Tour America? - Material? Alright. This is Mozart we're spea... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - That's been my philosophy since the fucker has f... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
omg - But, there are no other holes to choose from!... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
Queen & Paul Rodgers & U2 To Tour America? - While we're at it.. *Cough*MOZART*Cough*... by Sergei. on 22.06.2008
LED_ZEPPELI VS ACDC:lol: - You need to go kill yourself. Now. We'll provi... by Sergei. on 21.06.2008
The Daily Show 1999 - That little fat Japanese man made me laugh. XD... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
Favourite Queen music video... - I was thinking more along the lines of sex tapes... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
Favourite Queen music video... - Yes, because they are so God damn motherfucking ... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
Freddie joke - XDDDD... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
Help save the rain forest! - And what has the rainforest ever done for me? T... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - "I've just located a vintage copy of 'A Cockwork O... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
Favourite Queen music video... - Yes. So it may seem this is a stupid, stale-ass qu... by Sergei. on 20.06.2008
How do you get rid of the damn avatar? - XD. I have the "Made in Heaven" album cover an... by Sergei. on 19.06.2008
How do you get rid of the damn avatar? - Hahah. Until just now I realised had some avatar t... by Sergei. on 18.06.2008
Rare freddie picture - Hideous.... by Sergei. on 17.06.2008
How do you get rid of the damn avatar? - I apologise. XD I hardly look at that section an... by Sergei. on 17.06.2008
How do you get rid of the damn avatar? - I don't necessarily want this picture of Squidward... by Sergei. on 17.06.2008
How to deal with a fans who throw bottles at you... - Hahah. Get over your damn self. Of course the dumb... by Sergei. on 17.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice ... by Sergei. on 15.06.2008
What happened to Treasure Anus? - Go douche your vagina, it smells like North Paci... by Sergei. on 14.06.2008
RIP Tim Russert - Mmm yes. Dropped dead in Washington, DC at 58. ... by Sergei. on 13.06.2008
What happened to Treasure Anus? - You still didn't answer my fucking question. ... by Sergei. on 13.06.2008
What happened to Treasure Anus? - So which one of those ugly dumbasses is you?... by Sergei. on 13.06.2008
Gahhh, someone tell me what's going on... - AH! *Takes hit of inhaler* Hahah. Mine was the... by Sergei. on 12.06.2008
What happened to Treasure Anus? - Maybe that "Katy Perry" singer character. "I ... by Sergei. on 12.06.2008
Gahhh, someone tell me what's going on... - So I went to Queenzone and clicked on "Blogs". ... by Sergei. on 11.06.2008
What happened to Treasure Anus? - Would you look at that! Back in full swing, he i... by Sergei. on 11.06.2008
Happy 12th Anniversary George Michael and Kenny Goss!! - XDDD!... by Sergei. on 10.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - This post SCREAMS Danny. I don't know if anyo... by Sergei. on 10.06.2008
poo , poo , pee , pee , ah yeah , gig , gig , giggity , goo - Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysiu... by Sergei. on 06.06.2008
[NEW!] the arbitrary and nonspecific random thoughts thread. - Shite. I'VE LOST ME INHALER.... by Sergei. on 06.06.2008
Protect the snails - XDD Those "beautiful creatures" are filled with... by Sergei. on 06.06.2008
Protect the snails - I crushed a spider with a shot put once. ¬_¬... by Sergei. on 05.06.2008
gigs how many - Of course it's much easier in this fast paced un... by Sergei. on 05.06.2008
pet hates - No no, that'd be vice versa! One who go to bed ... by Sergei. on 05.06.2008
pet hates - XDD One who go to bed with itchy vagina wake ... by Sergei. on 04.06.2008
pet hates - Itchy assholes... "I had an itchy asshole for, ... by Sergei. on 03.06.2008
Something REALLY Freaky I Noticed About the Tribute Concert - I saw Jesus's face in some foliage this morning. ... by Sergei. on 03.06.2008
poo , poo , pee , pee , ah yeah , gig , gig , giggity , goo - Your vagina smells like Blueberry Fool, ah yeah... by Sergei. on 03.06.2008
Ye Olde Messageboard - Hahah! Post counts are back then eh... Another rem... by Sergei. on 29.05.2008
pet hates - I can't stand a lot of things. XD There's one thin... by Sergei. on 25.05.2008
Mr. Treasure Moment - Right, and making a thread exclusively about him w... by Sergei. on 12.04.2008
EVERYONE is selfish including YOU! - I suggest you worry about dealing with your own ps... by Sergei. on 12.04.2008
Embarrassing facts - I despise the sunlight and warm weather. ;D... by Sergei. on 10.04.2008
Embarrassing facts - I have many. I can't be arsed to list them all. ;D... by Sergei. on 09.04.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - NO. NO WE DIDN'T. Nay, I keed. ;P EDIT: ... by Sergei. on 07.04.2008
Father, daughter incest pair had sick baby IS THIS THE WORLD WE CREATED??? - I'm watching stuff on the news right now about thi... by Sergei. on 07.04.2008
The answer to life could be DMT - Why is your solution to every argument for your ... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Oh my Jesus. I just went back and read some of ... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Ooh-ee, Ooh ah-ah.... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
I WON THE FUCKING BET!!! - I could never sit through Ben Hur. (Yet somehow I ... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
The answer to life could be DMT - The answer to life is getting your arteries blocke... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
I feel confused and sad now :'( - *This* is why I feel quite blessed not to have any... by Sergei. on 06.04.2008
Happy Birthday Ms. Rebel - Happy birthday, hard-partying Croatian child. xD :... by Sergei. on 05.04.2008
The answer to life could be DMT - No. The answer to life is MANGINA. And not jus... by Sergei. on 05.04.2008
The 20 Most Bizarre C-lebrity (XD) Baby Names - I recall someone naming their kid Pilot Inspektor ... by Sergei. on 05.04.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - I just read some excellent Ancient Greece slash. I... by Sergei. on 04.04.2008
Vibrators - It's the head/owner of an entertainment troupe, ... by Sergei. on 03.04.2008
Vibrators - How about a world where there is no sex outside of... by Sergei. on 02.04.2008
I'm pregnant!! :D - My thumb is pregnant. I feel obligated to name the... by Sergei. on 31.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - I am in great pain. I sliced my hand winding t... by Sergei. on 30.03.2008
Am I the only one disappointed in Queenzone? - I too clicked, and ventured into the land of male ... by Sergei. on 29.03.2008
I should introduce myself - Heheh. ;D I've always thought the name sounded... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
The best spam email I've ever received - I got this: "Salut, Hohe hoholulu ... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
Poems - This board may or may not have normal people, bu... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
I should introduce myself - That's a very far stretch, wouldn't you say? ... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
Must see porn site! - Go and click "Both, I like all content"... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
Must see porn site! - Aren't you married? With a child?... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
I should introduce myself - HAHAH! XD That is who they want all us kids ... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - :DDDDDDD Anne Rice answered me fan mail! And so... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
I should introduce myself - No, no, no, no!.. xD Long ago, before perhaps... by Sergei. on 28.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - In Soviet Russia, Germany does not believe in Ch... by Sergei. on 27.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - MyHeritage is shit. I put in a photo of myself... by Sergei. on 27.03.2008
I should introduce myself - Our site has a bad association with the name Danny... by Sergei. on 27.03.2008
Pregnant man? - Oh, that's fucking gross. xD EDIT: It's not ev... by Sergei. on 27.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Know what gets on my fucking nerves??... Peopl... by Sergei. on 26.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Ludovico! ;D... by Sergei. on 26.03.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - ^Hehe. And so you have gone from Jesus to a Roman.... by Sergei. on 25.03.2008
Death Metal with Clean vocals - I don't know if that's sarcastic or serious, but... by Sergei. on 24.03.2008
Death Metal with Clean vocals - (I'm sorry, it's just that I saw "Entur... by Sergei. on 24.03.2008
buy me trisonics! - XD ME JUST DRAW, HOLED UP IN ME WOOD HUT IN IRK... by Sergei. on 24.03.2008
buy me trisonics! - XDDD Or Russia! I hear they're in great deman... by Sergei. on 24.03.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - I don't know if you'll find this insulting or no... by Sergei. on 23.03.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/751/dscn32162ie... by Sergei. on 23.03.2008
You Are A... - This time I'm a precious bastard who likes to fist... by Sergei. on 22.03.2008
NEW SONG, "Fury" - I had stale French bread and water for lunch today... by Sergei. on 22.03.2008
You Are A... - We already know what you are. An idiot.... by Sergei. on 21.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Noooooo! xD Hey, at least he's not wearing d... by Sergei. on 21.03.2008
You Are A... - I gave it a night, and now I'm a Mushy Perpetrator... by Sergei. on 21.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/393/nijinskyet9... by Sergei. on 21.03.2008
Happy Eeaster and a Happy Good Friday - XDDDD... by Sergei. on 21.03.2008
You Are A... - First I was a Flatulent Clown who likes to spill c... by Sergei. on 20.03.2008
Bands - You've loverly taste in music, then. :P As f... by Sergei. on 20.03.2008
What song are you listening to??? Part 3 - Humoresque No. 7. By Dvorák. SONG MAKE... by Sergei. on 20.03.2008
Huge menu changes coming up for Canadian McDonald's restaurants - HAHA! Bravo!! :P On that note, I hate McDona... by Sergei. on 20.03.2008
Shows! - I enjoy, of the ones you named, I Love Lucy, and o... by Sergei. on 19.03.2008
In 9 hours and 23 minutes, you'll be mine! - I remember finding "Ehhhhh, what goes on?.. Y... by Sergei. on 18.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - I've decided that I must be asexual. Asexuality,... by Sergei. on 18.03.2008
Concentration camps for Americans - Haha! Right... Just herd all us brainwashed shee... by Sergei. on 18.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Gahhhr. I have so much shite I should be doing. &g... by Sergei. on 18.03.2008
Hello, I'm new! - I did know that there was a race horse by the na... by Sergei. on 18.03.2008
In 9 hours and 23 minutes, you'll be mine! - Labyrinth. :D 'Tis one of my favourites. I firs... by Sergei. on 17.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - I hope you enjoy my gift to you then, Jox. ;) ... by Sergei. on 16.03.2008
No Subject - How about some glue to fix your cracked f-hole?... by Sergei. on 16.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - LOOKIT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rost... by Sergei. on 16.03.2008
the ides of march are come! - Beware! I've that damned soundtrack from Road t... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
No Subject - What about your organ?... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
No Subject - I SHALL ANSWER ZEE SURVEY. :P How long have yo... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - Apparently I'm going to die of starvation. That ... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
modern freddie? - He'd probably live like Brian or Roger. Perhaps li... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
I think I love Jadie - HAHAHA!!! XDDD... by Sergei. on 15.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - http://www.nypl.org/research/lpa/nijinsky/full/210... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
Queen crest stolen? - Sleeping Beauty... Ah... I want to see Swan Lake. ... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
Oooo Jeez! Greatly disturbing! - Oh oh oh, I had no idea whatsoever that such an or... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
I want to travel - Or Southeast Washington DC, where the packs of w... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
I think I love Jadie - Well, the thing is, I'd like a new one, not an o... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
I want to travel - Go to St. Petersburg. It's nice and cold and beaut... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
For the TEENS of QUEENZONE - I believe I'm fourteen, but then again there's tha... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
Guess what... The Random Thoughts Thread returns! - I like big butts. And I cannot lie.... by Sergei. on 14.03.2008
i know how i can delete my acount - Allow me to write your personals ad. DISSLEX... by Sergei. on 12.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Go douche. Brian called me and said he smelled y... by Sergei. on 12.03.2008
Hello, I'm new! - I'm sure it takes long, glorious, drawn-out whif... by Sergei. on 12.03.2008
The show must go on - The show's over. Go home.... by Sergei. on 11.03.2008
Make a guess - GOD EXISTS, TREASURE MOMENT. THE RAPTURE WILL COME... by Sergei. on 11.03.2008
I think I love Jadie - This is only slightly disturbing. XD PS, migh... by Sergei. on 11.03.2008
Hello, I'm new! - I'm the reincarnation of Nijinsky. I have slop... by Sergei. on 11.03.2008
Hello, I'm new! - Is there one Queen fan in the entire universe, bor... by Sergei. on 11.03.2008
for you - For YOU. http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/653... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
queenfans=arrogance - Hello Raph.... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
Pissed - Your father ran off to Tijuana?? Doesn't sound... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
IM LEAVING - What you said. Right. Go now.... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
queenfans=arrogance - *Deep voice-over dude* And now.... Fopjeflauwmo... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
queenfans=arrogance - Makes me wonder. Perhaps the government should a... by Sergei. on 09.03.2008
Musician's Thread - 1.What instrument(s) do you play, and for how long... by Sergei. on 08.03.2008
wich one do you have? bristol chart - XD The ones in the first look like Whoppers. ... by Sergei. on 07.03.2008
Bradley on hyves - Floppy Moppy Joppy Loppy is a skid mark on the und... by Sergei. on 06.03.2008
my and your favorite songs lyrics - XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!... by Sergei. on 06.03.2008
Marine Throws Puppy Off Of Cliff - The video denouncing U.S. soldiers and their actio... by Sergei. on 06.03.2008
Lucky Horny-Fairy - Call me Snuffle Wuff.... by Sergei. on 05.03.2008
Moses was on the pipe - Hahah, I saw that on the news this morning. Iro... by Sergei. on 05.03.2008
Methinks... - To whom are you referring? If it's toward me... by Sergei. on 04.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - "The Age of Aquarius" has to be the most... by Sergei. on 04.03.2008
Methinks... - This thought has plagued me a bit since yesterday,... by Sergei. on 04.03.2008
Square Earth - Who is this "Cookies, Forever." that y... by Sergei. on 04.03.2008
Square Earth - Cookies...... by Sergei. on 03.03.2008
Square Earth - Oh my God. I mean, I can quite honestly see why... by Sergei. on 03.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - HAHA! XD Let's hope it's not as bad as Creutzfel... by Sergei. on 02.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - My, I've found less decent pictures of Taco Ockers... by Sergei. on 02.03.2008
Bradley on hyves - Goodness Floppy Moppy Joppy Loppy, you're certainl... by Sergei. on 02.03.2008
THIS IS WHAT O BRADLEY SAID TO ME - O'Bradley? Is he suddenly Irish now? Floppy Mo... by Sergei. on 01.03.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I've just learned that the former owner of our cab... by Sergei. on 01.03.2008
where my username comes from - Asshole. Lighten up. There's absolutely no reaso... by Sergei. on 28.02.2008
A Queenzone Fairytale - Excellent! Excellent! Newberry, people, Newberry! ... by Sergei. on 26.02.2008
where my username comes from - I think Poo was being sarcastic... xD... by Sergei. on 26.02.2008
Ooooh-The Dante's Inferno Test! - Huhmph, I know this has been posted before, I stil... by Sergei. on 24.02.2008
bredlie makes fun of me - You two should go get married. Make sex videos and... by Sergei. on 22.02.2008
Was Hitler the first emo kid? - His reincarnation did too. http://onemansblog.... by Sergei. on 22.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I have a Tchaikovsky waltz stuck in my head.... by Sergei. on 22.02.2008
where my username comes from - "Basil Hallward is what I think I am; Lord ... by Sergei. on 21.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I called the headquarters of Steinway & Sons a... by Sergei. on 20.02.2008
where my username comes from - I can't stand to sleep more than I need to... Sl... by Sergei. on 20.02.2008
Was Hitler the first emo kid? - Hahah! But did they ever say anything bad abo... by Sergei. on 20.02.2008
where my username comes from - They're also normal if you're miserably out of s... by Sergei. on 20.02.2008
I wanna hit Heather Mills with a baseball Bat to the head!!! - Ah.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
a great idee i must say - http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/2172/molokoou2.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
The big central bootleg topic. - I'm reporting you to Interpol, biatch.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Wow, I quite despise my friend. I've never met suc... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
a great idee i must say - No thanks, I prefer to be cold and callous.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
a great idee i must say - HAHAH! XD... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - You'd be quite surprised.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - Hahah. Getting "Played like a Stradivari... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - http://abowlofstupid.com/wp-content/2007/01/clockw... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - Kake, join me in group sex.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Why, I'm not old at all. Let's hook up. Kake... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I despise this day. This day makes me want to go s... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - No.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
valetines miss - I didn't spend it any differently than I'd spend a... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - LOOT LOOT RAPE RAPE KILL KILL... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - ULTRA-VIOLENCE, YEAH YEAH YEAH, LET'S PUNCH WALL... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - LET'S GET MAD! LET'S RAPE THE MEDIA AND DESTROY ... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
a great idee i must say - I vote QueenMercury boss. You're gone. Toodles.... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - You've watched too many fucking episodes of the ... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
a great idee i must say - You did it, dumbass. That's double secret pr... by Sergei. on 18.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2558/dscn30402r... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
whats you're bedtime - You should know, Moppy! Whenever I'm done molestin... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
a great idee i must say - Jalapeño nachos.... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^ And Raf is MY fan! No, I don't know. xD I ha... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
freddie personnality - Why it is that there are still topics like this be... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Raph, O Grand Pooh-bah of hair... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - XDDDDDDDDDDDD You gave me a new signature quo... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Poo.... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^ What the hell's your problem?... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - We need to burn you at the stake.... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
"Queenzoners" Myspace group... - Can anyone tell me what the link is for the Queenz... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^:P I've actually called him a few times... D:... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Always insults Mopfalujoplopfop or whatever the f... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
a great idee i must say - That's a terrible idea.... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - Great God, what DID your mother do to you?... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - The media didn't tell me anything, you dumb fuck... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - I wasn't saying that because I thought it was tr... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
Alien reptile baby - Oh my God... Genetic mixing?? Are you serious?? Ha... by Sergei. on 17.02.2008
natural hallucinogen - Oh my god, I NEED that. ... by Sergei. on 16.02.2008
Queenzone Personal Ad - Exactly.... by Sergei. on 16.02.2008
Queenzone Personal Ad - Oh god... Hello Andre...... by Sergei. on 16.02.2008
where my username comes from - My teeth are so crooked it's uncomfortable to keep... by Sergei. on 16.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Heheh. Yesterday I was standing in the school lunc... by Sergei. on 16.02.2008
Holy shit.. Freya, please look!!! D: - XD... by Sergei. on 13.02.2008
Happy Birthday Fatty! - I don't even know how old you'll be turning, but h... by Sergei. on 13.02.2008
Holy shit.. Freya, please look!!! D: - You're right, we should let her plagiarise in pe... by Sergei. on 13.02.2008
Holy shit.. Freya, please look!!! D: - Such a shame. :O Alright, so I was on MySpace l... by Sergei. on 12.02.2008
queen song in my head al day - I'm going to summon a bunch of rats to gnaw your l... by Sergei. on 12.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I've had too many cups of tea. I hope there's n... by Sergei. on 12.02.2008
other forums you are a memember of - A rat forum? Are you fucking kidding me? I've... by Sergei. on 12.02.2008
Please delete this - "Yes, I am indeed shitting you. No one woul... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - Ah, did you not pick up on mine?... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - Yes, I am indeed shitting you. No one would exhi... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - I'm organising an exhibition, in fact.... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - Yes ma'am, my art is themed with smelly things. ... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - I'm glad you enjoy my art. XD... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6756/4492xl4.jp... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5077/mummiesper... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Elton John [FOR DIE-HARD FANS ONLY!] - I learned that Elton John attempted to release a B... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5077/mummiesp... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - I love it, you keep coming back for more. I me... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - Dude, err... I mean... Pumpkin and/or Bubble gum... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
Please delete this - Nope, I go to ghetto ass public school. :D But I... by Sergei. on 11.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - :DD Thankies. I still don't know what to say... by Sergei. on 10.02.2008
No Subject - Arson? :O... by Sergei. on 10.02.2008
Please delete this - Right, because you're apparently so fluent in It... by Sergei. on 10.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Well, I suppose it's best sometimes not to find ... by Sergei. on 10.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - I'm in quite the bitter mood. Relatively disgus... by Sergei. on 10.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - It's actually an element of speech and/or conver... by Sergei. on 09.02.2008
clocks - ^I had to play that song at a recital this past Su... by Sergei. on 09.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - Hahah. She's been here a LOT longer than you. XD... by Sergei. on 09.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - "what do you know in life??? Nothign... wor... by Sergei. on 08.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - Dude. Your humour sucks. Spare us all.... by Sergei. on 08.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - I must say I'm shocked that I haven't seen your ... by Sergei. on 07.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - Lame. Tell me, are you going to start defendin... by Sergei. on 07.02.2008
Freddie's illness - Provide us all with a (legitimate) link that sai... by Sergei. on 07.02.2008
Who likes Coffe? - Coffee tastes like shit. I like tea.... by Sergei. on 07.02.2008
Help needed - paying a money order to Italy? - I've no idea how the money order system works, but... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
I think Freddie is stupid - DON'T LAUGH AT ME FUCKING SHEEP ~TM... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
the preposterously absurd random thoughts thread - Ever tried to practice "Rondo Alla Turca"... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
Need to lose weight in 1 week (at least 5kg / 9 pounds) - What does that have to do with said "truth&... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
take a little time for.......A QUIZIE - Thanks, Moppy Joppy Floppy Loppy. I'll print ou... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
Beyonce's T-shirt - xD... by Sergei. on 03.02.2008
Borat to play freddie mercury - I wouldn't trust any source that spells the fuckin... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Loves Jim Morrison. :D... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
TOPIC FOR GIRLS - You frighten me, Moppy Joppy Floppy Loppy.... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
Bill would make it illegal to feed the obese - Well, there are a lot of fat people in Mississippi... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
What other bands do you all like? - Yes. xD I mean, legitimately as in, "Well,... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
TOPIC FOR GIRLS - You need help.... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
Need to lose weight in 1 week (at least 5kg / 9 pounds) - I'm 5'3" and weigh about 95. How unhealthy. x... by Sergei. on 02.02.2008
Is really jhon deacon singing? - Come on! Not once, not twice, but THREE times you ... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
Beyonce's T-shirt - Oh, please. It was on sale at Wal-Mart.... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
TOPIC FOR GIRLS - Of course. He's been dead for almost 58 years. ... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
Need to lose weight in 1 week (at least 5kg / 9 pounds) - Deprive yourself. Starve. Binge and purge. Binge a... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
TOPIC FOR GIRLS - Moppy floppy joppy loppy, I think you'll like this... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
Queen logo tattoo - You realise that when you first get it, it will lo... by Sergei. on 01.02.2008
Is there a doctor in the house? :P - I thought the same, until I looked it up and rea... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
Is there a doctor in the house? :P - Alright, I've a health question. About cracking. N... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
Animal abuse - True, but what if the next time it happens it's ... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
I apologise - :PP I don't like it because they play it every ... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
I apologise - *Singing* It's too laaaate to apologise! (Oh, ... by Sergei. on 31.01.2008
What other bands do you all like? - No offence, but, anyone who replied legitimately t... by Sergei. on 30.01.2008
LOOK! RARE QUEEN PICTURE! - OH MY GOD! IT'S FORBIDDEN!... by Sergei. on 29.01.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - Don't forget the gloriously noxious crock of shit ... by Sergei. on 29.01.2008
What other bands do you all like? - I don't suppose we've introduced properly; I'm Vis... by Sergei. on 28.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - This is amazing! My brother had just mentioned t... by Sergei. on 28.01.2008
What other bands do you all like? - OH MY GOD, I DIDDA CLICK. X____X That ain't co... by Sergei. on 28.01.2008
Art Thread - AW PLIEZ (I don't even know what I'm talking ... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
The Song Title Game - Any Other World, by Mika... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Art Thread - CUM ON, VASLAV... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - "I'd like to welcome you all to my submarin... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Newbie - Posts: 7 | Registered: Tuesday, January 22, 200... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Why did Freddie take his sister's dolls? - I find the layout rather bland, now that you men... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Why did Freddie take his sister's dolls? - Who farted?... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Pink Upholstered Vagina Couch - Hehe, you mean it's the big CUMfy couch..... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Orders pizzas to Andre's house, which I still can... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Hehe... Right now I'm enjoying a "White Russi... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
Pink Upholstered Vagina Couch - HAHA! XD I've certainly no desire to go back ... by Sergei. on 27.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^That's 'cause I'm one myself. xD Must admit that ... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Keeps repeating all that I say EDIT, I stumble... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^And I don't get no eulogy. :B... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^That's why, too! I die of shame!... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Right. I go die now.... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^AH ALREADY DID THAT! YOU SOH HARD TO PLEEZ, WU... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Raf is my wife. No, I don't know. xD It was r... by Sergei. on 26.01.2008
"Persepolis". - Hm. I'd quite like to see this movie. It was rele... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Hm, I think I'm dying.... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
Art Thread - Why, thankyers. :B YOUSE DRAWIN'S IS EXCELLEN... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Somdomite... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
Freddie car - Too bad that there isn't a bumper car with a big c... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
hello, im sorry - Oh, sod off. Everyone's busy with their lives.... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
Arrgh! Heath Ledger found dead at age 28! - Oh, but the CHILDREN! How could I forget?! XD... by Sergei. on 25.01.2008
Arrgh! Heath Ledger found dead at age 28! - You despicable piece of shit. I hope no one care... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
The requested Amy Winehouse thread - It's sad, though. I like her music. Heh... Whe... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
Long-time Queenzoners - November of OH FIVE!! *Puts them up* No, I ke... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^Where you gotten to? :D Isn't that just terrib... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
The First "Queenie Above You" Thread from 2008 - ^It's been only her and Raf so far posting here. D... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
Art Thread - Dirka dirka.... by Sergei. on 24.01.2008
hello - Surely you've realised by now that they have no ... by Sergei. on 23.01.2008
I Didn't Know The P Word Was Allowed On Network TV - I watched a dude called Lewis Black's special on C... by Sergei. on 23.01.2008
Art Thread - Dirka dirka.... by Sergei. on 23.01.2008
Art Thread - Dirka dirka.... by Sergei. on 23.01.2008
nice little small figures - If that isn't wrong the Bible isn't worth the pa... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^In Soviet Russia, president runs for YOU!... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Quotes! - "The good die young... But PRICKS live foreve... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
What song are you listening to??? Part 3 - Inevitable-Anberlin I latch myself on to a so... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^In Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia gets to YOU! (... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Quotes! - "If you were a bath tub I would caulk you..... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^No no, in Soviet Russia, drunk and dreadfully sto... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - XD That happened once to me... This kid had a p... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^In Soviet Russia, life fails at Innuendo1990! :O ... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - “I have the hairs of Walt Whitman's nappy bear... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Jessica was in a car accident! - I hope your Jessica gets better, like Raf says, ... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Alright, I admit it, I am. ;P Dislikes Yakov S... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Art Thread - Holy goodness. xD Would that be the 2ND EARL OF... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
nice little small figures - "because you really like them" .... I... by Sergei. on 21.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^She be lion too. ;P No, I keed. She be loverly... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Art Thread - ^Yes, looks like a fat dude sat on the right side ... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^She be lion. xD... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - YES'M, YOU ARE. No, I keed. And Krillko, ... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Good... So he might not be as ugly as I'd assume... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Quotes! - "If you think my attitude stinks, you should ... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - In Soviet Russia, sad movie cries when it sees YOU... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Krillko, I will rape you if you do not realise I... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^And I can't change that. xD But.. *cough*.. co... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Alright then. Raffiki. xD... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^I like to think of odd ways to spell and say his ... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Well, maybe I'd like him better if he'd decided ... by Sergei. on 20.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Last night I fell asleep at my computer whilst att... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^ http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Image:Sailors.jpg ... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
I hope Freddie has an alibi! - XDDD So it does!!!! ... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
How do you Queen fans look like? - Thankya dahling! :P AH BET YEW BEE ADORABLE T... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - That's what YOU think. *"Close Encounter... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - XD But that don't beat Titanic! :P http://www.... by Sergei. on 19.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^I see.... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - I just looked up the song... 'Tis called "Nea... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Should realise that ":P" doesn't need t... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Bruce Vincenzio Watts, in for raping the deputy i... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - Hehe, this reminds me of my favourite Seinfeld e... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Favorite Movies - Hmm... huhuh. xD RHPS, Labyrinth, Cabaret, Monty ... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^You mean you're done with it? :D *GASP* How wa... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Sad Movies..? xD - Yes yes, which movies made you cry, or at least in... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^My my my! Nah, however I'll work the camcorde... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Question Game!! - No, dear. I'm not that brand of queer. Have... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^That I shall! :D But first I need A)Money and B)W... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Thought I was telling her I wanted to be her last... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - No, no!!! xD That's how the SONG goes! :P... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - I'd really like to visit Prague one day.... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
My Drawings To All Of You - Enya? What the fuck? Just kidding. xD You're an... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - :DDDDDD *Sings* I WANNA BE YOUR LAAAAAST FIRST... by Sergei. on 18.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^That's Bruce Watts, and I'm Luther Skinner. XDD... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^I must pick up the powder from Vincenzio by midni... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
What's the point of Queenzone? - Don't forget: 11.)DID ROGER EVER BLOW FREDDIE O... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Vincenzio!... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
Chatting with God - He said the same to me!! xD... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - EVERYONE LISTEN TO "INEVITABLE" BY ANBER... by Sergei. on 17.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Raffirno... by Sergei. on 14.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - I have a new middle name. See, I had my copy o... by Sergei. on 14.01.2008
You gotta agree with me... - I'm pleasantly shocked that no one has made any pu... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - @ Jessie: I actually look rather like a shapeless... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Looks incredibly sexay with her new hair-do. :D... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - My scalp is burning like a bitch. ZOMG, I'VE GO... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
No Subject - I do!!! I mean, everyone's secret desire is to ... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Not anymore, though. :P... by Sergei. on 13.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Knows damn well I be ugly :P... by Sergei. on 12.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - I'm so tired. I can't sleep. xD... by Sergei. on 12.01.2008
Wikipedia gone nuts (+pic) - Tehe. Interesting. xD Funny how whomever should ch... by Sergei. on 11.01.2008
TOPIC FOR GIRLS - The pictures are not working, however I do find al... by Sergei. on 11.01.2008
Erm... Hello. - He eloped with the Mattress Warehouse mascot.... by Sergei. on 10.01.2008
Was Freddie a bit neurotic? - Freddie wasn't neurotic. He was erotic. Everyone k... by Sergei. on 09.01.2008
Erm... Hello. - Good work mahdeah, now he'll attack you and rip ... by Sergei. on 07.01.2008
Vote RON PAUL or we will suffer! - I keep thinking of RuPaul for whatever reason.... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Erm... Hello. - *Sniffs* Nah, he's safe. :P BUT TAKE A SHOWER... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - XD That was incredibly entertaining, given its ... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Hehe, who are they? xD *Edited* (Psst, I thi... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - You have to edit those "megaquote" pos... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Cock.... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Question Game!! - No and no. xD Have you read "Interview wit... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - WHO MADE DOOKIE IN THE URINAL?... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *Edit* balls... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - LOUIS, BOOTYFULL LOUIS!... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *Sings* Here I go again!... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
happy birthday Sparrow/Lady Nyx - Happy birthday Sparrowwwww! :D Ah, your name is... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
For Cookies, and Pictures from the UK! - HAHAHAAAAAA! I LUFF 'EM! :'D Such an excellent ... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *Edits again* shite shite!... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^He joined our stupid ass chain of wordless quotin... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^EDIT: He's RAFFIRNO.... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Does The Heartbreak kid refer to Queen? - ZOMIGOODNES You know, a female cat is called a... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^O_O Why?? XD... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Johnny Rotten is MY best friend, ho xD... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - Oh goodness! Vishnu is on it! xD... by Sergei. on 06.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - "Interview with the Vampire" movie was a... by Sergei. on 05.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *EDITS* Ban risk ladeeda O_O... by Sergei. on 04.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Likes "The Love Theme". :D... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
My blog - You know, people like me and Kaylee and Freya and ... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Shared my ignorant belief that the New Year's cry... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
I'm the biggest evil genius on Queenzone [+pics to prove] - O_o Feed the kitty then! Love it!... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *EDITS* Ban risk, ladeeda O__O... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
I like innuendo1990 - *EDITS* Ban risk, ladeeda O__O... by Sergei. on 03.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - That's the point of Googlenoping, mahdeah ;P... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
FREDDIE'S CLOTHES - ROCK 'EM ON AN' OFF Tehe. Say that aloud! :B ... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - After a split-second think, I decided to try being... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
What song are you listening to??? Part 3 - Mazurka-Carmen Coppola Come Fly With Me-Frank S... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
I'm the biggest evil genius on Queenzone [+pics to prove] - ZOHMIGOODNESS, I SEE MAH QAYT UP THAR :P xD ... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Ah! Thankyi again. :P... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Thankyi. ;) I love the cat on her myspace. I ... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^My friend on Myspace, I believe :P... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
music skills. - I will attempt to reply to this thread legitimatel... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Alexis with her username changed, if I'm not mist... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Had an interesting thing with picture usernames. ... by Sergei. on 02.01.2008
Jesus celebrates his birthday [+YouTube] - OUI MADEMOISELLE xD... by Sergei. on 01.01.2008
Queen big mistakes. - ZOHMIGOODNESS .. I have relatives in Saarbr&#... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^CUBISM NOT NUDISM ;)... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - I'M GOIN' WITH YOU :P... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^I take it you just gave yerself away. ;P... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^Had a domestic dispute with Spongebob. :P... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
Jesus celebrates his birthday [+YouTube] - That guy looks more like the cavemen in the Geico ... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
Is This Rufus? - I think Roger's the only one who's got a kid close... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
How would you react if you were driving and you saw THAT? - Heheh. I was just watching her in Austin Power... by Sergei. on 28.12.2007
I didn't think they could actually make it... - Heh, I thought quite the same thing when I first... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
Thinking Out Loud About Freddie in Later Videos - WHAT KIND OF SHAME IS IT... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - ^ZOHMIGOD :P... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
Le Decadently Sinful Queenie Above You Thread. - DISGUSTING SHAME :P... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - You know what I'd like to do? Make liquor by ferme... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - THANKYIS :P Oddly enough, they actually smell... by Sergei. on 27.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/3228/queereraf3... by Sergei. on 26.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - There's a bit better of a picture of me in my prof... by Sergei. on 26.12.2007
Thinking Out Loud About Freddie in Later Videos - XD He could sniff it out, see. ;P... by Sergei. on 26.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - *Sings* That aiiiiiiiiiin't.... what I meeeeeeee... by Sergei. on 26.12.2007
Presents... - I found a stank ho in my closet with a ribbon arou... by Sergei. on 25.12.2007
Queen/FM-songs on the piano @ youtube - Do post a video or sound clip for us all! As a fel... by Sergei. on 25.12.2007
Santa's in Brazil! - ZOMG I'VE SEEN THAT PAGE BEFORE ...Just can't... by Sergei. on 25.12.2007
Santa's in Brazil! - What was the, ehrm, point in that, Raf? xD... by Sergei. on 25.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Oh, I'm quite sure. Oh, of course. "MEDD... by Sergei. on 25.12.2007
Santa's in Brazil! - *Aherm* Which is why I found it so funny that th... by Sergei. on 24.12.2007
Santa's in Brazil! - XD That reminds me of this hilarious thing I saw o... by Sergei. on 24.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - ¬_¬... by Sergei. on 24.12.2007
I'm new here - Vellcum ya neweries...! I'm the one called Vi... by Sergei. on 24.12.2007
Question Game!! - ^Somebody don't know the rules.... I'll ask. ... by Sergei. on 23.12.2007
Question Game!! - Russian. DASS WHY I RASPUTIN Mine's ghey..... by Sergei. on 22.12.2007
LoL she misses her Yogo - XD Aw. Poor old dusty old ho. Misses her Yogo.... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
Santa Claus - Lie or Charming Myth? - Probably the fat old pervert who checked HER out... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
Whatelse can go wrong in the Spears' Family......... - Beat youuuuuu! ;P xD Any way... I'd like to p... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
Whatelse can go wrong in the Spears' Family......... - ZOMG IT'S CHRIS CROCKER... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
Question Game!! - About fourteen (That's two a day, every day). :P x... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
my early christmas present... - What about the GIIIIIIIFT, Jox? I've a horrible ... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
Im sorry - Cruel AND harmless?... by Sergei. on 21.12.2007
A few funny facts - It's not you, Raf. It's whoever made the jokes. ... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
Photoshopped Celeb Shots - What I learned from that: -Cameron Diaz has jelly... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
A few funny facts - This stuff is too sexist. Alluvit. :P From m... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - I've! XD My friends and I enjoy making fun of the ... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
Question Game!! - White fur, of many. :B Do you sing in the sho... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
Question Game!! - Hehe. A week, when I was eight. xD At Girl Scout c... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
The hardly necessary random thoughts thread - Well, it's the title I'd planned on doing anyway. ... by Sergei. on 20.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - For me? Or QueenMercury? If you refer to me, I t... by Sergei. on 17.12.2007
Question Game!! - I've a redneck-Maryland-kraut accent of sorts. It ... by Sergei. on 17.12.2007
The best memories of Freddie :) - OMG I remember that too! :')... by Sergei. on 16.12.2007
Question Game!! - Yeah. I used to do that when I was really little. ... by Sergei. on 16.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - I've the same thing. xD My capillaries burst a l... by Sergei. on 15.12.2007
Question Game!! - OHHH MISS THING YOU KNOW I WOULD. Haha. :P... by Sergei. on 14.12.2007
my early christmas present... - You said my sucky shitty picture comes in to play ... by Sergei. on 14.12.2007
How do you Queen fans look like? - Here's your humble Queerio. EDIT: OH HAAAAAAAI... by Sergei. on 13.12.2007
Hi! whats urp - Right, and who the fuck are you?... by Sergei. on 12.12.2007
Hi! whats urp - This means you'll stop masturbating?... by Sergei. on 12.12.2007
My horrid hellish day - We make zee horrible hellish day worse when we say... by Sergei. on 11.12.2007
8 most dangerous roads in the world - Don't forget the Autobahn. :P My Oma (Grandma. xD)... by Sergei. on 08.12.2007
Happy 1st year Anniversary, Raf and Jess! - Happy anniversary to you two! And many more. :D ... by Sergei. on 08.12.2007
Baby Queen - Rikki Tikki Tavi would be my personal favourite mo... by Sergei. on 07.12.2007
Brad Pitt - I don't know what the ladies see in Brad Pitt. ... by Sergei. on 05.12.2007
...Because this *absolutely* deserves its own thread. - Hahah! xD... by Sergei. on 05.12.2007
Guess what? A new Quiz! - I SHAT'D MAH PANTS... by Sergei. on 03.12.2007
...Because this *absolutely* deserves its own thread. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkt3vg8FkpU&fea... by Sergei. on 03.12.2007
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done...? - That'd be the second most outrageous in mine. :O... by Sergei. on 02.12.2007
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done...? - I've a digital video of my friend and I riding sle... by Sergei. on 02.12.2007
Favorite Members? - Buck Naked would be my personal favourite.... by Sergei. on 02.12.2007
To funny not to share... - XD "She's tomahawkin' 'im!"... by Sergei. on 02.12.2007
"Usher had a baby." - Okay. So you're wrong. Fuck off then.:B... by Sergei. on 01.12.2007
"Usher had a baby." - **Thinks about it** No. We've got a Richard and... by Sergei. on 01.12.2007
*Message to QOLers* - Oh, shut your hole and get over yourself.... by Sergei. on 01.12.2007
*Message to QOLers* - The people needed a forum so bad that they couldn'... by Sergei. on 30.11.2007
Could you identify a Queen song if you only heard the first note? - My brother did that to me. xD He opens my laptop... by Sergei. on 30.11.2007
all QOL'ers unite - IT'S A HOAX. I SUGGEST WE ALL LEAVE.... by Sergei. on 29.11.2007
OMFG VISHNU - Thanks, Raf. Thanks. xD... by Sergei. on 29.11.2007
OMFG VISHNU - Veddy honoured, veddy much so. :P ... by Sergei. on 28.11.2007
OMFG VISHNU - I can't wait. xD (Bet it's got something to do ... by Sergei. on 28.11.2007
Iran II - Iran II her house but she slammed the door in mah ... by Sergei. on 28.11.2007
OMFG VISHNU - SANK YEW! SANK YEW ALLLLL! xD Even though only 7 ... by Sergei. on 28.11.2007
We won't feel the noise no more... - Oh good god! So that's what she looks like witho... by Sergei. on 26.11.2007
What have you done yesterday? - Oh yes... xDD I absolutely love the bloopers. I'... by Sergei. on 26.11.2007
was it farrokh, farokkh, farookh, - Shamu. His real name was Shamu.... by Sergei. on 25.11.2007
What have you done yesterday? - I LOVE THE SEINFELD BLOOPERS. XD I love the o... by Sergei. on 25.11.2007
What have you done yesterday? - Took a shower, went to Tysons with a few of my dro... by Sergei. on 25.11.2007
November 24, 1991... 16 years. ;_; - Ah, no problem. I didn't expect you to. Also d... by Sergei. on 24.11.2007
November 24, 1991... 16 years. ;_; - Well, actualy, I planned on having the shits thi... by Sergei. on 24.11.2007
November 24, 1991... 16 years. ;_; - Indeed it's been. :( Yes, I know it's tomorrow.... by Sergei. on 23.11.2007
Reviving old threads -- is it a bad thing? - You're actually legally an adult right now... O... by Sergei. on 23.11.2007
Heey there - Gah, I'm bein' the Kool Aid guy! xD Speaking ... by Sergei. on 23.11.2007
Heey there - Jammin' Kool Aid singles, mon! OH, YEEEAH!... by Sergei. on 21.11.2007
If Only I Could Find My Way To You - Hmm... you do raise... a good point. xD (Especiall... by Sergei. on 20.11.2007
If Only I Could Find My Way To You - And you felt it necessary to start this topic why?... by Sergei. on 20.11.2007
Your username AND your siggy line on QZ. Why you picked it? - Cookies=From a comic I once read that I laughed at... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
Queen fans.....how you became a fan and what led to it? - To sell them on the black market, why else?... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
David Bowie on "Atlantis Squarepantis"... - You ah welcome! (IMDb.) ;PP... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
Smoof: A substitute for Curse words? - You were probably thinking of the Smurfs. XD... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
Soulja Boy - I absolutely hate that song. But I laugh every tim... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
Pardon If I sound like a complete idiot... - Why was THIS thread revived???... by Sergei. on 19.11.2007
Best movies by opinion of Q.Z. members - My current "Top ten".... RHPS Cabaret ... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
David Bowie on "Atlantis Squarepantis"... - Comes on again this Friday at 7 PM. On Nickelodeon... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
No Subject - I lurve that movie. It's in my top ten. But defini... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
David Bowie on "Atlantis Squarepantis"... - Yeah, it's a wonder no one's made a topic for this... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
Queen fans.....how you became a fan and what led to it? - Haha... I was actually doing Stephen Lynch, but ... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
mika - I do like Mika. Not because he sounds like Freddie... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
No Subject - OHHH SKEETSKEET MUDDAFUKKAAAA PS, happy late bi... by Sergei. on 18.11.2007
A new way to promove chastity among girls - Haha... that has to be the stupidest thing I've ev... by Sergei. on 16.11.2007
Queen fans.....how you became a fan and what led to it? - omg lyk i saw freediz nippalz n i wntd em n roger ... by Sergei. on 15.11.2007
Absolutely NO Uselful Phrases For Backpackers In The Middle East - Thanks, these will really help me next month when ... by Sergei. on 13.11.2007
Why is paedophilia such a taboo? - Paedophilia... Certainly popular amongst the anci... by Sergei. on 13.11.2007
No Subject - Imagine if it won!... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
No Subject - ^As in, the ending bit of Largo al factotum della ... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
No Subject - ^XD I wonder what kind of noise? :o... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
Lessons Learned - I've got a better one! *Sings* Deeeesperadoooo, ... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
A different poster of Freddie on ebay u.k. - How easy is it nowadays to make your own Queen pos... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
No Subject - Dammit, Jess, you beat me..! xD Next one should... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
The - Yeast infection? AHH IT BURNS xD... by Sergei. on 11.11.2007
Spiders! X_X - "Ah! Bees!"-Homer Simpson... by Sergei. on 10.11.2007
A question for Harry Potter fans.... - Yeeeahh. I'm exchanging emails with two of my cou... by Sergei. on 10.11.2007
Just another silly joke - Ehhhh. I like the one about the coffin better.... by Sergei. on 10.11.2007
No Subject - But he never did say it was his own poo he was s... by Sergei. on 09.11.2007
The - Eh??? I'm extremely white. I must've missed som... by Sergei. on 09.11.2007
The - Eh. I'm rubber. That shit happens to me all the ... by Sergei. on 08.11.2007
Spiders! X_X - ...Why was this thread revived? xD... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Argh. - I didn't, but one of my brothers played basketba... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
The - Today, whilst running to answer the door, I think ... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Argh. - That's the one. :B... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Argh. - Ah, it was about a big thing that happened in the ... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Argh. - Mmph. Never mind... :B ... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Imaginary concert list. - You lyin' to us, boy.... by Sergei. on 07.11.2007
Across the Universe - Oh, get a hold of yourself. :P... by Sergei. on 05.11.2007
New Freddie & Brian dolls. - Aye, but it's a fun bit of merchandise to have! ... by Sergei. on 05.11.2007
Across the Universe - I didn't like it. But I still love ye all who did!... by Sergei. on 05.11.2007
IM LEAVING QUEENZONE - Bradley's lover betrayed him? Eh? Is that the issu... by Sergei. on 04.11.2007
easter eggs - IT'S A HOAX. I SUGGEST WE ALL LEAVE.... by Sergei. on 03.11.2007
No Subject - Hopefully its deletion will be on purpose as well.... by Sergei. on 03.11.2007
No Subject - It was those guys in the old testament! :D... by Sergei. on 02.11.2007
In the name of all darlings! - IT'S A HOAX. I SUGGEST WE ALL LEAVE.... by Sergei. on 02.11.2007
No Subject - :D I'm going as a "Queer witch". Ask no... by Sergei. on 31.10.2007
Freddie Mercury with blue eyes - Who cares?... by Sergei. on 30.10.2007
Best Love Songs - You'd think that people would have had enough Of ... by Sergei. on 28.10.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - IT'S A HOAX. I SUGGEST WE ALL LEAVE.... by Sergei. on 28.10.2007
Have you ever considered going vegetarian?... If so, how hard is it? - My Mum just tells me stuff like, "You refuse ... by Sergei. on 28.10.2007
Freddie is the God of Music - MOZART IS GOD. BACH IS JESUS. (Just trying t... by Sergei. on 28.10.2007
Freddie thought in English - He has sex in his brain. With men.... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
YOU will be a SLAVE soon! - Haha. Well. Yes, I do.... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
YOU will be a SLAVE soon! - Why do you care so much about us being slaves and ... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Freddie thought in English - I actually sometimes think in German without even ... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Freddie is the God of Music - Leviticus is a particularly disturbing book of the... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Have you ever considered going vegetarian?... If so, how hard is it? - Any idea when your time will be?... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Freddie thought in English - I take it you've had the pleasure? XD... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Have you ever considered going vegetarian?... If so, how hard is it? - I hear Tim Curry "really loves" eating m... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Complaints.. - Here you can complain to, well, anyone you want to... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
The - Seymour Butts.... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
Have you ever considered going vegetarian?... If so, how hard is it? - I could actually be considered a vegetarian just b... by Sergei. on 27.10.2007
YOU will be a SLAVE soon! - LET'S BE ANGRY! D:... by Sergei. on 26.10.2007
The - Not I! I just flatten it at 500 degrees every ni... by Sergei. on 26.10.2007
Freddie thought in English - Or Zapf Dingbats???... by Sergei. on 26.10.2007
A Freddie cartoon on ebay - ^Good to know I'm not the only one. ;P... by Sergei. on 26.10.2007
it starts with a C, then a U, then its an N..can you see where im going? - That was amazing. You win in life, Zebonka. ... by Sergei. on 25.10.2007
im back!! - Come come come, Hogbrain!... by Sergei. on 25.10.2007
WHERE DOES THIS SUPPOSED FREDDIE PIC COME FROM? - You all are WRONG. That IS Freddie! *Gets maule... by Sergei. on 25.10.2007
paul rodgers ?? - Tell me, Mrs. Magic.... Do you like to see homos ... by Sergei. on 25.10.2007
hi im new - Welcome to Queenzone. The exit door's right over t... by Sergei. on 25.10.2007
WHO THE FUCK ATE MY AWESOME-O ENCHILADA?! - Or better yet, a Benz with swastika flags hangin... by Sergei. on 22.10.2007
WHO THE FUCK ATE MY AWESOME-O ENCHILADA?! - And blowing into an alphorn and yodeling (What m... by Sergei. on 21.10.2007
The - "Screw Maximilian!" "..I do."... by Sergei. on 21.10.2007
WHO THE FUCK ATE MY AWESOME-O ENCHILADA?! - Or you could've just turned it into a fine liver... by Sergei. on 21.10.2007
Im selling my psr-530. - Would that be the one you played ass nekkid in fro... by Sergei. on 18.10.2007
WHO THE FUCK ATE MY AWESOME-O ENCHILADA?! - I ate it. Now what the fuck are you gonna do about... by Sergei. on 18.10.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - Hadrian seems the kind of kid who will come to sch... by Sergei. on 18.10.2007
Treasure Moment- New song FALLEN - Ai-yah.... by Sergei. on 17.10.2007
Amazingly Accurate Troll Guide... - xD... by Sergei. on 15.10.2007
A Freddie cartoon on ebay - Ew. I'm sorry, but that's a really ugly painting... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
THE QUEEN SONGS GAME 01-10-2007/31-10-2007 - Nevermore. Nevermore or It's a Beautiful Day?... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
Amazingly Accurate Troll Guide... - http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/posts/list.m?to... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
Yes/No Game - No. Do you have clammy armpits? (XDDD)... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
ITS SO GOOD TO BE BAAAAAACK! - I agree with ye. :P But I'm not like some kids... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
what did you bought today(queen and non queen) - I'll never understand why guys are turned on by le... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
ITS SO GOOD TO BE BAAAAAACK! - Ehrr, wait, Hadrian can have it. EDIT:Not to m... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
ITS SO GOOD TO BE BAAAAAACK! - You put that away Raf. YOU PUT THAT AWAY RIGHT N... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
ITS SO GOOD TO BE BAAAAAACK! - ^Exactly! Shouldn't this boy be driving Tonka tru... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
The - Which one? ... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN.... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
ITS SO GOOD TO BE BAAAAAACK! - 1.Quite frankly, mah deah, no one cares that you'r... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
what did you bought today(queen and non queen) - Hmm....... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
The - Any that are suitable for a Mac. Namely the Si... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
The - Aiiyah! You beat me to it; I wanted to make a &quo... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
Dear __________ - Dear Mum, Sorry I used your toothbrush. I think I... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
what did you bought today(queen and non queen) - I bought a hooker.... by Sergei. on 14.10.2007
what did you bought today(queen and non queen) - A carton of fags. No, I'm kidding. A jacket... by Sergei. on 13.10.2007
Yes/No Game - No, I'd keep going and let you melt with the rest ... by Sergei. on 12.10.2007
Stop the Hate on Mika!!! - Interesting how I read this almost 7 months late... by Sergei. on 12.10.2007
Annoying emails-"Hi babe, wassup?" - JESUS... Raf, where do you get that shit? XDDDD... by Sergei. on 12.10.2007
Hacked by me =) - April 26, 1992... There was a riot on the streets... by Sergei. on 12.10.2007
Dear __________ - Nor is Pennywise. D:... by Sergei. on 12.10.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - ^Chahls! :D... by Sergei. on 11.10.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - ***Revives*** Bored? Oh no you di'int! (Ladi... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
Annoying emails-"Hi babe, wassup?" - (Yes, this was a mistake thread that I tried to tu... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
Annoying emails-"Hi babe, wassup?" - I know I'm not the only one who gets these things.... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
AIDS - It's Real - That's really nasty. ¬_¬... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
freddies ding a ling ling - ....I think I'll go vomit now.... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
Dear __________ - Dear Mother Nature: Please make the days cooler o... by Sergei. on 10.10.2007
Yes/No Game - It happens to me all the time. xD Have you ever... by Sergei. on 09.10.2007
Happy Birthday, John Lennon! - Yes, I know it's tomorrow, I just wanted to beat o... by Sergei. on 08.10.2007
What is your school mascot? - A "seahawk" that looks suspiciously like... by Sergei. on 07.10.2007
Dear __________ - Dear Raf, YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT. Regards, Cook... by Sergei. on 05.10.2007
Happy Birthday, - Happy Berffday! (EDIT: Ah, or in the language of ... by Sergei. on 05.10.2007
Dear __________ - Dear Carol, Get on goddamn MSN! There are slash... by Sergei. on 05.10.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - I cockin' on yo bitch ass! :D... by Sergei. on 05.10.2007
No Subject - Happy birthday, Raffirno! :D (Yes! Raffirno is yo... by Sergei. on 03.10.2007
What's the scariest horror movie you ever watched? - I can certainly think of the *worst* horror movie ... by Sergei. on 02.10.2007
Which five artists do you wish were still here making wonderful music? - Most of mine are cliches.... Freddie Mercury, Jo... by Sergei. on 29.09.2007
David Bowie donates 10,000 to Jena 6 fund - D: *Throws away Labyrinth and all my Bowie albums... by Sergei. on 29.09.2007
beanie babies.... - I'm surprised *I* never made a topic about this...... by Sergei. on 28.09.2007
What would you do??? - ^I still lovers you, Raf! :PP XD... by Sergei. on 28.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - TMI to the both of yas! xD... by Sergei. on 28.09.2007
Dear __________ - :P Well, it's normal length, I suppose, I guess... by Sergei. on 26.09.2007
Dear __________ - Dear neck, Please stop cracking when your master ... by Sergei. on 26.09.2007
What would you do??? - Eh,  I've decided I'd say I was gay. xD... by Sergei. on 24.09.2007
What would you do??? - I came across this interesting question while watc... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
100 best songs according to Radio Futuro - Damn, this whole section of the forum is like the ... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
The Joshua Tree - 20th anniversary - http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/own... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
Piano! :D - Not a chance! Wild horses couldn't keep my from ta... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
Dear __________ - Dear Jimmy (Mah brutha), Please stop pouting ab... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
What song are you listening to??? part 2 - The Man Who Sold The World-Nirvana... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - There's this boy at my school I hate so much. D: I... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLA! (a.k.a. The Ugly Maiden) - .... Guy likes to see homos nekkid, that don't h... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
How NOT to advertise an apartment... - "Anti spam: Do NOT contact me offering serv... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLA! (a.k.a. The Ugly Maiden) - Naw! Hoam! Wear eww may kit! E'rybayy kno dat!... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLA! (a.k.a. The Ugly Maiden) - Hoam ih wear eww may kit!... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
Piano! :D - Go book a a concert at Carnegie Hall, then. xD ... by Sergei. on 23.09.2007
Piano! :D - Ah, that's funny. I'm quite sure I know exactly ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - The air conditioning came on; now my feet are free... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Photoshopping Freddie into Innapropriate Situations - Haha!XD ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
freddie mercury,s diary part2 - Genius! xDDD ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Piano! :D - I decided... To put up a video/sound clip of moi ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - Here's a really dumb joke I found online... Joh... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Sorry to all of the blondes out there, but... - That one ruined it for me. ¬_¬... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
John Deacon exeprimenting during Live At Wembley lol - Believe it or not, there *is* a limit to what I'd ... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLA! (a.k.a. The Ugly Maiden) - Only thirteen? I feel sorry for you. ;P Happy B... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Freddie And HIV/AIDS - I.. like-ah.. do da... cha cha!... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - You also must realise I made the title when I wa... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
So nice of you to remember (a parrot of Freya's 'Oi You Swines' topic) - Happy Birthday Tessaaaaa! :D (Even though mine'... by Sergei. on 22.09.2007
Where the fuck do you come from? - So Nottingham's the official "hometown"... by Sergei. on 18.09.2007
Where the fuck do you come from? - The topic title is a warm nod to Assdude's comment... by Sergei. on 17.09.2007
Men's revenge: size matters, girls! (this thread is *not* about boobs) - Carol has a thing for Germany and the German lan... by Sergei. on 17.09.2007
John Williams / Your favorite film music scores - I love Nino Rota and the guy who did "Last of... by Sergei. on 17.09.2007
Queenzone members slideshow - I'm a.. person... of my word. :D ... by Sergei. on 17.09.2007
Recent Deaths - Donald Duck. His orange juice is disgusting.... by Sergei. on 16.09.2007
Men's revenge: size matters, girls! (this thread is *not* about boobs) - No, he just jacks off to the the girls in the pi... by Sergei. on 16.09.2007
Queenzone members slideshow - Okay, it was funny when Smitty did it, kinda funny... by Sergei. on 16.09.2007
Queenzone chat room anyone? - What the hell were you doing online at 3-5 in the ... by Sergei. on 15.09.2007
Freddie's face getting "fatter" during the end of A kind of magic tour? - Glad I'm not the only one who did so. xD... by Sergei. on 15.09.2007
Vanessa Hudgens' leaked naked pics - Ah. So women are only deserving of respect if... by Sergei. on 15.09.2007
No Subject - I hear he posts naked pictures of himself.... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
Vanessa Hudgens' leaked naked pics - That is, unfortunately, true for some cases. How... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
If you had had the chance to meet Freddie, what 1 thing would you say? - No, that's just Boy George reaping his vengeance... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
No Subject - *Edits*... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
No Subject - Woot.... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
Freddie's face getting "fatter" during the end of A kind of magic tour? - Who cares?... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
No Subject - Ah, fuck this. xD... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
If you could, who would you bring back? - I don't know. I'd definitely bring back Edgar Al... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
Vanessa Hudgens' leaked naked pics - I don't mean the people. :P The people are fine.... by Sergei. on 14.09.2007
Vanessa Hudgens' leaked naked pics - Do we really need these kind of comments? :o... by Sergei. on 13.09.2007
Lucciano Pavarotti - R.I.P - WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?!?! NO... by Sergei. on 13.09.2007
Help with movie title - Meh.... by Sergei. on 13.09.2007
Help with movie title - Perhaps you are thinking of.. "Mean Creek&qu... by Sergei. on 13.09.2007
Vanessa Hudgens' leaked naked pics - SWEET FANCY JOLLY MOSES! D: ;___; ... by Sergei. on 11.09.2007
So you want to know what does "EMO" mean? - It's got a beard. D:... by Sergei. on 09.09.2007
LOL, puberty!! [+pokemon bonus] - Haha, I remember creating "Races".... j... by Sergei. on 09.09.2007
Your Birthday. - I feel so sorry for you. ;P... by Sergei. on 09.09.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - Ah, yes.. left out Charles Gray (And Richard O'B... by Sergei. on 09.09.2007
Bruce Springsteens CD "Magic" MP3 Form Entirely Here - Ooooh! http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/l... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - I've seen parts of it and I think it's pretty st... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Your Birthday. - This thread is very simple. Just say when your b... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Nice song ... - GOD DAMMIT THAT JUST MAKES US ALL SO FURIOUS... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
So you want to know what does "EMO" mean? - Why is it that emo boys are always either disgusti... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
lion + tiger = liger - You mean *Pretty much* your favourite animal... ... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Nice song ... - I REFUSE TO CLICK IT.... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
Ahahahahahahahaaa....... - What if in the midst of all the clawing and hair-p... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
LOL, puberty!! [+pokemon bonus] - XD jog*... by Sergei. on 08.09.2007
LOL, puberty!! [+pokemon bonus] - Brings to mind my emoticon of that anime lady jogg... by Sergei. on 07.09.2007
Your funeral song - At MY funeral I'll have transsexual cage dancers a... by Sergei. on 07.09.2007
What does you name mean? - My name is just stupid and random and that's prett... by Sergei. on 07.09.2007
CROCS! - Pssht..... by Sergei. on 06.09.2007
CROCS! - That will apply to you when you wear your diamon... by Sergei. on 06.09.2007
Ahahahahahahahaaa....... - So if there's mud involved they'll automatically... by Sergei. on 06.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - It'd be an honour! ;P... by Sergei. on 05.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - YOU FUCKING COPIED ME PROFILE. *Rips hair ou... by Sergei. on 05.09.2007
Happy Birthday Freddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Happy 61st, Freddie dear! :D Hope you’re doing s... by Sergei. on 05.09.2007
No Subject - I'll take two, I've got a sore throat. ... by Sergei. on 03.09.2007
What is your fancy dress party image? - You have pierced nipples and a pink mohawk. ;P... by Sergei. on 03.09.2007
What is your fancy dress party image? - Witch. xD... by Sergei. on 03.09.2007
The Holy Bible (warning: spoilers) - Goodness, Raf, don't you see I'm trying to clear... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
First chair in the world designed to give men total comfort [+bonus] - D:... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
The Holy Bible (warning: spoilers) - I love the book of Leviticus because it's got to d... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
First chair in the world designed to give men total comfort [+bonus] - I was half expecting to see you sitting in the c... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
First chair in the world designed to give men total comfort [+bonus] - :O I look forward to your next myspace display... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
First chair in the world designed to give men total comfort [+bonus] - I suppose the makers of the chair suggest the man ... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
Online ads. - I once came across an online ad that said "Kn... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
CROCS! - Crocs? I think they're ugly and disgusting but I'v... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - The man is Goofy the dog and they fuck like anim... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
Freddie's Birthday - I'll be in school, goddammit. ¬_¬ I'll w... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
Stop picking on MIKA! - Damn. I know I keep saying this but I should've se... by Sergei. on 02.09.2007
youtube vids - Is she really good, or do you just like watching... by Sergei. on 01.09.2007
Stop picking on MIKA! - http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9873/dbclkzqn... by Sergei. on 01.09.2007
made in heaven - Well, they're the same fucking Freddie, so I'd say... by Sergei. on 01.09.2007
youtube vids - When the moon hits your eye! Like a big pizza pie... by Sergei. on 01.09.2007
Recommend some music - Mika, Dean Martin and Edith Piaf. :D... by Sergei. on 01.09.2007
youtube vids - Oh, HAHA!? He posted naked videos? Where was *I*? ... by Sergei. on 31.08.2007
How did you *get into* Queen? - Maybe 3rd or 4th grade when my Dad brought home a ... by Sergei. on 28.08.2007
Freddie's perfume - XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Hilarious and sadly t... by Sergei. on 27.08.2007
Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour '08 - Whoops. Ignore. xD... by Sergei. on 26.08.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - Ohh! I saw that! :D... by Sergei. on 26.08.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - ^I found that too! :D Of course, I cheated and fou... by Sergei. on 26.08.2007
Freddie's perfume - That's why... I was being... Oh, nevermind it... by Sergei. on 26.08.2007
Freddie's perfume - He wore "Ready" by Abercrombie and Fitch... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
Birthday help... - And fat Samoan women smoking fags from their ha-... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
If your life was a movie - My itunes fucks up whenever I try to shuffle music... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
The Simpsons Movie - Inappropriate?!?! I first saw Rocky Horror when ... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - Damn! Mika performed at the 9:30 club a month or s... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - ^Seeing you say dammit and the fact your name is J... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
The Dante's Inferno Test - What Level are You in? - Funny how his poem was called "The Divine Com... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
The Dante's Inferno Test - What Level are You in? - Level 4 Just before the river Styx is the Fourt... by Sergei. on 25.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - How'd you people manage to meet him? D: I had ... by Sergei. on 24.08.2007
7 Kinds of Sex - HAHA. The second and the sixth were the best. :P... by Sergei. on 24.08.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - YEAH? WELL I'M GOING TO SEE IT IN DC THIS OCTOBE... by Sergei. on 24.08.2007
ur tv shows - Meh. I love... Seinfeld The X Files The Simps... by Sergei. on 24.08.2007
Tasty li'l morsel for Rocky Horror fans.... - Turns out that, besides Shock Treatment, there wer... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - No, I'm saying forget it.... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - Hmm... your point does hit home... ;__;.... C... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - CLONE!... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - :O http://www.mcga.gov.uk/c4mca/red_flag.jpg C... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - Hey hey hey! ... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - Ooh, bolds. :D... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - I ate fat-ass, artery clogging Ramen noodles whi... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
these are the days of our lives - OMG LYK FRIDDI IZ SO HOTT IN DAT VIDDIO OMG OMG OM... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
Queen + Paul Rodgers Tour '08 - Is it actually going to happen? I've heard differe... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The Private & Personal Diaries of Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) - What?... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - XD What did you eat?... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Use the new random thoughts thread! This one is cl... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - How do you know how fit he is? http://images.j... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The Word Machine! - Reindeer.... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The New Eco-Friendly, Low CO2 Emitting Random Thoughts Thread. - :D (I just saw a commercial for hybrid cars, expla... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Now we are! I'm going to pull a "Raf"... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - :D Good luck with it! :P My brother's band has ... by Sergei. on 23.08.2007
What are the odds - three sick cats in one year - I love them! :DDD ~^_^~... by Sergei. on 22.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - You're right, I was bored and it was amusing as ... by Sergei. on 22.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - What I find mind-boggling is that TM, you will pos... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Really.... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - That's so stupid.... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - Who are you talking to?... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - He's not making any noise.... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - (To queentel)You know, about your signature line, ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - I can't believe it took me this long to realise.... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Because I beat you to it? ;) ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Yes.... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
The Back to School thread. - I go back next Monday. :S I both want to go back ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - And your band's music is great, original and unp... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - I could blow his ass right out of the water. :P... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - Oh, whoops, sorry for my ignorance. Anyone else... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - TM, do you think anyone has good music taste besid... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Alright then, carry on. xD I admit this is amusi... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Let's end this thread now before it gets to 20 pag... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Bradley, dear, you suggest you're so good at keybo... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - I think he meant me because all I did was quote ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Maybe you should....... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - Underline where I said I couldn't think of anyth... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - Just because they don't share your music tastes?... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Our Freddie tribute song - No, it's just that I completely agreed with that... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - Honestly, how stupid can you possibly be??? The ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - I agree with "bas asselbergs". Like I ... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
Whatever happened to Gary Mullen when you need him? - Gary Mullen's in my basement eating cold baked bea... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
mika is a complete wanker - I think Mika's okay. And I don't think he's "... by Sergei. on 21.08.2007
What are the odds - three sick cats in one year - Donna13, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. ;__;... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - Get on MSN. XD This guy whose last name is Kero... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - I don't care. I didn't make it. xD... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
the beatles aka the shitles - Well, you're a bigger dumbass than I am, a bigge... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
the big! make up your own story topic!!! - Honestly, this is such a stupid topic. You really ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
the beatles aka the shitles - When will people realise that this fucking faggot ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
A bit disturbing. - I always thought Amy Winehouse was just naturally ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
Survey. :D - Geh, I'll do the fucking survey any way. 1. F... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
how gay was queen? - xD What I meant was... I don't really know what ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
how gay was queen? - That's 'cause when he jacks off he's listening t... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
Survey. :D - THAT CAME FROM ME. D:... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - The most "action" I can do with it is ... by Sergei. on 20.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - :P... by Sergei. on 19.08.2007
My cat is a Queen fan. :P - Yus, I had my Freddie Mercury doll on my bed while... by Sergei. on 19.08.2007
Myspace - You have to add me because that's how I roll. xD... by Sergei. on 19.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - Just on a whim I decided to look up Holmes and Wat... by Sergei. on 18.08.2007
Another dumb survey! :D - 5. Did anyone force you to come on this thread? ... by Sergei. on 18.08.2007
the beatles aka the shitles - Who's Brain?... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
Go watch High School Musical II !!! - It's got the poufy haired guy named after the sand... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
Another dumb survey! :D - Vag. ... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
crystal meth - *Watches video* Let's go do some crack. EDIT: No... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
I'M BACK! - Damn you, Carol! Get online! XD We still gotta ... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Just because she says you're alright and near ev... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - So he's got one fan.... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - We all feel so sorry for you. When will you reali... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
how gay was queen? - I'm sure you're quite an expert at nailing it on... by Sergei. on 17.08.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I keep playing "Love Today" by Mika. x... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - Meh.... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
Eating survey - Either that or you just eat a lot of crap that's... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
how gay was queen? - 1.)Freddie wasn't bisexual. He was gay. I can't ... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
Eating survey - I took that one after Anna posted it. I got a 14.... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
30 years ago today... - ... And in his honour, Hershey's released a limite... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - You weren't even there! xD... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
WOW!!! - Who cares?... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - n wispy... by Sergei. on 16.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - soft... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - soft... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - ^ XD soft... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - Justin H says: (7:35:38 PM) ... Justin H says:... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - soft... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - Or Brian Epstein and John Lennon. ... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - You obviously haven't read too many of my postin... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
this video - So? EDIT: Ohhhh, you thought I wanted to bang... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - He can't type so well because the hookers are in t... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - That's because he posts while having sex with ma... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
this video - I know, I was foolin' with you. :P... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
this video - Dieses ist ein englische Sprachenbrett. Sprechen S... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - NO! DON'T POST IT!... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - You're so pathetic, though. It's like... You: i ... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Can't you take a hint that we don't give a fuck ab... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
An essay on Queenzone - I remember finding something else a while back abo... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
The Whatever You Make Of It Thread. - Barbara Bush is a nappy headed ho.... by Sergei. on 15.08.2007
What the hell did they say??? - I forgot one... Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits. ... by Sergei. on 14.08.2007
You sell Doovdé? - xDDD ... by Sergei. on 14.08.2007
Plenty of Young People Like Queen - Some people think it's cool to label themselves &q... by Sergei. on 13.08.2007
What are the odds - three sick cats in one year - I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I hope he gets b... by Sergei. on 13.08.2007
The Simpsons Movie - Haha, I just saw it again. XD This HAS to be the ... by Sergei. on 12.08.2007
I - No, TOO MUCH Nutella will give you a fat ass. Yo... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
I - That'll get your blood flowing like raspberry ja... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
CRAZY Cat Lady - Wow. That's just too many cats. At least it's goo... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
My Myspace has been deleted! - Indeed. So sad.... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
Happy Birthday, - ¬_¬... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
My Myspace has been deleted! - 'Fraid not. I'm not so pissed off anymore. Sorry... by Sergei. on 11.08.2007
My Myspace has been deleted! - Pooh on you. You don't understand the work put i... by Sergei. on 10.08.2007
My Myspace has been deleted! - D: What a piece of shit site! Everything was fucki... by Sergei. on 10.08.2007
Happy Birthday, - Whee!... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Happy Birthday, - ^*Hijacks* OH MY GOD, I JUST LOOKED AT YOUR PROFI... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Very Queen-like band - Hey, man. Stop all the fighting! Peace! ...Beca... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Spiders! X_X - The Rocky Balboas of spiderworld. xD One of my ... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Look Out Your Window Lately? - Where do you live where wild animals can frolic ... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Spiders! X_X - That's my Mum. xD... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Happy Birthday, - Happy birthday Jessica! :D Have a very Nirvana ... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
The Simpsons Movie - XD I love it when the little forest animals are un... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Spiders! X_X - Anyone here with a fear of spiders? D: I absolut... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
What the hell did they say??? - I'd like to know what kind of TV the Brits watch... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
Its was 21 years ago today - You beat me to it, damn you. xDD... by Sergei. on 09.08.2007
What the hell did they say??? - Ever listen to a song all the way through and real... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
This is why I always read my SPAM e-mail subjects before deleting them - Wife:"How did you make this mac and cheese ta... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
my best friend`s brother is - What about the big "Oh yeah" ? Wearin... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
Look Out Your Window Lately? - When I first read the topic title I thought it had... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
Girls, do you mind when guys look at your chest? - Maybe they were producers who wanted you to STAR... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
Look Out Your Window Lately? - Like, I'm like, looking, like, out, like, my windo... by Sergei. on 08.08.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Stole my idea for a blog FAQ. ;PP... by Sergei. on 07.08.2007
Freddie's last songs... - People with AIDS get a lot of mouth sores as well,... by Sergei. on 07.08.2007
The Word Machine! - Nymphomaniac. XD... by Sergei. on 06.08.2007
The Word Machine! - Dominatrix. XDDD... by Sergei. on 06.08.2007
The Word Machine! - Sodomy.... by Sergei. on 06.08.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Changes her username a couple times a day...... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^MUST have been outposted. xD... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
... It's a boy! - Congratulations! :D If you can have her hold that... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
Girls, do you mind when guys look at your chest? - ;P Luckily I haven't one of those either. xDD... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - La Vie En Rose-Edith Piaf XD... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
Girls, do you mind when guys look at your chest? - I haven't gotten an ounce of boob. However, I feel... by Sergei. on 05.08.2007
18 year old fred - That's Roger on the opposite end (In the skirt) ... by Sergei. on 04.08.2007
This is why I always read my SPAM e-mail subjects before deleting them - Gee, Raf, thanks for sharing. xD... by Sergei. on 04.08.2007
What has Happened to QZ?! - It has gotten boring, but that's your fault. ¬... by Sergei. on 03.08.2007
18 year old fred - LOL ZOMG he look lyk borat lolz Haha. ;P Lovely... by Sergei. on 03.08.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - Thanks for ruining the immature fight I was tryi... by Sergei. on 02.08.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - Yes it does.... by Sergei. on 02.08.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - Atheist, before I continue ignoring you, I thought... by Sergei. on 31.07.2007
Official Eastern Motors commercial! - You is copying off my thread. ;P... by Sergei. on 31.07.2007
Rotten Local Commercials - ^In Maryland. :P... by Sergei. on 31.07.2007
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - I tried to call them too, but I just got Dr. Moo... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Rotten Local Commercials - 400 Chevy Beemers, and minivans! Over 600 cars,... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Rotten Local Commercials - It's one of my favourites! xD I wish it was bett... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Rotten Local Commercials - This local commercial is at the top of the cheesy ... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - My advice... http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/300W/ima... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Why do so many Queenzoners have mental health issues? - YEEEEEAHHHHHH! LET'S STRETCH OUR T-SHIRTS OUT B... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
THE SINGLE THREAD - http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4817/vdgyjitjly... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - Wait, if your name is Elyse then who is Shayna M... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Brian May to get his PhD - http://www.smh.com.au/news/music/dont-stop-me-now/... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Hi I am New to QZ! - I SECOND THAT OUTBURST. GAMMA RAYS WILL DESTR... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - Oh me oh my. I'm not taking sides but someone's in... by Sergei. on 30.07.2007
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - I hate myself the most on Queenzone. I am such an ... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
Happy Birthday Kaylee aka Instant Karma! - Happy birthday from your favourite-est person on Q... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
Nathan??? - Carol. Go to MSN. You break my heart once more. ... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
The Simpsons Movie - I believe that's because I don't know you o.o... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
The Simpsons Movie - I saw this movie on vacation.... I enjoyed it. I t... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
Who I hate the most on QZ ... - God, a week away and the site changes so much !!!!... by Sergei. on 29.07.2007
The Duran Duran are Hot Thread!!!! - *Eats the ring*... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
This board has changed - Why? o.o... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
The Duran Duran are Hot Thread!!!! - Wow. I've never been loved. That's beautiful.... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
This board has changed - Damn. I was gonna say that. xD... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
The Duran Duran are Hot Thread!!!! - Cor. I'm tired.... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
Queen are NOT on tour in Australia at the moment. It is a cover band only! - Makes me wonder, if Queen were actually touring AN... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
The Duran Duran are Hot Thread!!!! - Well, I believe they have a Roger Taylor in common... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
The Duran Duran are Hot Thread!!!! - I plan to stay up until 2 AM and download Queen to... by Sergei. on 22.07.2007
MSN - And my busy status appears to have upset you.... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
MSN - Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - Not until you ignore me first.... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - Allllriggghttt..... First of all, I was half ki... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - Don't forget the cannoli! xD... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - You're right! Cake won't ever let you down! Mi... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - You IMed me first, bub. And your grammar is ter... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - At Adolfo.... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [NO SPOILERS ALLOWED] - I wanna know too! xD I don't even read the series... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
wieght problem - Must be your Karma for blocking me on MSN. I'VE... by Sergei. on 21.07.2007
I'm New! - bluepowdermonkey05@hotmail.com Wait, it's in my... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - Yes, on MSN right now. :P... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - No, it isn't. What the hell are you talking... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - What're you on about?... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - What?... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
.The Even Better Story Thread - Continuing. - I think ending the story threads has to be like en... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - I got a new one! People Are Strange-The Doors... ... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
The Queenzone Rocky Horror Fan Topic 2007 - Would that be Carol and I? Or who?.... xD... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - Hmm, I'm not mad at you.... I never was O_o... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - 'Fraid not.... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - It was you who pushed mine, if you ask me....... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [NO SPOILERS ALLOWED] - Luna Lovegood is actually a porn star (Who knew?) ... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - Aww, I'm not that bad; I just can't stand people... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
I'm New! - Does anyone know what I'm about to say? ....... by Sergei. on 20.07.2007
Freddie Mercury: Died Too Young - So even Freddie Mercury thinks he died too young, ... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Raf, you picked a bad day to ask Jessica out. :P D... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
The Absolute Greatest Queenie Story Thread :) - THIS THREAD IS SUCKING *Throws mushy tomatoes at i... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I don't see what there is to be worried about. I... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
This is the kind of sick stuff that makes me incredibly mad... - That's terrible! D: I look at my cats and think, &... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
Anus - Actually, this was a mistake thread. Ignore it. xD... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - No one knows where SHE went. SHE must be AWOL. ... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - This is the stupidest thread ever made ;P... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - **Hijacks** I AM GOING TO PLAY RHAPSODY IN BLUE!!... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
This is so fucking stupid. - It was a story I read about in the Washington Po... by Sergei. on 18.07.2007
This is so fucking stupid. - So it's early morning, in the DC area, and this ma... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
~How Long Have You Used Queenzone?~ - Uhh, I had another account here in 2004... Then I ... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - I think is it's about a boy with a fetish for ho... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
This is the kind of sick stuff that makes me incredibly mad... - Animal cruelty makes me so mad. :@@@ I used to wa... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
Anyone know? - What are you sorry for? O_O... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - ^Because (And it's not just me who thinks so) his ... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
Anyone know? - Holy fuck, we walked on 58th street when we went... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
lets make... - I win biggest cocksucker on Queenzone! :P... by Sergei. on 17.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - Yeah, I posted it earlier!... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
The Queenzone Rocky Horror Fan Topic 2007 - Nope, I'm in Ameeericaaa. xD... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
The Absolute Greatest Queenie Story Thread :) - I miss these threads. They ain't the same though,... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Who even goes on it anymore? If it's not me, or ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - Can't. :P I shall be on tonight, though.... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - ^Are you still alive? Of course you can count on ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Is Steph.... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - That's real weird, man.... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^I ain't Steph motherfucker! ;PP Oops, I was outp... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - This reminds me of the Story Threads we all used t... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Pictures of our pets! :P - Everyone has such adorable kitties! :P Janet, wha... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - He dies? Well, thanks, I don't need to read the ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - It's the motivation I lack. xD I'm motivated en... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - I've reached the period of denial and depression... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
~remember this?~ - :P Those three are my "Stereotypical rapis... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
In All honesty, whats wrong with Delilah? - My cats don't meow either. In fact, if a person... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Pictures of our pets! :P - I know a lot of Queenzoners have pets. Let's see t... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
Questions you NEVER want to hear again - I have many questions and statements. :PP "... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
~remember this?~ - You can't be too sure. One of these "hormo... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - ROFLMAOOOOOOO XDDD DON'T CLICK THIS LINK IF YOU:... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
The Queenzone Rocky Horror Fan Topic 2007 - I'm not an American! I'm a German! :D (Plus I ... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - How is that possible? xD... by Sergei. on 16.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Wheeeennnnn theeeeeee moon hits your eye like a bi... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - Rugmuncher. xD... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - Daniel C Martinez to the rescue.... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - And spread it on the testicles! XDDD... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - Go fuck yourself. :)... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - It's your fault.... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
~remember this?~ - If anyone hugged me they'd freeze to death. ¬... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - As am I. Which is why I'm used to doing "... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - At least I spell things correctly, you little pust... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - Cause you're an annoying little beast.... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^I do.... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^I can stick them on my eyeballs whenever I read o... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^ Anyone have the lemon wedges I asked for?... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - IMA GUNA SKWEEZE UR FUKKIN HED OF !... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - xD... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - *Sings* Lady May is a clooone Lady May is a clo... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
OMG... Harry Potter nude [+pic] - JESUS! The innocent little boy wizard! I'm scarred... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Bad language - Good to know you chaps are sharing the DC Area w... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
The Queenzone Rocky Horror Fan Topic 2007 - Rocky Horror is my favourite movie. I don't think... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - Yes I do. Get the fuck out of here you dirty clo... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Haven't seen her round in a bit. :P... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
I'm the Metal Maiden now!!!! - Let me take a shit in your mouth.... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - She's a clone... Don't fall into the trap...... by Sergei. on 15.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - BAD RAF! xD ... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
In All honesty, whats wrong with Delilah? - What's wrong with Delilah?... Well.. She lives ... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - XD... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - Oh... *Scoff* it's the way I show my love for yo... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
The Freddie fangirl thread! - Keep in mind there are also plenty of men on thi... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - That'd be me! No, I'm (obviously) joking. ;P... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - *BURP*... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Oh yeeeeah! You'd fit in with AJ and Nick and al... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - joxertheboybandpirate xD... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - My brain is fried because I've been out in the s... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Why did it have to happen on a Friday the 13th? - I didn't even know yesterday was Friday the 13th! ... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - She cannot live in her fantasy world any longer.... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
The 'Pre Ordained' Album - I've got the CD. I think it sucks. I liked the cov... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - You are a clone!... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Hey, I'm new, can someone show me around? - I'm coming to your house! :D... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
MySpace - Anus! :D... by Sergei. on 14.07.2007
Men - I don't have to worry about men. I'm a homosexual.... by Sergei. on 12.07.2007
lets make... - AIGHT YUNG! *Swings 'em left* *Swings 'em righ... by Sergei. on 12.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I tried to request you on myspace. The dumbfuck ... by Sergei. on 12.07.2007
Ranking Songs-A Night At The Opera - Meh. 1.Love Of My Life 2.Bohemian Rhapsody 3.... by Sergei. on 12.07.2007
Queen fanfic - If you mean homo fanfiction, people write about ... by Sergei. on 12.07.2007
lets make... - Yus, I'm not one of the funniest on Queenzone. ;P... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
lets make... - Most def..... :O... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
lets make... - OH YEAH?! WELL SO ARE MY SMELLY OLD PEE WEE SOCC... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
Happy Birthday, - Happy happy birthday, happy birthday CAKE! Happy ... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Here's a pseudo abduction report I put on www.iwas... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
lets make... - Have everyone post their internet history on her... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - Well, I do like to indulge every now in then. XD... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
lets make... - Tehe... And we could have "Body Language,&... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
lets make... - ......Aloysius Zimmerplatschen.... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
So what other bands do u like? - The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Sublime, D... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
Myspace - Jesus... Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! D: Add "... by Sergei. on 11.07.2007
Myspace - That's because of the dumbfuck security system. ... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
ummm - You don't know me, bub. =]... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
ummm - And you defend clones, which is the most shitty of... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
ummm - Cunnilingus.... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
Profile picture glitches - Have you ever had one of these? I just looked to e... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
Myspace - I hate it too. xD A bunch of my friends have wa... by Sergei. on 09.07.2007
Myspace - Eh, I just made a myspace. It stinks worse than sh... by Sergei. on 08.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - Actually just Mulder and Krycek love. Everyone... by Sergei. on 08.07.2007
What's your FIRST image of Queen? - I thought they'd be ugly. I listened to CCR long b... by Sergei. on 08.07.2007
~How Long Have You Used Queenzone?~ - I'm sorry, you'll have to type in big colourful fo... by Sergei. on 08.07.2007
FM Testament - I have the whole thing in a file on my laptop; but... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
God, these are funny... - Radio ads from a Bud Light radio ad campaign... Go... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
~How Long Have You Used Queenzone?~ - You don't know how to capitalise.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
Man plays Bohemian Rhapsody on his HANDS - Haha, I just saw that on "Web Junk 2, Animals... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
~The Doors~ - Well, I actually think Jim Morrison's ugly; I wa... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Isn't funny... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
~The Doors~ - Nope, he hasn't aged; he just looks like a 27 ye... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - Why did Oscar Wilde's and Julia Child's son get se... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - I love all the Queen members. They are sexy. xD H... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - He looks like one of the agents from the Matrix.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Do you even watch the X Files?... I know he ki... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - He's an alien?... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
QUEEN sew-on patches - Queen patches! :D... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
Communiti of Queen - MSN! XD PS, this thread is a dud.... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
Live Earth 07 - Ugh.... Live 8, Instant Karma, Concert for Diana, ... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Oh, my! I found slash fanfiction with Mulder/Kry... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Oh, I thought you all were doing A Hard Days' Nigh... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
A Brand New Art Thread.. - You all know what my drawing is like. ( http://i98... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
A Brand New Art Thread.. - Fairies! :D Jolly Good Atmosphere! :P... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Who's that little old man?... by Sergei. on 07.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - XDD... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - Rutherford, he's gonna get you too.... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - Practise moderation.... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - Drink water. The cavemen did it, so can you.... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - ... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - I don't think she'll be able to knowing Rutherfo... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - His name is Rutherford and he looks like this: ... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - Well then try to lie down, close your eyes and t... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
OAP Attacked On Queenzone - ROFL, Joxer, are you sure fatty doesn't look anyth... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - You ah right! :o... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - And really, do you need to put the frillies on eve... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
~Have You Thought About THIS?!~ - You've posted too much. You need to go to bed.... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
A Brand New Art Thread.. - I am now! Go! Go! Run to your PC! XDDD... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I love pale too! xD Tan looks like peanut butte... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
A Brand New Art Thread.. - I'm afraid to read slash sites. XD Though I di... by Sergei. on 06.07.2007
OAP Attacked On Queenzone - Joxer.... xDD... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
*Ahem* It's Time For Freya's Yearly Rant. - I remember that! :O Not about Barry calling her ... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Meh, I'm back to Cookies, thanks to a glitch. I'm ... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - HE IS NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU. o_o... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - You're not the topic starter.... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
No Subject - That was just a random one I picked. I still lo... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
No Subject - I never said I would "changing my attention... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
No Subject - You decide.... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
Bad language - I know! Who the fuck would accuse us of such a t... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
No Subject - I mean the "I was there many times" guy.... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - "FUCK ME!!" He shouted. "No thank ... by Sergei. on 05.07.2007
Possessed. - My old shuffle played "Promiscuous Girl"... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
~Add on story for queen~ - Then Freddie gagged and hogtied her, raped her, sh... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Desperado-The Eagles I love this song *sniff* :... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
~The Doors~ - That picture scares me. XD... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
~The Doors~ - No. I think he looked like a monkey. But their ... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
This is for: *(azzadude)* ..GET DOWN MAKE LOVE! - This thread is fucking stupid. Azza rocks, but th... by Sergei. on 04.07.2007
Men - So should a Vishnu. xD... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
~Is it just me, Or am i alone?~ - X FILES! *Dances like a madman* :P... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - You're right... But I'm not new. :P I'm friends ... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - xD... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Nothing's more fun to do when you're bored than ar... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Meh. I hope I haven't ruined my reputation. O_o ... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
Add speech bubbles to any picture... - Keeps the bored entertained for hours. ;P http://... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Okay, so it is for me. He can keep arguing with ... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - It's over.... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Wet socks are my specialty! :D... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
OAP Attacked On Queenzone - Hehehe. I still think fatty's funny. ;P EDIT: Eve... by Sergei. on 03.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - I don't want him to respect me! Am I supposed t... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
GEEEEEEEEEGFRG HGR WHY THE "Y"?!? - Me. But I wasn't planning on starting a topic abou... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - What's it, 3 AM in the Uk? Shouldn't you be in b... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Though I wish you were joking, I get the feeling... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - ROFLMAO!!! xDDDD... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
Does Your Name Fit You? - I'm not gonna do my real name. xD V: Not judgme... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - Meh. True. I wanted people to discuss the issue ... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - That's EXACTLY what I was trying to say. Of cour... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - She was Cookies.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - Please disregard this thread... xD... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - XDDDDD THIS THREAD IS OFFICIALLY ABOUT JOX'S NE... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - ..edited.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - ...edited.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - ...edited.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - ..edited.... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
odd o_O - Reefer madness! 8D... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
No Subject - EDIT.. This thread is now officially about Jox's n... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Fucking Christ, I thought you were nicer than th... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
my youtube clips. - What an idiot! XDDDDD Think about what you're s... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
women - Your advice is loverly. :P Giving advice just is... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
Let's Play The "Would you rather?" Game! - That's a tough one. I'd rather swim in MJ's toilet... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
women - Penetration gury? XDDDD Whatever, man... deal w... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
Bad language - Well, I'm sure that it has something to do with th... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Garden Grove-Sublime. Hehe. :P... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
when your hope is lost - I don't cry when my dog runs away... I don't ge... by Sergei. on 02.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - My brother typed that anonymous comment about th... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Rogers Drumsticks For Sale - I doubt they're authentic.... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Your Favorite TV Shows - I know! :O People have, like, chicken bones in ... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Other Night at the opera songs? - You can do it.... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I hate Chinese food. It's so greasy and nasty and ... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
No Subject - ^Go to MSN! *Cough*vagina... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Men - Self-help on how to not use self-help?... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Brian May's house: Tacky. - LMAO XD I know it's not nice to Brian, but the de... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
Films you've seen more than once. - WHOOAH! ... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - I thought it was MOZART. :P... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Wrong Way-Sublime So much fucking Sublime! XD... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
I miss John Stuart, and... - Why is it, I've been wondering, that just because ... by Sergei. on 01.07.2007
What will the 90's be remembered for? - Oh. :P Grunge, then. xD... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
What will the 90's be remembered for? - Leggings. X_X... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
worst movies ever? - Super babies 2 is considered the worst movie eve... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
Your Favorite TV Shows - :D I watch them all out of order. xD... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
Your Favorite TV Shows - BUT WHAT ABOUT THE X FILES? ¡_¡ :P... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
worst movies ever? - Anyone know of those movies with people like LL Co... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - What I Got-Sublime ... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
when your hope is lost - Life is... too short, so love the one you got! Ca... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
Your Favorite TV Shows - Seinfeld The X Files The Simpsons House Sponge... by Sergei. on 30.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Wants to wear a wig.... by Sergei. on 29.06.2007
Let's Play The "Would you rather?" Game! - I'd rather be invisible.Would you rather be forced... by Sergei. on 29.06.2007
Films you've seen more than once. - I LOVE MEAN GIRLS!!!! xD Mine are... RHPS, but... by Sergei. on 29.06.2007
Your Top 5 Artists - ^MSN! |:D... by Sergei. on 29.06.2007
Hello my fellow Queen lovers - *Twitch* Be nice, Vishnu.... Hi.... by Sergei. on 28.06.2007
whats your favorite color??? - Purple.... by Sergei. on 28.06.2007
Hey Everyone - Oi, right. I apologise. *Cough*... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Hey Everyone - ^Idiot... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Hey Everyone - Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Feeling Deja Vu? :O... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Let's Play The "Would you rather?" Game! - Haha. I'm bored. :P Would you rather sniff Rosie ... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
The 10 Commandments - Thou shalt have no other gods before me - I'm Vish... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - **Revives** I'm sorry; I love my questionnaire. :... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Yus, for the most part. But it was permanent mark... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^Yes I did. O_o EDIT:Oops. ._. I am not mad. I ty... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^He is Ramirez times 2.... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
women - Or maybe he's just stupid. ... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread - ^He is Ramirez.... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Magical Queen Land? - I had a dream two nights ago that I was in a menta... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
The 10 Commandments - As of now, I hardly believe in God. So I score a z... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
To TETTERETET - What??... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
women - xD All I'll look for in a man is if they're s... by Sergei. on 27.06.2007
Magical Queen Land? - No offence, but this is a really stupid topic.... by Sergei. on 25.06.2007
Magical Queen Land? - Lucky bitch. :PP... by Sergei. on 25.06.2007
To TETTERETET - ^That's what I thought you'd say...... by Sergei. on 25.06.2007
The iPhone; Success or Failure? - I'm gonna ask for one for Christmas. :D What su... by Sergei. on 25.06.2007
Freya Valentine - *Cough*Cough*Cough* ;P... by Sergei. on 25.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Right! Like how you died when you saw mine! XDD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - OH, right, mozart man.... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
People are so nice here! - Sounds like an old witch remedy. xD If thou ist... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
People are so nice here! - I have no goodness inside me :PPP... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
People are so nice here! - ^Sarcasm?... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Whee!... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
People are so nice here! - Yessss! *Pumps fist in victory*... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^She is... Michelle. XD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
To TETTERETET - >_> I really wish you'd just leave me alone... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
To TETTERETET - ......... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - I don't think the two can be compared. The Beatles... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Who would you like to hang out with the most? - I wonder why. <_<... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
To TETTERETET - I'm sure all she wants is attention and that's wha... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
What's your favourite of Freddie's stage costumes ? - Jeezus. xD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
What's your favourite of Freddie's stage costumes ? - Maybe he's about to eat her. Or him.... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - :O Did you read what he said about a 12 year ol... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Haha, yes. That's why, I think, the whore houses ... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - I'm sure it does.... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - Like, bounce bounce bounce as in Jolly Ole' Sain... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Yes, I am actually very bony. I'm 5'3 and I weigh... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - Does your gut jiggle when you sing? I WANNA KNO... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
What's your favourite of Freddie's stage costumes ? - LMAO that cat looks terrified. xDD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Yes I am! http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l253... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - It's not my fault you have a spare tire. *Cough*... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - *Whistle* No you is NOT, mah deah, no you is not... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - YES I IS! xD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - But the real me is not pretty. :P... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
my youtube clips. - You're ugly.... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Hello hello. Thread's screwed up. *Rolls eyes*... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - Fine, I guess. *Shrugs again*... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Will not tell us how old she is. But I don't min... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
discusting girl from my last class - What the fuck?... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - A spider's touch!... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Woot!... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Oh yeah? Well, I once tried to heat up a metal c... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - It got booted down the list because of these youtu... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
prrrrrrr - Cocksucking spammer. -_-... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
A Queenzoner Questionnaire - I thought I'd make a questionnaire. I went to chur... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
People are so nice here! - But I don't want to be nice! Or sweet! I'm mean, ... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Who would you like to hang out with the most? - Whatever happened to your crap about wanting to ... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Who would you like to hang out with the most? - ^ XD... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
Does anyone remember me??? - I don't remember you. <_<... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - My grandmother once put a hot pocket in the toas... by Sergei. on 24.06.2007
I can't remember... - Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Jim Hutton?... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
Who would you like to hang out with the most? - Freddie would have been begging to hang out with M... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - Fuck. =_=... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I was reheating two slices of pizza, but they expl... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - LMAO! xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^ Like this? http://scribalterror.blogs.com/scrib... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
Your Favorite Song- and why it's your favorite. - My favourite Queen song is Grace Kelly! Huh? Wh... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Who the fuck is mozart compared to freddie?!? ... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - Hehehe you said cock! xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Stupid is her name. xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
Your Top 5 Artists - 1.)Queen 2.)The Beatles 3.)David Bowie 4.)Led Z... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
Jody!!! - Ravie! xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
People are so nice here! - “Actually Queenzone is a dysfunctional family…... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - :D... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
who did freddie love? - xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - Glad you liked it. xD... by Sergei. on 23.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Yes he is. I'm the one who called him a dick.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - http://www.hembeck.com/FredSez/DirtyDicks450.jpg... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^xD... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - But it's wearing TENNIS SHOES.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Enjoys hearing about my dumbass neighbours. :PP... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
I hate exams.. - Get yer ass on msn. xD... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - Cute?! It's GOOSE FAT! :P... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Ramirez does.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - Meh. :/... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - I changed back to Cookies. I'm staying Cookies for... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
A picture for Joxer. - This is what I do when I'm bored. http://i98.phot... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
oh im evil....the new random thoughts thread! - Ramirez hates me. -_-... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
First Album - Why aren't you fun anymore, Charles? :(... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
First Album - Valentine?! I want my last name to be Valentine!... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Couple fall from building having sex..... Columbia, SC - What if, right before the fall, he told her "... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
First Album - To the topic starter... I know this is off topic,... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Queen on YouTube - I loved this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thfE... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Jody!!! - It's taboo.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Roger Taylor article on "Uncyclopedia" - Ehrm, I didn't quite find it funny.... http://unc... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
people who might have infected freddie - xD... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
In My Life - Good for you.... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
who did freddie love? - You're an idiot. "because mercury is very... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
the most beautiful queen song - Love of My Life is definitely one, and I know it's... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
Couple fall from building having sex..... Columbia, SC - LMAO XD... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
who did freddie love? - One thing we know for sure is Freddie didn't love ... by Sergei. on 22.06.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - If I had made this thread on Sunday that would h... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Delilah - *Sings* Hey there, Delilah.. What's it like in N... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Couple fall from building having sex..... Columbia, SC - xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD No, I'm joking. :P... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Eh, boredom. See? I've got "Hey There Deli... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Vishnu it is. I find it more loverly than Cookies... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^I asked Kaylee, and now I shall ask you. Should ... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Back - You seem a lot less stupid to the rest of us whe... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
people who might have infected freddie - Was Freddie the fucker or the fuckee? THAT is ... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Jody!!! - OMFG O_O You sick motherfucker!... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
VISHNU/FRAZZLED/JESUS/GYPPSY - It's malignant; nothing the docs say can save hi... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Jody!!! - Bad left knees run in my family. No pun intended.... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Jody!!! - The difference is amazing, believe me. ... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Back - Aha, read Kaylee(Make Love)'s blog. *rolls ey... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
Back - She was a clone, you stupid idiot.... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
VISHNU/FRAZZLED/JESUS/GYPPSY - Joseph has a Vagoma on his testicle!!!... by Sergei. on 21.06.2007
freddie personality - That is THE longest sentence ever written.... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
freddie personality - And you're indeed a FUCKER... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
No Subject - Superfreak! :D... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
No Subject - Lovely song you have there in your blog. xD... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
Jody!!! - 12 year old girls are not sweet! They are evil! ... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
Back - LMAO XD Vagoma.. I'm such an idiot. xD... by Sergei. on 20.06.2007
The new Queenie Above you Thread - ^Should go to Vh1, because there is a special on h... by Sergei. on 19.06.2007
Back - She was rushed to the hospital on Sunday when he... by Sergei. on 19.06.2007
Whats your opium? - Cellophane flowers of yellow and green...... by Sergei. on 19.06.2007
Whats your opium? - Wasn't he the guy who always talked about eating... by Sergei. on 19.06.2007
Back - Tis fine, Ramirez. I don't know about the gay part... by Sergei. on 19.06.2007
Back - But it isn't the right time or place ... Meh.... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - You're not funny.... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
New? Freddie Mercury action figure - Those are really ugly.... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - Really, the "post after each sentence" t... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - I didn't read anything you wrote except "crit... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
No Subject - Whee!... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - This thread is OFFICIALLY closed! :P... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - You're an idiot. Freddie Mercury didn't even sk... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - Plop. I'd like to hear you say that about the s... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - I can very easily prove it, dear. However, I'm ... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - Haha! Like a fucking shit volcano!... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - What's there to prove? (This thread's fucke... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - If I knew someone like you was in love with me, ... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - It's not the question of IF it's a clone. Yes, i... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - You are a fucking idiot. But... There i... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - No wonder he's so dumb. His brain's a dry rotted... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Recent review of Mika in "The Washington Post" - I live about thirty minutes from the 9:30 club; yo... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
If you could... - Remember the one that sank? Meh. :P... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
If you could... - The 1960s and 1970s. In New York City. Preferably ... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - Sixth graders are funny. The ones at my school ar... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Back - I luv Freddie is a dumb little twat! :D... by Sergei. on 18.06.2007
Jody!!! - TRIFE I wouldn't ask her within the next we... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - Uhm. Sorry you feel that way. -_-... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - For that I quote you: It's a body. Get over it.... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - I'm so sick of you complaining about this! I st... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Queen on YouTube - I want to burn that hat Roger's wearing in the s... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - Yes, woman crap! Like bras, boobies, boyfriends,... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - Hahaha I'm glad I don't even have to deal with tha... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - LMAO "Becca" (Even though I know you're... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - Still not working? Meh, try a colour like &quo... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
website insulting freddie!!! - It says the site doesn't exist anymore. *shrug*... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - But I do know how to fix the font colour and style... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - I don't know who it is. *cough*... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - I might.... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - She's 100% Clone meat (Not FDA approved.) And... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - O-o... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
No Subject - Are you sure it was cheese? XD... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - So Inna's real name is stupid, and Freya's real na... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
Back - Of course they do.... by Sergei. on 17.06.2007
What song are you listening to? - The Best of You-The Foo Fighters. Who likes the... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
No Subject - Hairy. xD... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
Queenzone Survey - Do you have any pets? Yes; two cats. What col... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
"Li'l Bush"... - I think he means the plot of the show. xD... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
Back - Hmmm. Was it a clone account you made that's co... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Lmao. xD... by Sergei. on 16.06.2007
Back - Don't give any part of me to her. O_o... by Sergei. on 15.06.2007
Delilah - Fuck you.... by Sergei. on 15.06.2007
"Li'l Bush"... - Go google it if you really want to know. ... by Sergei. on 15.06.2007
"Li'l Bush"... - I have one thing to say about this show... If y... by Sergei. on 15.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Ah. Well, I can't read a reply until Friday or Sat... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Hurry it up.... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Delilah - Hmm, why are so many people calling it fake?... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Recent review of Mika in "The Washington Post" - It was actually hard to tell. :/ I thought it s... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Hmm, send me another email then! It's fun gettin... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Recent review of Mika in "The Washington Post" - Hahaha.... he was burned. Mika "Heading... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - Nah, I'm too lazy. I fixed it. xD... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - Chahls! Don't be dirty! :PP I don't know how ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Back - You're stupid. Go away.... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - One I made about two months ago but never used? ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - Kid:Mommy, Mommy! I've lost my fingers! Mum:Shu... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
No Subject - I revised it; there's some mistakes in it. xD... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
No Subject - *Sings* They tried to make him go to (goose fat... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - Go look for *Roger is myn :)* on page nine of th... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - ^I don't know how the Roger thing got there, but t... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What the hell... - How am I "Roger is myn :)" ?????? It's ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
What song are you listening to? - Rehab-Amy Winehouse. I've got it stuck in my head... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - That's it? That's the big private message?... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Back - (: !efil ym fo yad tsrow eht gnivah m'I, em toN... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Uhm.. It's... In my profile.. O_o?... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Your offence? Being an idiot.... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Hmm... sorry, but I don't respect you enough to ... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - That's not possible. Get over it. But this thre... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Amy Winehouse: Say cheese! - Here's one.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx-w... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Happy Birthday Nathan!! - Happy birthday Nathan! :D I raise my breakfast gl... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - That's just how I am. ^_^... by Sergei. on 14.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Cunnilingus. XDDDDDDDDDD EDIT: Chahls is on! M... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - IT'S A DISGRACE. ;P... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - *Cough*Crockofshit*COUGH*... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - MSN! MSN! :D... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - xD... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - She is nice. But she's like many of us here, and... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - That's such a lie. I bet you aren't Jewish, eith... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Oh, you have so much to learn, my darling. And ... by Sergei. on 13.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Sure they did. *Cough* Fine then, be a bitch to... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Elaine:"You look like Al Pacino... You know... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Sorry, that's not possible.... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - You know, that's racist. I was born in Germany,a... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Wow, you both are idiots. Sephie08, I actually ... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - xD Well, Wembley Fan is a retard!... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - You refer to me or her? :P... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - So? *Nudge nudge* I'll invite David Bowie. He's ... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Hey - Ehrm. Read my blog, dear. (And if I get spam I'l... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - But then again you've never seen me? Maybe you'd... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Hey - Oh?... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Thank you. ... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Hey - Yeah, yeah, look in a mirror, right? Not insult... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - I see a sexy motherfucker who looks like a girly... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - Guess what's going on in my head right now, will... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Hey - Do you have a blog? If not, please make one so I... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Attention - Can I ask you a question? Do I make you horny, bab... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
The Absolute Greatest Queenie Story Thread :) - http://www.elephantcountryweb.com/Ellies3/dumbo.... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
Some of you Queenzoners are a disgrace - You're a regular flame broiled idiot. THIS PERSO... by Sergei. on 12.06.2007
America: Freedom to fascism - *Bows* Are you mad because that commercial didn... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - ^I'm Harry Johnson.... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
America: Freedom to fascism - This one, I can assure you, will arouse startlin... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Kaylee, Vishnu, Michelle, Alexis, And All the others who I know - Ah. :P At least they're not the stupid morons ... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - I'm Vagina Weathersby!... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Kaylee, Vishnu, Michelle, Alexis, And All the others who I know - Huh? What's going on? I saw my "name".... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
I - I think you would. *Cough* <_<... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Everyone will be SLAVES soon! - No; I think she's laughing at yours.... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - -Maybe because you've never done anything that s... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
Hey - Amen. xD... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - It's not your fault at all; you didn't start it.... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - I don't care if I insulted you. You insult every... by Sergei. on 11.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - Somehow I get the idea that you two are the same... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - O_o Who is "Tessabiah:The Metal Gurrrrru!!!... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - It's quite obvious you don't. "FUCK OFF&q... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - xDD... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - ._. Does everything have to be a joke?... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - You left out one. You know what it is. xD... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - I don't believe this! I take it back for a certai... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - ^Get on msn! =O I have something funny to say. xD... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - LMAO xD ... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Vagina.... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - ^Woot. xD... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Not saying all Americans are stupid... - XD Oh my... The most interesting thing is that t... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - John had a hairy chest, and Brian had hairy hair. ... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
No Subject - :DDD Here are my kitties! http://i98.photobuck... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Roger has hairy ass armpits. O_o ... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Tired. ^_^... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Roger's vocal range. - I'm surprised he didn't put GREETZ on the end of... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Hmmm... I see.. Glitch, maybe.... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - I guess YV decided these threads have nothing to d... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Me too. *sobs* Newberry Award for Chahls. xD... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Names... - No offence, but I've learned that you should nev... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Anyone here?... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - =_= No, I'm not mad... I'd just like this threa... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
The Apologies Thread [Ironic title, innit?] - Seems there's a lot of bitterness and arguments on... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Names... - I don't change my name. I've been Cookies for a lo... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - Well, see, they do it for anyone who decides to ... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Brand-Spanking-New Story Thread! - My Dad is back from France! Now the family is whol... by Sergei. on 10.06.2007
Most awkward interview ever - That reporter is acting all sweet; you can tell sh... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - No.... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Let's see, now I'm sure PG hates me (but he alread... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Sex.... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - :P I'll be on later, but I must go for now.... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I don't feel bad about it. I said what I've alwa... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Eh... I kind of "blew up" at Penetration... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Rare Queen vinyl? - What the fuck, man! It seems like you're always... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Anyone else here?... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Right now I'm eating what's left over of the steak... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - :P... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
The Absolutely Crazy Story Thread - You didn't have to explain yourself. See? I did ... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Best Kiss Award! - xDD... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
What's your.... - Rocky Horror, hands down. Even though around here ... by Sergei. on 09.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - :P I must go, dears. Ciao!... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Well, see, this kid a few days ago asked me if I... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I choked on a piece of steak today and used the ... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - :P... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Kaylee, Michelle, do you have a Xerox machine? I n... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Sure, call me Vee. Hell, call me V. XD... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I have been testy with people lately, no? *sigh*... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
The Absolutely Crazy Story Thread - Well, yes. I do, actually.... And The Fairy Ki... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - *Screams* THEY DID IT TO ME!!!!! They trie... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Queen: Homosexual Themes? - I don't think about that. I just enjoy the music. ... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Most awkward interview ever - There must really be something wrong with that kid... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
How to put a youtube video in a blog?? - When I looked at the entry, I didn't see a video... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
How to put a youtube video in a blog?? - Tried it... I tried posting the link first unde... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
How to put a youtube video in a blog?? - No, actually I didn't figure it out. :/ How do yo... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I'm here, but kind of on the edge of my seat becau... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Lovely! I have only three days left of school, a... by Sergei. on 08.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Every weekend? I don't think so.... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
IS IT ME OR DO THE NEW PAUL MCCARTNEY SONG ABSOLUTELY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Carol. Get on msn. xD... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - Fred is 32 years old and he is still single. ... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
The Absolutely Crazy Story Thread - He just wants attention.... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I smell attention go-gettums! ... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Freddie & Roger looking a little ummm suspicious - Well, as soon as I saw it I knew it had something ... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I have nothing to say about you. Your grammar an... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Well to be honest, all that bugs me about you is... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Anyone Heard of Biba ? - Yus, please.... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - No, just me.... by Sergei. on 07.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - I wonder what Charles has to say about this? O_o... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - WHAT is with the goose fat? XDDDDDDDDD... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - *Sings*I'm a-nuttier than Ron Jeremy-ah!... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
the quiz thread - Joxer, your new profile picture made me laugh too.... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
If there was a "Queen Greatest Hits 4", what songs would you put on it? - *Hijacks* Charles. *Gets down on knees* I beg o... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Do stand me. My life is a wreck. I've been thr... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Anyone Heard of Biba ? - STOP WITH THE SHORT-HAND TEXTING *Rips hair out*... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Me? Unfriendly? I'm sorry, you're right... (But... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Sublime! Sublime! xD... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Vishnu is here. Not that anyone is going to be dan... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Anyone Heard of Biba ? - .... What the... Wait, this was posted on the &qu... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - No.... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Yus, I remember. :/ However, I did ask people *... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - And the fact that I stay, what does that show yo... by Sergei. on 05.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I must go. Good night bubulas.... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Hmmmm.......... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Queenie Above You Thread!! :D - Let's go outback tonight!... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I'm here... I've got "Lucy In the Sky with Di... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Just in case you didn't notice, I said I was sta... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - But I don't! I change punctuation and colour, bu... by Sergei. on 04.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Well, I'm not really in the mood for my second imm... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Yep, sounds about right. I've been here close to... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Haha, says the man with pussy eating in his sign... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Here's a story for YOU, my dear Nathan. "... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Well, I got it from you. That'll be fifty dollar... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - Alexis! Alexis! I'm staying! *dances*... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Still Hot From The Oven Story Thread! - I'm here... I'm thinking I might stay, but I'm not... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Eh, I stay. Screw this thread. Ignore it. It's clo... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm a leavin' on a jet plane. xD Yus, this is m... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - G'bye, story threads! *Huge arm wave* :P I'll m... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - For moi, there's an itty bitty chance of coming ba... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
Well, it sure was interesting here... - Well, I'm going to go join the throng of Queenzone... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I don't believe we've met. I'm the landlord.... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Vishnu is.... oh so tired. X_X... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm so tired. X_X... by Sergei. on 03.06.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm here. :|... by Sergei. on 01.06.2007
No Subject - Drugs! :P... by Sergei. on 30.05.2007
Dumb Question - Do you think that Brian and Roger (And maybe John)... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
Prince question - That he is. He's an azzadude. :P... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Oh, ignore me, then? Fine. BE that way. :P I mu... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I made an interesting blog entry. xD EDIT: Roger ... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
Another sick pet - ='( All this about sick cats makes me sad. It remi... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
Hilarious American Idol Auditions xD - I'm surprised we haven't had a thread like this. x... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - *Gasp* I love sushi! :P Read the msn conversati... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Sushi. ^_^... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
No Subject - LMAO. I had fun doing this.. Let's just call this ... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I said Kaylee's username in on of Penetration guru... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
What was the number one song on your birthday? - I got... "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I ... by Sergei. on 29.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Woot! xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I must go, now, bubulas. xD The story goes well w... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
No Subject - You know, I still laugh at the picture of the fa... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - I'm serious. :P No problems, though. Woot!... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - While you were out: -Johnnie bought a thong. (W... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - :D http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0000... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - XD I still jump, and I've watched it about 20 time... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Muaha. "What's wrong with this picture?"... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm only on a short while longer. :/... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Appears not to be in a dick mood right now, whic... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm back!... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Maybe he had a big ass and there was more space ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Prince question - I don't want your love. :P I don't think PG do... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - ^Thus, the invention of vertical spelling.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - "Well, you will not hear anymore about it.&qu... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Prince question - We make love, not war. :P... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Yes. Do continue. xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm afraid to admit to you all... I am dying of a ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Random: You fools should get msn. It's extremely ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Prince question - xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I think they are (or were) husband and wife.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Uhhh.. I think interviews with Meatloaf and Susa... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - One is the super double secret two disk special ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Notice how I have two Rocky Horrors. xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
No Subject - *Shudders* Uncle, uncle!... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Random: Look! It's the top shelf of the "Fav... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Ehrr... story now, right? :P ------- Vishnu he... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
No Subject - It's on! xD Round 1: Vishnu vs. Kaylee.. DING DI... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - No! I can assure you, that's full buttcrack and ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
No Subject - This one's a lot funner, and more worldy. http:/... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - *Click* *BANG BANG BANG BANG* *Thud*... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - *Click* *BANG* *Thud*... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - O no, don't make me have that image X_X... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Random: See that picture in my blog? That's me!! ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Heheh.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Wow. One has to have a lot of dignity to wear th... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - Ah, the thread is fucked up.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - *She's a super freak--super freak--she's super fre... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - We need something to spice this thread up a bit. ... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Uh-oh. Beginning to curse like a sailor and call... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Here ye!... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Was outposted.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ What's more, I'm Leigh Bowery's mangina. (Ge... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ I think I'm more of a vagina than Ramirez is. xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - You know what's weird? You both have that THIN... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Eat the potroast your momma made you.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Woot! I don't really wear those sunglasses much. I... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Because sometimes you come off as a dick.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^Needs to get on the story thread. xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Beans, beans, they're musical fruit! The more y... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
No Subject - WHO LIKES DEVO? Woot.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Nope. I taste nasty. Eat someone else.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
What song are you listening to?????? - Can't Take My Eyes Off You-Frankie Valli xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Okay, good. I was confused for a second. >_&g... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Prince question - We all love you.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Really? Am I that sexy? Hah.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - No, the thread is about baked beans, not spam. Mak... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - Yup, baked beans are gross, I agree, Ramirez.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
Fuck. - EDIT: This thread is officially about baked beans.... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - For those of you who are looking for your fill, th... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - ^ Yup, that's with me and franks. xD... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - ^ I just read my blog feedback. You have a life, b... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I think people are getting Memorial day mixed up w... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Vishnu got the all you can eat buffet and packed a... by Sergei. on 28.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - :D RHPS! I must go now. ^_^ Good night, everyon... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Know what I should do? I should print out all our ... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Yeah, I think I have emphysema. xD... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Yay! I just got back from second hand smoking for ... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - I'm here, for a short while. >_> Anyone els... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Minty Fresh Story Thread - Well, ta da! :D I must go though, bubulas. Enjo... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I made a new thread, but I must go now. Bye! :D... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Woo! I have to leave soon too. -_-... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Muahaha! :P Let's continue? --------- Vishn... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Ah. :P That's really all, actually. The way I w... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - You're disturbed now, aren't you? ¡_¡... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - No :/ But see, that's the problem with that kind... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Are you sure? It's got gay stuff in it. O_o... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - W00t! xD I am typing up that Queen 2 Story. A b... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm back, of course, no one else is here. *Sighs*... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
No Subject - Hey, who farted in here? Cheeky monkeys!... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Must go now, I'll be on later. Bye!... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Muaha xD... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Graduation Thread - *Plays Pomp and Circumstance on the piano* I stil... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Yeah, details are in my blog... xD... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Wow. I just had a huge fight with my (16 year ol... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ I used to think his username was Peddle.... by Sergei. on 27.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Can I ask you a question? Does this make you ... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Queenzoners you would meet (XD) - Woot! xD What's your msn? I tried to add you, b... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Anna, who's this? http://www.ohdbc.com/images/Ug... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
No Subject - Sometime this year, the entirety of my math book... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
No Subject - Drugs. ^_^ ... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Describe Yourself In One Word or Less... - Insane.... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Eh. >>... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Prince question - I love you, Penetration Guru.... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Freddie eye chart - xD... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm here! :D... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Prince question - Oh, I'm sure you don't. >_> I guess at ... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - *Sings* If I... could save time in a bottle... T... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - Raf, Raf. XD... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Prince question - So it took you about sixteen hours, eight minute... by Sergei. on 26.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Yes, but you I am talking to on msn. xD... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm here. And no one else is. -_-... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Ah.... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - xD... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Prince question - Tut tut. 90 percent? You should not make such swe... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Freddie eye chart - Yup. A few times, as a matter of fact.... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Yes! Yes! Be obsessed! It's healthy for you! xD... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - My neighbour's dog is shitting in my front yard.... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - *Sings* I'm here! (Heeyah!) But only for a sho... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
The Nothing Thread - I love that movie! XD "You don't think a g... by Sergei. on 25.05.2007
The Nothing Thread - This thread speaks for itself. It is about a whole... by Sergei. on 24.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Rosie O'Donnel's? :P... by Sergei. on 24.05.2007
story - But their replies were meant to be sentences...... by Sergei. on 24.05.2007
Hello All! - I'm Vishnu. And I play all the instruments you pla... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - LMAO! XDD Must go now xD bye bye!... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - :D I think "Vishnu" will forever be ... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
links-----HELP PLEASE - I'm doing quite well today myself, thank you. It... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
story - LMAO. XD Topic starter, this site might be of... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm here, and good news...I've been unblocked! :D ... by Sergei. on 23.05.2007
Describe Yourself In One Word or Less... - Ehr... I'll have to sleep on that one. Meh. :P... by Sergei. on 22.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - :D It's lovely! (Unfortunately my parents spent ... by Sergei. on 22.05.2007
What song are you listening to?????? - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vidda. This song makes me think of... by Sergei. on 21.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I dropped in to say hello. :P This girl wet her... by Sergei. on 21.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Roger was really stressing now. He had no idea wha... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I did. I bought it because he's in it ^_^... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
What song are you listening to?????? - Light My Fire-The Doors I love that song. I'm s... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - It was this girl! And she was explaining why Vishn... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
What song are you listening to?????? - Time In a Bottle-Jim Croce... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - ^_^ It feels good to be talking to people fin... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
The Freddie Threaddie :D - And "It's a Beautiful Day" . =/... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Thanks :P Plum ^_^ I'd need an idea first, bu... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'll be in bed then. :/ But good night! ^_^... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - You're like me when I discovered Tim Curry, or D... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
The Freddie Threaddie :D - I had a startling revelation. I was listening to Q... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - But hey! Like the man said, don't lose your he... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Blog. :[... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I am. ¡_¡... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
The Freddie Threaddie :D - Join me on the story thread, pleeeeease X_X... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
MSN messenger - Mines in my profile too. But ah, well. bluepowde... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
MSN messenger - :O!!!! No, Chahls! No! ;_; Ah, it's Mercurys... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - I could deduce that (willing has two l's). Bu... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
The March Of The Black Queen - How about listening and counting?... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
No Subject - Carl Johnson, check out my diamond encrusted Grill... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Hell yeah xD - *Hijacks* Lucky lucky! How and where did you ge... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - It's interesting how everyone JUST misses each oth... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - "From what I've seen, I definitely like Que... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Pet Trouble - I'm sure it's only the medicine. If your kittie ha... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Sharky - He fucks dolphin pluches ? What?... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - Well. I don't like him. I respect(ed) him. :P... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm here for the moment.... A hysterical genius... by Sergei. on 20.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Yus, you should definitely see it. :P Must go n... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - :P The one I like takes place at the ball. And ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Yay! *Dances* I love the "As the world fal... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - They're burning plastic bottles in the backyard ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - I'm back, but only for a short while. Savour my... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Hello Nathan. :P Where's everyone else? I hav... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - .... But... I like you! :S Why insult me when I... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Planet schmanet, Janet:P I'll be on later, bubu... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Dreams you've had of queeen - I have Queen dreams almost every night,RHPS dreams... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - :O On Msn now, Chahls, you! xD... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Queenzoners you would meet (XD) - No, I'm joking. This is actually an appreciation... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
What if Freddie... - Sipping his cafe latte with one of those ugly bl... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Queenzone vs. Queenonline - Are we kind of like... rivals? I've never really ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Who likes hot space? - Body language ^_^... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Daddy-O xD... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Moi is here! Yeah! :D "YES! I WIN! I AM THE ... by Sergei. on 19.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Must go for now, dears! Ciao! :D... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I admit; I've never listened to it.... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - absolutely ^_^... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - But Vishnu stayed behind. Because she didn't want ... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - "No!" Vishnu shouted. "That deep fr... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - You bought it? I remember buying it. ^_^ It was... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
Cookies Orders - The Newest, New Queen Story Thread!! - Kung pow Tim Curry---just what the cookster ordere... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Alexis-Nope, the dogs aren't out (yet). Michelle... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - My neighbour's cutting the grass.... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Lovely!... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'm here, rejoicing it's Friday and there's 17 day... by Sergei. on 18.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I have to go now, dahlins! Ciao! :P... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - ^That was mine. :P... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^I tell her all about my neighbour tirades xD... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I am back. I had to take a shower. :P Vishnu thou... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - "Instant hit!" The critics said.... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - XD Now the story... -------------- Johnnie, L... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Yes xD He's taking the wretched thing for a wal... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Oh my goodness, the dog (the big ugly one) Is sh... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Lovely! (I'm Sherlock Holmes, see blog for details... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
Way Different Version of Bohemian Rhapsody - Ew. That was stupid. :S... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
Who was the best Prime Minister (UK) in history? - MARGARET THATCHER NAKED ON A COLD DAY! MARGARET T... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^Has a cute kitty in her profile picture.... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The 129124th Queen Picture Caption Thread - LMAO! XD Meanwhile. http://www.queenzone.com/q... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - A certain person has BLOCKED me [and Anna, I belie... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Hello. I'm Vishnu. :P... by Sergei. on 17.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - They're "affected." xD... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - :DDD I wanted them to kill Dr. Scott. He's so... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
Oi, you swines.. - Happy birthday Freyaaaaaaaaaaa! :P... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I cried when they killed Frank. Isn't that patheti... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - That, dear, is something I'll never know.... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I know. xD I don't really care. I throw up all ... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I just ate General Tso's chicken! :D... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I can practically recite that movie word for wor... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Will a scrawny, bony hug make you all feel bette... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I did. :P Eddie was Frank's "creation&quo... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Because he's a deviant. :P... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Vishnu came skipping back to the gang, licking an(... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'm here! Let the bells ring out and the banners... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'll be on. :D... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
HEY HEY HEY - Ooh, I'm seeing red.... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - :DDD... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Wait, I don't think he loves me. *Sobs*... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Me. You love me, too.... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!!! *Dances* Did you l... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Hellooooo! Ugh. I'm throwing up again. Must've be... by Sergei. on 15.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Hello all! :D I am extremely happy today. -... by Sergei. on 14.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I like how, as soon as I leave for good, everyone ... by Sergei. on 14.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - XD Must go now :D Bye bye!... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Must go too, dears. See you throughout the week. :... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - "3) Raw cookie dough, although it is sweet an... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Vishnu sat on his lap eating an ice cream cone and... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Yippee!... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Yus ^_^... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - More people! YAY!... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The official Lost and Queen fan's thread - Yup, we here love to snort lost.... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
links-----HELP PLEASE - Hello. How are you doing today?... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I bought more Abercrombie and Fitch. ^_^ Bloo... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
links-----HELP PLEASE - BECAUSE THE ROGER TAYLOR GIRL FEELS LIKE IT, AND... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - *At some point in the song* But he must've be... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - *Returns* Where IS everyone? O_O *Tumbleweed blo... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ w00t!... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - In a couple of years, they have built a home sweet... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
wich queen song are you today:D - Don't Stop Me Now! Because I'm singing and everyon... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
links-----HELP PLEASE - ^ AND IT ALWAYS MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE SCREAMI... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
links-----HELP PLEASE - OF COURSE YOU CAN USE IT BUT IT'S REALLY FUCKING... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I ate ice cream :D Top that muddafukkas! :P... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Scenario: Roger buys a rolls royce in LA and is t... by Sergei. on 13.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - But we pretend to like muse. :P Still depress... by Sergei. on 12.05.2007
wich queen song are you today:D - "It's a Hard Life". :S... by Sergei. on 12.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Anna is my "Muse" "EW!" "... by Sergei. on 12.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'm going to bed now. I'm sick. ;_; Good night ... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Only Vishnu tripped over a fat man in a speedo tha... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - Okay, how about this: John frolicking on the beac... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - why?... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - With his marble white buttcrack smiling and peekin... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I made a new story continuation thread :'D... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - It did :D Hugs back to all friends ^_^... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Story Thread Continuation! - I'm in a stormy mood. A few of you know why. >_... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - But now the friend's going to tell the sister and ... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
The Absolutely Crazy Story Thread - And played guitar ^_^ With his skinless hands 0-o... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I would honestly like to. His friend is over... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - We left off where Roger blew my brother's head of ... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I could fucking kill my brother. I really could. A... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - It turned out Roger had made a mexican poopie. It ... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - And Roger completely bent over and looked at his p... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - "Momma! Wipe my butt," he sobbed.... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I have to PEE X_X... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I am here! Who has missed me? :P :DD I have a... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - "Gas". -Vishnu.... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - ^ How about you start? :P... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Dante took them all through a trip in hell, heaven... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - Adam Titty-us: Why drag Frank N. Furter into this... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - Those were MY quotes. ...... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - A guy named "lyrical assasin" whom I've ... by Sergei. on 11.05.2007
It's nice he's interested in staying in touch. - Ladies and Gentlemen. Might I post this? From: ... by Sergei. on 10.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Freddie said, "I ate some raw cookie dough an... by Sergei. on 10.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - w00t! I sneaked on. Or is it snuck? Meh.... by Sergei. on 10.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ You know, thirty nine is ninety three backwards,... by Sergei. on 09.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Me and my stuffies. ^_^... by Sergei. on 09.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - I wasn't planning to :P I was just going to say,... by Sergei. on 08.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - If you're referring to me..... How the fuck woul... by Sergei. on 08.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - XD And you know what else is funny, EJ? I'm pre... by Sergei. on 08.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Hello ev'ryone. I'm only allowed on weekends. I ... by Sergei. on 08.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Yeah, I don't live in Afghanistan either. :P... by Sergei. on 07.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Wah-wah-wah. "Go suck a fucking cock".... by Sergei. on 07.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Alas, I must go now. Buh bye! :D... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
No Subject - I asked him to do [+BONUS] again. XD... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - In the nicest way possible...if this place is so... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - Pomponias! That's why you must get on right now!... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Ugh... I feel... depressed X_X... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - "Maryland isn't interesting at all. I much pr... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Vishnu took them all to her unnecessarily big ass ... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - He made such a ruckus that security called for the... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - ---------------- "Let's tour the White House... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Where do I begin? With the stuck up poshies of Nor... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I'm here. I just ate a completely unappetising lat... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - Yeah, Queenzone's what I do while relaxing on week... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Meh. Just making suggestions.... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - A swarm of angry bees?... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
If Queenzone got shut down.... - What would you do? I read that Queenzone's one of... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - O_o... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Is a leroy.... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
What's the most grossest/scariest thing you've ever seen? - Is cookies turned on? No, I am not :P (Get o... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I must go too if I want to get on tonight. w00t.... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
What is the best cd and song by Queen? - I am only 13. I think he's about 14.... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
"Freddie" Mercury, Yahoo! news - That's exactly what I was thinking. xD... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I'm being bored on MSN. People, give me your hotma... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - http://rockground.tripod.com/70ssingles/queen_seve... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I've seen him in Kimonos. And they're "sup... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I'm on MSN now! Yeah! :P... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Freddie sounds like a guy who'd go for some Japa... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Let's see, they have an interesting experience at ... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
No Subject - Hey anna, what's your favourite muse album? XD... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - Yes, no one was talking to us, but that's what hap... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Vishnu and Freddie sat down at a steinway and bega... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Lovely. And I've been awake since 8, actually. I h... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I am awaaaaaake, dahlings! :O... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - She just absolutely ADORES EmmaJean. :P... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Wow, these stuffed animals are like those circus c... by Sergei. on 06.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I am tired and therefore going to bed. ^_^ I shall... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Yay! I have a freddie action figure that sings!... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - LMAO. I really do have that many stuffed animals... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - "I love mountain men" - Rosie O'Donnell... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Vishnu ran around stealing miniature soaps and sha... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^Wax My Ass Cheeks" XDDD... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^ Daddy-O! XD... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - "So, Vishy, how's life been treating you?&quo... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Okay, here goes.... ------------ "Next st... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I deleted it. And I regret it. ;_;... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - *Thinks* *Thinks* *Thinks some more* Okay. I'l... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Actually, no. Never mind. Carry on. :P... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Can I add on? Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - ^W00T!... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - And Randy Rhodes lay in the middle of the table cl... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Most recent idiotic escapade: Having sprinklers... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
No Subject - I bought a black thong off of ebay from Monica Lew... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Queenie above you thread - Ah yeah. :D... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Hilarious? Who, ME? pssht. :PP... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - LISTEN TO ME! You are going to be BRILLIANT, and... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
"Freddie" Mercury, Yahoo! news - XD Well, there is one thing you have to reali... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Please. Make a name for yourself around here bef... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
azzadude, thanks for being nice! - You wanted to delete your account because of one t... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I shouldn't have put my picture on. I look like an... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Wah-wah-wah! :P ... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Don't fear Tim Curry. He doesn't bite. He sucks.... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - W00t!! That's what I'm talking about!... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - ^ See, Rocky Horror has absolutely NOTHING to do w... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Oh no, I'm sure Freddie would have enjoyed seein... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - ' "And I am [insert fellow's name here]."... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Ah! Yes! I did notice that one. :D... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
No Subject - I'm 13 years old and a girl. And I still laugh a... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Hmm, the thunderstorm sex, you mean? :P... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Freddie Threaddie :D - http://queenzone.com/queenzone/mp3.aspx?Q=15411 ... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - I read a biography of a monk named Rasputin in his... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
No Subject - *Sings* I love you, baby! And if it's quite al... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Hello everyone. :D... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Poopie list! - Okay, so this is the height of my immaturity. ... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
my birthday! - Happy Birthday fool. As for middle school, I st... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Happy Birthday, Charles!!! - Happy Birthday, Chahls and Karl Marx! :P... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - ' "5 tickets please to (w/e movie theyre seei... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
The Freddie Threaddie :D - I want Freddie's clothes. They are so fucking se... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
I'm Royalty! - LMAO! xD On that note, remember not to invite S... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
No Subject - I had college day that day too! O_o The "... by Sergei. on 05.05.2007
Queen story thread, THE one and only! - Well... Vishnu has given you all [You all know wh... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
I'm Royalty! - That's right, biotch! I joined Saturday, November... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
No Subject - Or maybe it's too hot to do anything outside? ... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - I've got an idea for a story! How about during a s... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
No Subject - Makes you wonder why everyone chooses to fuck in... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - ^ I like to call my blog a toilet because that's w... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - ^Because my new font colour is called "spam&q... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
What's the most grossest/scariest thing you've ever seen? - Seeing my science teacher bend over and his forest... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - Belt it! *NOW I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..... FREE FALL... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
No Subject - I have to finish the moonlight sonata by May 24th,... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - John was so inspired by Lexie that he started his ... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
Napoleon - *Napoleon mode* LUCKIEEEE!... by Sergei. on 04.05.2007
No Subject - Yeah! Let's go! w00t! :P... by Sergei. on 01.05.2007
If you have a pet - The same happened to my cat about three years ago.... by Sergei. on 01.05.2007
New Story Thread 3 - Hello everyone. Happy Tuesday. :P... by Sergei. on 01.05.2007
The Queen 2 Novel - I was too xD I like to look at my progress. :P... by Sergei. on 30.04.2007
who thinks that "system of a down" is good? - I think they're alright. I like a few of the songs... by Sergei. on 30.04.2007
The Saddam song - Hah. Hah. Hah. Hah. -_-... by Sergei. on 29.04.2007
New Story Thread 3 - And then they dove in the pool and had sex there, ... by Sergei. on 29.04.2007
The Queen 2 Novel - xD I know... Thank goodness for the search func... by Sergei. on 29.04.2007
No Subject - I'm eating soggy chocolate chip cookies... while m... by Sergei. on 29.04.2007
New Story Thread 3 - It's terrible! xD They also have this little ra... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
New Story Thread 3 - Yup. In fact it just took a shit on my lawn toda... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
New Story Thread 3 - Okay, yeah, sorry for that penis mowing bit but I ... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
those with the logo channel - I think the spokesman/woman/thing of the manginas ... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
those with the logo channel - Vishnu! [I dislike my real name xD] ... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
those with the logo channel - Nope, it's a term all in itself. :P... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
New Story Thread 3 - Then Roger and Alexis had sex on a riding lawnmowe... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
those with the logo channel - Hey! Why is Cookies not your friend on profile? ... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
Best/Funniest blogs :D - I don't know, I'm just dying of boredom and I'm so... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
No Subject - From, "The Private and Personal Diaries of Fr... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
Napoleon - "What are you going to do today, Napoleon?&qu... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
im devastated - You should publish this in one of those abstract... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
im devastated - I hear McDonald's is hiring. And there's plenty o... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
No Subject - I just read my old "Queen 2 novel" And d... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
The Queen 2 Novel - I just realised how much of a loser I was then... ... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
No Subject - gurrumph.... by Sergei. on 28.04.2007
Does this make me homophobic? - Ugh. If your idea of hotties is that then go to... by Sergei. on 27.04.2007
No Subject - Guess what? Chicken butt! Guess why? Chi... by Sergei. on 27.04.2007
Plenty of Young People Like Queen - Well, i personally don't really make a big deal ab... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - o n pal rojurs=zafoo Hey? What was that? :P... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
Official: Freddie was an evil alien - XD This bullshit perfectly ties up a relatively a... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - jon deekin=vishnoo... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
Blog problem.. - Well, I tried to post on my lovely blog and got th... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
Opinions ? [Selfish Thread] - And doing this: o.o :P... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
Opinions ? [Selfish Thread] - Good singing! Love of my life! :D I should post y... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - But Freddie died for YOU.... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - omg bich rojer tailore iz myn n u cnt du ntin bo... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - omg meeka iz so fit but nt az fit as roger taylo... by Sergei. on 26.04.2007
hi!!! - lyk omg i m tryin 2 say det roger taylore is so ... by Sergei. on 25.04.2007
Queen Dreams - I have a Queen dream every night, but I can't reme... by Sergei. on 25.04.2007
hi!!! - lyk oh em gee welkum 2 quen zon -_-... by Sergei. on 25.04.2007
The Essence Of You. - For me, the word "mangina" never gets ol... by Sergei. on 25.04.2007
The Essence Of You. - How to describe me.... Well. If I could descri... by Sergei. on 24.04.2007
The Essence Of You. - Give him deodorant. :P... by Sergei. on 24.04.2007
The Essence Of You. - You know how they always say, "Be yourself an... by Sergei. on 24.04.2007
The Bitch-About-Me Thread - I love to indulge in unhealthy foods!... by Sergei. on 20.04.2007
The Bitch-About-Me Thread - I love to indulge in unhealthy foods!... by Sergei. on 20.04.2007
The Bitch-About-Me Thread - I love to indulge in unhealthy foods!... by Sergei. on 20.04.2007
Day of Silence '07 - Let's go butthole-surfing! :P... by Sergei. on 20.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - There's GOT to be more that has to be said. *Reviv... by Sergei. on 19.04.2007
The Bitch-About-Me Thread - What the fuck? Why don't you get a blog for all t... by Sergei. on 19.04.2007
Tragic Shooting at Virginia Tech campus - Tomorrow's red and maroon day at my school... Virg... by Sergei. on 19.04.2007
does anyone know german? - I speak german. :D And some Korean, mainly becau... by Sergei. on 19.04.2007
Photo's of you - All these androgynous men and cross dressers remin... by Sergei. on 16.04.2007
Happy Birthday Mademoiselle Bulsara! :DD - Happy birthday! May you be blessed with male strip... by Sergei. on 16.04.2007
Funny xD - Hijackers! *Throws poo and runs away sobbing*... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Photo's of you - Anyone for big pink butts ala mode? ._.... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Funny xD - ._.... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Roger!! (Taylor mad, I think you better stay out :P) - Hey everyone! I have to take a piss! :D... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Funny xD - This is SO funny.... I saw it on Saturday Night Li... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Your favourite Queenzoners! Yeah! - I'll be your friend. I'm Vishnu. :PP... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Your favourite Queenzoners! Yeah! - I love that part. xDD "You think a girl wo... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - Well, if the horse has never been out before he ... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Your favourite Queenzoners! Yeah! - You remind me of the babe! (What babe?) The bab... by Sergei. on 15.04.2007
Your favourite Queenzoners! Yeah! - I'm famous for making these XD... by Sergei. on 14.04.2007
What song are you listening to????? - Rhapsody In Blue :D A song I'm learning for this c... by Sergei. on 14.04.2007
Would you bite the hand...? - What about the rest of us? Why just Smitty? I me... by Sergei. on 14.04.2007
Would you bite the hand...? - He'd better get a leg up on his job. Wait, this ... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
Would you bite the hand...? - Looks like he'll never have the top hand in a rela... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
Larvae surprise - :S EWWWWWW... Look at all the little holes! EK! EK... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
More sisters. :P - People probably think these sister topics are stup... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
Roger!! (Taylor mad, I think you better stay out :P) - I personally think this one is three times as bang... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
No Subject - Now, you know what happened to Don Imus when HE ... by Sergei. on 13.04.2007
No Subject - I read Harrison Bergeron in english class and didn... by Sergei. on 12.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - I'd say put on a condom just to read this thread... by Sergei. on 12.04.2007
Crap. - W00t. This was actually meant to be a post... ._.... by Sergei. on 10.04.2007
Are you gay/bi whatever else???? - You are too young to have boyfriends. Go play wi... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
My favourite cartoon ever.... - ._. ... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
My favourite cartoon ever.... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpOPyjmB8SI I LOV... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
TIM CURRY - Do you want to put chocolate body frosting on hi... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - What does that mean ?... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - What's this? Soliciting love on my threads? ... by Sergei. on 09.04.2007
brian and roger should change the band name - He IS silent. Realise this whole discussion is s... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
What did you think when you knew Freddie is a gay? - I: 1.) Looked to the left 2.)Looked to the rig... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
Stop the Hate on Mika!!! - Come on, man! There are ladies present! ... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
Stop the Hate on Mika!!! - I really can't stand that yodeling he does on some... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
Blades of Glory - They played Flash! Flippin sweet! XD I saw it la... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - "The hymen (a membrane situated at the openin... by Sergei. on 08.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - Maybe they have a blood pit. [wouldn't that stin... by Sergei. on 07.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - : S I dread the day when that comes. I wonder... by Sergei. on 07.04.2007
The New Queen Story Thread. - I want a story! My name is Vishnu. Okay, not re... by Sergei. on 07.04.2007
Freddie's sister... - Anyone have pictures of Freddie's sister back in t... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - But perhaps you like other dicks and know nothin... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
hi, i'm new here - This Tim Curry obsession has gotten incredibly o... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Vaginas, that's the subject! - Here we can talk about vaginas to our hearts' deli... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Religion... O_o - Oh, the vaginas!... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Teen Queen Fans??? - 13 here..... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
BRIAN AND JOHN ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!XD - How come I didn't get a quote! Ballsack! No, ... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Would Freddie be dead if ,,, - XXDDDD Seriously, though... I agree... whatever... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Religion... O_o - Can you fuck off? People are trying to have an i... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
Religion... O_o - No, this is exactly what I wanted... opinions :P... by Sergei. on 06.04.2007
American Idol - I don't really watch either, but I think the whole... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - He's pissing in our backyard as I type. I'm look... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - You get a dum dum pop! Horray!... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The New Queen Story Thread. - Farted into a milk bottle and asked her to sniff... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - "Oh how I sighed when they asked me if I knew... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The New Queen Story Thread. - She went and got the recycling she forgot to leave... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
Religion... O_o - This is sort of a "branch" off of the ev... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The New Queen Story Thread. - Yanked off Roger's member and stuffed it down hi... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
Phished Account on MySpace!!! - So you're a mad fan too, now? *Sigh*... by Sergei. on 05.04.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - This guy next door has a great dane. And it must e... by Sergei. on 03.04.2007
lil queenies on msn LEAVE UR MSN ADRESSES :~) - I'd like to hear from you, adventure secker. I wan... by Sergei. on 03.04.2007
lil queenies on msn LEAVE UR MSN ADRESSES :~) - "sorry, hahaha, forgot to leave mine didnt i,... by Sergei. on 03.04.2007
Sad news on my front on April Fools Day (this is no joke) - Sorry to hear that. :/ It's cool planting a tree i... by Sergei. on 03.04.2007
Sorry! - I'm sorry too.... by Sergei. on 01.04.2007
Where you got your name and signature line from.... - You left! Come baaack!! ¡_¡... xD... by Sergei. on 25.03.2007
Where you got your name and signature line from.... - Another lovely topic from the Chairman of the Bore... by Sergei. on 25.03.2007
Hello Queenzone! [edit: bonus on page 2] - Hello everyone! I'm drinking watery lemonade from ... by Sergei. on 24.03.2007
John Deacon - ._. You're aware, of course, that that's not ins... by Sergei. on 24.03.2007
John Deacon - What??... by Sergei. on 23.03.2007
John Deacon - This is such a stupid thread.I'm sorry.... by Sergei. on 23.03.2007
Good Bye - No! Don't go! I'll be your niche bitch. :D... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
I'm so sorry! - You're welcome. ... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
Appearancewise...The Sequel..... - I'll tell you who is very sexy; Randy Rhodes.And F... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
Appearancewise...The Sequel..... - I'll buy you the sprinkles and whipped cream... ... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
I'm so sorry! - And I bet you're not 25 either.... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
I'm so sorry! - I thought this topic was over... and I think t... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
The group hug II - No! Not weird! RHPS Rules!!... by Sergei. on 17.03.2007
Freddie caricature - Whoa... that was scary. XD... by Sergei. on 16.03.2007
Appearancewise...The Sequel..... - Because I'm not like that........ by Sergei. on 16.03.2007
Appearancewise...The Sequel..... - I like Freddie. I don't think he's sexy. Or beauti... by Sergei. on 16.03.2007
Looking for a picture.... - Most def, most def. XD And I'm usually not one to ... by Sergei. on 14.03.2007
Looking for a picture.... - Never mind.. .found it.. http://www.raggedblade.co... by Sergei. on 14.03.2007
Looking for a picture.... - It's of Freddie, in the 70s, with a dark backgroun... by Sergei. on 14.03.2007
Appearancewise..... - I had a picture, but um... you understand. ._.... by Sergei. on 14.03.2007
I'm so sorry! - 'Tis! :D ... by Sergei. on 13.03.2007
TIM CURRY - I put Thai Curry paste on pizza........ by Sergei. on 13.03.2007
I'm so sorry! - See, So, let me get this straight.. in the same th... by Sergei. on 13.03.2007
Hello Help Needed - I'm sure if you were tall enough you could look ov... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
I'm Very Sorry that You Had the Inconvenience of Finding the Wrong Web-Site - or "grmr"... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - Wait! This needs background music... *Plays &quo... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
W/E - Note: That wasn't funny nor important enough to ... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - DAMN! How did you KNOW?... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
I'm Very Sorry that You Had the Inconvenience of Finding the Wrong Web-Site - If you will. XD... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - Duhhrrr maybe you're LYING. My name is Cookies, ... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
W/E - Ah, I remember MY first posts on queenzone.... ... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - 30 year old male and still living in your mother's... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
I'm Very Sorry that You Had the Inconvenience of Finding the Wrong Web-Site - It's more a CAUTION: ENTERING HIGH ESTROGEN AREA... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
I'm Very Sorry that You Had the Inconvenience of Finding the Wrong Web-Site - Might I also recommend www.PissMoanAndGroanZone.co... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
W/E - Next time, post all your whining and moaning on on... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - As I recall, it was taylormad who was getting all ... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Are you guys jackasses? - I think someone needs to stock up on tampons and... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
The Pace/Peace Thread. - Anna, Dobbies, Ravie and Pomponias are always grea... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - Me or her? I'd say both of us... XD... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - And Robert Deniro has agreed to star in "Ragi... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - I'm talking to both of you whiners. The majority... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
TIM CURRY - The only thing about Tim Curry I hated was his hid... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - Four words: 1)GET 2)FUCKING 3)OVER 4)IT!!!!!... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
old roman movie - Ever been in a Turkish prison? Ever seen a grow... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - This is such a stupid and worthless topic that isn... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
Helter Skelter - *Sigh* That's not true....... by Sergei. on 10.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - ^Emoticon Codes. XDD... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - ^Nooo..... Sounds lovely though.XD "frankle&q... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
old roman movie - It was that movie with that guy in it who always d... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - ^Hates a certain man with a big fanny. "nosex... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - ^Has an extremely poignant signature "EW!&qu... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
The New and Improved Queenie Above You Thread (Now with fresher taste) - Duhrr... let's start another one of these!!! :D... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
Ok so... - Psst, here's a secret: Not everyone on the interne... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
show me wig - Here's a link: http://www.you'reanidiot.com/no,y... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
Naomi Campbell sentenced to moping floors in NYC - Not as funny as Boy George picking up trash in a h... by Sergei. on 09.03.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - Would this "sex" you speak of involve ... by Sergei. on 06.03.2007
The Newest Most Important Random Thoughts Thread - I have six penises and six vaginas. The penises ta... by Sergei. on 06.03.2007
What If.... - *Smushes your flat face with a good ole' fashion... by Sergei. on 06.03.2007
Who's a jerk? - LOVE the username. SO creative.(This makes me a ... by Sergei. on 04.03.2007
What If.... - ._. ._. *Looks around* *Sniffs* *Coughs* *Scratc... by Sergei. on 02.03.2007
What If.... - *Comes by with a baseball bat and beats you like... by Sergei. on 02.03.2007
What If.... - The question is, which one? Everyone in this ro... by Sergei. on 02.03.2007
WORST Pet Peeve? - I have some more, hah. People who say ax instead... by Sergei. on 02.03.2007
WORST Pet Peeve? - OR the kid who knew very damn well he shouldn't ... by Sergei. on 02.03.2007
Wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzup!!!!!!!!! - Ehrmm.. no.... by Sergei. on 27.02.2007
What If.... - "EW!" "nosex!" XDDD... by Sergei. on 27.02.2007
Queen & Pussycat Dolls: What Would Happen If? - Aha!... by Sergei. on 26.02.2007
What If.... - ._.... by Sergei. on 26.02.2007
What If.... - What if Robert Goulet gouged out your eyeballs a... by Sergei. on 26.02.2007
OMG guess what i found out about Freddie! - Freddie who?... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
What If.... - …Freddie was a woman? …Roger was a man? …I... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
What is wrong with Britney? - I'd love to see that tattoo, however, once she's 7... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
What if Queen + Britney Spears? - Dude. Calm down.... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
What is wrong with Britney? - What ISN'T wrong with her is a more fitting questi... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
Queen & Pussycat Dolls: What Would Happen If? - Are you kidding me? The pussycat dolls.. It's...... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
Queen & Pussycat Dolls: What Would Happen If? - "Don't you wish your drummer had an ass like ... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
photo of freddie mercury in cab?? - From what I heard, they didn't even sing ... it'... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
Monkeys masturbating - I was wondering where this topic went.... It was t... by Sergei. on 25.02.2007
Monkeys masturbating - NAW. *Scratches ass* Don't go dissing the bunny... by Sergei. on 22.02.2007
Aww, how sweet... my bewwy foist post! - ._. Simpleton face :P... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Edited. - Edited.... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Edited. - Edited.... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Aww, how sweet... my bewwy foist post! - hmm...... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Aww, how sweet... my bewwy foist post! - This was TWO YEARS AGO *Gawks* :P And I had an... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
R.E MICHAEL JACKSON MORE 2 LIFE THREAD. - Good point, hmm. xD... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
WHY DO FREDDIE FANS DISS OTHER ARTISTS? - A butfucer? XD Sounds like a working class job. &q... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Another ridiculous joke - A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Do You Think Time Travel.... - Oh God. This thread again. xD... by Sergei. on 19.02.2007
Anybody remember me? - No. No one remembers you. Fuck off. XD No, I rem... by Sergei. on 17.02.2007
Hi im new to Queenzone!! - How do you do? I see you've met my faithful handym... by Sergei. on 15.02.2007
WORST Pet Peeve? - People in my classes who sit there and snort and s... by Sergei. on 15.02.2007
Name my baby - I have something wonderful to tell you... a cert... by Sergei. on 07.02.2007
Love Is In The Air. - I thought I smelled something....... by Sergei. on 07.02.2007
Name my baby - But... I beg of you! No Lauren, Steven or Ashley!!... by Sergei. on 07.02.2007
Name my baby - I personally love the names Delilah, Ellie, Opal, ... by Sergei. on 07.02.2007
Almost Famous - Has anyone ever seen this movie? I love it... *hug... by Sergei. on 05.02.2007
Simon Cowell - I like him best because he seems like the only one... by Sergei. on 05.02.2007
Roger Sex TAPE! - To take that statement literally... God wasn't t... by Sergei. on 05.02.2007
the new queen story thread - Ta da! A for Alexis, and R for Roger…. :D Al... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
"The Sweetest Thing" - MSN, you! Anna and me are dying. O_o Ooh! I just... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
the new queen story thread - I'll write a story for someone! Just tell me your ... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
Hullo! Are you forgetting? - :D... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
Roger Sex TAPE! - Ugh. Is this as close as you get to sex, child? Go... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
They're Lying - They aren't lying... They're blind O__O... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
thoughts on freddie movie - Meh.... by Sergei. on 04.02.2007
Your darkest secrets... - Just wondering... When you were a baby, didn't... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
Your darkest secrets... - Same here. :(... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
thoughts on freddie movie - All I'm saying is, go back in time one-hundred yea... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
thoughts on freddie movie - http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone/faq_view.aspx... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
Pardon If I sound like a complete idiot... - But Freddie DID bang some women in his lifetime...... by Sergei. on 03.02.2007
Calling all German fans! - Intermediate total without VAT postage and packing... by Sergei. on 31.01.2007
Learning to Play Piano - MSN!!! pleeease! It's boring on there. ¡_&#... by Sergei. on 27.01.2007
Learning to Play Piano - Speaking of piano... My teacher emailed me the &qu... by Sergei. on 27.01.2007
Learning to Play Piano - I personally learned piano by way of the, "Yo... by Sergei. on 27.01.2007
Embarrasing... xD - I hate my science teacher. So I accidentally calle... by Sergei. on 22.01.2007
No Johnny Dep in "Freddie Mercury" - the movie? - Dude. Take a fucking chill pill.... by Sergei. on 14.01.2007
The "Ban Them!!" thread... - Should be banned for being on queenzone but not ... by Sergei. on 13.01.2007
My Signature on freddie door! - If everyone that put their name on that door wen... by Sergei. on 12.01.2007
Bohemian Polka - Probably a photo glitch... unless they are TWINS... by Sergei. on 08.01.2007
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - ^Have we ever seen a picture of you? O_o... by Sergei. on 05.01.2007
Nevermind. - Freya is right... Queenzone is like the hotel cali... by Sergei. on 05.01.2007
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - I wrote a letter to Tim Curry. I hope he'll answer... by Sergei. on 05.01.2007
Nevermind. - Hope i haven't done anything.... O_o ... by Sergei. on 05.01.2007
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - Get on msn because i have a most urgent thing to... by Sergei. on 05.01.2007
Do You Think Time Travel.... - Will be made possible, in our lifetime? And I ask... by Sergei. on 02.01.2007
Do you like clowns? - THAT is called seduction, mah deah. :P... by Sergei. on 01.01.2007
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - At a rather odd 11th birthday party of mine thrown... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - You got the movie??? :D... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - That was an, erm.. dizzy part for me. I couldn't... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Yes, I know I have posted on this a lot in the pas... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Most disturbing part? When Frank is killed. :'( ... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Three years ago I thought it was sad when Frank N.... by Sergei. on 31.12.2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - I bought it today because I've been getting signs.... by Sergei. on 30.12.2006
Do you like clowns? - Clowns freak me out, reason being I've never been ... by Sergei. on 30.12.2006
Goodbye Queenzone - My bad.... XDDD Maybe Hell will offer him a job... by Sergei. on 30.12.2006
Goodbye Queenzone - So you got yourself an account and name just so yo... by Sergei. on 30.12.2006
Random - I don't know you too well, but I'll be your friend... by Sergei. on 28.12.2006
Some say my kid looks llke a Cabbage Patch doll. - You DO have LOTS of time on your hands,obviously... by Sergei. on 28.12.2006
Anyone related to famous people? - I love Apples....... by Sergei. on 28.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - If you're thinking LSD, that's a big myth. God o... by Sergei. on 28.12.2006
Laptop Buying - PC or Macintosh?... by Sergei. on 26.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - I know a good game you can play with two or more p... by Sergei. on 26.12.2006
Anyone related to famous people? - : O Family crest, perhaps! Thanks for the linkie... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Anyone related to famous people? - I was just wondering if anyone else was. :P My G... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Describe The Person Below You Thread - Don't mean to change the topic, but that picture... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - Someone get on MSN. I am bored. bluepowdermonkey0... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Merry Christmas, you lot! - Would it be this? http://www.shop.com/op/~Fredd... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Merry Christmas, you lot! - Yeahaaaaaah! I got some lovely things for Christm... by Sergei. on 25.12.2006
Please Visit queenrocks2 - XXXDDDDD... by Sergei. on 24.12.2006
The Reincarnation of The Captions Thread! - Come now! Let us be merry! :P Pleeease?... by Sergei. on 23.12.2006
The Reincarnation of The Captions Thread! - I guess no one likes these anymore. :P... by Sergei. on 23.12.2006
The Reincarnation of The Captions Thread! - Tee hee.. http://www.queenzone.com/queenzone/mp3.... by Sergei. on 22.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - ^Bad! Hahahaehehehe... by Sergei. on 22.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - ^Invisible... Good or Bad?? :P... by Sergei. on 22.12.2006
Brenski and BobbyBrown - Haha! W000t!... by Sergei. on 22.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - I know! Ugh! Get me a napkin, please! :P And th... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
OMG Banana Pepper Pickle Carrot!!! - I was thinking that as I typed in the topic title.... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
something is bothering me.... - I hate emos. Always "The world is against me&... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
the corny jokes thread - Here's a corny one of all corn-ness, if you may...... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
Describe The Person Below You Thread - I don't know you, so I may or may not... hehe.. ... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
OMG Banana Pepper Pickle Carrot!!! - I'd love to put the whole gang here but this is a ... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
OMG Banana Pepper Pickle Carrot!!! - Thank you Raf for sending me this xD and I quote h... by Sergei. on 21.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - Very berry.... by Sergei. on 17.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - I'm not alone? YAY!! Now I'll say it: I have ps... by Sergei. on 17.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - ^You realise it looked like you are only talking t... by Sergei. on 17.12.2006
Favourite Novels... - I love everything by Roald Dahl and Edgar Allan Po... by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - Mine are all those (myself too) including.... F... by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - Let's all name our top three favorite zoners! :P... by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
*New Random Thoughts Thread* - Frank, you always have a cold. xD... by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
Sorting stuff out - You're an ass. This had nothing to do with you. ... by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
YET ANOTHER QAYT (Special Edition... No DANNY!!!) - Danny is DCM, so I hear............ by Sergei. on 16.12.2006
Addictions. - I am still a feminist. Care to state your opinio... by Sergei. on 14.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - ^I don't know about her... Edit:(About the chemo ... by Sergei. on 14.12.2006
Addictions. - I'm not against that. I like to know why they ha... by Sergei. on 14.12.2006
The 22nd Infamous Queenie Above You Thread - ^You mean Frank.... by Sergei. on 14.12.2006
Addictions. - I myself, I am addicted to arguing and challenging... by Sergei. on 14.12.2006
The 21st Queenie Above You Thread...the saga continues... - *Calls* Is anyone here anymore?!! What happened t... by Sergei. on 08.12.2006
The 21st Queenie Above You Thread...the saga continues... - I think I'll revive this thread. Just for the plea... by Sergei. on 08.12.2006
IM LEAVING (YOUR ALSO GAY!!!) - So long, farewell, see you in five minutes!... by Sergei. on 08.12.2006
The Queenie Above you thread made by Edgarlicious - How bout the reception?... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
The Queenie Above you thread made by Edgarlicious - I made a thread for you all....... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
The Queenie Above you thread made by Edgarlicious - ^*Slaps* What is this nonsense, your talk of marr... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
The Queenie Above you thread made by Edgarlicious - Well...here you go. Let's make sandwiches for th... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - ¡_¡ I didn't read it, i swear! :P... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - ^Phahhh. Not when you watch my awesome Poe House v... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - Answer me Frank! ¡_¡... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
I have 10 dicks and 10 vaginas - Haha! Scar-o-manga. xD... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
TV Shows you like?? - Stupid topic, yes, but I have to be up early and n... by Sergei. on 02.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - Kenny Monday! Okay, I have to go.... :P ... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - Kenny Monday!... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - Butt rapes little boys.... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - ^Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered wea... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
Farrokh Bulsara? - Speaking of HINDI.... Kenny Monday! Kenny Monda... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - ^Haha! That lady looked like a skeleton.... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
Farrokh Bulsara? - Farsi, perhaps? He lived in India a while, so I as... by Sergei. on 01.12.2006
"The Best Day Ever" Edition of the Queenie Above You Thread - ^You mean SEXY emily?... by