Hello beutaful people,
I am new to the web site, and as I have been reading throught the dicussions I have noticed that there are a fare few fans that have a disliking for 'A Kind of Magic'. My mum introduced me to Queen when she played this albulm, and I love it. I have some of Queens best albulm now (I've found a place where I can get them for $10) and yet 'AKOM' I love as much as 'A Night at the Opera'. I just wanted to hear some different views on the albulm, I am open to all perspectives,
Thanks, B.R
Well this album is great the opening song and single, a kind of magic was wrote by roger but then developed by freddie,
I love the whole album and don't lose your head is gr8
I would certainly agree with that, I think that the One Vision is awsome, A Kind of Magic, One year of Love, Who wants to Live Forever, Gimmie the Prize(I Love Kurgan!), and Princess of the universe are my favorite songs from the track.
Thank you for your reply,
This is one of my favorite albums - The Game is the one I listen to the most, however. :-)
What I especially like about this album is the varied textures of Freddie's voice from song to song. I'm sure there's a more technical term for that variation, but I'm always impressed by it. Just think of the difference in his voice from the powerful and gravelly Gimme the Prize to his falsetto in Pain is So Close to Pleasure. I know it's like that on other albums, but it seems to jump out at me more on this one - from song to song.
I'm curious though - why do so many people dislike Pain is So Close to Pleasure and One Year of Love? Those two songs seem to get the most flak and I wonder why.
I like it a lot, except for Kurgans theme, though it does have great guitar solo. Princes is a great track and in my top 10 Queen songs. Is Don't lose your head on that album? Not too keen on that one but otherwise great album.
I find "A kind of magic" an intresting album. The best three songs are "One vision", "Princes of the universe" and "Friends will be friends". As a matter of act is not one of my favourite albums, I thinks it is too pop, too soft, but I like it anyway.
On the other hand, I think you can find one of the best songs sung by Freddie, I mean "One year of love" his voice in that song make me go crazy. But at the same time it let me down a little the sound of that very unusual instrument (sax or saxophone) for a Queen song. By the way...who plays the sax in the song?
I also like the album because "Friends will be friends" was the first song I ever heard from Queen.
See us!
A Kind of Magic was probably Queen's most disjointed album, in that it felt pretty much like the Highlander movie soundtrack, with 3 extra songs tacked on for a full length release. With the exception of One Vision, the other songs are rather fluffy 80's pop and don't really jibe with the emotion of the Highlander tracks. That's just my opinion though.
magicalfreddiemercury wrote:
I'm curious though - why do so many people dislike Pain is So Close to Pleasure and One Year of Love? Those two songs seem to get the most flak and I wonder why.
Because they sound like songs from the Hot Space album, which is probably why they're two of the better tracks, in my opinion. I think they (or remnants of them) were leftovers that didn't see the light of day until Magic. John & Freddie could write some good stuff together...
magicalfreddiemercury wrote:
I'm curious though - why do so many people dislike Pain is So Close to Pleasure and One Year of Love? Those two songs seem to get the most flak and I wonder why.
Because they sound like songs from the Hot Space album, which is probably why they're two of the better tracks, in my opinion. I think they (or remnants of them) were leftovers that didn't see the light of day until Magic. John & Freddie could write some good stuff together...
I love "A Kind Of Magic". I think it is an awesome album, and very underrated. ALL the tracks, in my opinion, are awesome. (except maybe Forever....it's quite boring). And you can't forget about songs like
A Kind Of Magic
Princes of The Universe
One Vision
One Year Of Love
The Who Live At Leeds wrote: AKOM is superior to ANATO. Much more balanced/fun
Well, I can't compare them. Both are great and made in different times of their careers. :)
deleted user 14.09.2006 16:43
I love AKOM..but i'm not too keen on Pain is so close to Pleasure..but i love
One Vision
Gimme the Prize
Friends will be friends!!
I love the AKOM album. It's got everything that defines Queen in my opinion. A beautiful ballad like One Year of Love, a gorgeous epic track with orchestration in Who Wants to Live Forever.. and fantastic rockers like One Vision, Princes of the Universe. Sleek perfect-pop like A Kind of Magic.. it's just a great album with great sounds, catchy songs, and I love the artwork. The booklet smells fantastic too.
A kind of magic, In my opinion, is the most well organized of all the albums, right after Queen II. All the tracks, and the sound tie in. Who Wants To Live Forever is among Brian's strongest songs, right up there with White Queen and the Prophet's song.
I love the Album.
Particularly since "Princes" is the first song I ever linked with Queen, and Freddie's performance in the video for "Princes" which is on the fifteenth aniversery edition of "Highlander" is baisically what started my obsession with Queen.
Love the album.. Anyways, I love every album xD
One Vision is a GREAT song! I can't help but go crazy when I hear it, and people stairr at me xD It's just so.. Uh! ;oD
Gimme The Prize - Hahaaa! Great! "Just gimme the prize!" Love it!
Who Wants To Live Forever - I cried the first 100 times I heard that song. "Who dares to love forever" - gives me chills!
One Year of Love - beautiful song my John. Really!
Princes of The Universe - a lot like Gimme the Prize, I reckon, but just as great! =D
Pain is So Close to Pleasure - I love it. "Uh-uh, pain is so close to pleasure, everybody knows" just such a makes-you-smile song =D
I love a kind of magic. A lot of the songs are my favorites, like who wants to live forever, a kind of magic and I like give me the price or however you write that. Lol! By the way, welcome to qz!
Thank you Queen Mercury, I am loving it. (Especially the tribute section, I feel thats where I can express myself the most...)
Love to you all magical people,