
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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160 discussions started by 'Joeker'

Who was Dave? - Who was Dave, the guy doing Freddie's hair and ass... by Joeker on 13.04.2019
What are we still missing? - I remember joining the forum back in 2004-05 and s... by Joeker on 19.02.2019
Did Freddie.... - Ever play Nintendo? ... by Joeker on 16.02.2019
You're My Best Friend - I find it somewhat hard to believe that You're My ... by Joeker on 23.12.2018
I haven't hit him yet.... - ....But there's still time! I would like to thi... by Joeker on 10.12.2018
Burning questions that Bohemian Rhapsody (The Movie) will HOPEFULLY answer. - With the movie coming out in a few months, and onl... by Joeker on 31.07.2018
A great story, wish we had more in life... - Watch the videos, its great to see people like thi... by Joeker on 06.01.2011
Queen Song that would make a good Bond Theme... - Which Queen song(s) do you think would really work... by Joeker on 20.12.2010
Rare - Freddie Mercury no mustache hot space tour. - Freddie Mercury without a mustache during the hot ... by Joeker on 17.11.2010
Favorite "Queen" Song? - What is Your favorite "Queen" song? A. White Que... by Joeker on 15.08.2010
Deacon Singing 1990 on Howard Stern? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INkH2bXAZHI i ... by Joeker on 23.11.2008
something new, fresh, and original on ebay. - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&... by Joeker on 09.02.2008
Happy Birthday News of the world! - 30 years ago, News of the world was released. Kick... by Joeker on 27.10.2007
HAVE A NICE DAY!!! - http://youtube.com/watch?v=16Rxys_uBsw what if ... by Joeker on 12.10.2007
freddies ding a ling ling - http://youtube.com/watch?v=cCGo0KGluXI wow.... by Joeker on 08.10.2007
Brian May + Bing Crosby, Killer Queen - http://youtube.com/watch?v=QtBF7t1kPio good ol ... by Joeker on 17.09.2007
experimenting w/ bohemian rhapsody, behind the scenes 1975 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=bNmihyArv78 they alw... by Joeker on 29.08.2007
john deacons drawing book - http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Drawing-Book-for-Kids-John... by Joeker on 16.08.2007
You should all text fred now... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=PYZiYO5u-ZU... by Joeker on 14.08.2007
John's ass wiping video - freddie didnt have the ass wipe video, john did. t... by Joeker on 05.08.2007
freddie mercury - struggle for stardom 1969 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=NjeBlDq3pe4 a short ... by Joeker on 31.07.2007
new freddie interview - old grey whistle test w/bob harris - http://youtube.com/watch?v=-s76l_d6vE4 guarante... by Joeker on 23.07.2007
a day in the life of freddie mercury - http://youtube.com/watch?v=eZobpUwsrGc hahaha a... by Joeker on 05.07.2007
Happy Independence Day - i didnt see a topic. So happy independence day all... by Joeker on 05.07.2007
Larry King Makes a fool of himself in front of Paul and Ringo - if u didnt see the beatles interview on larry king... by Joeker on 02.07.2007
worst movies ever? - the worst movie or movies you've ever seen or that... by Joeker on 30.06.2007
what he woulda done if he wasn't discovered - I'd hire him! http://youtube.com/watch?v=JqvafD... by Joeker on 30.06.2007
what do you collect? - anyone have a hobby of collecting anything? stamps... by Joeker on 19.06.2007
some thought we were walnuts. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ft9dfiLIw0Q i cant b... by Joeker on 01.06.2007
wheres this video from - it says roger in studio 2006, but i dont think so,... by Joeker on 01.06.2007
what if Queen + Alice Cooper? - yeah!... by Joeker on 20.05.2007
freddie mercury goes to the oculist - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_HlXKct0k0 no i... by Joeker on 12.05.2007
slightly ironic - little did we know that don mclean's hit classic &... by Joeker on 06.05.2007
beatles movie? - how come they havent already done a movie about th... by Joeker on 30.04.2007
what if Queen + Ron Jeremy... - ?... by Joeker on 22.04.2007
stanley cup playoffs start tonight! - i know there probably arent too many ice hockey fa... by Joeker on 11.04.2007
freddie mercury + monty python song = weirdly funny - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyX_76OYE0A... by Joeker on 10.04.2007
American Idol - i havent seen a topic on it, so... what are you... by Joeker on 05.04.2007
Ban innuendo1990 - this is getting stupid methinks?... by Joeker on 31.03.2007
RIght now - my web design just started night at the opera....f... by Joeker on 05.03.2007
Freddies racist rant - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acW5I5yjdd0... by Joeker on 03.02.2007
Hi, My Name Is Dave - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RxzNUpRjjk yay!... by Joeker on 26.01.2007
a few goodies - these are from the portland show that was on April... by Joeker on 26.12.2006
Ahh a famous concert on this day - 12 - 26 - 79 queen played one of their top 5 co... by Joeker on 26.12.2006
anyone? - ever met ringo starr? is he as humourous and stuff... by Joeker on 10.12.2006
random video thread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBHXU79rHCU... by Joeker on 27.11.2006
man from manhattan - can someone give me the lowdown on this song? its ... by Joeker on 27.11.2006
Favorite Beatles Song - Lets Hear em! Yellow Submarine beats all... by Joeker on 25.11.2006
Buffalo Sabres - well too bad they didnt make history after losing ... by Joeker on 29.10.2006
happy 29th news of the world! - The record was released today 29 years ago in the ... by Joeker on 28.10.2006
youtube trouble - it seems like the last 2 days the youtube videos l... by Joeker on 25.10.2006
rarest queen song played on radio - whats the rarest queen song you've heard on the ra... by Joeker on 14.10.2006
Elton John - Great artist, great songs. But how come USA fan... by Joeker on 13.10.2006
The Real Reason the beatles broke up...the truth! - So Paul Mcartney could join the band queen with th... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
REQUEST: a new life is born - does anyone have that? that would be great to hear... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
Queen songs that would be good for holidays - yeah i decided to say hey! lets make a list of que... by Joeker on 08.10.2006
RIP Roger Taylor - He died too young...he appearantly died of a heart... by Joeker on 05.10.2006
is it just me.... - or are Roger Taylor and Paul Mcartney identical tw... by Joeker on 04.10.2006
Step on Me - Smile - Wow what a great song...first time listening to it... by Joeker on 03.10.2006
nice little dear friends video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZd5X0XtQUE hehe... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
In The Town... - where I was born...lived a man...who sailed to sea... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
did freddie ever quit smoking - did he ever stop smoking when he started getting s... by Joeker on 30.09.2006
Queen for a day - Its about time they tried this type of intro, fred... by Joeker on 24.09.2006
NHL - NHL fans and hockey fans unite!! Go stars!... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
RIP Mr. Codi - R.I.P to my 1st period high school teacher mr. cod... by Joeker on 20.09.2006
where in the world is carmen san diego? - anyone ever remember this tv show? http://www.y... by Joeker on 19.09.2006
making of boh rhap. - does a behind the scenes making of boh. rhap vide... by Joeker on 18.09.2006
rock you question - right at the beginning of we will rock you, you he... by Joeker on 15.09.2006
anna nicoles son...dead - whatever she had it coming i think.... forgive ... by Joeker on 13.09.2006
Best Queen Friendly city in USA? - which city in the usa is most queen friendly and e... by Joeker on 11.09.2006
Official ytmnd thread - post ur favorites here. http://queenkiller.yt... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
watching a bit of a concert... - i was watching a couple of videos from queen @ the... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
lol guess where I am - im in my 1st period class at high school, im suppo... by Joeker on 08.09.2006
request: Doin' Alright live - the best version available live would be great...i... by Joeker on 07.09.2006
Queen museum - A queen museum...wouldnt that be something? i wond... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
What kind of album can we expect? - Really, what kind of new album can we come to expe... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
The Adventures of Queen Man! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FIn1_nrKnc... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
OMG To think i used to watch this when i was little...scary - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKMvUAxcxpM oh t... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
mmm tie your mother down indeed :> - http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/9996/1976xxxxwt6.... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
Arabian Goggles - I bought a pair off Ebay, im gonna use em in the p... by Joeker on 28.08.2006
Tell me this aint funny! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76GZUPxGQjQ http... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
freddie crying - is there any video of where freddie started tearin... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
Request: Smile Songs - ill take the best if they are available, like pola... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
No Subject - are you serious?! thats great!... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
queen in car commercials - besides the one i posted, werent a couple songs us... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
yeah this guy played Bass instead of John during one Vision - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsUsr6DLh0M yeah... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
king of youtube - http://youtube.com/profile?user=geriatric1927 t... by Joeker on 16.08.2006
haha cool version of tie your mother down - brian is so funny in this... http://youtube.com... by Joeker on 16.08.2006
Ron Jeremy - lol funny stuff that guy how does a fat hairy guy ... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
Watch the end of this... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=AguDnJsQ6Lo right be... by Joeker on 11.08.2006
which queenzoner is Deaky? - come on one of you out there has to be....... by Joeker on 10.08.2006
Doin' All right small edit - http://rapidshare.de/files/28356912/Doin__All_Righ... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
yeah Roger Got Pissed off at me - a few weeks ago I had the chance to meet Roger at ... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
REQUEST: Brian May - sail away sweet sister live - yes he did perform this song 3 times during his 19... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
Omg not this again. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=qT84BBuB_g8&search=... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Brian May: "Another world" tour - 11.11.1998 Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 28.10.... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
doin' all right smile version - does one exist that is available....thank you..... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
Downloading site for the new kids - http://queenofinnuendo.proboards54.com/index.cgi ... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
Queen on Sesame Street - yes...I still believe strongly to this day that Qu... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
REQUEST: Hyde Park...yawn - yes im looking for the full show...a link or somet... by Joeker on 27.07.2006
A new take on the good old fashioned lover boy video - http://www.bolt.com/MvM/video/1380449 I just fo... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
REQUEST: Imagine Cover - anyone upload the best quality queen cover of imag... by Joeker on 16.07.2006
early version of we are the champions - I read that there was an early unreleased version ... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
another parody - http://youtube.com/watch?v=8fUKv0rpniI&search=... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
Tribute to Fatty - the funniest Queenzoner next to John Deacon!... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
LOL i never get tired of this one! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEey4usQrjU can ... by Joeker on 10.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXfD-wFY0dQ wow ... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
beatles and a queen song - Let it Be - Beatles Doin' All right - Queen ... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Queen "Labels" - if Queen albums had a label, or a theme to each of... by Joeker on 06.07.2006
REQUEST: Hammer smith 75 rapidshare - that would be great, although I do have the follow... by Joeker on 05.07.2006
Muppets and Queen Video - Muppets and Queen eh http://www.youtube.com/wat... by Joeker on 04.07.2006
Brian May plays guitar video... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz6aDky2Ihs I gu... by Joeker on 03.07.2006
Requesting CD cover and DVD cover website - where can I find some good cd/dvd covers from unno... by Joeker on 01.07.2006
spread your wings + Don't Stop me now live video - anyone think they could share any live videos of d... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
No one but you live - does anyone have a copy of this file? I'd like to... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
REQUEST: Seattle ''77 Rapidshare - if anyone could upload that it would be great!... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Roger Taylor covers Led Zeppelin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=mc250FLwwl4&search=... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Anything from Portland - Any audio recordings from any portland Oregon show... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
My fairy king live intro - can anyone send me My Fairy king live the piano in... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
Hyde park 76 - hey what was story behind freddie throwing that wh... by Joeker on 11.06.2006
Interview a week after Freddies death - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLG_nVrRAPc i do... by Joeker on 26.05.2006
Subliminal movie titles w/ Tom Hanks - Yes, I think there is something up here w/ Tom Han... by Joeker on 22.05.2006
Happy Birthday! - happy birthday to Great King Rat, born on the 21st... by Joeker on 21.05.2006
What show did freddie first have his mustache on? - can anyone tell me what the first show was where f... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
Haha Wow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsXUtTyqBCc They... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
Hammer Smith 75 - could anyone send me a link or upload it via rapid... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
is this reporter stupid or what? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JWVcViXzJc LOL ... by Joeker on 13.05.2006
funny stuff I guess... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=jEhYcclg9eM&search=... by Joeker on 05.05.2006
Brian May Vs. Freddie Mercury (songwriting) - who would you say is the better song writer? It r... by Joeker on 29.04.2006
haha i thought this was amusing - http://youtube.com/watch?v=hdwNSu0zSVE&search=... by Joeker on 21.04.2006
Roger Taylor - Nazis? - I saw the music video to this on youtube, and I wa... by Joeker on 20.04.2006
Just a cool thing I found - http://youtube.com/watch?v=sAXgT0V9VFw&search=... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Brian May and Roger Taylor - Well as we know a bit, the band members weren't ex... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
REQUEST: 2 2005/2006 songs - I only need 2 songs and I cant find anything good,... by Joeker on 12.04.2006
my short Portland Review - Great Great Show! I loved every single minute of ... by Joeker on 12.04.2006
portland pre meet? - is there one or what?... by Joeker on 10.04.2006
posters - do they sell posters @ the concerts and how much d... by Joeker on 08.04.2006
merchandise question - will they be selling alot of things like albums an... by Joeker on 03.04.2006
We Will Rock You Played in Nacho Libre Trailer... - The Intro and guitar solo from "We Will Rock ... by Joeker on 02.04.2006
Queen on sesame street? - wasn't there a little clip on sesame street a long... by Joeker on 29.03.2006
how long was queen? - how long were their penises and who had the bigges... by Joeker on 23.03.2006
who was that? - who was that guy in the pink shirt on the live at ... by Joeker on 22.03.2006
BBC question - why did Queen record songs for the BBC anyways? O... by Joeker on 19.03.2006
Two Questions - okay, Im going to the Portland show on April 11th.... by Joeker on 18.03.2006
First/last shows? - what was the last show with freddie without his mu... by Joeker on 11.03.2006
Dude - I looked at an old Photo of Roger from like the 60... by Joeker on 23.02.2006
Bring back that leroy brown? - was this song inspired by the "Encyclopedia B... by Joeker on 13.02.2006
lol - http://www.youtube.com/?v=0omlfitsxxQ Sorry, I ... by Joeker on 25.01.2006
my music video - http://youtube.com/watch.php?v=LZHu3gpCQWM... by Joeker on 15.01.2006
BBC '77 Unreleased We Will Rock You Slow/Fast Version - http://rapidshare.de/files/11043061/08_We_Will_Roc... by Joeker on 14.01.2006
Can anyone help me find some? - Are the any unofficial Queen Music Videos made by ... by Joeker on 26.12.2005
Are you fucking serious? - dude, is it true that Freddie did roger up the ass... by Joeker on 21.11.2005
What really happened to Freddie Mercury... - Yeah, its pretty sad, they dug up his body. See? ... by Joeker on 21.11.2005
SNL QUEEN - Could someone put the SNL Queen performance on som... by Joeker on 14.11.2005
Portland shows? - does anyone have any shows from 78 or 79 from port... by Joeker on 12.11.2005
whats this mean? - dont call me dumb, but i dont know what this means... by Joeker on 12.11.2005
Best Queen Medleys - YOeah, I wanted to know what some of the best Quee... by Joeker on 28.10.2005
REQUEST: earls court - anything from the earls court '77 show. i cant fi... by Joeker on 13.10.2005
Looking for some videos - Yeah, Im looking for some Queen Music videos that ... by Joeker on 13.10.2005
Jesus Song - The Song "Jesus" rocks. Its from the QU... by Joeker on 24.09.2005

759 posts by user 'Joeker'

I know where Freddie is, and it aint no graveyard. - Best thread ever, who remembers this?... by Joeker on 13.11.2019
Who was Dave? - Who was Dave, the guy doing Freddie's hair and ass... by Joeker on 13.04.2019
Freddie Mercury live in Hog's Grunt Pub, Cricklewood, UK (with Taxi) - That doesn't even look like him. I mean, the vide... by Joeker on 19.02.2019
Did Queen fly concord - I believe Brian flew his parents out on the Concor... by Joeker on 19.02.2019
What are we still missing? - I remember joining the forum back in 2004-05 and s... by Joeker on 19.02.2019
Did Freddie.... - Ever play Nintendo? ... by Joeker on 16.02.2019
TO BE A FLY ON THE WALL.... - Hot Space due to the fact that Brian & Roger have ... by Joeker on 05.01.2019
Happy Christmas All - Dreaming of a White (Queen) Christmas..... http... by Joeker on 25.12.2018
Ranking Songs-News Of The World - 1. Spread Your Wings 2. It's Late 3. We are the ... by Joeker on 23.12.2018
You're My Best Friend - I find it somewhat hard to believe that You're My ... by Joeker on 23.12.2018
Ranking Songs-A Night At The Opera - 1. Bohemian Rhapsody 2. 39 3. Prophets Song 4. ... by Joeker on 23.12.2018
Queen status in US now - When I worked at IKEA (USA) they played "Play the ... by Joeker on 12.12.2018
Queen status in US now - Queen II in a Trader Joe's? Yeah, we're more like... by Joeker on 11.12.2018
I haven't hit him yet.... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if7W3z6duXM :28... by Joeker on 10.12.2018
I haven't hit him yet.... - ....But there's still time! I would like to thi... by Joeker on 10.12.2018
Mr Right (the original not fake) - This sucks my blood like a leech....... by Joeker on 06.12.2018
Brian May on BBC Radio 2, 2 Dec 2018 - "Maylor".....I know Roger goes along with most of ... by Joeker on 03.12.2018
:( Roger Taylor's is a homophobe after all - This whole thread is fucking stupid.... by Joeker on 03.12.2018
web design - WTF... by Joeker on 21.11.2018
Is it just me.. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS5zTcqyktA You... by Joeker on 20.11.2018
If Brian May personally asked you.. - Won't you keep good company?... by Joeker on 19.11.2018
The one thing Hot Space got right - Roger shared lead vocals on Action This Day, as we... by Joeker on 15.11.2018
Was Freddie always destined to be Famous ? - Think of how many people out there could have or d... by Joeker on 15.11.2018
Bohemian Rhapsody to be Christmas number one again?! - That would be a miracle.... by Joeker on 15.11.2018
Bohemian Rhapsody OST released! - Remember when George Lucas "improved" the original... by Joeker on 22.10.2018
Freddie Mercury circumcised or not - Ummm, troll in the dungeon?... by Joeker on 19.10.2018
My Command & Conquer Rhapsody! :P - This was wrist cuttingly bad.... by Joeker on 30.09.2018
Did Brian ever sing a full song live with Queen? - Yeah on "Hello Mary Lou" at Wembley he did do the ... by Joeker on 25.09.2018
Who's Playing Tim Staffell in the Movie? - Ron Jeremy... by Joeker on 19.09.2018
Bohemian Rhapsody Movie Soundtrack List - Seeing as how the film ends at Live Aid, the addit... by Joeker on 05.09.2018
KISS + QUEEN in 2019? - I never thought I'd have to hear the KISS/Queen + ... by Joeker on 09.08.2018
Burning questions that Bohemian Rhapsody (The Movie) will HOPEFULLY answer. - Well, shit.... by Joeker on 02.08.2018
Burning questions that Bohemian Rhapsody (The Movie) will HOPEFULLY answer. - With the movie coming out in a few months, and onl... by Joeker on 31.07.2018
Who will play Freddie Mercury in upcoming Queen Bopic? - I think Rami Malek, but don't quote me.... by Joeker on 18.05.2018
Did this bully get what he deserved? - That kid deserved it.  He started it, who cares i... by Joeker on 28.03.2011
Was Freddie aware that he had a moustache in 1980 ? - He shaved it for part of the hot space tour, but a... by Joeker on 07.02.2011
A great story, wish we had more in life... - Watch the videos, its great to see people like thi... by Joeker on 06.01.2011
How freddie really die? - A young jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of... by Joeker on 30.12.2010
Roadies' Best Technical Tour - I'd say their Earl's Court show....pure audio blis... by Joeker on 21.12.2010
Queen Song that would make a good Bond Theme... - Which Queen song(s) do you think would really work... by Joeker on 20.12.2010
Michael: Innocent or Guilty - I was at a Walmart one time and over the intercom ... by Joeker on 09.12.2010
Freddie Mercury - Working titles of songs - Bo Rhap wrote: What a waste of time and space ... by Joeker on 28.11.2010
How come John never slapped the bass much, in studio or live? - Now I'm confused.... ...I thought this was about... by Joeker on 18.11.2010
Rare - Freddie Mercury no mustache hot space tour. - Yeah fake, but why not make it interesting once in... by Joeker on 18.11.2010
Rare - Freddie Mercury no mustache hot space tour. - Freddie Mercury without a mustache during the hot ... by Joeker on 17.11.2010
Popular iPad/iPod/iPhone Software in 2010 - Sorry, I preferred Body Language to this sad sack ... by Joeker on 08.11.2010
Brian May to become Vegan!!!!!!!!!!! - Roger Taylor:  I fuckin' beat my meat, so what?... by Joeker on 02.11.2010
which Queen member is your favorite? - David Bowie.... by Joeker on 13.09.2010
Favourite Roger Taylor Queen Track (with RT on vocals)? - Maggie May More of that Jazz Young Turks... by Joeker on 15.08.2010
Favorite "Queen" Song? - What is Your favorite "Queen" song? A. White Que... by Joeker on 15.08.2010
The end of the world as we know it... - I will make a bet of 50 bucks with anyone who say... by Joeker on 16.01.2010
LADY GAGA AND QUEEN - I'd rather listen to KISS than kiss her. She'... by Joeker on 15.12.2009
KISS - Rock am Ring and Rock im Park 2010 - Nothing wrong with KISS.  Best live group in my o... by Joeker on 08.12.2009
Were Brian and Roger Disrepecful - Both of them going out and doing their own solo re... by Joeker on 24.11.2009
Kiss Sonic Shit Tour 2010 - I'm a Queen fan always first and foremost, none be... by Joeker on 24.11.2009
Why is "I Want It All" included in the new greatest hits compilation? - because it was used in a fucking dr. pepper commer... by Joeker on 23.08.2009
best song worst song best album worst album - Best song - more of that jazz worst song - The S... by Joeker on 22.05.2009
the scariest childrens programme ever? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQJxAs2aazU th... by Joeker on 21.01.2009
Deacon Singing 1990 on Howard Stern? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INkH2bXAZHI i ... by Joeker on 23.11.2008
How would Freddie have sounded if he had done Paul Rodgers' songs? - Well if Freddie was singing Paul's songs in concer... by Joeker on 21.09.2008
What actor would you like to see play Freddie? - Ron Jeremy!... by Joeker on 16.08.2008
C-lebrity - I'm not a huge fan of it right now, but i don't ha... by Joeker on 07.08.2008
(In)famous Queenzone hoaxes - Wasn't there one of about the 5 second video of Fr... by Joeker on 26.07.2008
Iraq/Afghanistan - the only reason we fight is because we're insecure... by Joeker on 04.07.2008
George Carlin passes away at 71 - George Carlin is the greatest. ever. No one co... by Joeker on 30.06.2008
Why are Americans so attracted to conspiracy theories? - Well Me personally.... ....I like to do somethi... by Joeker on 29.06.2008
LED_ZEPPELI VS ACDC:lol: - Personally, I'm more partially to AC/DC. But I ... by Joeker on 22.06.2008
Queen & Paul Rodgers & U2 To Tour America? - Who wouldn't want to see Boner?!... by Joeker on 22.06.2008
Queen + 2Pac - Who Wants To Live Forever! - piece of shit. im glad 2pacs gone. ... by Joeker on 17.04.2008
The Private & Personal Diaries of Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) - You're fucking stupid.... by Joeker on 07.04.2008
C-lebrity - it didn't sound bad or anything, but i want to hea... by Joeker on 05.04.2008
Everything reverts back to Freddie - actually sailors cum is used as a field source... by Joeker on 26.03.2008
Cover Version on New Q+PR Album - i wouldnt mind hearing jailhouse rock. they've ... by Joeker on 22.03.2008
Queen + Paul Rodgers to debut new track on Al Murray - Queen never really stuck with tradition....they al... by Joeker on 19.03.2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - indiana jones becomes a scientologist in this movi... by Joeker on 14.02.2008
A hypothetical question regarding religion and education. - they didn't want to let everyone know that tom cru... by Joeker on 09.02.2008
something new, fresh, and original on ebay. - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&... by Joeker on 09.02.2008
Does The Heartbreak kid refer to Queen? - in highlander they have queen songs so it must be ... by Joeker on 05.01.2008
Let's Get Aled Jones to play the new QPR single - get him to play it 14 times within the next two da... by Joeker on 02.01.2008
Say It´s Not True - new mix????? - fake possibly?... by Joeker on 29.12.2007
Santa Claus - Lie or Charming Myth? - i dont see the harm in an old jolly man coming onl... by Joeker on 28.12.2007
Queen big mistakes. - Rogers Green Hair.... by Joeker on 27.12.2007
Im sorry - innuendo1990, let me ask you this... Would you ... by Joeker on 26.12.2007
7 best Queen songs, 7 worst Queen songs - 7 Best: - Spread Your Wings - 39 - Bohemian R... by Joeker on 14.12.2007
Republican President will be elected in 2008 - this country was bought, paid for, and sold a long... by Joeker on 11.12.2007
Abnormal radio play - heard 39 last night on kgon here in portland OR it... by Joeker on 04.12.2007
It was 26 years ago today - lol i find this hilarious i dont care what anyone ... by Joeker on 25.11.2007
Anyone read Stephen King's Cell? Even if you haven't... - just wait for the sequel (or king cashes in again)... by Joeker on 19.11.2007
I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike... - http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/20... by Joeker on 17.11.2007
Who would you have liked to see at The Tribute Concert? - Styx shoulda been there George Harrison Eric C... by Joeker on 15.11.2007
Finnish Gun Control - from what i've heard, The finnish aren't a very ha... by Joeker on 07.11.2007
Happy Birthday News of the world! - not to mention it ties or comes close to the game ... by Joeker on 28.10.2007
Happy Birthday News of the world! - 30 years ago, News of the world was released. Kick... by Joeker on 27.10.2007
Have you ever considered going vegetarian?... If so, how hard is it? - who cares? Cancer, heart diseases, aids, mad c... by Joeker on 27.10.2007
Imaginary concert list. - Its okay, its understandable for innuendo 1990 to ... by Joeker on 25.10.2007
HAVE A NICE DAY!!! - http://youtube.com/watch?v=16Rxys_uBsw what if ... by Joeker on 12.10.2007
What is your favourite cover version? - Donna Summer - Macarthur Park Queen - Jailhouse R... by Joeker on 12.10.2007
freddies ding a ling ling - http://youtube.com/watch?v=cCGo0KGluXI wow.... by Joeker on 08.10.2007
What in your opinion is the greatest guitar riff? - all right now - Free... by Joeker on 29.09.2007
What's the scariest horror movie you ever watched? - http://youtube.com/watch?v=2T5_0AGdFic mary pop... by Joeker on 29.09.2007
Van Halen!! WOO!!! - PANAMA! PANA MA HAH!... by Joeker on 27.09.2007
Where Can You But The Back To The Light Album? - The Local 99cent store. or the dollar tree.... by Joeker on 22.09.2007
make your own concert experience from 88-91 - shit. bob saget.... by Joeker on 21.09.2007
John Williams / Your favorite film music scores - I think Hook and the last crusade were his best fi... by Joeker on 17.09.2007
Brian May + Bing Crosby, Killer Queen - http://youtube.com/watch?v=QtBF7t1kPio good ol ... by Joeker on 17.09.2007
If you could, who would you bring back? - I've already brought sexy back, so thats outta the... by Joeker on 15.09.2007
Seaside Rendezvous live? - heres an awesome video though. http://youtube.c... by Joeker on 11.09.2007
What does you name mean? - I had watched monty python at the time.... by Joeker on 10.09.2007
QZ is only part of a bigger picture - it's not the ENTIRE Queen community - Queenzone may only be a few pixels... but uh Gr... by Joeker on 10.09.2007
Happy Birthday Freddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Happy Birthday Fred!... by Joeker on 05.09.2007
No Subject - bullshit its not true.... by Joeker on 01.09.2007
Queen+Paul Rodgers "All Anchors Down" - i'd like to know where the author got the source..... by Joeker on 30.08.2007
experimenting w/ bohemian rhapsody, behind the scenes 1975 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=bNmihyArv78 they alw... by Joeker on 29.08.2007
New AC/DC DVD - didnt freddie hate AC/DC? i dunno i heard that som... by Joeker on 26.08.2007
ur tv shows - Family Guy Ice Road Truckers Sanford and Son Si... by Joeker on 24.08.2007
Eating survey - [x] water. [x] orange juice. [x] milk. [x] soda... by Joeker on 21.08.2007
Our next President hits the nail on the head... - fuck all of you. George Carlin For President.... by Joeker on 18.08.2007
the beatles aka the shitles - you can all hate the beatles as much as you want, ... by Joeker on 18.08.2007
how old is everyone on here?? - i was still 14, almost 15 when this was first made... by Joeker on 17.08.2007
how gay was queen? - well here's the way i look it. your question wa... by Joeker on 16.08.2007
john deacons drawing book - http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Drawing-Book-for-Kids-John... by Joeker on 16.08.2007
You should all text fred now... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=PYZiYO5u-ZU... by Joeker on 14.08.2007
An American tradition - crap like that happens in hockey all the time,... by Joeker on 12.08.2007
Who will play Freddie Mercury in upcoming Queen Bopic? - they should make a movie about the band, not just ... by Joeker on 12.08.2007
Its was 21 years ago today - Bill - llyyyy Sheeeeaaaaarrrrrrssss.....!!!! Wh... by Joeker on 10.08.2007
Its was 21 years ago today - So may I introduce to you the act you've known for... by Joeker on 09.08.2007
John's ass wiping video - freddie didnt have the ass wipe video, john did. t... by Joeker on 05.08.2007
Freddie's Absolute Best Vocal Performance? - killer queen. i cant lie.... by Joeker on 01.08.2007
freddie mercury - struggle for stardom 1969 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=NjeBlDq3pe4 a short ... by Joeker on 31.07.2007
Imagine a tour of Freddie...( Songs list ) - i was adding some sarcasm...but to be honest yeah ... by Joeker on 31.07.2007
Why do so many Queenzoners have mental health issues? - mr. snow. we forgot mr. snow :>... by Joeker on 30.07.2007
Imagine a tour of Freddie...( Songs list ) - why have a freddie tour when you can have queen + ... by Joeker on 30.07.2007
america run by nazis - http://youtube.com/watch?v=nd85DgG-c54 thats wh... by Joeker on 28.07.2007
Philippine prisoners dancing to Radio Ga Ga - this makes me want to go to prision.... by Joeker on 27.07.2007
Lindsay Lohan busted again - at least i have chicken.... by Joeker on 26.07.2007
If Queen + their friends went to Hogwarts... - BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA this thread is hilarious... by Joeker on 26.07.2007
a funny thing i did with queen song titles. - I'd rather be in Auschwitz than read this again.... by Joeker on 23.07.2007
new freddie interview - old grey whistle test w/bob harris - http://youtube.com/watch?v=-s76l_d6vE4 guarante... by Joeker on 23.07.2007
What's your FIRST image of Queen? - 4 old ladies still rockin' away... by Joeker on 08.07.2007
Corny Jokes Galore! - what do you call a buncha white guys running down ... by Joeker on 08.07.2007
Flash Theme backwards message - LOL!! [+YouTube] - some thought we were walnuts :>... by Joeker on 07.07.2007
Live Earth 07 - oh well. The Police are gonna be there, thats the ... by Joeker on 07.07.2007
a day in the life of freddie mercury - the bananna part was fricking hilarious :>... by Joeker on 06.07.2007
a day in the life of freddie mercury - http://youtube.com/watch?v=eZobpUwsrGc hahaha a... by Joeker on 05.07.2007
Happy Independence Day - i didnt see a topic. So happy independence day all... by Joeker on 05.07.2007
~The Doors~ - Jim Morrison wasn't the greatest role model as a p... by Joeker on 05.07.2007
Brain May : Some Dude. - We Will Rock you is probably without a doubt the #... by Joeker on 03.07.2007
worst movies ever? - even the worst movies have awesome characters, lik... by Joeker on 03.07.2007
Larry King Makes a fool of himself in front of Paul and Ringo - if u didnt see the beatles interview on larry king... by Joeker on 02.07.2007
my youtube clips. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=YNfN3Stt-yA fire in ... by Joeker on 02.07.2007
TATDOOL at Diana concert - for some reason i expected them to play TATDOOL...... by Joeker on 01.07.2007
Brian May: Latest Atrocity - maybe brian just didn't feel like playing...ever t... by Joeker on 01.07.2007
worst movies ever? - the worst movie or movies you've ever seen or that... by Joeker on 30.06.2007
Films you've seen more than once. - Star Wars IV Back To The Future I and II Indiana... by Joeker on 30.06.2007
what he woulda done if he wasn't discovered - I'd hire him! http://youtube.com/watch?v=JqvafD... by Joeker on 30.06.2007
People on the same league as Freddie on piano - Ray Manzarek from the doors is a great player...ev... by Joeker on 28.06.2007
who did freddie love? - the better question is....who DIDNT fredddie love?... by Joeker on 28.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - well, although they're both great artists... i'... by Joeker on 27.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - no matter what you people say, the beatles have go... by Joeker on 25.06.2007
Your Top 5 Artists - 1. Queen/Beatles 2. Doors 3. Rush 4. Styx 5. P... by Joeker on 23.06.2007
The Songs-That-Are-Stuck-In-Your-Head Thread? - Touch Me - The Doors not that i mind, it rocks.... by Joeker on 22.06.2007
I know where Freddie is, and it aint no graveyard. - this topic is my favorite. ever.... by Joeker on 20.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - the only one who could beat out any beatles on voc... by Joeker on 19.06.2007
what do you collect? - anyone have a hobby of collecting anything? stamps... by Joeker on 19.06.2007
If you could... - I would go back to the year 1955.... by Joeker on 18.06.2007
Song never played live - long away was played in japan in 06 though wasnt i... by Joeker on 11.06.2007
Freddie participation in new albums - 2 albums. 1 Q+PR 1 w/freddie stuff, brian an... by Joeker on 04.06.2007
some thought we were walnuts. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ft9dfiLIw0Q i cant b... by Joeker on 01.06.2007
wheres this video from - it says roger in studio 2006, but i dont think so,... by Joeker on 01.06.2007
QUEEN SONGS GAME RESULTS MAY - White Queen. White Queen or Sweet Lady?... by Joeker on 01.06.2007
What was the number one song on your birthday? - "Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul with ... by Joeker on 23.05.2007
what if Queen + Alice Cooper? - although alice cooper is pretty shock rock and his... by Joeker on 20.05.2007
what if Queen + Alice Cooper? - yeah!... by Joeker on 20.05.2007
25 years hot space 1982 - people give this album alot of heat, it may not be... by Joeker on 16.05.2007
Woldn´t it been fab if Queen had written... - yellow submarine.... by Joeker on 15.05.2007
Freddie - Arsenal fan? - he was a fan of the toronto maple leafs hockey clu... by Joeker on 15.05.2007
Woldn´t it been fab if Queen had written... - its amazing how the US general public loved a futu... by Joeker on 13.05.2007
freddie mercury goes to the oculist - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_HlXKct0k0 no i... by Joeker on 12.05.2007
Who will play Freddie Mercury in the Queen movie? - ron jeremy. he's going on an intense diet and exer... by Joeker on 07.05.2007
slightly ironic - oh i forgot by the jester, that could also mean fr... by Joeker on 06.05.2007
slightly ironic - little did we know that don mclean's hit classic &... by Joeker on 06.05.2007
beatles movie? - how come they havent already done a movie about th... by Joeker on 30.04.2007
what if Queen + Ron Jeremy... - ?... by Joeker on 22.04.2007
What's Your favourite Position? - im going to bed.... by Joeker on 16.04.2007
queen's power - dont forget thin lizzy...they had sucess and toure... by Joeker on 12.04.2007
stanley cup playoffs start tonight! - i know what you mean, i live near Portland...and t... by Joeker on 12.04.2007
stanley cup playoffs start tonight! - i know there probably arent too many ice hockey fa... by Joeker on 11.04.2007
Queen Love Songs - '39 really isn't a love song though...its more abo... by Joeker on 11.04.2007
queen's power - styx. styx toured with queen in the mid 70's, very... by Joeker on 11.04.2007
freddie mercury + monty python song = weirdly funny - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyX_76OYE0A... by Joeker on 10.04.2007
Best John Deacon written song? - he also wrote bohemian rhapsody, and was slated to... by Joeker on 08.04.2007
Best John Deacon written song? - Mr. McCartney has nothin' on John. Spread y... by Joeker on 07.04.2007
American Idol - i havent seen a topic on it, so... what are you... by Joeker on 05.04.2007
Where is John Deacon? - im surprised no one has gone and tried to stalk an... by Joeker on 05.04.2007
"I snorted my father" - Keith Richards - thats the best line in that movie.... by Joeker on 04.04.2007
Blades of Glory - and the flash gordon theme song used as well in th... by Joeker on 01.04.2007
Ban innuendo1990 - true. but could it be possible to like limit t... by Joeker on 01.04.2007
Ban innuendo1990 - this is getting stupid methinks?... by Joeker on 31.03.2007
RIght now - my web design just started night at the opera....f... by Joeker on 05.03.2007
Anna Nicole Smith show cancelled.... permanently. - son dead...few months later shes gone...fishy some... by Joeker on 08.02.2007
TV shows from the 80's still on air? - Cops. SNL. All those news shows.... by Joeker on 07.02.2007
Freddies racist rant - yeah it has to be the stupidest thing ever, i dont... by Joeker on 03.02.2007
Freddies racist rant - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acW5I5yjdd0... by Joeker on 03.02.2007
Hi, My Name Is Dave - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RxzNUpRjjk yay!... by Joeker on 26.01.2007
Freddie not on vocals - duh he ate cornflakes in his underwear... by Joeker on 26.01.2007
Famous Queen fans? - The Creator of the Simpsons, Matt Groening is supp... by Joeker on 17.01.2007
I think I'll think twice about the hot tub - LOLZ I JERKED OFf... by Joeker on 02.01.2007
Depp WILL play Freddie - mmm roger = david spade brian = howard stern o... by Joeker on 01.01.2007
a few goodies - these are from the portland show that was on April... by Joeker on 26.12.2006
Ahh a famous concert on this day - 12 - 26 - 79 queen played one of their top 5 co... by Joeker on 26.12.2006
Best Queen moment of 2006 - rock honors... by Joeker on 26.12.2006
[Paint] Draw the Queen Song game #2 - http://i17.tinypic.com/4dvlllj.jpg... by Joeker on 15.12.2006
anyone? - ever met ringo starr? is he as humourous and stuff... by Joeker on 10.12.2006
random video thread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBHXU79rHCU... by Joeker on 27.11.2006
How did they make up WWRY(fast) - i honestly think if they had put the fast version ... by Joeker on 27.11.2006
man from manhattan - can someone give me the lowdown on this song? its ... by Joeker on 27.11.2006
Most Coveted Bootlegs? - Houston '77 Japan 85 Osaka... by Joeker on 25.11.2006
Favorite Beatles Song - Lets Hear em! Yellow Submarine beats all... by Joeker on 25.11.2006
who would be a good freddie for the queen movie?? - hahaha Samuel L. Jackson would be able to pull off... by Joeker on 22.11.2006
Freddie was Jack the Ripper, proof! - of course...you didnt know that? What do you th... by Joeker on 20.11.2006
Your epitaph - "Mouth Wash?! We Don't need no stinkin mouthw... by Joeker on 15.11.2006
FREDDIE IN HOLLYWOOD - cool a freddie mercury movie...but why not a queen... by Joeker on 11.11.2006
What Would Be A Good Album Title? - 3 guys from britain ghost of a queen where i... by Joeker on 10.11.2006
Bohemian Rhapsody - Original 1975 promo video out-takes - not this again...first that long debate over the 7... by Joeker on 07.11.2006
Bohemian Rhapsody - Original 1975 promo video out-takes - not this again...first that long debate over the 7... by Joeker on 07.11.2006
Jazz-opinions - I think its one of those albums that you also had ... by Joeker on 03.11.2006
Jazz-opinions - I think its one of those albums that you also had ... by Joeker on 03.11.2006
All Star Band - bass: John Deacon Drums: Roger Taylor: Guitar: B... by Joeker on 01.11.2006
Buffalo Sabres - well too bad they didnt make history after losing ... by Joeker on 29.10.2006
Name a Favourite Song. - mmm No Mr Nice Guy - Alice Cooper ( damnit they... by Joeker on 29.10.2006
happy 29th news of the world! - The record was released today 29 years ago in the ... by Joeker on 28.10.2006
Homeschooling - to be honest...I have never liked the idea of home... by Joeker on 28.10.2006
youtube trouble - it seems like the last 2 days the youtube videos l... by Joeker on 25.10.2006
music cringe!! - eiffel 65... by Joeker on 25.10.2006
The McCartney's - ringo starr is like the coolest beatle, without hi... by Joeker on 20.10.2006
The "Let's Talk Like Kake Thread" - no Fahshnickit fa you Jebediah Kousher!... by Joeker on 17.10.2006
rarest queen song played on radio - whats the rarest queen song you've heard on the ra... by Joeker on 14.10.2006
Elton John - Great artist, great songs. But how come USA fan... by Joeker on 13.10.2006
[Shocker] Disney Sextape leaked! - http://i.xanga.com/CrapMagazine/mermaid%20penis%20... by Joeker on 13.10.2006
[Shocker] Disney Sextape leaked! - didnt the cover of the little mermaid have a dildo... by Joeker on 13.10.2006
We Are The Champions (duet) - you can get shot for putting robbie williams stuff... by Joeker on 12.10.2006
ANY OF QUEEN'S EARLY CONCERTS ON VIDEO? - what do you think this is... a bootleg exchange? l... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
The Real Reason the beatles broke up...the truth! - So Paul Mcartney could join the band queen with th... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
Best live performance of Bohemian Rhapsody - Hyde Park 76... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
REQUEST: a new life is born - thank you it made me tough... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
ANY OF QUEEN'S EARLY CONCERTS ON VIDEO? - who can forget the secret innuendo tour huh? that ... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
Magic Tour: Best Freddie Performance - Budakon 79...that has to be his worst ever all tim... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
REQUEST: a new life is born - does anyone have that? that would be great to hear... by Joeker on 09.10.2006
Queen songs that would be good for holidays - yeah i decided to say hey! lets make a list of que... by Joeker on 08.10.2006
what is brian doing here - self felatio... by Joeker on 07.10.2006
RIP Roger Taylor - call me controversy... by Joeker on 06.10.2006
RIP Roger Taylor - did i say it was Roger Taylor of queen? nope. ... by Joeker on 06.10.2006
What would u consider to be Queen's most underated song? - Stone Cold Crazy. Its well known, but never relea... by Joeker on 06.10.2006
RIP Roger Taylor - He died too young...he appearantly died of a heart... by Joeker on 05.10.2006
queen´s music in movies - you're my best friend was used in sesame street... by Joeker on 05.10.2006
is it just me.... - or are Roger Taylor and Paul Mcartney identical tw... by Joeker on 04.10.2006
What is Queen's best song lyrically? - White Queen Prophets Song... by Joeker on 04.10.2006
Step on Me - Smile - Wow what a great song...first time listening to it... by Joeker on 03.10.2006
Audition time - Bah Humbug... by Joeker on 02.10.2006
In The Town... - you all suck... by Joeker on 02.10.2006
other fav band - mmmm Robbie Willams 50 Cent Mcfly Clay Aiken... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
Queenzone's Top Twat - wow.... ill cast mine for greg brooks...thanks ... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
nice little dear friends video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZd5X0XtQUE hehe... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
Who was the best Songwriter in the group? - Brian: White Queen Prophets Song Save Me We ... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
In The Town... - where I was born...lived a man...who sailed to sea... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
What was the song that got u on 2 Queen? - I finally heard Bohemian Rhapsody...and there was ... by Joeker on 01.10.2006
Arabian Goggles - crap they broke i wonder i can get a refund... by Joeker on 30.09.2006
did freddie ever quit smoking - did he ever stop smoking when he started getting s... by Joeker on 30.09.2006
Favorite Films? - mmmm Back To The Future Series Indiana Jones S... by Joeker on 30.09.2006
BREAKING NEWS!!! - damn i was thinking robbie williams was beaten to ... by Joeker on 29.09.2006
What is Queen's Best Concert Ever? - mmm no you idiots it was Hyde Park 76... by Joeker on 29.09.2006
What are yur fave Freddie Quotes? - When People stop buying our records...ill say good... by Joeker on 27.09.2006
What are yur fave Freddie Quotes? - When People stop buying our records...ill say good... by Joeker on 27.09.2006
The Works - back to basics (Queen by numbers)... - I pretty much agree with you. Hammer to Fall ... by Joeker on 27.09.2006
Queen with their families - prolly cause they thought mick jagger was gran... by Joeker on 24.09.2006
reviving the caption thread :-D - John *thinking* : i shouldnt of worn these golf ba... by Joeker on 24.09.2006
reviving the caption thread :-D - John *thinking* : i shouldnt of worn these golf ba... by Joeker on 24.09.2006
Queen for a day - Its about time they tried this type of intro, fred... by Joeker on 24.09.2006
Bin Laden dead? - they should hunt down greg brooks... by Joeker on 23.09.2006
who is it in the monkey suit in the video clip"i'm going slighty mad" - Bigfoot... by Joeker on 23.09.2006
recording concert - my advice in this case would be only this: dead... by Joeker on 23.09.2006
Gay and Lesbian Marriage - well if gays can get married why can't my goat and... by Joeker on 23.09.2006
NHL - dont get me wrong i dont hate lindros im glad to h... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
Haircuts and highlights... - http://x27.xanga.com/ccab8264d9d3545466196/b306994... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
NHL - damn we got stuck w/ lindros...... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
who is it in the monkey suit in the video clip"i'm going slighty mad" - Ron jeremy ... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
NHL - NHL fans and hockey fans unite!! Go stars!... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
Favorite Bands? - 1. Queen 2. AC/DC (We've got the biggest balls of... by Joeker on 21.09.2006
Hammersmith 1979 - sorry we cannot send it. Its official now, you mi... by Joeker on 20.09.2006
RIP Mr. Codi - thanks all for your support...... by Joeker on 20.09.2006
William Hung has hurt the image of Freddie. - well what about another one rides the bus? is that... by Joeker on 20.09.2006
RIP Mr. Codi - R.I.P to my 1st period high school teacher mr. cod... by Joeker on 20.09.2006
where in the world is carmen san diego? - anyone ever remember this tv show? http://www.y... by Joeker on 19.09.2006
Quiz For fatty - its fatty. fatty reads no questions.... by Joeker on 19.09.2006
Queen on Top of the pops - what about crazy little thing called love in 79?... by Joeker on 19.09.2006
Today were 30 years of the Hyde Park - yeah, i think next to live aid, it could be queens... by Joeker on 18.09.2006
making of boh rhap. - does a behind the scenes making of boh. rhap vide... by Joeker on 18.09.2006
to my dearest, darlingest, mexicans. - http://www.chickenshop.co.uk/acatalog/mexican.JPG ... by Joeker on 18.09.2006
Made In Heaven - Supposedly Too Much Love Will Kill You was suppose... by Joeker on 17.09.2006
Funny Queenzoners :D - Fatty and I.. XD jk about me fatty is cool... by Joeker on 17.09.2006
A Queen Song For a Wedding - how about the weddding march track from flash gord... by Joeker on 16.09.2006
Brian May's animal rights rants - him and george carlin are great complainers... by Joeker on 16.09.2006
The RollingStone top 500 Albums - rolling stone magazine is rubbish and a piece of s... by Joeker on 16.09.2006
rock you question - right at the beginning of we will rock you, you he... by Joeker on 15.09.2006
somebody to love in new movie - yes, its not as good as queen so lets get it outta... by Joeker on 14.09.2006
Do you believe in magic? - A kind of magic, In my opinion, is the most well o... by Joeker on 14.09.2006
Downloading Queen albums - who cares...i download all the time, im not a coll... by Joeker on 13.09.2006
lol guess where I am - goooodd mornnninngg vietnam!... by Joeker on 13.09.2006
anna nicoles son...dead - whatever she had it coming i think.... forgive ... by Joeker on 13.09.2006
Best Queen Friendly city in USA? - yeah i would have to say chicago too now...new yor... by Joeker on 12.09.2006
Best Queen Friendly city in USA? - which city in the usa is most queen friendly and e... by Joeker on 11.09.2006
lol guess where I am - yeah this class isnt hard...the teacher reviews 4 ... by Joeker on 11.09.2006
lol guess where I am - Yep Im back in here its monday morning XD... by Joeker on 11.09.2006
Steve Buscemi - He was great in Billy Madison as the one guy who g... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
watching a bit of a concert... - i think they should put dont stop me now in for th... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
Hi, I'm new here! - welcome, you can now leave your social life behind... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
Official ytmnd thread - post ur favorites here. http://queenkiller.yt... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
Roger picks his teeth - lol i could imagine roger thinking: oh shit.... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
watching a bit of a concert... - yeah the other 3 were great the whole time, freddi... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
How do we know that "Freddie's Kind Side" posting is true? - yeah what they said...besides even if she is lying... by Joeker on 10.09.2006
What does you daily routine look like? - 5:00am - Wake Up and shower 5:30am - out of showe... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
watching a bit of a concert... - i was watching a couple of videos from queen @ the... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
I know where Freddie is, and it aint no graveyard. - BUMP... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
lol guess where I am - lol last year in my 3d modeling class, some kid wa... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
lol guess where I am - yeah...nothing to it, its like Milk and COOKIES...... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
You know what woulda been cool... - yeah, any more songs and it woulda been a queen ai... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
Cool Cat - Put out the fire is probably the most frequently p... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
lol guess where I am - yeah right all the computer teachers at my school ... by Joeker on 09.09.2006
lol guess where I am - Junior in high school...or grade 11/12 in america ... by Joeker on 08.09.2006
lol guess where I am - yeah we're supposed to design our own websites....... by Joeker on 08.09.2006
lol guess where I am - im in my 1st period class at high school, im suppo... by Joeker on 08.09.2006
QUEEN FANS HIT ALL TIME LOW!! - no, sometimes its just a big brown cock! -G... by Joeker on 08.09.2006
Bush admits secret CIA prisons, international outrage follows - how can you lose the popular vote? its like an oxy... by Joeker on 07.09.2006
request: Doin' Alright live - go to lunch now yes... by Joeker on 07.09.2006
Bush admits secret CIA prisons, international outrage follows - Abe Lincoln was probably the best president in USA... by Joeker on 07.09.2006
request: Doin' Alright live - the best version available live would be great...i... by Joeker on 07.09.2006
Do you remember... - Mr. Snow and Cabbage were among my favorites XD... by Joeker on 06.09.2006
We Will Rock You -Dominion- Freddies 60th - mmm i wonder if anyone got any audio... by Joeker on 06.09.2006
Steve Irwin aka THE Crocodile Hunter has died!!!!!!!!!! - hmmm well good thing we know the truth or greg bro... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
'39? - its not about 69 i can tell you that... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
File under: Classic rock radio doesn't suck - funny how half of those arent his songs... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
Steve irwin joke... - this might be funny in a few years but not righ... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
Queen museum - A queen museum...wouldnt that be something? i wond... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
We Are The Champions (Orchestral Fickle Mix) - Hmm...Radio Ga Ga might be good... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREDDIE!!!!!! - Happy 60th B. Day Freddie Mercury!! You made the r... by Joeker on 05.09.2006
What kind of album can we expect? - mmm hangman does sound good...I just hope we don't... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
A fact about you - I think JESUS is a great song.... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
What kind of album can we expect? - Really, what kind of new album can we come to expe... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
Queen + Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter Tour CANCELLED - shit....i paid 250 $ for a front row seat at the h... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
GREG BROOKS IS........ [you fill in the rest] - fatty would make a good archivist...... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
GREG BROOKS IS........ [you fill in the rest] - greg if you dont have any good footage to share...... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
Steve Irwin aka THE Crocodile Hunter has died!!!!!!!!!! - this sucks...maybe him and Freddie will hang out t... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
How did you discover the band queen? - I met John Deacon back in the grocery store by acc... by Joeker on 04.09.2006
Why these songs were not played??? - well, its upseting that they play nothing from the... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
You are not going to believe what I heard.. - hmm its actually quite common to hear it aroun... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
Wedding - the wedding march from the flash gordon album... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
Which Queen member would you compare to yourself...? - spike edney ... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
The Adventures of Queen Man! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FIn1_nrKnc... by Joeker on 02.09.2006
You are not going to believe what I heard.. - i heard roger taylors "surrender" today ... by Joeker on 01.09.2006
Bo Raph. longer than 7 minutes! - ill bet the vocal intro was longer, and the piano ... by Joeker on 01.09.2006
Intro for a Queen concert - pretty good, I like it! once you add the crowd noi... by Joeker on 01.09.2006
this needs to be said (longwinded maybe, but true none-the-less) - whatever internet friends will be internet friends... by Joeker on 01.09.2006
this needs to be said (longwinded maybe, but true none-the-less) - whatever internet friends will be internet friends... by Joeker on 01.09.2006
OMG To think i used to watch this when i was little...scary - peter pan the really old one... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Intro for a Queen concert - oh i forget, you could add some live crowd noise!... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Intro for a Queen concert - its actually pretty good, but take out the second ... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Freddie´s birthday censorship in zanzibar! - i didnt even know zanzibar was really on the map u... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
OMG To think i used to watch this when i was little...scary - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKMvUAxcxpM oh t... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Queen and KISS touring in 2007? - thats bullshit... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Hottest women on earth...(post your list) - http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/uv/images/ugly_gu... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
queen albums in the 90's and 00's - oh i could imagine the conversation.... Brian: ... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Queen Lullibies - The Whole Of Bohemian Rhapsody :> ... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Roger Taylor Voice... Marge Simpson? - lol roger had green hair why couldnt he also have ... by Joeker on 31.08.2006
Play The Game (Fickle Orchestral Version) - theres nothing wrong people with this track, its t... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
Arabian Goggles - Yeah why didnt they name Mustapha, Arabian Goggles... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
A new parody(on request for Serry): - i love parodies but dont post 6 topics... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
mmm tie your mother down indeed :> - http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/9996/1976xxxxwt6.... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
Freddie and weight training - omg i could write a whole little queen story about... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
Arabian Goggles - not alot i like hockey... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
GEORGE MICHAEL OR PAUL RODGERS? - yeah Mrs. Doubtfire can prance around though lol ... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
GEORGE MICHAEL OR PAUL RODGERS? - Robin williams... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
There is a very special place in Hell reserved for these people. - they should be burned without a trial i dont care... by Joeker on 30.08.2006
darkest america... - Argh...Hot Space didnt kill America...the works di... by Joeker on 29.08.2006
Arabian Goggles - ROFL ... by Joeker on 29.08.2006
Arabian Goggles - I bought a pair off Ebay, im gonna use em in the p... by Joeker on 28.08.2006
What was the first Queen song that you EVER heard? - You're My Best Friend, it was played on Sesame Str... by Joeker on 28.08.2006
Who likes Don't stop me now? - Its a damn jolly good song... by Joeker on 28.08.2006
I want to talk with a queen fan... - yeah well this isnt a sex chat site im sorry.... by Joeker on 27.08.2006
More parodies: - Haha the headlong parody makes perfect sense...HEA... by Joeker on 26.08.2006
im leaving - alhave rahchristanine!... by Joeker on 26.08.2006
Most Romantic Queen Album? - you guys are ridiculus, we all know its QUeen I wi... by Joeker on 26.08.2006
Does any Queen member like Sports??? - Freddie was unbeatable at table tennis... by Joeker on 26.08.2006
Does any Queen member like Sports??? - i didnt know he played field hockey...sweet :>... by Joeker on 26.08.2006
Mary Austin bothered yet again - what a bunch of crackheads, vandalizing her house,... by Joeker on 25.08.2006
Songs I hope they drop next tour - ha how about a little unknown tune called Spread Y... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
For those of you who watch viva la bam and love Don Vito... - lol for a second i thought he was held on sex chan... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
For those of you who watch viva la bam and love Don Vito... - Im not surprised that Don Vito did this, of course... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
The Uranus appreciation thread - Uranus gets hit with big meteors too alot.... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Is I Want To Break Free Vid still bannd in America? - yeah so the MTV show "NEXT" is allowed t... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Is I Want To Break Free Vid still bannd in America? - thats because VH1 is kickass and actually have... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Your favorite "disliked" Queen songs - Jesus, its seems like only 1 in 3 actually like th... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Songs I hope they drop next tour - Hmm Interesting... Tie Your Mother Down - A goo... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
What a difference 3 years makes. - yeah its funny how they played bicycle race on cel... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Sadly Pluto is no more... - haha big fucking deal its not like im going to plu... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
the prophet's song?? any more versions?? - Not having the echo machine working actually sound... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
my fairy king - shame this song isnt more popular, its great and c... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Tell me this aint funny! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76GZUPxGQjQ http... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
the prophet's song?? any more versions?? - its a funny but nearly terrible piece, i think it ... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Killer Racoons - wasnt freddies coat from the killer queen TOTP vid... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
the prophet's song?? any more versions?? - being a queen fan doesnt mean you have like every ... by Joeker on 24.08.2006
Queenzoners that would be cool to meet :D - Mmm i dunno how about... Cabbage Fatty Mr. Sn... by Joeker on 23.08.2006
freddie crying - he was getting emotional at hyde park during the b... by Joeker on 23.08.2006
the prophet's song?? any more versions?? - Heres a shorter version of the Prophets song, prob... by Joeker on 23.08.2006
Request: Follies '79 three-part special! Please! - I actually think you missed it by 27 years man....... by Joeker on 23.08.2006
my favorite song - yeah and im king arthur...... by Joeker on 22.08.2006
The song 'Flick of the Wrist' - its an emo song about wrist cutting... by Joeker on 22.08.2006
The Best Movies Thread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrUb6dF5xCA this... by Joeker on 22.08.2006
Brian's Myspace imposter - Queen first hit big with our single "The Seve... by Joeker on 22.08.2006
freddie crying - if only i had the we will rock you dvd haha... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
freddie crying - is there any video of where freddie started tearin... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
Request: Smile Songs - yeah i know what OFFICIAL means... just wondering ... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
Name change? - quit bitching, they arent going to change the name... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
REQUEST: Zagreb 1979 - gbisghey@aol.com... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
Request: Smile Songs - ill take the best if they are available, like pola... by Joeker on 21.08.2006
GVH2 advert - check out my sig lol i love that line so much... by Joeker on 20.08.2006
QUEEN: THE BASIC BOOTLEGS and unreleased 1991/1992 Hollywood remixes - is the queen reprise medley any good? i'd like to ... by Joeker on 20.08.2006
NOoooooooooooooooooo! - big brother has gentile herpes.... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
No Subject - it certainly is!!... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - at the beginning when his faced is all squished he... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
on dutch news site - you dont have to be a stupid dutch bastard to know... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
Snakes on a Plane - you know it... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
[QAYT2] Official New Queenie Above You Thread [O,O] - ^thinks that its time to stop saying something abo... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
Did they know it was their last - yes John deaconknew it was HIS last show. They sa... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
No Subject - are you serious?! thats great!... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
The Official JOHN DEACON Birthday Bash thread! - yeah im masturbating to all of his songs right now... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
Snakes on a Plane - this is the worst time to be releasing a movie lik... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
I'm sure it's been asked before. - because they were playing cops and robbers bac... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
queen in car commercials - besides the one i posted, werent a couple songs us... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
yeah this guy played Bass instead of John during one Vision - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsUsr6DLh0M yeah... by Joeker on 18.08.2006
I got a Red Special! - aww your good...but Matias is still #1!!! your goo... by Joeker on 17.08.2006
king of youtube - http://youtube.com/profile?user=geriatric1927 t... by Joeker on 16.08.2006
haha cool version of tie your mother down - brian is so funny in this... http://youtube.com... by Joeker on 16.08.2006
If this doesnt move you, YOU ARE DEAD!!! - can I go to lunch now? No you can't.... by Joeker on 16.08.2006
All the 'ITTWWC' performed live - magic tour as well...... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
Ron Jeremy - lol funny stuff that guy how does a fat hairy guy ... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
No Subject - only if you dont have a needle... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
Roger Taylor about Freddie: "He was my best friend, you know..." - jesus as queens lead singer? well at least we wou... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
Watch the end of this... - yeah right Queen were going to be, if they had... by Joeker on 15.08.2006
what was Queen doing when you were born? - Feb 1990...right between the Miracle and Innuendo'... by Joeker on 14.08.2006
Watch the end of this... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=AguDnJsQ6Lo right be... by Joeker on 11.08.2006
Scaramouche, scaramouche bumper sticker on eBay - yes i would do the fandago... by Joeker on 11.08.2006
Airline plot foiled in the UK - fuck terrorists...you guys can suck on my chocolat... by Joeker on 11.08.2006
Question Regarding 'Stone Cold Crazy' - okay if Freddies band performed it first, how ... by Joeker on 11.08.2006
Felix and Arty? - say its not true...say if for real...... by Joeker on 10.08.2006
which queenzoner is Deaky? - come on one of you out there has to be....... by Joeker on 10.08.2006
Is There Any 1 Who Was At Any Of Queens 70s Gigs - I think he's joking.... by Joeker on 09.08.2006
Rockstar: Supernova - yeah its neat that a singer from my home town of p... by Joeker on 09.08.2006
What if Freddie was a flying horse? - in the land where horses born with eagle wings...... by Joeker on 08.08.2006
Songs - I want it all did very well i think... by Joeker on 07.08.2006
Brian's scar? - Sleeping on a sidewalk is what brian was doing for... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
Most Common/Rarest Albums In Stores - Hot space didnt kill america...the works did to te... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
Most Common/Rarest Albums In Stores - Hot space didnt kill america...the works did to te... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
Doin' All right small edit - http://rapidshare.de/files/28356912/Doin__All_Righ... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
yeah Roger Got Pissed off at me - i dunno how i got away lol, but he tore up the pic... by Joeker on 06.08.2006
Next Video Project - how about you focus on clips from a tour like say ... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
yeah Roger Got Pissed off at me - a few weeks ago I had the chance to meet Roger at ... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
REQUEST: Brian May - sail away sweet sister live - yes he did perform this song 3 times during his 19... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
ANNOUNCE (perhaps) RARE 5 seconds from "Freddie wiping ass tape" - i think mr. daja is refering to this incident.... ... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
Brian's scar? - yeah freddie also wrote we are the champions after... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
Unlikely site to mention Queen - is getting popular? its been popular at sports ev... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
Queen Ticket Stubs - www.queenconcerts.com check there under memorib... by Joeker on 05.08.2006
ANNOUNCE (perhaps) RARE 5 seconds from "Freddie wiping ass tape" - yes as gross as it is and i doubt you have anythin... by Joeker on 04.08.2006
Lester's Album Discussion Thread - "Flash Gordon" - yeah the execution of flash sounds like a bit of a... by Joeker on 04.08.2006
Most Common/Rarest Albums In Stores - Here in Southwest Washington state you can find th... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Brian's scar? - yeah it was brians idea after to name the album &q... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Brian's scar? - what do you guys think We Will ROCK You was about?... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
ANNOUNCE: BBC Session - Flick Of The Wrist - thank you pootle1....this BBC version beats the ta... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Brian May: "Another world" tour - anyone have these shows?... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Brian's scar? - well it would explain why he wrote "I want it... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
Omg not this again. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=qT84BBuB_g8&search=... by Joeker on 03.08.2006
you wish Freddie was your lover? - oh shit not this crap AGAIN...... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
... - I'm john deacon in reality ... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
What if Freddie was not gay?? - if he wasnt gay we would have Smile. The bands bi... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
Brian May: "Another world" tour - oops btw i only need one...not all... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
Brian May: "Another world" tour - 11.11.1998 Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 28.10.... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
newsflash - sry i couldnt help it...dickie roberts former chil... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
ALL Time 5 favorite songs. - oh shit not this crap again...... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
Has Queen ever performed in CUBA? - to answer your question, no. Queen never performe... by Joeker on 02.08.2006
newsflash - cough slut cough... by Joeker on 01.08.2006
Mr.Roboto - Its also possible that Styx was inspired by Queen,... by Joeker on 01.08.2006
IS THIS TRUE ABOUT ROGER - i wonder if anyone has that video of john hurling ... by Joeker on 01.08.2006
Mr.Roboto - I think Styx is a good band, im starting to get in... by Joeker on 01.08.2006
doin' all right smile version - does one exist that is available....thank you..... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
IS THIS TRUE ABOUT ROGER - I guess Roger didn't PLAY THE GAME the right way n... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
Intro to BoRap - yeah its funny how alice cooper took a piece of ca... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
IS THIS TRUE ABOUT ROGER - it didnt start off so fuckin well now did it?... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
My good lord, WHAT is that man doing??? - is that guy with the long hair behind em brian lol... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
Intro to BoRap - they did once back in early 76...i think it was th... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
What have Queen Productions against... - oh shit not this crap again.... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
Downloading site for the new kids - its not my site....i was just passing it on lol... by Joeker on 31.07.2006
Downloading site for the new kids - http://queenofinnuendo.proboards54.com/index.cgi ... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
Re-ANNOUNCE Hyde Park 1976 Video - thank you i got it now!... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
Queen on Sesame Street - yes...I still believe strongly to this day that Qu... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
queen dance mix - well its technically very well done....but at 47 m... by Joeker on 30.07.2006
Request - Jailhouse Rock mp3 - from any non-official source/concert. - how about the rest of this concert eh?... by Joeker on 28.07.2006
REQUEST: Hyde Park...yawn - yeah i was lookin for 76...ill find it my self i s... by Joeker on 27.07.2006
REQUEST: Hyde Park...yawn - sry i was tired when i wrote it...i wanted to go t... by Joeker on 27.07.2006
REQUEST: Hyde Park...yawn - yes im looking for the full show...a link or somet... by Joeker on 27.07.2006
A new take on the good old fashioned lover boy video - oh...i thought that the good old fashioned lover b... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
A new take on the good old fashioned lover boy video - http://www.bolt.com/MvM/video/1380449 I just fo... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
Top Of The Pops Final Edition - oops... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
Roger's drums and drummin' - that version is great as well as when they play th... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
ROGER MAN! - Happy Birthday Roger! I got you a pair of sunglas... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
talyors fall in the eighties. - even if his drumming did suck, he wrote better and... by Joeker on 26.07.2006
Random stuff you just find awesome about QUEEN! :) - Freddie Mercury had a sweet tooth and was particul... by Joeker on 25.07.2006
Video Editing Question - well.... final cut pro.... 500 bucks and a m... by Joeker on 24.07.2006
Panic! at the Disco - worst band since steely dan... by Joeker on 24.07.2006
Here's one for the kids (Queen + Barney) - haha hilarious!!!... by Joeker on 23.07.2006
REQUEST: Imagine Cover - my bad lol... by Joeker on 22.07.2006
What Queen song would you consider a masterpiece? - body language. what a great and well put together... by Joeker on 17.07.2006
Freddie VS. Brian - "Too Much Love Will Kill You" - ?? - Brians version. I dont like the electric guitar o... by Joeker on 17.07.2006
What Queen song should have had a MUSIC VIDEO? - was it all worth it is already a music video... ... by Joeker on 17.07.2006
REQUEST: Imagine Cover - thank you sir... by Joeker on 17.07.2006
REQUEST: Imagine Cover - anyone upload the best quality queen cover of imag... by Joeker on 16.07.2006
What do you think??? - good luck...thats about as likely as Brian taking ... by Joeker on 16.07.2006
early version of we are the champions - BUMP... by Joeker on 15.07.2006
Has John S. Stuart moved into the Queen Archive room and nobody told me? - I saw we need a new Queen Archivist, how about you... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
Is that John singing backups on "Liar"? - john never sang on the albums. ever.... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
Are Rolling Stone people mad? - well rolling stones is a company that rolls stones... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
early version of we are the champions - I read that there was an early unreleased version ... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
Announce: Who wants to live forever ('After Forever' cover) - i wont tell if you dont... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
another parody - http://youtube.com/watch?v=8fUKv0rpniI&search=... by Joeker on 14.07.2006
Hot Space - Oh lord not another Hot Space topic....I think we ... by Joeker on 13.07.2006
Tribute to Fatty - your still the only one who seems to care...beside... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
Are Rolling Stone people mad? - the reason they hate queen so much is because John... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
How about Greatest Video Hits 3? - Okay, Exactly what videos could they possibly even... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
Tribute to Fatty - the funniest Queenzoner next to John Deacon!... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
Hutton/Austin arguments? - yes there was search youtube for mary austin mud w... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
Hammersmith 75 on MP3? - Sorry Liam, these stupid retards were bullshitting... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
bohemian rapsody - I would have to disagree on this just a little bit... by Joeker on 12.07.2006
ALL Time 5 favorite songs. - okay okay man, i hate choosing 5 but heres 5 i rea... by Joeker on 11.07.2006
It's A Hard Life - yay... by Joeker on 11.07.2006
Mr.Bad Guy or The Great Pretender - I like the song the great pretender better though... by Joeker on 11.07.2006
This World we Created-LIVE. - none of the audiences ever really sang along to it... by Joeker on 11.07.2006
what do you think is the most underated song by queen - Body Language :>... by Joeker on 11.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - nope, im not deleting it for a few days, this thre... by Joeker on 10.07.2006
LOL i never get tired of this one! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEey4usQrjU can ... by Joeker on 10.07.2006
Is this story about John and a stripper true? - No. The story is not true, Fatty used his photosh... by Joeker on 10.07.2006
Italy World Champion... and of course... - does anyone have any video w/ the song being playe... by Joeker on 10.07.2006
Is this story about John and a stripper true? - okay okay, are you guys talking about what goes on... by Joeker on 09.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - the only reason it seems weird john interacting wi... by Joeker on 09.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - I Thought Deaky didnt smoke though...... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Why does some people HAVE to talk bad about Queen?? - he was bi...... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Is this story about John and a stripper true? - the important thing to remember that John isnt a h... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - oops someone beat me to it, i didnt see it before ... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
John Deacon video WOAW!!! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXfD-wFY0dQ wow ... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
New Album Discussion... - well, it might work, but if they were to remake an... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
beatles and a queen song - Let it Be - Beatles Doin' All right - Queen ... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Queen "Labels" - well to the casual fan it would seem like it would... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Site search, please help! - www.myheritage.com i used this its cool... by Joeker on 08.07.2006
Queen "Labels" - those all look pretty good above, except I wouldn'... by Joeker on 07.07.2006
Queen "Labels" - yeah i was also thinking about that, but then Quee... by Joeker on 07.07.2006
ANNOUNCE: INNUENDO SESSIONS - John Deacon was playing a trick on all of us...... by Joeker on 07.07.2006
Queenzone Vs QueenOnline - Queenzone. Where else can you find people making ... by Joeker on 07.07.2006
Queen "Labels" - if Queen albums had a label, or a theme to each of... by Joeker on 06.07.2006
ANNOUNCE: Live at the Hammersmith Odeon 75 mp3 - re bump i needa come back to this again lol... by Joeker on 05.07.2006
REQUEST: Hammer smith 75 rapidshare - that would be great, although I do have the follow... by Joeker on 05.07.2006
Muppets and Queen Video - Muppets and Queen eh http://www.youtube.com/wat... by Joeker on 04.07.2006
Kids Nowadays :) - yeah that... by Joeker on 03.07.2006
The reason for why I hate my contry... - Freddies teeth were better than those... by Joeker on 03.07.2006
Kids Nowadays :) - dude you gotta upload that picture lol... by Joeker on 03.07.2006
Brian May plays guitar video... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz6aDky2Ihs I gu... by Joeker on 03.07.2006
Requesting CD cover and DVD cover website - where can I find some good cd/dvd covers from unno... by Joeker on 01.07.2006
What was the last Queen album you listend to - well Im a pirate so I dont have any albums, except... by Joeker on 30.06.2006
Which Queen song best describes you as a person - Bicycle Race, cause all I do is ride my bike. P... by Joeker on 30.06.2006
BPI Awards 1990? - well Freddie was the one who was "different&q... by Joeker on 28.06.2006
Soul Brother - sshhhh, I won't tell you if you guys don't tell.... by Joeker on 28.06.2006
Help Needed - Yeah? Fuck Sid Vicious... by Joeker on 28.06.2006
spread your wings + Don't Stop me now live video - well any unnofficial videos im talking about?... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
Replacement for Paul Rodgers - Guys, I'm sick of this bashing of Paul Rodgers cra... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
Whats your favourite bit of Wayens world? - In the 1st one, its the bohemian rhapsody sequence... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
Which Queen sogns do you dislike - I dislike Sheer heart Attack, which explains it be... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
spread your wings + Don't Stop me now live video - anyone think they could share any live videos of d... by Joeker on 27.06.2006
New Michael Jackson album set for relase in 2007 - I dont think Freddie would have anything to do wit... by Joeker on 26.06.2006
Did you give the world some love today? - I untied John Deacon and let him play in the garde... by Joeker on 26.06.2006
Does anyone know - okay okay, I have your problem solved. www.lime... by Joeker on 26.06.2006
Your Faveourite Queen tour - The sun city tour.... by Joeker on 26.06.2006
Songs the band should have done on the Magic tour.... - I heard at the beginning of one the early 80's sho... by Joeker on 26.06.2006
No one but you live - does anyone have a copy of this file? I'd like to... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
You gotta see this! - old stuff, but its a good documentary for the begi... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
Does anybody know what happened to Jim Hutton? - well, even if Jim does have HIV, it doesnt matter,... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
Even more little known facts about Queen - John Deacon was at one time said to have resembled... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
Freddie Mercury Movie - yeah thats a good idea i didnt think of that befor... by Joeker on 24.06.2006
Even more little known facts about Queen - I'm gonna post some more of my own: Freddie Mer... by Joeker on 23.06.2006
Even more little known facts about Queen - I have a couple of my own for each member: Fr... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
New Picture Captions :) - yeah that was pretty tasteless and lame and mean, ... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
New Picture Captions :) - http://queenzone.com/queenzone/mp3.aspx?Q=11928 ... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
Number of soundboard recordings - not to mention the Roger Taylor/John's Bass an... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
FRANKFURT 2 2 1979 mp3 rapidshare - your full of shit you know that, besides this conc... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
Queen - Live Aid '85 (Rapidshare) - Thank you for sharing, I'm already selling copies ... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
Even more little known facts about Queen - yeah fatty is better at making great and funny Que... by Joeker on 22.06.2006
REQUEST: Seattle ''77 Rapidshare - if anyone could upload that it would be great!... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Brian's Bad Night in Philly... - Hey, Brian's guitar breaking isn't as big of a... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Freddie Mercury Movie - everyone knows that Howard Stern would be playing ... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Roger Taylor covers Led Zeppelin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=mc250FLwwl4&search=... by Joeker on 21.06.2006
Did Freddie like Football?? - well if you look at the toronto/montreal shows in ... by Joeker on 17.06.2006
the best queen album to listen when you are in love... - yeah A day at the races is great, it gives you the... by Joeker on 16.06.2006
I know where Freddie is, and it aint no graveyard. - i never get tired of this story... by Joeker on 16.06.2006
the best queen album to listen when you are in love... - Yeah right we all know that Sheer Heart Attack is ... by Joeker on 15.06.2006
Great King Rat - Great King Rat was the nickname of Mustaphas Penis... by Joeker on 15.06.2006
... - well my 3rd cousin was a bassist of a band, but yo... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
Queen II Appreciation - its kinda cool too how almost every song flows rig... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
Hyde park 76 - yeah that part...... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
Anything from Portland - Any audio recordings from any portland Oregon show... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
My fairy king live intro - thank you very much!... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
My fairy king live intro - thank you very much!... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
My fairy king live intro - can anyone send me My Fairy king live the piano in... by Joeker on 12.06.2006
Hyde park 76 - well i meant like the whole stage lights up at the... by Joeker on 11.06.2006
Hyde park 76 - hey what was story behind freddie throwing that wh... by Joeker on 11.06.2006
Something very special - woaw major acid trip...... by Joeker on 09.06.2006
Some Day One Day - yes, it reminds me of 39 in many ways as well... ... by Joeker on 09.06.2006
Freddie's 60th birthday gig?? - yeah they're planning to let john deacon out of th... by Joeker on 09.06.2006
Has John ever said anything during a concert? - Actually, They didn't even play Spread Your ... by Joeker on 09.06.2006
Hot Space - no, the album was good, but the cover looked like ... by Joeker on 02.06.2006
ANNOUNCE: Queen - Osaka 85 - Last Concert in Japan - LOSSLESS Version - could someone upload the My Fairy King Piano Intro... by Joeker on 01.06.2006
What would you like to do with Freddie Mercury? - put a shock collar on him, so every time he did so... by Joeker on 29.05.2006
Your Life, The Soundtrack by Queen - Opening credits: One Vision Waking up:Its a beaut... by Joeker on 27.05.2006
Interview a week after Freddies death - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLG_nVrRAPc i do... by Joeker on 26.05.2006
BRIAN MAY Interview on HOWARD STERN 5/6/93 - could someone plz re upload this to rapidshare? th... by Joeker on 23.05.2006
Subliminal movie titles w/ Tom Hanks - dude matias may your a kick ass guitar player I sa... by Joeker on 23.05.2006
Subliminal movie titles w/ Tom Hanks - Yes, I think there is something up here w/ Tom Han... by Joeker on 22.05.2006
Why didn't Queen ever use a Mellotron? - Like I had said about the Bag pipes, Roger and Fre... by Joeker on 22.05.2006
Mustapha - thats why the lyrics are mostly repetitive and yel... by Joeker on 22.05.2006
Mustapha - well Freddie wrote this song after the name of the... by Joeker on 22.05.2006
Happy Birthday! - happy birthday to Great King Rat, born on the 21st... by Joeker on 21.05.2006
best live-versions of songs? - I think we can all agree that: White Queen Bri... by Joeker on 21.05.2006
Why didn't Queen ever uses bagpipes? - well, they USED TO have a set of bagpipes.... B... by Joeker on 19.05.2006
What show did freddie first have his mustache on? - can anyone tell me what the first show was where f... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
ANNOUNCE: Live at the Hammersmith Odeon 75 mp3 - BUMP sry, I need to come back to this and it to... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
Haha Wow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsXUtTyqBCc They... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
Hammer Smith 75 - could anyone send me a link or upload it via rapid... by Joeker on 17.05.2006
is this reporter stupid or what? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JWVcViXzJc LOL ... by Joeker on 13.05.2006
i want THE WORKS DVD..who's with me??? - http://youtube.com/watch?v=irIs_zYGyqU&search=... by Joeker on 08.05.2006
funny stuff I guess... - http://youtube.com/watch?v=jEhYcclg9eM&search=... by Joeker on 05.05.2006
These are the days of our lives videomix - EXCELLENT! One of the best fan remixed videos of a... by Joeker on 03.05.2006
ANNOUNCE: Queen Barcelona 20-2-1979 - spread your legs? is that a new song lol?... by Joeker on 03.05.2006
how many sausages? - Freddie: A Big fuckin juicy sausage in my mouth de... by Joeker on 01.05.2006
Brian May Vs. Freddie Mercury (songwriting) - who would you say is the better song writer? It r... by Joeker on 29.04.2006
Brian/Roger/John's sexual orientation - damnit, why dont you guys ask Roger and Brian.... ... by Joeker on 24.04.2006
worst song from each album. - good, theres some songs I really hate and should b... by Joeker on 24.04.2006
worst song from each album. - good, theres some songs I really hate and should b... by Joeker on 24.04.2006
Paul can't..? So, who could..? - David Bowie would be a good choice.... by Joeker on 21.04.2006
haha i thought this was amusing - http://youtube.com/watch?v=hdwNSu0zSVE&search=... by Joeker on 21.04.2006
Spread Your Wings remix - thanks a bunch!... by Joeker on 20.04.2006
Roger Taylor - Nazis? - I saw the music video to this on youtube, and I wa... by Joeker on 20.04.2006
Spread Your Wings remix - BUMP sry, but do you think you could reload thi... by Joeker on 20.04.2006
Just a cool thing I found - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Qihhfb7sZxQ&search=... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Just a cool thing I found - http://youtube.com/watch?v=sAXgT0V9VFw&search=... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Paul Rodgers Sheryl Crow Statement... - I was kinda hoping we'd see william hung... The... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Jesus Song - *BUMP* sorry about that, but could you get me t... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
The Queen Lyrics Game - We Will We Will Rock You!... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Christopher Walken should play Roger Taylor. - HELL YEAH! Christopher Walken = Roger Taylor ... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
The TRUTH about Mr. Snow - even worse....he was the one who gave freddie that... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Brian May and Roger Taylor - Well i was curious because freddie said that they ... by Joeker on 19.04.2006
Brian May and Roger Taylor - Well as we know a bit, the band members weren't ex... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
QUEEN AWARDS (for the millionth time) - my bad, I got confused for a second on two thi... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
Moustache curiousity... - the only logical way they would do it is have him... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
Things I got wrong when I became a Queen fan. - I once thought "You're my best friend" w... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
Highest Quality Bootleg: WWRY (fast live) ? - actually the BBC version is probably the best vers... by Joeker on 18.04.2006
QUEEN AWARDS (for the millionth time) - BEST QUEEN SONG - 'The Show Must Go On' BEST QU... by Joeker on 17.04.2006
THE QUEEN SONGS PART III - white queen white queen or killer queen?... by Joeker on 17.04.2006
REQUEST: Freddie Mercury The Untold Story 2000 - search "chazie" on youtube.com you ca... by Joeker on 14.04.2006
Was HotSpace and Freddie's moustache the down fall of Queen in America? - well it couldnt of been the mustache...because i r... by Joeker on 14.04.2006
REQUEST: 2 2005/2006 songs - Thanks guys!... by Joeker on 13.04.2006
How far would you go to save Freddies life. - i would have stowed away some rubbers in his lugga... by Joeker on 13.04.2006
New album can be earlier than we thought!! - yeah maybe we could also have some dude show up at... by Joeker on 13.04.2006
REQUEST: 2 2005/2006 songs - I only need 2 songs and I cant find anything good,... by Joeker on 12.04.2006
my short Portland Review - Great Great Show! I loved every single minute of ... by Joeker on 12.04.2006
Portland show - yeah that was an awesome show, under pressure got ... by Joeker on 12.04.2006
Portland show - dude if its a normal camera dont worry bout it cau... by Joeker on 11.04.2006
Portland show - dude if its a normal camera dont worry bout it cau... by Joeker on 11.04.2006
Portland show - dude if its a normal camera dont worry bout it cau... by Joeker on 11.04.2006
portland pre meet? - so what im a high schooler!... by Joeker on 11.04.2006
Disney - Miracle... by Joeker on 10.04.2006
Portland show - IM SOO FRICKIN PUMPED!!!!! I got a waynes world... by Joeker on 10.04.2006
portland pre meet? - is there one or what?... by Joeker on 10.04.2006
THE QUEEN SONGS GAME PART II - Radio Ga Ga Radio Ga Ga or I Want To Break Free?... by Joeker on 09.04.2006
posters - do they sell posters @ the concerts and how much d... by Joeker on 08.04.2006
Portland show - whats the deal with cameras? eh or nay?... by Joeker on 07.04.2006
merchandise question - will they be selling alot of things like albums an... by Joeker on 03.04.2006
No Subject - um wrong place to post manny fernandez.... by Joeker on 03.04.2006
QUEEN/MERCURY songs played in your area - here In Portland, OR: Another One Bites The Dus... by Joeker on 03.04.2006
It's official...QUEEN night on American Idol - good thing i wont be home...ill be seeing the real... by Joeker on 02.04.2006
We Will Rock You Played in Nacho Libre Trailer... - The Intro and guitar solo from "We Will Rock ... by Joeker on 02.04.2006
Portland show - im going too! section 223 row G for me....... by Joeker on 01.04.2006
Play the game on youtube.com - yeah freddies hair cut was still evolving at this ... by Joeker on 30.03.2006
Queen on sesame street? - wasn't there a little clip on sesame street a long... by Joeker on 29.03.2006
Does Anyone Know Brian's cellphune numbre ? - 260-5052, i dunno the area code though, probably b... by Joeker on 27.03.2006
Queen gigs you visited - I went to one in '72 where john wore that girls ha... by Joeker on 23.03.2006
how long was queen? - yeah well i was hoping someone could make a funny ... by Joeker on 23.03.2006
how long was queen? - how long were their penises and who had the bigges... by Joeker on 23.03.2006
Whats The Worst Thing You Could Do While Listening To Queen... - watching that show these are the days of our lives... by Joeker on 22.03.2006
who was that? - who was that guy in the pink shirt on the live at ... by Joeker on 22.03.2006
Which Album... - vocals: A Day At The Races guitar: News Of The Wo... by Joeker on 19.03.2006
BBC question - why did Queen record songs for the BBC anyways? O... by Joeker on 19.03.2006
Two Questions - cool thanks.... by Joeker on 18.03.2006
Two Questions - okay, Im going to the Portland show on April 11th.... by Joeker on 18.03.2006
Band that you like better than Queen. - yeah i got one. Queen + Paul Rodgers lol jk jk jk... by Joeker on 13.03.2006
First/last shows? - what was the last show with freddie without his mu... by Joeker on 11.03.2006
BEST SINGER - My List from Queen: 1.John Deacon 2.Roger Tayl... by Joeker on 06.03.2006
John ;-) - yeah wheres the still where you can see his balls?... by Joeker on 06.03.2006
music now (if thats what you call it) - well music has sucked ever since after 91.... by Joeker on 06.03.2006
14 yr old boy kills him self over a online game... - haha thats hilarious what an idiot its only a game... by Joeker on 01.03.2006
It is my belief that John would have left the band... - Sry to spoil the fun back there, but homosexuality... by Joeker on 27.02.2006
Biggest Queen-related regrets? - You guys seemed to be forgetting the "I Want ... by Joeker on 27.02.2006
SIR Freddie Mercury - Fuck that. Who cares where you were born! Just c... by Joeker on 27.02.2006
Best Guitarist - Angus young, after Brian May.... by Joeker on 27.02.2006
ANNOUNCE: Queen on Saturday Night Live 1982 (DVD) - why dont we just rapidshare these things sometimes... by Joeker on 27.02.2006
Dude - I looked at an old Photo of Roger from like the 60... by Joeker on 23.02.2006
The best video that never was - Yeah in Mustapha Freddie Could of Dressed up like ... by Joeker on 23.02.2006
PAUL RODGERS SUCKS!! - grow up you stupid wanker. theres nothin you can ... by Joeker on 17.02.2006
Queen's music taste.. - Wasnt Deaky into Kenny G. type stuff?... by Joeker on 16.02.2006
What is your most sentimental Queen Lyric? - its fun to smoke marijuana!... by Joeker on 16.02.2006
Gross! What happened? - Roger quit smoking around 1987, and Brian never to... by Joeker on 15.02.2006
Queen relationship with Micheal Jackson - no, he was busy with little Mac. Culkin at the... by Joeker on 14.02.2006
no need - thats shiate dude. freddie mercury looked better ... by Joeker on 13.02.2006
Bring back that leroy brown? - was this song inspired by the "Encyclopedia B... by Joeker on 13.02.2006
Gary Glitter arrested again!! - hmm, the british michael jackson. The only good... by Joeker on 09.02.2006
Want to see Deackys balls? - i think Queen should have covered Big Balls by AC/... by Joeker on 01.02.2006
Spread Your Wings - I love this song so much. I always listen to it h... by Joeker on 01.02.2006
lol - http://www.youtube.com/?v=0omlfitsxxQ Sorry, I ... by Joeker on 25.01.2006
Your opinion about Houston 1977 - Fuck you all. Earl's Court is the best live show ... by Joeker on 22.01.2006
my music video - http://youtube.com/watch.php?v=LZHu3gpCQWM... by Joeker on 15.01.2006
BBC '77 Unreleased We Will Rock You Slow/Fast Version - Sorry, I didn't know. There are so many things ou... by Joeker on 14.01.2006
BBC '77 Unreleased We Will Rock You Slow/Fast Version - http://rapidshare.de/files/11043061/08_We_Will_Roc... by Joeker on 14.01.2006
Embarassed Queens! - was freddie really pissed at brian for not going s... by Joeker on 13.01.2006
POPE BENDICT SPEAKS OUT AGAINST ROCK AND CITES QUEEN AS EXAMPLES - the pope sux liek hell, along with rolling stone m... by Joeker on 13.01.2006
Queen has finally met STAR WARS! - this fuckin sucks... by Joeker on 13.01.2006
God Im Pissed Off !!! - You shoulda stuck with A Night At The Opera.... by Joeker on 13.01.2006
bring back '39 - i wish they would bring back good songs like DONT ... by Joeker on 06.01.2006
Can anyone help me find some? - Are the any unofficial Queen Music Videos made by ... by Joeker on 26.12.2005
Are you fucking serious? - actually, i was bored so i just made it up. but i... by Joeker on 24.11.2005
If you could have the night out with one Queen member.... - Well lets see. If I was with John, we might go to... by Joeker on 24.11.2005
MY ROTTEN REVIEW OF ROTC!! - actually, Paul Rodgers is a very good singer. And... by Joeker on 24.11.2005
Are you fucking serious? - dude, is it true that Freddie did roger up the ass... by Joeker on 21.11.2005
Song Appreciation ... Your thoughts on Yeah - you are all faggots, its only 4 seconds long. Ive... by Joeker on 21.11.2005
What really happened to Freddie Mercury... - Yeah, its pretty sad, they dug up his body. See? ... by Joeker on 21.11.2005
What Queen songs can you play on guitar? - I only know 3 chords on the guitar, so i cant.... by Joeker on 19.11.2005
SNL QUEEN - Could someone put the SNL Queen performance on som... by Joeker on 14.11.2005
announce montreal 01-12-1978 - play list plz?... by Joeker on 13.11.2005
Portland shows? - does anyone have any shows from 78 or 79 from port... by Joeker on 12.11.2005
Your middle name - My middle name is Otto... by Joeker on 12.11.2005
whats this mean? - dont call me dumb, but i dont know what this means... by Joeker on 12.11.2005
Best Queen Medleys - YOeah, I wanted to know what some of the best Quee... by Joeker on 28.10.2005
REQUEST: earls court - anything from the earls court '77 show. i cant fi... by Joeker on 13.10.2005
Looking for some videos - well, i was hoping someone could give me a downloa... by Joeker on 13.10.2005
Looking for some videos - Yeah, Im looking for some Queen Music videos that ... by Joeker on 13.10.2005
Vote for the greatest band of the 70`s - Wheres AC/DC? They got more hits in the 70's than... by Joeker on 24.09.2005
Jesus Song - The Song "Jesus" rocks. Its from the QU... by Joeker on 24.09.2005