Erm... I believe that when we die our spirts still live on. So, ofcourse if he DID appear to that person it was in spirt. But I'm not sure.....
Personally, I'm not bothered.
Oh boy...
Well, you know... I think there's things that aren't of the body that we can't explain as yet (though they might have more to do with quantum physics than the afterlife, per se), but I like to play it safe and assume there's absolutely nothing after death, that we only get one frigging shot, and we're better off not worrying about what's after.
Oh - and this celebrity medium is a fucking crackpot. Bullshit artist. Complete. Bullshit. Unadulterated. Don't listen to a word these fucking cheats cough up... it's all utter nonsense. I just wish I was at a swanky dinner of some sort with this woman so I could throw my drink in her face.
i believe it
i dont believe about u cant get laugh up there
and i have my own reasons for knowing thats not true
you would htink im nuts if i said anything
soo yeah i believe it
i think i might send this to brian
i want to see what he thinks
deleted user 10.09.2006 04:24
I think that was funny,
"The only thing I miss is the sex"
Besides, everyone knows that they have spiritual gaybars beyond the grave :P