Appolo Jupiter wrote: Yea thats a bloodie joke but i need those posts:lol: Reralay now. JUust Enjoy:lopl:. (bloodie Hell)
You need to go kill yourself. Now.
We'll provide you with the gun and the bullets.
I wrote that that was a joke, as its impossible to race Leds with ACDC, but you took it much too serious, that’s a joke nothin more... DDT cant be better then "Time Machine" or "time Machine" Cant be better thantn DDT. Its a matter of a taste... If someone prefers leds will vote:D for leds and if someone prefers ACDC votes for ACDC… That’s it…. Im not goin to shoot myself becouse of that and becouse I need those Damn posts:looooool: JUST ENJOY….. :peace: