You won't find these on Wikipedia:-
During the filming of the 'Princes Of The Universe' video, the appearance of Christopher Lambert was a complete coincidence. He just happened to be passing on his way to pay the papers. Brian was all smiles at meeting him and enjoyed some good natured friendly banter. The next morning he labelled the actor 'an interfering French nobody' in his diary.
A little known fact:- Freddie's voice on 'You Don't Fool Me' was recorded posthumously. Not after he was dead, you understand. No, after he'd been eating hummus.
'I Was Born To Love You' was written by John Deacon for his epoch- making solo album 'Man In The Shadows' as any fool knows. He swapped it with Freddie for a shortbread biscuit and a Kerry Dixon panini sticker.
'Heaven For Everyone' was first recorded by Roger's 80s rock misfits 'The Pilgrim Fathers' in a bathtub near Redditch. It was Rog's 'lather period' when he wouldn't leave the bathroom due to an apparent fear of accidentally watching Larry Grayson on television. Rumour suggests the real reason was he had a loofah stuck up his arse.
John Deacon stands 5 feet 9 inches tall. Apart from in the 'Radio GaGa' video where he was 7 feet 6.
Spike Edney's real first name is Peter. He changed it to Spike when, during a family feud, his mother disclosed that he'd been named after a favourite pet labrador.
Freddie Mercury was painfully shy and found it impossible to appear on stage live throughout the 1980s. Freddie sang from the wings whilst his position out front was taken by body double Doug Bayleaf, whose resemblance to the warbling minstrel was uncanny, save for that quite ridiculous moustache.
Roger's favourite pastime is the card game 'Snap'. He practices for up to 16 hours a day and hates to be beaten. Once, after losing to his daughter Bucket Diddums, he cut the heads off all her Sindy dolls, and placed them on poles around her bedroom.
One of Brian's closest celebrity chums is tangerine-chopped, limp wristed, cheesy gameshow host Dale Winton. Brian begged and begged to be invited on to Dale's 'Celebrity Supermarket Sweep', but at the last moment Ted Robbins became available and Bri lost his place.
Roger Taylor is completely colour blind. At least, that's what he told the arresting officer when caught speeding through red lights recently.
"Roger's favourite pastime is the card game 'Snap'. He practices for up to 16 hours a day and hates to be beaten. Once, after losing to his daughter Bucket Diddums, he cut the heads off all her Sindy dolls, and placed them on poles around her bedroom."
DavidRFuller wrote: "Roger's favourite pastime is the card game 'Snap'. He practices for up to 16 hours a day and hates to be beaten. Once, after losing to his daughter Bucket Diddums, he cut the heads off all her Sindy dolls, and placed them on poles around her bedroom."
DavidRFuller wrote: "Roger's favourite pastime is the card game 'Snap'. He practices for up to 16 hours a day and hates to be beaten. Once, after losing to his daughter Bucket Diddums, he cut the heads off all her Sindy dolls, and placed them on poles around her bedroom."
DavidRFuller wrote: "Roger's favourite pastime is the card game 'Snap'. He practices for up to 16 hours a day and hates to be beaten. Once, after losing to his daughter Bucket Diddums, he cut the heads off all her Sindy dolls, and placed them on poles around her bedroom."